-!- Irrsi  Log opened Wed Oct 16 00:00:06 2002
[00:06] -!- rxr_ [~rene@port-212-202-168-237.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[00:12] < th> re
[00:12] < th> Mike1: ack
[00:14] < Mike1> good
[00:14] < Mike1> read query
[00:23] -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting")
[00:52] -!- chrisime [~chrisime@pD9590FF5.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[00:53] < chrisime> esden, da?
[01:53] -!- Ge0rG [~georg@morbo.boerde.de] has quit ("Ich lebe nur weiter, weil es bergab geht und ich nicht in die Pedale treten muss")
[02:20] -!- chrisime [~chrisime@pD9590FF5.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving")
[03:12] -!- bluefire [bluefire@pD9E1C49D.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[03:44] -!- defbla_ [~hackbard@pD9523CDB.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[04:01] -!- defbla [~hackbard@pD9523EBC.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[05:25] -!- defbla_ [~hackbard@pD9523CDB.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving")
[05:42] -!- netrunner [~netrunner@p5080211E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[05:56] -!- zman [~zman@sdn-ar-002insbenP170.dialsprint.net] has joined #rocklinux
[05:58] -!- zman [~zman@sdn-ar-002insbenP170.dialsprint.net] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting")
[06:18] -!- netrunner [~netrunner@p508022F5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #rocklinux
[08:14] -!- blindWorker [www-data@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux
[08:14] < blindWorker> hi hi an drehi
[08:19] < aszlig> re
[08:29] -!- Freak [freak@p50839975.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client excited")
[09:00] -!- digua [~libo@] has joined #rocklinux
[09:32] -!- Freak [freak@p50839975.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[10:14] -!- digua [~libo@] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting")
[10:25] -!- Freak [freak@p50839975.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[10:26] < praenti> moin
[10:34] -!- Freak [freak@pD9530AE1.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[10:40] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pD9E1CD10.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[10:40] < bluefire> moinmoin
[10:42] -!- kasc [~shaman@p5090AB15.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[10:43] -!- kasc [~shaman@p5090A92E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[10:51] -!- tsa [~tsa@rossini.marcant.net] has joined #rocklinux
[10:51] < tsa> moin
[10:55] < Freak> ach scheisse
[10:55] < Freak> sag mir doch einer wie das geht mit cups
[10:55] < Freak> "wie was geht" werdet ihr fragen
[10:55] < Freak> na alles!
[10:55] < Freak> *verzweifel*
[10:57] -!- blindWorker [www-data@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has quit ("CGI:IRC 0.5 (EOF)")
[11:01] < praenti> Freak: docu lesen. da steht alles was man braucht
[11:02] < praenti> Freak: un  auch ganz gut ist https://www.linuxprinting.org
[11:05] < Freak> ahh :)
[11:05] < Freak> tänkii
[11:19] < Freak> ich frag mich, wieso ich diese administrationsoberfläche für cups auf https://localhost:631/ nicht kriege.
[11:27] -!- Ge0rG [georg@op-co.de] has joined #rocklinux
[11:31] -!- martin_ [~martin@pD9E78E83.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[11:31] < martin_> hello all
[11:38] -!- blindcoder [~blindcode@pD958F128.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[12:07] < esden> re hi all
[12:14] -!- ichilton [~ian@pc3-stoc3-4-cust215.mid.cable.ntl.com] has quit ("leaving")
[12:20] -!- ichilton [~ian@pc3-stoc3-4-cust215.mid.cable.ntl.com] has joined #rocklinux
[12:48] < huebi> moin
[12:54] -!- kob [~kob@line-76-244-zh1.tiscali.ch] has joined #rocklinux
[12:56] < esden> hi huebi
[12:56] < esden> hi ko
[12:56] < esden> b
[12:56] < huebi> moin esden
[12:56] < esden> ok ... I am off for lunch
[12:56] < esden> cu huebi
[12:56] < esden> and others ;-)
[12:56] < huebi> cu esden
[13:19] -!- blindWorker [www-data@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux
[13:28] < blindWorker> ich sag ja gleich, stress zur mittagszeit kann net gut gehn
[13:44] < blindWorker> "Please do this and this and that"
[13:44] < blindWorker> "Sorry, but that's not MY job. Go bother someone else."
[13:44] < blindWorker> I love it if problems are as easy to solve as this :)
[14:05] -!- martin_ [~martin@pD9E78E83.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting")
[14:08] < tsa> re.
[14:13] < blindWorker> re tsa
[14:15] < tsa> hi blindWorker
[14:23] -!- tcr [~tobrit@p50813D60.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[14:30] -!- blindWorker [www-data@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has quit ("CGI:IRC 0.5 (EOF)")
[14:36] -!- blindWorker [www-data@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux
[14:38] < huebi> cu later
[14:58] -!- term_emu [~pm@p50819096.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[15:02] < praenti> re. endlich wieder internet ;-)
[15:03]   blindWorker currently reading RFCs
[15:04] < blindWorker> praenti: hehe, zeit wirds :D
[15:06] < praenti> blindWorker: bei uns in der fh war ab halb elf schluss. anscheind hats auch noch ein paar dsl anschlüsse ebenfalls mitgenommen, weil mein bruder heute vormittag auch nix von zu hause machen konnte
[15:07] < praenti> lt. telekom ein größerer leitungsfehler im großraum ingolstadt-münchen. ich glaub die haben ihren eigenen backbone zerlegt ;-)
[15:07] < blindWorker> *Lol*
[15:07] < blindWorker> naja, waere denen zumindest zuzutrauen :D
[15:07] < praenti> jep
[15:07] < blindWorker> naja, mia's wuascht, meine kiste kann i-net maessig derzeit eh nix machen
[15:08] < blindWorker> hab gestern abend nen badblocks check angeschmissen....
[15:08] < praenti> hmm...
[15:08] < blindWorker> heute morgen war er bei sagenhaften 5.5%
[15:08] -!- holyolli [~holyolli@p50869A8C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[15:09] < holyolli> moin
[15:09] < aszlig> re
[15:09] < aszlig> hullo holyolli
[15:09] < holyolli> hi aszlig
[15:09] < blindWorker> moin holyolli aszlig
[15:09] < holyolli> hi blindWorker
[15:09] < aszlig> re blindWorker
[15:09]   blindWorker kriegt am Wochenende ne Ultra 5 *freu*
[15:09] < aszlig> blindWorker: *grr*
[15:10] < aszlig> blindWorker: :)
[15:11] < snyke> grr
[15:11] < aszlig> blindWorker: acknowledge?
[15:13] < blindWorker> packet DROPped
[15:14] < aszlig> blindWorker: harm?
[15:14] < blindWorker> nmap -O blindWorker
[15:14] < blindWorker> Port: irc State: filtered
[15:14] < aszlig> blindWorker: ...
[15:14] < aszlig> blindWorker: k, then nm
[15:15] < aszlig> blindWorker: RST
[15:15] < blindWorker> Rest In Pieces
[15:16] < aszlig> blindWorker: grr, will cut you in pieces :P
[15:17] < blindWorker> Burn in my firewall, PACKET!!
[15:17] < rolla> re
[15:17] < aszlig> blindWorker: you meant packetfilter, eh?
[15:18] < blindWorker> Firewall sounds better :)
[15:18] < aszlig> blindWorker: k ;P
[15:18] < blindWorker> besides: what could "burn" in a "filter"?
[15:18] < blindWorker> It would just burn it's way though (have you ever thrown a burning coal against a Melitta?)
[15:19] < aszlig> blindWorker: rgh..
[15:20] < aszlig> blindWorker: that packet i've sent you did not discover ;)
[15:20] < aszlig> blindWorker: but layer 8 is usually too lazy...
[15:22] < aszlig> blindWorker: at the moment he is...
[15:22] < blindWorker> PEBKAC
[15:23] < aszlig> blindWorker: i know, thats layer 8 ;P
[15:24] < blindWorker> indeed
[15:25] < aszlig> blindWorker: now switch to query or i'll slab your C!
[15:38] < blindWorker> hmm
[15:38] -!- blindWorker [www-data@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has quit ("CGI:IRC 0.5")
[15:38] -!- blindWorker [www-data@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux
[15:39] < blindWorker> If there's one thing on this doomed planet that I really, absolutely, from the deepest depth of my herart, REALLY HATE
[15:39] < blindWorker> THEN IT'S SOME DAMN HTTP-PROXIES!!!!
[15:40] < aszlig> blindWorker: :P
[15:41] < blindWorker> don't :P me
[15:48] -!- blindWorker [www-data@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has quit ("CGI:IRC 0.5")
[15:48] -!- blindWorker [www-data@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux
[15:49] < blindWorker> see what I mean?
[15:49] < blindWorker> test test... one two three
[15:49] < blindWorker> DAMN IT
[15:50] < blindWorker> hmm... sloooo~w is no expression...
[15:54] < tcr> test failed
[15:54] < aszlig> hrm..
[15:54] < aszlig> i think so..
[15:56] < aszlig> /quit CGI:IRC 0.5
[15:56] < aszlig> expecting...
[15:56] < aszlig> hrm, better:
[15:57] < aszlig> QUIT :CGI:IRC 0.5
[15:57] < aszlig> blindWorker: die();
[15:58] < aszlig> pkill -u blindWorker
[15:58] < aszlig> oops ;)
[15:58] < aszlig> pkill -11 -u blindWorker
[15:59] < aszlig> OHH..
[15:59] < tcr> earth.germany.ass_of_world.blindworker->come_to_heaven = FALSE;
[15:59] -!- blindWorker [www-data@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has quit ("CGI:IRC 0.5")
[15:59] -!- blindWorker [www-data@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux
[15:59] < tcr> ;P
[16:00] < aszlig> as i expected :P
[16:02] < aszlig> IGNORE * FROM "rocklinux";
[16:03] < aszlig> hrm, maybe IGNORE should be added in postgresql ;)
[16:14] -!- tcr [~tobrit@p50813D60.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ho chresim eidos uch hoch poll eidos sphos")
[16:32] -!- Mike1 [~mike@] has joined #rocklinux
[16:32] < Mike1> moin all
[16:32] < blindWorker> moin mopin Mike1
[16:35] < rolla> re mike
[16:54] < blindWorker> going home
[16:54] -!- blindWorker [www-data@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has quit ("CGI:IRC 0.5")
[17:11] < Mike1> ftp://ftp.gnome.org/
[17:11] < Mike1> 0_o empty???????
[17:14] < rolla> hmm
[17:16] < rolla> not to me
[17:19] < Mike1> scheiße!!
[17:42] < [anders]> Mike1: try ftp://ftp.mirror.ac.uk/sites/ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome/ instead
[17:42] < [anders]> <- soon off home.. got company stuff to sort out.. :-/
[17:43] < Mike1> thanks master [anders]
[17:43] < Mike1> and hi btw
[17:44] < [anders]> hullo there Mike1
[17:44] < Mike1> [anders]: 550 Can't access /sites/ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome: No such file or directory
[17:44] < [anders]> argh.. going to have to send letter to agency tonight and tell them I will alter the contract I am under..
[17:45] < [anders]> Mike1: one moment, 'sites' is probably wrong..
[17:45] < [anders]> /sites/ftp.gnome.org/pub/GNOME
[17:46] < [anders]> gnome was in uppercase.. *sigh*
[17:46] < Mike1> arrg
[17:55] < th> yaahooooO!
[17:55] < th> bootable CD with hd-emulation and grub
[17:55] < th> 650MB space for kernels and initrds
[17:58] -!- holyolli [~holyolli@p50869A8C.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[18:01] < [anders]> th: we need that.. :)
[18:20] -!- litost [~stephen@ajc224-197.ajc.com] has joined #rocklinux
[18:40] -!- zer0_o [~zer0_o@pop-ls-14-3-2-dialup-45.freesurf.ch] has joined #rocklinux
[18:42] -!- zer0_o [~zer0_o@pop-ls-14-3-2-dialup-45.freesurf.ch] has quit (Client Quit)
[18:58] < tsa> cu
[18:58] -!- tsa [~tsa@rossini.marcant.net] has quit ("Client Exiting")
[19:39] -!- kob [~kob@line-76-244-zh1.tiscali.ch] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[20:15] -!- owl [~mail-spam@B54d8.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux
[20:15] < owl> hi
[20:15] < rolla> re owl
[20:15] < owl> hi rolla
[20:21]   rolla wants to throw a brick at WU for there dumb imap bullshit
[20:26] < rolla> grrrr
[20:59]   Mike1 is away: I'm busy
[21:10] -!- tsa [~tsa@pD9E116FA.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[21:10] < tsa> hi
[21:10] < huebi> moin ;-)
[21:10] < owl> sei gegruesst tsa
[21:11] < owl> tach huebi
[21:11] < huebi> hi owl
[21:11] < huebi> hi alltogether
[21:11] < tsa> hi owlita
[21:11] < tsa> huhu huebi
[21:12] < huebi> hi tsa
[21:16] < tsa> how's things?
[21:16] < tsa> got inet in your new office now?
[21:18] < huebi> fine. I wait for a 50" plasma screen for the multimedia server. It should come in the next 30 mins. nice resolution: 852x480. Needs a well configured ModeLine in XF86config.
[21:18] < tsa> 50" ????
[21:18] < tsa> Uh...
[21:19] -!- term_emu [~pm@p50819096.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("zz")
[21:19] < huebi> tsa: No, not yet. Perhaps I need to wait 2 weeks but yesterday I got 2 Dlink DWL-520+ PCI-WLAN cards
[21:20] < huebi> The tests will start at friday
[21:20] < tsa> nice
[21:22] < huebi> 50" - twice as big as an 21" CRT. XFree86 tuning is fun. But to find the right documentation is a mess...
[21:23] < tsa> hehe
[21:23] < tsa> sounds pretty expensive..
[21:23] < huebi> ~10.000 to 13.000 EUR I think
[21:24] < tsa> nice - who will pay this for you? *G*
[21:26] < huebi> tsa: Nobody. The customer wants to have it configured and I told him that he must bring it in to me for that job. Well.. best chance to test such hardware under Linux. *g*
[21:27] -!- tcr [~tobrit@pD9E493EF.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[21:27] < tcr> moin all
[21:27] < tsa> huebi: hehe...indeed.
[21:27] < huebi> hi tcr
[21:27] < tsa> what does the customer want to do with this machine? open a home cinema?
[21:28] < owl> tag tcr
[21:29] < tsa> hi tcr
[21:29] < fake> hi
[21:29] < huebi> tsa: No, the customer has an other customer who has a real cinema at home. The big screen is only needed as monitor for audio testing the mulimedia server.
[21:29] < huebi> moin fake
[21:29] < huebi> home = house with 50 rooms in munich
[21:30] < owl> tag fake
[21:30] < tsa> ah, i see.
[21:30] < huebi> Ok. The customer just called and told me that he will be here in 15 mins.
[21:30]   huebi goes back to the office.
[21:31] < huebi> cu. perhaps later or tomorrow.
[21:31] < huebi> wech....
[21:31] < fake> have fun!
[21:31] < huebi> fake: thx
[21:31] < owl> cu huebi
[21:33]   owl leaves you now
[21:33] < owl> *yawning* gn8. cu
[21:33] < tsa> owl: a date with blindcoder?
[21:33] < tsa> ;-)
[21:33] < tsa> have fun, then.
[21:33] < owl> tsa: a date with my pillos
[21:34] < owl> s/pillos/pillow
[21:34] < tsa> pillos?
[21:34] < tsa> ah.
[21:34] < tsa> hm.
[21:34] < owl> ok. i'm off. ciao
[21:34] < fake> masturbation is not very girlish
[21:34] < owl> fake: i don't do it. i just sleep. i'm ill.
[21:34] < fake> at least not with a pillow... err... yes.
[21:35] < tsa> fake: owl is lying.
[21:35] < owl> fake: *g* where do you know it from?
[21:35] < owl> tsa: i would never do
[21:35] < owl> and now - finally - off!
[21:35] < tsa> owl: who knows...
[21:35] < fake> tsa: i know. after all, she is - at least partly - female.
[21:35] -!- owl [~mail-spam@B54d8.pppool.de] has quit ("Client Exiting")
[21:35] < tsa> fake: hm...i didn't verify that.
[21:35] < tsa> did you?
[21:35] < tsa> ;)
[21:36] < fake> if she'd be not, i'd be ashamed
[21:36] < fake> <- has to monitor his level of sarcasm
[21:36] < tcr> she definely is -- she's silly as only women could be ;P
[21:37] < tcr> ``silly''
[21:37] < fake> well, i din't want to say it _that_ way... well i did want to, but i was to afraid the only beautiful and intelligent female being on this planet could this instant read what i write and hate me forever.
[21:39]   fake kicking debian's bison 1.5 to hell
[21:39] -!- Mike2 [~mike@mail.costarica.net] has joined #rocklinux
[21:39] < rolla> :)
[21:40] < fake> hi Mike2!
[21:41] < Mike2> hi @fake
[21:42] < aszlig> hi fake
[21:43] < Mike2> exi
[21:43] -!- Mike2 [~mike@mail.costarica.net] has quit (Client Quit)
[21:45]   rolla is kicking php dumb ass
[21:48] < fake> KICK HARDER
[21:52] < rolla> I wish I could
[21:54]   fake loves bash
[21:54] < fake> fake + bash = *heart*
[21:56]   tsa loves bashing fake *ggg*
[21:56] < tsa> *giggle*
[21:57] < aszlig> harm..
[21:57] < fake> :P
[21:57] -!- neron [~mnemoc@victoria.innernet.cl] has joined #rocklinux
[21:57] -!- neron is now known as mnemoc
[21:58] < aszlig> does anybody know the freq of the koy-lock "feature" in wingdoof (the fscking squeak at the end)?
[21:58] < aszlig> cause im programming a daemon for bl
[21:59] < aszlig> using the same squeaks..
[21:59] < aszlig> hrhr
[21:59] < fake> aszlig: _what_ do you exactly talk about?
[21:59] < fake> "the freq of the koy-lock 'feature'" ?
[22:02]   fake still has the damn asconfig.texi-symlink-problem in binutils...
[22:12]   fake -> watching andromeda. bye!
[22:12] < aszlig> gnu8 fake
[22:23] -!- tcr [~tobrit@pD9E493EF.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("gn8 all")
[22:30] < mnemoc> anyone here can commit to 1.7?
[22:30] < mnemoc> hi ;D
[22:33] < tsa> sure.
[22:33] < tsa> everyone can. just send a patch to the list.
[22:34] < Mike1> re
[22:34] < tsa> (or to the maintainer, if you want to fix a specific package)
[22:34] < Mike1> tsa: i think he means cvs write access
[22:34] < tsa> hola Mike1!
[22:35] < tsa> Mike1: ah, i see.. 1.7 cvs only exists on clifford's box and it's never been reachable via network.
[22:35] < Mike1> como estas hoy Sebastian?
[22:35] < tsa> Mike1: ah, muy bien. y tu? como has estado?
[22:35] < Mike1> mas o menos,
[22:36] < tsa> all maintainers just send diff's to clifford and he applies and applies and .. ;-)
[22:36] < tsa> que paso?
[22:39] < tsa> huebi: hm....weren't you working for db-ig.com ?
[22:39] < tsa> huebi: ping.
[22:40]   Mike1 PING -F huebi
[22:43] < tsa> huebi: ping.
[22:43]   tsa slaps huebi around with a large UN*X manual....ouch, that hurts
[22:43] < Mike1> huebi *ping* *ping* *ping* *ping* *ping* *ping*
[22:44] < Mike1> tsa: use the Linux Bible :)
[22:44] < tsa> Mike1: we could make him eat a glibc reference manual ;)
[22:45] < Mike1> :P
[22:48] < Mike1> is the smtp and imap server properly configured on the jawmail?
[22:52] < mnemoc> back
[22:53] < mnemoc> /target/bootdisk/preconfig.in is damaged but i don't have time right now to patch it
[22:54] < mnemoc> ./script/Config doesn't work...
[22:54] < mnemoc> if anyone can send the package i'll be really glad
[22:54] < mnemoc> thats all
[22:54] < mnemoc> thanks
[22:54] < mnemoc> gotta go.... bye =[
[22:54] -!- mnemoc [~mnemoc@victoria.innernet.cl] has quit ("Leaving")
[23:05] -!- d3mian_ is now known as d3mian
[23:06] < d3mian> hi all
[23:09]   Mike1 is still waiting for d3mian to come pick up his cd's as he said
[23:09] < d3mian> :p
[23:09] < d3mian> im very busy
[23:09]   Mike1 pissed off
[23:09] < d3mian> i jast had a test!
[23:09] < d3mian> jast/just
[23:10]   Mike1 will sent the cds "flying" all the way to cartago
[23:10] < Mike1> *G*
[23:10] < d3mian> it iwas so easy!, but no enough time for finish it all, so i think ill get a 60 grade or better :(
[23:10] < d3mian> Mike1: :(
[23:11] < d3mian> keep them there!, im sure im free the friday!
[23:11] < litost> hi guys
[23:11] < d3mian> i need to finish the ALU first
[23:11] < Mike1> litost: hi!
[23:11] < Mike1> d3mian: /me is going to canada for a few days
[23:11] < d3mian> hi litost
[23:11] < litost> What's the good word :)
[23:11] < d3mian> wtf ?
[23:11] < litost> haha...good enough for me
[23:12] < d3mian> what is ur ass going to do over there ?
[23:12] < Mike1> d3mian: crnet is opening a new office in canada i will have to take care of some cisco and networking stuff
[23:12] < litost> Mike1: wherebouts?  I visited Toronto once and *loved* it
[23:12] < d3mian> i see
[23:12] < Mike1> litost: i am going to ontario
[23:12] < d3mian> i dunt like cold places
[23:12] < d3mian> nahh
[23:13] < litost> Mike1:  I've heard good things about Ontario as well
[23:13]   Mike1 loves cool places
[23:13] < Mike1> right time for snowboarding and mountain bike down hilling :)
[23:13] < Mike1> cold places even
[23:13] < litost> i went to a place in toronto called Playdium that had 3 floors of virtual reality games and bars at the back of each floor
[23:14] < d3mian> i prefer costa rica! a sunny and hot place ;-).. no need to go those northern countries
[23:14] < Mike1> i've heard you will marry a bavarian, you should begging to love cold
[23:15]   rolla wants to kill php
[23:15]   Mike1 ROTL
[23:15] < d3mian> aeh ? a bavarian? what is that?
[23:15] < Mike1> rolla: take it easy
[23:15] < Mike1> ask Freak define bavarian for you
[23:16] < d3mian> Freak: what is bavarian ?
[23:16] < rolla> this thing is crap
[23:16] < d3mian> there is a beer with a name similar to 'bavarian' , it is cool! ;-)
[23:17] < litost> Freak:  #define bavarian   \
[23:17] < Freak> heh
[23:17] < Freak> bavarian?
[23:18] < Freak> bavarian [bava'rian]: see owl
[23:18]   Mike1 hides
[23:19] < d3mian> ask to owl ?
[23:19] < Mike1> d3mian: owl -eq bavarian
[23:19] < d3mian> why own ?
[23:19] < litost> too much indirection for me
[23:19] < d3mian> owl
[23:19]   d3mian confused
[23:20] < Mike1> it will coem to you
[23:20]   Mike1 hides
[23:20] < d3mian> i got it now!
[23:20] < d3mian> hehe
[23:20]   Mike1 runs
[23:21] < d3mian> owl belongs to blincoder afaik
[23:21] < Mike1> d3mian: owl != the only bavarian you know
[23:21]   litost scratches his head
[23:21] < Mike1> litost: read the query
[23:22] < tsa> cu all
[23:22] < Mike1> cu tsa
[23:22] -!- tsa [~tsa@pD9E116FA.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting")
[23:22]   d3mian dunt know the people he seems to know
[23:22]   d3mian more confused
[23:22] < d3mian> which other bavarians i know ?
[23:22] < Mike1> i know geil people from augsburg
[23:23] < Mike1> *g
[23:23] < Freak> bavarian [bava'rian]: beer drinking conservatives from south-eastern germany / see owl
[23:23] < Freak> löl ;)
[23:23] < d3mian> i see :)
[23:23] < litost> on that note, it's time for me to go to school
[23:24] < Freak> sweet
[23:24] < Freak> it's 11pm here
[23:24] < litost> have a good day/evening (v:
[23:24] < Mike1> n8 litost
[23:24] -!- litost [~stephen@ajc224-197.ajc.com] has quit ("school")
[23:24] < Freak> school != bed (?!)
[23:25] < Mike1> Freak: only for some of us :)
[23:25] < Freak> she drives me crazeh'
[23:26] < Freak> like no one ehelse
[23:26] < d3mian> who ? owl ?
[23:26] < Freak> just singin
[23:26] < Freak> dont always take everything I say as something considering that bavarian girl
[23:26] < Freak> bavarian [bava'rian]: beer drinking, stinking conservatives from south-eastern germany / see owl
[23:28] < d3mian> seems owl is very requested here, in a full men channel :p
[23:28] < Freak> in a full men internet.
[23:28] < Freak> (=
[23:29] < d3mian> hehe
[23:33] < d3mian> have to finish an ALU, cya later
[23:46] < kasc> moin
[23:52] < th> wo bestellt man sich ne trommel CAT5 kabel?
[23:54] < Freak> where does one order oneself ne drum CAT5 cable?
[23:54] < Freak> (=
[23:54] < Freak> scnr
[23:54] < th> ;>
[23:55] < Freak> was just trying babelfish
[23:55] < Freak> :)
[23:55] < d3mian> re, it's raining :(
[23:55] -!- Mike1 [~mike@] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
-!- Irrsi  Log closed Thu Oct 17 00:00:23 2002