-!- Irrsi  Log opened Tue Nov 12 00:00:45 2002
[00:02] < esden> cu guys
[00:03] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pD952260C.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving")
[00:06] -!- chrisime [~chrisime@p50803F0F.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
[00:20] -!- ichilton_ [~ian@pc3-stoc3-4-cust114.midd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #rocklinux
[00:20] -!- ichilton [~ian@pc3-stoc3-4-cust114.midd.cable.ntl.com] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[00:29] -!- rxr_ [~rene@port-212-202-169-25.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux
[00:30] -!- c4y0 [~c4y0@cable200-75-73-72.epm.net.co] has joined #rocklinux
[00:31] < c4y0> Hello!!!!!!
[00:33] -!- ichilton_ is now known as ichilton
[00:35] < esden> which binary is to get the names of the librarys a binary is linked against ?
[00:35] < esden> hi c4y0
[00:35] < tsa> esden: ldd
[00:36] < tsa> hi c4y0
[00:40] < c4y0> hi!
[00:41] < c4y0> if i dont have a lot experience with linux, can i use rock linux?
[00:41] < c4y0> i cant find documentacion!!!!!!!!!!
[00:41] < c4y0> all is for expert users!!
[00:41] < c4y0> :(
[00:45] -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-201-107.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[00:49] -!- Ge0rG [georg@club-mate.net] has joined #rocklinux
[01:00] -!- h0h0 [~hoho@dhcp024-210-222-139.woh.rr.com] has joined #rocklinux
[01:01] < esden> c4y0: no ... use mandrake ... but if you want to learn a lot ... then rocklinux is for you
[01:02] < esden> but be warned that you will probably undergo mental corruption if you lack linux experience ;-)
[01:04] < esden> rocklinux documetnation is it's code ... and the stuff that is in the Documentation directory in the sources of rock
[01:05] < esden> g'night
[01:35] -!- c4y0 [~c4y0@cable200-75-73-72.epm.net.co] has quit ("BitchX: sanitized for your protection")
[02:00] -!- hackbard [~hackbard@pD9E0A4E7.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving")
[02:08] -!- tsa [~tsa@pD9E11B11.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting")
[02:45] -!- Netsplit over, joins: netrunner
[03:05] -!- G-Spot [~G-Spot@108stb51.codetel.net.do] has joined #rocklinux
[03:26] -!- Ge0rG [georg@club-mate.net] has quit ("bettmodus")
[03:44] -!- G-Spot [~G-Spot@108stb51.codetel.net.do] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[03:51] -!- Mike1 [mike@rocklinux.de] has joined #rocklinux
[03:51] < Mike1> moin
[03:52] < Mike1> piong huebi
[03:52] < Mike1> ping*
[03:52] -!- Mike1 [mike@rocklinux.de] has quit (Client Quit)
[04:27] < x1bncwn> anyone know how to fix this
[04:28] < x1bncwn> Building tools in build/default-1.7-snapshot-ia32-pentium3-generic-expert:
[04:28] < x1bncwn> -> Building tools.chroot/wrapper/cc-wrapper.
[04:28] < x1bncwn> cc: installation problem, cannot exec `as': No such file or directory
[04:28] < x1bncwn> alcatraz rock-src-1.7-200211011743 # type -p as
[04:28] < x1bncwn> /usr/bin/as
[04:35] -!- capone [~capone@] has joined #rocklinux
[04:36] -!- fooblah|away [~slackware@pD9EBB25B.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[04:39] < x1bncwn> noone has any idea?
[04:52] < capone> of what ?
[04:55] < x1bncwn> cc: installation problem, cannot exec `as': No such file or directory anyone know how to fix this error
[04:56] < x1bncwn> -> Building tools.chroot/wrapper/cc-wrapper.
[04:56] < x1bncwn> during that
[04:56] < capone> umm
[04:56] < capone> binutils
[04:57] < x1bncwn> i just did Build-Pkg binutils
[04:57] < capone> u dunt have binutils propertly installed or it is not reachable by the program ur compiling
[04:57] < x1bncwn> and im installing from another distro that already has binutils
[04:57] < capone> um
[04:57] < capone> which distro ?
[04:57] < x1bncwn> alcatraz rock-src-1.7-200211011743 # which as
[04:57] < x1bncwn> /usr/bin/as
[04:57] < x1bncwn> gentoo
[04:57] < capone> strange for me
[04:58] < capone> da u know about shell scripting ? u could take a look deeper in that script... and search where 'as' is located. i dunt use rock 1.7 yet.
[04:59] < x1bncwn> i dont even see what as is called
[04:59] < x1bncwn> where*
[05:00] < capone> umm, this message is sent by cc.. i could help u more if i had sources, but i dunt. :(. try to ensure obvious things.. PATH, that 'as' really works... and that.
[05:01] < x1bncwn> it does
[05:01] < x1bncwn> and its in the PATH
[06:47] -!- term_emu [~pm@p508190A6.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[07:04] -!- netrunner [~netrunner@p508024E4.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[07:07] -!- netrunner [~netrunner@p508025D9.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #rocklinux
[07:47] -!- Eisofen [grunz@p508173D0.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("In meiner Zeitfrei bastel ich Häuschenvogel mit meine Schwanzfuchs")
[08:47] -!- fooblah [~slackware@pD9EBBD2E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[08:47] < fooblah> hello
[09:11] -!- Freak [freak@pD9E39667.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[09:16] < fooblah> just one problem between me and the iso :(
[09:16] < fooblah> make[3]: *** [locale.lo] Error 1
[09:16] < fooblah> make[3]: Leaving directory `/root/rock-src-1.7/src.gcc3.1037087378.19045.2136286620/gcc-3.2/objdir/i686-pc-linux-gnu/libstdc++-v3/src'
[09:16] < fooblah> make[2]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
[09:16] < fooblah> make[2]: Leaving directory `/root/rock-src-1.7/src.gcc3.1037087378.19045.2136286620/gcc-3.2/objdir/i686-pc-linux-gnu/libstdc++-v3'
[09:16] < fooblah> make[1]: *** [all-recursive-am] Error 2
[09:16] < fooblah> make[1]: Leaving directory `/root/rock-src-1.7/src.gcc3.1037087378.19045.2136286620/gcc-3.2/objdir/i686-pc-linux-gnu/libstdc++-v3'
[09:16] < fooblah> make: *** [all-target-libstdc++-v3] Error 2
[09:16] < fooblah> can anybody help?
[09:42] < fake> mornin
[09:43] < fake> which package?
[09:43] -!- ichilton [~ian@pc3-stoc3-4-cust114.midd.cable.ntl.com] has quit ("leaving")
[09:45] < fooblah> gcc3
[09:45] < fooblah> i try it again
[09:46] -!- fooblah is now known as fooblah|away
[09:46] < fake> urgh...
[09:48] -!- [anders]_ is now known as [anders]
[09:50] < fake> hi [anders] !
[09:54] < fooblah|away> same error :/
[09:54] < fooblah|away> i try it with gcc2
[10:00] < fake> err..
[10:00] < fake> that won't work with glibc 2.3.1
[10:08] -!- ichilton [~ian@pc3-stoc3-4-cust114.midd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #rocklinux
[10:08] < blindcoder> /away
[10:09] < blindcoder> moin
[10:12] < fooblah|away> hmm... gcc2 works with glibc2.3
[10:12] < fooblah|away> == 11/12/02 10:11:37 =[9]=> Finished building package gcc2.
[10:12] < fooblah|away> but gcc3 won't work :(
[10:12] < fooblah|away> i update it later.. hope it will work
[10:15] < fake> huh ?
[10:15] < fake> o_O ?
[10:15] < fooblah|away> ?
[10:15] < fooblah|away> hmm...
[10:15] < fooblah|away> i need a bootable iso
[10:15] < fake> gcc2 works... ? is you build-systems glibs 2.2.5 by chance?
[10:15] < fooblah|away> WARNING: Disk1 is not bootable - no boot options defined.
[10:15] < fooblah|away> whats the flag for bootable?
[10:16] < fake> under fdisk?
[10:16] < fooblah|away> i've got slackware gcc3 with glibc2.1
[10:16] < fake> hm..
[10:16] < fooblah|away> but i used the cross compiler
[10:16] < fooblah|away> cause glibc2.1 makes problems with the march=athlon-tbird
[10:17] < fooblah|away> is there a flag for building a bootable iso?
[10:17] < blindcoder> the bootdisk target
[10:18]   blindcoder updated to glibc 2.3.1 and gcc3 on his host-system to campile Rock
[10:18] < blindcoder> well... most rene/* packages still fail, but that's another story
[10:19] < fooblah|away> hmm... i've choosen the bootdisk target (boot-, install-, rescue-system)
[10:19] < fooblah|away> ah i've forgotten the Config .. ;)
[10:20] < blindcoder> okay, I'm off again
[11:11] -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-170-103.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux
[11:11] -!- rxr_ [~rene@port-212-202-169-25.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[11:20] -!- blindcoder [~blindcode@pD958F488.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[11:27] < esden> morning guys
[11:30] < fake> mornin esden
[11:30] < esden> ahh ... morgen fake
[11:35]   esden got rid of the nasty error message of the linux24 packet
[11:36] -!- fooblah|away [~slackware@pD9EBBD2E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[11:36] < esden> it was my own stupidity
[11:44] < esden> hmm ... now is gzip failing
[11:46] < [anders]> re fake
[11:47]   [anders] is not very active on irc presently.. a little too much to do work-wise and privately. not enough time really..
[11:49] < esden> [anders]: that is sad
[11:49] < esden> [anders]: and hello so by the way ;-)
[11:49] -!- blindcoder [~blindcode@pD9E4FBCB.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[11:54] < esden> hi blindcoder
[11:54] < esden> and cu
[11:57] < [anders]> esden: hullo there.. :) hope you are having a little more time available than I do.
[11:57]   [anders] is looking back at when I was in school and wish I had that much time spare as I used to have then..
[12:12] < fake> [anders]: esden is a a student. he has more time than he needs ;)
[12:23] -!- zer0_o^ [~zer0_o@] has joined #rocklinux
[12:50] < x1bncwn> bleh...wtf
[12:50] < th> SMP: PING?
[12:50] < [anders]> fake: heh... :)
[12:50] < x1bncwn> i cant get 1.7 to install
[12:50] < x1bncwn> error after error
[12:51] < x1bncwn> first it couldnt find time
[12:51] < x1bncwn> then it couldnt find as
[12:51] < x1bncwn> now it can even find freakin bin/sh
[12:51] < x1bncwn> wtf is wrong with it
[12:51] < x1bncwn> this is all after waiting like 3 hrs on each time
[12:52] < x1bncwn> it builds most of the stuff..then for no apparent reason..just errors
[12:52] < x1bncwn> alcatraz rock-src-1.7-200211011743 # ./scripts/Build-Target
[12:52] < x1bncwn> chroot: bin/sh: No such file or directory
[12:53] < x1bncwn> im guessing its broken
[12:54] < x1bncwn> oh well..guess i wont be checking rock out then..heh
[12:54] -!- huebi [huebi@rocklinux.de] has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
[12:54] -!- SMP [stefanp@world.cabal1.net] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[12:54] -!- SMP [stefanp@world.cabal1.net] has joined #rocklinux
[12:57] -!- huebi [huebi@rocklinux.de] has joined #rocklinux
[12:59] < x1bncwn> is there any docs on doing an install from a ramdisk or from within another distro
[12:59] < x1bncwn> maybe i gotta chroot something
[13:01] < x1bncwn> theres only one line in Build-Target with the line chroot in it..so it has to be there
[13:01] < x1bncwn> #   This script is the ROCK work-horse. It builds in a chroot environment
[13:01] < x1bncwn> [ $stagelevel -gt 1 ] && cmd_root="$cmd_root -chroot"
[13:02] < x1bncwn> or do you all of you doing an install from a cd or something
[13:04] < x1bncwn> any of you know?
[13:04] < x1bncwn> where would i chroot to?
[13:07] < SMP> you are mixing things up
[13:07] < x1bncwn> it wont find sh or as or anything
[13:07] < x1bncwn> i need to chroot somewhere
[13:07] < SMP> do you say "install" and mean "build"?
[13:07] < x1bncwn> where?
[13:08] < x1bncwn> yea..build
[13:08] < x1bncwn> chroot build/default-1.7-snapshot-ia32-pentium3-generic-expert/root /bin/bash
[13:08] < x1bncwn> chroot: /bin/bash: No such file or directory
[13:09] < SMP> is that a command you typed?
[13:09] < x1bncwn> yea
[13:09] < x1bncwn> alcatraz rock-src-1.7-200211011743 # ./scripts/Build-Target
[13:09] < x1bncwn> chroot: bin/sh: No such file or directory
[13:09] < x1bncwn> see?
[13:09] < SMP> ahh
[13:10] < x1bncwn> does the same thing with as
[13:10] < SMP> I don't know the 1.7 tree very well
[13:10] < x1bncwn> well it obviously needs to chroot to somewhere
[13:10] < x1bncwn> where would that be in say 1.5?
[13:11] < x1bncwn> i mean if its looking for the /bin/sh it built
[13:11] < x1bncwn> i have to be chrooted to that /root dir in order to use it dont i
[13:11] < x1bncwn> ?
[13:12] < SMP> no, you don't chroot anywhere
[13:12] < x1bncwn> then the build script is broken
[13:12] < x1bncwn> this is like the 4th attempt
[13:12] < x1bncwn> each time a new error
[13:13] < x1bncwn> it cant find bin/sh
[13:13] < x1bncwn> not the lack of a preceeding /
[13:13] < x1bncwn> which means it has to be chrooted to that root dir
[13:13] < x1bncwn> or bin/sh doesnt exist
[13:14] < x1bncwn> /bin/sh does
[13:14] < th> SMP: was war'n grad los? war ein link von euch down?
[13:14] < x1bncwn> but not bin/sh
[13:14] < SMP> th: ja, die Leitung nach WR
[13:15] < x1bncwn> this is exactely what i did
[13:15] < x1bncwn> i dled the src..extracted it to my /home dir
[13:15] < x1bncwn> ran ./scripts/Config
[13:16] < th> SMP: es gab uebrigens seltsamerweise garkeine lieferung
[13:16] < x1bncwn> selected the packages i wanted
[13:16] < x1bncwn> then i ran ./scripts/Download -required
[13:16] < x1bncwn> then i ran ./scripts/Build-Target
[13:16] < x1bncwn> each time
[13:16] < x1bncwn> a diff error..at a diff stage in building
[13:18] < x1bncwn> ok..let me try a diff aproach..does anyone in this channel..actually use ROCK 1.7
[13:18] < x1bncwn> or has anyone installed it previously
[13:19]   th is still on 1.5. using it productiv.
[13:19] < x1bncwn> any ideas why it cant find bin/sh or it cant exec `as'
[13:20] < x1bncwn> its not chrooting where its suppose to right?
[13:20] < th> wrong architecture?
[13:20] < x1bncwn> its configed right
[13:20] < x1bncwn> its not being chrooted
[13:20] < x1bncwn> the script chroots itself or something
[13:20] < x1bncwn> its not working
[13:20] < x1bncwn> see if im in /
[13:20] < x1bncwn> bin/sh works
[13:20] < x1bncwn> but if im anywhere else
[13:21] < x1bncwn> bin/sh doesnt exist
[13:21] < x1bncwn> thats th problem
[13:21] < x1bncwn> it needs to chroot to the `root' dir inside the build dir
[13:22] < x1bncwn> but it wont work
[13:23] < x1bncwn> chroot build/default-1.7-snapshot-ia32-pentium3-generic-expert bin/bash
[13:23] < x1bncwn> chroot: bin/bash: No such file or directory
[13:23] < x1bncwn> or with the / either
[13:23] < x1bncwn> chroot: /bin/bash: No such file or directory
[13:23] < SMP> that's probably just the effect of (a) previous error(s) in the build
[13:23] < x1bncwn> there was no previous errors
[13:23] < x1bncwn> it was looping
[13:24] < x1bncwn> chroot: bin/sh: no such file or directory
[13:24] < x1bncwn> over and over
[13:24] < th> looping sounds like an error to me
[13:24] < x1bncwn> a error in the script it was it sounds like to me
[13:24] < x1bncwn> it hasnt errores twice in the same spot yet
[13:24] < x1bncwn> in 4 attempts
[13:25] < x1bncwn> inconsistency == something wrong with the script
[13:25] -!- SMP changed the topic of #rocklinux to: CVS_RSH=ssh cvs -d anoncvs@anoncvs.rocklinux.de:/cvs co rock-1.5
[13:28] < x1bncwn> bah..i will not be defeated by a mere syntax error!
[13:32] < x1bncwn> cmd_root="-root ${build_root}"
[13:33] < x1bncwn> [ $stagelevel -gt 1 ] && cmd_root="$cmd_root -chroot"
[13:33] < x1bncwn> thats the only instance of 'chroot' in Build-Target
[13:37] < x1bncwn> well its calling pkgloop_action before its been (){} defined.. not sure if that matters..i thought it executed commands as they were read rather then parsing the entire script first
[13:49] < blindcoder> x1bncwn: double-check if bash built in stage 1
[13:49] < blindcoder> that error occured here, too, and it was bash that didn't build
[14:19] < fake> if bash didn't build the chroot will fail for sure
[14:25] -!- fooblah [~slackware@pD9546779.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[14:25] < fooblah> have a problem :(
[14:25] < fooblah> loop: can't open device /dev/loop/*: No such file or directory
[14:25] < fooblah> !> No free loopback device found!
[14:26] < fake> yeah
[14:26] < [anders]> fooblah:
[14:26] < fake> i know that
[14:26] < [anders]> err..
[14:26] < fooblah> hmm...
[14:26] < fake> you need to have devfs on the system you build on to create the iso
[14:27] < [anders]> if you have used a loop device, and unmounted it again.
[14:27] < fooblah> i have devfs
[14:27] < [anders]> it might still be in use..
[14:27] < fake> you should do a mount -t devfs none /dev
[14:27] < fake> BUT
[14:27] < [anders]> and since you by default only habe 8 of them.
[14:27] < fake> you will have to re-boot your system after you created the iso
[14:27] < [anders]> you might have to do losetup -d /dev/loop/? to free them up
[14:27] < fake> fooblah: is devfs mounted on /dev ?
[14:28] < fooblah> *confused*
[14:28] < fooblah> *gg*
[14:28] < fooblah> aehm
[14:28] < fake> simply type "mount"
[14:28] < fake> and see wether /dev is a mounted devfs
[14:28] < fooblah> none on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,gid=5,mode=620)
[14:28] < fooblah> none on /proc type proc (rw)
[14:28] < fake> if not, listen to me, otherwise listen to [anders]
[14:28] < fake> so no, you build system is not using devfs.
[14:28] < fooblah> there are missing hda1, hda3 and hda6
[14:29] < fooblah> hmm...
[14:29] < fake> it supports it, but it does not use it
[14:29] < fake> if you now mount it on dev
[14:29] < fake> you will bnno longer be able to log in, once you logged out
[14:29] < fake> (except with ssh... etc)
[14:29] < fake> until reboot
[14:29] < fake> but i did that two times, to be able to burn the isos
[14:30] < fake> so just do
[14:30] < fake> mount -t devfs none /dev
[14:30] < fake> then scripts/Create-ISO...
[14:30] < fake> then reboot ;)
[14:30] < fooblah> ok - there are some packages i have to build... then i try it
[14:30] < fake> okay
[14:32] < blindcoder> 77 Packages failed
[14:32] < fooblah> hmm... i can't play musik?
[14:32] < blindcoder> most af them rene/*
[14:32] < fooblah> since i make the mount ...
[14:33] < blindcoder> cd /dev && ln -s sound/* .
[14:34] < blindcoder> that should do the trick
[14:34] < fooblah> yeah ;)
[14:35] < fooblah> so what will happen if i reboot now?
[14:35] < fake> nothing...
[14:35] < fake> try it. if you created the iso, log ot
[14:35] < fake> (Ctrl+D)
[14:35] < fake> and try to login again ;)
[14:35] < fake> after a reboot devfs will remain unmounted again, and your console devices will be in order.
[14:36] < blindcoder> fake: 1753 today?
[14:36] < fake> (among others)
[14:36] < fake> 7331 ;)
[14:36] < fake> blindcoder: yes, i assume so.
[14:36] < blindcoder> the only script that needs devfs is Create-ISO
[14:37] < blindcoder> and one of these days I'll patch it so it works with and without it
[14:37] < fake> ... unfortunately. but i will no longer complain about it - it only annoyed me _once_ ;))
[14:39] < fooblah> bash-2.05a# ./scripts/Download -cfg bootdisk termcap
[14:39] < fooblah> ERROR: Unknown file: termcap.
[14:39] < fooblah> hmm...?
[14:40] < blindcoder> ./scripts/Download -cfg bootdisk -required
[14:40] < fake> termcap is no moreew
[14:40] < fake> more
[14:40] < fooblah> ok
[14:40] < fake> we now use ncurses's termcap emulation
[14:41] < fooblah> last package - gcc - i hope it will work
[14:41] < fake> .. which brings new problems ;)
[14:43] < blindcoder> root@se-sendling:/pvol14# ls -lh
[14:43] < blindcoder> ls: illegal option -- h
[14:43] < blindcoder> have I _ever_ menhioned how much I hate Solaris ?
[14:45] < fake> hehe
[14:45] < fake> do a ls --help
[14:45] < fake> illegal option -- -
[14:45] < fake> illegal option -- h
[14:45] < fake> illegal option -- e
[14:45] < fake> illegal option -- l
[14:45] < fake> illegal option -- p
[14:46] < blindcoder> yes, that, too....
[14:46] < fake> hehe ;)
[14:46] < fake> ls -abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz replaces --help...
[14:46] < fake> count the ones left out
[14:47] < blindcoder> &lol8 but what about uppercaseletters?
[14:47] < blindcoder> sundance:~$ ls --help
[14:47] < blindcoder> ls: illegal option -- -
[14:47] < blindcoder> ls: illegal option -- h
[14:47] < blindcoder> ls: illegal option -- e
[14:47] < blindcoder> usage: ls -1RaAdCxmnlogrtucpFbqisfL [files]
[14:47] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pc19.rbg.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de] has joined #rocklinux
[14:47] < blindcoder> hi bluefire
[14:49]   blindcoder now X-forwarding netscape, Mozilla, StarOffice and 2 gkrellms
[14:50] < bluefire> hi blindcoder
[14:57] < fake> alias ls='ls -1RaAdCxmnlogrtucpFbqisfL'
[15:01] -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux
[15:01] < Mike1> moin\
[15:03] -!- hackbard [~hackbard@pD9523993.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[15:03] -!- hackbard [~hackbard@pD9523993.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Client Quit)
[15:03] -!- hackbard [~hackbard@pD9523993.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[15:03] < Mike1> hackbard: moin
[15:05] < hackbard> Mike1: moin du :)
[15:13] < Mike1> <<< ping huebi >>>
[15:13] < fooblah> Mike1: hi
[15:13] -!- fooblah is now known as fooblah|away
[15:13] < Mike1> hi fooblah how are you today?
[15:13] < Mike1> mmm...
[15:17] < rolla> Mike1
[15:17] < Mike1> hi rolla
[15:17] < rolla> cp: cannot create regular file `/usr/doc/binutils/asconfig.texi': No such file
[15:18] < Mike1> uhh 0_o
[15:18] < Mike1> ?
[15:19] < rolla> stage 2 binutils died :(
[15:19] < Mike1> 1.7?
[15:19] < rolla> yup
[15:21] < Mike1> i think its currently a normal issue on 1.7
[15:21] < rolla> great
[15:24] < blindcoder>          rolla deactivate automatic docu creatiion
[15:24] < blindcoder> and it works fine
[15:25] < blindcoder> argh.. typing still hard... need some... help...
[15:25] < rolla> ?
[15:25] < rolla> and how do I do that ?
[15:26] < blindcoder> ./scripts/Config
[15:26] < blindcoder> somewhere near the bottom
[15:27] < rolla> yeah I found it thanks
[15:28] < Mike1> hi blindy
[15:28] < blindcoder> hmmm.. somehow... almost half of rene's packages are broken, or am I misteken?
[15:28] < Mike1> blindcoder: i am fixing then now so do spect a patch flood later today
[15:29] < blindcoder> sweet
[15:29] < blindcoder> I have only ~75 failing packages and about 40 of them are rene/*
[15:30] < Mike1> blindcoder: if there are just 40 i think i can fix then easily
[15:31] < Mike1> or at least some of them :PP
[15:31] < blindcoder> good , looking forward to it :)
[15:31] < Mike1> blindcoder: lets see how it works
[15:31] < Mike1> blindcoder: first i need to update his packages many of them are really out of date
[15:32] < Mike1> then we will get them to build
[15:32] < blindcoder> well... personally I thnk he's maintaining a few packages too much
[15:32] < capone> hi
[15:33] < blindcoder> hi capone
[15:33] < fooblah|away> WARNING: Disk1 is not bootable - no boot options defined.
[15:33] < fooblah|away> hmm...
[15:33] -!- fooblah|away is now known as fooblah
[15:33] < fooblah> why?! :/
[15:34] < fooblah> bash-2.05a# ./scripts/Create-ISO bootdisk
[15:34] < Mike1> blindcoder: i guess he is just busy with something else, dunno what but he is definitly busy
[15:34] < fooblah> is there a mistake?
[15:34] < blindcoder> fooblah: did you use the bootdisk target and have you told Create-ISO to use it?
[15:34] < fooblah> blindcoder: yes
[15:34] < Mike1> *gg*
[15:35] < blindcoder> Wiit's a woman. They usually demand a _huge_ amount of time
[15:35] < Mike1> fsck he is maintaining 170 packages
[15:35] < blindcoder> fooblah: hmm... Strange
[15:36] < blindcoder> Mike1: yes...
[15:36] < Mike1> this will take me at least 3-4 days to just update all the broken links and update versions
[15:37] < blindcoder> :(
[15:37] < Mike1> blindcoder: i am just trying to be realistic
[15:37] < Mike1> blindcoder: still i will see how much progress i can have today
[15:37] < blindcoder> yes, I know... that's why I'm sad...
[15:38] < blindcoder> I want to geget rid of debian on my router which will become my sparc32 Testmachine
[15:39] < fooblah> hmm... ./scripts/Build-Target -cfg bootdisk - output:
[15:39] < fooblah> Creating disk images:
[15:39] < fooblah> mktemp: invalid option -- p
[15:39] < fooblah> Usage: mktemp [-q] [-u] template
[15:39] < fooblah> loop: can't open device /dev/loop/*: No such file or directory
[15:39] < fooblah> !> No free loopback device found!
[15:39] < blindcoder> hmm mktemppp I've seen that error before...
[15:40] < Mike1> fooblah: does /dev/loop/* exist?
[15:40] < fooblah> no
[15:40] < Mike1> blindcoder: of course you need to have loopback support on ur kernel
[15:40] < capone> mktemp: invalid option -- p -> that's a prob first
[15:40] < Mike1> else it wont work
[15:40] < fooblah> hmm... *confused* whats /dev/loop?
[15:41] < Mike1> fooblah: you need to re-compile ur kernel
[15:41] < capone> mktemp [-q] [-u] template
[15:41] < fooblah> ok
[15:41] < capone> in slack this is a problem too
[15:41] < Mike1> fooblah: su , cd /usr/src/linux ; make menuconfig
[15:41] < fooblah> i know how to build a kernel ;)
[15:41] < blindcoder> edit scripts/Create-ISO and replace the two occurances of `mktemp` with "/tmp/tmp1" and "/tmp/tmp2"
[15:41] < Mike1> fooblah: ok in block devices
[15:41] < fake> fooblah: ./scripts/Create-ISO bootdisk otherconfig
[15:42] < Mike1> enable the "loopback device support"
[15:42] < Mike1> that will do the trick for you :)
[15:42] < fooblah> it is enabled
[15:42] < fake> fooblah: mounted devfs?
[15:42] < fooblah> yes
[15:42] < Mike1> fooblah: what linux distro do you use?
[15:43] < fooblah> aeh mom
[15:43] < fooblah> none on /dev type devfs (rw)
[15:43] -!- capchaos [~capchaos@pD90485C4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[15:43] < capone> hi capchaos :)
[15:43] < fooblah> is this ok?
[15:43] < Mike1> fooblah: /dev/loop exist?
[15:43] < capchaos> hi capone
[15:43] < Mike1> but not /dev/loop/* right?
[15:43] < fooblah> no - but it is in the kernel
[15:43] < fooblah> there is no dev/loop :(
[15:44] < fooblah> ah sry it is
[15:44] < Mike1> fooblah: re-compile ur kernel
[15:44] < fooblah> there is: /dev/loop0 - /dev/loop15
[15:44] < Mike1> and make sure the loopback device support is static not a module
[15:44] < capone> the prob with this guy is mktemp version
[15:44] < fooblah> it is static
[15:44] < Mike1> fooblah: what distro are you using?
[15:44] < fooblah> slackware 8.1
[15:44] < capone> see !!!
[15:44] < capone> how i said above !!
[15:44] < fooblah> hmm... :(
[15:45] < Mike1> ah
[15:45] < Mike1> that the shit
[15:45] < Mike1> cd /etc/
[15:45] < fooblah> :(((
[15:45] < fooblah> k
[15:45] < capone> one need to use a different option to build in slack
[15:45] < Mike1> vi devfsd.conf
[15:45] < capone> to use mktemp
[15:45] < fooblah> ok
[15:45] < Mike1> LOOKUP loop/* MODLOAD
[15:45] < Mike1> :)
[15:45] < blindcoder> fooblah: regarding the mktemp problem: edit scripts/Create-ISO and replace the two occurances of `mktemp` with "/tmp/tmp1" and "/tmp/tmp2"
[15:45] < capone> fooblah: try to compile a new mktemp binary
[15:46] < capone> use the same version that rock has actually
[15:47] < fooblah> ok scripts/Create-ISO is changed
[15:48] < capone> nice
[15:48] < fooblah> no loop/LOOP in /etc/devfsd.conf
[15:48] < blindcoder> that should at least fix the mktemp problem
[15:48] -!- hackbard is now known as ACKbard
[15:48] < fooblah> yeah!!
[15:48] < fooblah> it workz!! :D
[15:48] < capone> :)
[15:48] < fooblah> oh no
[15:48] < Mike1> fooblah: add that line to ur devfsd.conf
[15:48] < fooblah> it doesn't *gg*
[15:49] < fooblah> the same problem with mktemp :(
[15:49] < capone> Mike1: he already has loops in /dev/loop
[15:49] < blindcoder> fooblah: ??
[15:49] < Mike1> capano oldstyle loop
[15:49] < Mike1> capone: *
[15:49] -!- ACKbard is now known as defbla
[15:49] < blindcoder> you sure you have replaced both `mktemp` ?
[15:49] < Mike1> kike loopX
[15:49] < capone> ic
[15:49] < Mike1> not as in loop/
[15:50] < Mike1> that line will do the tric for him so in staed of loopX he will have loop/X
[15:50] < fooblah> ok
[15:50] < fooblah> i changed it
[15:50] < Mike1> which is what he needs
[15:50] < fooblah> blindcoder: yes i'm sure
[15:50] < Mike1> fooblah: you will have to restart devfsd
[15:50] < blindcoder> fooblah: be sure to not use the same filename twice... that will screw up
[15:51] < Mike1> if it doesnt work you will have to do a painfull reboot
[15:51] < blindcoder> hmm.... strange
[15:51] < fooblah> how can i restart the devfsd?
[15:51] < fooblah> umount?
[15:51] < blindcoder> killall -HUP devfsd
[15:51] < fooblah> killal?
[15:51] < fooblah> ah ok
[15:51] < fooblah> bash-2.05a# killall -HUP devfsd
[15:51] < fooblah> devfsd: no process killed
[15:51] < fooblah> :(
[15:51] < fooblah> i restart
[15:52] -!- fooblah [~slackware@pD9546779.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("BitchX-1.0c19 -- just do it.")
[15:52] < blindcoder> then it simply is not running
[15:52] < blindcoder> hmm... 2l8
[15:52] < Mike1> blindcoder: perhaps he didnt compile his kernel with devfs support on his kernel
[15:52] < capone> :pp
[15:53] < Mike1> still slackware is such crap
[15:53] < blindcoder> hmm it should be enough to create a few symlinks then
[15:53] < blindcoder> cd /dev
[15:53] < Mike1> blindcoder: ack
[15:53] < blindcoder> mkdir loop
[15:53] < blindcoder> cd loop
[15:53] < blindcoder> for x in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ; do ln -s ../loop$x $x ; done
[15:53] < Mike1> blindcoder: yes but still that would not be the best solution
[15:54] < Mike1> at least not a clean solution
[15:54] < blindcoder> doesn't matter. he won't have that installation for a long time anyways
[15:54] < Mike1> *gggg*
[15:54] < blindcoder> anymore
[15:55] < blindcoder> he should make it clean mhen ROCK is installed. Everything else is irrelevant. We are the Borg.
[15:56] < Mike1> true who cares about a lame slackware system
[15:56] < capone> for x in `seq 1 1 9`; do ln -s ../loop$x $x ; done
[15:56] < capone> :)
[15:56] < blindcoder> seq? I don't know that... seems to be worth a look
[15:57] < capone> trake it, it's very useful
[15:57] < capone> trake/take
[15:57] < blindcoder> oh... sweet!
[15:58] < blindcoder> finally a clean wayinstead of 1 2 3 ... <infinite>
[15:58] < capone> Mike1: why not take care about other Build environments?
[15:58] < capone> like slackware
[15:58] < blindcoder> capone: his build is finished. he just needs ho create the iso...
[15:59] < blindcoder> hmm... maybe I'll patch Create-ISO today to finally work with non-devfs systems
[15:59] < blindcoder> IIRC it's the only script that really needs it
[16:00] < Mike1> because ""distributions"" like slackware are always really out of date, give several problems for having considerable differences with rock, and simply its not worth it
[16:00] < Mike1> blindcoder: still there is nothing like a ROCK system to build ROCK linux
[16:01] < capone> blindcoder: rescue, install-disks and those bootable targets also need it
[16:01] < capone> iirc
[16:01] < blindcoder> hmm... right... I think I've seen it there... but it shouldn't be too much work....
[16:01] < blindcoder> Mike1: correct :)
[16:02] < blindcoder> capone: a simple `if [ -e /dpv/loop/0 ] ; then ` should suffice
[16:03] < capone> i think so
[16:03] < capone> :)
[16:03] < blindcoder> But I can't make it from here... I'm already busy enough keeping ssh via https-proxy running >_<
[16:03] -!- capone is now known as d3mian
[16:04] < blindcoder> hmm and I think I'll get myself another cup of coffee
[16:04] < d3mian> i leave right now
[16:04] < d3mian> cya
[16:04] -!- d3mian [~capone@] has left #rocklinux ()
[16:05] < blindcoder> I _really_ have to find another solution t connect to my morkstation @home
[16:07] < blindcoder> WS@work --> another solaris-WS --> proxy via transconnect --> pseudo-shell-server@buergernetz --> my router@home --> my WS@home
[16:08] < blindcoder> and there I wonder about my backspace-key showing strange behaviour...
[16:09] < blindcoder> brb
[16:12] < blindcoder> re
[16:14] -!- owl [~mail-spam@B504c.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux
[16:14] < owl> moin
[16:14] < capchaos> hello owl
[16:14] < Mike1> hi sed
[16:14] < owl> hi capchaos, Mike1
[16:15] < blindcoder> hi owly!
[16:15] < owl> eh, owl != application
[16:15] < owl> moin blindy
[16:15] < blindcoder> sed?
[16:15] < Mike1> owl: who said i was refering to the sed package :)
[16:15] < owl> Mike1: don't say it!
[16:15] < Mike1> owl: no i wont tell no worries
[16:15] < owl> thx
[16:15] < blindcoder> what's owl got to do with sed?
[16:16] < Mike1> blindcoder: nothing just a joke between owlita and i
[16:16] < owl> blindcoder: how is it at work? i have spare time since 12:45 h ;PPPP
[16:16] < blindcoder> owl :P
[16:17] < blindcoder> that means I can't bug you at the train today?
[16:17] < owl> blindcoder: *g* of course not... it's tuesday... you remeber... school-time... ;P
[16:17] < blindcoder> oh, I forgot >_<
[16:17] < blindcoder> then I'll do so on Thursday :)
[16:18] < owl> blindcoder: why thursday? aren't you on train tomorrow0ß
[16:18] < owl> =?
[16:20] -!- capchaos [~capchaos@pD90485C4.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("brb")
[16:21] < blindcoder> no, I'm going by car tomorrowm
[16:21] < owl> blindcoder: uhm. why so? a bit lazy? ;P
[16:21] < blindcoder> meeting that will most likely take until 2330 again
[16:22] < owl> omg! have fun then...
[16:22] < blindcoder> I will! Boss pays for all the food and drinks :(
[16:22] < blindcoder> :)
[16:23] < owl> blindcoder: *g*
[16:23] -!- capone [~capone@] has joined #rocklinux
[16:23] < capone> re
[16:23] < capone> Mike1
[16:23] < blindcoder> In essence, my whole camapany (7 people) meet and talk and have fun :)
[16:23] < owl> re capone
[16:23] < capone> im talking with daniel
[16:23] < blindcoder> re cappy
[16:23] < owl> bussiness meeting or more or less "private" meeting?
[16:24] < capone> Mike1: he said me u never called him to agree about the router.. finally he bought a cisco one and the guy of my uni configured it
[16:24] < capone> hi owl
[16:25] < blindcoder> owl: a private businezss weeting :)
[16:25] < blindcoder> no one has to attend but anyone who does usually has fun and lunch for free :)
[16:26] < owl> blindcoder: *lol*
[16:26] < blindcoder> so far I've only missed one meeting due to illness
[16:27] < owl> uh. in three years you missed _one_ meeting???
[16:29] < blindcoder> in 5 months
[16:29] < fake> *lol*
[16:29] < blindcoder> I'm with this company since July
[16:30] < blindcoder> fake: ??
[16:30] < owl> ah so.
[16:31] < owl> moin fake, btw.
[16:32] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pc19.rbg.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de] has quit ("leaving")
[16:35] < capone> https://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/onlamp/2002/11/07/linux_threads.html
[16:36] < esden> re hi all
[16:36] < owl> moin esden
[16:36] < esden> hi owl
[16:39] -!- c4y0 [~c4y0@cable200-75-73-72.epm.net.co] has joined #rocklinux
[16:40] < blindcoder> hi esden
[16:40] -!- capchaos [~capchaos@pD90485C4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[16:40]   capchaos likes ion
[16:42] -!- Ge0rG [georg@club-mate.net] has joined #rocklinux
[16:43] < capone> hi esden
[16:44] < esden> hi blindcoder
[16:44] < esden> hi capone
[16:45] < capone> cya
[16:45] -!- capone [~capone@] has left #rocklinux ()
[16:46] < blindcoder> 559 builds total, 485 completed fine, 74 with errors.
[16:50] < esden> hmm ... i think it is comparable with my results
[16:51] < blindcoder> well most of it is renes stuff ( I keep repeating myself)
[16:55] < esden> blindcoder: that is the same observation that I had
[16:55] -!- c4y0 [~c4y0@cable200-75-73-72.epm.net.co] has quit ("My damn controlling terminal disappeared!")
[16:57] < blindcoder> esden: okay, then I'm relieved and start a pentium4 build now and after that a k6-2 build and will reinstall my box on the weekend hopefully
[16:58]   blindcoder now going home
[17:09] -!- litost [~user@phynp6.phy-astr.gsu.edu] has joined #rocklinux
[17:10] < litost> hi everyone
[17:10] < owl> hi litost
[17:10] -!- Ge0rG [georg@club-mate.net] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[17:10] < litost> how are you today owl?
[17:11] < owl> litost: great. thx. and you?
[17:11] < litost> awake and suprisingly productive :)
[17:12] < owl> hehe :) why so? what are you doing?
[17:12] < litost> i got 8 hours of sleep for one thing 8)
[17:13] -!- Ge0rG [georg@club-mate.net] has joined #rocklinux
[17:13] < litost> i'm working on j2ee stuff for werk
[17:13] < owl> litost: haha ;P who needs so much sleep? don't you prefer the black rings under your eyes? ;P
[17:13] -!- holyolli [~holyolli@port-212-202-176-172.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux
[17:13] < holyolli> moin
[17:13] < owl> litost: congratulations... you re working ;P
[17:13] < owl> hi holyolli
[17:13] < holyolli> hi owl
[17:14] < Mike1> litost: hello my working friend
[17:14] < owl> my eyes! i'm dying!
[17:15] < owl> what horrible website is that?!!! the design is killing me! https://www.worldwidepunk.com/interviews/SOIA/
[17:15] < litost> owl:  though black rings look sexy on a geek, i have a date tonight with a non-geek and i'm trying to impress ;)
[17:15] < owl> litost: *ggg* have fun then ;P+#
[17:15] < litost> Miguel!
[17:15] < litost> thanks owl =)
[17:16] < owl> you are welcome ;P
[17:16] < fake> litost: what does a non-geek look like? i can't remember... ?
[17:16] < fake> ;)
[17:17] < esden> re fake
[17:17] < litost> hehe...go outside :)
[17:17] < esden> litost: you mean the big blue room ?
[17:17] < litost> esden: yep, the concrete jungle
[17:18] < fake> the one with the lightning fast rendering..
[17:18] < litost> and antialiasing
[17:19] < esden> and an amazing resolution !
[17:19] < fake> and force feedback
[17:19] < esden> how much was it once more ?
[17:19] < fake> and emotion engine(tm)
[17:19] < litost> and 10^7 refresh rates
[17:19] < esden> yes
[17:20] < Mike1> owl: wanna see a _REALLY_ ugly webdesign?
[17:20] -!- chrisime [~chrisime@mnch-d9ba44ad.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #rocklinux
[17:20] < Mike1> https://www.thecrichtongroup.biz/
[17:21] < Mike1> check it out owly
[17:21] < Mike1> thats what i call SUCK
[17:23] < owl> wtf is _that_???
[17:23] < Mike1> :)
[17:23] < owl> but more horrible imho: https://www.neuburg.net
[17:23] < Mike1> https://www.webpagesthatsuck.com/
[17:23] < Mike1> :)
[17:23] < owl> let's start the contest of having a look to the most horrible website of the www ;P
[17:24] < fake> www.hamsterdance.de ?
[17:25] -!- chrisime_ [~chrisime@mnch-d9ba4457.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #rocklinux
[17:27] < litost> owl: did you see that bit about Craig from SOIA being in a porn? :)
[17:27] < owl> litost: nope.
[17:28] < litost> at any rate it's at the end of that interview on that link you posted
[17:28]   litost is a SOIA fan
[17:28] < owl> :) do you own the song "closed"?
[17:29] < owl> (as mp3 or so...?)
[17:29] < litost> hmmm...don't think so
[17:30] < litost> unfortunately, some bastard broke into my car and stole a bunch of my CD's...SOIA being one of them
[17:30] -!- chrisime1 [~chrisime@mnch-d9ba4470.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #rocklinux
[17:30]   fake -> train
[17:30] < fake> l8ters
[17:30] < owl> :-//
[17:30] < owl> bye fake. viel spass in der schule morgen
[17:31] < owl> litost: if you want you can download some songs from me ... tomorrow or so... (if i converted the "dive in a dive" songs to mp3...)
[17:33] < litost> owl:  that would be great, thanks!!  i'll be here more often the next few days.
[17:34] < owl> litost: you re welcome ;) ok. i will send you the link, then.
[17:35] < litost> owl:  i'll make some mp3's if you're interested of a local band that has it's roots in SOIA
[17:35] < owl> yes. why not ;) thx a lot
[17:36] -!- chrisime2 [~chrisime@mnch-d9ba42dc.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #rocklinux
[17:37] < litost> I think you'll like them.  i'll send a link tomorrow
[17:37] < owl> ok. thank you. what style of music is it? hardcore? punk?
[17:37] < litost> it's definately old school hardcore
[17:39] < litost> short songs, fast guitars and drums, with a catchy melody and all kinds of singalong fun :)
[17:39] -!- chrisime2 [~chrisime@mnch-d9ba42dc.pool.mediaWays.net] has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
[17:41] -!- chrisime [~chrisime@mnch-d9ba44ad.pool.mediaWays.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[17:43] < owl> :))
[17:43] < owl> do you know system of a down, too?
[17:44] < Mike1> owlycity?
[17:44] < owl> toxcity ;P
[17:44] -!- chrisime1 [~chrisime@mnch-d9ba4470.pool.mediaWays.net] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[17:45] < litost> ummm...heard of them, but i haven't really listened to them much
[17:45] < owl> tstststs... ;) that's bad...
[17:46] < litost> i used to do a radio show at school and i remember playing them once ;)
[17:46] < litost> it's metal, right?
[17:46] -!- chrisime_ [~chrisime@mnch-d9ba4457.pool.mediaWays.net] has quit (Connection timed out)
[17:47] < owl> yes it's metal
[17:47] < owl> nu-metal or so...
[17:51] -!- kasc [~shaman@p50909F49.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[17:53] -!- owl [~mail-spam@B504c.pppool.de] has quit ("brb")
[17:54] -!- owl [~mail-spam@B504c.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux
[17:55] < owl> re
[17:56] < capchaos> re owl
[18:00] -!- tcr [~tobrit@p508132FD.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[18:01] < owl> hi tcr
[18:01] < tcr> moin all
[18:05] -!- kasc [~shaman@p5090ACFA.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[18:18] < huebi> Moin
[18:18] < owl> moin huebi
[18:18] < huebi> moin owl
[18:18] < owl> wie geht's dir?
[18:18] < esden> hi huebi
[18:18] < huebi> muede
[18:18] < huebi> hi esden
[18:19] < owl> ist die krups schon weg?
[18:19]   esden ist gerade aufgewacht als er auf der tastatur eingepennt ist
[18:19] < huebi> owl: Leider noch nicht. Ich bin noch an den Installationsdisketten.
[18:19] < owl> guten morgen esden... ;)
[18:19] < owl> huebi: oki. macht nix. wann wird sie in etwa "rausgehen"?
[18:20] < esden> morgen morgen >_<
[18:20]   owl needs a tuete deutsch
[18:22] -!- holyolli [~holyolli@port-212-202-176-172.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[18:22] -!- holyolli [~holyolli@port-212-202-180-86.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux
[18:26] < rolla> crap gcc3 just died :(
[18:26] < esden> ahh coffee
[18:28] < holyolli> .oO(good idea...)
[18:28] < holyolli> hi esden, btw.
[18:28] < holyolli> ;)
[18:29]   tcr brb
[18:31] < esden> hi holyolli
[18:33] -!- holyolli_ [~holyolli@port-212-202-178-138.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux
[18:37] -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-170-103.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[18:42] -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-171-217.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux
[18:43] -!- litost [~user@phynp6.phy-astr.gsu.edu] has quit ("brb")
[18:45] -!- fooblah [~slackware@pD9546779.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[18:45]   fooblah is back again
[18:45] -!- holyolli__ [~holyolli@port-212-202-183-204.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux
[18:46] < owl> moin fooblah
[18:46] < fooblah> owl: hiho
[18:47] -!- holyolli [~holyolli@port-212-202-180-86.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[18:47] -!- litost [~user@phynp6.phy-astr.gsu.edu] has joined #rocklinux
[18:49] -!- holyolli__ is now known as holyolli
[18:52] -!- holyolli_ [~holyolli@port-212-202-178-138.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[18:52] < fooblah> hmm... i still got the error: No free loopback device found and mktemp :/
[18:54] < esden> *yawn*
[18:54] < owl> esden: geh' ins bett ;P
[18:54]   esden drinks coffee
[18:55] < fooblah> *hrhr*
[18:58] < tcr> re all
[19:01] < esden> re tcr
[19:08] < esden> woot: https://www.deviantart.com/view/748405
[19:10] < huebi> Mike1: moin. Do zou test a mail bomb program? *g*
[19:10] < huebi> [5 new messages! Most recent from Miguel A. Bolanos]
[19:10] < Mike1> lol
[19:10] < Mike1> hi huebi
[19:10] < Mike1> huebi: expect 11 more
[19:11] < Mike1> 9 more*
[19:11] < Mike1> :P
[19:11] < esden> huebi: these are 13 msg's from Miguel A. Bolanos
[19:11] -!- rxr_ [~rene@port-212-202-173-60.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux
[19:11] < Mike1> huebi: whats the status on the install disks?
[19:12] < Mike1> esden: what cant i send patches sometimes?
[19:12] < Mike1> *gg*
[19:12] < huebi> Mike1: still not working. But I work hard on that issue.
[19:12] < Mike1> esden: btw they were 14 total
[19:12] < Mike1> huebi: ok
[19:12] < esden> ah ... so I have to wait for the last one ;-)
[19:13] < esden> ahh there is the last one
[19:13] < Mike1> esden: huebi spect another mail bomb in a couple of hours maybe it will be bigger
[19:13] < Mike1> :P
[19:13] < esden> tztztz
[19:14] < Mike1> huebi: how are you today btw?
[19:14] -!- Ge0rG [georg@club-mate.net] has quit ("Man gewöhnt sich dran!")
[19:14] -!- holyolli [~holyolli@port-212-202-183-204.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[19:14] < huebi> Mike1: tired. These install-disk stuff is very confusing.
[19:14] -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-171-217.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[19:15] < Mike1> whats the problem?
[19:16] < Mike1> ok i am going to get my self something to eat
[19:17] < tcr> good luck
[19:17]   Mike1 is away: having lunch with his lady :)
[19:23] < blindcoder> hi hi and rehi
[19:23] < owl> moin moin blindcoder
[19:23] < esden> woot my desktop looks pretty good now
[19:24] < esden> hmm ... deviantart rulez ;-)
[19:27] < huebi> esden: What's up with the LCD patch?
[19:31] < blindcoder> damn... need to reboot
[19:31] -!- blindcoder [~blindcode@pD9E4FBCB.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("reboot")
[19:33] < esden> huebi: not yet there ...
[19:33] < huebi> esden: why?
[19:34] < huebi> esden: or better whjen will it be?
[19:35] < esden> no time ... no idea when it will be ... when I have time to look at it ... i thought some time ago that I will have time to look at it ... but as you can see I am not sending any patches to no tree not the 1.7 and not the 1.5 ... -> no time >_<
[19:36] < huebi> esden <- needs a time expander...
[19:36] < esden> yes that is true
[19:37]   tcr eatin
[19:38] < SMP> *muahaha*
[19:38] < SMP> YES, BIND 4/8 is screwed again
[19:39] < huebi> SMP: LOL
[19:39] < owl> moin SMP
[19:39] < huebi> SMP: What do you think about replaceing bind with djbdns in 1.5.20?
[19:40] < SMP> DON'T
[19:40] < huebi> ?
[19:40] < Mike1> hi SMP
[19:41] < Mike1> huebi: keep bind please :)
[19:41] < SMP> djbdns is not a complete replacement and people should be able to run BIND if they want to.
[19:41] < huebi> license conform I mean. as source for building it yourself (I think it should better staz an extension.)
[19:44] < SMP> well we can put the djbdns-1.05.tar.gz on the cdrom
[19:44] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@p50816B2E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[19:46] < huebi> SMP: I suggest /usr/src/djbdns as source directory.
[19:46] < huebi> no
[19:47] < huebi> better to all the other packages in opt-archive.
[19:47] < SMP> yes
[19:48]   Mike1 is back (gone 00:31:28)
[19:49] < Mike1> huebi: BTW dont worry about the updates i made for 1.7 tree packages i will take care of updating them as well in 1.5 later today
[19:49] < esden> huebi: when will be 1.6 out ?
[19:50] < huebi> esden: When your patches for LCD apply cleanly and work perfect.\
[19:50] < Mike1> *ggg*
[19:51] < esden> no ... LCD patch is not essentias ... that is not as showstopping feature ... so when you want to release it and I am not ready with the patch remove the sutff that is it
[19:51] < esden> s,essentias,essential,
[19:52] < esden> ok I ask once more ... when is the 1.6 deadline ?
[19:52] < huebi> esden: It's afeature added in december. So feel free to finish your work. I can really wait for it.
[19:53] -!- blindcoder [~blindcode@pD9E4FBCB.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[19:53] < esden> ok ... you are the maintainer of the tree
[19:53] < blindcoder> re
[19:53] < esden> re blindcoder
[19:54] < huebi> esden: Also the install disks are broken because of the bigger kernel and the more modules added.
[19:54] < huebi> btw. how want's to make silo devfs aware?
[19:55] < huebi> who even
[19:55] < esden> huebi: you ? ;-)
[19:56] < huebi> esden: When? Too many people left there crap as it was in 1.5.12. So I must first fix that.
[19:56] < huebi> their even.
[19:57] < huebi> :-)
[19:57] < esden> yes ... right ...
[19:57] < blindcoder> huebi: then fix that crap, release 1.6 and addd features _then_
[19:57] < esden> and what is still not working and not a showstopper remove it ...
[19:57] < esden> and/or disable
[19:58] < huebi> blindcoder: Fixing is making features reliable. at least in 1.5
[19:58] < esden> 1.6 should be out for many months
[19:58] < huebi> esden: LCD should have been finished in january
[19:59] < esden> yes ... that is right ... but when it is not there ... is it so bad ? is it a showstopper ... ?
[19:59] < esden> NO
[19:59] < blindcoder> huebi: sure... but why do you need gnome2? xfs? and anything else that's been added over the past few moths?
[19:59] < Mike1> blindcoder: gnome2 has not been aded to 1.5
[19:59] -!- Decayer [~Daniel@] has joined #rocklinux
[20:00] < Mike1> blindcoder: at least not yet
[20:00] < blindcoder> Mike1:  not? I thought it was... Sorry! My mistake!
[20:00] < huebi> blindcoder: Just send me your patches for Gnome 1.4 to build on sparc64.
[20:00] < Mike1> blindcoder: i have it on my own personal 1.5 tree but not on the official tree
[20:00] < blindcoder> root@crazyhorse:/usr/src/rock-src-1.7# ./scripts/Create-ISO -size 700 x86 x86-boot x86
[20:00] < huebi> blindcoder: Do I get them tonight??
[20:00] < blindcoder>   [20:02:06] Removing old files with same prefix ..
[20:00] < blindcoder>   [20:02:07] Reading configs and creating ISO index ...
[20:00] < blindcoder>                 Shared:   33188 kB in  2624 files
[20:00] < blindcoder>                 Disk 1:  683824 kB in   611 files  (boot)
[20:00] < blindcoder>                 Disk 2:  558836 kB in   265 files
[20:01] < blindcoder>                 Total:  1275848 kB in  3500 files
[20:01] < blindcoder> huebi: most certainly not. I never tried to compile 1.5 on/for sparc64
[20:01] < blindcoder> I took 1.7 and within a week it booted via nfs on my Ultra...
[20:02] < huebi> blindcoder: Gnome 1.4 is _not_ possible on sparc64 without heavily patching it.
[20:02] < Decayer> who is the guy from Sweden ?
[20:02] < tcr> anders?
[20:02] < huebi> LocalHero.
[20:02] < Decayer> ok
[20:03] < [anders]> narf
[20:03] < blindcoder> Then deactivate either Sparc64 or Gnome for Ultra.
[20:03]   [anders] will soon head off to drive g/f to church.. Will do work tonight on rock-gnome2 though.. For as long as I have time..
[20:03] < blindcoder> We need a stable 1.6 if for nothing else than publicity.
[20:04] < Mike1> huhu [anders]
[20:04] < [anders]> trying to check out / update the rock-1.5 repository a.t.m.
[20:04] < huebi> Do you all remember the flame about linux* a few months ago?
[20:04] < [anders]> huhu Mike1
[20:04] < [anders]> huhu huebi
[20:04] < huebi> hi [anders]
[20:04] < blindcoder> not really... micht have it in the archive though
[20:04] < [anders]> only stopping briefly.. in fact, heading off out right this very moment..
[20:05] -!- Decayer [~Daniel@] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting")
[20:06] < huebi> It took my time for rock for 3 months. Nobody contributed to it to fix it. So if somebody wants to have 1.6 out faster just send patches to fix the broken stuff.
[20:12]   SMP sighs deeply
[20:12]   esden *no comment*
[20:13] < fooblah> huebi: where do you from?
[20:14] < Mike1> huebi: full ack
[20:14] -!- blindcoder [~blindcode@pD9E4FBCB.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[20:15] -!- blindcoder [~blindcode@pD9E4FBCB.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[20:15] < esden> re blindcoder
[20:16] < blindcoder> "dumb move. You strained a muscle."
[20:17] < blindcoder> accidentally switched to framebuffer-console with the nvidia-kernel-module loaded >_<
[20:24] < esden> huebi: could you please send me the lcd patch that I gave you at rock devel meeting ?
[20:24] < tcr> lcd?
[20:24] < tcr> blindcoder: the nvidia fb driver sucks!
[20:25] < esden> tcr: blindcoder has fixed frequency monitors ... he has to use framebuffer ...
[20:25] < huebi> esden: Yes, I send it to you as fast as possible. It's now in the office but I have it here online when I come back from the office.
[20:25] < esden> ok ... I can not find the patch on my harddisk ...
[20:25] < tcr> esden: VESA driver is much better, though slowlier
[20:26] < esden> hmm ... ok ...
[20:26]   esden is lucky not to have nvidia stuff in his box ;-)
[20:27] < esden> so I have no problems wich this crap ;-)
[20:27] < huebi> binutils-, bison-1.75, e2fsprogs-1.32, python-2.2.2 built without any problems.
[20:27] < huebi> rpm is still running...
[20:28] < huebi> 4.1
[20:29] < blindcoder> tcr: yes, but give me an asternative for using OpenGL
[20:29] < tcr> opengl with fb? uh
[20:29] < huebi> blindcoder: SGI drivers?
[20:30] < huebi> tcr: hehe, I'd like to to have an OpenGL emulation for the xvfb. *gg*
[20:33] < blindcoder> tcr: no, X
[20:34] < huebi> blindcoder: SGI has some very nice OpenGL drivers for NVidia cards.
[20:35] < blindcoder> hmm
[20:35] < blindcoder> maybe worth a look
[20:37]   paperclip is away: reading the fart book to my kid
[20:37]   blindcoder needs te re-build MySQL
[20:38] < esden> ok ... my lcd is reattached now ... and running
[20:38] < huebi> esden: Thank you very much for doing that. :-))))
[20:39] < esden> huebi: denada ...
[20:39] < blindcoder> hmm... that's the fifth package I need to re-build...
[20:39] < Mike1> weee!!! esden cool
[20:44] < esden> ok getting 1.5 sources
[20:45] < esden> i mean packet sources ...
[20:45] < huebi> hmm. A slightly overclocked Celeron (Mendocino) with 450 MHz is _way_ to slow for Rocklinux compile runs.
[20:45] < esden> so I have something to test
[20:46] < blindcoder> huebi: I'm goieng to compile ROCK an a Dual-50MHz-SparcStation20 so don't complain :)
[20:47] < huebi> blindcoder: Be carefull. SMP seems to be broken on sparc. the flistwrapper does not get all files.
[20:47] < blindcoder> hmm... then I'll rip one processor out, put it into the SS10 and start a cluster-build :)
[20:48]   huebi compiling 1.5 on a 50MHz SparcClassic since 3 days. expected time: 38 days *ggg*
[20:48] < blindcoder> sweet
[20:48] < huebi> rpm-4.1 also compiles.
[20:49] < huebi> my SparcStation IPC is broken. That would be the longest time Rocklinux would have been build.
[20:51] < blindcoder> hmm... I have an IPX
[20:51] < huebi> <AOL> me too, me too </AOL>
[20:52] < huebi> gnome-python-1.4.2 rebuilt, too.
[20:53] < blindcoder> AARRGGHH
[20:53] < blindcoder> HHUUEEBBII
[20:54] < huebi> blindcoder: Yes, what's up ?
[20:54] < blindcoder> pkg-remove should _entirely_ _refuse_ to remove mysql
[20:54] < blindcoder> root@crazyhorse:~# ls -l /etc/passwd
[20:54] < blindcoder> ls: /etc/passwd: No such file or directory
[20:55] < huebi> blindcoder: Argh. But thank zou for that bugreport.
[20:55] < Mike1> blindcoder: got some news for you
[20:56] < blindcoder> huebi: no... problem...
[20:56] < blindcoder> Mike1: hm?
[20:56] < Mike1> blindcoder: i will finish the pkg version updates on rene's tree today :)
[20:57] < blindcoder> Mike1: fes, I've seen about a dozen updates sent by you
[20:57] < blindcoder> Mike1: nice work. thanks!
[20:57] < Mike1> blindcoder: btw do spect anyther mail bomp in a moment :)
[20:58] < blindcoder> hehe
[20:58]   Mike1 thinking who's tree will be next ...
[20:58]   blindcoder currently trying to re-create his /etc/passwd
[20:58] < blindcoder> I have no name!@crazyhorse:~$
[20:59] < huebi> blindcoder: do zou need an /etc/passwd?
[21:00] < blindcoder> huebi: that would be nice, so I know at least what users I have to create
[21:00] < blindcoder> blindcoder@crazyhorse:~$
[21:00] < huebi> blindcoder: mom
[21:00] < blindcoder> ah, better
[21:09] < huebi> I search a new maintainer for mysql in 1.5. It's completly broken and skaar does not do anything on it.
[21:09] < blindcoder> brb
[21:10] -!- blindcoder [~blindcode@pD9E4FBCB.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving")
[21:12] -!- blindcoder [~blindcode@pD9E4FBCB.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[21:13] < blindcoder> re
[21:13] < Mike1> huebi: i will maintain it
[21:18] -!- ichilton [~ian@pc3-stoc3-4-cust114.midd.cable.ntl.com] has quit ("leaving")
[21:18] -!- tsa [~tsa@pD9525551.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[21:18] < owl> oh gott. der tsa. hi
[21:18] < tsa> tag
[21:18] < tsa> hehe
[21:19] < tsa> hi owl. *hug*
[21:19] < tsa> *G*
[21:19] < Mike1> hi tsa
[21:19] < tsa> hi Mike1
[21:19] < owl> ... der tsa kommt nicht allein... ein hug kommt mit herein...
[21:19] < tsa> hast du gesoffen?
[21:19] < owl> tsa: *lol* nein. bin nur gut gelaunt, warum?
[21:19] < tsa> hehe
[21:19] < tsa> das ist gut.
[21:20] < owl> ;)
[21:20] < owl> wie geht's, channel-fast-opa...
[21:20] < tsa> hehe..gut eigentlich
[21:21] < owl> tsa: ;) gut so
[21:22] < tsa> owl: deine froehlichkeit verwirrt mich...haben Mike1 und du endlich zueinandergefunden?
[21:22] < tsa> *duck*
[21:23] < huebi> re
[21:23] < tsa> moin huebi
[21:23] < huebi> moin tsa
[21:23] < Mike1> tsa: no molestes ya sabes que ella es toda tuya
[21:24] < owl> tsa: *lol* nein, nur eine reihe buecher von nietsche und hesse und k.a. einfach alles :)
[21:24] < Mike1> re huebi
[21:24] < huebi> tsa: rechnug kommt naechste Woche.
[21:24] < owl> tach huebi
[21:24] < tsa> huebi: hehe...das glaub ich erst, wenn ich die auf dem tisch hab ;-)
[21:24] < tsa> was macht 1.5.20?
[21:24]   huebi just commiting a huge bunch of changes/fixes.
[21:24] < Mike1> huebi: if you like i will maintain mysql
[21:25] < huebi> Mike1: reat. yes, please do it.
[21:25] < huebi> +G
[21:25] < Mike1> huebi: ok thanks :)
[21:26] < Mike1> and btw please let me when commit is finished
[21:27] < huebi> Mike1: ack
[21:28] -!- tcr [~tobrit@p508132FD.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[21:34] < esden> woot! : https://www.esden.net/desktops/shots/rock-on-desktop.png
[21:34] < esden> new cool desktop design by esden ;-)
[21:35] < blindcoder> SHIT FUCKING
[21:35] < esden> ?
[21:35] < blindcoder> why the fuck can't I compile mysql??
[21:35] < esden> o_O
[21:37] < blindcoder> I get fucking errors mith unresolved sfmbols in libstdc++.so.5
[21:38] < esden> hmm ... unresolved symbols is the always returning problem ...
[21:38] < esden> but i do not know a fix for it ...
[21:40] < blindcoder> when updating the glibc seems to have been a bad idea for "everyday things"
[21:41] < blindcoder> and it's quarter to ten again already
[21:41] < blindcoder> need to pick up drachi tomorrow...
[21:42] < blindcoder> make[3]: Entering directory `/usr/src/mysql-3.23.51/sql'
[21:42] < blindcoder> g++ -DMYSQL_SERVER                      -DDEFAULT_MYSQL_HOME="\"/opt/mysql/\""                  -DDATADIR="\"/opt/mysql//var\""                         -DSHAREDIR="\"/opt/mysql//share/mysql\""                  -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I./../include                  -I./../regex                    -I. -I../include -I.. -I.    -O3 -DDBUG_OFF   -fno-implicit-templates -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -c sql_lex.cc
[21:42] < blindcoder> sql_lex.cc: In function `void lex_init()':
[21:42] < blindcoder> sql_lex.cc:85: `symbols' undeclared (first use this function)
[21:42] < blindcoder> sql_lex.cc:85: (Each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each
[21:42] < blindcoder>    function it appears in.)
[21:42] < blindcoder> sql_lex.cc:87: `sql_functions' undeclared (first use this function)
[21:42] < blindcoder> sql_lex.cc: In function `int find_keyword(LEX*, unsigned int, bool)':
[21:42] < blindcoder> sql_lex.cc:168: `get_hash_symbol' undeclared (first use this function)
[21:42] < blindcoder> WHY? WHY? WHY?
[21:42] < blindcoder> make[3]: *** [sql_lex.o] Error 1
[21:43] < blindcoder> can anyone compile a static mysql 3 for me?
[21:44] < blindcoder> hmm... idea
[21:48] < blindcoder> how can I make the mysqld listen on tcp?
[21:49] < esden> blindcoder: why have you to pickup her ?
[21:49] < blindcoder> esden: she doesn't want to go by train alone. how can I make the mysqld listen on tcp?
[21:50] -!- capone [~capone@] has joined #rocklinux
[21:50] < esden> blindcoder: hmm ... you ask me really good questions ... no idea ... it is too long time I have set up mysql
[21:52] < huebi> blindcoder: ./configure --with-tcp-port=3306
[21:52] < capone> hi
[21:52] < huebi> moin capone
[21:53] < capone> :)
[21:53] < Mike1> re capone
[21:53] < esden> hi capone
[21:53] < capone> it's interesting to know linuxthreads will be integrated in 2.6 kernels
[21:55] < blindcoder> huebi: not compiletime
[21:55] < blindcoder> huebi: I want to start it
[21:55] < blindcoder> I added --port=3306 but it ignores it
[21:57] < huebi> blindcoder: hmm. I don't know.
[22:00] < fooblah> hmm...
[22:00] < capone> fooblah: what did u do with ur mktemp prob ?
[22:00] < fooblah> gcc3.2 will not work with march=athlon-tbird
[22:01] < fooblah> capone: i wanted to make all again...
[22:01] < esden> rofl ! : https://www.deviantart.com/view/252072
[22:01] < fooblah> but now.. everything goes wrong
[22:01] < capone> u dunt have to make it all again
[22:01] < fooblah> caopne: i've done all the things who was said...
[22:01] < capone> if u already built a new kernel and rock linux, u should have a mktemp binary which will help u to make ur install disks
[22:02] < fooblah> the mktemp is not so important... the building is my problem cause there are some problems...
[22:02] < fooblah> fist gcc don't want to accept the flag march=athlon-tbird
[22:02] < capone> like ?
[22:02] < fooblah> so all others programs after gcc aren't used/compiled...
[22:03] < fooblah> i wait until there's a new release and hope it will work...
[22:03] < capone> umm
[22:03] < fooblah> <<begins to give up... :/
[22:05] < capone> try other architecture
[22:05] < capone> generic ones, i586-pc.. etc
[22:05] < capone> now i have to leave again, cya
[22:05] < fooblah> hmm... i try athlon
[22:05] < fooblah> capone: cya
[22:05] -!- capone [~capone@] has left #rocklinux ()
[22:06] < blindcoder> esden: can you  test  scavenger.homeip.net if you get any errors?
[22:07] < esden> mom
[22:07] < esden> this flash is cool: https://www.deviantart.com/view/518472
[22:07] < blindcoder> don't have flash installed
[22:07] < esden> yes I know you have not ... because of your strange ... "ueberzeugungen"
[22:08] < blindcoder> esden: okay nevermind. tested it from apollo and it works
[22:08] < esden> yes ... I am testing it at the moment and it works too
[22:08] < esden> I thought you wanted me to surf a bit ... because of the new mysql
[22:09]   Mike1 preparing another mail bomb to the mailing list
[22:10] < esden> Mike1: urgh!
[22:10] < Mike1> esden: this one is even bigger :) *vbeg*
[22:10] < esden> *sigh*
[22:10] < esden> ;-)
[22:11] < Mike1> better a mail bomb full of patches than flame full of crap dont you think?
[22:11] < blindcoder> esden: oh.. okay, thanks :)
[22:12] < esden> hmm ... not bad : https://www.deviantart.com/view/356718
[22:12] < blindcoder> I just moved the web and mysql to sundance, the Dual-50MHz-SparcStatios20 :)
[22:13] < esden> ehhm .. I thought you wanted to move everything to a intel box so you can use the sparcstation for compiling ...
[22:13] -!- h0h0 [~hoho@dhcp024-210-222-139.woh.rr.com] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[22:13] < blindcoder> esden: yes, but I need a 1.7 Iso for that first
[22:14] < blindcoder> it currently displays a nice "No Oprating System found" after POST
[22:14] < esden> woooooot that is coool !!! https://www.deviantart.com/view/672632
[22:14] < blindcoder> I just wait for Mikes Patches te get into cvs and compile it then
[22:16] < esden> quote from the deviantart site: \
[22:16] < esden> " Slackwear is GAY! How can anyone still use such outdated crap. Hey buddy, here is clue: everyon ewith brain has switched to modern distribution like Mandrake or Gentoo, not outdated non-rpm bullshit like Slackware."
[22:16] < Mike1> blindcoder: i will mail then in no longer than 5 minutes
[22:16] < blindcoder> esden: yes, I read it >_<
[22:17] < Mike1> BWAHAHAHA
[22:17] < owl> esden: *lol* rpm...... hahahahahaha!
[22:17] < Mike1> where did you get that crap?
[22:17] < blindcoder> Mike1: sweet. I, however, do to sleep now
[22:17] < owl> ouch.
[22:17] < owl> gn8 blindcoder
[22:17] < Mike1> blindcoder: you sure?
[22:17] < blindcoder> I've scremed up enough for one day
[22:17] < Mike1> blindcoder: ok
[22:17] < blindcoder> good night, everyone!
[22:17] < esden> blindcoder: sleep well
[22:20] < Mike1> blindcoder: oyasumi nasai !
[22:21] < fooblah> hmm...
[22:21] < fooblah> "outdated" aha...
[22:21] < fooblah> "non-rpm" rofl
[22:22] < fooblah> yeah "klick_klick"
[22:22] < fooblah> i love slackware
[22:22] < Mike1> though i wouldnt use slackware
[22:22] < fooblah> and i never kill my slack partition
[22:22] < Mike1> :)
[22:22] < esden> yes slackware rulez ... mandrake and gentoo sux
[22:22] < tsa> anyone still running bind 8.x?
[22:22] < esden> tsa: ;-)
[22:22] < fooblah> esden: yeah :)
[22:22] < huebi> tsa: No, only 9.1.3
[22:22] < tsa> https://bvlive01.iss.net/issEn/delivery/xforce/alertdetail.jsp?oid=21469
[22:22]   Mike1 moved from slackware to rock and will never _ever_ go back
[22:22] < tsa> once again... *sigh*
[22:23] < esden> but what rulez the most : rock linux 1.7
[22:23] < tsa> esden: 2.0 is better.
[22:23] < tsa> (you'll just have to code it before you can test it..
[22:23] < tsa> )
[22:23] < esden> bloody cutting edge world domination and ruling software ;-)
[22:23] < esden> tsa: correct
[22:23] < huebi> *g*
[22:31] < esden> holy shitt ... : https://www.wincustomize.com/skins.asp?Library=4&SkinID=197
[22:31] < huebi> djb tool sources are now in opt-archive.
[22:31] < esden> why is it for xp ? !!!
[22:32] < tsa> uhm..a probably stupid question..
[22:32] < tsa> how do i upate 1.7 via cvs?
[22:33] < tsa> i only know the update mechanism with rsync.
[22:33] < Mike1> tsa: cvs -z 9 -d :pserver:anonymous@clifford.homedns.org:/home/cvs checkout -P rock-src-1.7
[22:33] < esden> cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@clifford.homedns.org:/home/cvs co rock-src-1.7
[22:34] < tsa> thx.
[22:34] < esden> and then normally with cvs -z3 -q up -Pd
[22:35] < tsa> hm..
[22:35] < tsa> cvs up? i do not remember having write access to that repository..
[22:36] < tsa> (i don
[22:36] < huebi> tsa: Zou don\t need.
[22:36] < tsa> 't remember seeing this cvs server mentioned on the mailing list, either..)
[22:36] < huebi> it's pserver.
[22:37] < tsa> i'm not really familiar with cvs - where's the difference.
[22:37] < tsa> let's assume i change something and "cvs up; cvs ci"....what will happen?
[22:37] < huebi> tsa: nothing.
[22:38] < tsa> that's not much.
[22:38] < tsa> is there any sense in doing cvs up at all?
[22:38] < huebi> the pserver user has only the right to co and up
[22:38] < tsa> which means i can "up" any changes and clifford has to commit them by hand?
[22:39] < esden> cvs up is for updating your repository on your harddrive
[22:39] < huebi> up - update. You don't need to co all again.
[22:39] < tsa> ah, i see.
[22:40] < tsa> did clifford ever mention how to access his cvs?
[22:40] < huebi> Mike1: cvs is now up to date.
[22:40] < Mike1> huebi: wow it took long, thanks i will check out in a moment
[22:41] < huebi> tsa: I never read about cliffords cvs.
[22:41]   tsa neither, therefore i'm asking.
[22:43] < Mike1> huebi: it is specified on https://www.rocklinux.org/snapshots/
[22:45] < huebi> 49 changes in cvs today by me.
[22:45] < Mike1> :)
[22:46] < huebi> stud.fbi.fh-darmstadt.de seems to be offline. :(
[22:55] < esden> hmm ... what is the name of the blackbox improovement project ?
[22:56] < Mike1> mail bomb in process...
[22:58] < tsa> :(){ :|:&};: | mail -s ... ? ;)
[22:59] < huebi> tsa: what does that mean?
[23:00] < tsa> huebi: feel free to try it: bash$ :(){ :|:&};:
[23:00] < tsa> NOT!
[23:01] < tsa> : is a function calling itself two times..
[23:01] < tsa> nothing but a small and nice fork bomb with bash..
[23:02] < huebi> tsa: Hmm. Time to read a little bit in the bash sripting howto again.
[23:02] < tsa> hehe ;-)
[23:03]   tsa installing vendetta
[23:03] < tsa> https://vendetta.guildsoftware.com/
[23:07] < huebi> tsa: looks nice.
[23:07] < huebi> Mike1: 2 mor fixes are now in cvs
[23:08] < Mike1> huebi: great i will check out now
[23:08] < Mike1> 33 patches for 1.7 are enought for today
[23:08] < huebi> Mike1: :-)
[23:08] < Mike1> i will now go over and work on 1.5 tree
[23:08] < Mike1> got updates to do, and have to fix mysql
[23:09] < Mike1> BTW sorry for the mail bombs guys *ggg*
[23:09] < owl> Mike1: omg. mail-bombing for 1.7 completed, mail-bombin for 1.5 started?
[23:09] < Mike1> owl i have cvs write ascess to 1.5 cvs so i dont need to mail patches
[23:09] < owl> :)))
[23:10] < Mike1> owl: but i promisse i will send more 1.7 patches tomorrow
[23:10] -!- term_emu [~pm@p508190A6.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("zz")
[23:10] < Mike1> :)
[23:10] < Mike1> just in honor to you
[23:10] < owl> oh god! the poor mail-server(s)...
[23:10] -!- capchaos is now known as depp
[23:10] < huebi> hi depp
[23:11] < Mike1> owl: nah that mail server rocks
[23:11] < owl> *g*
[23:11] < Mike1> it can handle me :)
[23:11] < depp> hi *g
[23:11] < huebi> Stud is still down.
[23:11] < Mike1> hi depp
[23:11] < Mike1> huebi: what happened to it?
[23:11] < huebi> I mirror all the new sources tomorrow.
[23:11] -!- kasc [~shaman@p5090ACFA.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[23:12] < Mike1> huebi: yes please wait as i need to make fixes on 1.5 to update some of the packages that i updated for 1.7
[23:12] < Mike1> so tomorrow we _WILL_ be updated
[23:12] < rolla> Mike you are nuts with all these patches ;)
[23:12] < huebi> Mike1: I don't know and I don't want to call the server room it is inside. I think they just make some hardware changes.
[23:13] < Mike1> rolla i dont hace cvs access to 1.7 what am i supposed to do?
[23:13] < Mike1> btw huebi i will have to move my rsync server to another box odin has less than 200 mb free in total!!
[23:14] < Mike1> i need to clean up that thing
[23:15] < rolla> :)
[23:17] < Mike1> ok i check out 1.5 now :)
[23:17] < huebi> re
[23:18] < Mike1> re huebi
[23:18] < huebi> The whole network is down at the stud.
[23:18] < Mike1> huebi: damnit
[23:18] < Mike1> did you call?
[23:18]   huebi had to phone *g*
[23:18] < Mike1> :)
[23:18] < huebi> yes, I called one of the admins.
[23:19] < Mike1> huebi: excellent *bug*bug*bug*
[23:19] < huebi> Quite much traffic on that server on the rocklinux area. :-)
[23:21] < huebi> Cu tomorrow. I need to go back to the office making new boot images.
[23:21] < huebi> good night.
[23:21] < Mike1> huebi: ok nacht mein dreund
[23:22] < Mike1> freund even
[23:22] < huebi> :)
[23:23] < Mike1> cowsay is in the base !!! yeah *jumparound*
[23:26] -!- litost [~user@phynp6.phy-astr.gsu.edu] has quit ("nightnight")
[23:27] -!- depp is now known as sonoferis
[23:43] -!- c4y0 [~c4y0@cable200-75-73-72.epm.net.co] has joined #rocklinux
[23:43] < c4y0> hello!
[23:44] < sonoferis> hi c4y0
[23:51] -!- Freak [freak@pD9E39667.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client excited")
-!- Irrsi  Log closed Wed Nov 13 00:00:03 2002