--- Log opened Sat Nov 23 00:00:08 2002 --- Day changed Sat Nov 23 2002 00:00 < Mike1> tsa: working on 1.5? 00:00 < tsa> Mike1: no. 00:01 < Mike1> i see ok 00:01 < tsa> Mike1: huebi got a nice IBM 21" for me...months ago..and i'm still waiting for his invoice.. 00:01 < Mike1> hehe :) 00:01 * tsa doesn't like oweing people money 00:02 < tsa> *sigh* 00:14 -!- netcrow [netcrow@apollo.bingo-ev.de] has quit ("leaving") 00:16 -!- bluefire [bluefire@p50816990.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 00:21 -!- blindcod1r [~blindcode@pD9E4F8A1.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 00:30 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B56b4.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux 00:30 < owl> re 00:31 < tcr> wb 00:31 < Mike1> re owlita 00:31 * Mike1 hugs owlita 00:31 < owl> NO HUG! 00:31 < owl> *argh* 00:31 * Mike1 hugs owlita 00:32 < SMP> . o O ( ? ) 00:32 < Mike1> SMP: she loves to hugged 00:32 < SMP> yeah I noticed 00:32 < owl> SMP: no. i'm hating it. 00:32 < owl> and i also love this fscking "elm" wuah. it _really_ suckz. 00:33 < SMP> alias elm=mutt 00:33 < owl> wah? mutt is the stupid stuff which will kill me? 00:34 < SMP> well you probably thought elm was a program to do your mail in? 00:34 < owl> nope. i didn't know anything about it... i just know that it wants a printing system or so... (forgot the message...) 00:35 < SMP> oh. 00:35 < SMP> just let it be. let it die. fade away. it deserves the rest. finally. 00:36 < Mike1> lol 00:36 < owl> hm. 00:36 < Mike1> wow its a lot easier to contact huebi by email 00:36 < SMP> hehe 00:36 < owl> Mike1: what? huebi is alive??? 00:36 < tsa> Mike1? 00:36 * owl can't believe her eyes 00:36 < Mike1> he replyed my mail after 2 minutes 00:36 < owl> fascinating. really fascinating 00:37 < tsa> Mike1: huh? where di you send your mail huebi@rocklinux.org? 00:37 < Mike1> tsa: ack 00:37 < tcr> Mike1: did he mention how long he'll probably be awake? 00:37 < Mike1> tsa: i also i just forwarded some info about 1.5.20 status to the rlml 00:38 < Mike1> tcr: 1.5.20 will be released according to him in 2 days or so, i would say on monday or tuesday 00:38 < tsa> mail sent. 00:38 < SMP> hmm that isn't good 00:38 < Mike1> SMP: ? 00:39 < SMP> I have three security patches for glibc that should go in. -finally- 00:39 < Mike1> tcr: he is alive but i guess very very busy to come to irc and ask the 1000000 of questions everyone of us has for him 00:39 < SMP> but for one I'm not sure if it is effective at all 00:39 < Mike1> SMP: sent them to me if you like 00:39 < Mike1> SMP: i can read and teste them 00:39 < Mike1> test* 00:39 < owl> /* no further comments. i guess this guarantees me a longer life */ 00:39 < tcr> SMP: do you know where's responsible for the bashline.patch? 00:40 < SMP> I have tested them and I productively use a glibc that includes them 00:40 < Mike1> so why do you hesitate to send them? 00:41 -!- blindcoder [~blindcode@pD9E4F051.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 00:41 < SMP> I'm not sure if one of them does really correct the issue 00:42 < SMP> I'll have to ask jakub@redhat.com 00:42 < Mike1> if you like send them to me to have a look 00:42 < Mike1> SMP: ok 00:43 < SMP> how familar are you with the resolver lib? ;) 00:43 < SMP> tcr: pardon? 00:43 < SMP> "familiar" I meant 00:44 < Mike1> SMP: just 1/2 a bit *gg* still i would like to see you patches :) 00:44 < SMP> well I didn't write them 00:44 < Mike1> SMP: mmm.. ok 00:52 < tcr> Mike1: :) if i ever get finished, I'll send you some scripts to test out 00:52 < tcr> but heh, well you know a whole night is long 00:53 < Mike1> tcr: yes :) i will be waiting got those scripts :) 00:54 < tsa> Mike1: hm...still no answer from huebi here...did you send him money, too? 00:54 < tsa> ;) 00:55 < Mike1> tsa: nope i just help him out maintain 1.5 tree thats all 00:55 < tsa> hm.. 00:55 < Mike1> err should i say bug him out .. 00:55 < Mike1> *ggg* 00:55 < tsa> i'll delete all my packages ;) 00:56 < Mike1> tsa: ???? 00:56 < owl> ...and huebi will add them again... 00:56 < Mike1> tsa: why? 00:56 < Mike1> tsa: let owl maintain them 00:56 < Mike1> :) 00:56 < tsa> Mike1: hehe 00:57 < owl> Mike1: huh? are you crazy/drunken/stone.d or so...? 00:57 < Mike1> owl: no, why would i? 00:57 < owl> Mike1: cuz i have to less experience 00:57 < Mike1> tsa: can teach you, right tsa? 00:58 < tsa> better don't want to know, i guess. 00:59 < Mike1> owl: its not usually that complicated once you understand how it works 00:59 < Mike1> though yes you to run some more builds first :) 00:59 < owl> hmmm... first i wanna have more experience. after that we will se. 01:00 < owl> s/se/see 01:00 < Mike1> owlita ok 01:00 < Mike1> ass you wish 01:00 < owl> aehm.... 01:00 < tsa> we'll have all died before that happens ;-)) *duck* 01:00 < owl> tsa: haha. 01:01 * owl compiles right now - since yesterday evening or so - rock-1.5.xxbuild... 01:01 < owl> tsa: so, don't complain ;P 01:01 < tsa> owl: interested in maintaining 1.2 tree? ;) 01:01 < owl> tsa: *lol* 01:01 < tsa> owl: wrong. 01:01 < Mike1> tsa: hey that would be cool 01:02 < tsa> owl: your box is compiling. you're just sitting besides it and doing absolutely nothing... :-P 01:02 < owl> tsa: ;P 01:02 < tsa> owl: you're lazy 01:02 < owl> tsa: nope. why? 01:02 < tsa> Mike1: i guess owl needs a beso from you ;) 01:02 < owl> tsa: no!!! 01:03 < Mike1> tsa: hell no! 01:03 < tsa> Mike1: oh - she finally found out? 01:03 < Mike1> tsa: ack 01:03 < tsa> ah, i see. 01:03 < owl> aeh? *confused* 01:03 < tsa> took about 3 weeks or something.. 01:03 < Mike1> tsa 4 i think 01:04 < tsa> not bad at al (for a woman) 01:04 < tsa> +l 01:04 < Mike1> cierto, busquemos otra palabrita :) 01:04 * tsa deeply impressed. 01:04 < tsa> Mike1: hehe.. 01:04 < owl> *grml* 01:04 < Mike1> tsa: don't be i told her 01:04 < tsa> ah... 01:04 < Mike1> my mistake 01:04 < tsa> what did she offer you for telling her? 01:04 < Mike1> tsa: a hug 01:05 < tsa> (no, i guess i don't really want to know.. ) 01:05 < Mike1> tsa: lol 01:05 < tsa> Mike1: aah! did you like it? ;) 01:05 < tsa> ..and did owl like it? 01:05 < tsa> owl: how come you're being so quiet? 01:05 < Mike1> tsa: i had to tell her so she would release me 01:05 < owl> tsa: nope. it was horrible 01:05 < Mike1> tsa: i though i would die 01:06 < owl> tsa: /me needs more coffee... almost asleep 01:06 < tsa> Mike1: i guess that was the one day when owl began her sexual relationship with blindcoder.. 01:06 < Mike1> tsa: might be 01:06 < owl> muhahahahahaha! 01:06 < tsa> .oO( sounds like a cow ) 01:07 < owl> of course 01:07 < tsa> NO MILK FOR ME, PLEASE. 01:07 < owl> tsa: why not? 01:07 < Mike1> ____________________________ 01:07 < Mike1> < tsa you are humiliating me > 01:07 < Mike1> ---------------------------- 01:07 < Mike1> \ ^__^ 01:07 < Mike1> \ (oo)\_______ 01:07 < Mike1> (__)\ )\/\ 01:07 < Mike1> ||----w | 01:07 < Mike1> || || 01:07 < owl> *lol* mathilda ist alive again... 01:08 < tsa> owl: consider how milk gets out of the cow and ask yourself. 01:08 < owl> tsssssssssss 01:09 < Mike1> tsa: will you milk owl? 01:09 < tsa> NO I WON'T!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 01:09 < Mike1> ROTFL 01:09 < owl> tsa, Mike1: that's enough! 01:09 < owl> stop talking sh** please 01:09 < tsa> Mike1: that's blindcoder's job, not mine. 01:09 < owl> for sure not blindcod1rs job 01:10 < tsa> .oO( chick getting confuzed..it works ;) 01:10 < Mike1> sure still i think i should not made my previous comment 01:10 -!- Satg [~foo@] has left #rocklinux () 01:10 < tsa> Mike1: hehe...you don't have to care about that. 01:10 < Mike1> ok 01:10 < tsa> ..at least owl is talking again ;) 01:10 < owl> tsa: ... 01:10 < Mike1> owl: como te sientes hoy? 01:11 < tsa> Mike1: guess i should buy her some grass ;) 01:11 < tsa> enojada, probablemente.. 01:11 < owl> grass? weed? 01:11 < tsa> no, just plain green grass. 01:11 < owl> *g* 01:12 < tsa> you know...the stuff on the bottom of the big room with the blue ceiling.. 01:12 < owl> hm. can't remember 01:13 < tsa> owl: estas embarazada? 01:13 < owl> haeh? 01:14 < tsa> ask Mike1 01:14 < tsa> ;) 01:14 < owl> hmmmm 01:14 < Mike1> tsa: claro que si tu lo enjendraste 01:15 * owl away for some minutes. 01:15 < tsa> Mike1: no. no. no. 01:15 < owl> brb 01:15 < Mike1> owl: say yes say yes 01:15 < owl> /* no comments */ 01:15 < tsa> owl: don't! 01:16 < Mike1> tsa: too late silence is always taking as an afirmative question 01:16 * owl says nothing - that's the best 01:16 < owl> and now - away - brb 01:23 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B56b4.pppool.de] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 01:41 * Mike1 fixing broken xfree86 on 1.5 ... 01:43 < tsa> n8 01:43 < Mike1> n8 tsa 01:43 -!- tsa [~tsa@p5082B437.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting") 01:48 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B56b4.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux 01:48 < owl> re 01:48 < Mike1> owly wb 01:50 < owl> uff... there are archives and there are my tar.bz2s... (1.4 gb... oops) 01:52 < Mike1> owl: wtf? 01:53 < owl> backup of a 01:53 < Mike1> ok 01:53 < owl> part of my HD (of the notebook i will give away tormorrow= 01:53 < owl> (with movies and stuff inclueded ;)) 01:54 < Mike1> i see 01:59 -!- Satg [~foo@] has joined #rocklinux 02:07 -!- Satg [~foo@] has quit () 03:05 -!- tcr [~tobrit@p50812C9A.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ho chresim eidos uch hoch poll eidos sphos") 03:12 < Mike1> *yawn* 03:12 < Mike1> how are things SMP? 03:28 < owl> gn8 03:28 < Mike1> n8 owl 03:28 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B56b4.pppool.de] has quit ("gn8.") 04:01 -!- NathansPoohBear [ficcle@0-1pool144-43.nas22.indianapolis1.in.us.da.qwest.net] has joined #rocklinux 04:01 -!- NathansPoohBear [ficcle@0-1pool144-43.nas22.indianapolis1.in.us.da.qwest.net] has left #rocklinux () 04:01 -!- Ge0rG [georg@club-mate.net] has quit ("Der Sinn des Lebens ist die Suche nach eben jenem.") 04:24 < Mike1> *YAWN* 05:38 -!- capchaos [~capchaos@pD904855D.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("There is no spoon.") 05:41 -!- kasc_ [~shaman@p50908C4C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 05:42 < Mike1> moin kasc_ 05:42 -!- kasc__ [~shaman@p5090BC7F.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 06:04 < Mike1> WEEEHHHH!!! Xfree86 builds again!!!! 06:04 * Mike1 commiting now 06:18 < Mike1> nasm build priority changed, syslinux builds now :)) 06:25 < Mike1> ok enought fixing for today i go to sleep now, cu later guys 06:54 -!- rolla_ [~Der@] has joined #rocklinux 07:06 -!- rolla_bob [~Der@adsl-65-69-57-36.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net] has joined #rocklinux 07:06 < rolla_bob> re 07:12 -!- rolla [~Der@] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 07:15 -!- rolla_bob [~Der@adsl-65-69-57-36.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net] has quit ("leaving") 07:20 -!- maisenhe [~maisenhe@adsl-65-69-57-36.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net] has joined #rocklinux 07:21 -!- maisenhe [~maisenhe@adsl-65-69-57-36.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net] has quit (Client Quit) 08:33 -!- tcr [~tobrit@p5081313F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 08:33 < tcr> moin all 08:34 < aszlig> hullo tcr 08:52 -!- thalerim [~tobrit@p5081313F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 08:52 -!- tcr [~tobrit@p5081313F.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 08:53 -!- thalerim is now known as tcr 08:57 -!- capchaos [~capchaos@pD9048440.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 08:58 -!- capchaos [~capchaos@pD9048440.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Client Quit) 09:09 -!- thalerim [~tobrit@p5081313F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 09:09 -!- tcr [~tobrit@p5081313F.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 09:09 -!- thalerim is now known as tcr 10:33 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@] has joined #rocklinux 10:33 < holyolli> moin 10:35 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@] has quit (Client Quit) 10:54 -!- blindcod1r [~blindcode@pD9E4F8A1.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 10:56 -!- bluefire [bluefire@p50817C0E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 10:58 -!- andrea [~andrea@pD9048530.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 11:10 -!- andrea [~andrea@pD9048530.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving") 11:18 < tcr> Mike1: ping 11:18 -!- hackbard_ [~hackbard@p50807E15.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 11:35 -!- hackbard [~hackbard@pD9523EDE.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 12:25 -!- Lorini [~andrea@pD9048F01.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 12:26 < Lorini> huhu 12:36 -!- Ge0rG [georg@club-mate.net] has joined #rocklinux 13:00 -!- temr [~pm@p50819CC1.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 13:03 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B5410.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux 13:03 < owl> moin 13:31 -!- clifford [~clifford@M106P000.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux 13:32 < owl> hi clifford 13:32 < clifford> hi. 13:32 < owl> wie geht's? 13:32 < clifford> ganz gut. warum hat mir keiner gesagt, das die cvs version probleme mit buikld-crosscc hat? 13:33 < clifford> s/das/dass/ - ich bin muede ... 13:34 < owl> hmm... crosscompiler... ? ich dachte das waere gefixt inzwischen... (glaubte, dass jemand sowas sagte...)? 13:34 < clifford> nein - das ist jetzt wieder ein ganz anderes problem und tritt nur bei einem _echte_ cross build auf. 13:35 < owl> ah so 13:35 < clifford> ich hab' mich gester fuer einen job beworben: 13:35 < clifford> https://www.init.at/stellen.html (Clusterbetreuer) 13:37 < clifford> Bei der Ausschreibung zu Schroedinger I (bisher groesster Cluster in .at) hab' ich auch teilgenommen und bin ausschreibungszweiter geworden. 13:37 < owl> hm. hoert sich ned uninteressant an ;) 13:37 < owl> cool. congrats 13:37 < clifford> Wenn ich den job kriege bin ich erst recht wieder admin von schroedinger I ... ;-) 13:38 < owl> ;) na denn. viel glueck 13:38 < clifford> danke - ich bin schon sehr gespannt wie die sache weitergeht. 13:40 < owl> ack. 13:42 -!- blindcoder [~blindcode@p50801D8E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 13:45 < owl> ich verzieh' mich wieder... (pennen) bye 13:45 < blindcoder> nacht 13:46 < clifford> bye 13:46 < owl> blindcoder: *g* hi und bye 13:51 < blindcoder> does anyone know if Age ef Mythology runs with winex? 13:54 -!- Freak [freak@p50839237.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 14:08 -!- Freak [freak@p50839237.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client excited") 14:20 -!- darkembrace [~root@pD9E4E04D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 14:21 < darkembrace> hi everybody 14:21 < tcr> moin 14:21 < tcr> ircing with root is evil 14:21 < blindcoder> moin 14:21 < darkembrace> ooops sorry i forgot -.... 14:21 < darkembrace> hi crash 14:22 < darkembrace> brb 14:22 -!- darkembrace [~root@pD9E4E04D.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Client Quit) 14:22 < blindcoder> tcr: ircing is evil in itself :) 14:23 -!- n0s [~nos@pD9E4E04D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 14:23 -!- n0s [~nos@pD9E4E04D.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Client Quit) 14:24 < tcr> XD 14:27 -!- Darkembrace [~nos@pD9E4E04D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 14:27 < Darkembrace> re 14:28 < blindcoder> re nossi 14:28 * blindcoder just _loves_ his new CD-Writer :) 14:28 < Darkembrace> ;) hab mich endlich ma dazu bewogen den umgang mit irc zu lernen 14:28 < blindcoder> braver junge 14:28 < Darkembrace> *g* 14:29 < Darkembrace> sag ma ich kann mit stone ja auch von nem server updaten oder= 14:29 < blindcoder> mkisofs braucht mittlerweile laenger als cdrecord >_< 14:29 < blindcoder> theoretisch... 14:29 < Darkembrace> wie du hast des no ned ausprobiert? 14:29 < blindcoder> noe 14:29 < blindcoder> ich hab nur eine 1.7 Kiste momentan 14:29 < blindcoder> und des is mein router 14:30 < Darkembrace> sag ma kann es sein das du listdc++-devel vergessen hast? 14:30 < blindcoder> nein 14:30 < Darkembrace> da beschwert sich ndmlich mein licq 14:30 < blindcoder> licq nutzt ne alte C++ API 14:30 * clifford hat letzte woche einen cd-basierenden router gebaut. 15 MB auf CD - die 10 sekunden warten vorm brennen dauern laenger als das brennen selbst ... 14:30 < blindcoder> apply den patch der dabei ist 14:31 < blindcoder> clifford: ja, genau das meine ich mit warten :) 14:31 < Darkembrace> ok isch gugg amal 14:31 < tcr> ah, good to see you clifford. question: in 1.5 is a patch called 'bashline', in 1.7 too? 14:31 < tcr> or are you even the responsible person? 14:32 < clifford> what's this 'bashline' patch? I don't have it in 1.7 .. 14:34 < Darkembrace> blincoder: wo krieg ich den patch her? 14:34 < blindcoder> Darkembrace: warte 14:35 < Darkembrace> brb ....gettin some coffee 14:35 < blindcoder> Darkembrace: https://scavenger.homeip.ned/licq-gcc3.patch 14:35 < tcr> haven't had a closer look.. so i dunno what it should solve, but it seems it produces a new bug: when typing ./di it expands to ./dir, instead of ./dir/ -- that's quite annoying since you have to put a slash to it yourself 14:35 < blindcoder> Darkembrace: https://scavenger.homeip.net/licq-gcc3.patch 14:35 < Darkembrace> thx ;) 14:36 < tcr> clifford: i'm just looking for the responsible person... 14:37 < clifford> tcr: this is a bug which has been introduced in bash-2.05b and is fixed by ftp://ftp.gnu.org/pub/gnu/bash/bash-2.05b-patches/bash205b-003. 14:38 < clifford> huebi is 1.5 maintainer. 14:38 < Darkembrace> blindcoder: doesn't work ..... wrong filename?? 14:38 < blindcoder> mom 14:39 < blindcoder> Darkembrace: now it does 14:39 < blindcoder> same filename 14:40 < blindcoder> forgot to mount /var/www to my workstation 14:40 < Darkembrace> yeah...better ..thx 14:42 < tcr> ah clifford! bashline.patch should solve this issue, but it only works for absolute pathnames. -- will give this hint to huebi 14:42 < tcr> thx 14:43 < Darkembrace> blindcoder: which file do i have to ptach? 14:44 < blindcoder> root@bla:/path/to/licq# patch -p1 ahhh thx 14:45 < Darkembrace> seems to work..... 14:47 < blindcoder> it does here 14:47 -!- Darkembrace [~nos@pD9E4E04D.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 14:48 -!- Darkembrace [~nos@pD9E4E04D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 14:50 < tcr> mail to huebi sent 14:51 < temr> re 15:06 < Darkembrace> is it possible to update rock vie ftp ? 15:08 < tcr> hm? 15:08 < blindcoder> as I see it, it isn't implemented in stone, but if you use something like ftpfs, it should work 15:08 < blindcoder> *with mine 15:09 < tcr> why ftp? what's wrong with cvs? 15:10 * blindcoder thinking about an OpenGL Frontend for stone 15:10 < blindcoder> tcr: the running system, installed packages 15:10 < tcr> ? 15:11 < Darkembrace> i've never worked with cvs 15:11 < blindcoder> Darkembrace: ????? 15:11 < blindcoder> moment 15:11 < blindcoder> cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@clifford.homedns.org:/home/cvs co -P rock-src-1.7 15:11 < blindcoder> to fetch it 15:11 < blindcoder> and then in rock-scr-1.7 do a 15:11 < blindcoder> cvs -z9 up -PU 15:11 < blindcoder> cvs -z9 up -Pd 15:12 < blindcoder> to update the source-files 15:12 < tcr> so he uses 1.7? 15:12 < blindcoder> that's all you need :) 15:12 < Darkembrace> it would be better to read the man page ......i think 15:12 < blindcoder> Darkembrace: info-pages you mean 15:12 < Darkembrace> it's easier to understand.... 15:12 < blindcoder> the man-page tells you to read the info-page IIRC 15:13 < Darkembrace> *lol* 15:22 -!- hackbard_ is now known as hackbard 15:22 < hackbard> morning 15:23 < blindcoder> moin 15:23 < Darkembrace> moin 15:25 -!- zer0_o [~zer0_o@pop-ls-13-1-dialup-229.freesurf.ch] has joined #rocklinux 15:42 * blindcoder playing some Syphon Filter 15:45 -!- JustNobody [jn@M514P027.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux 15:45 < JustNobody> hi 15:47 -!- tomik [~owned@bremaiva.worldonline.cz] has joined #rocklinux 15:47 < tomik> hi 15:47 < tomik> what's up with download.rocklinux.de ? 15:54 < JustNobody> germen or english chan? 15:54 < JustNobody> german 15:54 < tcr> english mostly 15:55 < JustNobody> ok 15:55 < JustNobody> thx 15:56 -!- Lorini [~andrea@pD9048F01.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting") 15:59 < tcr> i have to correct myself, mostly nothing is spoken XD! 15:59 < JustNobody> 'hrhr 16:33 -!- tcr [~tobrit@p5081313F.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ho chresim eidos uch hoch poll eidos sphos") 16:34 -!- tcr [~tobrit@pD9E49835.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 16:38 * Darkembrace is going ......c ya 16:38 -!- Darkembrace [~nos@pD9E4E04D.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Leaving") 16:44 -!- [anders] [anders@] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 17:13 -!- tomik [~owned@bremaiva.worldonline.cz] has quit ("leaving") 17:14 -!- capone [~capone@] has joined #rocklinux 17:20 < capone> hi 17:20 < capone> j #gigax 17:20 < capone> me dump 17:21 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B5410.pppool.de] has quit ("Client Exiting") 17:39 -!- [anders] [anders@] has joined #rocklinux 17:40 -!- tcr [~tobrit@pD9E49835.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ho chresim eidos uch hoch poll eidos sphos") 17:41 -!- tcr [~tobrit@pD9E49AD1.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 17:41 < tcr> god kväll [anders]. legät? 17:44 -!- zer0_o [~zer0_o@pop-ls-13-1-dialup-229.freesurf.ch] has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 17:44 < JustNobody> by 17:44 * JustNobody - Cover Your Ass - at 8pm 17:45 -!- JustNobody is now known as jn[off 17:54 -!- zer0_o [~zer0_o@pop-zh-22-2-dialup-169.freesurf.ch] has joined #rocklinux 17:57 < fake> huhu 17:58 < tcr> hi fake 17:58 -!- clifford [~clifford@M106P000.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has quit ("Leaving") 17:58 < fake> hi tcr 17:59 -!- clifford [~clifford@M094P023.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux 17:59 < tcr> folge von der neuen staffel von futurama kommen grad auf pro7 17:59 < tcr> futurama rockz 18:01 * fake hat keinen fernseher 18:02 < fake> hi clifford 18:03 < clifford> hi. 18:03 * clifford ist furchtbar muede. 18:04 < Ge0rG> tcr: "neue staffel"? 18:04 < tcr> ja 18:05 < tcr> clifford: ich hab nur 3h geschlafen und bin trotzdem hellwach... frag mich nicht wieso 18:05 < zer0_o> womit schaut man unter linux eigentlich divx an ? =( 18:05 < Ge0rG> zer0_o: mplayer 18:05 < zer0_o> ist da der codec integriert ? 18:05 < Ge0rG> wenn man libavcodec mit drin hat, ja 18:06 < zer0_o> *notier* danke =) 18:07 < Ge0rG> hm... die deutsche synchro von futurama saugt. 18:10 * fake hands clifford a steaming, hot cup of 'instant sleep' 18:13 -!- zer0_o [~zer0_o@pop-zh-22-2-dialup-169.freesurf.ch] has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 18:20 -!- zer0_o [~zer0_o@pop-zh-22-2-dialup-169.freesurf.ch] has joined #rocklinux 18:25 -!- tcr [~tobrit@pD9E49AD1.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ho chresim eidos uch hoch poll eidos sphos") 18:27 -!- tcr [~tobrit@pD9E4942D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 18:34 < blindcoder> fake: ping 18:35 < blindcoder> fake: kommst mit ins Kino heute abend? "The One"? 18:36 < blindcoder> fake: 22.30 18:45 -!- owl [~mail-spam@p50802DF0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 18:45 < owl> re 18:56 -!- owl [~mail-spam@p50802DF0.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("brb") 19:00 -!- owl [~mail-spam@p50802DF0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 19:00 < owl> re 19:00 -!- owl [~mail-spam@p50802DF0.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Client Quit) 19:01 -!- owl [~mail-spam@p50802DF0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 19:01 < blindcoder> owl: rein, raus... du weisst auch net was du willst.\ oder? 19:02 < owl> blindcoder: tschuldigung. hatte gerade ein paar kleine technische probleme. 19:02 < blindcoder> F***** und Technik :) 19:03 -!- tcr [~tobrit@pD9E4942D.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ho chresim eidos uch hoch poll eidos sphos") 19:03 * blindcoder geht Slayers guggn 19:46 < jn[off> re 19:46 -!- jn[off is now known as JustNobody 19:50 -!- tcr [~tobrit@pD958D26F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 19:59 < esden> good evening 19:59 < esden> ahh ... the lego exibition is over ... puhh 20:00 < blindcoder> and? 20:00 < blindcoder> did your robot work out? 20:01 < esden> it was perfectly working one error for 15 games ... with this shitty lego hardware is it pretty good 20:01 < blindcoder> cool 20:01 < esden> yes 20:01 < JustNobody> esden, you play lego? 20:01 < esden> blindcoder: cinema ;-) 20:01 < blindcoder> esden: sure 20:01 < esden> JustNobody: yes sure ;-) it makes fun ... when it works .... ;-) 20:02 < blindcoder> JustNobody: he plays ass day 20:02 < blindcoder> he's a kid after all :) 20:02 < blindcoder> s/ass/all/ 20:02 < JustNobody> hehe like me :) but i'm only 14 :D 20:03 < esden> hehe I am 22 ;-) 20:03 < JustNobody> wow .. 20:04 < JustNobody> do you use mindstorms? 20:04 < esden> I hope the images are in the net soon ;-) 20:04 < esden> JustNobody: sure 20:04 < esden> but the sensors are pretty shitty >_< 20:04 < JustNobody> hmm ... 20:05 < esden> but it is usable after all 20:05 < esden> our robot was working ... it was playing connect4 ;-) 20:05 < JustNobody> yes :) do you have vison command too? i won't built a robot without the cam 'gg 20:06 * JustNobody is sorry for his bad english .. i'm up for 2 days and i'm a geman :) 20:06 < esden> no ... but an other guy hat vision command with image recognition/tracking software 20:07 < esden> and then shooting on objects that it saw in the cam 20:07 < esden> was pretty cool 20:07 < JustNobody> gg 20:07 < esden> JustNobody: /me is polish but living for 10 years in germany 20:07 < esden> but english is depricated in this channel ;-) 20:08 < JustNobody> i'm working on a robot, which you can control from another pc 20:09 < esden> hmm ... that is easy ... ;-) 20:10 < JustNobody> yes, but the problem is the battary .. 20:10 < esden> what development environment do you use ? the lego stuff or brickOS ? 20:10 < JustNobody> i make that all in VB :) 20:10 < esden> YUK ... 20:10 -!- owl [~mail-spam@p50802DF0.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving") 20:11 * tcr wonders where Mike1 remains.. 20:11 < JustNobody> i have to use windows .. because i've got an USB ADSL modem .. 20:11 -!- owl [~mail-spam@p50802DF0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 20:11 < tcr> JustNobody: which 20:12 < JustNobody> alcatel USB speed touch 20:12 < owl> re 20:12 < JustNobody> wb 20:12 < JustNobody> the only distribution i got it working was suse 20:13 < JustNobody> ans suse sucks .. 20:13 < JustNobody> and 20:13 < tcr> clear case: it depends on lacking knowledge 20:14 < tcr> it's pretty nonsense to say "it works under $DISTRO only" 20:14 < JustNobody> but it is so .. 20:15 < JustNobody> i've tried it with the same tutorial under slack, rh and debian 20:18 < tcr> As distributions must distinguish between themselves (otherwise there'd exist only one), there are some differences to heed 20:18 < owl> is the CVS working for rock-1.5? at me there's just a "connection refused" layer 8 problem or problem by CVS?!! 20:19 < tcr> it works for me 20:20 < owl> tcr: urgs 20:20 < Mike1> moin all 20:20 < JustNobody> hi mike1 20:20 < Mike1> hi JustNobody :) 20:20 < owl> moin Mike1 20:20 < JustNobody> ;) 20:21 < tcr> aaaah Mike1 dear you 20:21 < Mike1> tcr: hi 20:21 < Mike1> tcr: where you looking for me? 20:21 < blindcoder> hi Mike1 20:21 < tcr> yeah i were 20:21 < Mike1> tcr: what can i do for ya? 20:22 < owl> damn. 20:22 < tcr> a prototype of my update scripts is ready, and i want you to test them 20:22 < tcr> s,is,are, 20:22 < owl> tcr: r u using cvs -d anoncvs@anoncvs.rocklinux.de:/cvs co -P rock-1.5 ? 20:22 < Mike1> tcr: sure it will be an honor, sent them in :) 20:22 < Mike1> owl: you are missing something 20:23 < owl> what??? 20:23 < owl> wher? 20:23 < owl> CVS_RSH=ssh 20:23 < Mike1> CVS_RSH=ssh 20:23 < Mike1> :P 20:23 < owl> i already set it 20:23 < owl> but doesn't work for me 20:23 < tcr> what do you get 20:23 * Mike1 testing 20:23 < owl> Connection refues 20:23 < owl> refused 20:23 < Mike1> tcr: btw mike@rocklinux.org 20:23 < tcr> Mike1: mom. I still have to add something 20:23 < Mike1> tcr: ok 20:23 < tcr> nah, i'll upload 20:24 < Mike1> tcr: ok 20:25 < Mike1> owl: anoncvs works just perfect for me here 20:25 < owl> Mike1: thx. now i die or so. 20:26 < Mike1> owl: please dont 20:26 < SMP> sigh 20:26 < Mike1> owl: i can upload a tarball with current cvs for you 20:26 < Mike1> hi SMP 20:26 < SMP> the cvs command goes on _one_line_ 20:26 < Mike1> owl: perhaps is something with ur proxy? 20:26 < owl> Mike1: right now i'm not using a proxy afaik 20:27 < SMP> _not_ "CVS_RSH=ssh" and then as another command "cvs -d ... " 20:27 * owl not at home right now 20:27 < Mike1> owl: you are using this right: 20:27 < Mike1> CVS_RSH=ssh cvs -d anoncvs@anoncvs.rocklinux.de:/cvs co -P rock-1.5 20:27 < Mike1> owl: listen to SMP 20:28 < owl> moment... i 'm moving the dir. 20:28 < Mike1> ... 20:28 < SMP> you _can_ do an "export CVS_RSH=ssh" first, but that's more complicated 20:28 < owl> SMP: you changed it since yesterday, didn't you? 20:28 < SMP> I changed what? 20:28 < Mike1> ./* no comments */ 20:29 < owl> hm. yesterday everything worked as expected. but today... hm. 20:29 < Mike1> owl: 1.5 cvs has _always_ worked this way 20:29 < tcr> Mike1: https://www.freebits.de/trash/sonstiges/ROCK-Update/ 20:29 < owl> Mike1: hm. then something is strange here... 20:30 < Mike1> simple it will _not_ work without CVS_RSH=ssh 20:30 < Mike1> owl: yes layer 8 20:30 < Mike1> tcr: thank you 20:31 < owl> great. thx. :) 20:31 < tcr> Mike1: please download them, and edit the variables 20:31 < Mike1> tcr: thats what i am doing :) 20:31 < owl> *gna* no space left on device... 20:32 < Mike1> owl: ? 20:32 < tcr> Mike1: and chmod'ing them executable 20:32 -!- Freak [freak@p50839056.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 20:32 < owl> Mike1: hm. nothing 20:33 < Mike1> hi Freak 20:33 < Freak> hi guys 20:33 < JustNobody> hi 20:34 -!- zer0_o [~zer0_o@pop-zh-22-2-dialup-169.freesurf.ch] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 20:34 < tcr> Mike1: done? 20:34 < Mike1> tcr: yes i have them 20:34 < Mike1> i am looking at the code 20:35 < Mike1> < Keep ROCK rolling! > 20:35 < Mike1> -------------------- 20:35 < Mike1> \ ^__^ 20:35 < Mike1> \ (oo)\\_______ 20:35 < Mike1> (__)\\ )\\/\\ 20:35 < Mike1> ||----w | 20:35 < Mike1> || || 20:35 < Mike1> very nice 20:35 < tcr> just adapt the variables (mostly in the very first lines) 20:35 < esden> hi Mike1 20:35 < owl> *lol* as it seems you get a "connection refused" if you have no space left on HD... great... where's the logic? 20:35 < Mike1> hello esdy 20:36 < esden> JustNobody: you can use brickos also on windoof 20:36 < Mike1> owl: so clean up your hd 20:36 < blindcoder> owl: the system refuses you to connect to the HD 20:36 < blindcoder> logical 20:36 < JustNobody> on 2k? 20:36 < JustNobody> i've tried it to day .. 20:36 < JustNobody> maybee i got an older version .. 20:37 < esden> hmm ... no idea ... 20:37 * blindcoder now gone 20:37 < tcr> Mike1: i think the variables are self-describing, arent they? 20:37 * -> esden not using windows ... :D 20:37 < blindcoder> playing Age of Mythology :) 20:37 < Mike1> tcr: yeah 20:37 < esden> blindcoder: gamer ! ;-) 20:37 < blindcoder> see you! 20:37 < blindcoder> esden: sure :) 20:37 -!- blindcoder [~blindcode@p50801D8E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving") 20:38 < Mike1> anyways in this moment i am trying to fix oaf so please mom 20:38 < tcr> arghs 20:38 < tcr> mom! 20:38 < Mike1> tcr: no worries i am checking ur code too 20:38 < tcr> nah 20:38 < tcr> not c ode checking 20:38 < tcr> just adapt the variables and run ROCK-update.sh 20:38 < Mike1> tcr: hehe ok 20:39 < tcr> it'll take a while anyway 20:42 < tcr> waiting 20:42 < Mike1> _mom_ 20:43 < tcr> joh 20:44 -!- zer0_o [~zer0_o@pop-be-6-2-dialup-83.freesurf.ch] has joined #rocklinux 20:46 < Mike1> == 13:45:48 11/23/02 =[3]=> Finished building package oaf. 20:46 < Mike1> tcr: ok now i test ur stuff 20:48 < tcr> thx# 20:49 * SMP -> party 20:49 < Mike1> SMP: have fun 20:49 < Mike1> owl: did you clean up ur hd already? 20:51 < tcr> Mike1: when rock-update.sh finished, check your emails 20:51 < Mike1> tcr: ok here is the question flood first: 20:52 < Mike1> SELFDIR <-- path to wherever my 1.5 sources are right? 20:52 < tcr> no 20:52 < tcr> SRCDIR where your sources lies 20:52 < Mike1> TOUSER <--- also accepts foo@mail.com 20:53 < Mike1> tcr: ok 20:53 < tcr> yes, but only if you have an mta installed 20:53 < Mike1> tcr: of course 20:53 < tcr> SELFDIR is the directory that contains ROCK-Update.sh, changes-list.sh and new-pkgs-update.sh 20:54 < Mike1> tcr: ok 20:55 < owl> Mike1: hm??? 20:56 < Mike1> owl: you said ur hd was full so no space to get cvs 20:57 < owl> Mike1: yeah. it was. and still is. 20:57 -!- temr [~pm@p50819CC1.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting") 20:57 < Mike1> tcr: is not working pretty well for me ... mom i will find out 20:58 < tcr> what do you get? respectivle what doesnt work? 20:58 < Mike1> mktemp <-- dont have it 20:58 < tcr> lol 20:58 < Mike1> Documentation/Developer/REGISTER 20:59 < Mike1> tcr: *gg 20:59 < tcr> well 20:59 < Mike1> sorry not my daily build enviroment just a regular workstation 20:59 < tcr> that's good! 21:00 < Mike1> tcr: mom 21:00 < Mike1> yes i am downloaidng mktemp 21:01 < tcr> cvs is installed? 21:01 < Mike1> yeah of course 21:01 -!- rolla [~Der@adsl-65-69-57-36.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net] has joined #rocklinux 21:01 < rolla> re 21:01 < Mike1> re rolla 21:03 < Mike1> tcr: look 21:03 < Mike1> mike@thor:~/test/rock-update > ./ROCK-update.sh 21:03 < Mike1> mike@thor:~/test/rock-update > 21:04 < Mike1> You have new mail (1 messages, 23130 bytes total). 21:04 < tcr> good 21:04 < Mike1> now i check 21:04 < tcr> could you forward to tobrit@freebits.de plz? 21:04 < Mike1> tcr: maybe :P 21:04 < Mike1> yes hold on i wanna read it first 21:04 < Mike1> ... you can run the following commando: ... 21:05 < Mike1> spanglish? 21:05 < tcr> why 21:05 < Mike1> comando is a spnaish word :) 21:05 < tcr> hm 21:05 < Mike1> for command 21:05 < tcr> well commando exist as well as in english, but has a different meaning, though 21:05 < tcr> will fix 21:06 < Mike1> tcr: yeah :) 21:06 < Mike1> i will make a patch for you *ggg* 21:07 < Mike1> ok wait i will run a new test now 21:09 < tcr> hm 21:10 < tcr> ... 21:10 < Mike1> tcr: just wanna see something 21:10 < tcr> ok 21:12 * tcr toilet 21:12 < tcr> *bg* 21:12 < Mike1> enjoy 21:13 -!- rolla [~Der@adsl-65-69-57-36.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net] has quit ("leaving") 21:15 -!- JustNobody is now known as jn[off 21:15 < jn[off> by .. cya later 21:16 < Mike1> nacht jn[off 21:21 < Mike1> ping tcr 21:25 < tcr> re 21:26 < Mike1> re tcr 21:26 < Mike1> nice scripts 21:26 < Mike1> may i tweak then a bit? 21:27 < tcr> please forward first 21:27 < Mike1> tcr: :PP 21:27 < Mike1> ok 21:27 < tcr> Mike1: feel free... I'm commenting it know 21:28 < Mike1> perhaos i will wait for you comments then i try to improve 21:29 -!- owl [~mail-spam@p50802DF0.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("reboot") 21:31 < Mike1> tcr: you have mail 21:35 < tcr> Mike1: wow, the list is long 21:36 < tcr> Mike1: could you please check if all version jumps are recognized properly? 21:36 < tcr> hm 21:36 < tcr> damn 21:37 < Mike1> tcr: not in this moment 21:37 < tcr> it seems to make trouble with ext pkgs 21:37 < Mike1> ack 21:38 < tcr> ok, will take care of it 21:39 < Mike1> thanks :) 21:40 < Mike1> tcr: i am currently writing a ROCK-1.5 report for this week, for rlml 21:40 < Mike1> iw ill try to keep sending reports every week so people will be more updated on what its been done 21:41 < tcr> hm I sent two patches today to huebi, haven't got a reply yet 21:42 < tcr> Mike1: URGS! 21:42 < Mike1> tcr: why don't you sent then to the list? 21:42 < tcr> Mike1: please look into ext-config/xchat/xchat.pz 21:43 < Mike1> tcr: what about it 21:43 < Mike1> und btw you should say xchat.ext 21:43 < tcr> nah 21:43 < Mike1> on extensions all the othe files are created dynamically 21:43 -!- tsa [~tsa@p5082B54E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 21:43 < tcr> nevermind 21:44 < tcr> see 21:44 < Mike1> tcr: so what about it? 21:44 < tsa> tag 21:44 < Mike1> hi tsa 21:44 < tcr> it says version 1.8.4 21:44 < tcr> but downloads xchat-1.9.4 21:44 < tcr> 1.9.5 21:44 < Mike1> oopsy 21:44 < tcr> and 1.8.4 is a bit dated anyway 21:44 < Mike1> tcr: mom 21:45 < Mike1> yes my mistake i will correct it inmediately 21:45 < Mike1> thanks tcr 21:45 < tcr> np 21:45 < tsa> Mike1: i still got no reply from huebi... 21:46 < Mike1> tsa: hehe so you and tcr should found a club 21:46 < tsa> hm.. 21:46 < Mike1> tsa: call him 21:48 < tsa> no, i won't. 21:48 < Mike1> tcr: corrected 21:48 < Mike1> tsa: is it urgent? 21:49 < tsa> i consider mail a good means of communication. if he doesn't answer, he'll probably be busy with other stuff. 21:49 < Mike1> tsa: ack 21:50 < tsa> Mike1: wel...i have the CRT since about two months or something and i don't like oweing other people money....due to taxes, i'd like to get this done before the end of the year.. 21:53 < tsa> anyway...i hate getting mails and being called afterwards if i don't answer within five minutes....so i'll just sit and wait until huebi answers..... 21:53 < Mike1> tsa: ok 22:00 -!- owl [~mail-spam@p50802DF0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 22:00 < owl> re 22:00 < owl> re 22:00 < Mike1> re owl 22:00 < Mike1> re owl 22:05 < tcr> Mike1: available? 22:05 < Mike1> yes 22:06 < tcr> good, listen: 22:06 * Mike1 will be gone in 50 minutes 22:06 * Mike1 listening 22:06 < tcr> i'm calling ./scripts/Puzzle right after fetching a new cvs version 22:06 * tsa will be gone in 100 years. 22:07 < tsa> (most of you too, btw.. ;) 22:07 < tcr> my question is now: is this _really_ needed, since the INDEX file is updated by cvs too 22:07 < Mike1> tsa: :PP 22:07 < tcr> but to go sure i'm forced to do so, ain't i? 22:07 < Mike1> tcr: yes it is, by default the index files that are fetched with cvs are only the one makred with "x" and not all of them 22:08 < tcr> ok 22:08 < tcr> will you come back today? 22:08 < Mike1> tcr: BTW i just sent the report to the rock list 22:08 < Mike1> tcr: no i will be back till monday 22:09 < Mike1> Sat Nov 23 15:08:16 22:09 < tcr> oh 22:09 < Mike1> i leave at 4 22:09 < Mike1> or 16 as you wish to say it 22:09 < tcr> ok, please tell me your ideas about my UPDAE script 22:09 < Mike1> tcr: atm i will just look deep into the code to see what can be included and cleaned up 22:10 < Mike1> one thing that i have in mind is that Variables should no be in any of the scripts 22:10 < Mike1> they should be read from a non exec file 22:10 < tcr> hm. well.. ok, i think it won't matter if the RR article is ready at sunday, monday, or tuesday 22:10 < Mike1> that will make the code cleaner 22:11 < tcr> nah 22:11 < tcr> i don't like having a lot conf files 22:11 < Mike1> tcr: just one conf file 22:11 < tcr> IMHO, an extern file is needed if you >5-7 variables 22:11 < tcr> +have 22:12 < Mike1> tcr: true but hey it would like nicier this way, and i am sure we will add some more vars in the near future 22:12 < tcr> Mike1: i haven't mentioned it yet, but ROCK-update is supposed to be run by cron 22:13 < Mike1> mmm... 22:13 < Mike1> thats change a lot 22:13 < Mike1> -s 22:13 < tcr> actually not 22:13 < Mike1> i will have to check even better on it :) 22:13 < tcr> there won't be any new vars 22:14 < tsa> Mike1: just being curious...is there any reason why 1.5.20 doesn't use xfree 4.2 ? 22:14 < Mike1> tsa: ask huebi he just updated to 4.1 last week 22:14 * tcr wishes [anders] would have time to support us as well... 22:15 * Mike1 wishes tsa wanted to sponsor 1.5 too 22:15 < Mike1> tsa: i will see if i can update to 4.2 _after_ 1.5.20 is released 22:15 -!- JustNobody [jn@M514P027.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux 22:15 < Mike1> re JustNobody 22:15 < tsa> Mike1: afaik, 4.2 is basically nothing than 4.1 + patches, so the update should be really easy.. 22:15 < tsa> Mike1: hehe..ok. 22:16 < Mike1> tsa: did you know that 4.1 is also just mor epatches against 4.0 source? 22:16 < tcr> XD true 22:17 < Mike1> so it will be like hey lets patch the patched xfree source 22:17 -!- jn[off [jn@M514P027.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 22:17 * Mike1 really hopes xfree guys soon will released a clean source and not yet another patch 22:17 < tsa> hm..time for apache-x11 ;) 22:18 < Mike1> tsa: hehehe 22:18 < tsa> you know where the name "apache" comes from, don't you? 22:19 < Mike1> tsa: Indians? 22:19 < Mike1> *ggg* 22:19 < tsa> nope. 22:19 < tsa> the apache project started as a set of patches against the old CERN httpd server.. 22:20 < tcr> Mike1: Actually I wrote the scripts to let the 1.5 user in knowdledge what's going on :) 22:20 < tsa> "a patchy webserver" -> apache webserver 22:20 < tcr> Mike1: but nothing against your afford ;) 22:20 < Mike1> tsa: hehe good 22:21 < Mike1> tcr: no worries i will let you do the job once the scripts are inluced on the rock src :) 22:27 -!- tfing [tfing@shagwell.viktorrydberg.studenthem.gu.se] has joined #rocklinux 22:27 < tfing> hi 22:27 < Mike1> hi tfing 22:27 < tcr> god kväll tfing :) 22:27 < tcr> ah damn 22:27 < tcr> i always forget you don't come from sweden 22:27 < tfing> :) 22:28 < tcr> XD 22:28 < tfing> has anyone upgraded to glibc 3.2 ? 22:28 < tcr> bon soir 22:28 < tfing> tcr ;) 22:28 < tfing> (it's in one word in fact) 22:29 < tcr> je ne peux pas parler de fraincais très bien 22:30 < tcr> hmm j'a fait du francais seulement depuis un ans 22:30 < tcr> ai 22:31 < Mike1> 0_o tcr parle français ? 22:31 < tfing> (je fais du francais ...) 22:33 < tcr> je pense, il me faut utilise(?) passé composé 22:34 < tfing> tcr: you can use leconjugueur.com to know how to conjugate a verb 22:34 < tcr> too lazy ;) 22:35 < tfing> about the glibc 3.2, i tried a ./scripts/Build-Pkg -update glibc 22:35 < tfing> and it nearly screwed up my system 22:35 < tcr> does a verb utiliser exist at all? 22:35 < tcr> i know i didnt use the infinitive 22:35 < tfing> tcr: yes it does 22:37 < tfing> it means "to use" btw 22:37 < tcr> Mike1: did you already take a look to the compare_version() function in changes-list.sh? XD 22:37 < tcr> lol yeah of course 22:38 < tcr> understanding verbs isn't difficult for me, since I'm quite versed in latin... and 90% of french words have their roots in latin 22:40 < Mike1> tcr: no not yet 22:40 < tcr> good for you :D 22:41 < Mike1> tcr: ? hwy? 22:41 < Mike1> why* 22:41 < tcr> it compares two version what version is newer 22:41 < tcr> and is implemented 100% in bash 22:41 < tcr> no external command is used 22:41 < tcr> and 0% commented :D 22:43 < tfing> i meant glibc 2.3 22:43 < Mike1> ok 22:46 < Mike1> ok enought work for today 22:46 < Mike1> see you on monday 22:46 < Mike1> have a nice weekend all 22:46 < tcr> ok 22:46 < tcr> u2, cu 22:47 < Mike1> oh 22:47 < Mike1> before i leave 22:47 * Mike1 give a BIG HUG to owl 22:47 < Mike1> now i go 22:47 < tcr> lol! 22:47 < Mike1> cu al 22:47 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting") 22:51 -!- chrisime [~chrisime@mnch-d9ba4e41.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #rocklinux 22:54 -!- chrisime is now known as chrisFRUST 23:00 < owl> bye. back in about 2 hours or so 23:01 -!- owl [~mail-spam@p50802DF0.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("NULL->Home()") 23:06 -!- Lorini [~capchaos@pD904847B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 23:06 -!- Freak [freak@p50839056.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client excited") 23:17 -!- Lorini [~capchaos@pD904847B.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("There is no spoon.") 23:22 < tsa> brb 23:22 -!- tsa [~tsa@p5082B54E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting") 23:27 -!- tsa [~tsa@p5082B54E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 23:27 < tsa> re 23:27 -!- Lorini [~andrea@pD9048423.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 23:29 < tfing> anyone knows if skaar usually comes on irc ? 23:30 -!- rolla [~Der@adsl-65-69-57-36.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net] has joined #rocklinux 23:30 -!- chrisFRUST is now known as chrisBOSHAFT 23:32 < rolla> re 23:32 < tcr> tfing: hm.. armjin once said he has gone to gentoo long time ago (but I can't exclude mixing up something) 23:33 < tfing> ok 23:33 -!- tsa [~tsa@p5082B54E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting") 23:33 -!- tsa [~tsa@p5082B54E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 23:33 -!- tsa [~tsa@p5082B54E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Client Quit) 23:37 -!- tsa [~tsa@p5082B54E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 23:38 -!- tomik [~owned@bremaiva.worldonline.cz] has joined #rocklinux 23:38 < tcr> re tomik, tsa 23:38 < tomik> hello all 23:38 < tsa> re.. 23:38 < tomik> thx 23:39 < tcr> tsa: gods army II kommt grad auf pro7, fall es dich interessiert 23:39 < tomik> pls, what's up with download.rocklinux.de? --> access denied 23:39 < tsa> thx. 23:39 < rolla> üüü 23:40 < tcr> tomik: dunno. isn't localhero responsible for it? if yes, you should contact him 23:53 < SMP> I've shut down download.rocklinux.de in August 23:55 < tsa> GRR. 23:55 < tsa> app-defaults irgendwie kaputt. 23:57 -!- owl [~mail-spam@otdial-212-144-076-145.arcor-ip.net] has joined #rocklinux 23:57 < owl> re --- Log closed Sun Nov 24 00:00:26 2002