-!- Irrsi  Log opened Mon Oct 28 00:00:16 2002
[00:47] -!- term_emu [~pm@pD958B5F3.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[00:55] -!- hackbard [~hackbard@pD9523224.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving")
[00:57] -!- term_emu [~pm@pD958B950.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[01:03] < tsa> n8
[01:03] -!- tsa [~tsa@p5082A996.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting")
[01:08] -!- paperclip [~joe@ip68-11-78-14.no.no.cox.net] has quit ("testing a new kernel...")
[01:23] -!- bluefire [bluefire@p50817216.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving")
[02:36] < d3mian> re
[04:36] -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-173-252.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[04:53] -!- term_emu [~pm@pD958B950.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting")
[05:02] -!- d3mian [~demian@] has quit ("Changing server")
[05:02] -!- d3mian [~demian@] has joined #rocklinux
[05:32] -!- d3mian [~demian@] has quit ("Changing server")
[05:32] -!- d3mian [~demian@] has joined #rocklinux
[07:18] -!- kasc [~shaman@p5090B61D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[07:19] < kasc> moin
[07:19] < d3mian> kasc: hi
[08:33] < blindcoder> moin
[09:34] -!- tsa [~tsa@sec-01.bi.devcon.net] has joined #rocklinux
[09:34] < tsa> moin.
[11:23] < praenti> blindcoder: hast du bei deinen binutils auch was umschreiben müssen. bekomme nämlich
[11:24] < praenti> !> cp: cannot create regular file `/usr/doc/binutils/asconf ..
[11:24] < praenti> !> `./objdir/gas/doc/gasver.texi' -> `/usr/doc/binutils/gas ..
[11:24] < praenti> -> $root/var/adm/logs/2-binutils.out -> 2-binutils.err
[11:24] < praenti> == 10/28/02 11:09:40 =[2]=> Aborted building package binutils.
[11:27] < blindcoder> hmm
[11:27] < blindcoder> eigentlich nicht...
[11:27] < blindcoder> binutils.4 oder .10?
[11:27] < blindcoder> fuer x86 oder cross?
[11:28] < blindcoder> aber fuer mich sieht das galsklar nach einem Rechte-Problem aus
[11:28] < blindcoder> are you root?
[11:29] < praenti> klar bin ich root
[11:30] < blindcoder> df -h ?
[11:30] < praenti> könnte allerdings sein, dass das bei generic target passiert. hab keine prozessoroptimierung angegegeben, soweit ich gesehen hab. muss also sowieso nochmal von vorne anfangen
[11:30] < praenti> 6.1G frei ;-)
[11:30] < blindcoder> also beim cross-build fuer sparc64 hab ich keine probleme
[11:30] < blindcoder> binutils x.10 halt
[11:31] < blindcoder> existiert das verzeichnis wo ers hinkopieren will?
[11:31] < praenti> `./objdir/gas/doc/asconfig.texi' -> `/usr/doc/binutils/asconfig.texi'
[11:31] < praenti> cp: cannot create regular file `/usr/doc/binutils/asconfig.texi': No such file or directory
[11:31] < blindcoder> ls -l /usr/doc | grep binutils
[11:31] < praenti> ich glaub ich habs problem. wo steht eigfentlich das mit dem kopieren. im conf is nix
[11:31] < blindcoder> Makefile ?
[11:32] < blindcoder> oder vielleicht build documentation?
[11:32] < praenti> sieht mir aber nicht nach makefile cp aus
[11:32] < blindcoder> praenti: weisst du ob der gcc3 den gcc2 ueberhaupt compilen kann?
[11:32] < blindcoder> stimmt, Makefile verwendet fuer gewoehnlich install
[11:32] < blindcoder> also schaetzungsweise ROCK
[11:32] < praenti> blindcoder: hat bei mir grad eben funktioniert
[11:33] < blindcoder> vermutlich Build documentation automatically (oder so aehnlich wars)
[11:33] < praenti> den gcc2 mit gcc3 zu kompilieren mein ich
[11:33] < blindcoder> hmm... dannliegts vermutlich an sparc64
[11:33] < blindcoder> ich krieg naemlich nen Fehler (too many parameters)
[11:33] < blindcoder> und _par1_ makes pointer from integer without a cast
[11:33] < blindcoder> und _par2_ makes integer from pointer without a cast
[11:33] < blindcoder> sieht nach nem parameter-dreher aus
[11:35] < praenti> klingt zumindest so
[11:35] < blindcoder> naja, nehmen wir gcc2 halt erstmal raus
[11:35] < praenti> ich start mal meinen compile nochmal von vorn
[11:36] < blindcoder> mit glibc2.3.1 funktioniert uebrigens das dynamic linking auf sparc64 einwandfrei :)
[11:37] < praenti> blindcoder: was meinst du soll ich auch die glibc 2.3.1 bei meinem build benutzen?
[11:37] < blindcoder> auf jeden fall
[11:37] < blindcoder> 2.2.5 wird auf dauer verschwinden
[11:37] < blindcoder> also wuerde ich jetzt schon mal mich mit 2.3.1 anfreunden
[11:38] < blindcoder> ich will jetzt erstmal nen vollstaendigen build auf sparc64 machen und dann auch auf meiner hauptkiste 1.7 draufklatschen
[11:38] < blindcoder> und ich werde auf jeden fall 2.3.1 hernehmen
[11:38] < praenti> ok. ich start nochmal. diesmal mit p3 opti und glibc 2.3.1
[11:39] < praenti> und mehr debug infos
[11:39] < blindcoder> == Probleme gehabt
[11:39] < blindcoder> 2.3.1 == probleme geloest
[11:39] < blindcoder> ==> 2.3.1 verwenden
[11:39] < blindcoder> ops... 2.2.5 sollte das natuerlich sein :)
[11:40] < praenti> so. hab wieder vorlesung
[11:40] < praenti> thx.
[11:41] < blindcoder> viel spass
[11:43]   blindcoder going back to work
[11:52] < snyke> blindcoder: ?
[13:09] < tsa> ..und wech
[13:09] -!- tsa [~tsa@sec-01.bi.devcon.net] has quit ("wech.")
[13:12] -!- blindcod1r [~blindcode@p508018E4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[13:30] -!- blindcoder [~blindcode@p50801E9F.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[13:40] -!- blindcod1r is now known as blindcoder
[13:40] < blindcoder> hi hi and rehi
[13:48] -!- term_emu [~pm@pD958B950.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[14:17] < blindcoder> hi term_emu
[14:18] < term_emu> hio blindcoder
[14:18] < term_emu> hi all
[14:41] < blindcoder> sorry, I'm a little jumpy today :)
[14:58] < blindcoder> back to work
[15:05] < rolla> re
[15:07] -!- Freak [freak@pD9E39F2E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[15:08] -!- Freak [freak@pD9E39F2E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[15:08]   blindcoder back
[15:08] < blindcoder> too bored to work
[15:09] -!- Freak [freak@pD9E39F2E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[15:12] < blindcoder> hi Freak
[15:12] < Freak> wheeheee
[15:15] < blindcoder> Freak: what's up?
[15:19]   blindcoder currently running two builds in parallel
[15:19] < blindcoder> damn I'm bored.. bored... boooooooooooored
[15:19] < Freak> heh
[15:19] < Freak> sorry I'm the wrong man to entertain you now, gtg to bed
[15:20] < blindcoder> BED???
[15:20] < blindcoder> *argh*
[15:20]   blindcoder wants to go to bed, too >_<
[15:20] < Freak> hey I stood up 5:40
[15:20] < Freak> yea. right.
[15:20] < Freak> stood up.
[15:20] < Freak> fuck that.
[15:20] < blindcoder> me at 05:15
[15:21] < Freak> ok guys it's "got up", there's no such thing as standing up in english
[15:21] < Freak> but I'm fn tired
[15:21] < Freak> worked 7,5h
[15:21] < blindcoder> Okay, I'm still @ work... but after 7 hours of work correct english doesn't matter anymore :)
[15:22] -!- zer0_o [~zer0_o@pop-be-3-2-dialup-51.freesurf.ch] has joined #rocklinux
[15:22] < Freak> thankee.
[15:22] < Freak> you saved my world today.
[15:22] < [regex]> are
[15:22] < Freak> r
[15:22] < [regex]> heya d00ds
[15:22] < blindcoder> hehe, no problem @Freak
[15:23] < Freak> gtg to bed naw.
[15:23] < Freak> byebye
[15:23] < blindcoder> oysumi
[15:23] < blindcoder> oyasumi
[15:24]   blindcoder can't type anymore >_<
[15:32] -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux
[15:32] < Mike1> moin
[15:32] < rolla> re Mike1
[15:32] < Mike1> hi rolla! :) how was your weekend?
[15:32] < rolla> okay I almost bought a 99 M3
[15:43] < blindcoder> still boring...
[15:43] < blindcoder> hi Mike1
[15:44] < rolla> what is still boring ?
[15:45] < blindcoder> work
[15:45] < blindcoder> I just have no motivation to clean up some crappy perl-code
[15:46] < blindcoder> so I just try to make a few packages cross-compile to sparc64 :)
[15:46] < rolla> yeah that I understand
[15:47] < blindcoder> hehe
[15:47] < blindcoder> maybe I'm more motivated with a linux-workstation tomorrow... that's the definite "Termin" at which I'll get it :D
[15:47] < blindcoder> and a 24" 16:9 Sun-Monitor :D
[15:48] < rolla> cool
[15:50] < blindcoder> Still one hour to go until I can go home...
[15:50] < rolla> I still have 8 hours
[15:51] < blindcoder> so you just started  :)
[15:51] < rolla> yes but still very tired
[15:51]   Mike1 is too busy to get bored and just started work as well
[15:52] < Mike1> huebi: awake?
[15:52] < rolla> jj;)
[15:52] < rolla> Mike1 I also think I am sick so that is not helping
[15:53] < Mike1> rolla: ah well a friend of the familly was killed this weekend so as you can imagine i couldnt get much sleep
[15:54] < rolla> that is awful
[15:54] < rolla> I am sorry
[15:54] < Mike1> yeah thx
[15:56]   Mike1 preparing package list of gnome2.1 for huebi ...
[15:57]   Mike1 also getting ready packages of 1.5 base+opt+ext to get clifford upload them to the master mirror
[15:58] < blindcoder> Mike1: that means finally no more broken DL-Locations for 1.5.x?
[15:58] < Mike1> blindcoder: ack
[15:58] < blindcoder> sw33t
[15:59] < blindcoder> that's a good start into the week
[15:59] < Mike1> blindcoder: or at least we will the best we can to keep the mirrors updated :)
[15:59] < blindcoder> cliffi applied my patch, ROCK x-compiles to sparc64, 1.5 no longer has broken DL-Locations...
[15:59] < blindcoder> Mike1: that's the best one can expect :)
[15:59] < blindcoder> and this week only has 4 working days :)
[16:00] < Mike1> "ROCK x-compiles to sparc64"<----- 1.7???
[16:00] < blindcoder> yes
[16:01] < Mike1> ah ok
[16:01] < blindcoder> taking out 4 or 5 packages
[16:01] < Mike1> :)
[16:01] < blindcoder> see my mail to rock-ports
[16:02] < Mike1> when did you sent it?
[16:02] < blindcoder> today, maybe one or two hours ago
[16:02] < Mike1> ok i will in a moment :)
[16:03] < blindcoder> Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2002 13:37:57 +0100
[16:03] < blindcoder> rolla: already got the tarball?
[16:03] < Mike1> Mon Oct 28 9:10:29 CST 2002
[16:03] < rolla> nope my wget died
[16:04] < Mike1> :P
[16:04] < blindcoder> rather: blindcoders connection died :)
[16:04] < blindcoder> Mike1: damn those timezones :)
[16:04]   blindcoder switching to Internet Standard Time :)
[16:04] < rolla> ah
[16:05] < rolla> what was the URL again
[16:05] < blindcoder> mom
[16:05] < blindcoder> https://scavenger.homeip.net/sparc64_nfs_root.tar.bz2
[16:05] < blindcoder> my webserver supports 206 - Partial Content
[16:05] < blindcoder> so a wget -c should do the trick
[16:06] < rolla> thanks
[16:09] < blindcoder> huebi is leet :)
[16:09] < blindcoder> huebi knew the right word, and said "linux" 1337 times
[16:09] < blindcoder> (according to esdens ircstats)
[16:11] < Mike1> mmm... my check out to cvs is getting stuck at some uml stuff
[16:12] < blindcoder> hmm... my checkout a few hours ago went just fine
[16:12] < Mike1> U rock-1.5/subdists/user-mode-linux/syscon/syscon.pl
[16:12] < Mike1> it stucks there for me
[16:13] < Mike1> doesnt brake and doesnt move just stays there
[16:14] < blindcoder> oh 1.5... haven't co'ed that in weeks
[16:15] < Mike1> lol
[16:15] < Mike1> i see
[16:15] < blindcoder> but I can give it a try
[16:15] < blindcoder> crazyhorse:/usr/src/rock-1.5$ cvs up -Pd
[16:18] < blindcoder> hmmm
[16:18] < blindcoder> is it bad if ~200 lines start with a ?
[16:18] < blindcoder> a literal '?'
[16:19] < blindcoder> cvs server: Updating subdists/user-mode-linux
[16:19] < blindcoder> P subdists/user-mode-linux/user-mode-linux.pz
[16:19] < blindcoder> cvs server: Updating subdists/user-mode-linux/kernel
[16:19] < blindcoder> cvs server: Updating subdists/user-mode-linux/syscon
[16:19] < blindcoder> crazyhorse:/usr/src/rock-1.5$
[16:19] < blindcoder> works just fine
[16:20] < Mike1> weird
[16:23]   blindcoder now playing a few rounds of nethack
[16:31] -!- Netsplit calvino.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: snyke, Mike1, term_emu, th, blindcoder, SMP, rolla
[16:31] -!- Netsplit over, joins: Mike1, term_emu, blindcoder, rolla, th, snyke, SMP
[16:31] < Mike1> argg i hate netsplits
[16:34] < d3mian> Mike1: typical OPN
[16:34] < d3mian> re
[16:34] < Mike1> Hola como estas?
[16:34] < d3mian> tons k!, di ahi ahi
[16:34] < d3mian> aun agitando la cabeza!
[16:34] < d3mian> u ud ?
[16:35] < Mike1> agitando?
[16:35] < Mike1> yo bien gracias poniendole tengo muchas cosas que hacer con rock
[16:35] < d3mian> :/... es decir... aun viva y en funcionamiento :)
[16:35] < d3mian> oh
[16:35] < Mike1> y estoy resagado
[16:35] < Mike1> viva?
[16:36] < Mike1> OMG
[16:36] < d3mian> the yesterday released cvs gcc gave me some probs :(
[16:36] < d3mian> libstdc++-libc is not building :(
[16:36] < d3mian> pero esta bien, es solucionable
[16:37] < Mike1> you and frank are insane using cvs version of gcc
[16:38] < Mike1> esta semana incluyo el soporte en espanol para rock
[16:38] < d3mian> esta bien, solo hay que ponerse al dia con los parches..
[16:38] < d3mian> pero..
[16:38] < Mike1> d3mian: mae vos solo remiendo con eso monton de parches :PP
[16:38] < d3mian> en los menu's y todo eso ?
[16:39] < Mike1> d3mian: sip
[16:39] < d3mian> umm. bien
[16:39] < Mike1> empezare con 1.5 porque ya esta casi terminado pero mi trabajo continuara en 1.7
[16:39] < d3mian> que hay de la instalacion de la red en una escuela de por aca ?
[16:39] < Mike1> Elkin Botero casi termina la traduccion del ROCK Guide version 2
[16:40] < Mike1> d3mian: tengo que llamar a la encargada en la escuela en un ratito
[16:40] < d3mian> quien es elkin no se diantres ?
[16:41] < d3mian> Mike1: yo tengo algunos amigos que podrian ayudar
[16:41] < Mike1> Elkin = CyBuX
[16:41] < Mike1> d3mian: que amigos?
[16:42] < d3mian> ahh. unos amigos que quieren que les ensene cosas. ya usan ROCK :p
[16:43] < Mike1> cool
[16:43] < Mike1> asi que ya ahora tienes discipulos ? :)
[16:45] < d3mian> LoL, algo asi master
[16:45] < Mike1> tu eres master yo estoy muy lejos de eso
[16:46] < Mike1> :)
[16:46] < d3mian> aeh ? por favor .. ten autoestima!
[16:46] < d3mian> :p
[16:46] < Mike1> la tengo
[16:47] < Mike1> cuando sea almenos como Clifford o Andreas Huebner si lo sere :)
[16:47] < d3mian> usare sys/stat.h para el flist
[16:47] < d3mian> hehe
[16:48] < d3mian> ok. al menos a mi no me gusta decir que ellos son mejores que mi.. me sentiria mal conmigo mismo por eso  :p
[16:48] < d3mian> tuve un tiempo en que fui bastante conocido por ser orgulloso
[16:49] < Mike1> hehe
[16:49] < d3mian> mas bien, digamos que todo lo que hacia se basaba en el orgullo. pero ahora ya cambio mas
[16:49] < Mike1> yo no me siento con la auto estima baja
[16:49] < Mike1> como eres ahora amigo mio
[16:49] < Mike1> >
[16:49] < Mike1> ?
[16:50] < blindcoder> aahh.... ten minutes to go :)
[16:50] < esden> hi all
[16:50]   esden needs fake
[16:50] < blindcoder> hi esden
[16:50] < blindcoder> I'll see him in an hour
[16:50] < d3mian> Mike1: suprimido de lo que pienso. me oculto pensamientos pasados con tal de get better
[16:50]   Mike1 imagines blindcoder staring at the clock counting every second ...
[16:51] < Mike1> hi esdy
[16:51] < blindcoder> Mike1: I need a webcam so you all have something to laugh about :)
[16:51] < Mike1> lol
[16:51] < Mike1> d3mian: solo aprende de los que te pueden ensenar :)
[16:51] < Mike1> y se igual con todo mundo
[16:52] < Mike1> las personas que saben y son humildas son las mejores :)
[16:53] < d3mian> Mike1: pero. hay cosas en mi que no cambian. no es que tenga nada en contra de CW y los de arriba, sino que el no aceptar que sean mejores que yo me hace crecer mas rapido
[16:53] < Mike1> d3mian: no son mejores que vos o que yo
[16:54] < Mike1> solo tienen un poco mas de experiencia
[16:54] < Mike1> pero esa no es una barrera que no se pueda derribar
[16:54] < Mike1> solo es algo temporal :)
[16:54] < d3mian> ok
[16:54] < d3mian> cuestion de tiempo  hehe
[16:54] < d3mian> hi esden , blindcoder
[16:55] < Mike1> d3mian: correcto ten paciencia y aprende :)_
[16:55] < d3mian> como estuvo la reunion con los jovenes de la iglesia.. no sabia que estabas en un grupo de estos.
[16:55] < blindcoder> hi d3mian
[16:55] < Mike1> d3mian: soy lider del grupo de jovenes de mi iglesia :)
[16:56] < Mike1> d3mian: estuvo genial la verdad que la pasamos muy bien
[16:56] < d3mian> Mike1: que iglesia ?
[16:56] < d3mian> son convivencias o algo asi ?
[16:57] < Mike1> d3mian: soy cristiano
[16:57] < esden> cu all
[16:57] < Mike1> no convivencias sino que los sabados nos reunimos en la iglesia y ramos leemos la biblia
[16:57] < Mike1> cu esdy
[16:58] < Mike1> s/ramos/oramos
[16:58]   blindcoder now going home
[16:58] < blindcoder> bye
[16:58] < Mike1> cu blindcoder
[16:58] < Mike1> d3mian: en si hacemos dinamicas y cosas en las que la pasamos muy bien
[16:58] < Mike1> hace poco nos fuimos 3 dias de campamento
[16:59] < Mike1> con otra iglesia pero solo jovenes
[16:59] < Mike1> eramos mas de 100
[17:00] < Mike1> la gente de la otra iglesia lleva todo los instrumentos musicales y los pusimos en el gimnasio del lugar donde estabamos ahi me rajo tocando la guitarra electrica :); despues de muchas lunas de no tocar aun no se me olvida
[17:02] < d3mian> cya esden , have a nice day
[17:02] < d3mian> ya veo
[17:02] < d3mian> Mike1: conoces knoppix ?
[17:02] < Mike1> maso que paso en eso?
[17:03] < d3mian> Mike1: es que me agrada. www.knopper.com creo que es un link de la gente que lo hace
[17:03] < d3mian> fueron a LinuxTag
[17:03] < d3mian> alemanes
[17:03] < Mike1> nice
[17:03] < d3mian> tienen targets readonly
[17:03] < Mike1> yo ahora estoy jugando con midori
[17:04] < d3mian> es lo que pretendia hacer con Voran :(
[17:04] < Mike1> https://midori.transmeta.com
[17:04] < d3mian> pensaba que mi idea era unica! :(
[17:04] < Mike1> no te desanimes
[17:04] < Mike1> haslo
[17:04] < d3mian> brb
[17:07] < d3mian> suena bien
[17:07] < d3mian> hacer una distro readonly lleva un toke de complejidad en el hecho de que necesitas suficiente memoria
[17:08] < d3mian> podria hacer algo como..:
[17:08] < Mike1> d3mian: basate en midori para aprender
[17:08] < Mike1> :)
[17:09] < d3mian> for i in `/dev/discs/disc*/disc` ; do /sbin/fdisk -l | grep swap ; done
[17:09] < d3mian> para activar un swap.. aunque con proc seria como..
[17:10] < d3mian> ahh no!, con proc no se puede :p
[17:11] < d3mian> esta es la manera como estoy haciendo para el reconocimientos de sistemas de archivos
[17:11] < Mike1> ok
[17:11] < d3mian> lo dificil.. es hacer un target desktop con X y hacer que se use una configuracion generica y encontrar el driver correcto para la tarjeta de video :/
[17:11] < Mike1> espera debo hacer script en perl para algo ya casi vengo
[17:12] < d3mian> ok
[17:33] -!- bluefire [bluefire@p508176D1.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[17:53]   rolla goes to beat his head on the wall
[17:54] < d3mian> have fun
[17:54] -!- zer0_o [~zer0_o@pop-be-3-2-dialup-51.freesurf.ch] has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
[18:15] -!- Netsplit calvino.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: [anders]_, ichilton_, kasc, huebi, Freak, d3mian
[18:15] -!- Netsplit over, joins: Freak, kasc, d3mian, huebi, ichilton_, [anders]_
[18:31] -!- paperclip [~joe@ip68-11-78-14.no.no.cox.net] has joined #rocklinux
[18:35] -!- s0ck [~s0ck@host62-6-90-106.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has joined #rocklinux
[18:43] -!- s0ck [~s0ck@host62-6-90-106.in-addr.btopenworld.com] has quit ("quit")
[18:47] -!- zer0_o [~zer0_o@pop-be-3-2-dialup-51.freesurf.ch] has joined #rocklinux
[19:14] < blindcoder> hi hi and rehi
[19:15] < d3mian> re again blindcoder
[19:19] -!- Freak [freak@pD9E39F2E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client excited")
[19:20] < blindcoder> re d3mian
[19:20]   blindcoder now finally at home
[19:34] < Mike1> blindcoder: get back to work!
[19:34] < Mike1> :P
[19:34] < blindcoder> Mike1: 4get it!
[19:34] < blindcoder> not before tomorrow morning
[19:34] < Mike1> :)
[19:34] < blindcoder> I will do some ROCK Stuf if you're lucky :D
[19:35] < Mike1> thats my idea about "work"
[19:35] -!- capchaos [capchaos@pD9048430.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[19:36] < d3mian> strace rulez!!
[19:36] < capchaos> hi
[19:36] < blindcoder> Mike1: hehe :)
[19:36] < blindcoder> hi capchaos
[19:36] < blindcoder> d3mian: ???
[19:38] < d3mian> a C aplicatiion here with suid uses a nanosleep call, during this time this creates a swap file writeable by u, and after this time it erase it. a strong attack will cause u get funny things
[19:39] < d3mian> ive finished, cya latah
[19:43]   Mike1 working around install shell and install menu, we will include spanish international support :)
[19:43] < blindcoder> good luck :)
[19:44] < Mike1> blindcoder: docs and several other stuff is ready but now i need to do some few things we will see :)
[19:44] < blindcoder> *d'ouh* *d'ouh* *d'ouh*
[19:45] < Mike1> blindcoder: ok i got all the ext archive of 1.5 ready for the master mirror, also opt i am missing just a few base packages :)
[19:45] < blindcoder> Looking through esden's gallery on rocklinux.org/people/esden/gallery I feel like a kid >_<
[19:45] < blindcoder> NOw I thought I found someone younger than me but must realize that Mike1 is indeed ONE FSCKING DAY OLDER THAN ME!
[19:47] < Mike1> blindcoder: 0_o
[19:47] < Mike1> blindcoder: ur b-day is 08/19/81??
[19:48] < blindcoder> 21
[19:48] < blindcoder> 08/21/81
[19:48] < d3mian> who is the yougest ROCK devel ?
[19:48] < Mike1> blindy and i think
[19:48] < Mike1> :)
[19:48] < blindcoder> d3mian: esden wants to put me on his gallery and according to that _I_ am
[19:48] < blindcoder> with one day younger than Mike1
[19:49] < d3mian> blindcoder: ur old!, 21 years is old
[19:49] < d3mian> hehe
[19:49] < blindcoder> thanks >_<
[19:49] -!- tsa [~tsa@p5082B153.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[19:49] < Mike1> d3mian: thanks _kid_
[19:49] < Mike1> hi tsa
[19:49] < tsa> hi
[19:49]   blindcoder should stop coding... looking into a monitor in my age can cause havoc to health
[19:49]   d3mian ask himself what can he learn else while reach the blindcoder and Mike1's age
[19:49] < d3mian> tsa: hi
[19:50] < tsa> hi Mike1
[19:50] < tsa> hi d3mian
[19:50] < Mike1> d3mian: lots of things :)
[19:50] < d3mian> and who is the youger of people who come here ?
[19:50] < d3mian> youngest*
[19:51] < Mike1> d3mian: i think is ceduardo 13 years old
[19:51] < Mike1> or 14 dont remember
[19:52] < d3mian> :s . so im not the youngest then :'(
[19:52] < Mike1> d3mian: nope :P
[19:52]   blindcoder points to d3mian and laughs
[19:52] < Mike1> d3mian: and if we dont count ceduardo still owl is younger than you
[19:52] < Mike1> so ...
[19:52] < blindcoder> owl is 18, isn't she?
[19:52] < Mike1> bwahaha
[19:53] < d3mian> Mike1: yeah ? how old is that girl ?
[19:53] < Mike1> blindcoder: yes i think she is 18
[19:53] < Mike1> d3mian: sorry you cant contest for the younger visitors
[19:53] < d3mian> i see
[19:53] < Mike1> and i doub you will beat huebi's age as well :PP
[19:54] < d3mian> ill go to other channel with old guys then..
[19:54] < d3mian> how old is huebi ?
[19:54] < Mike1> sure /join #oldies
[19:54]   blindcoder knows for a fact that _ONE_ developer _is_ younger than Mike1 and me
[19:54] < blindcoder> huebi is 37
[19:54] < Mike1> blindcoder: 0_o who?
[19:54] < d3mian> wow
[19:54] < blindcoder> fake :)
[19:54] < Mike1> blindcoder: official developer?
[19:54] < Mike1> how old is fake?
[19:55] < blindcoder> 20
[19:55] < tsa> 12 ;)
[19:55] < d3mian> :p
[19:55] < Mike1> damn
[19:56] < Mike1> blindcoder: one of my cousins b-day is august 19 as well but she is 2 years older
[19:56] < Mike1> dont remember /care
[19:57] < d3mian> i though armijn was older than huebi and the rest.. i calculated around 30-40 yrs old.. now i see not :p
[19:57] < blindcoder> hmmm august is a beloved month for bdays
[19:57] < Mike1> blindcoder: yup my girls bday is august 25 as well
[19:58] < Mike1> d3mian: armijn will kick ur ass when he read what you just said on the irclog
[19:58] < Mike1> :PP
[19:58] < d3mian> well, that was what i always though :p
[19:59] < Mike1> d3mian: well coding to much can make you look make weird stuff on u.. look at bl
[19:59] < Mike1> s/bl/ blindcoder
[19:59] < d3mian> praenti, th and rene are who looks younger there
[19:59] < Mike1> :P
[20:01] < d3mian> well, gonna continue coding.. cya
[20:01] < blindcoder> Mike1: look weird? who?
[20:02] < Mike1> blindcoder: jk :P
[20:02] < Mike1> blindcoder: you should see some pics of d3mian
[20:02] < Mike1> :)
[20:05] < blindcoder> Mike1: I don't think so :)
[20:06] < blindcoder> it's enough looking into the mirror each morning
[20:06] < Mike1> :PP
[20:08] < d3mian> hehe. Mike1 .. how old da u think i am ? aparenthal age
[20:08] < Mike1> what 50 53?
[20:08] < Mike1> *EG*
[20:08] < Mike1> d3mian: you look 23 - 25
[20:09] < d3mian> aermm.. nahh really. stop joking and tell me how much
[20:09] < Mike1> 23 - 25
[20:10] < Mike1> thats not a joke
[20:11] < d3mian> i have to ask for other opinion.. Mike1 doesnt recognize the real youth :)
[20:12] < Mike1> d3mian: stop joking and belive the truth :P
[20:12] < d3mian> :(
[20:12] < Mike1> :P
[20:12] < blindcoder> mpg123 can read xmms playlists, can't it?
[20:13] < d3mian> try it.. mpg123 -@ list.mp3list
[20:16] < blindcoder> yes it can
[20:16] < blindcoder> now I can finally shut down X
[20:16] < blindcoder> brb
[20:16] < blindcoder> re
[20:20] < Mike1> re blindcoder
[20:20] < blindcoder> finally, no more X :)
[20:23]   Mike1 missing only 10 more base packages to have all base+opt+ext of rock-1.5
[20:24] < blindcoder> sw33t
[20:24] < Mike1> blindcoder: after this i will email cliff with the rsync info so he can upload then to the master mirror
[20:26] < blindcoder> good good
[20:26] < blindcoder> will it be available via anon-FTP?
[20:26] < blindcoder> if so, then I _really_ need to install ftpfs
[20:28] < Mike1> blindcoder: not in my box, only cliffod and huebi will have access to the packages on it but clifford will upload then from my box to the master rock linux mirror ( ftp://gd.tuwien.ac.at/opsys/linux/ROCK/ )
[20:31] < Mike1> blindcoder: my T1 wouldnt be enought for all the roc linux people :)
[20:31] < Mike1> rock even
[20:31] < blindcoder> sure
[20:31]   blindcoder now trying to start a compile on his Sun (again)+
[20:31] < blindcoder> hmm
[20:31] < Mike1> blindcoder: but maybe in the future you might become a member of the very small list of rsync users list on my box :)
[20:31] < blindcoder> we'll see
[20:31] < Mike1> :)
[20:32] < Mike1> BTW huebi awake?
[20:32]   Mike1 needs huebi
[20:33] < Mike1> FINISHED --13:36:33--
[20:33] < Mike1> Downloaded: 254,860,388 bytes in 451 files
[20:33] < Mike1> blindcoder: finally i got everything :)
[20:34]   Mike1 maling clifford
[20:34] < Mike1> mailing*
[20:35] < blindcoder> nice
[20:35] < Mike1> 1.5Gbase-archive
[20:35] < Mike1> 877Mext-archive
[20:35] < Mike1> 67Mopt-archive
[20:37] < blindcoder> no one said it would be small :)
[20:38] < blindcoder> kuso... anyone knows in which package (1.7) the file syslimits.h is included?
[20:38] < d3mian> grep -r ..info/flists/ is ur friend, gcc one ?
[20:39] < d3mian> i think so
[20:39] < blindcoder> gcc3 needs it but does not have it
[20:39] < blindcoder> or better: _should_ have it but doesn't
[20:40] < blindcoder> hmm
[20:40] < blindcoder> I'm off eating some maronis :)
[20:41] < d3mian> it should, it sets some arrays,variables and stuff limits. is it not in $root/usr/lib/gcc-lib/$arch/include/ ?
[20:41] < d3mian> it uses limits.h lib iirc
[20:41] < blindcoder> nope it isn't
[20:42] < blindcoder> but it's included in limits.h and therefore almost nothing compiles (well... the cc-wrapper doesn't for a fact)
[20:42] < blindcoder> okay, l8ter
[20:42] < d3mian> bad gcc installation then, cause i have it in my gcc3
[20:42] < d3mian> cya blindcoder
[20:54] -!- owl [~mail-spam@B53a4.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux
[20:54] < owl> seid gegruesst
[20:54] < Mike1> OWLY
[20:54] < blindcoder> back
[20:54] < blindcoder> hi owlita
[20:55] < Mike1> owlita :)
[20:55] < tsa> hi owlita
[20:55] < owl> omg.
[20:55] < owl> hi Mike1, blindcoder, tsa
[20:55]   Mike1 hug owlita
[20:55] < owl> *grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr*
[20:55] < d3mian> owl: hi
[20:55] < owl> hi d3mian
[20:56] < d3mian> owl: how old are u ?
[20:56] < Mike1> d3mian: s/owl/owlita
[20:56]   d3mian want to make sure he is not the youngest here..
[20:56] < Mike1> d3mian: she is younger than you :PPP
[20:56] < owl> d3mian: 18
[20:56] < d3mian> damnit!!!
[20:56] < d3mian> :(
[20:56] < owl> d3mian: ?
[20:56]   Mike1 ROTL
[20:56] < Mike1> owl: d3mian always though he was the younger in here but you kicked his ass
[20:57] < Mike1> :)
[20:57] < owl> hehe ;)(
[20:57] < owl> omg. i even can't type today...
[20:57] < Mike1> make some coffee that will help
[20:57] < owl> no coffee.
[20:57]   blindcoder reinstalling gcc3 then
[20:58] < Mike1> d3mian: has visto a CyBux?
[20:58] < d3mian> Mike1: nope
[20:58] < Mike1> d3mian: ok gracias
[20:59] < owl> does someone know a sponsor for  handkerchiefs?
[21:01] < capchaos> hallo owl *hug*
[21:01] < owl> hi capchaos. _kein_ hug!
[21:01] < zer0_o> hi owl
[21:01] < owl> hi zer0_o
[21:02] < blindcoder> erm... could somek
[21:02] -!- term_emu [~pm@pD958B950.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[21:02] < blindcoder> someone tell me what "DJB" means/is?
[21:08] < tsa> daniel j bernstein
[21:09] < tsa> author of software that works with a syntax that is just cruel.
[21:09] < blindcoder> ah... and what has he to do with the current discussion on rock-linux-mailing-list?
[21:09] < tsa> something about adding his package "daemontools" to rock..
[21:09] < tsa> dunno, started ignoring the thread at the very beginning..
[21:10] < blindcoder> hmmm....
[21:10] < blindcoder> I'm much too curios (neugierig) to ignore any thread :)
[21:12] < blindcoder> hmm... will 4 GB be enough to compile a whole 1.7?
[21:13] < tsa> should be.
[21:13] < blindcoder> okay, then I can mount the scsi disk on build/ :)
[21:14] < blindcoder> to not copy everything back and forth through nfs
[21:20] < blindcoder> hmmm my network's a real bottleneck >_<
[21:24] < tsa> strange...never had this kind of problems.
[21:25] < tsa> <- 24x 10/100 FD switched ;-)
[21:26] < blindcoder> :PPP
[21:26] < blindcoder> <- 7x 10/100 HD hubbed + 1x 10/100 HD switched
[21:26] < blindcoder> never hab that much network load before3
[21:28]   Mike1 is away: coding
[21:32] -!- codeq [dennis@pD950EC51.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[21:32] < codeq> hi
[21:33] < capchaos> hi codeq
[21:33] < blindcoder> hi codeq
[21:33] < d3mian> codeq: hier
[21:33] < codeq> d3mian: ?
[21:33] < capchaos> codeq: high'er ;)
[21:35] < codeq> ;)
[21:35] < d3mian> hi there
[21:35] < codeq> ok
[21:35] -!- zer0_o [~zer0_o@pop-be-3-2-dialup-51.freesurf.ch] has quit (".")
[21:39] < blindcoder> erm
[21:39] < blindcoder> can gcc 3.2 compile itself????
[21:40] < blindcoder> regex.c:4309: internal error: Segmentation fault
[21:40] < d3mian> blindcoder: i did it
[21:41] < d3mian> blindcoder: same happened to me building gcc static, inside of chroot with glibc2.3 didnt have those probs anymore (using the same gcc source)
[21:42] < owl> gn8. cu
[21:42] -!- holyolli [~holyolli@pD9E1882D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[21:42] < Mike1> n8 owlita
[21:42] < holyolli> moin
[21:42] < Mike1> moin holyolli
[21:42] < holyolli> hola Mike1
[21:42]   Mike1 is back (gone 00:14:05)
[21:42] -!- owl [~mail-spam@B53a4.pppool.de] has quit ("_NULL->bed.zZZZZz()")
[21:46] < blindcoder> d3mian: I'm in an nfs-root cross-build and get this...
[21:46] < blindcoder> glibc 2.3.1 and gcc3 trying to compile gcc3 again
[21:46]   Mike1 see's how d3mian is becoming a gcc master ...
[21:48] < d3mian> ? pfff.. im now sucking with it.. yesterday cvs sources are giving me probs :(
[21:51] -!- Ge0rG [georg@op-co.de] has joined #rocklinux
[21:53] < d3mian> Mike1: hey.. que paso?
[21:54] < d3mian> no queria ofender.. solo bromeaba a partir de tu broma :(
[21:54] -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting")
[21:56] -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux
[21:56] < d3mian> Mike1: estas molesto ?
[21:56] -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting")
[22:02] -!- codeq [dennis@pD950EC51.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving")
[22:03] < d3mian> hell with him
[22:03] -!- d3mian [~demian@] has left #rocklinux ()
[22:03] -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux
[22:03]   Mike1 *ping huebi*
[22:04] < blindcoder> huebi is dead
[22:04] < Mike1> blindcoder: mmm... damn ok
[22:07] < blindcoder> okay, I'm off to bed
[22:07] < blindcoder> n8
[22:07] < Mike1> nacht
[22:07] < holyolli> n8 blindcoder
[22:15] -!- Ge0rG [georg@op-co.de] has quit ("Ping timeout? No thanks")
[22:22] -!- hackbard [~hackbard@pD9E0AE09.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[22:22] < hackbard> re
[22:22] < Mike1> hackbard: hi
[22:22] < hackbard> hi miguel!
[22:23] < hackbard> how r u ?
[22:23] < Mike1> i am good thanks and you?
[22:23] < hackbard> yea, geil as ever ;)
[22:24] < Mike1> i see geilbard
[22:24] < holyolli> *lol*
[22:25] < holyolli> hi hackbard
[22:25] -!- capchaos [capchaos@pD9048430.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving")
[22:25] < hackbard> ;)
[22:51] -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-200-176.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux
[23:06] < Mike1> gutte nacht @ all
[23:06] < holyolli> n8 Mike1
[23:06] -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting")
[23:06] < holyolli> buenas noches
[23:14] -!- holyolli [~holyolli@pD9E1882D.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[23:21] -!- bluefire [bluefire@p508176D1.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving")
[23:37]   SMP sighs
[23:43] < tsa> no djb daemontools discussion, please.. ;-)
[23:49]   SMP thinks about runnning a gentoo mirror on gentoo.rocklinux.de ;->
[23:49] < paperclip> heh
[23:49] < paperclip> gentoo mirror
[23:53] < tsa> SMP: hehe
-!- Irrsi  Log closed Tue Oct 29 00:00:34 2002