-!- Irrsi  Log opened Sun Nov 10 00:00:09 2002
[00:00] < Mike1> i am off
[00:00] < esden> cu Mike1
[00:00] < Mike1> esdy fooblah owl^afk have a great weekend
[00:01] < Mike1> esden: god bless you my friend :)
[00:01] < Mike1> cu all
[00:01] < owl^afk> you too. bye Mike1
[00:01] < fooblah> Mike1: cu
[00:01] < esden> Mike1: god bless you too
[00:01] < tsa> https://pornview.sourceforge.net/
[00:01] < fooblah> Mike1: great weekend too ;)
[00:03] < Mike1> damn
[00:03] < Mike1> delayed for 1/2 a bit
[00:03] < Mike1> tsa: nice link
[00:03] < owl^afk> tsa, tsa, tsa... *tstststs*
[00:03] < Mike1> now i go
[00:03] < Mike1> bye
[00:04] < tsa> cu Mike1
[00:04] < Mike1> que tengas un buen fin de semana Sebastian
[00:04] < tsa> gracias.
[00:05] < tsa> tengo mucho trabajo, pero vamos a ver que pasa..
[00:06] -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting")
[00:25] -!- owl^afk [~mail-spam@B51f2.pppool.de] has quit ("changing ISP")
[00:25] < esden> hmm ... I have to test that peace of software ;-)
[00:28] -!- _NULL [~mail-spam@dialin-212-144-152-225.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux
[00:28] < _NULL> re
[00:28] -!- _NULL is now known as owl
[00:34] < esden> re owl
[00:42] < owl> gn8. cu
[00:42] -!- owl is now known as owl^zzZZZz
[01:00] < fooblah> i go to bed now... n8
[01:00] -!- fooblah is now known as fooblah|at_bed
[01:12] < huebi> re
[01:13] < esden> argh ... that is stupid ... when you have no cdrom you can not run "package remove / install" ...
[01:13] < huebi> esden: ack
[01:13] < esden> hmm .. /me needs to patch a bit ...
[01:14] < huebi> esden: Yes, good idea. How about LC display in 1.5?
[01:15] < huebi> esden: ??
[01:15] < esden> I am not at my machine .. I am currently in munich far away from my machine ... otherwise I would be currently sitting on that ...
[01:16] < huebi> esden: on that issue or on that machine? ;-)
[01:16] < esden> on that issue
[01:16] < huebi> esden: kool. Id would be nice if it comes into 1.5.20.
[01:16] < netrunner> esden: if you don't rely on _your_ machine, come here, I'll give you a terminal :)
[01:18] < esden> huebi: I do not think that it will be possible ... I am too seldom at home ... and that is the only place where I can do the work
[01:18] < huebi> hmmm...
[01:18] < huebi> bad boy esden
[01:18] < esden> not bad boy ... a busy boy ... ;-)
[01:18] < huebi> *g*
[01:19] < huebi> busy with the wrong thinks.
[01:19] < esden> no ... with the university things ... when I would not have to do something for my university I would not be here in munich ...
[01:20] < huebi> esden: only ugly girls in munich?
[01:20] < esden> hmm ... no ...
[01:20] < esden> but girls ... are the wrong things curently ...
[01:21] < huebi> jung men?
[01:21]   esden has no time for girls currently ...
[01:21] < huebi> *g*
[01:21] < esden> iii ...!!!
[01:21] < huebi> *LOOOL*
[01:21] < esden> huebi: you are ugly
[01:21] < esden> !
[01:21] < huebi> esden: Ok. I visit the hairdresser on monday.
[01:22] < esden> o_O
[01:22] < esden> _$_
[01:22] < esden> |o_O|
[01:23] < esden> the pharao smeyley
[01:23] < esden> the wondering pharao
[01:23] < huebi> ;-)
[01:25] < owl^zzZZZz> re
[01:25] -!- owl^zzZZZz is now known as owl
[01:25] < huebi> Schlafeule
[01:25] < owl> huebi: huh?
[01:25] < huebi> owl^zzZZZz
[01:25] < owl> DVDeule... ;)
[01:26] < huebi> axo
[01:26] < owl> hm. war uspruenglich geplant. na ja. habe mich mal wieder _ver_plant :-/
[01:26] < esden> owl: das ist da selbe wie eine inproduktive eule
[01:26] < owl> aber dieses leih-notebook... das bringt mich ins grab
[01:26] < esden> ?
[01:27] < owl> esden: *lol* sag' das nicht. au9f morpheus baue ich gerade 1.7 und leech 1.5 sourcen ;P
[01:27] < owl> esden: frag' nicht... "your system is too slow" (fuers dvd gucken...) ist ja nur ein 1.4 ghz-notebook
[01:28] < esden> ...
[01:28] < owl> sound - grausam. lautsprecher - ein witz... console hat man auch erst heftigst mit rumfscken muessen, dass man da nicht in der mitte des bildschirms ein 640x480-console hatte... etc. pp.
[01:29] < owl> bin ich froh, dass das nur "mein" temporaeres notebook ist... hoffendlich kommt mein geliebtes asus bald von der reparatur... ;)
[01:31] < huebi> autoconf 2.54 und automake 1.7.1 sind jetzt in 1.5
[01:32] < huebi> owl: ftp://stud.fbi.fh-darmstadt.de/pub/linux/rocklinux/rock-pkg-1.5 <- schneller mirror
[01:32] < huebi> meistens jedenfalls
[01:33] < owl> huebi: ok. danke. wenn ich noch 'ne schnelle connection haette waere das super :-/
[01:34]   huebi updating package source files on stud
[01:35] < owl> huebi: liegt an der uni darmstadt immer 'ne aktuelle 1.5er iso?
[01:35] < huebi> owl: ab montag
[01:36] < owl> huebi: oki. thx. ;)
[01:36] < owl> haben die studenten auch zugriff uebers intranet?
[01:36] < huebi> jo
[01:36] < owl> ok ;)
[01:38] < esden> owl du hast probleme ... du hast einfach nicht genug geduld ... und ausdauer ...
[01:39] < esden> ok ... ich versuche mir jetzt kde auf meinem lappy anzuschauen
[01:39]   esden brb
[01:39] < owl> esden: quark. ich habe das zeug doch noch zum laufen bekommen. was haste?
[01:51] < owl> so. genug jetzt. gute nacht. bye
[01:52] -!- owl is now known as owl^zzZZZz
[01:52] < huebi> cu owl^zzZZZz
[02:21] < tsa> n8
[02:21] -!- tsa [~tsa@p5082BAA3.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting")
[02:29] -!- hackbard_ [~hackbard@p50807B52.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving")
[02:37] -!- Ge0rG [georg@club-mate.net] has quit ("Man gewöhnt sich dran!")
[02:52] < huebi> cu later.
[02:52]   huebi goes bak to the office... starting a few new builds
[02:53] < huebi> ...wech
[04:14] < chrisime> hm
[04:32] -!- fooblah|at_bed [~slackware@pD9EBB6E3.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[05:33] -!- chrisime_ [~chrisime@p50803985.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[05:41] -!- blindcod1r [~blindcode@pD958FCFE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[05:42] -!- chrisime [~chrisime@pD959060D.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[05:50] -!- blindcoder [~blindcode@p508008E6.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[05:51] -!- netrunner [~netrunner@p5080203E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[06:21] -!- paperclip [~joe@ip68-11-78-14.no.no.cox.net] has joined #rocklinux
[06:22] < paperclip> not much.. just got home..
[06:29] -!- Freak [freak@p50839629.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[06:56] -!- jhidalgo [~jhidalgo@alajuela-a50.racsa.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux
[07:10] -!- fooblah|at_bed [~slackware@pD9546421.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[07:41] -!- kunphuzil [~kunphuzil@1Cust4.tnt9.phoenix.az.da.uu.net] has joined #rocklinux
[07:44] -!- kunphuzil [~kunphuzil@1Cust4.tnt9.phoenix.az.da.uu.net] has left #rocklinux ()
[07:57] -!- jhidalgo [~jhidalgo@alajuela-a50.racsa.co.cr] has left #rocklinux ()
[09:15] -!- netrunner [~netrunner@p5080252D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #rocklinux
[10:27] < fooblah|at_bed> anybody here?
[10:27] -!- fooblah|at_bed is now known as fooblah
[10:31] -!- blindcoder [~blindcode@p50801ADC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[10:31] < fooblah> blindcoder: hello
[10:36] < blindcoder> moin
[10:36] < fooblah> <<has a problem :(
[10:37] < blindcoder> mhich?
[10:37] < fooblah> checking installed Linux kernel header files... TOO OLD!
[10:37] < fooblah> configure: error: GNU libc requires kernel header files from
[10:37] < fooblah> Linux 2.0.10 or later to be installed before configuring.
[10:37] < fooblah> The kernel header files are found usually in /usr/include/asm and
[10:37] < fooblah> Linux 2.0.10 or later.  This check uses <linux/version.h>, so
[10:37] < fooblah> make sure that file was built correctly when installing the kernel header
[10:37] < fooblah> files.  To use kernel headers not from /usr/include/linux, use the
[10:37] < fooblah> configure option --with-headers.
[10:37] < fooblah> -> $root/var/adm/logs/9-glibc.out -> 9-glibc.err
[10:37] < fooblah> == 11/10/02 10:33:45 =[9]=> Aborted building package glibc.
[10:37] < fooblah> but i've got kernel headers 2.4.19
[10:37] < fooblah> and the version.h is in /usr/src/linux and in $root/usr/...
[10:37] < blindcoder> ??? haven't had that error...
[10:38] < blindcoder> but have a look if /usr/include/asm is is there
[10:38] < fooblah> it is
[10:38] < fooblah> i try to compile glibc manual
[10:39] < blindcoder> okay
[10:39] < blindcoder> it looks like the asm-symlink isn't there
[10:39] < blindcoder> go to usr/src/linux and do a make sfmlinks
[10:39] < fooblah> ok
[10:39] < blindcoder> make symlinks
[10:42] -!- Eisofen [~grunz@pD9E1CF77.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[10:44] < fooblah> :( it won't
[10:45] < Eisofen> 'lo
[10:48] -!- blindcod1r [~blindcode@pD958FCFE.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[10:51] < blindcoder> fooblah: with make symlinks? strange
[10:51] < blindcoder> hi Eisofen
[10:53]   Eisofen just downloads 1.5.19-iso....
[10:54] < fooblah> 1.5.20 will release tomorrow - or?
[10:55] < Eisofen> I don't want to wait for tomorrow ;-)
[10:55] < fooblah> ;)
[10:55] < Eisofen> is iso.rocklinux.de restricted to 30k/sec?
[10:56] < blindcoder> Eisofen: I don't think so
[10:56] < blindcoder> fooblah: it should be today
[10:57] < Eisofen> 'cause my dl crawls with only ~30k here...
[11:01] < blindcoder> I have the same probs with T-DSL
[11:07] < Eisofen> i'm on t-dsl...
[11:07] < Eisofen> ;-)
[11:08] -!- tcr [~tobrit@p50813DFE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[11:09] < blindcoder> moin tcr
[11:09] < tcr> moin all
[11:09] < blindcoder> *ARGH: SHIT FUCKING for LOOPS
[11:09] < blindcoder> can someone ekplain this to me:
[11:09] < blindcoder> root@crazyhorse:/usr/src/rock-src-1.7# for x in `ls --quoting-style=escape /dvd/` ; do echo $x ; done
[11:10] < blindcoder> Abenobashi\
[11:10] < blindcoder> Shoutengai\
[11:10] < blindcoder> Mahou\
[11:10] < blindcoder> -\
[11:10] < blindcoder> 01.avi
[11:10] < blindcoder> Abenobashi\
[11:10] < blindcoder> Shoutengai\
[11:10] < blindcoder> Mahou\
[11:10] < blindcoder> -\
[11:10] < blindcoder> 02.avi
[11:10] < blindcoder> Abenobashi\
[11:10] < blindcoder> Shoutengai\
[11:10] < tcr> what bash version?
[11:10] < blindcoder> Mahou\
[11:10] < blindcoder> -\
[11:10] < blindcoder> 03.avi
[11:10] < blindcoder> Abenobashi\
[11:10] < blindcoder> Shoutengai\
[11:10] < blindcoder> Mahou\
[11:10] < blindcoder> -\
[11:10] < blindcoder> 04.avi
[11:10] < blindcoder> GNU bash, version 2.05b.0(1)-release (i686-pc-linux-gnu)
[11:10] < blindcoder> how can I make x hold the complete filename including the ' '
[11:10] < blindcoder> ?
[11:13] < blindcoder> for x in "a b j" "def" ; do echo $x; done
[11:14] < blindcoder> works just fine
[11:14] -!- Netsplit brunner.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: netrunner, [anders], praenti, huebi, paperclip, fooblah, owl^zzZZZz, mayan, th, rxr, (+5 more, use /NETSPLIT to show all of them)
[11:19] -!- Netsplit over, joins: tcr, Eisofen, netrunner, fooblah, paperclip, owl^zzZZZz, [anders], rxr, th, huebi (+5 more)
[11:21] < blindcoder> WTF does bash behave differently when run from a script instead of interactive? what's that shit good for?
[11:22] < tcr> what do you want to use in scripts?
[11:22] < fooblah> l8r - i go to mcdonalds - breakfast ;)
[11:22] -!- fooblah [~slackware@pD9546421.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("My damn controlling terminal disappeared!")
[11:23] < blindcoder> tcr: I have filenames containing spaces
[11:23] < tcr> jau
[11:23] < blindcoder> and I want to use them within a for-loop
[11:23] < blindcoder> but:
[11:23] < blindcoder> for x in `ls -Q /cdrom/` ; do echo $x ; done
[11:24] < blindcoder> when invoked from the console it works just fine
[11:24] < tcr> i proposed a way how to handle such filenames, why don't you intend to use it?
[11:24] < blindcoder> hmmm it didn't come up here, maybe because of the NetSplit
[11:24] < tcr> oks
[11:25] < tcr> <blindcoder> how can I make x hold the complete filename including the ' '
[11:25] < tcr> <blindcoder> ?
[11:25] < tcr> <tcr> while read filename; do echo $filename; done < <( ls $OPTIONS /dvd/ )
[11:25] < tcr> <tcr> ls $OPTIONS /dvd | while read filename; do echo $filename; done
[11:25] < tcr> <tcr> the first is prefered for big data volumnes
[11:25] < blindcoder> definately didn't come up, I'll try it
[11:25] < blindcoder> mom
[11:27] < blindcoder> sweet! works just fine! I owe you one for that :)
[11:28] < blindcoder> btw. what's the difference between the two lines desite the fact that ls comes first?
[11:29] < tcr> for var in `command`; do ... ; done
[11:29] < tcr> will become for var in result_of_command; do ...; done
[11:30] < tcr> e.g. for filename in first filename second filename; do ...; done ... instead of for filename in "first filename" "second filename"; do ...; done
[11:30] < blindcoder> yes but the result would contain " around the files according to the -Q parameter
[11:32] < tcr> ?
[11:32] < tcr> hm
[11:32] < tcr> lemme check
[11:33] < Eisofen> damn..
[11:33] < blindcoder> Eisofen: hm?
[11:33] < Eisofen> is there another mirror for 1.5.19-isos somewhere?
[11:35] < blindcoder> don't think so, why?
[11:35] < tcr> Eisofen: tomorrow 1.5.20 will be released
[11:35] < tcr> blindcoder: that seems to be a bash bug
[11:36] < Eisofen> because of this 30k/sec speed limit I get here.. takes me ~5 hours to dl that iso....
[11:36] < tcr> you should go ahead and ask the mailing list, why it doesnt work ... and if this is intended as it is or not
[11:36] < tcr> @ blindcoder
[11:37] < Eisofen> ok.. I could build from gentoo (chroot) but the guide is unclear for me at this point....
[11:37] < blindcoder> tcr: it's not for ROCK, it's for my private CD-Archive :)
[11:38] < blindcoder> or do you mean  the bash-ML?
[11:38] < tcr> jap
[11:39] < blindcoder> Eisofen: well... a little patience isn't always bad :) but you should check if there are other things running killing your bandwidth
[11:39] < blindcoder> tcr: okay
[11:40] < blindcoder> TDSL is async that means that 8 kB upstream are killing ~45 kB downstream
[11:42] < Eisofen> hehe
[11:42] < blindcoder> ?
[11:43] < blindcoder> what are you laughing about?
[11:44] < Eisofen> but there is nothing than IRC and the download running atm... my firewall rorts that too: Cur Out:
[11:44] < Eisofen> 795 Bytes/s
[11:44] < Eisofen> anyway...
[11:44] < Eisofen> s/rorts/reports
[11:44] < blindcoder> strange...
[11:45] < blindcoder> you should ask LocalHero about that... it's his box...
[11:46] < Eisofen> well.. I think I'm not the only one who will get some from that server ;-)
[11:47] < blindcoder> yeah but I don't think there are that many peoplo to kill a 100MBit/s line
[11:56] -!- Ge0rG [georg@club-mate.net] has joined #rocklinux
[12:52] < owl^zzZZZz> goodp morng oihn
[12:52] -!- owl^zzZZZz is now known as owl
[12:53] < owl> aeh. good morning....
[12:54] < Eisofen> morn' owl
[12:56] < owl> hi Eisofen
[12:58] < owl> *argh* fscking proxy! needs reboot. brb
[12:58] -!- owl [~mail-spam@dialin-212-144-152-225.arcor-ip.net] has quit ("rebooting the fscking proxy! or even killing it.")
[13:00] -!- owl [~mail-spam@dialin-212-144-152-225.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux
[13:00] < owl> re
[13:02] < Eisofen> .oO( sind ja fast nur deutsche hier..)
[13:04] -!- Eisofen [~grunz@pD9E1CF77.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
[13:52] < esden> morning @ all
[14:15] < owl> morgen esden
[14:17] < esden> morgen owl
[14:17] -!- fooblah [~slackware@pD9546421.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[14:17] < fooblah> hio
[14:18] < owl> tach fooblah
[14:18] < fooblah> owl: hio
[14:19] < chrisime_> esden, jo!
[14:19] < fooblah> <<hat nen prob :(
[14:19] < esden> hi chrisime_
[14:19] < esden> hi fooblah
[14:19] < fooblah> esden: hi
[14:19] < fooblah> i can't compile glibc3.2 - it needs some kernel headers - they are in /usr/include/.. - so whats wrong? :/
[14:21] < esden> you are missing a symlink from /usr/src/linux/include /usr/include/linux ... or so
[14:21] < esden> let me check
[14:21] < fooblah> i did
[14:21] < fooblah> i done:
[14:21] < fooblah> make symlink ;)
[14:22] < esden> ls -la /usr/include
[14:22] < esden> [snip]
[14:22] < fooblah> moment
[14:22] < esden> lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root           24 Nov  9 07:37 asm -> ../src/linux/include/asm
[14:22] < fooblah> he needs a version.h
[14:23] < esden> lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root           32 Nov  9 07:37 asm-generic -> ../src/linux/include/asm-generic
[14:23] < fooblah> this header is in /usr/include...
[14:23] < esden> ahh ... then you have not make make menuconfig in your linux kernel source directory
[14:23] < esden> after that the header is being created
[14:24] < esden> lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root           26 Nov  9 07:37 linux -> ../src/linux/include/linux
[14:24] < esden> ok that are the three symlinks you need
[14:24] < fooblah> hmm...
[14:25] < fooblah> moment
[14:25] -!- jbalint [~chatzilla@dhcp065-024-224-136.insight.rr.com] has joined #rocklinux
[14:26] < jbalint> Hi all.
[14:26] < esden> hi jbalint
[14:27]   esden playing with lego ;-)
[14:27] < chrisime_> isses gut nen union in nen struct zu stecken, ich mein in c++
[14:27] < chrisime_> net c
[14:27]   chrisime_ denkt dass es net gut ist
[14:27] < esden> chrisime_: export LANG=en_EN ... otherwise noone will talk with you ...
[14:27] < jbalint> I have been thinking about added zisofs to create-iso but I wanted to run it past everyone here.
[14:27] < chrisime_> das design wird dadurch net beser
[14:27] < chrisime_> esden, aah
[14:27] < chrisime_> ;)
[14:28] < jbalint> Good/bad thought?
[14:29] < esden> jbalint: it is a cool idea ... but what would that bring us ... the cd is consisting already of bz2 compressed packets ...
[14:29] < blindcoder> boy is the bootdisk target screwed
[14:29] < jbalint> Good point.
[14:29] < blindcoder> root@crazyhorse:/usr/src/rock-src-1.7# ./scripts/Create-ErrList -cfg amd-boot
[14:29] < blindcoder> Error logs from build/amd-boot-1.7-snapshot-ia32-bootdisk-expert/root/var/adm/logs:
[14:29] < blindcoder> [3] base/ncurses          [3] base/perl5            [3] base/groff
[14:29] < esden> adding such an option ... would be pretty cool ... yes
[14:29] < blindcoder> [3] base/nvi              [3] base/autoconf         [3] base/automake
[14:29] < blindcoder> [3] base/procps           [5] base/linux24          [5] base/glibc22
[14:29] < blindcoder> [5] base/bonnie++         [5] base/autoconf         [5] base/automake
[14:29] < blindcoder> [5] base/dialog           [5] base/minicom          [5] base/setserial
[14:29] < blindcoder> [5] base/netkit-telnet    [7] base/perl5
[14:30] < blindcoder> 135 builds total, 118 completed fine, 17 with errors.
[14:30] < esden> blindcoder: I know that ... >_<
[14:30] < esden> I have to take a look at it ... ...
[14:30] < jbalint> Maybe I'll investigate a little more and come back when I have more infos.
[14:30] < blindcoder> esden: how did you create yours then?
[14:31] < esden> I am not there yet ... to create one
[14:31] < blindcoder> oh and btw esden: you _really_ should deactivate dietlibc for stage 0 and 1
[14:31] < esden> fake made some very bad things to the bootdisk target to get it running ...
[14:31] < esden> blindcoder: aha ... should I ?
[14:32] < blindcoder> esden: otherwise no dietlibc package will build... unless you have it on your host-system
[14:32] < esden> Error logs from build/default-1.7-snapshot-ia32-athlon-tbird-generic-expert/root/var/adm/logs:
[14:33] < esden> 1076 builds total, 902 completed fine, 174 with errors.
[14:33] < esden> hmm ...
[14:33] < blindcoder> I'm net through with generic yet...
[14:34] < esden> most of the errors are the rene and X11 repository1s
[14:34] < blindcoder> And I'm hungry...
[14:34] < esden> blindcoder: then eat something .... !!
[14:34] < blindcoder> because of imlib2 faising about half of renes packages don't build
[14:35] < esden> yes ... that is correct
[14:35] < blindcoder> I don't know what. and eating alone is no fun
[14:35] < esden> but you are not hungry after that ...
[14:36] < blindcoder> yes but I don't want to eat right now when having to eat lonely
[14:36] < esden> get some bread ... some meat and some cheese and that is it ..
[14:36] < blindcoder> I'm currently reindexing 200+ CD's (including md5sums)
[14:36] < fooblah> drink a coffee ;)
[14:36] < blindcoder> fooblah: same thing had to go down to the kitchen
[14:38] < esden> blindcoder: when you are to lazy to go down to the kitchen then do not wheenee around that you are hungry !
[14:38] < blindcoder> :P
[14:39] < blindcoder> then I will whine about ROCK not gompiling!
[14:40] -!- chrisime_ [~chrisime@p50803985.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[14:41] -!- chrisime [~chrisime@p50803985.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[14:43] < blindcoder> hmmm anyone here with a K6 Image of ROCK 1.5?
[14:43] < esden> hmm ... blindcoder do not whine ... fix it !
[14:43] < blindcoder> esden: how if I don't even know WHY it fails?
[14:43] -!- jbalint [~chatzilla@dhcp065-024-224-136.insight.rr.com] has quit ("ChatZilla 0.8.7 [Mozilla rv:1.0.1/20021023]")
[14:44] < blindcoder> for one thing: I can only compile with gcc2
[14:44] < blindcoder> for another: ncurses says that the C PreProcessor fails the sanity check... wtf?
[14:44] -!- chrisime [~chrisime@p50803985.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[14:45] < blindcoder> I can't do anything about it if I don't understand the error tor know if I even compile ROCK the ricgh way
[14:45] -!- chrisime [~chrisime@p50803985.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[14:51] < blindcoder> checking how to run the C++ preprocessor... /lib/cpp
[14:51] < blindcoder> configure: error: C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check
[14:52] < blindcoder> esden: maybe _you_ can say something about it
[14:53] < fooblah> for what is dietlibc?
[14:53] < fooblah> an alternate to glibc?
[14:55] < blindcoder> fooblah: dietlibc is a very small libc
[14:55] < blindcoder> designed/intended to be used in devices where hard disx space is minimal
[14:56] < blindcoder> it can also be used for boot-disks because there, spaco  is limited to 2.88 MB
[14:56] < blindcoder> and that's where ROCK uses it :)
[14:57] < blindcoder> it's not "stable" yet, as in "you can use anything with it"
[14:58] < esden> blindcoder: I am now compiling the bootdisk target ... and will take a look at it when it fails
[14:58] < blindcoder> okay thanks
[14:59] < blindcoder> what compiler?
[15:05] -!- chrisime [~chrisime@p50803985.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[15:06] < esden> 3.0
[15:06] < esden> i mean 3.2
[15:06] < esden> i686-pc-linux-gnu-gcc-3
[15:11] -!- chrisime [~chrisime@p5080336E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[15:13] < blindcoder> hmm I use 2.95 cause 3.2 doesn't work
[15:13] < blindcoder> 001:  - gcc3
[15:13] < esden> hmm ... 3.2 is working very good for me
[15:14] < blindcoder> it crashes when using optimisations or when compiling glibc221/gcc3
[15:14] < esden> the err list I have posted earlier was compiling with 3.2
[15:14] < blindcoder> but I can give it another try
[15:15] < esden> blindcoder: then it seems that it is your setup that has problems ...
[15:15] < blindcoder> hmm compiling ROCK you need to switch back and forth betweet gcc2 and gcc3
[15:15] < blindcoder> not only mine if you have a look at the mailinglist
[15:15] < fooblah> <<has problems building glibc3.2
[15:15] -!- chrisime [~chrisime@p5080336E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[15:16] -!- chrisime [~chrisime@p5080336E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[15:16] < blindcoder> glibc2.3 or gcc 3.2?
[15:16] < fooblah> when will a new snapshot release?
[15:16] < fooblah> glibc
[15:16] < blindcoder> fooblah: seldom... I use CVS
[15:16] < fooblah> hmm...
[15:17] < fooblah> lets try the cvs ;)
[15:17] < blindcoder> make[2]: *** No rule to make target `vncviewer.man'
[15:17] < blindcoder> *lol*
[15:17] < blindcoder> just spotted this in the build-process :)
[15:18]   blindcoder getting something to eat
[15:22] < fooblah> whats better - use gcc3.2 or the pseudo cross compiler? gcc - isn't it?
[15:29] < blindcoder> it's the same
[15:29] -!- chrisime_ [~chrisime@pD95904BD.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[15:30] < blindcoder> it basically means to use the compiler an your system
[15:30] < blindcoder> or build a npecial one and compile with that
[15:30] < fooblah> i know - so i take gcc - the pseudo compiler takes some time - doesn't it?
[15:31] -!- fooblah is now known as fooblah|away
[15:32] < blindcoder> if you deactivate the pseudo then your hosts gcc is used which doesn't always worx out. you can try without compiling a new one (takes ~5 minuten here) but you may encounter problems
[15:35] -!- chrisime [~chrisime@p5080336E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[15:37] < esden> geil ... geil !!! woot ... weeee !!! https://www.bchat.net .... we will get problems when marino gets aware of it !!!
[15:38] < blindcoder> yes we will
[15:38] < blindcoder> see https://www.bingo-chat.de
[15:38] < esden> so he should not get aware of it
[15:39] -!- zer0_o [~zer0_o@pop-zh-24-2-dialup-125.freesurf.ch] has joined #rocklinux
[15:39] < esden>     About 0 documents matched the query bingo-chat.de
[15:39] < esden> no matches
[15:40] < esden> answer from denic
[15:40] < blindcoder> is was registered some time ago... and thon pointed to www.bingo-ev.de because of marino
[15:41] < esden> yes I know ... that was in the days of alex
[15:41] < esden> and marino ... stupid ...
[15:42] < blindcoder> hmm... I thimk I know why cpp is not working...
[15:42] < esden> ?
[15:43] < blindcoder> buildng gcc3 fails very late... so the cpp gets built and - as it seems - installed
[15:43] < blindcoder> but half the gcc-libs are missing
[15:46] < owl> re
[15:47] < esden> blindcoder: hmm ...
[15:47] < blindcoder> hi owly
[15:47] < blindcoder> well let's see if it compilos new >_<
[15:48] < blindcoder> I have two builds in parallel so it takes a while
[15:49] < blindcoder> and there it failed again
[15:50] < esden> <flood>
[15:50] < esden> make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/local/data/1.7/build/src.linux24.1036939689.14432.3426988646/linux-2.4.19'
[15:50] < esden> .depend:1: *** multiple target patterns.  Stop.
[15:50] < esden> make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/local/data/1.7/build/src.linux24.1036939689.14432.3426988646/linux-2.4.19'
[15:50] < esden> make: *** [dep-files] Error 2
[15:50] < esden> </flood>
[15:50] < esden> argh !!!
[15:50] < esden> what does it mean ???
[15:51] < blindcoder> no idea
[15:51] < blindcoder> what does thi mean:
[15:51] < blindcoder> /R.work/src.gcc3.1036938212.22965.2410290527/gcc-3.2/objdir/i386-pc-linux-gnu/libstdc++-v3/include/i386-pc-linux-gnu/bits/ctype_noninline.h:78: `
[15:51] < blindcoder>    X__ctype_tolower' undeclared (first use this function)
[15:51] < esden> X__ctype_tolower seems not to be defined ...
[15:51] < esden> strange !
[15:51] < blindcoder> you don't say... it,s in locale.lo
[15:52] < esden> what gcc have you installed on your host system ?
[15:52] < blindcoder> BUT:
[15:52] < blindcoder> =*=         Disable National Language Support
[15:52] < blindcoder> now THAT'S strange
[15:52] < blindcoder> gcc2
[15:52] < blindcoder> and I use a cross-gcc3
[15:52] < blindcoder> and it is already stage 2
[15:52] < esden> then install gcc3 and your problems will be gone
[15:53] < esden> I suppose at least so ...
[15:53] < blindcoder> hmmm you think I can use Build-Pkg from 1.7 or better 1.5?
[15:53] < blindcoder> you SUPPOSE?
[15:53] < esden> 1.7
[15:53] < esden> do it ...
[15:53] < esden> do not discuss ...
[15:53] < esden> ;-)
[15:53] < blindcoder> So I might as well screw up  my build-environment
[15:54] < esden> no you will not screw up
[15:54] < esden> I have on my host system (rock 1.5.12) installed gcc2 (1.7 snapshot) and gcc3 (1.7 snapshot )
[15:54] < esden> and I do not have your problems
[15:56] < blindcoder> root@crazyhorse:/usr/src/rock-src-1.7# ./scripts/Build-Pkg gcc3
[15:56] < blindcoder> well I have 1.5.19 ... that may say something...
[15:56] < blindcoder> hmm
[15:57] < blindcoder> for x in package*/* ; do Build-Pkg $x ; done
[15:57] < blindcoder> :D
[15:57] < blindcoder> for x in package/*/* ; do Build-Pkg $x ; done
[15:57] < blindcoder> one / missing :)
[16:00] < blindcoder> well, that's a _loud_ statement
[16:01] < esden> /KILLOWL! *AAAAAAAAARGH*
[16:01] < owl> yes.
[16:01] < owl> esden: you even don't know my fscking parents. so let me kill them if _i_ want!
[16:01] < blindcoder> esden: whun gcc3 is finished then just rebuild the cross-compiler and the Stage [01] gcc ?
[16:01] < esden> yes ... think so ...
[16:02] < blindcoder> hmm\
[16:02] < esden> but I am not sure because I have first built gcc3 and then started to build rock
[16:03] -!- tcr is now known as tcr^trekkie
[16:03] < blindcoder> from my point of view it shouldn't matter because of the pseudo-cc
[16:04] < blindcoder> that's what it is there for, after all
[16:04] -!- owl [~mail-spam@dialin-212-144-152-225.arcor-ip.net] has quit ("restarting the fsking PC°")
[16:08] < blindcoder> esden: what libc have you running
[16:09] < blindcoder> Error logs from build/amd-1.7-snapshot-ia32-generic-expert/root/var/adm/logs:
[16:09] < blindcoder> 567 builds total, 512 completed fine, 55 with errors.
[16:09] < blindcoder> and because it is so funny:
[16:09] < blindcoder> == 15:48:48 =[9]=> Building base/gcc3 [3.2 1.7-snapshot].
[16:09] < blindcoder> -> Reading package configuration from pkg dir.
[16:09] < blindcoder> -> Preparing build in src.gcc3.1036939721.20207.1157911437
[16:09] < blindcoder> -> Building. Writing output to /var/adm/logs/9-gcc3.out
[16:09] < blindcoder> !> /usr/src/rock-src-1.7/src.gcc3.1036939721.20207.11579114 ..
[16:09] < blindcoder> !>    undeclared identifier is reported only once for each  ..
[16:09] < blindcoder> !>    in.)
[16:09] < blindcoder> !> make[3]: *** [locale.lo] Error 1
[16:09] < blindcoder> !> make[3]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/rock-src-1.7/src.gc ..
[16:09] < blindcoder> !> make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
[16:10] < blindcoder> !> make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/rock-src-1.7/src.gc ..
[16:10] < blindcoder> !> make[1]: *** [all-recursive-am] Error 2
[16:10] < blindcoder> !> make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/rock-src-1.7/src.gc ..
[16:10] < blindcoder> !> make: *** [all-target-libstdc++-v3] Error 2
[16:10] < blindcoder> -> $root/var/adm/logs/9-gcc3.out -> 9-gcc3.err
[16:10] < blindcoder> == 11/10/02 16:01:38 =[9]=> Aborted building package gcc3.
[16:10] < blindcoder> I think I'll install the 1.5.19 gcc3
[16:15] -!- _NULL [~mail-spam@dialin-212-144-152-225.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux
[16:15] < _NULL> re
[16:27] < blindcoder> andonce again THAT SHIT FUCKING gcc3 does NOT compile\
[16:28] < blindcoder> with te very same error
[16:28] < blindcoder> == 16:12:46 =[9]=> Building base/gcc3 [3.2 1.7-snapshot].
[16:28] < blindcoder> -> Reading package configuration from pkg dir.
[16:28] < blindcoder> -> Preparing build in src.gcc3.1036941144.9306.4131295880
[16:28] < blindcoder> -> Building. Writing output to /var/adm/logs/9-gcc3.out
[16:28] < blindcoder> !> /usr/src/rock-src-1.7/src.gcc3.1036941144.9306.413129588 ..
[16:28] < blindcoder> !>    undeclared identifier is reported only once for each  ..
[16:28] < blindcoder> !>    in.)
[16:28] < blindcoder> !> make[3]: *** [locale.lo] Error 1
[16:28] < blindcoder> !> make[3]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/rock-src-1.7/src.gc ..
[16:28] < blindcoder> !> make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
[16:28] < blindcoder> !> make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/rock-src-1.7/src.gc ..
[16:28] < blindcoder> !> make[1]: *** [all-recursive-am] Error 2
[16:28] < blindcoder> !> make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/rock-src-1.7/src.gc ..
[16:28] < blindcoder> !> make: *** [all-target-libstdc++-v3] Error 2
[16:28] < blindcoder> -> $root/var/adm/logs/9-gcc3.out -> 9-gcc3.err
[16:28] < blindcoder> == 11/10/02 16:20:01 =[9]=> Aborted building package gcc3.
[16:28] < blindcoder> if I could be sure that my system deosn't crash totally I would try with glibc 2.3.1
[16:29] < blindcoder> esden: you're not by any chance here, are you?
[16:30] -!- _NULL is now known as owl
[16:30] -!- owl is now known as owl^DVD
[16:40] < esden> yess alsa works !!!
[16:41] < esden> hmm ... sorry crash ... but I do not know this error ...
[16:41] < esden> there is nomething really messed up ...
[16:42] < blindcoder> esden: can I just install glibc231 into my running system?
[16:52] -!- lightweight [~martyn@fia113-82.dsl.hccnet.nl] has joined #rocklinux
[17:02] -!- Eisofen [~grunz@pD9E1CF77.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[17:02] < Eisofen> ree
[17:04] < esden> blindcoder: should be possible
[17:05] < lightweight> exim
[17:09] < lightweight> Villageidiot : /etc/X11/something with error
[17:11] -!- diskordier [~capchaos@pD9048F63.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[17:11] -!- diskordier is now known as capchaos
[17:11] < capchaos> hi
[17:11] < owl^DVD> hi capchaos
[17:12] < capchaos> owl^DVD: moin owl, you are available in DVD format now?
[17:13] < owl^DVD> capchaos: *lol* not really. or not yet? ;)
[17:13] < capchaos> owl^DVD: coming soon?
[17:13] < owl^DVD> capchaos: i still dunno. ;)
[17:16] < lightweight> emacsen: use proc for information and bring it up with ifconfig
[17:17] < lightweight> Villageidiot check /etc/X11/
[17:18] < owl^DVD> lightweight: ???
[17:18] < owl^DVD> lightweight: wrong channel ...?
[17:19] < capchaos> <flame> Vi is to Emacs like masturbation is to sex - always available but not the first choice. </flame>
[17:21] -!- martin [~martin@pD9E7B5D1.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[17:21] < martin> hi all.
[17:22] < capchaos> hi martin
[17:22] < owl^DVD> hi martin
[17:22] < martin> hi capchaos, hi owl^DVD
[17:22] -!- owl^DVD is now known as owl
[17:23] -!- tcr^trekkie [~tobrit@p50813DFE.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ho chresim eidos uch hoch poll eidos sphos")
[17:23] < esden> who would buy owl on DVD ?
[17:23] < esden> perhups I will then get her convert to MPEG4 and pack on a disc ...
[17:24] < owl> esden: eh!
[17:24] -!- tcr [~tobrit@pD9E491BF.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[17:24] < esden> owl: ?
[17:24] < esden> you do not want to be packed on a DVD disc ?
[17:24] < esden> you want for sure !
[17:25] < esden> then you can be inserted in dvd players .. you like such things ... I am sure ...
[17:25] < owl> esden: i don't wanna packed to a DVD or even to a CD
[17:25] < esden> ach ... you are lying ... !
[17:26] < owl> esden: nope. not really. i just prefer fscking my computers... not becoming inserted to a dvd-device...
[17:27] < esden> then you can fsck your computers for real !
[17:27] < esden> from the inside !
[17:27] -!- lightweight [~martyn@fia113-82.dsl.hccnet.nl] has quit ("BitchX: its how steak is done")
[17:27] < owl> esden: thx a lot. i prefer doing it from outside.
[17:28] < owl> esden: but as it sounds - you wanna fsck your computers from inside... might someone should burn you onto a dvd or cd...
[17:28] < esden> ahh ... yes right ... you are femail so you prefere computers being inserted in you ... ;-)
[17:29] < owl> esden: of course ;P
[17:30] < esden> tztz
[17:30] < owl> esden: *g* where exactly is your problem? ;)
[17:31] < esden> nowhere ...
[17:31] < esden> why ?
[17:31] < capchaos> owl: maybe esden wants to be a computer ;)
[17:31] < owl> esden: because of this: <esden> tztz
[17:32] < owl> capchaos: *g* but if esden would be a computer, i would stop fscking computers...
[17:38] < capchaos> owl: and fsck what instead?
[17:38] < capchaos> owl: cell phones?
[17:39] < capchaos> mine has a nice vibration, maybe i could lend it to you ;)
[17:39] < owl> capchaos: yep ;P
[17:39] < owl> capchaos: no thx.
[17:40] < blindcoder> sweet
[17:41] < blindcoder> gcc3 rompiles just fine with glibc231
[17:41] < esden> blindcoder: good
[17:47] < blindcoder> and just about anything else
[17:48] < esden> you were not using glibc231 ?
[17:48] < esden> hmm ... I think I should read your posts correctly ...
[17:49] < blindcoder> no I wasn't
[17:50] < blindcoder> because it broke
[17:50] < blindcoder> I think one has to switch back and forth when comiling on a non-1.7 non-glibc231 non-gcc3 system
[17:52] < esden> hmm ... strange ....
[17:52] < esden> I had not to switch ...
[17:52] < esden> you have done something wrong I think
[17:54] < blindcoder> I have no gcc3
[17:54] < blindcoder> that's the only thing left
[17:54] < martin> bye
[17:54] < blindcoder> I will now compile the remaining packages and do a test-install
[17:55] -!- martin [~martin@pD9E7B5D1.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting")
[17:58] -!- isofenE [~grunz@p5081737E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
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[17:58] -!- isofenE [~grunz@p5081737E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Client Quit)
[18:04] -!- kasc [~shaman@p5090B419.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[18:16] -!- Eisofen [~grunz@pD9E1CF77.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[18:19] -!- tcr [~tobrit@pD9E491BF.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ho chresim eidos uch hoch poll eidos sphos")
[18:21] -!- tcr [~tobrit@pD9E49C40.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[18:26] -!- fooblah|away [~slackware@pD9546421.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("My damn controlling terminal disappeared!")
[19:04] -!- thalerim [~tobrit@pD9E49DF5.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[19:07] -!- zer0_o [~zer0_o@pop-zh-24-2-dialup-125.freesurf.ch] has quit ()
[19:07] < blindcoder> root@crazyhorse:/usr/src/rock-src-1.7# ./scripts/Create-ErrList -cfg amd-boot
[19:07] < blindcoder> Error logs from build/amd-boot-1.7-snapshot-ia32-bootdisk-expert/root/var/adm/logs:
[19:07] < blindcoder> 138 builds total, 138 completed fine, 0 with errors.
[19:07] < blindcoder> root@crazyhorse:/usr/src/rock-src-1.7#
[19:07] < blindcoder> YEAH!!!!
[19:10] < esden> hae ?
[19:10] < esden> how have you done it ?
[19:13] -!- tcr [~tobrit@pD9E49C40.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[19:13] -!- thalerim is now known as tcr
[19:16] < fake> ahoi
[19:16]   fake testing clusterbuild
[19:16] < blindcoder> hi fake
[19:16] < blindcoder> esden: switched gcc and glibc
[19:16] < blindcoder> but now it telss me that it has no init...
[19:17] < fake> error in lilo.conf
[19:17] < blindcoder> fake: have you hhad it, too?
[19:17] < fake> /dev/disc symlinks not there, use /dev/ide/...
[19:18] < blindcoder> hmm booting from the ROCK 1.7 boot-disc-target-cdrom
[19:18] < blindcoder> what do I have to pass to ramdisk?
[19:18] < fake> nothing?
[19:19] < fake> oh... bootdisk.. oh...
[19:19] < fake> ok...
[19:19] < blindcoder> hm?
[19:19] < fake> err, noidea.
[19:19] < fake> the root is a ramdisk (as the name suggests)
[19:19] < fake> so...
[19:20] < blindcoder> so it safs that there's no init
[19:20] < fake> init is a rock script, iirc
[19:20] < fake> the one to mount the cdrom with the 2nd-stage fs to be decompressed into ram
[19:20] < blindcoder> that shouldn't matter
[19:21] < fake> you could loopback-mount the bootimage and have a look at it, can't ya?
[19:21] < tcr> how could init be a shellscript?
[19:21] < blindcoder> I've loopback mounted initrd.img and guess what?
[19:21] < blindcoder> root@crazyhorse:/mnt# ls -l sbin/
[19:21] < blindcoder> total 0
[19:21] < fake> make that /etc/initscript
[19:22] < blindcoder> what etc?
[19:22] < blindcoder> crazyhorse:/mnt# ls -l
[19:22] < blindcoder> total 564
[19:22] < blindcoder> drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root         1024 Nov 10 18:58 dev
[19:22] < blindcoder> -rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root        69405 Nov 10 18:58 gzip
[19:22] < blindcoder> -rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root       113268 Nov 10 18:58 insmod
[19:22] < blindcoder> drwx------    2 root     root        12288 Nov 10 18:58 lost+found
[19:22] < blindcoder> drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root         1024 Nov 10 18:58 net
[19:22] < fake> blindcoder: there you have your problem.
[19:22] < blindcoder> drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root         1024 Nov 10 18:58 proc
[19:22] < blindcoder> drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root         1024 Nov 10 18:58 sbin
[19:22] < blindcoder> drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root         1024 Nov 10 18:58 scsi
[19:22] < blindcoder> -rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root       369972 Nov 10 18:58 tar
[19:22] < blindcoder> drwxr-xr-x    2 root     root         1024 Nov 10 18:58 tmp
[19:22] < fake> yes yes yes.... *sogh*
[19:22] < blindcoder> GAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
[19:22] < blindcoder> *hrmpf* *grmpf*
[19:23] < blindcoder> Why the hell isn't there anything?
[19:23] < chrisime_> any vim dude around?
[19:23] < tcr> chrisime_: depends on you question
[19:23] < chrisime_> easy one
[19:24] < chrisime_> vim indents in case you put a line on top of each file
[19:24] < chrisime_> do you know how the line has to look
[19:24] < chrisime_> it's like those // c++ id:...
[19:24] < chrisime_> like that
[19:25] < owl> re. (finally back)
[19:25] < tcr> /* vim:tabstop=8:expandtabs:shiftwidth=8 */
[19:25] < chrisime_> cool
[19:25] < chrisime_> thx
[19:25] < tcr> in the first or the last line
[19:25] < tcr> i prefer the last anyway
[19:25] < chrisime_> yeah
[19:26] < chrisime_> what do these : mean
[19:26] < chrisime_> it should expandtabs to 8
[19:26] < chrisime_> i normally have sts and expandtabs is perfect
[19:27] < chrisime_> BTW, what is shiftwidth?
[19:27] < chrisime_> ok
[19:27] < chrisime_> never mind
[19:27] < chrisime_> :h helps
[19:28] < blindcoder> fake: any idea why it isn't there?
[19:28] < fake> blindcoder: uhm, because of an... aeh... error? *g*
[19:28] < tcr> sorry was away
[19:29] < fake> blindcoder: no. i don't know why my bootdisk decided to work at all this time, i had severe problems at first...
[19:29] < tcr> chrisime_: shiftwith is the same as tabstop, but it affects shifting operators (>>, <<)
[19:29] < fake> blindcoder: but suddenly it decided to compile, and i didn't ask.
[19:30] < chrisime_> tcr, you mean it indents them
[19:30] < tcr> chrisime_: it's the number of spaces used to indent when you use >> or <<
[19:30] < blindcoder> fake: fake I think I know why... target/bootdisk/build.sh assumes you have that _damned_ _dietlibc_ on your host system
[19:31] < tcr> chrisime_: or ctrl-p in insert mode
[19:31] < chrisime_> keyword compl?
[19:31] < chrisime_> wow
[19:31] < chrisime_> never used it
[19:31] < chrisime_> ehat'S that
[19:31] < chrisime_> what's
[19:31] < tcr> chrisime_: ctrl-t sorry
[19:32] < fake> blindcoder: ACK. that's right.
[19:32] < chrisime_> tcr, never used that either
[19:32] < blindcoder> BUT I DON'T HAVE IT nor do I want it there
[19:32] < tcr> chrisime_: what??? you do not know about completition in vim ?!
[19:32] < chrisime_> no
[19:32] < fake> blindcoder: stop whining.
[19:32]   chrisime_ ducks
[19:33] < chrisime_> wow, that's cool!
[19:33] < blindcoder> fake: no that's a design failure in ROCK if you ask me (I know you don't)
[19:34] < tcr> chrisime_: indeed! ctrl-p and ctrl-n (previous, next) searches for possible completitions in the following places:
[19:34] < tcr> 1. current file
[19:34] < aszlig> 2. include files
[19:34] < aszlig> re
[19:34] < tcr> 2. all files in splitted windows
[19:34] < tcr> 3: all files of the whole buffer
[19:34] < aszlig> s/^./4/
[19:34] < blindcoder> fake: can I safely do a Build-Pkg dietlibc without screwing my whole system?
[19:35] < tcr> 5. (most powerfull) in current tags' files
[19:35] < tcr> and 6. in included files
[19:35] < aszlig> tcr: okay, 6th :)
[19:35] < fake> blindcoder: you tell me
[19:36] < tcr> chrisime_: and:
[19:36] < blindcoder> fake: *grmpf* I'll phone esden
[19:36] < tcr> if you put 'k' into 'complete' it additionally looks for a completition in the path of 'dictionary'
[19:37] < tcr> :set dictionary=/usr/dict/words
[19:37] < fake> blindcoer:
[19:37] < fake> just tar xfvI ditelibc-bla.tar.bz2 from the downlod-dir and freakin' make it
[19:37] < fake> and stop whining
[19:38] < fake> [optional]
[19:39]   blindcoder does as told and continues whining
[19:39] < fake> blindcoder: there will be errors if you just make ; make install
[19:39] < fake> ignore them
[19:40] < fake> they are about not  being able to install the dynamic linker you don't want and need.
[19:40] < blindcoder> root@crazyhorse:/usr/src/rock-src-1.7# ./scripts/Build-Pkg dietlibc
[19:40] < fake> *sigh* no...
[19:40] < blindcoder> okay okay
[19:41] < fake> and don't forget to patch in base/dietlibc/*.patch
[19:41]   fake having cigarette
[19:41] < blindcoder> root@crazyhorse:/usr/src/dietlibc-0.21# make && make install
[19:41] < blindcoder> better that way?
[19:46] < blindcoder> still the same
[19:46] < blindcoder> VFS: Mounted roon (ext2 filesystem)
[19:46] < blindcoder> Mounted devfs on /dev
[19:47] < owl> does someone know a _good_ tutorial, documentation, description etc. about subnetting, calculating the binary adresses, and so on...?
[19:47] < blindcoder> Fpreeing unused kernel memory: 124k freed
[19:47] < blindcoder> Kernel panic: No init foun.  Try passing init= option to the kernel
[19:48] < tcr> owl: how do you mean
[19:48] < blindcoder> owl: a pocket alculator that gan do binary
[19:48] -!- _NULL [~mail-spam@dialin-212-144-152-225.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux
[19:49] < _NULL> *argh*
[19:49] -!- owl [~mail-spam@dialin-212-144-152-225.arcor-ip.net] has quit (Killed (NickServ (Nickname Enforcement)))
[19:50] -!- _NULL is now known as owl
[19:50] < tcr> owl: how do you mean
[19:52] < owl> tcr: urghs. if you have ip-address e.g. and class C net, then you can change the subnet somehow... but i need the documentation or whatever _how_ this is done and calculated...
[19:53] < fake> owl: hehe, didn't listen in class?
[19:53] < aszlig> owl: you got it already :P
[19:54] < blindcoder> HA!! STRIKE!! GOTCHA!
[19:54] < fake> cisco.netacad.net ?
[19:54] < blindcoder> on the initrd
[19:54] < owl> fake: first - hi. second - aehm... maybe
[19:54] < blindcoder> there's a file /linuxrc
[19:54] < owl> aszlig: jaja
[19:54] < blindcoder> and THAT one has to be /sbin/init
[19:54] < owl> fake: cisco...? what is with cisco..? can i findsemeomthing there? or what? *confused today+
[19:57] < blindcoder> erm... why isn't there agetty in the bootdisk-target?
[19:57] < fake> owl: take the lessons?
[19:57] < blindcoder> hasn't anyone _ever_ tried to use it?
[19:58] < owl> fake: i dunno if it's there. we "learned" (should have learned) it at school... but /dev/misc/brain --> no such file or directory..
[20:00] < fake> blindcoder: i have a perfectly working bootdisk.
[20:01] < fake> owl: then how do you plan on learning it now?
[20:02] < owl> fake: k.a. just _have_ to learn it...
[20:02] < blindcoder> fake: then either you or I have changed or tweaked the scripts. And I knom I didn't
[20:03] < blindcoder> fake: I get thousands of lines of "agetty not found"
[20:09]   tcr eatin
[20:18] < blindcoder> hmmm
[20:20]   tcr back
[20:21] < blindcoder> substituting `agetty` with `/sbin/agetty` works wonders
[20:22] < blindcoder> *lol*
[20:22]   tcr watching tv
[20:22] < blindcoder> Set console k_a_yboard mapping
[20:26] < fake> 21:26 2002-11-10:   --- current status ---
[20:26] < fake> Build-Job (daemon mode)       running on jana with PID 11383
[20:26] < fake> Build-Job (daemon mode)       running on jana with PID 9141
[20:26] < fake> he he.
[20:26] < blindcoder> hmm
[20:26] < blindcoder> regarding the boot-disks... they are missing _a_ _lot_ :)
[20:28]   blindcoder burning a cd
[20:29] < blindcoder> hmm after rebooting and adding hdc=ide-scsi
[20:30] < blindcoder> be left back
[20:30] -!- blindcoder [~blindcode@p50801ADC.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving")
[20:31] < fake> 21:30 jana:         finished job '1-gcc3' (ERROR)
[20:31] < fake> damn it..
[20:31] -!- tsa [~tsa@pD95251FC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[20:31] < tsa> tag
[20:39] < fake> hi tsa!
[20:44] -!- tcr [~tobrit@pD9E49DF5.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ho chresim eidos uch hoch poll eidos sphos")
[20:45] -!- tcr [~tobrit@p50813403.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[20:47] -!- blindcoder [~blindcode@p50801ADC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[20:47] < blindcoder> rehi
[20:50] < owl> hi tsa, blindcoder
[20:52] < blindcoder> re owl
[20:57] < chrisime_> tcr, your line doesn't work here
[20:57] < tcr> hmm
[20:58] < chrisime_> i got /* vim:tabstop=80:softtabstop=8:shiftwidth=8 */
[20:58] < chrisime_> now
[20:58] < tcr> could I see it again? XD
[20:58] < tcr> ah
[20:58] < chrisime_> /* unknown option
[20:58] < blindcoder> wow! a whole terminal of tab :)
[20:59] < chrisime_> blindcoder, i can't disable tabstop
[20:59] < chrisime_> i tried
[20:59] < chrisime_> it doesn't take tabstop=0
[20:59] < chrisime_> so i do =80
[20:59] < blindcoder> hmm... okay...
[20:59] < tcr> erm
[21:00] < tcr> you should never change tabstop
[21:00] < chrisime_> haha
[21:00] < chrisime_> i hate tabstops
[21:00] < blindcoder> set them to 1?
[21:00] < tcr> you should make you clear what tabstop and what softtabstop is
[21:01] < chrisime_> I'm using sts
[21:01] < chrisime_> vim doesn't like expandtabs in that line either
[21:03] < chrisime_> tcr, solution?
[21:03] < chrisime_> hint?
[21:06] < tcr> the option is called expandtab
[21:07] < chrisime_> mhm
[21:07] < chrisime_> sec
[21:07] < tcr> :h tabstop
[21:07] < tcr> there several ways are listed how you could operate
[21:08] < chrisime_> // vim:tabstop=80:sts=8:shiftwidth=8
[21:08] < chrisime_> maybe that helps
[21:09] < tcr> no
[21:09] < tcr> /* vim:tabstop=8:sts=4:shiftwidth=4 */
[21:09] < chrisime_> it doesn't like */ here
[21:09] < tcr> i think that you want
[21:09] < chrisime_> "xlibDraw.cc" 123L, 4015C
[21:09] < chrisime_> Error detected while processing modelines:
[21:09] < chrisime_> line  123:
[21:09] < chrisime_> Unknown option: */
[21:10] < tcr> oh
[21:10] < chrisime_> mhm
[21:10] < tcr> okay
[21:11] < chrisime_> what?
[21:11] < tcr> /* vim: set tabstop=8 sts=4 shiftwidth=4: */
[21:11] < chrisime_> ah
[21:12] < chrisime_> works
[21:12] < chrisime_> vim: set et sts=8 shiftwidth=8:
[21:13] < tcr> yes
[21:14] < tcr> there are to ways for such modelines
[21:14] < tcr> (:h modeline)
[21:15] -!- tcr [~tobrit@p50813403.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ho chresim eidos uch hoch poll eidos sphos")
[21:17] -!- tcr [~tobrit@p50812EB1.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[21:43] -!- term_emu [~pm@p508195FE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[21:53] < blindcoder> n8 everyone
[21:53] < esden> n8 blindcoder
[22:35] -!- Freak [freak@pD953023B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[22:59] -!- Freak [freak@pD953023B.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client excited")
[23:18] -!- c4y0 [~c4y0@cable200-75-73-72.epm.net.co] has joined #rocklinux
[23:18] < c4y0> hello!!!!!!!!!!
[23:18] < tcr> hi
[23:18] < owl> moin c4y0
[23:19] < c4y0> hey! i'm try to install a network card in my rock linux, but i not have idea!!!!!!!
[23:19] < c4y0> can helpme please?
[23:20]   owl now playing: megaherz - wer bist du
[23:20] < tcr> c4y0: did you load the required module ?
[23:20] < tcr> after that, just run a ifconfig <dev> <ip> up
[23:22] < owl> gn8. cu
[23:23] -!- owl [~mail-spam@dialin-212-144-152-225.arcor-ip.net] has quit ("_NULL-->bed")
[23:25]   tcr gn8 all
[23:25] -!- tcr [~tobrit@p50812EB1.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("...")
[23:28] < c4y0> how to i can config the eth0 in rock linux?
[23:29] -!- term_emu [~pm@p508195FE.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("zz")
[23:29] < c4y0> exist some application to config the net?
[23:41] -!- c4y0 [~c4y0@cable200-75-73-72.epm.net.co] has quit ("BitchX-1.0c19 -- just do it.")
-!- Irrsi  Log closed Mon Nov 11 00:00:27 2002