--- Log opened Sun Oct 13 00:00:12 2002 --- Day changed Sun Oct 13 2002 00:06 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@p5086970E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 00:06 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@p5086970E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Client Quit) 00:20 -!- tcr [~tobrit@pD958D82C.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("gn8") 00:30 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@p5081729C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 00:44 -!- capchaos [hannes@pD9048586.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 00:44 < capchaos> hi 01:03 -!- zer0_o [~zer0_o@pop-be-4-1-dialup-165.freesurf.ch] has quit () 01:37 -!- capchaos [hannes@pD9048586.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving") 01:49 -!- term_emu [~pm@p50818E55.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting") 01:52 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@p5081729C.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving") 02:04 -!- capchaos [hannes@pD9048563.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 04:56 -!- capchaos [hannes@pD9048563.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving") 04:59 -!- Ge0rG [georg@op-co.de] has quit ("Ich lebe nur weiter, weil es bergab geht und ich nicht in die Pedale treten muss") 05:17 -!- rxr_ [~rene@port-212-202-169-106.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux 05:34 -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-170-213.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 09:52 -!- tcr [~tobrit@pD958DD3E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 09:55 < snyke> hi 09:56 < tcr> moin all 10:28 < esden> hi all 10:28 * -> esden off to church 10:59 -!- Netsplit vinge.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: barthel 10:59 -!- Netsplit over, joins: barthel 11:00 -!- Netsplit vinge.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: h0h0, blindcoder, kasc_, aszlig 11:01 -!- Netsplit over, joins: kasc_, blindcoder, aszlig, h0h0 11:20 -!- capchaos [hannes@pD90485A7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 11:21 -!- capchaos [hannes@pD90485A7.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Client Quit) 11:25 -!- capchaos [hannes@pD90485A7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 11:32 -!- Mike1 [mike@rocklinux.de] has joined #rocklinux 11:32 < Mike1> moin 11:32 < Mike1> have anyone Pjotr Prins around? 11:32 < Mike1> anyone seen* 11:32 < Mike1> damn i need to sleep 11:33 -!- Mike1 [mike@rocklinux.de] has quit (Client Quit) 11:34 -!- rxr_ [~rene@port-212-202-169-106.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 11:38 -!- thalerim [~tobrit@pD958D7F9.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 11:40 -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-170-185.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux 11:47 -!- tcr [~tobrit@pD958DD3E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 11:57 -!- Krylathon [~tobrit@p508137B7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 12:01 < blindcoder> moin moin 12:01 < esden> re hi all 12:01 < esden> moin crashi 12:01 < blindcoder> re esden 12:01 < esden> you ... awake ? 12:01 < esden> have you slept ? 12:01 < blindcoder> yes, I have :) 12:01 < blindcoder> cause I've been back home at 4.40 12:02 < esden> uhhh ... 12:02 < esden> 4.40 ?? 12:02 < esden> when have you left from here ? 12:02 < blindcoder> at 3.30 12:03 < blindcoder> my parents needed 40 mintes TO the Airport 12:03 < blindcoder> i only 30 to get back :) 12:05 * blindcoder now compiling WineX 2.2 12:05 < esden> blindcoder: you are driving too fast ... you know that ... 12:06 < blindcoder> yes I do :) 12:06 < blindcoder> and I have fun doing it :D 12:06 -!- thalerim [~tobrit@pD958D7F9.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 12:07 < esden> but please do it so that you not injure you and others doing this 12:07 < blindcoder> hmm... never did so before... 12:08 < esden> hmm ... should I wait for the lunch ... and then go to bitz ... or go now ... :-/ 12:08 < esden> hmm ... I need some hannes ... 12:09 < blindcoder> hmm... Should I take my computer to bitz and try to work out why the D-Writer doesn't work? 12:09 < blindcoder> but that would mean downtime for the donkey and FTP and mail... 12:09 < blindcoder> damnit... I need my box back from matthias 12:13 -!- Ge0rG [georg@op-co.de] has joined #rocklinux 12:20 < Krylathon> does anyone the signal know when a programm exceeds its maximun of stack size? 12:20 < blindcoder> esden? 12:20 -!- Krylathon is now known as tcr 12:20 < blindcoder> hmm.. my first guess would be segfault... 12:20 < blindcoder> but i don't think it is... 12:21 < tcr> that's the problem i get segfault 12:21 < tcr> but i'm not sure if i exceed 12:22 < blindcoder> hmm... usually it segfaults when accessing memory ranges that are not or not properly malloc'd by itself 12:22 < blindcoder> but stack overflow... I don't think that's a segfault... 12:22 < blindcoder> just try it 12:22 < blindcoder> write a little program that has a function that just calls itself a gazillion times 12:23 < blindcoder> and see what happens 12:23 < blindcoder> sw33t 12:23 < blindcoder> winex 2.2 tkaes about 30% less time to compile 12:24 < tcr> blindcoder: i'm using recursion to store all filenames of a directory and its sub-dirs into some structures 12:25 < tcr> when i use my home directory I get a segfault 12:26 -!- bluefire [bluefire@p50817ABC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 12:26 < blindcoder> tcr: don't do it! use an array into which you push the new directories and parse them within a while-loop!! 12:26 < tcr> hahaha 12:27 < blindcoder> tcr: I've had major problems with exactly that thing you're doing there 12:27 < tcr> i tried it, almost unpossible without recursion 12:27 < tcr> inpossible 12:27 < tcr> im 12:27 < tcr> argh 12:27 < blindcoder> well... I did it in PHP then... 12:27 < blindcoder> maybe you want to haev a look 12:27 < tcr> and i'm not using array but structures 12:28 < tcr> one structure representing a directory 12:28 < blindcoder> yeah, but try to use an array into which you push the directories left to parse... 12:28 < tcr> containing a concatened list that represents the contain 12:28 < tcr> i.e. all files 12:29 < blindcoder> hmm... 12:29 < tcr> if a entry in this list is a directory it has itself a link to the other directory-structure 12:29 < blindcoder> hmm... I see... 12:29 < esden> re 12:29 < tcr> i'm emulating a directory hierarchy 12:29 < esden> hi tcr 12:29 < tcr> moin 12:29 < blindcoder> re esden 12:29 < bluefire> Moin moin 12:29 < blindcoder> esden: shuold I take my box with me to bingo? 12:30 < blindcoder> moin bluefire 12:30 < tcr> and it's almost impossible to do that in a while loop 12:30 < esden> no it is now here 12:30 < blindcoder> tcr: hmm... I don't think it's that difficult... 12:30 < blindcoder> But I never did it in C, so can't say.. 12:30 < esden> I have to change the cd drive .. because it is not working ... but my brother says that it was not working propperly since long time .. 12:31 < blindcoder> esden: MY box, not YOUR box. 12:31 < blindcoder> But it sem eeryone has probs with CD-drives actually :) 12:32 < tcr> blindcoder: recursion is much easier because the overlapping stack-variables 12:32 < tcr> in a loop i'd have to assign again and again 12:32 < blindcoder> tcr: but it segfaults :) 12:33 < tcr> well... could be a implementing fault as well ... 12:33 < blindcoder> sure... hmm... try valgrind 12:33 < blindcoder> valgrind should tell you about possible memory leaks 12:33 < blindcoder> so it might be easier for you to find the actual leak... 12:35 < esden> urhm .. 12:35 < esden> I thought ... you meant the box of my parents >_< 12:35 * -> esden ... still bit sleepy ... 12:35 < tcr> blindcoder: well.. is it easy to use? Use in meaning of having readable output 12:35 < esden> argh ... I want a wlan access point in bitz >_< 12:35 < tcr> it oftens takes a lot of time only for spending in understand adebugging programm 12:36 < esden> *jumparound* 12:36 < esden> I hate bingo sometimes ... >_< 12:38 -!- Netsplit vinge.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: barthel 12:38 < blindcoder> tcr: after using it three or four times it is 12:39 < blindcoder> but if you run it the first time you will... be perplexed by the information 12:39 < blindcoder> esden: should I or not? 12:39 < tcr> hmpf 12:39 < esden> if you want to ... 12:39 < blindcoder> okay, then I'll only take the flaky CD-Writer 12:39 < esden> yo 12:40 < blindcoder> when will you be there? 12:40 < esden> no idea ... 12:40 < esden> uhhm 12:40 < esden> after lunch 12:40 -!- Netsplit over, joins: barthel 12:40 < esden> but ... I still do not know when it will be ... 12:40 < blindcoder> hmm... I will have lunch around... uhm... no ideo :) 12:41 < esden> my mother is not hearing me ... 12:41 < esden> I need a handy inplant in her brain ... 12:41 < esden> i mean cellphone implant 12:42 -!- Netsplit vinge.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: barthel 12:42 < esden> my mother: "it will be when it is ready" >_< 12:42 -!- Netsplit over, joins: barthel 12:42 < esden> perfect answer 12:43 < blindcoder> esden: I know this sentence from womewhere... 12:44 < esden> >_< 12:46 < blindcoder> esden: do yuo think it's safe to just yank off the power and IDE-connectors while the system is running? 12:46 < blindcoder> after all there are no hard disks on the bus with the CD-Writer 12:47 -!- thalerim [~tobrit@p50812D68.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 12:47 < esden> argh .. windowmaker is getting on my nerves >_< 12:47 < blindcoder> hehe :) 12:48 < blindcoder> esden: what do you think? 12:48 < esden> urgh ... 12:48 < esden> no idea 12:48 < blindcoder> hmm... it might work... 12:48 < blindcoder> but it might also fry the IDE-Bus 12:48 < esden> like fake said yesterday : Try it. 12:48 < thalerim> test 12:48 < thalerim> ah 12:48 < blindcoder> hi thalerim 12:49 < esden> hi thalerim 12:49 < thalerim> *waiting* 12:49 < esden> ? 12:49 < esden> for what ? 12:49 < thalerim> tcr :Nickname is already in use. 12:49 < blindcoder> well... I know you can yank the power plug... without problems... 12:49 < blindcoder> aaahhh... to hell with it.... brb 12:50 < blindcoder> *meep* 12:50 < blindcoder> okay, you can without killing the system immediately :) 12:51 < esden> thalerim: use force thalerim ... nickserv is your friend ;-) 12:51 < blindcoder> msg nickserv ghost tcr _secret_ 12:52 < esden> blindcoder: it is a longterm death ;-) 12:52 < blindcoder> yeah... 12:52 < thalerim> esden: haven't registred tcr so far 12:52 < blindcoder> guess I shouldn't do anything with /dev/cdroms/cdrom0 now :D 12:52 < blindcoder> thalerim: then you have to wait for tcr to ping-timeout :) 12:52 < esden> thalerim: ok ... then you have to wait ... 12:52 < thalerim> ack 12:52 < thalerim> *waiting* 12:53 < esden> and when you have it back register the nick 12:53 < thalerim> pff 12:53 < esden> you can also connect the nick "thalerim" and "tcr" ... it is a usefull thing 12:53 * thalerim <- eating 12:53 < thalerim> i know i know 12:54 < thalerim> i'm familiar with these services 12:54 < esden> good ... 12:54 * blindcoder now opening his CD-Writer-Case 12:54 < esden> urgh ... ok now is the cd writer really dead ... ;-/ 12:55 < blindcoder> :P 13:01 -!- tcr [~tobrit@p508137B7.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 13:03 < esden> ahh ... thalerim your nick is finally off 13:06 < blindcoder> I think i fixed it 13:08 < esden> aha ? 13:09 < blindcoder> yes 13:09 < blindcoder> you know that there is a little part that pushes the disc down in direction of the laser? 13:09 < esden> yes 13:09 < blindcoder> that part is loose, i.e. ithas no screw or similiar 13:09 < blindcoder> and it was out-of-place 13:09 < esden> ohh 13:09 < esden> not good 13:10 < blindcoder> indeed 13:14 -!- blindcod1r [~blindcode@pD9E4F670.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 13:15 -!- blindcoder [~blindcode@p50800AAB.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Killed (NickServ (Ghost: blindcod1r!~blindcode@pD9E4F670.dip.t-dialin.net))) 13:15 -!- blindcod1r is now known as blindcoder 13:15 < esden> blindy ? 13:16 < blindcoder> yes? 13:17 -!- bluefire [bluefire@p50817ABC.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 13:18 < blindcoder> hmm... seems like it wasn't that thing after all... 13:22 -!- thalerim is now known as tcr 13:23 < esden> ohh 13:25 < esden> I need a aeronet card >_< 13:27 < blindcoder> y 13:27 < esden> but it costs a fortune ... >_< 13:28 < esden> ok ... in half an hour my lunch is ready 13:29 < esden> then I need another hour to eat that stuff and get to bitz 13:29 < blindcoder> hmm.... 13:30 < blindcoder> MITSUKETEEEEE!!! 13:30 < blindcoder> I FOUND IT!!!! 13:30 < esden> ? 13:30 < blindcoder> But I'm not allowed to tell you HOW i found it 13:30 < blindcoder> the motor that spins the disk 13:30 -!- zer0_o [~zer0_o@pop-be-1-1-dialup-100.freesurf.ch] has joined #rocklinux 13:30 < blindcoder> it didn't START spinning the disk 13:30 < blindcoder> after giving the disk an initial spin BY HAND 13:30 < blindcoder> it works like a charm 13:30 < esden> you plugged in the cdrw without cover right ? 13:31 < blindcoder> damn it... he found out... 13:31 * blindcoder taking shelter 13:32 < esden> blindcoder: you know the konsequences ? 13:32 < blindcoder> loss of warranty? 13:33 < esden> not only ... now you have to make a transparent cover with a place for your finger to give it the first spin ;-) 13:33 < blindcoder> hehe 13:34 < esden> I want a beautifull transparent mod >_< 13:34 < esden> gosh 13:34 < blindcoder> hehe 13:34 < blindcoder> I have to find a REAL solution for it now that I know the cause 13:41 < esden> a mod like this one : https://www.extrememhz.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=12 13:42 < blindcoder> sw33t 13:44 < tcr> hehe, kool 13:46 -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-170-185.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 13:48 -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-175-122.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux 13:53 < blindcoder> looks like one of the electro-magnets(?) in the motor spinning the disc gave up 13:59 < esden> here is the compleated case ... but the images are not detailed enough >_< 13:59 < esden> https://www.extrememhz.com/emflag1.html 14:00 < blindcoder> esden: I didn't open the writer for modding it >_< 14:00 < esden> ohhh 14:00 < esden> do not make me sad ... 14:00 < esden> ;-) 14:01 -!- tcr [~tobrit@p50812D68.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ho chresim eidos uch hoch poll eidos sphos") 14:03 < esden> blindcoder: kannst mal den zero anrufen und ihm sagen das er wlan karten ins bitz mitbringen soll ... ich habe glaube ich falsche nummer von ihm ... und muss jetzt essen gehen >_< 14:03 < blindcoder> momentan net.. 14:03 < blindcoder> an guadn 14:10 < blindcoder> me leaving 14:17 < esden> re 14:50 < blindcoder> re esden 14:53 -!- tcr [~tobrit@p50812D68.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 15:09 < esden> blindcoder: ich fahre jetzt bitz 15:09 < esden> cu all 15:09 < blindcoder> bis glei 15:17 -!- thalerim [~tobrit@pD958D815.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 15:24 -!- zer0_o [~zer0_o@pop-be-1-1-dialup-100.freesurf.ch] has quit ("work") 15:37 -!- tcr [~tobrit@p50812D68.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 15:55 -!- thalerim [~tobrit@pD958D815.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 16:15 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B5342.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux 16:15 < owl> moin 16:16 < capchaos> hi owl 16:16 < owl> hi capchaos 16:20 -!- s1x [~tiago@] has joined #rocklinux 16:20 < s1x> i'm having this error msg during install 16:20 < s1x> --14:16:50-- https://nwalsh.com/docbook/xsl/dbx118.zip 16:20 < s1x> (try:10) => `ext-archive/sgmltools/dbx118.zip' 16:20 < s1x> Connecting to nwalsh.com[]:80... failed: Connection timed out. 16:20 < s1x> Retrying. 16:21 < s1x> to whom it may concern 16:21 < s1x> =) 16:23 < owl> s1x: install ? you mean executing download script, don't you? 16:23 < s1x> yes 16:23 < s1x> sorry 16:23 < th> s1x: can you tell us a working mirror? 16:25 < owl> hi th 16:25 < th> hi owl 16:27 < s1x> th: nop =/ 16:27 < th> s1x: so we can't fix that now 16:32 < s1x> s1x: but at least you know it's broken 16:32 < th> th: yes ;) 16:36 < owl> kennt jemand eine flatrate (max. 100 euro) fuer isdn? 16:37 < owl> (und zwar nicht totango.de) 16:38 < capchaos> noe ;-( 16:39 < owl> capchaos: danke. wie aufbauend :-(( *heul* 16:51 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B5342.pppool.de] has quit ("trying to change ISP") 16:57 -!- owl [~mail-spam@dialin-212-144-145-169.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux 16:57 < owl> re 17:11 < s1x> Downloading ext-archive/snort/snorticus-1.0.3.tar.bz2 ... 17:11 < s1x> --15:11:17-- https://www.snort.org/Files/snorticus-1.0.3.tar.gz 17:11 < s1x> => `ext-archive/snort/snorticus-1.0.3.tar.gz' 17:11 < s1x> Resolving www.snort.org... done. 17:11 < s1x> Connecting to www.snort.org[]:80... connected. 17:11 < s1x> HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found 17:11 < s1x> 15:11:25 ERROR 404: Not Found. 17:11 < s1x> File not found, making a note of it. 17:11 < s1x> ----------- 17:11 < s1x> Downloading base-archive/dialog/dialog-0.7.tar.bz2 ... 17:11 < s1x> --15:11:54-- ftp://advancedresearch.org/pub/vstemen/dialog-0.7.tar.gz 17:11 < s1x> => `base-archive/dialog/dialog-0.7.tar.gz' 17:11 < s1x> Resolving advancedresearch.org... done. 17:11 < s1x> Connecting to advancedresearch.org[]:21... failed: Connection refused. 17:11 < s1x> Connecting to advancedresearch.org[]:21... failed: Connection refused. 17:11 < s1x> Got nothing? 17:12 < s1x> Downloading base-archive/freefonts/freefonts-0.10.tar.bz2 ... 17:12 < s1x> --15:12:03-- ftp://ftp.insync.net/pub/mirrors/ftp.gimp.org/gimp/fonts/freefonts-0.10.tar.gz 17:12 < s1x> => `base-archive/freefonts/freefonts-0.10.tar.gz' 17:12 < s1x> Resolving ftp.insync.net... done. 17:12 < s1x> Connecting to ftp.insync.net[]:21... connected. 17:12 < s1x> Logging in as anonymous ... 17:12 < s1x> Login incorrect. 17:12 < s1x> Got nothing? 17:12 < s1x> what's happening with rock linux? lots of pkgs fail to download 17:12 < capchaos> s1x: tried an ./scripts/Update-Src ? 17:13 < th> s1x: version? 17:13 < s1x> i did ./scripts/Update 17:14 < s1x> i did ./scripts/Update -all 17:14 < s1x> i have no update-src 17:14 < th> Ge0rG: garnich wahr. hoechstens meine gewinnspanne koennte zu hoch sein 17:14 < th> oups 17:14 < s1x> rock-src-1.5.12 17:14 < th> s1x: version? 17:14 < th> s1x: OUTCH 17:14 < th> s1x: get rock-1.5.19 17:14 < capchaos> hehe 17:14 < s1x> th: wich version should i dwl? 17:15 < s1x> where? i really want to try it out 17:15 < th> s1x: see topic 17:15 < s1x> k 17:16 < capchaos> s1x: if it still fails find a working mirror and specify it with ./scripts/Download .. 17:16 < th> s1x: and use ./scripts/Update PATTERN to update stuff. or just "cvs update" 17:17 < s1x> or just "cvs update" 17:17 < s1x> where do i do cvs update? 17:17 < s1x> in the rock-src folder? 17:17 < th> s1x: after checking out rock-1.5 as described in topic 17:18 < s1x> the command is this one :"ssh cvs -d anoncvs@anoncvs.rocklinux.de:/cvs co rock-1.5" right ? 17:18 < s1x> i mean : "cvs -d anoncvs@anoncvs.rocklinux.de:/cvs co rock-1.5" 17:18 < th> no 17:18 < th> you missed the CVS_RSH= 17:18 < s1x> is this 2 commands? 17:19 < th> no 17:19 < th> but you can do it in 2 commands 17:19 < s1x> so is this command "CVS_RSH=ssh cvs -d anoncvs@anoncvs.rocklinux.de:/cvs co rock-1.5" 17:19 < th> export CVS_RSH=ssh 17:19 < th> and then cvs -d ... 17:19 < s1x> k 17:19 < th> s1x: yes that's it 17:19 < s1x> =) 17:19 < s1x> thx 17:48 -!- kasc__ [~shaman@p5090BAEF.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 17:51 -!- tcr [~tobrit@p508132D7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 17:54 -!- aszlig [~aszlig@paradome.de] has quit ("shutdown -h now") 17:58 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@p50869042.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 17:58 < holyolli> moin 17:59 < capchaos> hi holyolli 17:59 < holyolli> hi capchaos 17:59 -!- kasc_ [~shaman@p50909B9E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18:00 < owl> hi holyolli 18:00 < holyolli> huhu owl 18:26 -!- capchaos [hannes@pD90485A7.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving") 18:54 -!- term_emu [~pm@pD9E332A4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 19:41 -!- kasc__ is now known as kasc 19:44 < kasc> moin 19:56 < blindcoder> hi hi and rehi 19:57 -!- blindcoder [~blindcode@pD9E4F670.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("reboot") 20:00 -!- blindcoder [~blindcode@pD9E4F670.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 20:00 < blindcoder> ah, there's nothing like a well configured start-up :) 20:01 < blindcoder> ne1 here? 20:01 < holyolli> huhu blindcoder 20:01 < blindcoder> hi holyolli 20:07 < owl> sei gegruesst blindcoder 20:08 < blindcoder> sei auch du mir herzlichst gegruesst, Fraeulein owl 20:10 -!- _NULL [~mail-spam@dialin-212-144-145-169.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux 20:10 < _NULL> *grml* 20:11 -!- owl [~mail-spam@dialin-212-144-145-169.arcor-ip.net] has quit (Killed (NickServ (Nickname Enforcement))) 20:11 -!- _NULL is now known as owl 20:14 -!- huebi [huebi@rocklinux.de] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 20:14 -!- huebi [huebi@rocklinux.de] has joined #rocklinux 20:14 < owl> re huebi. 20:16 < holyolli> huhu huebi :)) 20:16 < blindcoder> hi huebi *winke* 20:17 < blindcoder> brb, switching to dual-monitor-setup 20:18 < blindcoder> re 20:35 -!- tsa [~tsa@p5082AC73.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 20:35 < owl> tach tsa 20:35 < tsa> hi 20:35 < tsa> huhu owlita 20:35 < tcr> owl: stream of a friend of mine: 20:35 < blindcoder> hi tsa 20:35 < tsa> hi blindcoder 20:36 < owl> tcr: stream with isdn && download? uhm... 20:36 < tcr> gayt scho 20:36 < owl> tcr: nein. gayt nicht. und geht nicht. 20:37 < owl> aber trotzdem danke 20:37 < tcr> selbst schuld dann ;P 20:37 < owl> hm 20:37 < owl> ist der dauer-online (der server)? 20:37 < tcr> nö 20:37 < tcr> nur wenn ich will 20:38 < tcr> dyn ip 20:38 -!- owl [~mail-spam@dialin-212-144-145-169.arcor-ip.net] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 20:38 < tcr> *hrhr* 20:41 < holyolli> huhu tesa 20:41 -!- owl [~mail-spam@dialin-212-144-145-169.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux 20:41 < owl> re. zum geier 20:42 < blindcoder> re. zum teufel 20:42 < tsa> ..mit owlita? ;) 20:43 < owl> tsa: genau 20:43 < tcr> wieso ,der ist schwul 20:43 < tcr> da wird nix laufen 20:43 < tsa> gute idee....kann ja sowieso keinen kaffee kochen. 20:43 < owl> tcr: woher weisst du des so genau? 20:43 < tsa> tcr: und? owlita vielleicht ja auch.. ;-) 20:43 < tcr> "Saddam, we've to talk" -- "No, let's fuck!" 20:44 < tcr> tsts, man merkt dass du echt nicht raus kommst 20:44 < owl> tsa: a) ich kann kaffee kochen - aber trinken kann man den nicht b) ich kann nicht schwul sein, weil ich kein mann bin 20:45 < tsa> owl: a) muesste man erstmal testen... b) s,schwul,von anderen ufer,g 20:45 < tsa> ;-) 20:45 < owl> tsa: b) wenn dann lesbisch. aber das bin ich nicht4 20:46 < tsa> owl: ich denke, auf den beweis verzichte ich mal besser ;) 20:47 -!- term_emu [~pm@pD9E332A4.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("zz") 20:48 < owl> tsa: wie solltest du es denn beweisen koennen? hm? willste mir irgendeine dumme schl**** vorbeischicken oder was? 20:48 < tcr> genau 20:49 < tsa> schl? 20:49 < owl> tcr, tsa: die braucht ihr vielleicht. ich nicht. ich bevorzuge da schon eher jemand anderen. 20:49 < tcr> der arme teddybär 20:49 < tcr> *sfg* 20:49 < tsa> owl: blindcoder? *duck* 20:49 < owl> tsa: die frauen, die berlin-bahnhof-zoo herumstehen, und damit meine ich nicht die drogenabhaengigen 20:49 < tsa> achso.. 20:49 < owl> tsa: nicht blindcoder. und sonst auch niemanden aus dem channel 20:50 < tsa> ich denke ich weiss, was du meinst...auch wenn ich schon seit ewigkeiten nicht mehr in berlin war.. 20:50 -!- Freak [freak@pD95305DE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 20:50 < tsa> naja, bald is ja wieder congress.. 20:50 < owl> tsa: *lol* 20:50 < holyolli> tsa: wenn du mal zum congress kommst.... 20:50 < holyolli> SCNR... 20:51 * owl faehrst naechstes wochenende wieder mal nach berlin... 20:51 -!- tooly [~tooly@pD958793C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 20:51 < tsa> holyolli: moin erstmal, opfer. 20:51 < tsa> holyolli: bisher spricht noch nichts dagegen.. 20:51 < owl> tsa: warum ist holyolli ein opfer? von deinem zynismus? 20:51 < owl> scnr 20:51 < tsa> (abgesehen von meiner eigenen unfaehigkeit, mehr als 3 tage im voraus zu planen.. ;) 20:51 < tcr> tsa und zynisch? 20:51 < tcr> tsss 20:51 < holyolli> tsa: ich habe dir schon hallo gesagt, du hast es nur ueberlesen... :P 20:52 < owl> tcr: ja. und du auch 20:52 < tcr> ah was 20:52 < tsa> owl: nee....das ist angeboren.. 20:52 < owl> tsa: huh? 20:54 < tcr> im moment läuft haggard 20:54 < owl> sorry, ich bin heute irgendwie auf 180 und gifte dem zu folge herum 20:55 * tcr is listening to Haggard - 07. Statement zur Lage der Musik @Fjellfunk 20:55 < owl> tcr: ??? 20:55 < tsa> kenn ich nich...wassn das fuer ne richtung? 20:56 < owl> tsa: wahrscheinlich die richtung: "not-existent" or so 20:57 < tcr> ja so was in der art 20:57 < tcr> ist was eigenes 20:57 < tcr> vielleicht orchestral-metal ... oder so könnte man es nenenen 20:57 < owl> hmhm. ist es hoerenswert ;) 20:57 < owl> e? 20:58 < tcr> gayt scho 20:58 < tcr> ich gay jetzt was zu essen holen 20:58 < owl> tcr: are you gay? oder warum gay(t/s) immer, eh? 21:00 -!- tooly [~tooly@pD958793C.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #rocklinux () 21:13 < owl> np: megaherz - wer bist du 21:14 < tsa> np: Rechner - Rauschen des CPU-Luefters 21:14 < owl> tsa: hm. ja. auch genialer song. gibt's den auch auf maxi-cd? 21:14 < tsa> hehe ;) 21:16 * tcr is listening to In Flames - Free Fall 21:16 < owl> fear my cynicism 21:17 < owl> "sag mir wie es ist, wie es wenn du dich in deine drogenwelt wuehlst" 21:17 -!- owl [~mail-spam@dialin-212-144-145-169.arcor-ip.net] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 21:18 < s1x> are you guys all german? =) 21:18 < s1x> ./scripts/Update -all 21:18 < s1x> checking ext-config... 21:18 < s1x> when i do update all it just sits there and does nothing for hours 21:19 < tsa> strange. 21:19 < tsa> it should update your sources with rsync.. 21:19 < tsa> do you have rsync installed? 21:20 < tsa> or is there a firewall blocking rsync? 21:20 < tsa> (873/tcp and 873/udp) 21:21 -!- owl [~mail-spam@dialin-212-144-145-169.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux 21:21 < owl> re. 21:21 < blindcoder> re 21:21 < owl> 'zefix! jetzt aber! 21:21 < tsa> re owl 21:21 < tsa> hehe 21:21 < tcr> slx: ./scripts/Update * 21:21 < owl> hrhr 21:21 < s1x> i don't know if i have rsync 21:21 < s1x> sorry didn't know 21:22 < tcr> no problem 21:27 < Freak> stinky bavarians everywhere.. 21:27 < owl> Freak: schon wieder dieser stinkende fischkopf on-tour 21:28 < Freak> falsche stadt. 21:28 < Freak> fesche dirn. 21:29 < owl> Freak: huh? mit wem spricht du= 21:30 < owl> ach dammit! 21:32 < Freak> des hoasst net dammit, des hoasst kruzifix! 21:32 < owl> Freak: 'zefix! jetzt aber! << weiter oben 21:33 < Freak> eben. 21:33 < Freak> stinky bavarian. 21:33 < owl> Freak: mann! jetzt fuerhe dich mal nicht so auf hier! 21:33 < Freak> wieso, krieg ich sonst hausverbot in .by? 21:33 < owl> Freak: nein, sonst bekommst du einen platz auf meiner ignorelist! 21:34 < Freak> das is es wert, oder? 21:34 < owl> Freak: *argh* 21:34 < Freak> sweet :) 21:34 < Freak> ey tu nich so als würd ich hier alles ernstmeinen! 21:35 < owl> Freak: ist dir irgenwie langweilig? wenn ja, dann geh zum geier nochmal auf die strasse, bzw. in eine disko oder sonstwas, und labbere die leute zu!!!!!!! 21:35 < Freak> schabasvadeabarin 21:35 < tcr> Freak: los machn handstand 21:35 < tcr> du wirst jetzt abgespritzt 21:35 < Freak> ooooh da hat aber jemand schlechte laune :) 21:35 < owl> Freak: bitte spreche deu9tsch mit mir! 21:35 < Freak> owl: na i wui nit 21:35 < owl> Freak: nein, wie kommst du denn jetzt darauf?! ich und schlechte laune! 21:36 < Freak> owl: du tust mir soooo leid. 21:36 < Freak> guck, soooooo. 21:36 < owl> Freak: bla! 21:36 < Freak> soooooo, von hier bis gaaaaanz da drüben 21:37 < owl> a) ich brauche kein mitleid, b) kann es dir egal sein, c) glaube ich dir eh ned! 21:37 < owl> d) spare deinen zynismus 21:38 < Freak> a) neenee b) allerdings - ist es sogar, wie kommst du auf die idee.. c) sweet d) ups, zu spät 21:38 < owl> ./kill Freak 21:38 < Freak> hrhrhr 21:39 < Freak> owl: du bist süß, wenn du dich aufregst :) 21:39 < owl> Freak: ich bin gar nicht suess! 21:39 < tcr> ey 21:39 < tcr> das ist mein spruch 21:39 < owl> tcr: *grml* 21:39 < Freak> tcr: das is nich meiner und erst recht nich deiner, der is viiiel älter als wir beide dreimal zusammen. 21:39 < Freak> owl: ich weiss, aber es hat ganz gut gepasst grade.. 21:40 < owl> Freak: merkst du was? du labberst! 21:40 < Freak> hehehe 21:41 < Freak> ich hoffe noch darauf, ein "*plonk*" von dir zu hören :) 21:41 < Freak> oder auch ein "*plopp*", wenn du vor wut platzt 21:41 < owl> *whuum* 21:41 * owl ist nur geplatzt! 21:41 * tcr is listening to In Flames - Murders In The Rue Morgue @ Fjellfunk 21:41 < Freak> süß :) 21:42 < tcr> owl: 21:42 < owl> tcr: spassiba 21:42 < tcr> ? 21:42 < owl> tcr: danke... (= spassiba) 21:43 * Freak putzt aber das Blut und so jetz nich auf. 21:43 < tcr> aha, tschuldigung aber owlitisch sprech ich nicht 21:43 < owl> tcr: das ist russisch 21:44 < tcr> ne, is klar biene 21:44 < owl> tcr: bitte was? 21:44 < tcr> standardspruch 21:44 < owl> tcr: reichlich bescheuerter spruch 21:45 < Freak> ne, is klar tcr, unser womenizer 21:45 < tcr> von einem bescheuerten freund 21:45 < Freak> hehehe 21:45 < owl> tcr: heisst dieser freund zufaelligerweise Freak 21:45 < owl> ? 21:45 < tcr> nö 21:45 < Freak> owl: ich kann noch platter. 21:45 -!- aszlig [~aszlig@pD90231F7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 21:45 < owl> Freak: haettest du nicht extra zu erwaehnen brauchen 21:45 < aszlig> re 21:46 < Freak> reszlig 21:46 < Freak> owl: ack. 21:46 * tcr reagiert sich ab zu Nagelfar - Seelenland @ Fjellfunk 21:47 * aszlig reagiert sich ab zu dimmu borgir - absolute sole right 21:47 < tcr> und danach kommt mein favorit in flames - free fall 21:47 * owl just playing: nightwish - end of all hope 21:48 < owl> tcr: warum musst _du_ dich abreagieren? 21:48 < tcr> morgen wieder schule 21:48 < owl> "this is the end of all hope" 21:48 < Freak> und ich spiel gleich die Hitparade der Volksmusik wenn ihr den "now playing"-scheiss net lasst! 21:48 < Freak> =) 21:48 < owl> *sing* 21:48 < tcr> das lied ist eigentlich ein lied der hoffnung @ owl 21:49 < owl> Freak: du gibst viel bla-blubb von dir, also lass uns gefaelligst np-scheiss machen! 21:49 < Freak> owl: du kleine Ratte 21:49 < owl> tcr: ack 21:49 < tcr> uhi, freak macht wieder komplimente 21:49 < owl> Freak: nein, ich bin keie ratte! 21:49 < tcr> jetzt wird owl bestimmt verlegen 21:49 < Freak> owl: kleine hexe 21:50 < aszlig> owl: kleine hexe mit holzbein 21:50 < owl> tcr: was erwartest du? Freak ist der gentleman in person. so richtig zum lynchen geeignet 21:50 < tcr> uhi, jetzt geht er aber ran *hrhr* 21:50 < Freak> owl: schnegge 21:50 < owl> wuah!!!!1 21:50 < aszlig> *gg* 21:50 < Freak> Lynch? 21:50 < tcr> lünchen, mit ü 21:50 < Freak> David Lynch? 21:50 < owl> wuah!!!!1 21:50 < Freak> das heisst "lünchen" 21:50 < owl> *schuettel* 21:50 < aszlig> Freak: ja, halb lensch halb luenchen... 21:51 < aszlig> hrhr 21:51 < owl> Freak: a) ich denke, dass das lynchen heisst b) kann ich eh kein deutsch, c) kann seit der rechtschreibreform eh niemand mehr deutsch --> macht also nixh aus, wenn man nix richtig schreibt 21:51 < tcr> free fall ist an 21:51 < tcr> ich kanns 21:51 < Freak> owl: a) das a)b)c)-zeug is voll nervig b) nur bayrisch, i woass. c) doch, ich. d) gibts net e) weiss net f) hey, das is eigentlich doch ganz cool.. 21:52 < owl> Freak: blafasel --> der inhalt deiner aussagen 21:53 < Freak> kacke das heisst ja lynchen 21:53 < Freak> egal ICH HAB RECHT WEIL MEIN HIRN IS GRÖSSER WIE DU 21:53 < tcr> hm 21:53 < owl> Freak: nein, meines ist vorhanden, und du hast gar keines 21:54 < tcr> die größe des gehirns steht in proportionalem verhältnis zu dem IQ. 21:54 < Freak> owl: und wenn du mit den kindergartensprüchen net aufhörst, hau ich dich oder bin net mehr dein freund. 21:54 * holyolli holt das schlammbecken mal wieder raus, stellt sich nen gartenstuhl auf und verteilt ein paar hotdogs... 21:54 < holyolli> ;) 21:54 < owl> Freak: warst du auch nie! 21:55 * Freak hat schon popcorn gemacht 21:55 < Freak> owl: pscht sonst glaubt dir noch jemand, du seist arm dran :) 21:55 < owl> tschuldigung. aber ich brauche jemanden um meine schlechte laune abzureagieren. und freak ist gerade im weg! 21:55 < Freak> owl: ich dachte schon 21:56 * tcr is watching Cradle of Filth - From the Cradle to Enslave 21:56 < tcr> yeah, das video rult 21:56 * Freak is watching Werbung - From Phillips 21:58 < owl> Freak: jetzt weiss ich warum du so viel sch... labberst. du guckst zu viel fern! 21:58 < Freak> stinky bavarian :) 21:58 < owl> Freak: fischkopf! 21:58 < Freak> hey, bewahr dir mal etwas mehr bayrische gemütlichkeit *hahaha 21:59 < owl> Freak: heh, ich besass davon noch nie was! 21:59 < Freak> owl: du bist heute so empfindlich.. das is mal echt schlimm, ehrlich :) 22:00 < Freak> ich krieg ja richtig angst um dich *g 22:00 < owl> Freak: ich bin nicht empfindlich! ich doch nicht! 22:00 < owl> Freak: ja darfste auch. 22:01 < Freak> war nur geheuchelt. ;) 22:01 < owl> ach echt? und du dachtest allen ernstes, dass ich heute noch einen nicht-zynischen satz von mir gebe? 22:02 < Freak> nein, das erwarte ich nicht. 22:02 < owl> gut. dann schwall mich net zu 22:02 < Freak> och doch, ich will abba. 22:03 < owl> ./ignore Freak 22:03 < Freak> süß =) 22:04 < tcr> hihi das video ist echt hammer 22:04 < tcr> besonders cool ist wo die tusse diese klinge als zunge hat und dem typen dann den hals aufschneidet 22:04 < owl> tcr: huh? welches video? 22:04 < Freak> owl: das, wovon er die ganze zeit redet 22:06 < Freak> hehehe 22:07 < Freak> naja, ich geh ma ins bettchen, ihr süßen :) 22:07 * tcr is istening to In Flames - Free Fall... again! 22:07 < owl> Freak: do svidania. 22:07 < tcr> joh, gn8 freak 22:08 < Freak> owl: ich wusste, dass das ziehen würde *g 22:08 < owl> Freak: depp 22:08 < Freak> hehehe 22:08 < Freak> nein nein ok ok ich geh wirklich :) 22:08 < owl> danke. erloesung.! 22:08 < Freak> versprochen. bin schon weg. 22:08 < owl> ciao. gn8 22:09 < Freak> jo und keep yar head up high. 22:09 < owl> sicher. mach' ich doch immer! 22:09 < Freak> ich weiss, weil du eigentlich viel stärker bist, als du denkst. 22:10 < owl> Freak: sicher. steh' auf, wenn du eins auf die fresse kriegst! 22:16 -!- Freak [freak@pD95305DE.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client excited") 22:24 * owl is now playing: megaherz - das leben 22:31 < s1x> checking ext-config... 22:31 < s1x> it's still doing this 22:31 < s1x> and i do have the rsync 22:31 < s1x> what seems to be the prob? 22:32 < tcr> did you run it with .* ? 22:32 < s1x> what? 22:32 < s1x> Update -all 22:32 < tcr> ./scripts/Update .* 22:32 < s1x> k 22:32 < tcr> or ./scripts/Update . 22:32 < tcr> will do the same as `grep' is used 22:33 < s1x> how do i know if it's doing anything? 22:33 < s1x> ok 22:33 < s1x> it's doing ;) 22:33 < s1x> Newer version for abiword/abiword.ext available. Trying to get it... 22:33 < tcr> ;P yeah man 22:39 < s1x> what's this pakage? "Newer version for java-vanilla/java-vanilla.ext available. Trying to get it... 22:39 < s1x> " 22:39 < s1x> java-vanilla? 22:39 < tcr> hm 22:40 < tcr> there are description of each packages availabe 22:40 < s1x> you don't know? what's that one? where are those descs? 22:41 < tcr> ext-config//.desc 22:42 < s1x> you have great support for java ;) great! i'm a java programmer myself ;) 22:44 < s1x> and nvidia too! =) that's even better 22:44 < tcr> from users to users 22:45 < s1x> how big is rocklinux with all the pkgs installed? :) 22:45 < tsa> ;) 22:45 < tcr> from users for users 22:45 < tcr> wasn't there something on the mailinglist? ... 1,8GB iirc 22:46 < tcr> but dunno if really all packages 22:46 < s1x> lool 22:46 < s1x> =) 22:46 < s1x> it's gonna take a while to get all of this 22:47 < tcr> why the hell are you gonna download them all? 22:47 < s1x> i dunno 22:47 < tcr> (and well they're bz2 compressed) 22:48 < s1x> i don't want to be chosing one by one 22:48 < tcr> why? 22:51 < s1x> lazy? 22:51 < s1x> i think that's the word 22:51 < s1x> is this all in src code? 22:51 < s1x> maybe i do that 22:51 < s1x> how do i do it? 22:52 < tcr> what? 22:52 < s1x> chose packages 22:53 -!- h0h0 [~hoho@neptune.tacomeat.net] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 22:53 < s1x> forgewt it i will read the docs ;) 22:53 < tcr> hm 22:53 < s1x> being to lazy 22:53 < tcr> no, there's no standard way in 1.5 22:53 < s1x> so ...? 22:54 < tcr> create a file containing all pkg-names that you want to download ... one in each line 22:54 < tcr> then run a while read pkg; do ./scripts/Download -package "$pkg"; done < file-you-created 22:54 < s1x> and then? 22:55 < s1x> k 22:55 < s1x> does it handles dependencies? 22:55 < tcr> not in 1.5 22:55 < tcr> 1.7 is gonna in this direction 22:56 < tcr> slx: hm, if you're not sure what is really required for an working environment, do a ./scripts/Download -base 22:56 < tcr> that will download all packages in base-config 22:57 < tcr> after that you could look in ext-config which pkg you want as well, and then download them manually 22:58 -!- h0h0 [~hoho@neptune.tacomeat.net] has joined #rocklinux 23:05 -!- tcr [~tobrit@p508132D7.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("gn8 all") 23:38 -!- netznutzer [~khjgjlglj@ulm9-d9bb526d.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #rocklinux 23:38 < owl> *g* 23:39 < owl> hi netznutzer 23:39 < netznutzer> hi 23:46 < owl> gn8. cu 23:47 -!- owl [~mail-spam@dialin-212-144-145-169.arcor-ip.net] has quit ("back to fscking reality") 23:49 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@p50869042.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("X-Chat: cleaner, drier, protects even better") 23:58 -!- netznutzer [~khjgjlglj@ulm9-d9bb526d.pool.mediaWays.net] has quit ("Client Exiting") --- Log closed Mon Oct 14 00:00:30 2002