--- Log opened Thu Oct 10 00:00:07 2002 --- Day changed Thu Oct 10 2002 00:00 < Freak> ich bin klein, mein herz ist rein, ich spring jetzt in mein bettchen rein 00:00 < Freak> 00:01 < LocalHero> Wahooo, iso site is up :) 00:01 < Mike1> great LocalHero 00:02 < tcr> Ich hab ihn in der Dusche umgebracht, dort liegt er nun, dort liegt er, mausetot -- noch ein letztes Zucken, dann kein Rürren, dort liegt der, wo ich ihn umgebracht, und die dusche ist vor blut ganz rot 00:03 < tsa> _NULL !! Putzen !! 00:04 < _NULL> tsa: noe. "selbst ist der mann" 00:05 < _NULL> tcr: was hoerste schon wieder? 00:05 < tcr> nix.. kam grad so 00:05 < _NULL> tststs 00:06 < tcr> ahjo 00:08 < LocalHero> got to go, cya all 00:08 < tsa> cu LocalHero 00:08 < _NULL> bye LocalHero 00:08 * Mike1 leaves 00:08 < Mike1> see you all 00:09 < tcr> ich tat es nicht aus Spaß oder sonstigens Gelüsten, obschon mit leidenschaft -- kein groll, kein hass gab mir die kraft 00:09 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting") 00:10 < tcr> es zu vollrichten, mir den letzten ruck zu geben -- ihn hinterrückts zu überfallen, ihn zu erdolchen, ihm den todesstoß zu geben 00:10 < tcr> ich sollte dichter werden 8) 00:10 -!- LocalHero [LocalHero@alexander.lunds.lu.se] has quit () 00:16 < d3mian> upps 00:16 < d3mian> hi all 00:16 < _NULL> hi d3mian 00:19 -!- tcr [~tobrit@p50813148.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("bbl") 00:22 < tsa> df: Lesen der Tabelle montierter Dateisysteme nicht möglich 00:22 < tsa> ROTFL. 00:25 < th> tsa: is nich wahr? 00:25 < tsa> doch. 00:25 < th> LANG=de_babel? 00:25 < tsa> RedHat-7.0 00:26 < tsa> # echo $LANG 00:26 < tsa> de_DE 00:30 < _NULL> huh? montiert? na besser noch als mutiert... 00:33 * _NULL leaves you now 00:33 < _NULL> gn8. cu 00:33 -!- _NULL [~mail-spam@B5af5.pppool.de] has quit ("back to fscking reality.") 00:52 < tsa> n8 00:52 < tsa> cu all 00:52 -!- tsa [~tsa@p5082B2CB.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting") 03:23 -!- Freak [freak@pD95302CF.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client excited") 03:42 < d3mian> re 04:14 -!- blindcod1r [blindcoder@pD9E4F105.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 04:23 -!- Ge0rG [georg@op-co.de] has quit ("Ich lebe nur weiter, weil es bergab geht und ich nicht in die Pedale treten muss") 04:33 -!- blindcoder [blindcoder@pD9E4F2CE.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 06:30 -!- d3mian [~demian@] has quit (Killed (NickServ (Nickname Enforcement))) 07:30 -!- blindcod1r is now known as blindcoder 08:47 -!- d3mian [~demian@] has joined #rocklinux 08:48 < d3mian> hi 08:52 < capchaos> good morning d3mian 08:53 < d3mian> Day changed to 10 Oct 2002 08:53 < d3mian> ;-) 08:53 < capchaos> hehe 08:54 < d3mian> anyways, gmorning 4 u 2 08:54 < capchaos> thx 08:54 * capchaos going back to bed, GF is waiting ;) 08:56 < d3mian> GF? Go Fucking ? 08:56 < d3mian> ;-) 09:28 * barthel is back (gone 14:41:05) 09:52 < capchaos> d3mian: again and again. 09:52 < barthel> re 09:52 < capchaos> hi barthel 09:52 < barthel> hi 09:52 * capchaos shopping.. 10:05 -!- tcr [~tobrit@p50813148.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 10:13 < tcr> moin all 11:09 < fake> moin moin 11:13 * tcr <- einkaufen 12:30 < fake> == 00:39:52 =[0]=> Building base/glibc [2.2.5 1.7-snapshot]. 12:30 < fake> == 10/10/02 09:03:37 =[0]=> Finished building package glibc. 12:31 < fake> WEE! 12:39 * tcr essen 12:48 -!- blindcoder [blindcoder@pD9E4F105.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 13:15 -!- blindcoder [blindcoder@pD958F924.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 13:15 < tcr> re blindcoder 13:15 < blindcoder> re 13:16 < blindcoder> My T-DSL went nuts... 13:17 -!- term_emu [~pm@pD9E33EB9.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 13:19 -!- Ge0rG [georg@op-co.de] has joined #rocklinux 13:49 * fake LMAO 13:51 < tcr> Leck Mich Am Ohr ? 13:51 < tcr> Laughing My Ass Off? 13:55 < fake> jop 13:55 < fake> the latter one 13:55 * fake just read an interesting girl/girl conversation 13:56 < tcr> never thought that to be possible 13:56 < tcr> damn where is owl 13:58 < fake> conversation as in "catfight" 14:00 < tcr> \x38\x29 14:00 < fake> hum? 14:00 < tcr> 8) 14:00 < tcr> echo $'\x38'$'\x29' 14:01 < fake> *duh* 14:01 < tcr> that feature of bash is kool 14:02 < tcr> \cx is treated as control-c char 14:02 < tcr> \cx is treated as control-x char 14:06 < esden> hi all 14:06 < esden> puhh ... back home 14:08 < tcr> m00 esden \x5d\x3a\38\29\3e 14:08 < tcr> m00 esden \x5d\x3a\x38\x29\x3e 14:08 < fake> hi esden 14:09 < th> how do i configure the serial settings like baud/rtscts for a serial port? 14:09 < fake> sorry i didn't come round yesterday... 14:09 < fake> setserial 14:09 < th> fake: i don't think so 14:09 < fake> sure? 14:09 < th> quite 14:10 < fake> i used setserial to set my baudrate etc for an old SIR 14:10 -!- capchaos [hannes@pD9048529.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving") 14:10 < th> hmmm 14:10 < th> you can set baud_base with it 14:10 < fake> but i can't exactly remember how, so i'll shut up ;) 14:11 < tcr> struct dir_list *tmp = dir_to_be_removed->files->next->pointer->files->next->next; // oh my god, what did I create there ?? 14:11 < th> cua is behaving strangly until i run minicom and exit again 14:12 < fake> th: what do you try to do? 14:12 < th> fake: just reading from /dev/cua/0 14:12 < th> fake: palm sends data 14:12 < fake> oh... err... have fun ;) 14:20 < th> i don't want to run minicom everytime 14:23 -!- Freak [freak@p5083894C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 14:30 < th> fake: stty is my friend 14:31 < th> fake: especially stty --file=/dev/cua/0 raw 14:35 -!- capchaos [hannes@pD9048581.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 14:40 -!- capchaos [hannes@pD9048581.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving") 14:49 -!- capchaos [hannes@pd90485d3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 15:02 < esden> soo 15:02 < esden> fake or blindcoder are you here ? 15:07 < fake> yes 15:10 < esden> fake: hast nen drucker in reichweite ? 15:10 < fake> esden: griff- aber nicht druck-reichweite 15:10 < fake> wieso? 15:11 < esden> ich muesste zwei seiten ausdrucken ... die sind aber in ps ... ich brauche die morgen fuer meine pruefung koenntest die ausdrucken ? 15:11 < esden> sonnst muss ich irgendwie es hinkriegen es im bitz auszudrucken ... oder so .. 15:12 < fake> esden: ich kann sie dir schlecht ausdrucken.. erklaer ich dir mal, warum 15:12 < fake> aber ich kann sie dir in pdf umwandeln... 15:13 < esden> hmm ... ok... ich schoue dann mal ... was ich schaffe ... sonnst werde ich noch versuchen bei dir hilfe zu suchen ... 15:20 * -> esden has a running rocklinux on a user mode linux kernel ! ;-) 15:21 < blindcoder> hi fake esden 15:21 < esden> ahh ... you are here ... 15:21 < esden> hi blindcoder 15:21 < esden> blindcoder: do you have a printer avalable ? 15:21 < blindcoder> just a 9-pin needler... 15:21 < esden> ok .. that is not what I need ... 15:21 < blindcoder> gomen >_< 15:22 < esden> then only bingo is my last opportunity 15:22 < blindcoder> mhm... 15:22 < blindcoder> but I could hand you a ROCK-Linux i686-iso to install in the Vereinsraum 15:22 -!- Netsplit vinge.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: Freak 15:23 -!- Netsplit over, joins: Freak 15:23 < esden> i have a rock-inux cd here too ... (I used it today to install rock in a uml environment ;-) ) 15:23 < blindcoder> okay 15:24 < blindcoder> have you already installed it @bigno? 15:24 < blindcoder> bingo 15:24 -!- Freak [freak@p5083894C.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Excess Flood) 15:24 * fake has a P3-optimized build of 1.7 in .gems 15:24 < esden> not yet ... will do it today ... or on sunday 15:24 < esden> fake: cool 15:24 < blindcoder> good good... 15:24 < fake> but still no gnome - fscking pango 15:24 < blindcoder> then maybe I can play Morrowind @bingo soon... 15:25 < blindcoder> esden: I could dcc you the .conf and .pz for icewm if you like 15:25 * -> esden does not need icewm ... /me uses wmaker ;-) 15:26 < esden> wmaker rulez ;-) 15:26 < blindcoder> but I need it :P 15:26 -!- tcr [~tobrit@p50813148.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ho chresim eidos uch hoch poll eidos sphos") 15:26 < blindcoder> on the other hand... 15:26 < blindcoder> I don't think morrowind runs under wine... 15:27 -!- Freak [freak@p5083894C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 15:27 < esden> ok ... I have a pdf now too ... 15:27 < esden> now I should be able to print it in bitz ... (hope) 15:28 < blindcoder> hehe 15:28 < esden> fscking math tests ... >_< 15:28 < blindcoder> ganbatte! 15:28 < esden> ?? 15:29 < blindcoder> good luck :) 15:29 < esden> thanks ... 15:29 < esden> I will hopefully not need luck 15:30 < esden> I have really learned enough if you ask me 15:30 < esden> ok ... be back in half an hour in bitz 15:30 < esden> cu guys 15:30 < blindcoder> well... okay I'll keep the luck then :D 15:30 * [anders] has just completed a successfull build of 1.5.19-Gnome2 with a resulting 500MB ISO image waiting to be tested when I get home.. 15:30 < blindcoder> [anders]: so it was with the man/info touch? 15:31 < [anders]> blindcoder: yeah.. 15:31 < blindcoder> sw33t 15:32 < [anders]> what it was doing was gunzipping all man-pages ending in .gz, and then setting ownership and permissions on them.. what it forgot to do was to only do this on files newer than the time-stamp file.. 15:32 < [anders]> hence all packages ended up with everything in /usr/share/info and /usr/share/man 15:33 < [anders]> not really an ideal situation.. :) 15:33 < blindcoder> *urks* no surprise it got bloated like 2.3 GB... 15:33 < [anders]> hehehehe indeed.. :) 15:33 < [anders]> I'll test the ISO in VMware when I get home.. 15:34 < [anders]> then I'll start working on evolution and getting the lvm tools into the initrd 15:55 -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has joined #rocklinux 15:55 < armijn> re 15:55 < armijn> hi all 15:55 < rolla> re armijn 15:56 < barthel> hi 15:57 < fake> == 13:54:11 =[1]=> Building base/gcc3 [3.2 1.7-snapshot]. 15:57 < fake> == 10/10/02 16:26:21 =[1]=> Finished building package gcc3. 15:57 < fake> woot! 15:57 < fake> not building the java compiler really helps ;) 15:57 < blindcoder> on your mips? 15:57 < fake> (on mips) 15:57 < blindcoder> hehe 15:57 < esden> re 15:57 < blindcoder> re esden 15:57 < fake> blindcoder: glibc built... in 9 (!) hours 15:58 < armijn> wow 15:58 < blindcoder> nice 15:58 < armijn> that's faster than on my JavaStation 15:58 < fake> clock skew not counted ;) 15:58 < esden> fake: how much time do you expect for a full build without the x stuff ? 15:59 < armijn> my guess is it's 1.7? 15:59 < esden> armijn: yes it is 1.7 16:00 < armijn> hmmkay 16:00 * armijn downloading 1.5.19 sources 16:00 < armijn> need to get UltraSparc working 16:00 < armijn> still a few minor bugs, which prevent it from building right now 16:02 < fake> esden: about a week i suppose 16:02 < fake> including stage 9 16:02 < fake> not counting fixing-times 16:03 < armijn> fixing times... 16:03 < rolla> armijn the kernel in .4 aurora does not build :( 16:03 < armijn> rolla: the problem being? 16:04 < armijn> rolla: have you tried to download fresh kernel sources? 16:04 < rolla> no 16:04 < rolla> I shall do that here in a bit 16:04 < rolla> I am building gnome2 on it ;) 16:04 < armijn> eep 16:09 < esden> aha ... 16:16 < blindcoder> *LMAO* *LMAO* *LMAO* *LMAO* *LMAO* *LMAO* *LMAO* 16:16 -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has left #rocklinux () 16:17 < blindcoder> esden: you just HAVE to watch Slayer Next! 16:20 < esden> blindcoder: o_O 16:20 < blindcoder> don't gimme that look, you GET YOUR ASS HERE!!! 16:21 < blindcoder> it's just fscking funny !! 16:28 < esden> kk ... tomorrow 16:28 < esden> after the test 16:28 < esden> ok ? 16:28 < blindcoder> good boy :) 16:28 -!- Lorini [root@pD90485D3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 16:28 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux 16:28 < Mike1> moin 16:28 < blindcoder> hi Mike1 16:29 < Lorini> hi 16:30 < blindcoder> hi Lorini 16:31 < Lorini> studiert hier jemand in bielefeld? 16:36 < fake> bielefeld... da stammen meine eltern her ;_ 16:36 < fake> ;) 16:36 < fake> aber nein, nicht dass ich wuesste 16:39 < Lorini> schade :) 16:42 < th> good morning Mike1 16:43 < rolla> Mike1 16:43 < Mike1> th gutten morgen mein freund 16:43 < Mike1> rolla 16:43 < th> Mike1: wie geht es dir? 16:43 < Mike1> danke gut, und dir? 16:44 < th> Mike1: kann nicht klagen. 17:04 < Mike1> [anders]: here? 17:28 < d3mian> Mike1: 17:28 < d3mian> hi all 17:29 * fake drives home 17:31 < Mike1> d3bian 17:31 < d3mian> arrg 17:39 < esden> hi Lorini Mike1 17:39 < Mike1> @ esden :) 17:39 < esden> hmm ... the rockuml looks good 17:40 < Lorini> hi esden 17:41 -!- kasc_ [~shaman@p5090971A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 17:42 * -> esden thinks about creating new target ... 17:42 < blindcoder> which one? 17:44 < esden> rock uml ... SMP started it as a subdist in older rock versions ... but he seems to have no time to continue it ... 17:44 -!- kasc [~shaman@p5090BD4B.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 17:45 < Mike1> rock uml2 sounds nice 17:45 < esden> why 2 ? 17:46 -!- zer0_o [~zer0_o@pop-mu-4-1-dialup-247.freesurf.ch] has joined #rocklinux 17:47 < blindcoder> be back in... well somewhen... 17:50 < Mike1> esden: just as it will be a totally new version of it 17:51 < Mike1> and it should come with rock 2.0 :) 17:51 < esden> hehe ... yes good idea 17:51 < Mike1> most of the previous work on it will be overwritten i suppose which is more or less what is been done with currnet rock 1.7 17:52 < Mike1> anyways is just an idea :) 17:52 < esden> yes ... we rewrote (almost(optional)) everything ... 17:58 < rolla> Mike1 ? 18:01 < zer0_o> hi all 18:01 * barthel is away: I'm busy or sleep or whatever ;) 18:04 < esden> hi zer0_o 18:06 -!- martin_ [~martin@pD9E7A348.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 18:07 < martin_> hi rxr, hi all 18:10 < Freak> mir is kalt. 18:11 < [anders]> Mike1: da 18:12 < [anders]> the rock-uml project has been 'dormant' for a very long time.. 18:12 < Freak> it's so cold in here. 18:12 < [anders]> I was hacking on it for a while, then I had no time to carry on working on it and it kept crashing my machine.. 18:13 < [anders]> and since I needed my laptop for work, I had little option apart from actually postponing the work.. 18:14 < [anders]> UML at the moment should have lots of nice tools, so the rock-uml project should be feasible to start up again. I am however a little pre-occupied with Rock-Gnome2... 18:16 < esden> [anders]: I am currently playing with uml ... I have a running rock machine here on my laptop ontop of the newest uml kernel (still 2.4) 18:16 < esden> it seems pretty stable ... and it is not crashing my machine 18:17 < esden> I will perhups need it here by bingo for some test setups ... and perhups some day for productive use ... so it would be pretty good to wake up the project 18:17 < Mike1> huhu [anders] 18:18 < [anders]> esden: back when I was using 2.4.3 it was not particularly friendly to my poor laptop.. :) 18:18 < [anders]> meep Mike1 18:18 < Mike1> moo 18:18 < [anders]> esden: if you are volounteering for project maintainer..... 18:23 < Mike1> [anders]: are you currently the maintainer? 18:25 -!- _NULL [~mail-spam@b539a.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux 18:25 < _NULL> hi 18:25 < [anders]> Mike1: uhm.. dunno if I should actually own up, but yes, I am.. 18:25 < [anders]> re _NULL 18:25 < d3mian> hi _NULL , martin_ , [anders] 18:25 < [anders]> re d3mian 18:25 < d3mian> esden 18:26 < _NULL> hi [anders], d3mian 18:27 < Mike1> _NULLita :) 18:27 < Mike1> [anders]: ok 18:27 < _NULL> Mike1: *lol* hi ;) 18:28 < esden> 18:28 < esden> localhost login: root 18:28 < esden> Password: ************ 18:28 < esden> Last login: Thu Oct 10 08:30:54 +0200 2002 on console. 18:28 < esden> No mail. 18:28 < esden> localhost:~# uname -a 18:28 < esden> Linux localhost 2.4.19 #7 Thu Oct 10 08:10:46 CEST 2002 i686 unknown 18:28 < esden> localhost:~# cat /proc/cpuinfo 18:28 < esden> bogomips : 584.38 18:28 < esden> host : Linux lain 2.4.18-rc4 #7 SMP Fri Aug 30 12:10:58 CEST 2002 i686 18:28 < esden> localhost:~# 18:28 < esden> 18:29 < _NULL> moin esden 18:29 < esden> hi _NULL 18:29 < Mike1> esden: s/_NULL/_NULLita 18:30 < _NULL> Mike1: no. 18:30 < esden> nullita ... sw3337 18:30 < Mike1> :) 18:30 < _NULL> esden: no. it's not sweet. 18:31 < Mike1> _NULLita come on its very nice 18:31 -!- _NULL is now known as owl 18:31 < esden> owliii hi !!! ;-) 18:31 < owl> Mike1: i hope that's better now... 18:31 < owl> esden: omg! ;P 18:31 < esden> owlita ;-) 18:32 < Mike1> owlita as you wish 18:32 * owl gives up 18:32 < Mike1> owlita why would you give up? 18:32 -!- martin_ [~martin@pD9E7A348.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting") 18:32 < Freak> _NULL! 18:32 < Freak> huhu 18:32 < esden> she is always giving up >_< 18:32 < esden> that is no fun >_< 18:32 < owl> esden: eh! when did i give up, eh? 18:32 < Mike1> * owl gives up 18:33 < owl> Mike1: i meant anything extcpt that 18:34 < Mike1> :P 18:34 < Freak> oh I shouldn't have bought that evil Sandra - Greatest Hits Album.. :) 18:34 < Freak> maybe if I play it louder.. 18:34 < Freak> in the heat of the night! 18:34 < owl> Freak: no drugs again, please.. 18:34 < Freak> just CDA 18:34 < Freak> and good ol' O2 18:37 < Freak> what, no further comments? 18:37 < Freak> that's weak, guys. 18:39 < esden> comment 18:39 < Freak> sweet 18:39 < Freak> nice try. 18:40 * -> esden is giving his best 18:40 < Freak> I know, I didn't mean to hurt you 18:40 < Freak> I'm sorry. 18:41 < Freak> I really appreciate it! 18:41 < esden> Freak: your excuse has been acknowlidged (or how it is spelled ;-) ) 18:41 < Freak> :,o( 18:41 < Freak> just s/i/e; 18:41 < owl> np: tristania - lost 18:42 < owl> ^^ that's music ;P 18:42 < Freak> np: Sandra - Innocent Love 18:42 < Freak> that's evil. 18:42 < owl> s/evil/old 18:42 < Freak> nah it's evil. 18:42 < Freak> it was then and it still is. 18:42 < Freak> now even more. 18:43 < owl> hm. think what you want to think. 18:43 * [anders] <- off home now.. back later (I hope) 18:43 < esden> cu [anders] 18:46 < Freak> owl: you doubt it's evil music? it really is! just listen to these synthesizer sounds! 18:47 < owl> Freak: nope. i don't wanna do so. 18:48 < Freak> so then don't judge over if it's evil or just old music ;) 18:49 < Freak> judge over? 18:49 < Freak> ommfg. 18:49 < owl> *g* why shouldn't i do it? 18:50 -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has joined #rocklinux 18:50 < armijn> re 18:50 < armijn> huebi hasn't shown up for quite some time... 18:51 < d3mian> hi armijn 18:51 < Freak> owl: coz you can't judge over sometin you dunno. 18:52 < owl> Freak: of course i can. 18:52 < owl> hi armijn 18:52 < armijn> gosh...seems like it's always freak and owl discussing non-ROCK stuff ;-) 18:52 < armijn> hi owl 18:52 * armijn turns up his music a bit louder 18:53 < Freak> armijn: hey we never do that kinda evil non-topic chatter here! that's an infamous lie! 18:53 < armijn> so, is it about ROCK? 18:53 < Freak> well yea! 18:53 < armijn> freak: ok, in what way? 18:53 < Freak> Sandra kinda ROCKs (and so does Sandra - nuff said?) 18:54 < armijn> well, never seen her... 18:54 < armijn> but it seems like Freak has a crush on owl! 18:54 < Freak> yea rite, it would seem if I wasnt deeply in love with tcr yet. 18:54 < Freak> what a pitty he ain't here now :) 18:54 < owl> *lol* 18:54 < armijn> ah yeah, tcr... 18:54 < armijn> everyone just loves tcr 18:55 < Freak> so thats why. 18:55 < Freak> huhm.. 18:55 < armijn> don't think I will come to CCC this year... 18:55 < Freak> right. fear me ;) 18:55 < armijn> nah, that's not it 18:55 < Freak> need you by my side / there's no need to hide / never be denied / everlasting love. 18:55 < Freak> it definitely is evil :) 18:56 < esden> armijn: pleeeeeease ... 18:56 < Freak> armijn: esden's right, don't tease me. 18:56 < armijn> esden: that desperate? 18:56 < esden> I will talk english ... promise ! 18:56 < armijn> esden: I like FOSDEM better... 18:56 < armijn> at CCC there's so much political stuff going on... 18:57 < armijn> I'm a coder, not a politician... 18:57 < esden> armijn: I will try to come to fosdem this year 18:57 < esden> but I can not promise anything yen 18:57 < esden> s,yen,yet, 18:57 < Freak> hasnt fosdem been politicized last year? 18:59 < armijn> freak: nope 18:59 < armijn> well, there was RMS 18:59 < armijn> oh, and the beer is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better at FOSDEM than at CCC 18:59 < Freak> hehe 19:00 < esden> armijn: :P 19:00 < Freak> but wasnt there something.. err.. nevermind. 19:00 < armijn> at CCC there's just crap german beer, at FOSDEM good belgian beer 19:00 < armijn> well, I think it shows I prefer dutch and belgian beer :) 19:00 < armijn> will owl be at CCC? 19:01 < owl> armijn: i dunno. but i don't think so. 19:01 < armijn> see? another reason not to be there... 19:02 < owl> armijn: hm. i dunno. might because i wanna sit in front of my computer - alone?! 19:02 < d3mian> cya next year 19:02 -!- d3mian [~demian@] has left #rocklinux () 19:02 < owl> or because my parents wouldn't let me go. 19:03 < owl> or because i'm not welcome there. (and i know for sure i won't be welcome by people) 19:03 < armijn> owl: it's much more fun with two people, both sitting in front of their computer, on the same IRC channel...alone! 19:03 < armijn> awww...we're one big ROCK family... 19:03 < armijn> one of the highlights of last year's CCC was the ROCK group hug 19:03 < armijn> right, esden? 19:03 < owl> armijn: omg! a hug! then i will definitefely not come... 19:04 < armijn> not just a hug...a ROCK group hug! 19:04 < owl> what's the difference? 19:04 < armijn> that it's with lots of people 19:04 < owl> omg! even more horrible. 19:04 < armijn> I proposed to do it naked, to bond us more, but others didn't agree... 19:04 < owl> *lol* 19:05 * armijn talking crap 19:05 < owl> armijn: got some weed? 19:05 < armijn> nope 19:05 < armijn> but I think it will be allowed in Germany soon... 19:05 < armijn> at least in some states... 19:05 < owl> what then? which evil drugs...? 19:05 < armijn> evil drugs? 19:05 < armijn> owl: love... 19:06 < owl> armijn: ... from which computer? 19:06 < Freak> I'ma boot windows now. can't get black&white running here :) yea. throw stones. right. 19:06 < armijn> ok, ok, I confess, it's just beer 19:06 < armijn> one bottle of "het elfde gebod" and one bottle of "de verboden vrucht" 19:06 -!- Freak [freak@p5083894C.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("mickysoft winducks is the only OS.") 19:06 < owl> armijn: *g* now i believe you... 19:07 < armijn> one of them dutch, other belgian 19:07 < armijn> and not that strong... 19:07 < armijn> one 7%, other 8.8% 19:08 < owl> hm. beer. i can say nothing about it. or about other alcoholic drinks. ;P 19:08 < armijn> well, that's ok 19:08 < owl> (so i even can't say if it's strong or not) ;P 19:08 < armijn> well, usually beer is about 5% 19:09 < armijn> and about 2% or 3% in the US 19:09 < owl> hm. ok. 19:09 < armijn> but american beer is like sex on the beach... 19:09 < armijn> it's pretty close to water 19:09 < owl> aehm. ok 19:10 < armijn> of course, you could replace "pretty" with another word 19:10 < armijn> esden: FOSDEM is cool... 19:10 < armijn> esden: I think rippie is coming as well 19:13 < esden> armijn: I know ;-) 19:13 < armijn> ah, beer...metal, what more does a coder need... 19:13 < esden> as I said I will try to be there too 19:14 < armijn> esden: cool, by train? 19:14 < armijn> esden: alone? or will you take other people? 19:15 < armijn> whoops, just flamed rxr on the mailinglist... 19:15 < esden> donno ... perhups car ... with some other pople ... fake for example if he will have time 19:15 < esden> armijn: tztztz 19:16 < esden> I think people love to flame with rxr ;-) 19:16 < rolla> :) 19:17 * -> esden waits for the mail ... 19:18 < armijn> everytime I start about fixing stuff in 1.5, he says something like "we already fixed that in 1.7", which is totally not productive 19:18 < esden> ach armijn that is not that hard ... 19:18 < esden> that is only the truth ... 19:19 < esden> not a flame ... 19:19 < esden> ok ... I am off 19:19 * -> esden -> home 19:19 < owl> bye esden 19:19 < armijn> owl: hi 19:20 < owl> armijn: hi? 19:20 < Mike1> @ armijn hi 19:20 < armijn> owl: yeah... 19:20 * armijn trying to flirt 19:21 < armijn> hi mike1 19:21 < armijn> but it seems mike1 is more responsive to my flirts than owl 19:21 < owl> why "hi"? *confused* ;) 19:21 < armijn> owl: it's a pretty bad pick up line, I guess... 19:21 < owl> armijn: *lol* of course. you would only have a chance, if you would be a computer.... 19:22 < armijn> owl: one computer? I've got about 20 here, and I am root :) 19:22 < Mike1> haha no way 19:22 < armijn> mike1: no?? 19:22 < armijn> darn. 19:22 < owl> *lol* wonderful for you . and i still have 6 here and i ordered my 7th.... ;P and i'm root too ;P 19:22 < Mike1> armijn: but owlita will answer 19:22 < armijn> owl: yeah, but I've got 10 Mbit >:-> 19:23 < owl> armijn: nice for you. i haven't ;P 19:23 < Mike1> armijn: are all of them sparcs? 19:23 < armijn> mike1: nope, all PCs 19:23 < armijn> but I will add an Ultra10 or Ultra5 soon 19:24 < armijn> most of the PCs running XP, one FreeBSD, have to wedge in Linux and Mac OS X 19:24 < owl> armijn: eXPerienced bug? wuah! evil! 19:25 < armijn> owl: I know, I just took over...I've got to migrate the lab to a mixed environment of XP and UNIX 19:26 < owl> ok 19:26 < rolla> :) 19:26 < armijn> which is *not* easy 19:27 < rolla> never is 19:27 < armijn> UNIX machines authenticating to ActiveDirectory, which will be moved to LDAP in a year time, home directories which have to be put on a Sun Enterprise 250 19:27 < armijn> etc. 19:28 < armijn> and users that expect everything to work! 19:28 < rolla> :) 19:28 < owl> armijn: hm. sounds nice.have fun with it 19:28 < rolla> other than AD that sounds easy :) 19:30 < armijn> owl: oh, I will... 19:30 < armijn> owl: and think about you all the time of course 19:30 < owl> owl: wuahahahaha! 19:31 < owl> s/owl/armign 19:31 < owl> s/armign/armijn 19:31 < armijn> let me guess...german keyboard 19:31 < owl> yeah. where do you know from? 19:31 < owl> (and wearing no glasses right now... "where's my monitor?") ;) 19:32 < armijn> in front of you 19:32 < armijn> right there 19:32 * armijn points at owl's monitor 19:32 < owl> really? i can't see it anymore... 19:32 < owl> hm. 19:32 < armijn> no glasses...so you must look really pretty right now... 19:33 < owl> armijn: you must have fever or halluzinations or something like that 19:33 < armijn> wearing no glasses is like drinking lots of beer...the whole world just looks a lot better 19:33 < owl> armijn: *lol* yep. that's right. 19:35 < armijn> heh, I know, I drink beer *and* wear glasses 19:36 * armijn suggests owl and armijn meet either without glasses or drunk 19:37 < owl> aehm 19:37 < owl> no further comments ;P 19:38 * blindcoder taking a cage and putting owl in it... again :D 19:39 < armijn> yeah, that's a good idea 19:39 < owl> hi blindcoder 19:39 < blindcoder> armijn: HANDS OFF!! _MY_ cage :D 19:39 < owl> no cage please. you know: no one can catch a free bird! 19:40 < blindcoder> hmm 19:40 * blindcoder just did it :D 19:40 < owl> blindcoder: so, now you will be killed ;P 19:41 < blindcoder> owl: OY!! I'm a poor ill blindy... you must nurse me back to health!! 19:41 * armijn put on a new CD 19:41 < owl> blindcoder: wuahahaha! nope. /me is as cold as ice. so don't try this way 19:42 * blindcoder flames owl 19:42 < blindcoder> maybe you hotter now :) 19:42 < owl> blindcoder: nope. 19:45 < esden> re hi all 19:45 < armijn> owl likes to tortuer herself... 19:45 < armijn> hi esden 19:46 < owl> re esden 19:46 < owl> armijn: why should i do it? i can't feel anything. so - no tortoure ;P 19:46 < blindcoder> re esden 19:46 < armijn> aah, smart girl... 19:47 < armijn> I bet she'll cry herself to sleep tonight 19:47 < owl> armijn: huh? i won't cry. 19:47 < owl> i just will fsck a little bit arround with my computers... ;P 19:48 < Mike1> owlita do you fsck with your "computer" at nights? 19:48 < owl> Mike1: *lol* of course... 19:48 < armijn> don't forget, just 20 more years and you will probably have reached your biological limit of ever reproducing >:-> 19:48 < esden> ohh ... cliff is working ;-) 19:49 < esden> armijn: do you want to tell her with this that she should find someone to fsck with ? 19:50 < armijn> esden: you tell me, I don't know her... 19:50 < armijn> esden: ever met her? 19:51 < owl> armijn: i have no problems with that fact. 19:51 < esden> armijn: yes I have met her ... 19:51 < blindcoder> owl: that you should get yourself a _human_ boyfriend??? 19:51 < armijn> owl: yeah right...you don't know the "power of nature(tm)"! 19:51 < armijn> esden: so, she's wicked? 19:52 < owl> armijn: who cares? 19:52 < blindcoder> armijn: depends on the point of view... 19:52 < armijn> blindcoder: explains 19:53 < armijn> -s 19:53 < blindcoder> armijn: some would say she is... others tend to avoid her 19:53 < armijn> that's vague 19:54 < armijn> you see, maybe she's just a very sweet girl, but wants to be tough... 19:54 < blindcoder> armijn: it's the best I can give you without threating my own life 19:54 < armijn> >:-> 19:54 < armijn> blindcoder: so you're a wuss 19:54 < blindcoder> but alive 19:55 < armijn> maybe physically, but you're afraid... 19:55 < owl> blindcoder: wait. on monday. you can be sure, that you won't survive the travel back to IN. 19:55 < esden> armijn: she is a veeery nice person ... but bit strange sometimes ;-) 19:55 < blindcoder> sure. I'm afraid of anthing that is able to break my bones 19:55 < owl> esden: strange in what way? ;) 19:55 < armijn> esden: yeah, in what way? 19:56 < esden> blindcoder: you can bet she will not do anyching like that ... 19:56 < armijn> as in, does she sacrifice goats and stuff? 19:56 < esden> she would not dare touch a friend of mine ;-) 19:56 < blindcoder> esden: but she can and she's pretty darn close to me 3 day a week 19:56 < blindcoder> esden: so... desu ka? 19:56 < esden> blindcoder: my japanese needs freshup >_< 19:57 < armijn> hmmm...fresh.... 19:57 < blindcoder> esden: it's a form of... suspicion 19:57 < esden> aha ... kk 19:57 < blindcoder> as in: I sense something behind your words :D# 19:57 < armijn> you see, deep inside owl needs a buddy, but she doesn't want to admin 19:57 < esden> blindcoder: you can feed me with anime tomorrow ;-) 19:58 < armijn> gosh, I should have started studying psychology.... 19:58 < blindcoder> esden: I'm home by about 12:30 19:58 < blindcoder> Lunch, you see 19:58 < armijn> hmmm, lunch... 19:58 < rolla> armijn the new kernel source compiled ;) 19:58 < owl> armijn: i need no buddies. no humans in my life anymore. they just hurt. 19:58 < blindcoder> armijn: with esden I don't need a degree ni Psychology... well... no one would need one :D 19:58 < armijn> see? told you.... 19:58 < armijn> blindcoder: but a degree looks good... 19:58 < esden> I will be back in ingolstadt about 15:00 ... 19:59 < blindcoder> armijn: well... you have a point there... 19:59 * armijn guesses owl is still around 15 19:59 < blindcoder> esden: Okay, I'll await you with a big club^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H ready-to-play-anime-computer :) 19:59 < owl> armijn: nope. 18. 19:59 < blindcoder> owl: shimatta.... you had birthday a few days ago, didn't you? 20:00 < armijn> and feels misunderstood in this world...and is angry.... 20:00 < esden> armijn: she is 18 but acting like a 13 ;-) 20:00 < armijn> 18...close enough 20:00 < esden> muahaha 20:00 < owl> blindcoder: yep. but about 14 days ago... 20:00 < owl> esden: nope! 20:00 < blindcoder> darn it... I need a filofax... 20:00 < armijn> lets's all hug owl 20:00 < esden> *gg* 20:00 < blindcoder> HB annyway *hugowl* 20:00 < armijn> -s 20:00 < owl> NO! 20:00 < esden> *hugowl* 20:00 * armijn hugs owl 20:00 < armijn> HA! 20:01 * owl running away! 20:01 < armijn> you can run, but you can't hide! 20:01 < esden> you can not run away while we are hugging you owl 20:01 < owl> i can't. but i can crash my army boots against your knees. 20:01 < armijn> ooooh, army boots! tough girl! 20:02 < blindcoder> armijn: see what I mean by "afraid of" ? 20:02 < armijn> blindcoder: just army boots, had them too a few years ago 20:02 < th> our knees? 20:02 * owl taking a dagger and kills armijn, blindcoder, esden 20:03 < armijn> ha! too much fat in between skin and vital organs! 20:03 < blindcoder> HA! I knew why I put on that breastplate today :D 20:03 < owl> blood is everywhere right now... *vvvbeg* 20:03 < armijn> kewl, blood... 20:03 < armijn> well. not that cool actually.... 20:03 < armijn> someone I knew was shot last week... 20:04 < armijn> wasn't that funny... 20:04 < owl> haha. 1:0 for me. won! they gave up ;P 20:04 < owl> armijn: of course. 20:04 < blindcoder> armijn: ow... that's baad 20:04 < armijn> yeah, we still don't know why...hadn't seen her for about two years though... 20:06 < armijn> pretty wicked... 20:06 * blindcoder gives owl a hug 20:07 < owl> not again 20:07 < blindcoder> y not? 20:07 < blindcoder> As long as I am _far_ away from _you_ 20:07 < owl> blindcoder: cuz i'm really hating it. 20:07 < blindcoder> yeah, that's why 20:08 * armijn hugs owl 20:08 < armijn> feel that hatred... 20:08 < owl> nonono 20:08 < armijn> feel the energy.... 20:08 * -> esden compiling uml krnel once more ... 20:09 < esden> let me see ... do I have a rock image here ? 20:09 < armijn> concentrate all the energy 20:09 < owl> esden: still it's not running? 20:09 < armijn> and use it to fix bugs in ROCK Linux 20:09 < esden> ahh good I have something here 20:10 < esden> owl: it is running on my laptop ... and I gained some experiance with uml ... now I want to see if I will make it better this time 20:10 < owl> i c 20:10 < armijn> kewl. FreeBSD 4.7 has been released 20:15 < esden> ok ... creating rootfs file 20:15 < esden> 1GB should be enough 20:15 < armijn> you think? 20:15 < blindcoder> that's some news... 20:16 < esden> armijn: without x it is enough 20:16 < armijn> well, I hope so... 20:16 < armijn> downloaded some ROCK 1.5.19 sources, immediately deleted X and mozilla 20:16 < armijn> and kde 20:16 < armijn> and gnome 20:17 < esden> hehe ;-) 20:17 < armijn> because I will not build it on sparc(64) anyway 20:18 < esden> ahh ok 20:18 < armijn> I mean, like duh 20:25 -!- bluefire [bluefire@pd9e1ca5d.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 20:27 < blindcoder> esden: meep 20:28 < armijn> meep? 20:28 < blindcoder> kinda like a ping :) 20:28 < armijn> ping? 20:28 < armijn> can't we just hug owl instead? 20:28 < owl> armijn: eh! 20:28 < armijn> she'll make enough noise to wake up esden 20:28 < blindcoder> well... that doesn't keep us from hugging her of course... hmm... 20:28 * blindcoder hugs owl 20:29 * armijn hugs owl 20:29 < owl> AAAAAAHRG 20:29 < blindcoder> maybe he heard it... 20:29 < armijn> hope so 20:29 < armijn> otherwise we'll have to do more hugging 20:29 < blindcoder> hehe 20:30 * Mike1 calls for a groups hug to owlita 20:30 < blindcoder> hmm... do you think she'll survive that? 20:30 < armijn> sure 20:30 < armijn> group hug! 20:30 * armijn hugs owl 20:31 * blindcoder hugs oel 20:31 * blindcoder hugs owl 20:31 * Mike1 hugging owlita 20:31 < blindcoder> darn it... 20:31 < owl> noooo! 20:31 < Mike1> we need more huggers 20:31 < armijn> defintely 20:31 < blindcoder> definately... 20:31 < armijn> +i 20:31 < blindcoder> well... on 19C3 there will be enough :) 20:31 < Mike1> @ All hug owlita please 20:31 < armijn> an infinite amount of hugs... 20:32 < armijn> killed by hugging 20:32 < Mike1> armijn: yeah :) 20:32 < armijn> a non-stop hugfest 20:32 < owl> omg. 20:32 < armijn> you see, actually she does like it... 20:32 < Mike1> Owl Hugfest 20:32 < armijn> yeah, throw in some beer and naked ladies... 20:32 < Mike1> sounds like a great idea 20:32 < owl> nope. 20:32 < Mike1> armijn: hell yeah :) 20:33 < armijn> heh 20:33 < armijn> mike1 should stop listening to Venom 20:33 < blindcoder> okay, I'll take the ladies and leave the beer to you :) 20:33 < esden> hmm ... bit unstable ... 20:33 < armijn> hmmm, beer 20:33 < Mike1> armijn: Venom? 20:33 < esden> uml seems to be still bit unstable >_< 20:34 < Mike1> esden: ... 20:34 < armijn> Mike1: yeah, Venom, british black metal band frm the early 1980s 20:34 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@pD9589FA7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 20:34 < holyolli> moin 20:34 < Mike1> armijn: never heard it :) 20:34 < armijn> mike1: keep it that way 20:34 < owl> hi holyolli 20:35 < Mike1> armijn: hehe ok i will 20:35 < holyolli> hi owl 20:35 < armijn> mike1: I can know, I've seen them live a few times 20:35 * Mike1 grabs a beer and gives one to armijn ... cheers Longlife to the HugFest 20:36 < armijn> hugfest! 20:36 < armijn> grouphug! 20:36 * armijn hugs owl 20:36 * blindcoder hugs owl 20:36 * owl says nothing anymore 20:36 * Mike1 hugs owl 20:36 < Mike1> esden: join us 20:36 * holyolli wonders what "hug" was... 20:37 < Mike1> holyolli: just hug her :) 20:37 * holyolli also hugs owl... 20:37 < owl> holyolli: please, _don't do_ 20:37 < owl> nope! 20:37 < holyolli> hehe 20:38 < blindcoder> holyolli: hug: putting your arms around someone, preferrably of the opposite sex and good-looking :) 20:38 < holyolli> aah 20:38 < holyolli> blindcoder: thx... 20:38 < holyolli> ;) 20:38 * holyolli hugs owl again.... 20:38 < armijn> so, does that mean owl is good looking? 20:38 < owl> pah 20:39 < esden> hi holyolli 20:39 < blindcoder> beaty lies in the eye of the beholder :) 20:39 < esden> blindcoder: ack 20:39 -!- Freak [freak@p50839AC3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 20:39 < Mike1> ah Freak just in time 20:40 < armijn> yeah freak...just in time 20:40 < Freak> to do what? 20:40 < armijn> time for...ANOTHER OWL HUG! 20:40 < Mike1> Freak: owl is in the needs of LOTS of group hugs 20:40 * Freak fears. 20:40 < Freak> oh. 20:40 * Mike1 hugs owl 20:40 < holyolli> huhu esden 20:40 * armijn hugs owl 20:40 * Freak fears hugging owl cause she doesnt like me huggin her 20:40 < blindcoder> Freak: that's exactly why you should do it :) 20:40 < esden> hmm ... fdisk is not working ... 20:40 < esden> hmm 20:41 < esden> perhups is the disk to big ... 20:41 < esden> hmm 20:41 < esden> strange 20:41 < Freak> ahhh I thought so :) 20:41 < Freak> ok 20:41 * Freak hugs owl too 20:41 < esden> re Freak 20:41 < Freak> (thats the bad influence of mickysofts winducks) 20:41 < Freak> btw the game wont run under what they call an os 20:42 < blindcoder> which one? 20:42 < Freak> or the "os" won't run with the game 20:42 < Freak> I dunno 20:42 < blindcoder> (game= 20:42 < Freak> black & white 20:42 < armijn> well, I guess it's time to go home... 20:42 < blindcoder> i c 20:42 < esden> hmm ... /me shrinking the disk ... 20:42 < Freak> I just bought it on ebay.. 20:42 < Mike1> armijn: see you later 20:42 < Mike1> :) 20:42 < esden> armijn: good way home ... 20:42 < armijn> yeah, hope to have some patches on monday 20:42 < Mike1> armijn: i though you said sunday 20:42 < Mike1> *g 20:42 < armijn> esden I hope so 20:43 < armijn> this morning two trains hit eachother near Utrecht, so I was about an hour late 20:43 < Mike1> armijn: so walk home :) 20:44 < Freak> ok, downloads done, gonna go back to the sweetest thing 20:44 < Freak> my wonderful winducks :) ahh I luv it. truely. 20:44 < Mike1> Freak: ? 20:44 < armijn> mike1: that's more than 40 km 20:44 < Mike1> Freak: yeah everytime i see i wonducks i remember of owl 20:44 < blindcoder> armijn: a walk out in the fresh air is good for your health :) 20:44 < Freak> hey I didnt boot that installation for about half a year now.. 20:44 < Freak> hehe 20:45 < armijn> 40 km is a bit far... 20:45 < Freak> ok bbl.. or if the game runs and I like it prolly I won't be back so soon :) 20:45 < Freak> cya guys 20:45 -!- Freak [freak@p50839AC3.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client excited") 20:45 < esden> argh ... it is still freezing >_< 20:45 < armijn> got snow/ 20:46 * armijn turns of Pro Pain CD 20:46 < Mike1> armijn: ok walking is a bad idea bike riding? 20:46 < armijn> 40 km??? 20:47 < esden> aaaha ... that is something different ... 20:47 < Mike1> sure 20:47 < rolla> :) 20:47 < esden> the rock installdisks have a problem with uml ... 20:47 < esden> strange .. 20:47 < Mike1> esden: what kind of problem? 20:47 < armijn> mike1: it's near freezing here... 20:47 < Mike1> armijn: anyways have a nice weekend my friend 20:47 < armijn> yeah 20:47 * armijn gone 20:48 -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has left #rocklinux () 20:48 < Mike1> armijn: dont worry owl will warm you with a hug 20:48 < blindcoder> brb 20:48 < Mike1> ah 20:48 < esden> Mike1: fdisk was freezing when I wanted to write the partition table 20:49 < esden> but now I started the installdisk setting init=/bin/sh and it works 20:49 -!- tsa [~tsa@p5082b642.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 20:49 < tsa> moimn 20:50 < tsa> -m 20:50 < esden> I will write a mail with a description how to install 1.5 rocklinux on uml 20:50 < esden> but not today ... 20:50 < esden> during the weekend 20:51 < Mike1> hi tsa 20:51 < Mike1> esden: good 20:52 < tsa> hi Mike1 20:53 < owl> tach tsa 20:53 < Mike1> owl talking again good to see that :) 20:54 < owl> i'm just saying "hi" nothing else 20:54 < tsa> hi owly ;) 20:54 < Mike1> you just said some more than hi :P 20:55 < Mike1> tsa: we have decided to add a new name from now on owly can also be called owlita 20:56 < blindcoder> back 20:56 < esden> ok rock install inside uml running ... 20:58 -!- rolla [~Der@] has quit ("leaving") 21:02 -!- rolla [~Der@] has joined #rocklinux 21:02 < Mike1> wb rolla 21:02 < rolla> re 21:03 < esden> re rolla 21:09 -!- tcr [~tobrit@pD958D27D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 21:09 < owl> tach tcr 21:09 < esden> hi tcr 21:09 < Mike1> moin tcr 21:10 < fake> aloha 21:10 < fake> esden: are you @bitz? 21:10 < blindcoder> fake: what about the FTP? 21:11 < owl> tach fake 21:11 < fake> blindcoder: err... mldonkey is still sucking like mad. should be finished tmrw 21:11 < esden> fake: nope ... back home ... 21:11 < fake> ho !_NULL 21:11 < blindcoder> I don't mind 21:11 < esden> fake: why ? 21:11 < fake> esden: might have dropped in for half'n hour by now 21:12 < esden> sorry ... 21:12 < fake> np ;) 21:12 < esden> tomorrow by blindcoder ;-) 21:12 < fake> 't was just an idea 21:12 * -> esden grins at blindcoder 21:12 < fake> ny ? 21:12 * blindcoder grins back 21:12 < fake> by? 21:12 < esden> at 21:12 -!- capchaos [hannes@pd90485d3.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Lost terminal") 21:12 < esden> fake: anime ;-) 21:12 < fake> i'm booked out for tomorrow... almost 21:12 < fake> ah, i c 21:13 < esden> ach ... >_< 21:13 < fake> i'll take that into account for my planning ;)) 21:13 < esden> fake: are you on a girlhunt ... or what ? 21:13 < fake> <- the 3v1l s3du(0r 21:13 < fake> schmarrn 21:13 < holyolli> *rotfl* 21:13 < esden> lool 21:14 < blindcoder> fake: don't seduce too many :) 21:14 < fake> edcho $too_many ; 21:14 < fake> null 21:14 < blindcoder> damnit... 21:14 < esden> aha 21:14 < blindcoder> export too_many=rand(100,50) 21:14 < esden> so only null is in this list 21:14 < fake> (edcho is the special echo that shows empty variables as "null" (c) by fake) 21:14 < esden> ok 21:14 < blindcoder> *LOOO* 21:15 < esden> so everywhere where is nothing there is owl ... kk 21:15 < owl> esden!!! 21:15 < owl> *grml* 21:15 < fake> or... everywhere where is owl, there is nothing? 21:16 < tcr> re all 21:16 < esden> re tcr 21:16 < fake> hehe... *jumps_aorund_ i finally seem to see a light at the end of the MIPS-tunnel 21:16 < esden> 079% (152/191) Installing text/ghostscript ................. 52% [tall.Shell] \tar: usr/share/ghostscript/7.05/lib/stc2s_h.upp: Could not write to file: No space left on device 21:16 < fake> a screen-backlog full of succesfull compiles 21:16 < esden> arrrgh 21:17 < blindcoder> *LOOOOOOL* 21:17 < blindcoder> esden: you should - maybe - use a bigger filesystem :P 21:17 < fake> installing in /dev/shm ? ;)) 21:17 * fake is off again 21:17 < blindcoder> byebye 21:17 < fake> l8er ;) 21:17 < holyolli> cya fake 21:18 < owl> cu fake 21:18 < esden> cu blindcoder 21:19 < blindcoder> esden: you're going? 21:19 < esden> fake: no in a file 21:19 < esden> i mean cu fake 21:19 < esden> sorry 21:20 * tcr <- essen 21:21 * blindcoder <--- *faok* 21:21 < aszlig> faked against other killers? 21:21 < aszlig> re ;) 21:22 < blindcoder> aszlig: something like that, yeah 21:22 < owl> hi aszlig 21:23 -!- Lorini [root@pD90485D3.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting") 21:23 < esden> ok installing a smaller set 21:23 < esden> but 900 mb should be enough for rock >_< 21:23 < esden> or 1GB 21:24 < blindcoder> esden: a full standard ROCK-Install atkes 1.6 GB 21:24 < esden> but without x11 ? 21:24 < blindcoder> dunno... 21:24 < blindcoder> # Install 21:24 < blindcoder> sum 21:24 < blindcoder> ? 21:24 < esden> ach ... doues not matter ... 21:25 * -> esden met kawaii today 21:25 < blindcoder> poor boy 21:25 < esden> I nearly have been sqeesed out by her ... 21:25 < blindcoder> hehe 21:26 < blindcoder> about what? 21:27 < esden> she hugged me so hard ... that she nearly pressed my soul out ... that was what I meant ... 21:27 < esden> argh ... I hate my english 21:28 < owl> esden: you never had a soul. 21:28 < blindcoder> ah, i c 21:28 < blindcoder> owl: well... the last bits of a life he has left :D 21:28 < owl> *g* 21:28 < esden> 21:29 < owl> why not? ;) did i offend you? (sorry, if i really did) 21:31 < Mike1> owl: never tell a son of God he doesnt have a soul 21:31 < Mike1> thats pretty offensive 21:31 < blindcoder> Mikamaybe it's because she doesn't acknowledge her own 21:31 < Mike1> blindcoder: true 21:32 < owl> Mike1: esden knows that i'm often using sarcasm/cynicsm. 21:32 < blindcoder> owl: there are... certain limits 21:32 < owl> hm. 21:32 < Mike1> owl: i know but please be carefull there are some thing which you should not joke with 21:32 < Mike1> somethings* 21:33 < owl> hm. 21:33 -!- bluefire [bluefire@pd9e1ca5d.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 21:33 < esden> ==> Updating some system files <== 21:33 < esden> Running ldconfig ... 21:33 < esden> Running makewhatis ... 21:33 < esden> awk: cmd. line:10: (FILENAME=- FNR=92) fatal: file `./CVS' is a directory 21:33 < esden> Recreate info dir ... 21:33 < esden> hmm hmm hmm 21:33 < esden> not good 21:33 < esden> I hope that is fixed in new versions 21:33 < Mike1> ()_o 21:42 < esden> ok new uml system booted 21:42 < esden> that went pretty fast 21:42 < esden> but you have to tweak a bit 21:42 < esden> i will have to describe this on weekend 21:43 < esden> cu 21:43 < esden> ich muss betti 21:43 < tsa> cu esden 21:43 < esden> i have to go to bed 21:43 < esden> that is better 21:44 < owl> bye esden. 21:44 < blindcoder> oyasumi 21:50 -!- s1x [~eu@] has joined #rocklinux 21:51 < s1x> i tried to install the rl but when i try to dwl some pkgs the links are broken - even after update 21:51 < tcr> whihc pkgs? 21:52 < s1x> i think that gimp was one of them, but this was last week so i'm not 4 sure 21:52 < s1x> i think that gimp says that the username is wrong 21:55 < tcr> huh 21:55 < tcr> you said the links are broken 21:56 < tcr> I don't see a wrong username as broken link :) 21:56 < s1x> some say unable to connect or connection refused 21:56 < s1x> whatever ;) 21:57 < tcr> the thing you could do would be to post the exact error message to the mailinglist 21:57 < tcr> +best 21:58 < s1x> k 21:59 < s1x> not yet though because this was not in mycomputer 21:59 < tcr> ah, i c :) 22:00 -!- s1x [~eu@] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 22:01 -!- bluefire [bluefire@pd9e1ca5d.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 22:04 -!- kasc_ is now known as kasc 22:04 < kasc> moin 22:05 < owl> moin kasc 22:07 < kasc> bald hab ichs geschafft :) 22:11 -!- tcr [~tobrit@pD958D27D.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ho chresim eidos uch hoch poll eidos sphos") 22:13 -!- tcr [~tobrit@p508139E9.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 22:17 < blindcoder> okay, I'm off to bed 22:17 < blindcoder> g'night 22:17 < owl> gn8 blindcoder. 22:17 < tcr> jau, gn8 22:26 * owl leaves you now 22:26 < owl> gn8. cu 22:26 * Mike1 hugs owlita 22:26 < Mike1> bye 22:26 < owl> no. please not 22:26 < owl> bye 22:26 -!- owl [~mail-spam@b539a.pppool.de] has quit ("back to reality - reading and relaxing ;)") 22:52 -!- Freak [freak@pD9E39837.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 22:53 < Freak> also trotz directx 8.1 und 3dfx voodoo 3500-Treiber läuft dieses Spiel nich. 22:54 < Freak> aber die tvausgabe funktionierte.. zum ersten Mal, seit ich die Karte habe.. und das sind jetzt fast 2 Jahre.. cool oder? 22:59 -!- swede [~root@] has joined #rocklinux 22:59 < swede> narf 22:59 < tcr> hi root 22:59 < swede> heh 22:59 < swede> hi there tcr 23:00 < tcr> you're my god 23:00 < swede> only temporary.. and this is rock 1.5.19-gnome2 + xchat 1.8.10 23:00 < tcr> please don't play bofh and kill all my processes 23:00 < swede> hahahaha 23:01 < swede> not like I can do that... :) 23:01 < Mike1> rock 1.5.19-gnome2 0_o 23:01 < Mike1> who is swede??? 23:02 < Mike1> btw monays release of 1.5.19-gnome2 will have xchat on the base 23:02 < swede> swede == [anders] 23:02 < Mike1> arrggg 23:02 < tcr> didn't you wanna go bed ??? 23:03 < tcr> Mike1: /exec -o date +%T 23:06 < Mike1> have anyone seen huebi lately? 23:06 * Mike1 has been trying to contact huebi since last week, but no luck :(( 23:07 < tsa> Mike1: hm..strange. same with me. 23:07 * Mike1 worried 23:07 < tsa> rocklinux.dyndns.org is down since then, too.. 23:07 < Mike1> [huebi] idle 145:38:48, signon: Thu Oct 3 04:30:29 23:08 < Mike1> mmm.... 23:08 < tcr> anyone should phone him 23:08 < Mike1> who has hsi phone? 23:08 < tsa> haven't seen huebi being present here since about two weeks or something.. 23:08 < Mike1> his* 23:08 < tcr> clifford does 23:08 * tsa not. 23:08 < Mike1> but cliff is not here 23:08 < Mike1> anyone else 23:08 < Mike1> ? 23:10 < tcr> clifford has his number in his signature, maybe anyone could phone him, who is more familiar to him as i do 23:11 < Mike1> i could but i am 1/2 far away 23:11 < tcr> ;P 23:12 < Mike1> though if i get huebi's phone i will call 23:12 * Mike1 is very worried 23:12 < tsa> jsut sent a SMS to ripclaw..perhaps he knows what's going on.. 23:14 < tcr> michael steil has postet to the LKML 23:14 < tcr> you know who michael is? 23:14 < tsa> who's that? 23:14 < Mike1> who is him? 23:14 < tcr> maintainer of xbox linux 23:14 < tcr> maintainer of xbox linux 23:14 < tcr> oups 23:14 < tcr> xD 23:14 < Mike1> ok 23:15 < tcr> he's asked whether the xbox code will ever go into the main kernel 23:15 < tcr> alan cox affirmed 23:15 < Mike1> :)) 23:15 < tcr> he (alan) wants it to be a runtime evualeted value 23:16 < tcr> imho, that'd suck, but it's not my business 23:16 < Ge0rG> hey, nothing against xbox-linux! ;) 23:17 < tcr> HARALD! 23:18 < tcr> Ge0rG: no, i'm not against it, i'm just against a if (xbox) { ... } 23:18 < Ge0rG> tcr: I think xbox features should be a combination of compile and runtime options - if enabled at compile time, then make runtime checks 23:19 < tcr> Ge0rG: well, AFAIK the xbox falls under x87 23:20 < tcr> erm 23:20 < th> x85? 23:20 < Ge0rG> xbox:~# cat /proc/cpuinfo 23:20 < Ge0rG> processor : 0 23:20 < Ge0rG> vendor_id : GenuineIntel 23:20 < Ge0rG> [..] 23:20 < Ge0rG> it is just a celeron 23:21 -!- litost [~stephen@user-37ka0h3.dialup.mindspring.com] has joined #rocklinux 23:21 < tcr> yes that's the point 23:21 < Mike1> hi Stephen 23:21 < Ge0rG> tcr: but there are several differences to default x86 - like the lack of bios initialization etc. 23:21 < tcr> you'll have to choose a 86 target and it'll assert if it's a xbox at bootime 23:22 < litost> hi Miguel :) 23:22 < tcr> i'm just against blowing up the code 23:22 -!- zer0_o [~zer0_o@pop-mu-4-1-dialup-247.freesurf.ch] has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 23:22 < tcr> because this is a minority thing, so it should be implemented fully as compile time option IMHO 23:22 < Ge0rG> tcr: oh, it would be a nice trick for distributions to allow xbox installation ;) 23:23 < tcr> those ones often use small modified kernels 23:24 < tcr> never mind ;) 23:24 < tcr> i'm watching harald now 23:24 < tcr> cu 23:24 < Ge0rG> tcr: yeah... the discussion is pointless anyway ;) 23:24 < Ge0rG> bye tcr 23:31 -!- Freak [freak@pD9E39837.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client excited") 23:33 < tsa> ahh.. 23:33 < tsa> Mike1: just got a reply from ripclaw.. 23:33 < Mike1> tsa: tell me more ... 23:33 < tsa> Mike1: huebi has a new office with no inet connection so far, therefore he's currently offline.. 23:34 < tsa> seems he's just very busy at the moment.. 23:34 -!- kasc [~shaman@p5090971A.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("User abortion with 5 coathooks") 23:34 < Mike1> mm... guess thats explains _a lot_ 23:34 -!- kasc [~shaman@p5090971a.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 23:34 < Mike1> ok good he is ok lets then wait till he gets inet connection 23:35 < tcr> wait for? 23:49 < tsa> *yawn* 23:52 < Mike1> go sleep tsa :) 23:53 < tsa> why should i? there's enough time to sleep when i'm dead... 23:53 < tsa> ..would prefer some goodlooking chix for now ;-) 23:53 < Mike1> ok code then :) 23:54 * tsa starts codeing chicks ;) 23:54 < tsa> -e 23:54 -!- swede [~root@] has quit ("Client Exiting") 23:54 -!- term_emu [~pm@pD9E33EB9.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("zz") 23:54 < Mike1> you will make ur code opensource righ? 23:55 < tsa> sure. 23:55 < Mike1> may i have cvs access to the code? :) 23:55 < tsa> (but i won't share the chicks ;-) 23:55 < tsa> hehe 23:55 < Mike1> damn 23:55 < Ge0rG> can't we compile our own chicks? 23:55 < Mike1> :( 23:55 < tsa> make: *** No rule to make target `chick'. Stop. 23:55 < tsa> damn! 23:56 < th> -k 23:57 < Mike1> make pretty sex all 23:57 < Mike1> that should work 23:57 < tcr> extern struc physical_condition *pop(); 23:57 < tcr> +t 23:58 < tcr> german joke ;) @ Mike1 23:58 < Mike1> :) --- Log closed Fri Oct 11 00:00:36 2002