--- Log opened Wed Oct 09 00:00:00 2002 --- Day changed Wed Oct 09 2002 00:00 -!- bluefire [bluefire@pd9e1cc67.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving") 00:13 -!- tcr [~tobrit@p508132B2.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ho chresim eidos uch hoch poll eidos sphos") 01:04 -!- akito_ [~markus2@conm200-13-254-164.epm.net.co] has joined #rocklinux 01:07 < akito_> alguien teso en linux 01:08 < akito_> alguien teso en linux 01:14 < akito_> hola 01:14 -!- d3mian [~demian@] has joined #rocklinux 01:14 < akito_> hola 01:14 < d3mian> hola akito_ 01:14 < tsa> n8 01:14 < d3mian> hi all 01:15 -!- tsa [~tsa@p5082BC86.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting") 01:15 < akito_> holahola 01:21 < akito_> y lo veo a usted 01:22 -!- akito_ [~markus2@conm200-13-254-164.epm.net.co] has left #rocklinux () 01:22 -!- akito_ [~markus2@conm200-13-254-164.epm.net.co] has joined #rocklinux 01:22 < akito_> hola 01:26 -!- rxr_ [~rene@port-212-202-170-198.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux 01:27 -!- akito_ [~markus2@conm200-13-254-164.epm.net.co] has left #rocklinux () 01:28 -!- d3mian [~demian@] has left #rocklinux () 01:31 -!- akito_ [~markus2@conm200-13-254-164.epm.net.co] has joined #rocklinux 01:32 -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-170-255.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 01:34 -!- litost [~stephen@user-37ka1ai.dialup.mindspring.com] has joined #rocklinux 01:52 -!- akito_ [~markus2@conm200-13-254-164.epm.net.co] has quit () 03:37 < rolla> can anyone help with ./scripts/Create-CD for 1.5 ? 03:46 -!- defbla [~hackbard@www.divxteam.de] has quit ("Lost terminal") 03:48 -!- hackbard [~hackbard@www.divxteam.de] has joined #rocklinux 03:49 -!- hackbard is now known as defbla 03:54 < rolla> re 04:14 -!- blindcod1r [blindcoder@pD9E4F2CE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 04:32 -!- blindcoder [blindcoder@pD9E4F079.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 05:23 -!- Ge0rG [georg@op-co.de] has quit ("Ich lebe nur weiter, weil es bergab geht und ich nicht in die Pedale treten muss") 05:54 -!- d3mian [~demian@] has joined #rocklinux 09:13 -!- tcr [~tobrit@p508132B2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 09:16 < tcr> moin all 09:54 -!- esden [weasel@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux 09:54 -!- Topic for #rocklinux: anoncvs for 1.5 now up: CVS_RSH=ssh cvs -d anoncvs@anoncvs.rocklinux.de:/cvs co rock-1.5 09:54 -!- Topic set by ChanServ [Tue Aug 20 16:08:06 2002] 09:54 (Users #rocklinux) 09:54 [ [anders] ] [ d3mian] [ Freak ] [ kasc ] [ rxr_ ] [ th] 09:54 [ aszlig ] [ defbla] [ h0h0 ] [ litost] [ SMP ] 09:54 [ barthel ] [ esden ] [ huebi ] [ Mike1 ] [ snyke] 09:54 [ blindcod1r] [ fake ] [ ichilton] [ rolla ] [ tcr ] 09:54 -!- Irssi: #rocklinux: Total of 21 nicks [0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 21 normal] 09:54 -!- Channel #rocklinux created Tue Jun 11 09:27:41 2002 09:54 -!- praenti [mo1032@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux 09:54 -!- Irssi: Join to #rocklinux was synced in 9 secs 09:54 -!- netcrow [netcrow@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux 09:55 < barthel> CERT® Advisory CA-2002-28 Trojan Horse Sendmail Distribution 09:55 < tcr> jojo 09:55 < barthel> https://www.cert.org/advisories/CA-2002-28.html 10:10 -!- litost [~stephen@user-37ka1ai.dialup.mindspring.com] has quit ("sleep time") 10:15 < esden> hi all 10:15 * -> esden back home ... ahh my sweet dsl line ... *hug* 10:17 < tcr> sers 10:18 < esden> hi tcr 10:18 < esden> I love it to be online without looking on the clock all the time ! 10:18 * tcr is talking with a polish webdesigner... ;P /me doesn't want to work there, big worktime but very low wages 10:19 < esden> in poland ? 10:20 < tcr> jo 10:20 < tcr> but he is very good: 10:20 < tcr> https://www.zrszr.ires.pl/_nightwish/index.jpg 10:20 < tcr> https://www.zrszr.ires.pl/ 10:20 < tcr> https://zrszr.ires.pl/_bagrit/ 10:20 < tcr> https://zrszr.ires.pl/_testowy/ 10:20 < tcr> all these were created by him 10:26 < barthel> it' 10:27 < barthel> it's allways the same style... not really diversified 10:37 < tcr> and? 10:37 < tcr> as long as it suits always 10:43 < esden> tcr ... he made the nightwish homepage ??? 10:43 < esden> coool !!! 10:45 < tcr> hm? 10:45 < tcr> that's just a picture of a page he's currently working on ... how it should look 10:53 < blindcod1r> hi all 10:53 -!- blindcod1r is now known as blindcoder 10:53 < blindcoder> esden: you're at home??? 10:56 < blindcoder> esden: if you're at home then move your ass over here 10:59 < fake> uh 10:59 < fake> esden is home? 10:59 < fake> and.. hi <( 10:59 < fake> ;) 11:01 < blindcoder> hi fake 11:01 < blindcoder> fake: I'm at home for the rest of the week 11:02 < fake> blindcoder: the moving stuff? 11:02 < fake> HA! 11:02 < fake> I KNEW DEBIAN SUCKS! 11:02 < fake> *jumps around* 11:02 < fake> glibc built! it BUILT! 11:03 < blindcoder> fake: good so :) 11:03 < blindcoder> fake: nope, krankgeschrieben 11:03 < fake> using my self-compiled gcc 11:04 < fake> oh, armer junge, was hamma denn? 11:04 < tcr> blindcoder unser kleiner hypochonder 11:04 < blindcoder> how was it? kernel, gcc, binutils, gcc, kernel, binutils, gcc? 11:04 < blindcoder> tcr: hey! hauptsache frei :) 11:04 < blindcoder> fake: virusgrippe *einmalindenchannelniess* 11:05 < tcr> deine pseudo-viern kannste bahlten 11:05 < blindcoder> okay :) 11:05 < tcr> deine pseudo-viren kannste bhalten 11:05 < tcr> damn 11:06 < fake> kernel, binutils, kernel, binutils, gcc, kernel, binutils, gcc, glibc 11:06 < blindcoder> :) 11:08 < fake> stuuupid 11:09 < fake> i forgot to edit /usr/sbin/install-info, so glibc failed for "file created outside $root"... 11:09 < fake> now - another 8h glibc compile... 11:09 < blindcoder> baaaaaka 11:09 < fake> HAI! 11:10 < blindcoder> *lol* 11:10 < blindcoder> according to the linuxcounter machine-check-script my router has zero bogomips as well as zero processors 11:10 < tcr> ;P 11:12 < th> should be enough for a router ;) 11:13 < blindcoder> well... it's a dual-processor (*laugh*) SparcStation 20 11:14 < blindcoder> fake: /me now gettin Mahoromatic Season #2 11:17 < aszlig> re 11:19 < blindcoder> re aszlig 11:24 -!- Freak [freak@p50839FC2.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Excess Flood) 11:24 -!- Freak [freak@p50839FC2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 11:25 < Freak> --- Closing Link: Freak (Excess Flood) 11:25 < Freak> huh? 11:26 < tcr> joh 11:26 < tcr> von gestern noch 11:26 < tcr> %) 11:26 < Freak> sweet. 11:31 < Freak> mir fällt grade auf, dass ich heute nacht in farbe geträumt hab, dass ich eine ganz bestimmte cd ausm regal genommen hab, weil ich lust hatte, sie anzuhören, aber als ich sie aufmachte, war sie leer. 11:31 < Freak> ich stand grade auf, um nachzusehen, ob ich das geträumt hatte oder mich erinnert hatte, weil es so real war.. 11:31 < Freak> und sie war nicht leer 11:31 < Freak> weird. 11:32 < Freak> es war so real! 11:32 < blindcoder> hmm 11:33 < blindcoder> sowas in der art hatte ich heute auch... 11:33 < blindcoder> zumindest was den realitaets-faktor angeht 11:36 < Freak> soll ich noch drauf warten, dass du anfängst, uns die geschichte zu erzählen, oder beendest du mein quälendes warten? 11:36 < blindcoder> hmm... hab getraeumt ich waer wiesder mit meiner ersten freundin zusammen :) 11:37 < blindcoder> *aua* *autch* *au* nicht haun 11:37 < Freak> ich träume manchmal - ganz real - dass ich sachen geschenkt kriege, die unheimlich teuer sind 11:37 < blindcoder> ja, von sowas traeum ich auch :) allerdings tagsueber 11:37 < Freak> hehe 11:38 < Freak> das is aber auch immernoch ne geile cd 11:38 < blindcoder> welche na? 11:38 < Freak> tq - they never saw me coming 11:38 < blindcoder> sagt mir nix... 11:38 < tcr> ist bestimmt sone tuckenscheiße 11:38 < Freak> tja ich bin halt 2alternative4u 11:39 < tcr> *duck* 11:39 < Freak> ich bin keine tucke ich bin ne fummeltriene 11:39 < blindcoder> Freak: du kennst meine Musik aber sicherlich auch net :P 11:39 < Freak> ack 11:39 < Freak> =) 11:39 < blindcoder> Kajiura Yuki - .hack//Sign OST [12] 11:39 < Freak> https://cgi.ebay.de/ws/ebayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=910433397&indexURL=0&photoDisplayType=2#ebaylargephotohosting 11:40 < blindcoder> hmm.... die CD sieht so nach D-R aus :P 11:40 < Freak> W-B? 11:41 < blindcoder> so aufn ersten Blick :) 11:41 < Freak> Wie-Bitte? 11:41 < blindcoder> doch, ich hatte mal CD-Rs die fast so aussahen :) 11:41 < Freak> Drug-Related? 11:41 < Freak> hehehe 11:41 < blindcoder> *?* ooh... da fehlt n 'C' 11:41 < Freak> hehehe 11:42 < Freak> jaja, habs mittlerweile gecheckt 11:42 * blindcoder sollte ins bett >_> und seine "Krankheit" kurieren :) 11:42 < fake> blindcoder: Mahoromatic Season 2??? AAARGHL! WILL HABEN! 11:42 < blindcoder> fake: und die Episode 12 von S1 und das Special von S1 11:42 < blindcoder> S2 ist dnoch Ongoing 11:42 < fake> ep 12? die hatte ich doch schon.. und das making off 11:42 < blindcoder> ich kann dir nen 8MB Trailer schicken 11:42 < fake> hatte nos mal angeschleppt 11:42 < blindcoder> 12 hatte ich noch net 11:43 < fake> oh ja, bitte 11:43 < Freak> klingt nach anime 11:43 < Freak> ? 11:43 < Freak> hentai? :) 11:44 < blindcoder> hmm... ja irgendwie schon :) 11:44 < blindcoder> cchi glaub ich triffts eher... 11:44 < Freak> hehe 11:44 < blindcoder> Ecchi 11:44 < Freak> hmmm 11:44 < fake> naja. hentai ab ohne altersbegrenzung 11:44 < Freak> ok das überfordert mich jetzt 11:45 < Freak> was heisst ecchi? 11:45 < blindcoder> Frei ab 8 Jahren :) 11:45 < Freak> hmmmmm 11:45 < Freak> =) 11:47 < blindcoder> okay, ich geh mir mal nen Tee und n Sueppchen machen 11:47 < blindcoder> bis spaeter 11:47 < Freak> cu 11:47 < Freak> guberu 11:47 < blindcoder> hae? 11:47 < Freak> gute besserung 11:47 < blindcoder> achso, danke :) 11:48 < Freak> gerngschehn 11:48 < tcr> fidiunhab 11:49 < [anders]> narf.... 11:49 < blindcoder> ich kenn das als naoru: to be cured; to heal; to get mended; to get 11:49 < blindcoder> well; to be repaired; to be fixed; (P) 11:49 < blindcoder> hi [anders] 11:49 < [anders]> re blindcoder 11:49 * fake will be on the LinuxWorld 11:50 < fake> hab ich grad erfahren 11:50 < blindcoder> ? 11:50 < fake> but only one day 11:50 * [anders] finally managed to get some sort of idea why the hell a 1.5.19-gnome2 build created a 2.7GB ISO image when done.. 11:50 < fake> blindcoder: Linux Fare in Frankfurt/Main 11:50 < blindcoder> mann bringts doch net immer solche sachen wenn cih grade weg will :) 11:50 < tcr> [anders]: LOL 11:50 < blindcoder> fake: why will you be there? 11:50 < blindcoder> [anders]: and that would be? 11:50 < fake> blindcoder: we (The Virtual Solution) are as a linux partner in the Sun booth 11:51 < fake> surrounded by enterprise hardware... *g* 11:51 < blindcoder> sw33t 11:51 < fake> i can't see a ROCK - booth an the map 11:51 < blindcoder> hehe :) 11:51 < fake> ;)) 11:51 < blindcoder> fake: split yuorself and be on both :) 11:51 < tcr> hm 11:51 < [anders]> tcr/blindcoder: Build-Pkg was doing a chmod and something else on all files in usr/{man,info} and usr/share/{man,info} _before_ creating the filelist for each package... 11:52 < fake> blindcoder: the official ROCK Linux booth is at the Sun booth, left, corner, the fake with the ROCK badge 11:52 * tcr would take this part over voluntary... 11:52 < [anders]> hence duplicating every single man-page in every package built.. 11:52 < blindcoder> [anders]: and so Create-Ta included all of them in each package... 11:52 * tcr is fetching some axes 11:52 < blindcoder> fake: hehe 11:53 < [anders]> blindcoder: indeed.. problem solved (I think) by moving the touching and chmodding part until _after_ the filelist has been created.. 11:53 < blindcoder> hmm... sounds promising 11:53 < [anders]> so far, the filelists are looking sane.. and things has not been made any easier by the fl_wrapper.so being broken on Debian (at least that is my guess) 11:53 < fake> und gleich ein messeposter fuer mein zimmer abgestaubt *g* 11:54 < [anders]> the fl_wrapper.so was missing files out of the flists instead.. :-( 11:55 < blindcoder> fake: me too! me too! 11:55 * Freak has quit (back to fscking reality) - in diesem sinne ;) 11:55 < blindcoder> bye Freak 11:55 < Freak> byebye 11:55 < Freak> 11:56 * blindcoder will now - for _sure_ this time - go and make some tea and a hot soup with a lot of noodles *yum* 11:56 < blindcoder> ja ne 11:59 * tcr is listening to Letzte Instanz - Das Spiel beginnt 12:03 * tcr is listening to Finntroll - Skogens Hämnd for our scandinavia friends 12:04 * fake is listening to Megaherz - Glas und Traenen 12:05 < tcr> hmm 12:08 < esden> yes I am home 12:08 < esden> in ingolstadt 12:08 < esden> hi blindcoder, fake 12:09 < fake> sw33t 12:09 < esden> what are you doing guys ... wanna meat ? 12:09 < tcr> iiiih, lauter hinterwäldler 12:09 < esden> aha 12:09 < esden> tcr wait ... 12:09 * fake wants meat 12:09 < esden> fake: ok ... I am here ... good fresh ... ... errm ... uuups ;-) 12:10 < fake> esden: will you be in bitz tonight? 12:11 < esden> yes sure !! 12:12 < esden> fake: you too ? 12:12 < esden> or can we meat somewhere else ? 12:12 < tcr> meat ??? 12:12 < esden> argh 12:13 < esden> i mean meet 12:13 < tcr> what are you guys going about? 12:13 < esden> hmm ... where is blindy ? 12:14 < esden> is he at home ? 12:14 * -> esden hit's blindcoder ... 12:14 < esden> are you awake ? 12:14 < fake> esden: hes gathering food 12:14 < fake> and curing his wounds 12:15 * fake *might* have a look into the bitz tonight 12:15 < fake> i'll take ma date with me ;) 12:17 < fake> that's why it is might. maybe she doesn't want to see you XD 12:20 < esden> why ? 12:20 < esden> why does she not want to see me ? 12:20 < esden> am I so terrible ? 12:21 < esden> hmm ... I can understand that .. 12:22 < tcr> go esden.. go to make suicide 12:22 * -> esden on the way 12:23 < tcr> you aren't good enough for this world 12:23 < esden> yes I know that ... 12:23 < tcr> maybe you'll be reborn sometimes in a world where apes losers control the world 12:24 < tcr> apes and losers 12:24 < tcr> prays to mathilda the last time and then jump from the cliffs 12:25 < esden> hmm ... if you ask me ... this world here is already ... a world ruled by apes and loosers ... 12:26 < tcr> "Der Klügere gibt nach! 12:26 < tcr> Eine traurige Wahrheit, sie begründet 12:26 < tcr> die Weltherrschaft der Dummheit." 12:26 < tcr> Marie v. Ebner-Eschenbach, 1830-1916 12:37 -!- tcr [~tobrit@p508132B2.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ho chresim eidos uch hoch poll eidos sphos") 12:37 < blindcoder> rehi 12:38 -!- tcr [~tobrit@p508129BC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 12:38 < blindcoder> re tcr 12:38 < tcr> re all 12:42 < tcr> $ w | grep -c vim 12:42 < tcr> 6 12:42 < tcr> yeah 12:42 < blindcoder> *lol* 12:42 < blindcoder> what the hell are yuo editing? 12:42 < tcr> i'm just programming 12:43 < blindcoder> hehe :) 12:43 < tcr> esden: ? 12:44 < blindcoder> dead :) 12:44 < tcr> yes, i forgot 12:44 < tcr> okay.. then i'm cooking now 12:44 < blindcoder> tztztz... 12:44 < tcr> hey 12:45 < tcr> esden fried tastes not that bad 12:45 < tcr> well, i guess 12:45 < blindcoder> hehe, but don' use too much fat... 12:45 < tcr> isn't needed 8) 12:45 < blindcoder> then I'll have a portion, too 12:46 * tcr is away: I'm busy 12:57 < tcr> where is owl ???? 12:57 < blindcoder> hmm... at work I think 12:57 * tcr got a pretty cool song 12:57 -!- rxr_ [~rene@port-212-202-170-198.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 12:58 < blindcoder> *urks* 12:58 < fake> tcr: that was from muskote 12:58 * blindcoder needs to install windows >_< 12:58 < tcr> muskote ? 12:58 * tcr is listening to Letzte Instanz - Gewissen <-- 12:58 < fake> i have 100 pkgs of muskote papers, where this sentence from Marie v. Ebner-Eschenbach is printed on ;) 12:59 < tcr> muskote ? 12:59 < fake> muskote ? 13:00 < tcr> what's that? 13:00 < tcr> "Und ich leg mein Gewissen ab, denn ich hab mein Gewissen satt und da bin ich gewissenhaft, weil ich jetzt keinen Zweifel hab, was quälst Du mich, was brauch ich Dich, was bringst Du mir, mir passiert schon nichts" 13:00 < blindcoder> fake: I'm currently uploading Weisskreuz OVA 1 "Verbrechen" and Weisskreuz OVA 2 "Strafe" to your router, hope there's enough hard-disk free :) 13:00 < tcr> boah, das lied rockt!! 13:00 < blindcoder> DAS fehlt.... musik! 13:01 < tcr> mh? 13:01 * blindcoder hat sich schon gefragt, wieso es in seinem Zimmer so leise is :) 13:01 * tcr found a kewl song and his programm works so far! 13:02 < tcr> juhu!!! 13:02 < tcr> and meal is ready soon 13:02 < blindcoder> fake: 13:01 -aNtiaiM(blah@euirc-179055d9.3.11.vie.surfer.at)- Queued ghost_in_the_shell_stand_alone_complex_-_01_[aone].avi into slot 3 13:02 < tcr> oh my god, am i in heaven ;)? 13:02 < blindcoder> tcr: that's very good news :) 13:02 -!- ichilton [~ian@pc3-stoc3-4-cust215.mid.cable.ntl.com] has quit ("leaving") 13:02 -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-170-213.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux 13:03 < tcr> re rxr 13:03 * tcr is looking for his meal, brb 13:03 * -> esden hungry ! 13:04 * -> esden hunting 13:04 < blindcoder> esden: hehe 13:04 < blindcoder> esden: 13:01 -aNtiaiM(blah@euirc-179055d9.3.11.vie.surfer.at)- Queued ghost_in_the_shell_stand_alone_complex_-_01_[aone].avi into slot 3 13:06 * tcr is listening to Letzte Instanz - Oh, Fortuna 13:07 * blindcoder listening to Ah! Megami-sama - My Heart Your Heart 13:07 < tcr> uhi 13:07 < tcr> the text of thi song is something for owl 13:08 -!- ichilton [~ian@pc3-stoc3-4-cust215.mid.cable.ntl.com] has joined #rocklinux 13:09 < blindcoder> esden: https://www.animenfo.com/anime.php?id=1068 13:10 * blindcoder now firing up vmware 13:10 < tcr> "Ich habe heute super Laune, super Laune, ja ich glaube besser geht’s nicht, geht nicht gibt’s nicht mal und alles klar. Es geht mir blendend independent; mensch ich bin so super drauf, so mega happy. oh Fortuna, bei mir läuft es prima." 13:11 < tcr> "Ach wie gut, dass niemand weiß, dass ich hier eigentlich alles öde find, dass nichts los ist, halt’s nicht aus, ich weiß wirklich nicht warum doch irgendwie und irgendwoher sind ja alle Menschen glücklich, und nur ich nicht, werd verrückt, ich versteh das einfach nicht, und Spaß hab ich hier wirklich nicht." 13:11 < tcr> passt zu owl %) 13:11 < blindcoder> ja, leider. sie sollte mal was gegen diese einstellung unternehmen 13:15 -!- ichilton [~ian@pc3-stoc3-4-cust215.mid.cable.ntl.com] has quit ("leaving") 13:16 < tcr> selbst schuld 13:17 < fake> owl ist viel zu sehr damit beschaeftigt, sich selbst zu betrachten und zu bemitleiden 13:17 < blindcoder> ACK 13:18 < fake> /* also... find ich */ 13:19 < blindcoder> *argh* 13:19 < blindcoder> vmware is DEFINATELY not suited for devfs 13:21 < tcr> gnothi seauton/nocse te ipsum 13:21 < tcr> nosce 13:22 -!- Ge0rG [georg@op-co.de] has joined #rocklinux 13:27 -!- ichilton [~ian@pc3-stoc3-4-cust215.mid.cable.ntl.com] has joined #rocklinux 13:30 < blindcoder> hehe, now I know what I'll be doing :P 13:30 < aszlig> re 13:30 < aszlig> re blindcoder 13:30 < blindcoder> my dad will get a lnux workstation with Windows running in VMWare :D 13:30 < blindcoder> re aszlig 13:31 < aszlig> blindcoder: hehe 13:31 < aszlig> blindcoder: hrm, try to use wine 13:31 * blindcoder currently installing Win98 for playing some games :D 13:31 < blindcoder> aszlig: I tried, but I can't install Morrowwind without a file called iKernel.exe 13:31 < blindcoder> so I have to instal *brrr* Windows 13:32 < tcr> blindcoder: what about asking someone who could give you that file? 13:32 < tcr> or copying it from the cd 13:32 < blindcoder> Hmm... sure I could of done that, too... 13:32 < blindcoder> BUt I never tried VMWare before, and this seemed like a good opportunity 13:32 < tcr> i see 13:32 < tcr> you're a masochist 13:33 < fake> blindcoder: Citrix Metaframe 13:33 < blindcoder> *lol* If some more people keep telling me this, then maybe I'll even start believing it 13:33 < blindcoder> fake: eh? 13:33 < fake> ... 13:33 < fake> *shakes_head* 13:33 < fake> nevermind. 13:33 * blindcoder now setting up 16 VMWare with each having ROCK installed and then clusters them *MUAHAHA* 13:34 < fake> vmware GSX server 13:34 < fake> * even with webfrontend ( on the own webserver ( which must be installed ) ) 13:35 * fake <0 having a cigarette 13:35 < blindcoder> sw33t 13:36 < blindcoder> hmm... that reminds me... 13:37 < blindcoder> I still have that third graphics card lying around... and enoguh monitors (big ones :) and cables lying around... 13:38 < blindcoder> hmm.... 13:38 < blindcoder> I wonder, if it is possible to run Linux under VMWare under Windows under VMWare under Linux... 13:40 < tcr> it is 13:41 < tcr> a friend dit a linux->windows->linux->wine session 8) 13:41 < blindcoder> *lol* 13:42 < tcr> possible, but sloooooooooow 13:42 < blindcoder> yeah, but that's not the point, is it? 13:42 < blindcoder> why would someone install 37 OSes on one machine? 13:42 < tcr> to be slashdotted 13:43 < blindcoder> okay, he GOT slashdotted, but I don't think he did it for it 13:43 < blindcoder> just killing some time :) 13:43 < tcr> i was just kidding -.. 13:43 < blindcoder> sure :) 13:43 < tcr> he just got too much time 13:43 < blindcoder> hey, I'm at home for the enxt 5 days... what else could I do? 13:44 < tcr> fuck 13:44 * fake wouldn't count dos menues as operating systems, anyways 13:44 < blindcoder> well.. yeah... but it's no fun doing it alone 13:44 < blindcoder> dos menues? 13:44 < fake> that guy with the 37 OSes counted dos menues as distinct OSses 13:44 < tcr> then get the neighbors' kittie 13:45 < fake> and different Linux Distributions as distinct OSes 13:45 < tcr> menus 13:45 < tcr> no menues 13:45 < tcr> +t 13:45 < blindcoder> fake: oh... well... that's reducing the number by some degree 13:45 < tcr> fake: ACK. i wondered as well 13:45 < fake> yes. 13:46 < blindcoder> tcr: nah, I'll get that sw33t girl from Mailing :) 13:46 < tcr> mailing ??? 13:46 < tcr> where is that 13:46 < tcr> in poland? 13:46 < tcr> %) 13:46 < blindcoder> Mailing-Feldkirchen 13:46 < fake> https://www.kirre.de.vu/ 13:46 < blindcoder> nope, a "little" bit closer to Ingolstadt :D 13:46 < tcr> aha 13:46 < fake> blindcoder: which girl? *g* 13:47 < tcr> yea 13:47 < tcr> thast's kewl 13:47 -!- term_emu [~pm@pD958B9D1.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 13:49 -!- tcr [~tobrit@p508129BC.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ho chresim eidos uch hoch poll eidos sphos") 13:51 < blindcoder> brb 13:51 < esden> re 13:51 * -> esden watching tv 13:58 < blindcoder> back 13:59 < blindcoder> hmm... 13:59 < blindcoder> after using WINE that long I totally forgot about registration keys :/ 14:01 < blindcoder> fake: what is Nochi Guu about? 14:01 < aszlig> esden: hullo 14:08 < esden> re 14:08 < blindcoder> re esden 14:10 < esden> so ... I think I go to bingo now ... 14:10 < esden> who else ? 14:11 * blindcoder not 14:11 < esden> blindcoder: I have no car otherwise I would go to see you ... 14:11 < blindcoder> take your bike 14:11 < esden> bleh ... it is so far !! 14:11 < esden> :-( 14:11 < blindcoder> :P 14:11 < blindcoder> btw. if you go to munich tomorrow 14:12 < esden> yes I go to munich tomorrow 14:12 < blindcoder> you should tkae the train @ 06.10 and sit ni the very last waggon 14:12 < blindcoder> (lower part) 14:12 < esden> hmm ... will see ... but I think I will not go to uni so early ... 14:12 < blindcoder> starting in Pfaffenhofen you will have someone to talk to :) 14:13 < esden> I think I have no need for it ... but during the year we will see eachocher for sure ... 14:13 < esden> hehe ... ok ... 14:13 < blindcoder> okay... 14:13 < esden> will see ... I can not promise anithing yet 14:17 < blindcoder> sure 14:20 < blindcoder> I REALLY like the manual to Wizardry 8 :) 14:21 < blindcoder> "We will not take responsibility for any hardware failure, software failure, brain failure, meddling pets/roommates/significant others/children, fumbled weapons, fizzled spells, rampaging Hogars, bloodthirsty Rapax or actions of the Cosmic Lords. 14:22 < fake> blindcoder: about a girl from the jungle 14:22 < blindcoder> fake: i see.... worth to download? 14:22 < fake> Jungle wa itsumo, hale nochi guu - the jungle was peaceful, then came guu. 14:23 < fake> certainly, i was LMAO 14:23 < blindcoder> okay *click* *click* *clickedyclick* 14:23 < blindcoder> 23 eps in download queue :) 14:25 < blindcoder> hmm... looks like I need to restart X... 14:25 < blindcoder> after activating GLX... 14:26 < esden> soo ... slowly the newest rock sources are moving from my laptop to my main machine... 14:27 < blindcoder> hehe 14:46 < blindcoder> *argh* 14:57 < esden> ? 15:00 < blindcoder> yeah that stupid fscking game tells me I'm running a debugger... 15:00 < blindcoder> Jsut because I run Windows in VMWare *grml* 15:02 < fake> no 15:02 < fake> it's right 15:02 < fake> you run windows on linux 15:02 < fake> and you are using linux, because it's not as buggy as windows 15:03 < fake> so you are de-bugging ;) 15:03 < blindcoder> *lol* okay, that's a point 15:05 < fake> 15:31:38 up 2 days, 0 min, 1 user, load average: 1.32, 1.14, 1.08 15:06 < fake> EXACTLY two days ;) 15:06 < fake> the clock is still only about 30 minutes ahead... 15:06 < fake> seems like the rtc is fixed 15:07 < blindcoder> "only" 30 minutes in two days... 15:12 < fake> i rebooted into the new kernel there - with the date beeing 20 minutes ahead already 15:12 < blindcoder> okay... 10 minutes... 15:31 < esden> ok ... I am off to bitz 15:31 < blindcoder> c ya 15:41 < aszlig> *klonk* *klonk* *klonk* ... 15:41 * aszlig is typing SHIFT 15:41 < aszlig> ;) 15:41 < aszlig> hehe 15:49 < blindcoder> *klonk* *klonk* *klonk* 15:49 * blindcoder hits aszlig with a very large club 15:50 < aszlig> *lol* 15:50 * aszlig killed windoze 2000! 15:50 < aszlig> by just typing always shift *gg* 15:53 < blindcoder> maybe it just doesn't like you anymore 15:55 < rolla> re 15:59 < esden> ok ... now all should be finished ... 16:01 < fake> hey rolla! 16:03 < esden> hi rolla 16:03 < esden> ok ... I am away now for half an hour ... 16:03 * -> esden -> bitz 16:17 < rolla> Fake 16:29 * Mike1 is back (gone 22:40:04) 16:29 < Mike1> re all 16:29 < rolla> Mike 16:34 < defbla> hola Mike1 ! 16:34 < defbla> how are u today? 16:34 < fake> hi Mike1 ! 16:34 < defbla> heard u have been to hospital 16:37 < th> hi Mike1 16:38 < Mike1> defbla: yeah some stupid thing with my heart 16:38 < Mike1> but i guess i will stay bugging around for 1/2 abit more 16:39 < Mike1> hi fake th 16:39 < defbla> ouh :/ 16:40 < Mike1> defbla: anyways i spend all day yesterday at the hospital getting all kinds of tests 16:40 < Mike1> and i will need to make some changes on my meals and life stile which is actually what s afecting me 16:41 < Mike1> but in sometime i will be fine 16:41 -!- cstipsm [~foo@pd953827e.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 16:41 < defbla> nice to hear that miguel 16:41 < Mike1> thanks :) 16:42 -!- cstipsm [~foo@pd953827e.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #rocklinux () 17:07 < rolla> drwxr-xr-x 320 maisenhe users 8192 Oct 8 21:00 base-archive 17:07 < rolla> drwxr-xr-x 349 maisenhe users 8192 Sep 26 12:15 base-config 17:07 < rolla> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 325835 Oct 8 21:06 build.out 17:07 < rolla> -rw-r--r-- 1 maisenhe users 170195 Sep 27 09:18 changelog 17:07 < rolla> -rw-r--r-- 1 maisenhe users 640 Oct 8 21:00 Config 17:07 < rolla> drwxr-xr-x 2 maisenhe users 4096 Oct 8 21:04 CVS 17:07 < rolla> drwxr-xr-x 20 root root 4096 Oct 8 18:28 dist 17:07 < rolla> drwxr-xr-x 8 maisenhe users 4096 Oct 8 20:57 Documentation 17:07 < rolla> drwxr-xr-x 251 maisenhe users 4096 Oct 8 21:00 ext-archive 17:07 < rolla> drwxr-xr-x 254 maisenhe users 8192 Oct 2 11:29 ext-config 17:07 < rolla> -rw-r--r-- 1 maisenhe users 3873 Oct 8 21:04 Gnome2ChangeLog 17:07 < rolla> drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Oct 8 11:29 lib 17:07 < rolla> drwxr-xr-x 13 maisenhe users 4096 Sep 26 12:16 misc 17:07 < rolla> drwxr-xr-x 9 maisenhe users 4096 Oct 8 21:00 opt-archive 17:07 < rolla> drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 4096 Oct 8 18:30 rock-ia32-i586-1.5.19-Gnome2 17:07 < rolla> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4915200 Oct 9 10:03 rock-ia32-i686-base+opt-1.5.19-Gnome2.iso 17:07 < rolla> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2002687 Oct 9 10:03 rock-src-1.5.19-Gnome2.tar.bz2 17:07 < rolla> drwxr-xr-x 3 maisenhe users 4096 Oct 8 21:00 scripts 17:07 < rolla> drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Oct 9 10:03 src 17:07 < rolla> drwxr-xr-x 10 maisenhe users 4096 Sep 26 12:16 subdists 17:07 < esden> hi all 17:08 < rolla> drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Oct 3 09:16 tars 17:08 < barthel> rolla: nice ls -al ;) 17:08 < rolla> -rw-r--r-- 1 maisenhe users 271 Sep 18 17:34 test.sh 17:08 < rolla> -rw-r--r-- 1 maisenhe users 25 Oct 8 21:00 VERSION 17:08 < Mike1> HOLLY SHIT 17:08 < rolla> crap 17:08 * rolla hangs his head in shame 17:08 < esden> rolla: shame on you 17:09 < rolla> sorry guys 17:09 < Mike1> my tunr to flood 17:09 < Mike1> .... 17:09 * Mike1 jk 17:10 < Mike1> esden: ur back home? 17:10 < esden> sort of ... I am back in Ingolstadt 17:10 < esden> and currently in bitz 17:10 < Mike1> i see 17:24 -!- tcr [~tobrit@p50813148.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 17:25 < tcr> re all 17:41 -!- kasc_ [~shaman@p5090BD4B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 17:41 -!- kasc [~shaman@p5090BA53.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 17:41 < Mike1> moin tcr 17:42 < tcr> sers Mike1 ... :)how are you? 17:42 * tcr has to suck now *hrhr* 17:45 * blindcoder has the first episode of Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex *jump* 17:54 < rolla> cool 18:00 < esden> re 18:00 < esden> first episode ... ? 18:00 < esden> huh ? 18:00 < esden> movie ... or manga ? 18:11 < blindcoder> anime 18:12 < esden> huh ? 18:12 * -> esden understanding nothing .. 18:12 < blindcoder> let me put it this way: 18:12 < blindcoder> GITS: The Series 18:13 < blindcoder> no movie, but a series of approx. 26 Episodes 18:23 < aszlig> re 18:26 < esden> cool 18:26 < blindcoder> isn't it? 18:26 < esden> that is something new ... I did not know that there is something like this 18:27 < blindcoder> esden: you were gone for too long :) 18:27 < esden> hmm ... but I think that you already told me baut that ... 18:27 < blindcoder> I'm downloading Mahoromatic Season two as well 18:27 < blindcoder> esden: Billiard is delayed until next week saturday 18:27 < esden> hmm ... 18:27 < esden> this friday we are going somewhere ... at least 30 told me so ... 18:27 < blindcoder> cause of me being ill and matthias having another appointment 18:27 < blindcoder> 30 says a lot :) 18:28 < blindcoder> but we really missed you @Palm Beach last Thursday 18:28 * blindcoder now listening to Final Fantasy Unlimited - Genius Scientist Cid 18:29 < blindcoder> oh and by the way: 18:29 < blindcoder> I have the Second OST, the first of four OVAs and the complete series of .hack//Sign 18:30 < esden> hmm ... 18:30 < blindcoder> aaahh.... Come Sweet Death *smile* 18:31 < esden> I missed you all too ... 18:31 < blindcoder> THAT would be a song for owly 18:31 < esden> loool 18:31 < blindcoder> esden: now you're back and we can again pump you full with anime :D 18:31 < esden> urgh .. 18:31 < blindcoder> and kick you away from your computers :D 18:31 * -> esden feels full already ... 18:31 -!- Freak [freak@p50839FC2.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 18:31 < tcr> hm 18:31 < esden> my poor comps ... *snif* 18:32 < blindcoder> not full enough >:) 18:32 < esden> aha 18:32 < tcr> does anyone have a picture of Mathilda? (.png? best would be .pnm) 18:32 < blindcoder> www.milka.de :D 18:32 < barthel> ]:8) 18:33 -!- h0h0 [~hoho@neptune.tacomeat.net] has quit (Read error: 101 (Network is unreachable)) 18:33 < barthel> ]:8).asc 18:33 < tcr> i want make it C suitable to replace the tux logo with it that is displayed on boot via framebuffer 18:33 < blindcoder> *lol* 18:33 < barthel> *lol ;) 18:33 < blindcoder> tcr: that should be a standard-patch in ROCK then :D 18:34 -!- aszlig_telnet [~aszlig@paradome.de] has joined #rocklinux 18:34 < aszlig_telnet> chullo 18:34 < blindcoder> hey du windows-klicker @ aszlig_telnet 18:35 < blindcoder> esden: I think about plugging in a third graphics card... what would you say? yes or no? 18:35 < tcr> blindcoder: sure, but first an actual picture is needed 18:35 < esden> blindcoder: yes sure ... do what you can not leave ... :-/ 18:35 < blindcoder> hmm... huebi might have one 18:35 < blindcoder> esden: :P 18:35 * blindcoder headache... 18:36 < blindcoder> no, NOT migraine, just a normal bang-your-head-on-the-table-headache 18:37 < tcr> juhu 18:37 < tcr> do it again 18:37 < tcr> wanna see it 18:38 < esden> lol 18:38 < blindcoder> https://bchat.bingo-ev.de/blah.gif <--- see for yourself :) 18:38 -!- [anders] [anders@] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 18:38 -!- [anders] [anders@] has joined #rocklinux 18:38 < esden> aszlig: is highlighting me rose ... >_< 18:38 -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has joined #rocklinux 18:38 < armijn> re 18:38 < esden> hi armijn 18:38 < armijn> hi 18:39 < armijn> it's getting autumn 18:39 < tcr> moin armijn 18:39 < armijn> 'llo 18:40 -!- aszlig_telnet [~aszlig@paradome.de] has quit ("aaah!") 18:40 < rolla> re armijn 18:40 < blindcoder> hi armijn 18:40 < armijn> hi all 18:41 -!- zer0_o [~zer0_o@pop-be-2-1-dialup-146.freesurf.ch] has joined #rocklinux 18:41 < aszlig> esden: syn? 18:41 < armijn> aszlig: ack? 18:41 < tcr> hijacker 18:42 < aszlig> hrm, i try to feed esden with packets, so that he'll reply... 18:43 < aszlig> testink rose-hilightink 18:43 -!- Freak [freak@pD95302CF.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 18:43 < armijn> but it's getting colder outside... 18:43 < tcr> nope 18:43 < aszlig> esden: ack or die (time out) 18:43 < armijn> which means, it's time for stronger beers... 18:44 < tcr> still time for tshirts and short pants 18:45 < esden> ack 18:45 < barthel> time to start mysql-build and go home... 18:47 < barthel> <- cu 18:47 * barthel is away: I'm busy or sleep or whatever ;) 18:47 < armijn> ah, time to get some work done 18:47 < tcr> hm 18:47 < armijn> all users frm my lab have left... 18:47 < armijn> so it's time to play with the firewall :) 18:47 < tcr> isn't there a function like strtok that starts at the end of the string? 18:48 < tcr> i'm quite sure there is one 18:48 < armijn> oh, probably...in some language... 18:48 < tcr> C of course :P 18:50 < armijn> well, it could have been Perl, or sh, or Python... 18:51 < th> tcr: you shouldn't use strtok 18:52 < tcr> well 18:52 < th> as the manpage says: 18:52 < th> BUGS 18:52 < th> Never use these functions. 18:52 < tcr> there's strtok_r() ... POSIX conformable is enough for me 18:53 < th> hmm well. use a simple while loop instead ;) 18:53 < tcr> a simple? 18:54 < armijn> hmmnjam... 18:54 < armijn> strong beer gooood 18:54 < tcr> that'd lead to a big pain 18:54 < th> tcr: you could use a complicated while-loop as well. but a simple one should be faster implementable ;) 18:54 < armijn> tcr: the beer? 18:55 < armijn> but, of course, in Germany this wouldn't even be allowed to be sold as beer... 18:55 < tcr> armijn: you're immune... just drink and don't care ;) 18:55 < armijn> because it doesn't comply with the Reinheitsgebot 18:55 < tcr> th: tell 18:55 < armijn> which makes it actually a lot better to be honest 18:55 < th> tcr: hmm? 18:56 < tcr> th: can't imagine a simple loop 18:56 < th> tcr: ok. so use a complicated one 18:56 < tcr> th: i have a path and i want go a step back, e.g. "/test/blah" should become "/test/" 18:57 < th> tcr: and /foo/bar/spam/eggs should become /foo/bar/spam ? 18:57 < tcr> there could be another function already, dunno 18:57 < tcr> jo 18:57 < th> just strcat a .. ;-) 18:57 < th> okok just kidding 18:57 < th> that's a task for cut 18:58 < armijn> njam, strong beer and playing Motorhead loud...is there a better combination? 18:58 < armijn> not much development in the 1.5 tree lately... 18:58 < tcr> for cut ??? 18:58 < th> tcr: yes 18:58 < th> echo /foo/bar/spam | cut -d/ -f-3 18:58 < th> /foo/bar 18:58 < tcr> hey yo uwantet stop being kidding 18:58 < tcr> urgs 18:59 < th> hmm? 18:59 < armijn> brain fuck up 18:59 < tcr> th: i really don't want a sub process in my C programm, that'd make it slow 18:59 < th> tcr: ahh i see 19:00 < Mike1> armijn: hi mein freund 19:00 < th> tcr: well... 19:00 < armijn> mike1: be careful with that, I'm not German 19:00 < armijn> hi mike1 :) 19:00 < tcr> unlucky ;) 19:00 < th> tcr: while loop with i starting at strlen(...)-1 19:00 < th> tcr: always i-- 19:00 < tcr> ah 19:00 < Mike1> armijn: ok 19:00 < tcr> yes i c 19:00 < th> tcr: compare string[i] with / 19:01 < tcr> yes yes 19:01 < th> tcr: and set string[i]=0 if found 19:01 < tcr> everything obvious 19:01 < armijn> mike1: I hope to make some sparc64 patches for 1.5.19 this weekend 19:01 < armijn> so it will build again 19:01 < tcr> th: nope, will work with a temporary pointer to copy it into that and free then the original string 19:01 < armijn> I sent my rock 1.5 for sparc64 guide to Pjotr to be included in the Guide 19:02 < th> tcr: however 19:02 < tcr> th: ;P 19:02 < armijn> mike1: you got a blade 100 right? 19:06 < Mike1> armijn: not anymore :( 19:06 < armijn> mike1: other sparc(64) hardware? 19:06 < Mike1> armijn: but i got an Ultra 5 19:06 < armijn> ayh 19:06 < armijn> cool 19:06 < Mike1> :) 19:06 < armijn> mike1: with splack I assume? 19:07 < Mike1> ack 19:07 < armijn> ok, hope to have patches ready in the weekend for 1.5.19 19:07 < Mike1> great 19:07 < armijn> and maybe even do a test build... 19:07 < Mike1> let me know so i can run a new build 19:07 < armijn> I will post them to the mailing list... 19:07 < Mike1> good 19:08 < Mike1> so i will be looking forward to see those patches :) 19:09 < armijn> I know... 19:09 < Mike1> armijn: so i will have to remove you from my ignore list 19:10 < Mike1> :P 19:10 < esden> tsa: around ? 19:11 < armijn> mike1: ignore list?? 19:12 < Mike1> jk 19:13 * tcr <- eating 19:13 < armijn> jk? 19:13 < armijn> omg! 19:14 < armijn> hmm... 19:14 < armijn> that was a nice beer... 19:14 < armijn> 8.8% 19:41 < blindcoder> rehi 19:56 -!- capchaos [hannes@pD9048529.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 19:58 < blindcoder> hi capchaos 19:59 < capchaos> moin blindcoder 20:00 -!- litost [~stephen@ajc224-197.ajc.com] has joined #rocklinux 20:00 < aszlig> hullo litost ;) 20:01 < litost> hi aszlig (v: 20:01 < aszlig> brb :Q 20:01 < blindcoder> hi litost 20:02 < litost> hey blindcoder, what's up? 20:03 < blindcoder> a headache that threatens to blow my head... not that it would be fatal if it did :) 20:08 < Mike1> @ litost :) 20:08 < litost> Miguel!! what's up man. feeling better 20:08 < Mike1> yes i am feeling 1/2 a bit better today :) 20:09 * Mike1 is away: having lunch 20:16 < armijn> urgh 20:23 -!- tsa [~tsa@p5082B2CB.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 20:23 < tsa> hi 20:23 < tcr> sers 20:28 < esden> ahh tsa ... good you are here 20:28 < esden> hi ... so by the way ;-) 20:29 < aszlig> re :) 20:29 < blindcoder> re esden 20:29 < esden> tsa: alpha:/usr/local/data/1.7/new/rock-src-1.7.0# cat src/Download-Errors 20:30 < esden> 22 download/tsa/ethereal/ethereal-0.9.6.tar.bz2 https://www.ethereal.com/distribution/ethereal-0.9.6.tar.bz2 20:33 < tsa> ah.. 20:34 < tsa> thanks. 20:37 < tsa> hm...a new version and they removed the old one from their server.. 20:40 < esden> yes ... this was only for your info .. I love the new repository policy ... now I directly know who to bug ;-) 20:40 < tsa> hehe 20:41 < tsa> i'll send the patch to clifford in an hour.. 20:41 * Mike1 is back (gone 00:31:16) 20:41 < tsa> still have to update nessus.. 20:41 < tsa> hi Mike1 20:41 < Mike1> hi tsa 20:42 -!- aszlig [~aszlig@paradome.de] has quit ("query cleanup") 20:46 -!- _NULL [~mail-spam@B5af5.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux 20:46 < _NULL> moin 20:46 < Mike1> moin? 20:46 < _NULL> moin = hi ;) 20:46 < Mike1> :P 20:48 < tsa> huhu owly. 20:48 -!- aszlig [~aszlig@paradome.de] has joined #rocklinux 20:48 < aszlig> re 20:48 < Mike1> re aszlig 21:02 -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has quit ("ircII EPIC4-1.0.1 -- Are we there yet?") 21:02 < esden> hmm ... 21:02 < _NULL> esden: hi ;) 21:02 < esden> hi _NULL 21:02 < aszlig> esden: wb :P 21:05 < blindcoder> hi owly *wave* 21:05 < _NULL> moin blindy ;P 21:05 * blindcoder takes a cage and puts owl in it 21:06 < _NULL> blindcoder: oh no. you never will be able to catch a free-bird ;P 21:08 < rolla> re 21:09 < tsa> esden: ethereal fixed and patch sent to clifford. 21:09 < tsa> (nessus updated and fixed, too.....btw.. ) 21:10 < esden> ok ... good work ... and reaction time ;-) 21:10 < esden> you get one point ;-) 21:10 < tsa> hehe 21:12 < blindcoder> okay, I'm off to bed now... 21:12 < blindcoder> oyasumi! 21:12 < Mike1> blindcoder: nacht 21:12 < aszlig> blindcoder: c'ya, gnu8 21:13 -!- kasc_ is now known as kasc 21:13 < tcr> hey _null 21:14 < kasc> moin 21:14 < _NULL> hi tcr, kasc 21:15 * tcr is listening to Letzte Instanz - Gewissen 21:15 < tcr> _NULL: kennste das? 21:15 < _NULL> tcr: jep. das ist genial. 21:15 < tcr> der Refrain ist cool: 21:16 < tcr> oh okay 8) 21:16 < _NULL> ich hab's sogar auf cd... ;P 21:19 < _NULL> someone has experience with programming using IRDA? and accessing an ericsson mobile phone? (c or c++) 21:23 < kasc> hat gimp eigentlich sowas wie 'glätten'? 21:23 < tcr> https://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=911469712 21:25 < _NULL> np: nightwish - end of all hope 21:25 < _NULL> tcr: do you know it? 21:26 < tcr> <-- all nightwish cds 21:27 < _NULL> tcr: ;) that's a good thing... ;P 21:27 < tcr> actually.. 21:28 < tcr> letze isntnaz - oh, fortuna 21:28 < tcr> ^- suits to you, doesn't it? ;P 21:29 < _NULL> tcr: *in_playlist_such* 21:30 * _NULL becomes insane cuz she needs technical details about ericsson t39m... and can't find it 21:30 < _NULL> tcr: yep, der song passt ;P 21:32 < rolla> Null 21:32 < _NULL> rolla: ? 21:33 < rolla> hallo 21:33 < _NULL> rolla: hi ;) 21:34 < _NULL> rolla: how are you ? 21:34 < rolla> gut und du ? 21:35 < _NULL> rolla: quite ok. thx 21:40 -!- h0h0 [~hoho@neptune.tacomeat.net] has joined #rocklinux 21:43 -!- zer0_o [~zer0_o@pop-be-2-1-dialup-146.freesurf.ch] has quit ("rl sucks") 21:46 < [anders]> _NULL: www.ericsson.de 21:46 < [anders]> or .se 21:46 < _NULL> [anders]: yeah. thx. but still i didn't found a docu about t39m... (how to program/access a t39m ;)) 21:47 < [anders]> aahh.. you want to know the details about the connection and API.. you'd probably have to talk to ericsson about a dev kit.. 21:47 < tcr> or google 21:49 < [anders]> not sure that info is freely available.. 21:49 < tcr> hope so 21:50 < _NULL> tcr: hm. yeah. i will write an e-mail to someone from italy who begun to develop an app for t39m... hopefully this person can help me... 21:51 < [anders]> https://www.weebl.jolt.co.uk/ 22:24 * _NULL jumps around! found the doc ;))) 22:24 < [anders]> how handy.. 22:25 < _NULL> [anders]: ? 22:26 < [anders]> you need to understand weebl and bob to understand the 'how handy' comment.. :) 22:26 < [anders]> 'you found my pie cannon..' 22:26 < [anders]> 'how handy..' 22:26 < _NULL> hm. 22:26 < tcr> . o O ( anders has too much free time %) ) 22:27 < _NULL> tcr: obviously 22:28 < tsa> hehe 22:29 < [anders]> hehehe 22:30 < [anders]> a friend at client site 'introduced' me to Weebl & Bob.. v. funny flash animations.. the trip to france is hilarious, especially day 3 & 4 22:30 < _NULL> MAMA MIA! the best documentation i have ever read --> Mobile Phone T39m Developers' Guidelines: AT Commands Online Reference... --> 224 pages.. 22:32 < tcr> [anders]: only if they fool about france 8) 22:32 < tsa> you were looking for nothing but AT commands??? 22:32 < tsa> *sigh* 22:32 < _NULL> tsa: why looking for nothing? 22:32 < tsa> nothing but.. 22:33 < tcr> https://cgi.ebay.de/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=2060910356 22:33 < _NULL> tsa: might i will develop an app. for configurating/accessing etc. my ericsson t39m with using linux ;)# 22:33 < _NULL> (that's my current dream) 22:33 < th> _NULL: tell me about details 22:33 < [anders]> tcr: they claim the french are kidney stealers.. 22:35 < tcr> hoho 22:35 < tcr> any frenchman here? 22:35 < tcr> doesn't seem so, good ;) 22:42 < [anders]> :) 22:51 < Mike1> huebi: here? 22:53 -!- LocalHero [LocalHero@alexander.lunds.lu.se] has joined #rocklinux 22:53 < LocalHero> Hi all :) 22:53 < Mike1> hi LocalHero 22:53 < Mike1> how is the hd rcovery doing? 22:53 < _NULL> hi LocalHero 22:53 < LocalHero> Mike1, not to good :( 22:54 < LocalHero> _NULL,Mike1 hi :) 22:54 < Mike1> what wrong? 22:54 < Mike1> anything i can help with? 22:55 < LocalHero> Mike1, dont know, the bios cant find the old 3,2gb quantum drive anymore. Im opening the box right now to se if the cabels are atached 22:55 < Mike1> oh fsck 22:56 < [anders]> dead drive..? 22:56 < LocalHero> Mike1, it cant boot on the drive. Its like nothing is connected to the ide interface :( 22:56 < LocalHero> [anders], yupp, 22:56 < Mike1> LocalHero: guess it died 22:56 < Mike1> LocalHero: got backups 22:57 < Mike1> ? 22:59 < [anders]> LocalHero: find another drive (identical!) and swap the PCB's over? 23:02 < litost> see you guys later 23:03 -!- litost [~stephen@ajc224-197.ajc.com] has quit ("schooltime") 23:08 < [anders]> anyways.. bedtime 23:09 < _NULL> [anders]: gn8. cu 23:11 < LocalHero> Mike1, great news, I just unpluged the power and the ide cabels and pluged them in again and now it starts :) 23:11 < esden> re hi all 23:12 < Mike1> LocalHero: excellent 23:13 < Mike1> now as soon as it is back online make backup boy! :) 23:13 < LocalHero> Mike1, i who just planed to buy a new 80gb drive to it :) 23:13 < Mike1> it will earn you a headache in the future 23:13 < LocalHero> Mike1, well, all the isos where on another drive and the main system is easy to replace :) 23:14 < Mike1> ok :) 23:15 < LocalHero> Mike1, now i only need to find the person who has the key to the room where it should be :) 23:23 < Mike1> :) 23:29 < Freak> dangdang 23:29 < _NULL> Freak: hi. 23:29 < Freak> hoohoo 23:29 < _NULL> Freak: schon wieder auf drogen? ;) 23:30 < Freak> nur TKP 23:30 < capchaos> lol hallo _NULL hallo Freak 23:30 < _NULL> TKP? ned THC? ;P 23:30 < Freak> TiefKühlPizza 23:32 < _NULL> Freak: die wahr wohl vergiftet? mit nich naeher specifizierbaren inhaltsstoffen versehen? 23:32 < Freak> or for our international peoples: DCP, DeepCoolPizza 23:32 < Freak> (that was on english) 23:34 < Mike1> Freak: say it in spanish now :) 23:35 < Freak> deepo coolo pizzao 23:35 < Mike1> haha 23:35 < Mike1> PMF 23:36 < Mike1> Pizza Muy Fria 23:36 < Freak> hehe 23:36 < tsa> hehe 23:36 < tcr> a--+++b 23:36 < tcr> C rocks, %) 23:36 < Mike1> Freak: btw coolo pizzao ... 23:36 < Freak> oh sorry that was italian 23:36 < th> ne1 familiar with rs-232 hardware in here> 23:36 < esden> cu guys 23:37 < esden> n8 23:37 < Freak> gn8 23:37 < Mike1> if you read it as it sounds in spanish (is not well writen but it sounds like) 23:37 < tcr> gn8 esden 23:37 < tsa> cu esden 23:37 < Mike1> sounds like Ass fucked 23:37 < tcr> lol 23:37 < _NULL> Mike1: *lol* 23:37 < Freak> what would it be in spanish? 23:37 < tcr> Die spinnen, die Spanier 23:38 < Freak> tcr! mein lieblingsfick! 23:38 < _NULL> Freak: ??? 23:38 < Freak> TKP, total high. 23:38 < Mike1> geil fickers 23:38 < Freak> hehe 23:38 < tcr> let me alone, i'm just here 'becase they're commercial advertisments currently 23:39 < Freak> Mike1: hehe.. so what's ass fucked in spanish now? 23:39 < Mike1> coolo pizzao sounds like ass fucked in spanish 23:39 < tcr> harald rulez, he's explaining the greek mytholgy 23:39 < Freak> Mike1: right. but what's "ass fucked" in spanish now? 23:39 < Mike1> though the right way to way to write it is culo pzado 23:40 < Mike1> pizado* 23:40 < Freak> sweet :) 23:40 < Mike1> in a very vulgar way 23:40 < tcr> lol 23:41 < tcr> that's obvious, isn't it? 23:41 -!- bluefire [bluefire@pD9E1C6BB.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 23:41 < Freak> nah.. 23:41 < Mike1> tcr: heheh i guess 23:41 < Mike1> ask Freak 23:41 -!- bluefire [bluefire@pD9E1C6BB.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Client Quit) 23:41 < tcr> freak is stupid 23:42 < tcr> too much sucked 23:42 < Freak> nah.. just prosexual 23:42 < tcr> my sperma isn't very healthy at all 23:42 < Mike1> who is the channel sucker btw? 23:42 < Freak> me me me 23:42 < tcr> blindcoder? 23:42 < tcr> er 23:42 < tcr> owl 23:42 < tcr> !!! 23:42 < tcr> hehe 23:42 < Mike1> :) 23:42 < _NULL> tcr: huh? 23:43 < tcr> nuthin 23:43 < Mike1> tcr: hehe 23:48 -!- term_emu [~pm@pD958B9D1.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("zz") 23:51 < _NULL> *yawning* 23:57 < tcr> werbung --- Log closed Thu Oct 10 00:00:07 2002