-!- Irrsi  Log opened Sat Nov 09 00:00:52 2002
[00:01] < Mike1> mirror?
[00:01] < blindcoder> https://gd.tuwien.ac.at/opsys/linux/ROCK/ROCK-1.7
[00:01] < blindcoder> ~60kB/sec
[00:02] < blindcoder> but there are about a hundred pkgs to be udated
[00:04] < Mike1> mmm...
[00:04] < Mike1> weird i had no trouble at all downloading packages
[00:05] < blindcoder> me neither... but it takes up time...
[00:06] < blindcoder> time I could spend sleeping :)
[00:06] < Mike1> lol
[00:06] < Mike1> or coding
[00:06] < Mike1> :P
[00:07] < blindcoder> sleeping... coding with your face flat on the keyboard while snoring isn't going to work out...
[00:07] < Mike1> lol
[00:09] -!- capchaos [~capchaos@pD904854A.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving")
[00:10] < blindcoder> almost  finished
[00:11] < blindcoder> just have to wait for Wine
[00:11]   Mike1 waiting for beer
[00:11] < Mike1> *g
[00:12] < blindcoder> lme has a 3*4 box ef beer down the stairs
[00:12] < Mike1> so bring it up !
[00:12] < blindcoder> root@crazyhorse:/usr/src/rock-src-1.7# ./scripts/Build-Target
[00:12] < Mike1> :)
[00:12] < blindcoder> nope... I'm bringing myself to bed now
[00:13] < Mike1> ok
[00:13] < Mike1> nacht blindy
[00:13]   blindcoder watches as the load-LEDs ignite
[00:13] < blindcoder> oyasumi nasai, Mike! (good night, Mike!)
[00:32] -!- ichilton [~ian@pc2-stoc3-4-cust193.midd.cable.ntl.com] has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
[00:33] -!- ichilton [~ian@pc2-stoc3-4-cust193.midd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #rocklinux
[00:38] < Mike1> hi ichilton
[00:44] < tcr> gn8
[00:45] -!- tcr [~tobrit@p50813D83.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ho chresim eidos uch hoch poll eidos sphos")
[00:52] -!- d3mian [~demian@] has joined #rocklinux
[00:53] < Mike1> d3mian: ?
[00:53] < d3mian> ?
[00:53] < d3mian> cant i appear here ?
[00:53] < Mike1> of course not
[00:53] < Mike1> :P jk
[00:53] < d3mian> umm..
[00:54] < Mike1> que haces?
[00:54] < d3mian> descanso
[00:54] < Mike1> que vago
[00:54] < Mike1> acabo de hackear un server :)
[00:54] < Mike1> Win 2000 en frances
[00:54] < d3mian> !!
[00:55] < d3mian> porque no me invistaste ?
[00:55] < d3mian> nunca me pasaste la linea para meterse con wget a un win box
[00:55] < d3mian> la ocupaba
[00:55] < d3mian> :(
[00:55] < Mike1> hehe
[00:56] < Mike1> no me meti con el wget
[00:56] < Mike1> me meti de verdad
[00:56] < Mike1> y cambie la clave de administrador
[00:56] < Mike1> :)
[00:56] < d3mian> pero.. yo aun quiero lo del wget
[00:56] < Mike1> long story
[00:56] < d3mian> que varas las suyas
[00:56] < d3mian> hackeando windows..
[00:56] < Mike1> ok dejame buscarlas
[00:56] < d3mian> hackee un linux bien cool :)(
[00:56] < Mike1> d3mian: esque era de unos clientes que no pagaron el colocation
[00:57] < Mike1> asi que los servers son nuestros ahora
[00:57] < Mike1> y necesitaba sacar algunas cosas de ellos :)
[00:57] < Mike1> aun falta un server por hackear lo hago manana
[00:57] < Mike1> lo del wget no lo recuerdo de memoria buscare el command line y te lo paso despues
[00:57] < d3mian> !! wow !!
[00:57] < Mike1> ta bien?
[00:57] < d3mian> pero hazlo
[00:57] < d3mian> :)
[00:58] < d3mian> algun dia me explicas eso de jackear win servers :p
[00:58] < d3mian> uno nunca sabe cuando necesitarlo
[00:58] < Mike1> thats not free school :P
[00:58] < Mike1> pero ahi vere que te paso :)
[00:59] < Mike1> ahora dime de que descansas si te la tiras rico todo el dia?
[00:59] < d3mian> nombres
[00:59] < d3mian> estaba programando algo en spim.. un simulador de mips
[01:00] < d3mian> tengo que hacer un compresor
[01:00] < d3mian> usando los algoritmos especificos de winacce
[01:00] < Mike1> so te diviertes?
[01:00] < d3mian> no :(
[01:01] < Mike1> que varas
[01:01] < Mike1> i would have fun!!
[01:02] < d3mian> :)
[01:02] < d3mian> en serio.. me pasas eso
[01:02] < d3mian> luego
[01:03] < Mike1> si claro con mucho gusto
[01:03] < d3mian> miguel.. cuando podrias prestarme akel libro de Programacion Avanzada en Unix ?
[01:04] < Mike1> nada mas dame chance a que no este ocupado para buscar el command line
[01:04] < d3mian> ok
[01:04] < d3mian> esta en inet ?
[01:04] < Mike1> hehe cuando me lo devuelvan
[01:04] < d3mian> ic
[01:04] < Mike1> no no esta disponible en inet
[01:04]   esden installing rock 1.7 with fake on the machines in bitz ;-)
[01:04] < d3mian> today is a good day to change nicks
[01:04] -!- d3mian is now known as capone
[01:06] < Mike1> brb d3mian capado
[01:06] < Mike1> digo capone
[01:07] < capone> !
[01:07] < capone> aumix has some conflicts with gpm
[01:08] < capone> no really a problem, but gpm prints a debug message like: /usr/src/rock-$ver/../gpm-$ver/blabla.c
[01:09] < capone> voy a stracearlo pa ver que le puedo hacer
[01:10] < capone> Mike1: kieres ver otro nuevo snap de hdw con enlightenment e imlib2 ?
[01:11] < Mike1> si pon el link aqui por fa
[01:12] < capone> pff, o. no problem :). suave
[01:15] < capone> https://www.ic-itcr.ac.cr/~jonvargas/snap-hdw4.jpg
[01:17] < capone> brb
[01:17] -!- capone [~demian@] has quit ("leaving")
[01:17] < Mike1> no me entra a ese site podrias darme el otro link?
[01:17] < Mike1> lol
[01:34] -!- capone [~capone@] has joined #rocklinux
[01:34] < capone> re
[01:43] -!- tsa [~tsa@p5082B216.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting")
[02:02] < esden> hmm ... ok ... I have to go away for some time ... have to install 1.7 on this box ;-)
[02:54] < Mike1> esden: have fun!
[03:17] < capone> cya
[03:18] -!- capone [~capone@] has left #rocklinux ()
[03:47] -!- Ge0rG [georg@club-mate.net] has quit ("say /quit to idle clients")
[04:08] < huebi> moin
[04:32] < huebi> Now I got all new packages. cu later.
[05:32] -!- hackbard_ [~hackbard@p50807B52.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[05:40] -!- blindcod1r [~blindcode@p508008E6.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[05:49] -!- hackbard [~hackbard@pD9523242.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[05:55] -!- netrunner [~netrunner@p5080235F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[06:02] -!- blindcoder [~blindcode@pD958F3E9.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[06:21] -!- netrunner [~netrunner@p5080203E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #rocklinux
[08:48] -!- fooblah [~slackware@pD9EBB6E3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[08:48] < fooblah> good morning
[08:48] < fooblah> anybody here?
[09:10] -!- tcr [~tobrit@p50812C7E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[09:10] < fooblah> tcr: hallo
[09:12] < tcr> moin all
[09:12] < fooblah> tcr: hast du schonmal ne rocklinux iso gemacht?
[09:13] < tcr>
[09:13] < tcr> huebi: ping
[09:13] < fooblah> hmm...
[09:16] < tcr> brb
[10:09] < blindcod1r> what to do if glibc doesn't compile
[10:09] -!- blindcod1r is now known as blindcoder
[10:10] < fooblah> install a new one?
[10:10] < blindcoder> I can't
[10:10] < fooblah> oh sorry.. hmm...
[10:10] < tcr> pray to god
[10:10] < tcr> ;P
[10:10] < blindcoder> :P
[10:10] < fooblah> from your local cd?
[10:10] < tcr> or even better to mathilda
[10:10] < blindcoder> *lol*
[10:10] < fooblah> wtf is mathilda?
[10:10] < tcr> our god
[10:11] < fooblah> aha
[10:11] < blindcoder> i386-pc-linux-gnu-gcc-2   -nostdlib -nostartfiles -r -o librtld.os '-Wl,-(' dl-allobjs.os ../libc_pic.a -lgcc '-Wl,-)'
[10:11] < fooblah> hmm.. i cant build a rocklinux iso :(
[10:11] < blindcoder> *grrr*
[10:11] < blindcoder> ../libc_pic.a(init-first.os)(.data+0x0): multiple definition of `__libc_multiple_libcs'
[10:11] < blindcoder> dl-allobjs.os(.data+0x2c): first defined here
[10:11] < blindcoder> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
[10:11] < tcr> most rock users are devoted to Mighty Mathilda, the first
[10:12] < fooblah> k *notice*
[10:12] < fooblah> ;)
[10:12] < fooblah> oh blessed mathilda... plz help me to create a rock linux iso... *pray* ;)
[10:12] < tcr> ask huebi, the predictor, if you want to get a vision
[10:12] < fooblah> hmm... ;)
[10:13] < fooblah> he's away... ? :/
[10:13] < tcr> seemingly
[10:14] < fooblah> hmm... i read so much... but i didn't find anything about my problem... :(
[10:15] < tcr> havent done it so far
[10:20] -!- fooblah is now known as fooblah|away
[10:56] -!- tcr [~tobrit@p50812C7E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ho chresim eidos uch hoch poll eidos sphos")
[11:19] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@p5081705D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[11:28] -!- tcr [~tobrit@p50812C7E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[12:28] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@p5081705D.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving")
[13:02] -!- Netsplit brunner.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: netrunner, [anders], praenti, huebi, blindcoder, mayan, hackbard_, th, Mike1, fooblah|away, (+5 more, use /NETSPLIT to show all of them)
[13:02] -!- Netsplit over, joins: mayan, snyke, aszlig, praenti, SMP, huebi, th, Mike1, rxr, hackbard_ (+3 more)
[13:08] < blindcoder> neone here?
[13:09] -!- kasc [~shaman@p5090A990.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[13:11] < blindcoder> == 12:56:23 =[5]=> Building base/linux24 [2.4.19 1.7-snapshot].
[13:11] < blindcoder> sweet
[13:11] < blindcoder> hi kasc
[13:19] -!- [anders] [anders@] has joined #rocklinux
[13:20] < blindcoder> moin [anders]
[13:26] -!- Ge0rG [georg@club-mate.net] has joined #rocklinux
[13:36] < esden> mornig
[13:37] < blindcoder> moin
[13:37] < blindcoder> esden: == 13:15:10 =[5]=> Building base/glibc22 [2.2.5 1.7-snapshot].
[13:38] < esden> == 13:38:38 =[9]=> Building base/rfc [0000 1.7-snapshot].
[13:38] < esden> ;-)
[13:39] < blindcoder> nice :)
[13:39] < esden> blindcoder: which arch ?
[13:39] < blindcoder> i386 no opt
[13:39] < esden> ahh ... I am building k7
[13:39] < blindcoder> optimisation
[13:39] < blindcoder> Hmm Otimisations don't work wint gcc 2
[13:39] < esden> you are building with gcc2 ?
[13:40] < blindcoder> yes. gcc3 just doesn't work
[13:40] < blindcoder> and gcc2 works like a charm
[13:40] < blindcoder> glibc complains about a Version mismatch (gcc3 glibc 2.3.1)
[13:41] < esden> hmm ... the problem I have described yesterday was with gcc2 and not gcc3
[13:41] < esden> I do not need gcc2 because I am buliding everthing with gcc3 ;-)
[13:41] < blindcoder> but it doesn't work with the latest cvs
[13:41] < esden> my build is with gcc3 and glibc 2.3
[13:41] < blindcoder> what have you done?
[13:42] < esden> nothing ? updated to the newest cvs ... I was amazed myself ;-)
[13:42] < blindcoder> you must have done something different, too
[13:42] < blindcoder> just a cvs co doesn't work.
[13:42] < blindcoder> I tried to start it last night
[13:43] < esden> hmm ...
[13:43] < esden> strange ...
[13:43] < blindcoder> it stopped dead when compiling gcc3 in stage 1
[13:43] < esden> this is my digital finger (o tone green finger ;-) )
[13:43] < esden> hmm ... strange ...
[13:44] < blindcoder> I'm now building with gcc2 and no opt
[13:44] < blindcoder> that will be installed on my new router
[13:44] < blindcoder> then it will be installed on my main machine
[13:44] -!- tcr [~tobrit@p50812C7E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ho chresim eidos uch hoch poll eidos sphos")
[13:44] < blindcoder> and then ill see
[13:46] -!- tcr [~tobrit@p50813B1B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[13:53] < fooblah|away> can anybody help my building an iso image? :(
[13:53] -!- fooblah|away is now known as fooblah
[13:54] < blindcoder> ./scripts/Create-Iso?
[13:54] < fooblah> i know
[13:54] < fooblah> but:
[13:54] < fooblah> sec.
[13:54] < esden> hi fooblah
[13:55] < fooblah> bash-2.05a# ./scripts/Create-ISO -size 700MB install k7
[13:55] < fooblah> ./scripts/Create-ISO: 700MB: value too great for base (error token is "700MB")
[13:55] < fooblah>   [13:55:19] Removing old files with same prefix ..
[13:55] < fooblah>   [13:55:19] Reading configs and creating ISO index ...
[13:55] < fooblah> Usage: mktemp [-q] [-u] template
[13:55] < fooblah> Usage: mktemp [-q] [-u] template
[13:55] < fooblah> grep: config/-size/config: No such file or directory
[13:55] < fooblah> ./scripts/Create-ISO: $dat: ambiguous redirect
[13:55] < fooblah> bash-2.05a#
[13:55] < fooblah> i tried without the size...
[13:55] < fooblah> but it will not work
[13:55] < fooblah> bash-2.05a# ./scripts/Create-ISO mycdset install k7
[13:55] < fooblah>   [13:56:01] Removing old files with same prefix ..
[13:55] < fooblah>   [13:56:01] Reading configs and creating ISO index ...
[13:55] < fooblah> Usage: mktemp [-q] [-u] template
[13:55] < fooblah> Usage: mktemp [-q] [-u] template
[13:55] < fooblah> ./scripts/Create-ISO: $dat: ambiguous redirect
[13:55] < fooblah> bash-2.05a#
[13:55] -!- zer0_o [~zer0_o@pop-mu-9-1-dialup-226.freesurf.ch] has joined #rocklinux
[13:56] < blindcoder> hmm... I've  never tried building an ISO myself...
[13:56] < blindcoder> do you have xtrace installed?
[13:56] < zer0_o> hi all
[13:56] < fooblah> i think so
[13:56] < fooblah> mom
[13:57] < fooblah> jo
[13:57] < fooblah> i have xtrace
[13:57] < blindcoder> try xtrace Create-ISO etc.
[13:57] < fooblah> ok
[13:59] -!- zer0_o [~zer0_o@pop-mu-9-1-dialup-226.freesurf.ch] has quit (Client Quit)
[13:59] < fooblah> bash-2.05a# xtrace '/root/Desktop/rock-src-1.7-200211011743/scripts/Create-ISO' mycdset install k7
[13:59] < fooblah> Function              File                                                  Line
[13:59] < fooblah> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[13:59] < fooblah> addr2line: /root/Desktop/rock-src-1.7-200211011743/scripts/Create-ISO: File format not recognized
[13:59] < fooblah> Press return to end the program.
[13:59] < fooblah> i think i'm to n00b :(
[13:59] < blindcoder> hmm... or I have misunderstood xtrace...
[13:59] < blindcoder> wait a sec
[14:02] < blindcoder> can you give me the output of `mktemp`?
[14:03] < fooblah> what's mktemp? :/
[14:03] < blindcoder> it creates a temp-file and is used by Create-ISO
[14:04] < blindcoder> (usually in /tmp)
[14:05] < fooblah> in /tmp is nothing..
[14:05] < blindcoder> hmm call mktemp an give me its output, please
[14:05] < fooblah> bash-2.05a# mktemp
[14:05] < fooblah> Usage: mktemp [-q] [-u] template
[14:07] < blindcoder> that might be the problem
[14:07] < fooblah> ?
[14:08] < blindcoder> edit Create-ISO and search for the line:
[14:08] < blindcoder> index=`mktemp` ; dat=`mktemp`
[14:08] < fooblah> ok
[14:08] < blindcoder> then change the two `mktemp` to some different filenames like "/tmp/tmp_index" and "/tmp/tmp_dat"
[14:09] < fooblah> ok
[14:09] < blindcoder> and then try again
[14:10] < fooblah> ./scripts/Create-ISO: /tmp/tmp_index: No such file or directory
[14:10] < fooblah> ./scripts/Create-ISO: /tmp/tmp_dat: No such file or directory
[14:10] < fooblah> ./scripts/Create-ISO: $dat: ambiguous redirect
[14:10] < blindcoder> hmm
[14:10] < fooblah> what's "ambiguous redirect" ?
[14:10] < blindcoder> strange...
[14:10] < blindcoder> it means that `>> $dat` doesn't work
[14:11] < fooblah> i'm not able to create a iso image :(
[14:11] < blindcoder> err
[14:11] < blindcoder> I think I see something
[14:12] < blindcoder> have you removed the `` around mktemp and replaced them with "" ?
[14:12] < fooblah> no - moment
[14:13] < fooblah> grep: config/k7/config: No such file or directory
[14:13] < fooblah> cat: build//isofs.txt: No such file or directory
[14:13] < fooblah> the last problem i can fix *think* *gg*
[14:13] < blindcoder> hehe
[14:16] < fooblah> hmm...
[14:16] < fooblah> if ! cat build/$id/isofs.txt >> $dat
[14:16] < blindcoder> $dat is used more often
[14:16] < fooblah> should i write the complete path there?
[14:19] < blindcoder> hmm... no usually youshould use -cfg (yourconfigname)
[14:19] < fooblah> ./scripts/Create-ISO: mkisofs: command not found
[14:19] < fooblah> everything else should work now
[14:20] < blindcoder> mhm
[14:21] < fooblah> ok last question: how can i make a bootable iso? *gg*
[14:21] < fooblah> WARNING: Disk1 is not bootable - no boot options defined.
[14:23] < blindcoder> I think you have to use the bootdisk target for that...
[14:23] < blindcoder> if esden were here he could tell you
[14:27] < fooblah> lets ask google... maybe i'll find something
[14:28] < blindcoder> jo
[14:33] < esden> ahh ... food is good ;-)
[14:34] < fooblah> esen: can u help me? whats the option to build an bootable iso image with ./scripts/Create-ISO ?
[14:34] < esden> one moment ... I have to take a look
[14:36] < esden> fooblah: when I remember correctly you have to build the bootdisk target ... and then run the Create-ISO script
[14:36] < esden> fooblah: have you built the bootdisk target ?
[14:36] < fooblah> aehm...
[14:36] < fooblah> no
[14:36] < esden> ok then do it ;-)
[14:36] < fooblah> ok ;)
[14:37] < fooblah> aehm how can i build the bootdisk target? with ./scripts/Config?
[14:41] < blindcoder> ./scripts/Config -cfg ... and then select as target the bootdisk
[14:41] < fooblah> but i don't need to build everything again?
[14:45] < esden> no ... it is building only the things you need for the boot disk
[14:45] < fooblah> *shock* ok ;)
[14:45] < esden> use ./scripts/Config -cfg bootdisk
[14:45] < blindcoder> like gcc3 for example
[14:45] < esden> then set all options for the bootdisk
[14:46] < esden> and then ./scripts/Build-Target -cfg bootdisk
[14:47] < esden> hehe ... bchat.net ... *jumparound* ;-)
[14:49] < esden> blindcoder: we will get problems with ms99 ... you know ... if he knew it we would be all dead ...
[14:49] < blindcoder> we just register a domainname, don't we?
[14:53] < blindcoder> == 14:53:01 =[5]=> Building blindcoder/nethack [3.4.0 1.7-snapshot].
[14:57] < blindcoder> hmm
[14:57] < blindcoder> it doesn't aply my patch >_<
[15:02] < esden> blindcoder: yes that is right ... where is the domain pointing then ?
[15:06] < blindcoder> no idea
[15:07] < esden> I suppose apollo ...
[15:08] < tcr> shouldn't 1.5.20 be released today?
[15:08] < blindcoder> or tomorrow
[15:09] < tcr> huebi: ping
[15:19] -!- chrisime [~chrisime@pD959060D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[15:28] < fooblah> whats the difference between *.gem and *bz2 ?
[15:29] < blindcoder> gem is "our" package format which will be used by stone the package manager
[15:30] < blindcoder> tar.bz2 is obvious :)
[15:32] < fooblah> good - i have choosen it...
[15:59] -!- Freak [freak@p50839629.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[16:07] < esden> fooblah: good choice
[16:08] < esden> blindcoder: as I installed 1.7 yesterday ... I have seen some strange behaviour of mine ... some packages failed to install ... and when I started the install once more it worked ... very strange
[16:11] < blindcoder> hmm intereting
[16:13] < fooblah> esden: i had the same problem
[16:15] < fooblah> so, i'm away... bye and a big thx for your great help
[16:15] -!- tsa [~tsa@pD95257DA.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[16:15] < tsa> moin
[16:15] -!- fooblah [~slackware@pD9EBB6E3.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("BitchX-1.0c19 -- just do it.")
[16:22] -!- thalerim [~tobrit@p5081343C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[16:26] < tsa> hi thalerim
[16:27] < thalerim> moin tsa
[16:40] -!- ceduardo [~ceduardo@] has joined #rocklinux
[16:40] -!- tcr [~tobrit@p50813B1B.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[16:41] -!- ceduardo [~ceduardo@] has left #rocklinux ()
[16:42] -!- thalerim is now known as tcr
[16:50] -!- Ge0rG_ [georg@club-mate.net] has joined #rocklinux
[16:50] -!- Ge0rG [georg@club-mate.net] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[16:50] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pD95226F6.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[17:05] -!- diskordier [~capchaos@pD9048404.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[17:05] -!- diskordier is now known as capchaos
[17:21] < esden> ok I am off .. installing 1.7 on my laptop
[17:49]   blindcoder still compiling
[17:50] -!- Ge0rG [cmm@club-mate.net] has joined #rocklinux
[17:51] -!- Ge0rG_ [georg@club-mate.net] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[17:58] -!- kasc [~shaman@p5090A990.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[17:59] < netrunner> hi there - my lo-interface gets not initialised with at boot - any idea which script tries to nag at me?
[17:59] < blindcoder> /etc/conf/network IIRC
[18:01] -!- kasc [~shaman@p5090ABE3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[18:01] < netrunner> hm ... there are commands that set up eth0, but neither are they flexible enough to take another if, nor do they set up lo
[18:02] < blindcoder> just add lo then :)
[18:03] < blindcoder> brb
[18:03] < blindcoder> =away feeding the dogs
[18:04] < netrunner> ok. but is this script generated at install or is it hardcoded?
[18:08] < blindcoder> hmmm half half... it's a template that gets fed at install
[18:10] -!- owl [~mail-spam@B51f2.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux
[18:10] < owl> seid gegruesst / hi
[18:10] < blindcoder> hi owlita
[18:11] < owl> hi blindy
[18:12] -!- Netsplit brunner.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: netrunner
[18:22] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pD95226F6.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving")
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[18:26] -!- capchaos [~capchaos@pD9048404.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Lost terminal")
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[18:53] < tsa> cu
[18:53] -!- tsa [~tsa@pD95257DA.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting")
[19:33]   tcr is away: toilet
[19:41] < blindcoder> anyone seen Mike1 today?
[19:50]   tcr is back (gone 00:17:39)
[19:55] -!- tcr changed the topic of #rocklinux to: world is alive - rocklinux.de services are up! see motd if you can...yup
[19:55] -!- ChanServ changed the topic of #rocklinux to: world is alive - rocklinux.de services are up! see motd if you can...
[19:55] < tcr> arghs
[19:55] < tcr> set the focus wrong, sorry
[19:56] < tcr> blindcoder: yup i have seen him, this morgning
[19:56] < huebi> moin
[19:57] < huebi> tcr: pong
[19:58] < owl> hi huebi
[19:58] < huebi> hi owl
[19:59] < huebi> owl: The JavaStation boots now.
[19:59] < huebi> I still have to burn he CD
[19:59] < huebi> +t
[19:59] < owl> huebi: cool thx. did you already sent it?
[19:59] < owl> oki.
[19:59] < huebi> owl: No, I didn't.
[19:59] < owl> ok. :)
[20:00] < huebi> owl: A jumper has to be set inside to activate the open boot prom
[20:00] < tcr> huebi: what's up with 1.5.20?
[20:00] < huebi> s/has/had/
[20:00] < owl> huebi: ok. thx. i got the how-to :)
[20:00] < tcr> is it already to late to update a package?
[20:00] < huebi> tcr: Compiles completly on ia32
[20:00] < huebi> tcr: No, it's not too late.
[20:01] < tcr> huebi: will you create an ISO?
[20:01] < tcr> https://procps.sourceforge.net/procps-3.1.0.tar.gz
[20:01] < owl> huebi: did you tried NFS in 1.5.19?
[20:01] < huebi> tcr: The best is you do it now so that I can rerun the build after that
[20:02] < huebi> owl: I did. I use nfs on every box I have.
[20:02] < owl> huebi: and it works? uhm. :-//
[20:02] < huebi> owl: The start/stop script will be fixed in 1.5.20
[20:02] < owl> ah. ok.
[20:03] < tcr> huebi: *please* update immediately
[20:03] < tcr> ROCKlinux still uses the 2.0.7 version!
[20:03] < huebi> owl: /etc/init.d/nfsd stop ; killall -9 nfsd ; /etc/init.d/nfsd start - best to restart it.
[20:03] < huebi> tcr: ACK.
[20:04] < owl> thx
[20:05] < tcr> huebi: top with color support rulez ;)
[20:06] < huebi> root@ultra:/usr/src/rock-k7 # ./scripts/Puzzle
[20:08] -!- owl is now known as owl^afk
[20:08] < tcr> huebi: I'd really appreciate it if you could write similiar announcments as the one of 1.5.20 -- you should list new features (if there are some) and, please, also add a list with packages that were updated
[20:09] < huebi> tcr: I'll generate a package list. Thank you for that hint.
[20:10] < huebi> nessus must be added... ;-)
[20:10] < tcr> huebi: btw. have you any plan when the next version will be released? what about a monthly release? Or all two monthes?
[20:12] < huebi> tcr: I'll release now more often again. There will be many serious bugfixes - you could also say 'expected features added'
[20:12] < blindcoder> tcr: thanks
[20:13] < blindcoder> somehow gnome takes u 50% of the packages >_<
[20:14] < huebi> later tonight I'm on the backport issue of the installation CD's or better floppy images from 1.7 to 1.5. I have now added support for non-fpu ia32 models
[20:15] < huebi> Are there any further updates?
[20:17] < tcr> hm. let me see
[20:20] < huebi> hmm. I had to remove _all_ patches for procps. A major update I would say. ;-)
[20:20] < tcr> test it out.. it's really cool
[20:21] < tcr> huebi: ftp://ftp.kernel.org/pub/linux/utils/kernel/modutils/v2.4/modutils-2.4.21.tar.bz2
[20:23] < huebi> tcr: ok. Update in progress
[20:23] < huebi> tcr: How do I get clolours in top?
[20:25] < tcr> it's a configure option IIRc
[20:25] < huebi> tcr: In the normal console I get highlightning but no colours.
[20:25] < huebi> linux console even
[20:30] < huebi> the highlightning is very nice
[20:31] < Mike1> moin all
[20:32] < huebi> moin Mike1
[20:32] < Mike1> blindcoder: were you looking for me?
[20:32] < Mike1> hi huebi :)
[20:34] < Mike1> huebi: how are things?
[20:34] < huebi> modutils 2.4.21 builds fine.
[20:34] < tcr> huebi: is QT 3.0.6 in rock?
[20:35] < huebi> Mike1: Fine. I had much sleep today.
[20:35] < huebi> tcr: no, but in a few moments
[20:35] < huebi> *g*
[20:35] < huebi> Mike1: do you have any updates?
[20:35] < Mike1> huebi: well i sleep a lot too , just got back to my office
[20:36] < Mike1> python broke for me on stage 5
[20:36] < Mike1> before that everything went fine
[20:36] < huebi> here python built fine.
[20:36] < Mike1> mmm... very starnge
[20:36] < Mike1> == 13:43:22 11/09/02 =[5]=> Finished building package python.
[20:36] < Mike1> i didnt change anything i just re-run Build-All
[20:36] < Mike1> and it build
[20:36] < Mike1> lol
[20:37] < huebi> Mike1: have a look in cvs. I havd to change python for the use of ncurses.
[20:38] < Mike1> mm.... i see
[20:38] < blindcoder> Mike1: sure I was
[20:38] < huebi> Mike1: there must not be termcap in your build
[20:38] < Mike1> blindcoder: whats up?
[20:39] < Mike1> huebi: why?
[20:39] < blindcoder> Gnome2 falls heavily here together with e17 amd imlib2
[20:39] < blindcoder> s/falls/fails/
[20:39] < Mike1> my build stoped last night on jack
[20:39] < Mike1> i am going to check it out in a while
[20:39] < blindcoder> just mwanted to know if you had the same problems
[20:40] < blindcoder> mayan: i see
[20:40] < Mike1> huebi: i will co now to see ur changes
[20:40] < blindcoder> Mike1: damn tab-completion
[20:40] < huebi> termcap is now done by ncurses but if the broken termcap is found it will be used to link the package against it.
[20:40] < Mike1> mm...
[20:41] < huebi> blindcoder: Damn users. Can't use tab-completion *g*
[20:41] < Mike1> lol
[20:41] < blindcoder> huebi: yes. I blame it on the lack of coffee
[20:42] < Mike1> brb
[20:42] < huebi> we need the 'programmable bash completion' - For the realle lazy ones like me.
[20:42] < blindcoder> huebi: I don't really lie it
[20:42] < blindcoder> lke
[20:42] < blindcoder> liuke
[20:42] < blindcoder> DAMNIT
[20:43] < huebi> *LOOOL*
[20:43] < blindcoder> like
[20:43] < blindcoder> *grmpf*
[20:44] < blindcoder> I had some problems with it with tar tar.bz2 and the like
[20:44] < huebi> blindcoder: I testet it a little bit on debian for sparc. It feels very slow but quite nice.
[20:44] < blindcoder> like tar <tab><tab> not giving you tar.bz2 and these things
[20:54] -!- tcr [~tobrit@p5081343C.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ho chresim eidos uch hoch poll eidos sphos")
[20:57] -!- tcr [~tobrit@pD958D497.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[20:57] < tcr> huebi: gtk 2.0.7?
[20:57] < tcr> glib 2.0.7
[20:59] < tcr> nessus 1.2.6
[20:59] < huebi> tcr: Thats for gnome2. glib and gtk will be updated later when the switch to gnome 2 happens.
[21:00] < tcr> ah, oks ic
[21:01] < tcr> huebi: does a openbox pkg exist?
[21:01] < Mike1> huebi: will you let me work on the gnome2 switch or will i just have to check out?
[21:02] < huebi> Mike1: Please do the switch yourself with anders. I have to do enough with the rest of 1.5
[21:03] < Mike1> huebi: lol
[21:03] < Mike1> but as Anders said yesterday we are not 100% stable
[21:03] < Mike1> i will run into some tests and then i will make the switch ok?
[21:03] < huebi> tcr: No, it doesn't
[21:04] < tcr> ok
[21:05] < Mike1> brb
[21:05]   Mike1 scanning some pcistures
[21:05] < huebi> Mike1: Yes, tests are a must. Gnome2 must be stable (if Gnome ever can be that ;-). I have not the time for all that testing on Gnome2 but we ugendly need it for a cleen sparc64 port.
[21:05] < Mike1> pictures even
[21:05] < Mike1> huebi: i know
[21:05] < huebi> +r
[21:05] < Mike1> mom
[21:08] < tcr> huebi: lilo 22.3.4
[21:09] < tcr> (https://home.san.rr.com/johninsd/pub/linux/lilo/lilo-22.3.4.tar.gz)
[21:09] < huebi> tcr: Yes, lilo is up to date.
[21:09] < tcr> oh ..
[21:09] < huebi> I want to have grub as an option while installation. lilo sucks if you have scsi and ide mixed.
[21:10] < tcr> why?
[21:12] < huebi> If the SCSI disk is the one bootet from lilo will only install on the first ide disk. Also if I tell lilo the disk to install itself on. That did cost me 1 and a half day of work to get my data back.
[21:13] < tcr> Wine 20021031
[21:14] < tcr> huebi: i have a old scsi and a old ide disk ... booting from the ide disk with lilo (without any ramdisk) works without any problems
[21:15] < huebi> tcr: Try the SCSI disk and you can get very bad troubles.
[21:15] < huebi> [M] Chris Hamilton <chris@ambigc.com>
[21:15] < huebi> [V] 20010418
[21:15] < huebi> hmmm
[21:19] < huebi> [A] Jordan Hrycaj <jordan@mjh.teddy-net.com> <- he was missing in nessus.desc.
[21:21] < tcr> continue searching ..
[21:21] < huebi> tcr: great
[21:22] -!- tcr [~tobrit@pD958D497.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ho chresim eidos uch hoch poll eidos sphos")
[21:23] -!- tcr [~tobrit@pD9E4944A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[21:23]   blindcoder now going to bed
[21:24] < blindcoder> bye
[21:24] < tcr> Eterm 0.9.2
[21:24] < huebi> cu blindcoder
[21:24] < huebi> tcr: there is no eterm in 1.5
[21:26] < tcr> ftp://ftp.win.tue.nl/pub/home/aeb/linux-local/utils/kbd/kbd-1.08.tar.gz
[21:27] < tcr> ftp://ftp.gnupg.org/gcrypt/gnupg/gnupg-1.2.1.tar.bz2
[21:30] < Mike1> re
[21:35] < tcr> huebi: automake 1.7.1 is also out
[21:36] < huebi> kbd-1.08 gnupg-1.2.1 are in
[21:37] < tcr> and Stunnel 4.03 (https://stunnel.mirt.net/)
[21:37] < huebi> automake 1.7.1, too
[21:37] < Mike1> mm...
[21:38] < huebi> Mike1: ?
[21:38] < Mike1> just sound :P
[21:38] < Mike1> == 14:45:08 =[5]=> Building base package mutt [1.4i 1.5.20].
[21:39] < Mike1> huebi: nothing has been changed on the cvs tree since i updated audiofile.pz
[21:39] < tcr> Tcl/Tk 8.4.1
[21:39] < Mike1> have you commit ur work today?
[21:40] < huebi> Mike1: I did not my tests and there is still much to do. I did not commit my changes. they are not good enough.
[21:41] < Mike1> ah ok
[21:42] < Mike1> huebi: i wish i could have access to ur _current_ tree :)
[21:42] < huebi> Mike1: I could commit it all now. but its really broken.
[21:43] < Mike1> ok
[21:43] < Mike1> dont worry
[21:43] < Mike1> :)
[21:43] < Mike1> my build is almost ready here
[21:43] < Mike1> i was just hoping to build the official release before it is announced :P
[21:44] < huebi> Mike1: The big change with the install disks is in the office. sorrry
[21:44] < Mike1> ah its ok huebi
[21:44] < Mike1> huebi: https://odin.informatica.co.cr/~mike/personal/pics/ce1.png
[21:45] < huebi> *click*
[21:45] < Mike1> lol
[21:45] < huebi> NICE
[21:45] < Mike1> just so people wont tell there are not pics of me online
[21:46] < tcr> huebi: whats about stunnel and tcl/tk ?
[21:46] < huebi> stunnel is now updated
[21:46] < huebi> IIRC with tcl/tk there was a problem
[21:47] < tcr> brb
[21:47] -!- tcr [~tobrit@pD9E4944A.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ho chresim eidos uch hoch poll eidos sphos")
[21:47] -!- Ge0rG [cmm@club-mate.net] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[21:48] < huebi> I have to leave in a few minutes...
[21:49] < Mike1> huebi: mm... wont come back?
[21:49] -!- tcr [~tobrit@pD9E4921F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[21:49] < Mike1> ok just for your reference i my build here with the lastest cvs seems like will build staright till the end
[21:50] < huebi> Mike1: same thing here
[21:50] < Mike1> untill now == 14:56:57 =[5]=> Building base package fbset [2.1 1.5.20].
[21:50] < Mike1> so i guess all what we are missing for the release is just small changes and the install discs thing
[21:51] -!- Ge0rG [georg@club-mate.net] has joined #rocklinux
[21:53] < huebi> Mike1: I'll come back later
[21:53] < huebi> 2 hours or so I think
[21:53] < Mike1> huebi: anyways i will be gone in 2 - 3 hours
[21:54] < huebi> Mike1: Ah ok
[21:54] < Mike1> is the release standing for tomorrow? i would suggest monday
[21:54] < huebi> Perhaps we see us again today
[21:54] < Mike1> yeah hopefully
[21:54] < huebi> Mike1: Monday I think, too. the install disks are still much work
[21:55] < Mike1> monday afternoon :)
[21:55] < Mike1> so i wont be sleeping when you release it
[21:55] < huebi> Mike1: ok
[21:55] < Mike1> *g* /me been selfish
[21:56] < huebi> *g*
[21:56] < Mike1> so huebisee you later
[21:56] < huebi> Mike1: yes, cu
[22:08] -!- fooblah [~slackware@pD9EBB6E3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[22:08] < fooblah> hello again ;)
[22:08] < fooblah> i think i did some mistakes at the config... :/
[22:08] < owl^afk> hi fooblah
[22:09] < fooblah> owl^afk: hio ;)
[22:09] < fooblah> can anybody help me by the config?
[22:10] < Mike1> hi fooblah
[22:10] < fooblah> Mike1: hello
[22:10] < Mike1> 1.5 or 1.7?
[22:10] < fooblah> 1.7
[22:10] < Mike1> whats the problem?
[22:10] < fooblah> i never used rocklinux before... just slackware
[22:10] < fooblah> at first the config
[22:11] < fooblah> i've got a duron
[22:11] < Mike1> ...
[22:11] < fooblah> what should i take? athlon tbird?
[22:11] < Mike1> mom
[22:11] < fooblah> some said i should use tbird, the others xp...
[22:12] < Mike1> ok you got a duron ...
[22:12] < Mike1> run ./scripts/Config
[22:13] < fooblah> i make ./scripts/Config -cfg bootdisk
[22:13] < fooblah> is it ok?
[22:13] < Mike1> ok
[22:13] < Mike1> mom i am downloding the 1.7 sources to ruyn Config at the same time with you
[22:13] < Mike1> ...
[22:13] < fooblah> thxle ;)
[22:14] < Mike1> i suppose you will try to build on slack 8.1?
[22:14] < fooblah> Mike1: i want to make a rocklinux iso and install it
[22:14] < fooblah> a bootable iso if it's possible...
[22:15] < owl^afk> *argh* did someone used the 1.7 snapshot of nov. 01? and compiled binutils with pseudo-crosscompiler... (in stage 1 the build failed for me...) (building generic-rock, base-system: 1.5.19-rock, no-expert-options))
[22:15] < fooblah> owl^afk: i've got the same problem by building it the second time
[22:15] < Mike1> fooblah: rock 1.7 is on its very begginings on isos..
[22:15] < Mike1> i would suggest you to take a look at 1.5
[22:15] < Mike1> keep 1.7 but 1.5 is more stable
[22:15] < owl^afk> fooblah: hm. did you took different snapshots for building?
[22:16] < Mike1> 1.7 is under _HEAVY_ development atm
[22:16] < fooblah> Mike1: so i have to download all packages again or can i remove the "current" one?
[22:16] < fooblah> the scripts...
[22:16] < fooblah> hmm...
[22:16] < fooblah> boeh
[22:16] < fooblah> ok
[22:16] < fooblah> i try 1.5
[22:16] < Mike1> what do you mean
[22:16] < owl^afk> Mike1: but where to get the src.tar.bz2 of 1.5?
[22:17] < Mike1> owl^afk: you dont have cvs?
[22:17] < Mike1> i will build the src tarball for you
[22:17] < Mike1> fooblah: wanna give a try to 1.7 still?
[22:17] < owl^afk> Mike1: hello - did you forget - proxy && eumex && windows... --> no cvs behind the fscking proxy
[22:18] < Mike1> BWAHAHHAHAHA
[22:18] < Mike1> jk
[22:18] < owl^afk> ARGH gcc2 in stage1 also failed! damnit
[22:18] < Mike1> owlita dont worry i am working on the tarball for you
[22:18] < owl^afk> thx. :)))
[22:18] < Mike1> can i dcc it to you ?
[22:18] < owl^afk> Mike1: proxy...
[22:18] < owl^afk> --> no
[22:19] < Mike1> ARRRG you suck
[22:19] < Mike1> :P
[22:19] < owl^afk> Mike1: of course. ;)
[22:19] < fooblah> Mike1: no - i use 1.5.12
[22:19] < Mike1> fooblah: rock-1.5.20 will be released on monday
[22:19] < fooblah> hmm... *gg*
[22:21] < owl^afk> Mike1: could you please upload the tarball to somewhere or send me a mail? thx a lot
[22:21] < Mike1> owl^afk: https://odin.informatica.co.cr/~mike/projects/rock/rock-1.5.tar.bz2
[22:21] < owl^afk> timing is all you need ;P
[22:21] < owl^afk> thx
[22:22] < Mike1> what do you neeD?
[22:22] < owl^afk> uh. "stigmata" on tv... cool
[22:22] < Mike1> mean*
[22:22] < Mike1> nice
[22:22] < owl^afk> it's just a phrase.
[22:22] < Mike1> fooblah: do you still wann fix ur Config for 1.7?
[22:23] < Mike1> owl^afk: regarding rock 1.7 i am affraid i dont use snaps i use  1.7 cvs
[22:23] < owl^afk> Mike1: pah. CVS... cvs.. *grrrrrrr* ;P
[22:24] < Mike1> owl^afk: *cvs* *CVS* *C V S*
[22:24] < Mike1> fooblah: you should try tbird
[22:24] < owl^afk> Mike1: i'm using it, if i'm in office... but now i'm not in office as you know ;P
[22:24] < Mike1> or even just athlon
[22:25] < Mike1> :P
[22:28] < Mike1> fooblah: ?
[22:28] < fooblah> i was away
[22:28] < fooblah> hmm...
[22:28] < fooblah> tbird ok
[22:28] < Mike1> i see
[22:29] < Mike1> have fun fooblah
[22:29] < fooblah> ;)
[22:29] < Mike1> i am sure you will
[22:30] < fooblah> i hope
[22:30] < fooblah> and thxle again ;)
[22:30] < Mike1> welcome
[22:31] < owl^afk> Mike1: *complaining* please send me also base-archive/INDEX; opt-archive/INDEX; ext-config/INDEX; ext-archive/INDEX ;)
[22:34] < fooblah> can i build a bootable isodisk if i use rocklinux as a generic Target Distribution?
[22:35] < fooblah> aeh if i choose
[22:35] < Mike1> owl^afk: damnit!!!
[22:35] < owl^afk> Mike1: exactly ;)
[22:35] < Mike1> owl^afk: just do: ./scripts/Puzzle
[22:35] < owl^afk> ok. thx.
[22:36] < Mike1> fooblah: yes you can
[22:36] < fooblah> ok
[22:36] < fooblah> <<is now asking n00b questions ;)
[22:36] < Mike1> fooblah: once you have build the target you can run: ./scripts/Create-ISO
[22:37] < Mike1> even though i havent test it yet perhaps later tonight when my 1.7 build finishes i will do it
[22:37] < fooblah> Mike1: i tried it... but it would'n working. i killed everything cause i did some mistakes... but now i make it correct *hope*
[22:37] < Mike1> fooblah: all my work untill now has been dedicated to the 1.5 tree
[22:37] < Mike1> fooblah: you must finishe to build the target first
[22:38] < Mike1> once is finished it _should_ let you make the iso
[22:38] < fooblah> hmm.. blindcode helped me a lot but the iso wasn't bootable...
[22:38] < Mike1> mmm...
[22:38] < fooblah> <<n00b *gg*
[22:38] < Mike1> but the build was finished?
[22:38] < fooblah> jup
[22:38] < fooblah> 100%
[22:39] < fooblah> the output of create-iso was correct *think so* but: Warning!: something like CD1 isn't bootable...
[22:41] < Mike1> dunno
[22:41] < Mike1> as i said before i havent test that script  i will test it tonight
[22:41]   owl^afk started having a lot of fun... (downloading srces for rock-1.5 with ISDN) HELP!!!
[22:43]   Mike1 downloaind 1.5 sources from ... wait a minute i have the master rsync server right next to me help!
[22:43]   Mike1 ROTFL
[22:44] < Mike1> owl^afk: so you will now build 1.5?
[22:44] < Mike1> how is ur 1.7 build doing?
[22:44] < owl^afk> Mike1: yeah.
[22:44] -!- tcr [~tobrit@pD9E4921F.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ho chresim eidos uch hoch poll eidos sphos")
[22:45] < owl^afk> Mike1: aehm. canceledl ;P
[22:46] < Mike1> owl^afk: cool i am looking forward to see ur first rock-1.5 iso
[22:46] < Mike1> owl^afk: why did you cancel it?
[22:47] < owl^afk> cuz i got many errors and i want a installable rock...
[22:47] -!- tcr [~tobrit@pD9E491A5.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[22:47] < owl^afk> but on morpheus my 1.7 build is still running... now on pandora i'm downloading rock-1.5 ;)
[22:47] < Mike1> owl^afk: execellent
[22:48] < Mike1> owl^afk: i thor i got:
[22:48] < Mike1> == 14:57:52 =[5]=> Building base package xfree86 [4.2.1 1.5.20].
[22:48] < owl^afk> Mike1: ACK. heh, it's me. what did you think... ;P
[22:48] < Mike1> == 15:51:34 =[5]=> Building clifford/hercules [2.16.5 1.7-snapshot].
[22:48] < owl^afk> hmmm... what snap are you using?
[22:48] < Mike1> 1.5 lastest cvs tree
[22:49] < Mike1> 1.7 yesterdays cvs dunno if its still the latest dont think so
[22:49] < owl^afk> == 15:51:34 =[5]=> Building clifford/hercules [2.16.5 1.7-snapshot].  <<< not really...
[22:49] < Mike1> owl^afk: i dont use snapshots
[22:49] < owl^afk> ah so.
[22:49] < Mike1> i use cvs
[22:49] < owl^afk> grrrrrrrrrrrr... :-/
[22:50] < Mike1> owl^afk: i could fix problems if i was using already released snaps
[22:50] < Mike1> :)
[22:50] < owl^afk> Mike1: so you are too lazy to use snaps? ;P
[22:51] < Mike1> owl^afk: nah i am too crazy so i use cvs trees :P
[22:51] < owl^afk> Mike1: ;P
[22:52] < Mike1> owl^afk: feel to use the original download sites or the gd.tu-wien mirror to get the 1.5 sources
[22:52] < Mike1> you will not have any broken links
[22:52]   Mike1 taking care of rock 1.5 availability
[22:52] < owl^afk> huh? where to set it?
[22:53] < Mike1> owlita have you ever read the ROCK Linux Guide?
[22:53] < Mike1> owl ./scripts/Help Download :)
[22:53] < owl^afk> aehm yes. but i don't remember much...
[22:53] < owl^afk> *grrr*
[22:54] < Mike1> owl^afk: it pleasse me a lot to see you finally building rock linux >_<
[22:55] < owl^afk> Mike1: haha ;)
[22:55] < fooblah> i try 1.7 again... ;)
[22:55] < Mike1> and btw you should s/owl^afk/owlita
[22:55] < Mike1> fooblah: great good luck :)
[22:56] < owl^afk> Mike1: huh?
[22:56] < Mike1> owl^afk: i will _NOT_ belive that you are afk :)
[22:56] < owl^afk> Mike1: as i already said - i'm half-away ;P
[22:56] < Mike1> ok
[22:57] < Mike1> :P
[23:00]   Mike1 turns on speaks ... Real World sounds disabled ....
[23:01]   Mike1 listens Korn - Blind ..
[23:01] < owl^afk> Mike1: ;) good music.
[23:01] < fooblah> <<listens to rock'n roll, blues...
[23:02] < Mike1> :)
[23:02] < fooblah> thats the only real ;)
[23:02]   Mike1 sending stress to hell ...
[23:03] < owl^afk> fooblah: uhrgs. rock'n'roll?!!!!!
[23:04] < fooblah> owl^afk: yeah
[23:04] < owl^afk> gothic, metal, punk, rock --> the only real ;)
[23:04] < fooblah> jimi hendrix, deep purple etc.
[23:04] < fooblah> thats musik!
[23:04] < owl^afk> tstststs
[23:04] < Mike1> The Mupphets RULEZ!!
[23:04] < Mike1> :)
[23:05] < fooblah> cat stevens *chill* ;)
[23:05] < owl^afk> jazz, blues, classical is also cool - sometimes ;)
[23:05] < Mike1> mike@thor:~ > cat stevens
[23:05] < Mike1> cat: stevens: No such file or directory
[23:05] < Mike1> mike@thor:~ >
[23:05] < Mike1> *gg*
[23:06] < fooblah> *gg*
[23:08] < Mike1> fooblah: where did you first heard about rock linux? and what amde you get interested in trying it?
[23:11] < fooblah> sry i was away again ;)
[23:11] < fooblah> aehm
[23:11] < Mike1> sry?
[23:11] < fooblah> sry == sorry ;)
[23:11] < Mike1> ah ok
[23:11] < Mike1> :)
[23:11]   tcr is listening to Children of Bodom - Hate me!
[23:12] < fooblah> so i heard about rocklinux... aehm... good question ;)
[23:12]   owl^afk listens to silke bischoff - hold me
[23:12] < fooblah> i looked for new experience...
[23:12] < fooblah> and i found rocklinux ;)
[23:12]   Mike1 holding owl
[23:12] < owl^afk> Mike1: not you
[23:12] < Mike1> :P
[23:12] < Mike1> fooblah: mmm nice
[23:12] < fooblah> i'm learning c
[23:12] < Mike1> what did you like about rock to make it ur new experience?
[23:12] < owl^afk> Mike1: don't laugh and also don't touch me
[23:12] < fooblah> still... *gg*
[23:13] < fooblah> *lag*
[23:13] < Mike1> cool
[23:13] < Mike1> owl^afk: *touch* *touch* *touch**touch* *touch* *touch**touch* *touch* *touch**touch* *touch* *touch*
[23:13] < owl^afk> Mike1: *kill* *kill* *kill* *kill* *kill* *kill* *kill* *kill**kill**kill**kill**kill**kill**kill**kill**kill**kill**kill**kill**kill**kill**kill*
[23:14] < fooblah> aehm my englisch is not perfect... what do u mean with: "what did u like about rock..." ?
[23:14] < Mike1> owl^afk: sorry mortals like you cant kill me or even hurt me :)
[23:14] < owl^afk> Mike1: damnit ;P
[23:14] < fooblah> ah i think i c
[23:14] < Mike1> fooblah: i mean it as why rock linux?
[23:15] < fooblah> aehm i wanted to use a distri where i can build the source for my own system...
[23:15] < fooblah> and i think there are only 3... lfs gentoo and rocklinux, nor?
[23:15] -!- tsa [~tsa@p5082BAA3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[23:15] < Mike1> great choise
[23:15] < tsa> re
[23:15] < owl^afk> re tsa
[23:15] < Mike1> Buenas tardes tsa
[23:15] < owl^afk> tsa: how are you ?
[23:15] < tsa> hola Mike1
[23:15] < tsa> hi owl^afk
[23:16] < tsa> owl^afk: bien, gracias.
[23:16] < Mike1> como va todo?
[23:16] < owl^afk> tsa: *lol* wrong language ;P
[23:16] < Mike1> owl^afk: por que?
[23:16] < tsa> owl^afk: por que?
[23:16] < owl^afk> Mike1: aehm...?
[23:16] -!- fooblah is now known as fooblah|afk
[23:16] < tsa> aeh ;-)
[23:16] < Mike1> bwahahahaha
[23:16] < owl^afk> no hablo spanish ;P
[23:16] < tsa> no sabes nada.
[23:17] < Mike1> no hablas español?
[23:17] < owl^afk> Mike1: si
[23:17] < Mike1> tsa: creo que ya owl^afkes un caso perdido tendremos que darle un abrazo
[23:17] < tsa> .oO( estupida ;-)
[23:17] < owl^afk> huh
[23:17] < owl^afk> ???
[23:17] < tsa> Mike1: hehe, claro que si.
[23:17]   Mike1 hugs owlita
[23:17]   tsa hugs owl^afk
[23:17] < owl^afk> tsa: are you "charmant" again`?
[23:17] < owl^afk> TSA!!!
[23:18] < tsa> hahaha
[23:18] < owl^afk> if you wanna survive today, then don't touch or even hug me ;P
[23:18] < Mike1> tsa: hehehe
[23:18]   Mike1 hugs owlita
[23:18] < owl^afk> pah
[23:18]   tsa hugs owl^afk
[23:18] < owl^afk> /ignore everybody who hugs her
[23:18] < tsa> <- still alive
[23:18] < Mike1> me encanta hacer esto
[23:18]   Mike1 touchs owlita
[23:18] < tsa> Mike1: si, pero solo porque ella no lo quiere ;)
[23:19] < owl^afk> /ignore everybody who toches or hugs her
[23:19] < tsa> toechs?
[23:19] < tsa> toches?
[23:19]   Mike1 holds owlita
[23:19] < owl^afk> improved english ;P
[23:19] < Mike1> damn i am still alive :)
[23:19] < owl^afk> "englische rechtschreibreform"
[23:19] < Mike1> its my lucky day
[23:20] < Mike1> tsa: no please dont force her to speak english\
[23:20] < owl^afk> holding, tOUching, hugging or whatever is forbidden!
[23:20] < tsa> Mike1: tenes que besar owlita..
[23:20] < tsa> owl^afk: un beso?
[23:20] < Mike1> tsa: estas loco
[23:20]   owl^afk continues watching "stigmata"
[23:20] < tsa> Mike1: hehe, seguro..
[23:20] < owl^afk> Mike1: i'm not crazy
[23:20] < Mike1> owl^afk: ?
[23:21] < Mike1> owl^afk: i told tsa he is crazy not you
[23:21] < tsa> Mike1: owl^afk no entiende..
[23:21] < Mike1> tsa: lets teach owl^afk some spanish :)
[23:21] < owl^afk> Mike1: really? estas = she...yes?
[23:21] < owl^afk> Mike1: no, please not ;)
[23:21] < tsa> no.
[23:21] < owl^afk> english and a bit of russian is enough ;)
[23:21] < tsa> estas = he/she is
[23:22] < Mike1> owl^afk: ella = she
[23:22] < owl^afk> ah ok. thx.
[23:22] < Mike1> tsa: estas = he/she/you is/are
[23:22] -!- chrisime [~chrisime@pD959060D.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving")
[23:22] < tsa> uh, i'm too tired, it seems.
[23:22] < Mike1> tsa: creoq ue si
[23:22] < owl^afk> Mike1, tsa: now you have forced chrisime to leave ;P
[23:22] < Mike1> tsa: dale un beso en la boca a owl^afk
[23:23] < tsa> Mike1: tengo miedo...me va a matar..
[23:23] < Mike1> tsa: yo te cubro mientras corres
[23:23] < Mike1> :)
[23:23] < tsa> hehe
[23:23]   Mike1 takes of his sword to protect tsa
[23:23] < Mike1> tsa: hazlo ahora
[23:24] < tsa> mejor no..
[23:24] < Mike1> no se que tan enojada se puede poner :P
[23:24] < tsa> ;)
[23:24] -!- chrisime [~chrisime@pD959060D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[23:24]   Mike1 hides the sword again as tsa fears owl^afk
[23:25] < owl^afk> tsa fears me? really?
[23:25] < Mike1> owl^afk: yes he does very much
[23:25] < Mike1> *ggggg*
[23:25] < owl^afk> Mike1: great. ;P
[23:26] < Mike1> owl^afk: can tsa and i do something?
[23:26] < Mike1> i promisse it wont be a hug
[23:26] < owl^afk> Mike1: *lol* i dunno.
[23:26] < Mike1> tsa: animos
[23:26] < Mike1> owl^afk: ok just tsa and not me
[23:26] < owl^afk> maybe you both can fix errors in rock... ;P
[23:27] < Mike1> owl^afk: thats something that we do all the time
[23:27] < owl^afk> Mike1: really? ;P
[23:27] < Mike1> ack :) right tsa?
[23:27] < Mike1> *PING* tsa
[23:27] < tsa> sure.
[23:27] < tsa> i make some errors and Mike1 fixes them.
[23:28] < owl^afk> tsa: <no further comments> ;P
[23:28] < Mike1> tsa: nah i make the errors and you fix them :)
[23:28] < Mike1> tsa: but hey owl^afk is not running builds so she will work this as well
[23:28] < Mike1> que estas haciendo?
[23:29] < owl^afk> Mike1: tststs.
[23:29] < tsa> leyendo mi correo ..
[23:29] < owl^afk> running (right now) build of 1.7 on morpheus...
[23:29] < Mike1> y el beso que le ibas a dar?
[23:29] < tsa> Mike1: nunca.
[23:30] < Mike1> == 16:31:09 =[5]=> Building base package mesalib [4.0.3 1.5.20].
[23:30] < Mike1> == 16:33:36 =[5]=> Building rene/emacs [21.2 1.7-snapshot].
[23:30] < Mike1> tsa: haha miedoso :P
[23:30] < tsa> Mike1: en este caso - si.
[23:30] < tsa> Mike1: y tu?
[23:30] < Mike1> tsa: por que te da miedo?
[23:30] < tsa> ;)
[23:30] < Mike1> no a mi no me da miedo
[23:30] < Mike1> no estoy tan loco para hacerlo :)
[23:31] < tsa> Mike1: hazlo, entonces.
[23:31] < tsa> hehe
[23:31] < Mike1> owl^afk: who is more insane tsa or /me ?
[23:31] -!- tcr [~tobrit@pD9E491A5.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ho chresim eidos uch hoch poll eidos sphos")
[23:31] < owl^afk> Mike1: tsa i guess ;P
[23:31] < Mike1> tsa: vez
[23:31] < tsa> hm...
[23:31] < Mike1> do it
[23:32] < tsa> no, i won't. owl^afk wants a beso from you, Mike1..
[23:32] < tsa> not from me.
[23:32]   owl^afk expects something horrible
[23:32] < Mike1> tsa: aha
[23:32] < tsa> owl^afk: ask Mike1
[23:32] < Mike1> tsa: she wants _YOU_ to do it
[23:33] < owl^afk> Mike1: doing WHAT?
[23:33] < Mike1> owl^afk: what makes you think something horrible will happen?
[23:33] < Mike1> owl^afk: sabes que es un beso?
[23:33] < Mike1> *gggg*
[23:33] < Mike1> tsa te dara uno
[23:34] < owl^afk> Mike1: i dunno. i just think it
[23:34] < tsa> Mike1: no lo sabe, por eso tenes que explicarlo.
[23:34] < Mike1> owl^afk: ok i will explain to you ...
[23:34] < Mike1> tsa will help me with the ilustration
[23:34] < tsa> NO.
[23:35] < Mike1> lol
[23:35]   Mike1 le da un beso a owl^afk
[23:35] < Mike1> tsa: tu turno
[23:35] < tsa> Mike1: no, gracias.
[23:35] < Mike1> oh no !
[23:35] < tsa> no estoy tan loco..
[23:36] < Mike1> DAMN i have been poisoned!!
[23:36] < Mike1> tsa: claro que si tu eres mas loco que yo
[23:36] < Mike1> :)
[23:40] < tsa> ;-)
[23:41]   Mike1 wonders why is owl^afk so incredibly quite
[23:42] < Mike1> tsa: supongo que esta en algun traductor tratando de saber que es loq ue etsamos hablando
[23:43] < tsa> hehe
[23:45] < Mike1> que estas haciendo?
[23:46] < tsa> me?
[23:46] < tsa> surfing the web for a new xmms theme
[23:46] < tsa> owl^afk is still very quiet...strange
[23:47] < Mike1> ping -f owl^afk
[23:47] < owl^afk> pong
[23:47] < owl^afk> and afk again..
[23:47] < esden> hi all
[23:47] < Mike1> ok owlita
[23:47] < Mike1> hi esden !! :)
[23:47]   esden has running 1.7 on his laptop .. ;-)
[23:48] < fooblah|afk> esden: hello
[23:48] < esden> hi fooblah|afk
[23:48] < esden> hi Mike1
[23:48] < owl^afk> hi esden
[23:48] < Mike1> esden: cool !
[23:48] -!- fooblah|afk is now known as fooblah
[23:48] < esden> hi owl^afk
[23:48] < fooblah> re
[23:48] < esden> hmm ... not all is working as expected ... but most of the things
[23:49] < esden> no ... I would better say ... that it is running ...
[23:49] < tsa> hi esden!!!
[23:49] < esden> but it needs a lot of work to be usable for everybody
[23:49] < Mike1> esden: i see
[23:49] < Mike1> tell us more
[23:50] < fooblah> german documentation will be great *think*
[23:51] < Mike1> fooblah: true , it would be even better if the international german support maintainer was working it..  right _tsa_?
[23:51] < fooblah> i can make some... *think*
[23:51] < fooblah> but i need help - a lot of help ;)
[23:52] < Mike1> could be :)
[23:53] < esden> fooblah: no ... more importaint is functionality for now ...
[23:54] < fooblah> esden: of course but... i'm a beginner in c programming...
[23:54] < fooblah> i'm sure i can't help u...
[23:54] < esden> ok ... selection and deselection of category folders of packets in stone is not working
[23:54] < Mike1> esden: arrg both things can be done :P
[23:54] < esden> second grub installation in stone is not working
[23:54] < Mike1> we just need non programmers to help around with docs while they learn
[23:55] < fooblah> yeah ;)
[23:55] < esden> guessing of the root partition in stone is not working
[23:55] < fooblah> like me ;)
[23:55] < Mike1> fooblah: yes
[23:56] < esden> hmm ... most modules that are are shipped with 1.7 have not resolved symbols
[23:56] < esden> pcmcia startup script is missing
[23:57] < esden> hmm ... that is what I can tell on the first glance ...
[23:57] < esden> but 1.7 is in devel stage and is allowed to have such problems
[23:57] < Mike1> ack
-!- Irrsi  Log closed Sun Nov 10 00:00:09 2002