--- Log opened Mon Nov 25 00:00:24 2002 --- Day changed Mon Nov 25 2002 00:00 < owl> hm. and "intel speedstep" (pentium 4) would be also great to know how to set and so on... 00:00 < aszlig> re 00:00 < aszlig> was kicked out.. 00:00 < owl> *set cpufreq and so on, i mean 00:00 < owl> hm. 00:01 < aszlig> owl: oh, erm, without sleep states.. 00:01 < owl> aszlig: hm. bad 00:14 < esden> n8 00:15 * -> esden -> bed 00:15 < owl> gn8 esden 00:18 < aszlig> n8 esden 01:07 -!- Ge0rG [georg@club-mate.net] has quit ("Der Sinn des Lebens ist die Suche nach eben jenem.") 01:20 -!- bluefire [bluefire@pD9522737.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving") 01:32 -!- akira [~akira@p50883FC8.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 01:32 < akira> re 01:33 < akira> someone awake with explicit devfs skills? :) 01:33 < owl> akira: ja. na ja. 01:34 < owl> akira: was willste wissen. frag' einfach. vielleicht noch jemand wach && skilled genuch 01:34 < akira> hehe 01:34 < akira> also, ich hab 2 probleme (grafik laeuft erstmal wieder) 01:34 < owl> hm. ja.. und weiter? 01:34 < akira> 1. (wichtiger) ich habin meinem /dev/scsi keine host* eintraege 01:34 < akira> 2. sound laeuft noch nich 01:35 < owl> hm. scsi kenne ich mich nicht wirklich mit aus... sorry 01:35 < owl> 2. sound - was läuft ned? 01:35 < akira> sound 01:35 < akira> ton .. es toenet nicht 01:35 < akira> :) 01:36 < owl> akira: ach so. ich dachte schon der sound ginge nicht 01:36 < akira> :) 01:36 < akira> ich krieg genausowenig entries im /dev/sound wie im /dev/scsi 01:36 < owl> hmmmm... 01:36 < owl> hast du alsa? 01:36 < akira> nein 01:36 < owl> OSS? 01:36 < akira> moecht ich auch vermeiden ehrlich gesagt 01:36 < akira> ja 01:37 < akira> die normalen linuxkernel treiber fuer die emu10k1 01:37 < owl> hm. modprobe? 01:37 < akira> funktioniert 01:37 < akira> vor devs hat auch alles getoent 01:38 < owl> aeh. *hust* ja. mag sein,, dass es mit einer anderen distri lief.... hast du emul0kl als modul oder statisch? 01:38 < akira> modul 01:38 < owl> modprobe modulname 01:38 < owl> scon mal ausprobiert? 01:38 < akira> ist drinnen 01:38 < owl> hm. 01:38 < akira> genauso wie die scsi module 01:39 < akira> aber nix im /dev/* angezeigt 01:39 < owl> hmmmm... 01:39 < akira> ich kann mit scsidev eintraege im /dev/scsi erzeugen .. aber das ist scheisse und inkosistent .. wozu hab ich denn devfsd 01:40 < owl> hmmm... sorry. kann ich dir auch ned weiterhelfen. 01:41 < akira> dank dir 01:41 < owl> aeh. fuer was? 01:41 < akira> ich verstehs echt nicht ... 01:41 < akira> owl: fuers kurze zuhoeren 01:43 < owl> akira: ich auch ned. egal. machste des system eben platt. und kiffst oder saeufst dich weg oder so. hat eh mehr sinn 01:44 * owl headbangt zu: crematory - wounds 01:45 < akira> aha 01:45 * akira schalted tool wieder ein 01:45 < owl> akira: huh? tool??? 01:45 < akira> na sicher 01:45 < akira> seh ich aus wie ... weiss auch nich? :) 01:45 < owl> wtf is "tool"? habe ich was verpasst 01:46 < akira> www.toolband.com 01:47 < owl> muhahahaha! "THE END IS NEAR..." << klingt gut :) 01:47 < owl> welche musik? gothic, metal...??? 01:47 < akira> limewire dirs 01:48 < akira> oder geh zu www.laut.de -> such dir tool raus, die haben hoerproben 01:48 < owl> akira: urgs. noch mehr leechen? mit isdn... *hust* ned wirklihc... 01:49 < owl> negativitaet. was gutes... ;))) 01:50 < akira> owl: du hast was verpasst wenn du tool nicht kennst oder nicht kennenlernen willst 01:51 < owl> akira: nicht kennenlernen wollen - *lol* daran liegt's ned. aber ich muss noch einiges leechen... na ja. 01:52 < akira> das ist alles unwichtig 01:53 < akira> https://www.laut.de/lautstark/cd-reviews/t/tool/lateralus/index.htm 01:53 < owl> akira: muhahaha! ah ja. was ist dann wichtig? 01:53 < akira> tool 01:53 < akira> ? 01:54 < owl> ah ja... glaube mir, es gibt wichtigeres. (mir faellt da spontan ein: notebook && linux fsken, 02:03 -!- paperclip [~joe@ip68-11-78-14.no.no.cox.net] has joined #rocklinux 02:17 -!- akira [~akira@p50883FC8.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting") 02:45 -!- rolla__ [~Der@adsl-65-69-57-36.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net] has quit ("leaving") 02:45 -!- rolla [~Der@adsl-65-69-57-36.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net] has quit ("leaving") 02:49 -!- ak|ra [~akira@p50883FC8.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 02:49 < ak|ra> hello 02:49 < owl> huh? ak|ra again? 02:49 < owl> rehi 02:50 < ak|ra> of coz 02:50 < ak|ra> the prblem isnt gone 02:50 < owl> ak|ra: the people understanding devfs are not awake, too, i guess 02:59 < owl> ak|ra: https://mirrors.kernel.org/LDP/HOWTO/HOWTO-INDEX/categories.html << wenn du's noch ned gewusst hast 03:03 -!- owl [~mail-spam@otdial-212-144-076-145.arcor-ip.net] has quit ("NULL->Bed()") 03:04 -!- huebi [huebi@rocklinux.de] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 03:04 -!- SMP [stefanp@world.cabal1.net] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 03:13 -!- paperclip [~joe@ip68-11-78-14.no.no.cox.net] has left #rocklinux () 03:22 -!- ak|ra [~akira@p50883FC8.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting") 03:54 -!- huebi [huebi@rocklinux.de] has joined #rocklinux 03:54 -!- SMP_ [stefanp@world.cabal1.net] has joined #rocklinux 05:54 -!- kasc_ [~shaman@p5090B906.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 05:54 -!- kasc__ [~shaman@p50909803.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 07:21 -!- SMP_ is now known as SMP 07:57 < blindcoder> moin 08:05 < Lorini> moin 08:05 < Lorini> und bye :) 08:05 -!- Lorini is now known as LoriAW 08:14 -!- paperclip [~joe@ip68-11-78-14.no.no.cox.net] has joined #rocklinux 08:16 < blindcoder> moin paperclip 09:09 -!- simon [0d4bdb50d3@] has quit ("Getting off stoned server - dircproxy 1.0.3") 09:09 -!- simon [8f73dbfd17@] has joined #rocklinux 09:43 -!- Freak [freak@pD9E39405.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 09:47 -!- owl [~mail-spam@] has joined #rocklinux 09:47 < owl> good morning 09:51 -!- bluefire [bluefire@p50817204.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 10:16 < blindcoder> moin 10:17 < blindcoder> I hate SIEMENS >_< 10:24 < owl> hi blindcoder 10:27 < owl> why r u hating siemens? if you don't want the money you get from then, you can send it to my account at "stadtsparkasse" thank you in advance 10:28 < blindcoder> owl: I don't get my money from SIEMENS, so I may hate them :P 10:29 < owl> blindcoder: ah so. i forgot... external.. 10:29 < blindcoder> jepp :) 10:30 < blindcoder> tht simple fact also saves me from numerous leaflets that currently get handed out to employees 10:30 < owl> haha ;P 10:31 < owl> which leaflets? "you right is - aeh. - you have no rights" - leaflet of employees who r working at siemens? 10:32 < blindcoder> something like that... It's about the layoffs currently happening at ICN 10:33 < owl> urgs. that really suckz 10:34 < blindcoder> Well... it doesn't affect me directly since the contract of my employer is with SBS :D 10:34 < owl> ;) 10:36 < owl> but firing employees = shit 10:37 < blindcoder> sure... but I don't really knoy details... just Rumors, hearsay and speculatiens 10:37 < blindcoder> and I can't type anymore again 10:38 < owl> hm. 10:39 * owl needs more cappuccino! CAFFEEINE! 10:40 < blindcoder> Please decide: Cappu or Caffeine? 10:52 < owl> cappu with caffeine inside 10:53 < blindcoder> so you throw some coffies into it? 11:08 < blindcoder> urks... even the DNS-Servers here suck 11:09 < blindcoder> https://intranet.icn.siemens.de. 11:09 < blindcoder> Unable to determine IP address from host name for intranet.icn.siemens.de 11:13 -!- bluefire [bluefire@p50817204.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving") 11:16 -!- paperclip [~joe@ip68-11-78-14.no.no.cox.net] has quit () 11:19 -!- hackbard [~hackbard@pD9523652.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 11:21 < blindcoder> moin hackbard 11:25 -!- akira_ [~akira@p50883523.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 11:25 < akira_> moin 11:25 < akira_> hallo th_ 11:29 < aszlig> blindcoder: uff... 11:29 < aszlig> blindcoder: wtf has konfigured the dns? 11:30 < aszlig> blindcoder: a wonder if it finds siemens.de *gg* 11:31 < aszlig> blindcoder: oh.. but axfr's are disallowed ;) 11:31 < blindcoder> aszlig: hi. axfr's? 11:31 < blindcoder> hi akira 11:31 < akira_> hei blindcoder 11:32 < akira_> blindcoder: devfsguru? :) 11:32 < blindcoder> akira_: Guru waere zuviel gesagt... worum gehts? 11:32 < akira_> hehe 11:33 < akira_> ok, ich hab jetzt devfs zum laufen gekriegt, aber nur, da ich sowohl scsi als auch usb hart in den kernel compiliert habe, was ich eigentlich vermeiden wollte 11:33 * blindcoder hates commenting/documenting/cleaning up code. Who cares anyway? it works... 11:33 < blindcoder> akira_: welche kernel-version? 11:33 < akira_> problem war gestern / heute nacht / heute frueh :) dass er kein /dev/scsi und kein /dev/usb beim modproben der scsi / usb-storage module angelegt hat 11:34 < akira_> ich wuerde jetzt gerne wissen wieso -> kernel 2.4.19 11:34 < akira_> neuestes devfs 11:34 < akira_> neuestes devfsd 11:35 < blindcoder> hmm... ich hab nie probiert scsi als Modul zu betreiben... und USB hab ich bis heute noch kein einziges Gereat gehabt... 11:35 < akira_> achja, sound wurde auch nicht beim modprobe angelegt 11:35 < blindcoder> aber fuer mich klingt das noch nem bug in denentsprechenden modulen 11:35 < akira_> NVdriver hingegen haben ihren eintrag bekommen 11:35 < blindcoder> hmm.. sound ging bei mir... warte mal eben 11:36 -!- hackbard_ [~hackbard@pD9523A7B.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 11:36 < akira_> der grund, warum ich dann den kram hartcompiliert habe war der, dass das ide-interface im devfs vollstaendig erkannt wurde -> und der ide kram war schon hartcompiliertdrinnen 11:42 < blindcoder> hmm... hast du alle noetigen SCSI-Module geladen? scsi-Karte, Scsi-generic und scsi-(cdrom|tape|disc)? 11:42 < akira_> ja 11:42 < akira_> eigentlich schon 11:42 < akira_> in der /etc/modules.devfs ist ja scsi_hostadapter deklariert 11:43 < blindcoder> mhm 11:43 < akira_> und in /etc/modules.conf hab ich dann ein probeall scsi_hostadapter aic7xxx gemacht 11:43 < blindcoder> hast du noch nen lsmod ausdruck rumliegen? 11:43 < akira_> was zum laden aller benoetigten scsi module gefuehrt hat 11:43 < akira_> blindcoder: immo nich, bin froh das das jtzt laeuft 11:43 < blindcoder> sowie den output der modprobes? 11:43 < akira_> hat mir den ganzen gestrigen abend und die nacht versaut 11:44 < blindcoder> glaub ich dir :) 11:44 < akira_> blindcoder: das alle mods richtig geladen waren sah ich daran, dass ich mit scsidev genau die alten eintraege in /dev/scsi erzeugen konnte und die hardware auch 1:1 ansprechen konnt 11:45 < blindcoder> du wolltest die Module also automatisch laden lassen wenn du sie brauchst und danach wieder entladen? 11:46 < akira_> neinjasoinderart 11:46 < blindcoder> brb, Kollege schreit 11:46 < akira_> ok 11:54 < blindcoder> einmal mit Profis arbeiten *seufz* 11:54 < akira_> hehe :) 11:55 * akira_ is keiner 11:55 < akira_> ich _muss_ immer mit th_ arbeiten :)) *g* 11:56 < akira_> naja, kram laeuft jezt, wahrschenlich lass ich das dann einfach so 11:56 < akira_> soll ich noch nen extra eintrag fuer /dev/zip anlegen? 12:00 < blindcoder> solange du keine programme startest die das brauchen wuerd ichs lassen 12:00 < akira_> mh jo 12:13 -!- Ge0rG [a@club-mate.net] has joined #rocklinux 12:24 < akira_> blindcoder: aber irgendwie waere ein /dev/cdroms/0 irgendwie auch fuer zip logisch oder? 12:26 -!- akira_ [~akira@p50883523.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting") 12:27 < blindcoder> hmm... wieviele zips hast du dunn in deinem Recner? Ich habe ein zip anstelle eines floppys, aber sonst... 12:58 -!- bluefire [bluefire@dhcp3.mechanik.tu-darmstadt.de] has joined #rocklinux 13:41 -!- blindcod1r [~blindcode@p5080157D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 13:42 -!- blindcoder [~blindcode@pD958FBA6.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Killed (NickServ (Ghost: blindcod1r!~blindcode@p5080157D.dip.t-dialin.net))) 13:42 -!- blindcod1r is now known as blindcoder 13:50 -!- bluefire [bluefire@dhcp3.mechanik.tu-darmstadt.de] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 14:04 -!- temr [~pm@p50818BFB.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 14:05 < temr> moin 14:22 < blindcoder> moin 14:30 -!- capchaos [~capchaos@pD9048F65.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 14:30 < capchaos> hi rockers 14:31 * fake going nuts 14:31 < blindcoder> hi cappy 14:31 < fake> damn it! 14:31 < blindcoder> fake: what's up? 14:31 < fake> i try to write a script 14:31 < blindcoder> I see 14:31 < fake> that shows Xdialog --yesno box 14:32 < blindcoder> yes... 14:32 < fake> with a timeout. 14:32 < blindcoder> hmm... yes... 14:32 < fake> but i can't do a simple Xdialog & 14:32 < blindcoder> patch Xdialog 14:32 < fake> because then i'd loos the return code 14:32 < fake> that is not an option 14:33 < blindcoder> hmm... doesn't Xdialog output something to STDOUT like dialog does? 14:33 < esden> hi all 14:33 < blindcoder> or STDERR that is 14:33 < fake> not the --yesno option 14:33 < blindcoder> hi esden 14:33 < blindcoder> well, then you have to patch Xdialog and add --timeout 14:34 < blindcoder> btw: won't be on the train today 14:34 < fake> as is said, that is not an option! 14:34 < blindcoder> finally found a solution how to do the GL-dm 14:34 < fake> i _have_ to use the standard 14:34 < blindcoder> oh, I thought that is for the Xdialog & 14:35 < fake> huh? 14:35 < blindcoder> fake: write a shell-script that invokes Xdialog, catches the return-code and outputs it into a file 14:35 < fake> okay. 14:35 < fake> i did that. 14:35 < blindcoder> and? 14:35 < esden> here are images of my connect 4 robot : https://wwwbrauer.informatik.tu-muenchen.de/lehre/lego/tagderoffenentum/4gewinnt/4gewinnt.shtml 14:35 < fake> i have to kill the script after xx seconds (for the timeout) 14:35 < fake> i get the script's PID by $! 14:36 < blindcoder> fake write its $$ into a file 14:36 < fake> if i kill the script, the Xdialog window stays open, because it uses '1' as PPID 14:36 < blindcoder> or that way... 14:36 < blindcoder> hmm... 14:36 < fake> blindcoder: that is not the problem. i know the scripts PID. 14:36 < fake> but i can't get Xdialog's pid if i don;t do a & after it 14:36 < fake> and if i do that, i don't know how to catch it's return code 14:37 < fake> because ABC=Xdialog & is always true 14:38 < blindcoder> you could do something like `ps auux | grep Xdialog` 14:38 < blindcoder> wait... 14:38 < blindcoder> wouldn't Xdialogs PDI be the scripts PID+1 ? 14:38 < blindcoder> s/PDI/PID/ 14:39 < blindcoder> esden: nice 14:40 < blindcoder> fake: you would have to deal with PID-Wrap-around, though... 14:40 < fake> blindcoder: i'd kill all Xdialogs with ps | grep 14:41 < fake> and script+1 is a good guess, nothing more 14:41 < blindcoder> but the ps aux | grep thingie should work as you know the _exact_ call for Xdialog 14:41 < esden> blindcoder: thanks 14:41 < fake> blindcoder: the calls never differ 14:41 < fake> esden: sweet ;) 14:41 < esden> hehe ;-) 14:41 < esden> I have also a video at home 14:41 < esden> I have to digitalize it 14:41 < blindcoder> fake: damnit, write a patch and send it to the Xdialog maintainer :) 14:42 < blindcoder> esden: yes, you have 14:42 < fake> blindcoder: again, that-is-not-an-option- 14:42 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux 14:42 < Mike1> moin 14:42 < esden> hi Mike1 14:42 < Mike1> hi esden, how are you today? 14:43 < blindcoder> fake: I say, you can use the grep-thing. you know the complete call including _all_ parameters, so it should be possible. 14:43 < blindcoder> You have a Xdialog --yesno 'tekt' 14:43 < fake> blindcoder: think again. multi-user-system? 14:43 < blindcoder> you know that tekt. maybe just put an ID-Text or something behind it 14:43 < fake> pkill Xdialog --yesno 'text' would make 1 user happy and all the others grief. 14:44 < fake> blindcoder: that would be exposed to the user 14:44 < esden> Mike1: good thanks 14:44 < fake> anyways, solaris ps only shows 64 chars of the process call 14:44 < aszlig> rehi 14:46 < blindcoder> fake: make ps just print your processes. should be ddone by omitting -e 14:47 < blindcoder> that would narrow it done _very much_ 14:47 < blindcoder> and it's not omitting -e, my mistake 14:49 < fake> blindcoder: all those Xdialog are mine 14:49 < fake> it's a loginshell-replacement 14:50 < blindcoder> hmm, okay, that make it a lot more difficult 14:50 < blindcoder> I thought it's something like stone -x11 14:51 < fake> where's the difference? 14:51 < blindcoder> the difference is that with stone -x11 there would at most be... hmm... wait... actually there is none... 14:51 < blindcoder> try ps -t pts/whatever 14:52 < blindcoder> -t term 14:52 < blindcoder> Lists only process data associated with term. Terminal 14:52 < blindcoder> identifiers are specified as a device file name, and 14:52 < blindcoder> an identifier. For example, term/a, or pts/0. 14:52 < fake> actually, no: 14:52 < fake> Syntax: ps [ -aAdeflcjLPy ] [ -o Format ] [ -t Bedingungsliste] 14:52 < fake> [ -u userlist ] [ -U userlist ] [ -G grouplist ] 14:52 < fake> [ -p proclist ] [ -g pgrplist ] [ -s sidlist ] 14:52 < fake> 'format' ist eines oder mehrere der folgenden Formate: 14:52 < fake> user ruser group rgroup uid ruid gid rgid pid ppid pgid sid taskid 14:52 < fake> pri opri pcpu pmem vsz rss osz nice class time etime stime 14:52 < fake> f s c lwp nlwp psr tty addr wchan fname comm args projid project 14:53 < fake> and no, Xdialog does not keep bash's PPID 14:53 < blindcoder> yes, you already mentioned that 14:53 < blindcoder> what system are you on, anyway? 14:53 < fake> that would have made things easy *sigh* 14:53 < fake> SunOS nachtfalter 5.8 Generic_108528-13 sun4u sparc SUNW,UltraAX-i2 14:54 < blindcoder> SunOS sundance 5.8 Generic_108528-13 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-5_10 14:54 < blindcoder> strange 14:54 < fake> blindcoder: yeah, i have that in my manpage, too 14:56 < fake> and it works 14:56 < fake> is one rlogin always assigned exactly one pts? 14:56 < fake> ans what about ssh ? 14:57 * Mike1 thinking on a desig for a rock hat ... 14:57 < Mike1> desing even 14:57 < blindcoder> one rlogin should be assigned one pts... if not for screen 14:57 < Mike1> arrg 14:57 < fake> no screen 14:57 < blindcoder> ssh is the same 14:57 < fake> i'll try that 14:58 < blindcoder> fake: looks like a translation error :) 14:58 < blindcoder> brb 15:01 < blindcoder> back 15:04 < blindcoder> hmmm should I answer him or should I not 15:05 -!- sockmonk [~wsheldahl@moose.qx.net] has joined #rocklinux 15:05 -!- sockmonk [~wsheldahl@moose.qx.net] has left #rocklinux () 15:08 < blindcoder> Mike1: don't forget tho propeller on that hat! 15:08 < Mike1> blindcoder: of course not :) 15:08 < blindcoder> Mike1: sweet. Will they be ready for 19C3? Will they? Will they? Will they? 15:09 < Mike1> ack 15:09 < blindcoder> YAHOOOO! *jumplikethekidheis* 15:15 < fake> *shakes head* 15:16 < esden> ha it seems that I have found the apropriate patch for my laptop framebuffer ;-) 15:16 * -> esden -> testing 15:17 < blindcoder> fake: still not working? 15:17 * blindcoder now seriously thinking about starting `X-Com: Apocalypse` Clone 15:20 -!- capchaos [~capchaos@pD9048F65.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("brb") 15:20 -!- capchaos [~capchaos@pD9048F65.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 15:20 < Mike1> re capy 15:21 < fake> blindcoder: i found another solution 15:21 < fake> Xdialog... & 15:21 < capchaos> hey mikey :) 15:21 < fake> ... 15:21 < fake> wait $! 15:21 < fake> wait then returns the returnvalue 15:21 < fake> and i can save the pid of xdialog away between Xdialog & and the wait 15:22 < rolla_> re 15:22 < blindcoder> good 15:24 < fake> (and because of job-control, the ppid will be bash's, so it will be killed if i kill the subshell, anyways. 15:24 < Mike1> re rolla_ 15:24 < fake> hi rolla_ ! 15:25 < blindcoder> d|ouh! edonkey isn't what it used to be >_< 15:26 -!- rolla_ is now known as rolla 15:26 < fake> nah, strike out my last sentence. 15:27 < blindcoder> some bozo renamed his `Martian Successor Nadesico' Collectien to 'Enterprise_Season_02_Episode_03' through Episode_29 and my mldonkey took it over as the DL-Name for my Nadeesico_Files >_< 15:28 < blindcoder> so now I have to manually rename each and every file >_< 15:28 * Mike1 guesses it might be a _LONG_ day for blindcoder ... 15:30 < blindcoder> hehe :) 15:30 < blindcoder> well... 26 Eps, 20 minutes each... 15:31 < fake> 20 minutes to rename one file? 15:32 < blindcoder> to watch it, rename it and archive it of course :) 15:33 < esden> ok ... now it works much better ... but it is not perfect ... :-/ 15:34 < blindcoder> https://www.clustermatic.org/pipermail/linuxbios/2002-November/001186.html 15:34 < blindcoder> sweet 15:34 * blindcoder thinks about flushing his BIOS :) 15:35 < Mike1> cool 15:35 < esden> woot !!! 15:35 < esden> blindcoder: *hug* 15:36 < esden> we are free !!! ;-) 15:36 < blindcoder> :-) 15:37 * blindcoder thinking about a ROX-Filer package 15:39 < blindcoder> esden: please draw a coin: As I have now a good chonce of finishing the gldm, what should be done next? 15:40 < blindcoder> esden: The OpenGL File System Browser 15:40 < blindcoder> esden: or a multiplayer capable clone of X-Com: Apocalypse? 15:42 < fake> the first one 15:42 < fake> but there are already implementations for that 15:42 < blindcoder> mkay 15:42 < blindcoder> fake: there are? where? 15:44 < fake> https://turma.sourceforge.net/software/3dfile/ 15:47 < esden> blindcoder: have you created screenshots ? 15:47 < esden> of gldm ? 15:49 * -> esden is asking himself if one can run opengl apps on framebuffer ... 15:49 * -> esden has to get his frame buffer running on his laptop to create the lain boot feeling ... >_< 15:50 < fake> checking if you have guts... no. Too bad! 15:50 < fake> checking for sense of humor... yes. Excelent! 15:50 < fake> *rofl* 15:51 < esden> *lol* 15:51 < blindcoder> I have that idea worked eut and integrated into the code from work 15:51 < blindcoder> no way of testing it here due to lack of good hardware 15:52 < blindcoder> fake: ?? 15:52 < blindcoder> checking for the presence of Mac OS X ... no. phew, that was a close one. 15:52 < blindcoder> (from ./configure of MRTG) 15:52 < fake> the former one was from 3dfile ;) 15:53 < blindcoder> sweet 15:53 < blindcoder> fake could you make a screenshot? 15:53 < blindcoder> There are none on 3dfiles site 15:54 < blindcoder> esden: Install SuSE for the Lain Boot-Feeling :D 15:55 * blindcoder getting coffee 15:55 < esden> blindcoder: *shoot* 15:55 * blindcoder making too many stupdi jokes again 15:55 < esden> blindcoder: I was allready exploring the suse kernel patches ... 15:55 < esden> I will most likely use them for our lain target ;-) 15:56 < blindcoder> as long as they work, it's fine :) 15:56 < fake> blindcoder; try clikcing "view screenshots" 15:56 < blindcoder> the licq-gcc3.patch is also from the SuSE people 15:57 < blindcoder> fake: *argh* 15:57 < blindcoder> I have JavaScript turned off here... 15:57 < fake> eh eh eh 15:58 < blindcoder> fake: looks sweet, but far off from what I have in mind 15:59 < esden> hmm ... but the filemanager needs some improovement if you ask me ... 15:59 < esden> blindcoder: I really like it 16:00 < blindcoder> yes it looks good... but as neither of you remembers the file-manager from "Jurassic Park 1" I can't describe properly what I have in mind 16:01 < fake> forget 3dfile 16:01 < fake> i was thinking about another one 16:01 < fake> it had that Jurassic Park Look 16:02 < fake> just a second... 16:02 < blindcoder> I might even rip some code out of it like reading the content of directories etc. but the GUI isn't what I want it to be 16:02 < blindcoder> fake: okay 16:02 < esden> aha ? 16:03 < fake> https://fsv.sourceforge.net/ 16:03 < fake> but that wasn't it anyways 16:05 < esden> woot 16:05 < esden> that is cool 16:05 -!- Satg [~foo@] has joined #rocklinux 16:06 < esden> ok ... /me off 16:06 < esden> cu l8er 16:06 -!- capchaos [~capchaos@pD9048F65.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("There is no spoon.") 16:09 < blindcoder> fsv... erm... sorry, but I think that one sucks (judging by the screenshots) 16:11 < blindcoder> oh a third option comes to mind... the OpenGL Frontend for stone :D 16:12 < blindcoder> I _ebt_ that there isn't one yet *g* 16:13 < blindcoder> brb... 16:20 < blindcoder> re 16:25 * owl leaves you now 16:25 < owl> bye 16:25 < Mike1> bye owly 16:26 * Mike1 hugs owly 16:26 < owl> *argh* 16:27 -!- owl [~mail-spam@] has quit ("NULL->Home") 16:27 * Mike1 drops a bone to owl 16:30 -!- LoriAW is now known as Lorini 16:30 < Mike1> hi Lorini 16:30 < Lorini> hi mikey :) 16:30 < Mike1> :) 16:31 * Lorini is tired 16:32 < fake> try a hot, steaming cup of instant-sleep 16:32 * fake hands one over 16:33 < blindcoder> hi Lorini 16:33 < Lorini> hi blindcoder :) 16:33 * blindcoder is just lazy right now 16:33 < blindcoder> fake: I'll take the 1735 train today 16:33 < Lorini> instant sleep.. pah, who needs sleep? 16:33 < blindcoder> want to make that gldm theory into practice 16:34 < blindcoder> ASAP 16:34 < fake> mkay 16:37 < fake> hahaha... *happy* 16:37 < fake> it finally works ... 16:38 < blindcoder> good :) 16:48 < blindcoder> okay, I'm going home 16:48 < blindcoder> bye bfye! 16:48 < Mike1> cu blindcoder 17:01 -!- hannes [~hannes@mars.bingo-ev.de] has quit ("leaving") 17:12 -!- bluefire [bluefire@dhcp3.mechanik.tu-darmstadt.de] has joined #rocklinux 17:13 < Mike1> hi bluefire 17:24 < bluefire> hi mayan 17:25 * bluefire askjlfaskjd 17:25 < bluefire> hi Mike1 17:27 * fake off -> train 17:45 -!- bluefire [bluefire@dhcp3.mechanik.tu-darmstadt.de] has quit ("leaving") 17:45 -!- bluefire [bluefire@dhcp3.mechanik.tu-darmstadt.de] has joined #rocklinux 17:47 -!- bluefire [bluefire@dhcp3.mechanik.tu-darmstadt.de] has quit (Client Quit) 17:47 -!- bluefire [bluefire@dhcp3.mechanik.tu-darmstadt.de] has joined #rocklinux 17:48 -!- bluefire [bluefire@dhcp3.mechanik.tu-darmstadt.de] has quit (Client Quit) 17:48 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@dhcp3.mechanik.tu-darmstadt.de] has joined #rocklinux 17:49 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@dhcp3.mechanik.tu-darmstadt.de] has left #rocklinux () 17:50 -!- bluefire [bluefire@dhcp3.mechanik.tu-darmstadt.de] has joined #rocklinux 18:39 -!- Satg [~foo@] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 18:50 -!- Lorini is now known as LoriZzZ 18:50 < Mike1> *yawn* 18:50 < LoriZzZ> night 18:50 < LoriZzZ> :) 18:50 < Mike1> nacht LoriZzZ 19:04 < d3mian> cya next month :) 19:04 -!- d3mian [~capone@] has left #rocklinux () 19:05 < Mike1> next month ... mm.. 19:38 -!- tcr [~tobrit@pD9E49C4D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 19:38 < tcr> moin all 19:44 < Mike1> moin tcr 19:44 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@port-212-202-180-77.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux 19:44 < holyolli> moin 19:45 < tcr> hi Mike1! :) 19:45 < holyolli> hi tcr 19:46 < tcr> having free time in about an half hour? @ Mike1 19:46 < tcr> hi olli 19:46 < Mike1> tcr: make it 40 minutes :) 19:46 < tcr> oks 19:47 < Mike1> tcr: i am hungry so i will get me some food now :) 19:47 * Mike1 eating 19:47 < holyolli> hi Mike1 19:47 < Mike1> oh und hi holyolli 19:54 -!- Lorini_ [~Lorini@p3EE219E5.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 19:55 -!- bluefire [bluefire@dhcp3.mechanik.tu-darmstadt.de] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 19:55 -!- LoriZzZ [~Lorini@p3EE218B9.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 19:57 -!- holyolli_ [~holyolli@port-212-202-181-145.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux 19:58 < esden> re hi all 20:01 < holyolli_> hi esden 20:03 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@port-212-202-180-77.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 20:04 -!- holyolli_ is now known as holyolli 20:10 -!- tcr [~tobrit@pD9E49C4D.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ho chresim eidos uch hoch poll eidos sphos") 20:12 -!- tcr [~tobrit@pD958D63E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 20:16 < Mike1> re all 20:17 < tcr> sorry Mike1 20:17 < tcr> my father has to repair some stuff about electrics 20:18 < tcr> and he'll probably have to switch some power switches off 20:18 < tcr> mom, i'll upload the most recent ROCK-Update version 20:18 < Mike1> tcr: ok 20:18 < Mike1> thanks 20:19 < tcr> it should be the final version 20:19 < Mike1> tcr: great i will look :) 20:20 < tcr> https://www.freebits.de/trash/sonstiges/ROCK-Update/ 20:21 < tcr> about the ext pkgs problem, the pkgs that were marked as deleted, were actually removed 20:21 < tcr> at least i can't find them myself 20:21 < tcr> plz v erify that 20:22 < Mike1> ok i will dig into that later today 20:23 < tcr> will back in ~2 1/2 hours 20:24 < Mike1> tcr: ok i will be still here by then 20:28 -!- bluefire [bluefire@p508171A8.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 20:32 -!- zer0_o [~zer0_o@pop-mu-6-1-dialup-222.freesurf.ch] has joined #rocklinux 20:33 -!- tcr [~tobrit@pD958D63E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("b bl") 20:40 -!- zer0_o [~zer0_o@pop-mu-6-1-dialup-222.freesurf.ch] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 20:43 -!- zer0_o [~zer0_o@pop-mu-6-1-dialup-222.freesurf.ch] has joined #rocklinux 20:43 < Mike1> 0_o 20:54 -!- zer0_o [~zer0_o@pop-mu-6-1-dialup-222.freesurf.ch] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 20:56 -!- zer0_o [~zer0_o@pop-mu-6-1-dialup-222.freesurf.ch] has joined #rocklinux 20:56 -!- zer0_o [~zer0_o@pop-mu-6-1-dialup-222.freesurf.ch] has quit (Client Quit) 21:30 -!- netcrow [~netcrow@pD9EB76C5.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 21:33 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B51c5.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux 21:33 < owl> hi 21:34 < netcrow> hi 21:34 * Mike1 hugs owly 21:34 < Mike1> hi owl 21:34 < owl> *argh* 21:34 < owl> hi Mike1 21:34 < owl> hi netcrow 21:34 < Mike1> owl: wie geths? 21:34 < Mike1> gehts* 21:35 < owl> Mike1: horrible. thx. blindcoder and i had a 2-hours-taking travel by train. --> delay of about 1 hour or so. someone killed him/herselfe. 21:35 < owl> and how are you ? 21:36 < netcrow> hehe, i was in the 19:53 train ;) 21:36 < owl> netcrow: ARGH! YOU will die _NOW_! 21:36 < owl> killed by a NULL-pointer ;P 21:36 < netcrow> hehe 21:36 < Mike1> owl: i am great as usual thanks 21:37 < owl> netcrow: don't laugh. it's not funny. 21:37 < owl> netcrow: how are you, btw 21:39 < netcrow> solangsam wirds zeit die 19c3-fahrt und so zu planen 21:39 < owl> netcrow: hmhm. du faehrst mit dem auto? 21:40 < netcrow> jep 21:40 < owl> hm. ist noch ein platz frei evtl...? 21:40 -!- aszlig [~aszlig@aszlig.net] has quit ("reboot - crypto and security kernelpatches") 21:40 < netcrow> gute frage, is ein "kleinwagen" ;-) 21:40 < owl> *gg* k. 21:41 < owl> (aka schuhschachtel) 21:41 < owl> und: gibt's im naehe vom hackcenter irgendwo ein hotel oder so, das frau sich leisten kann...? 21:42 < holyolli> .oO(da war doch ne wiese, wo man nen zelt aufstellen kann... ;-) 21:42 < holyolli> re, btw. 21:42 < netcrow> re 21:42 < holyolli> huhu owlita... *hug* 21:42 < holyolli> hi netcrow 21:42 < netcrow> ich fand die turnhalle recht bequem 21:42 < owl> hi holyolli 21:43 < owl> *g* du bist ja auch keine frau... (frauen duerften wohl ziemlich in der minderheit sein am 19c3 ;P) 21:43 < owl> holyolli: im winter? na denn - froehliches campen... 21:43 < netcrow> ach, es gibt 2 geschlechter? 21:43 < holyolli> owl: naja..das mit der minderheit ist auch vieleicht nicht soooo verkehrt;;; *duck* 21:43 < owl> urgs. alles spinner hier... ;P 21:43 < owl> holyolli: warum denn ned? 21:44 < holyolli> owl: und du mitten unter ihnen... ;) 21:44 < owl> netcrow: hm. war dir des noch ned bekannt...? 21:44 < holyolli> owl: naja..ueberleg mal, was fuer nen chaos das waer...ueberall waschmaschinen, geschirrspueler, etc. 21:44 < owl> holyolli: tstststs. was denkst du denn? ;) 21:44 < owl> holyolli: *tret* 21:44 < owl> /kick holyolli 21:44 < holyolli> owl: willst du wirklich wissen, was ich denke... ;) 21:44 < holyolli> hehehe 21:45 < owl> holyolli: nee, denn dann wuerde ich ja nix wissen... weil du bist ein mann, die denken ned... 21:45 < holyolli> <-- ist grad so richtig gut in fahrt...den ganzen tag gelernt und nun muessen die aggressionen raus... ;) 21:45 < owl> *lol* ich merk's 21:45 < netcrow> in wieweit funktionieren eigentlich die rock-boot-disketten? 21:45 < holyolli> fuer pc tuen die wohl 21:47 -!- Ge0rG [a@club-mate.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 21:48 -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-169-199.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux 21:49 < Mike1> hi rxr 21:49 < netcrow> hi rxr 21:50 -!- aszlig [~aszlig@aszlig.net] has joined #rocklinux 21:50 < owl> hi rxr, wb aszlig 21:54 < aszlig> rehi 21:55 -!- rxr_ [~rene@port-212-202-201-231.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 22:03 -!- netcrow [~netcrow@pD9EB76C5.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("BitchX: now with Olestra!") 22:08 -!- holyolli_ [~holyolli@port-212-202-177-223.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux 22:09 < Mike1> re holyolli 22:17 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@port-212-202-181-145.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 22:39 -!- holyolli_ [~holyolli@port-212-202-177-223.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 22:39 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@port-212-202-177-223.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux 22:40 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@port-212-202-177-223.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 22:47 -!- tcr [~tobrit@pD9E4964A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 22:47 < tcr> re all 22:47 < Mike1> re tcr 22:47 < owl> re tcr 22:50 -!- temr [~pm@p50818BFB.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("zz") 23:00 < tcr> and Mike1`? 23:00 < Mike1> . 23:01 < Mike1> hier 23:01 < Mike1> == 14:42:32 =[5]=> Building base package qt [3.0.6 1.5.20-Mike]. 23:01 < tcr> did you already take a look? 23:02 < Mike1> hehe 23:02 < Mike1> mom i will right now 23:02 < Mike1> sorry i have been busy today :( 23:02 < tcr> it's ok. i still have to write two emails anyway 23:10 -!- Freak [freak@pD9E39405.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client excited") 23:10 < Mike1> ok 23:11 -!- Freak [freak@pD9E39405.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 23:12 -!- Freak [freak@pD9E39405.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 23:13 < Mike1> nice tcr 23:13 < esden> humpf ... 23:14 < Mike1> hi esden 23:14 * -> esden is too stupid for kernel ... >_< 23:14 < owl> hi esdi. 23:14 < esden> there is too much magic in it >_< 23:14 < owl> esden: huh`? why? 23:14 < Mike1> tcr: please send the url to huebi i am sure he will want to see it 23:14 < esden> hi Mike1 & owl 23:14 < Mike1> esden: whats the matter my friend? 23:14 < owl> are you using 2.5.49? 23:14 < esden> I fsck with framebuffer on my laptop 23:15 < owl> esden: *g* poor esden. which kernel? 23:15 < esden> owl: 2.5.49 && 2.4.19 23:15 < owl> i c. in 2.5.49 --> no ati *whatever* cards work with framebuffer afaik... 23:15 < esden> 2.5.49 freezes one minute after start 23:15 < tcr> Mike1: of course. will inform him -- have to talk with him about this anyway.. 23:16 < esden> I can type 3 lines or so ... 23:16 < Mike1> tcr: yes please do so 23:16 < owl> esden: huh?! with fb? or without? 23:16 < Mike1> tcr: in my opinion is just fine to be included 23:16 < esden> and the framebuffer looks now much better after I found a patch on the lkml 23:16 < Mike1> but huebi is the one who decides that 23:16 < tcr> Mike1: i don't want it to be included as a normal script. That would lead to thousands of scripts like in 1.7 -- i don't like it. 23:16 < owl> hm. can you give me the url, please? 23:16 < esden> but it is still not really functional 23:17 < esden> >_< 23:17 < owl> *g* 23:17 < tcr> Mike1: I actually intend to create a pkg for it 23:17 < Mike1> yeah you could do that 23:17 < esden> with fb @ owl 23:17 < owl> haha. 23:17 < esden> owl: url-P 23:17 < Mike1> url :) 23:18 < owl> hm? 23:18 < Mike1> esden: i think i good translation for what owl means is url = wtf is fb 23:18 < owl> Mike1: i'm using it right now... 23:18 < Mike1> owl: really? 23:19 < Mike1> i see 23:19 < owl> (fb i mean) so don't complain 23:19 < owl> Mike1: nope. not really. just really. 23:19 < Mike1> esden: anyways you applied the patch, now whats wrong with it? 23:20 < esden> it still contains artifacts 23:20 < Mike1> ...? 23:20 < Mike1> define artifacts 23:20 < esden> and after some time and switching through the consoles I see only vertical lines 23:21 < esden> artifact = some unexpected dirt on the display 23:22 * -> esden needs a digicam ... to show things to people that are too far away ... (Mike1) 23:22 < Mike1> arrggg 23:22 < esden> o_O 23:22 < Mike1> no need to remind me :(( 23:23 < esden> sorry ;_; 23:23 < Mike1> esden: i hate the fact of been the only rock dev in this side of the world 23:23 < Mike1> i wish i was there 23:23 < Mike1> no need to be sorry 23:23 * -> esden moving to costa rica ;-) 23:23 < Mike1> weeehh!!! /me *jumparound* 23:23 < esden> Mike1: you would not feel good here ... it is really cold here at the moment ... 23:23 -!- Freak [freak@pD9E39405.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 23:23 < Mike1> esden: i am a cold lover 23:24 < Mike1> too much sun here 23:24 < esden> Mike1: you will change your mind on 19C3 23:24 < esden> ;-) 23:24 < esden> ahh ... 19C3 ... *jumparound* 23:24 < esden> ;-) 23:24 < Mike1> :) 23:24 < Mike1> esden: we will see 23:24 < esden> see what ? 23:25 < esden> hmm ... /me has to start working on uClibc stuff >_< 23:25 * -> esden hitting himself and banging his head on the wall 23:26 < Mike1> lol 23:26 < owl> ouch. stop this! 23:26 < Mike1> esden: yeah let owl do it in staed of you 23:26 < tcr> Mike1: i still haven't got a reply about my two patches from huebi -- will wait with writing about rock-update issue until i got a response.. 23:26 < Mike1> tcr: yes its the best 23:26 < esden> hmm ... /me waiting for an answer from huebi ... 23:26 < owl> Mike1: nope. why? 23:27 < owl> esden: hm. i guess you can wait _very, very_ long...?! 23:27 < tcr> Mike1: btw. could you forward a new report mail of ROCK-update to me again, plz? 23:27 * -> esden wrote the patch for lcd support ... in 1.5 and got no reply till now ... >_< 23:27 < esden> owl: why this ? 23:27 < owl> esden: hm. [huebi] idle 19:32:45 << 23:27 < Mike1> esden: dont be suprised huebi is been really good at replying mails 23:27 < tcr> esden: hmm you should write an article about lcd for RR 23:28 < Mike1> i will email huebi bugging about that stuff 23:28 < Mike1> esden: has the lcd patch been properly tested? 23:28 < esden> Mike1: I sent him the patch 2 or 3 weeks ago 23:29 < esden> Mike1: yes ... (as in it was working for me perfectly) 23:29 < esden> but I wanted huebi to test it ... 23:29 < esden> he could also write ... that it is not working ... when it is not working ... 23:29 < Mike1> esden: excellent i will bug hime 23:29 < SMP> hm 23:30 < esden> hi SMP 23:30 < Mike1> hi SMPy 23:30 < esden> Mike1: yes do it 23:30 < owl> moin SMP 23:30 -!- tcr [~tobrit@pD9E4964A.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ho chresim eidos uch hoch poll eidos sphos") 23:31 -!- tcr [~tobrit@p50812BE4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 23:32 < rolla> let me try copy 23:32 < Mike1> ok 23:32 -!- ichilton [~ian@pc3-stoc3-4-cust114.midd.cable.ntl.com] has quit ("leaving") 23:34 -!- ichilton [~ian@pc3-stoc3-4-cust114.midd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #rocklinux 23:37 < tcr> Mike1: what's about the forwarrd? 23:38 < esden> urgh ... that are _many_ changes in the 1.7 tree ... :-/ 23:39 < Mike1> tcr: what forward? 23:39 < tcr> a new status report by rock-update again 23:40 < Mike1> ah well tomorrow i must go to uni now 23:40 * Mike1 running 23:40 < tcr> ok cu 23:40 < esden> cu Mike1 23:40 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting") 23:40 < owl> bye Mike1 23:40 < owl> *gr* too slow. tired. dead. *yawning* 23:44 < esden> n8 23:45 -!- tcr [~tobrit@p50812BE4.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("gn8 all") --- Log closed Tue Nov 26 00:00:02 2002