--- Log opened Tue Nov 26 00:00:02 2002 --- Day changed Tue Nov 26 2002 00:12 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B51c5.pppool.de] has quit ("Client Exiting") 00:13 -!- LocalHero [LocalHero@i301-2.vildanden.afb.lu.se] has joined #rocklinux 00:13 < LocalHero> Hi all 00:13 -!- LocalHero [LocalHero@i301-2.vildanden.afb.lu.se] has quit (Client Quit) 00:40 -!- Freak [freak@pD9E39405.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client excited") 00:45 -!- Satg [~satg@] has joined #rocklinux 00:47 -!- Satg [~satg@] has quit (Client Quit) 00:48 -!- SatgX [~satg@] has joined #rocklinux 00:48 -!- SatgX [~satg@] has quit (Client Quit) 00:49 -!- Satg98 [~satg@] has joined #rocklinux 00:49 -!- Satg98 [~satg@] has quit (Client Quit) 01:29 -!- rolla_ [~Der@adsl-65-69-57-36.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net] has joined #rocklinux 01:30 < rolla_> re 01:31 -!- bluefire [bluefire@p508171A8.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving") 02:10 < aszlig> rehi 02:11 < aszlig> wb rolla 02:11 < aszlig> so... 02:11 * aszlig has some time now.. 02:11 < aszlig> currently moving homes into crypto filesys 02:11 < rolla_> cool 02:11 < rolla_> how is it going aszlig? 02:13 < aszlig> very well ;) 02:34 < rolla_> that is good 03:02 < aszlig> and u? 03:13 < rolla_> playing with rock on a dell laptop :) 03:17 < rolla_> and fighting with rock 1.5.20 and binutils :( 03:31 < aszlig> haveink some big probs now... 03:31 < aszlig> can't deciede which cipher algorithm i should use :/ 03:32 < aszlig> hmm... 03:33 < aszlig> bbl 03:33 < rolla_> by 03:33 -!- rolla_ is now known as rolla_home 04:49 < rolla_home> re 04:53 < rolla_home> is noone alive here ? 05:56 -!- kasc__ [~shaman@p5090B967.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 05:58 -!- kasc_ [~shaman@p5090B906.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 06:47 -!- Lorini_ is now known as Lorini 07:09 -!- Netsplit over, joins: rolla_home, ichilton, rxr, blindcoder 07:53 < blindcoder> moin 07:55 < Lorini> moin 08:00 < blindcoder> moin Lori 08:00 < Lorini> sag mal 08:01 < Lorini> ne ok sag doch nicht 08:01 < blindcoder> hm? 08:01 < Lorini> also. ich weiß ja net ob das geht. aber ich bin grad in gnome statt kde und er kopiert bisher ohne probleme 08:01 < Lorini> hab ansonsten nix verändert 08:02 < blindcoder> hmm... *keinKDEoderGNOMEusersei* 08:02 < Lorini> dacht ich mir fast :) 08:03 < Lorini> aber nich ion oder? 08:03 < blindcoder> iceWM 08:03 < blindcoder> the Wundow Manager cool as ice 08:04 < blindcoder> hmmm *gruebel* 08:04 < blindcoder> soll ich oder net? 08:04 < blindcoder> https://www.thinkgeek.com/interests/megatokyo/coolthings/5b59/ 08:04 < Lorini> icewm is auch oki 08:05 < Lorini> :) 08:05 < Lorini> wenns dir gefällt, klaro 08:06 < Lorini> sieht net schlecht aus, auch wenn ich net weiß, was es is 08:06 < blindcoder> eine Decke von Megatokyo *hehe* 08:06 < Lorini> *g* 08:06 < Lorini> decke is immer gut, wird sicher kalt (in bayern sogar mit sicherheit) 08:07 < blindcoder> mhm 08:08 < blindcoder> bin zwar alleine unter der decke dann, aber egal 08:12 < Lorini> wer weiß 08:12 < Lorini> vielleicht nimmer lang 08:14 < blindcoder> naja, am Samstag war sie nicht dabei 08:15 < Lorini> hmm ja aber das heißt nix 08:15 < blindcoder> aber des wird nix. die Frau kann mich net handhaben 08:15 < Lorini> dich handhaben? was muss man dazu können? 08:16 < blindcoder> Eine egene Meinung haben. der Lage sein, mich in aller Oeffentlichkeit zur Sau zur machen wenn ichs verdient habe. Sowas in der Art 08:17 < Lorini> hmmm also in aller öffentlichkeit zur sau machen find ich nicht gut 08:18 < Lorini> ich finde, als partner sollte man in der öffentlichkeit zum anderen stehen, ihn gegebenenfalls dann aber unter vier augen kritisieren 08:18 < blindcoder> Ich muss gestehen, ab und zu hab ichs verdient 08:18 < Lorini> zb? 08:18 < blindcoder> nicht wenn dieser absoluten Schwachsinn verzaehlt oder sich total daneben benimmt >_< 08:19 < Lorini> selbst da steht johnny hinter mir.. und das find ich gut so, er kann mir ja danach sagen, dass das grade daneben war 08:20 < blindcoder> hmm... is wohl Ansichtssache... aber in der egenen Meinung stimmste mir zu, oder? 08:20 < Lorini> ja 08:20 < blindcoder> Man sollte nicht zu allem ja und Amen sagen 08:20 < Lorini> *jasag* ;) 08:21 < blindcoder> :) 08:34 * blindcoder searching for christmas presents for his dad 08:37 < blindcoder> ThinkGeek is my friend :D 08:38 < Lorini> lol 08:38 < Lorini> my friend is called google 08:40 -!- Lorini [~Lorini@p3EE219E5.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Angels are bright still, though the brightest fell.") 08:41 -!- rxr_ [~rene@port-212-202-171-166.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux 08:44 -!- aszlig [~aszlig@aszlig.net] has quit ("moving homes to crypto fs") 08:54 -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-169-199.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 09:15 -!- aszlig [~aszlig@aszlig.net] has joined #rocklinux 09:16 -!- aszlig [~aszlig@aszlig.net] has left #rocklinux () 09:16 -!- aszlig [~aszlig@aszlig.net] has joined #rocklinux 10:01 -!- bluefire [bluefire@p50816D58.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 10:21 -!- bluefire [bluefire@p50816D58.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving") 10:27 < esden> hi all 10:38 < blindcoder> hi esden 10:46 < th_> re 10:47 < esden> hmm ... the x syntax is ill 10:49 < esden> or better api 10:49 < blindcoder> ? 10:49 < blindcoder> hi th_ 10:49 * -> esden is rewriting lcdemu ... 10:49 < blindcoder> esden: what are you doing? 10:49 < blindcoder> oh 10:49 < esden> but I think I will use gtk 10:49 < blindcoder> nice :) 10:49 < esden> it is bit more usable 10:49 < blindcoder> I'm sorry to say that I couldn't work on gldm yesterday 10:50 < blindcoder> I've been on the train for three hours >_< 10:52 < blindcoder> esden: do you know what cliffords 'reference hardware' is? 10:53 < blindcoder> esden: ping 10:53 < blindcoder> it's always the same with him :) 11:00 < esden> blindcoder: no idea 11:00 < esden> blindcoder: I am busy ... and my multiprocessing is not the best 11:01 < blindcoder> esden: okay :) 11:01 < blindcoder> I just wondrered... the reference build says that compiling nethack took about 4 hours... that'ss why I wondered... 11:05 < esden> 4 hours ???? 11:05 < esden> but he has a 1Ghz at least 11:08 < blindcoder> hmm mom 11:09 < blindcoder> Buildtime: 15256 (9) seconds (on reference hardware) 11:10 < blindcoder> mogli:~$ echo "15256/60/60" | bc 11:10 < blindcoder> 4 11:14 < esden> urghs 11:14 < blindcoder> mutt: ~8000 secs 11:19 -!- Freak [freak@pD9E39753.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 11:19 < blindcoder> moin Freak 11:19 -!- hackbard_ [~hackbard@pD9523187.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 11:20 < Freak> huhu 11:21 * blindcoder just did another order at thinkgeek *smile* 11:28 < Freak> what? 11:28 < esden> ding di ding ... di ding ... it is woorking ;-) 11:29 < esden> blindcoder: you have too much money 11:29 < esden> blindcoder: what have you ordered ? 11:29 < Freak> mann ich hab so angst vor diesem dummen strafzettel.. 11:30 < esden> blindcoder: cliff is compiling the reference build and symultanously compiling tests ... and coding on rock ... so that is no wonder 11:30 < esden> Freak: o_O 11:31 < Freak> meine mutter is fahrzeughalterin, die hat jetzt nen fragebogen gekriegt, auf dem sie hinten ankreuzen muss.. sie wird die aussage (gegen mich als fahrer) verweigern.. aber die finden mich garantiert trotzdem 11:31 < Freak> und dann.. 11:32 < Freak> 250eur für den aufbaukurs, +2 Jahre Probezeit.. und das 5 Monate vor Ende meiner Probezeit 11:33 < esden> Freak: nicht gut ... was hast angestellt wenn ich fragen darf ? 11:33 < Freak> mind. 30km/h zu schnell 11:33 < Freak> außer orts 11:33 < esden> 120 ? 11:34 < Freak> alles über 20km/h kostet dich die Probezeit + nen Aufbaukurs.. 11:34 < Freak> nein 110 aufm tacho, 70 erlaubt 11:34 < esden> so fahre ich auch rum ... naja ... aber meine probezeit ist ja laengst vorbei 11:34 < esden> dumme sache sowas 11:35 < Freak> tja so _fuhr_ ich auch rum.. 11:35 < esden> ja .. 11:35 < Freak> das is ne abschüssige strecke, die dann wieder den berg hoch geht 11:35 < esden> ok ... muss wider wech ... essen 11:35 < Freak> und ich hab beim berg-hoch dann noch gas gegeben.. 11:35 -!- hackbard [~hackbard@pD9523652.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 11:35 < Freak> hab halt vorher net abgebremst. 11:35 < Freak> hm ja.. 11:35 < Freak> dumdidum.. 11:36 < esden> tja ... :-/ 11:36 < esden> ok ... bin wech 11:37 < Freak> es gibt eine ganz kleine wahrscheinlichkeit, dass ich auf dem foto nicht zu identifizieren bin.. 11:37 < Freak> vielleicht sollte ich noch zum frisör gehn 11:38 < Freak> oder aber auch nicht.... 11:43 < aszlig> rehi 11:43 < blindcoder> Freak: ouch... that sucks... 11:43 < Freak> definitely 11:43 < Freak> re aszlig 11:44 < blindcoder> esden: I ordered a MegaTokyo Blanket, astormproof glow-in-the-dark-lighter for my dad (christmas) and two gadgets as christmas presents for friends 11:44 < Freak> whee :) 11:44 < blindcoder> alltogether 210 USD + "Zoll" 11:49 * blindcoder wonders whether to re-submit the licq-package-patch or to wait until the weekend 11:55 < Freak> oh lord won't you buy me a mercedes benz 11:55 < Freak> my friends all drive porsches 11:55 < Freak> and I don't remember the text 11:56 < Freak> I spent all my lifetime 11:56 < Freak> damdam dada dam 11:56 < Freak> oh lord.. 11:56 < Freak> won't you buy me 11:56 < Freak> a mercedes benz 11:58 < blindcoder> yes, I know that song :) 11:58 < Freak> I know the feeling as well ;) 11:59 < blindcoder> aaah! only 4 hours to go 11:59 -!- kasc__ [~shaman@p5090B967.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 12:00 < Freak> what's then? 12:00 < blindcoder> one of which being lunch break :) 12:00 < blindcoder> then I go home :) 12:00 < Freak> heh 12:00 < Freak> so you're "working" right now? 12:00 < Freak> (= 12:01 < blindcoder> and finally be able to pick up work on my isplay manager again 12:01 < blindcoder> well... I _should_ be working 12:01 < Freak> a display manager? 12:01 < blindcoder> But an admins work should do itself on its own, shouldn't it? *g* 12:01 -!- kasc__ [~shaman@p50909F82.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 12:01 < blindcoder> jepp... moment 12:02 < Freak> heh right.. 12:04 < blindcoder> I want it to look something like this when it's finished: 12:05 < blindcoder> https://scavenger.homeip.net/gldm.png 12:05 < blindcoder> (warning _VERYV _SLOW_) 12:05 < blindcoder> written with OpenGL 12:06 < blindcoder> hmm... I hope I put he correct pic up... 12:07 < blindcoder> damn it's the wrong one... 12:07 < blindcoder> sorry, You'll have to wait till I'm home... that pic shows- how it should look like after a successful login 12:08 < blindcoder> and I think I've deleted the others accidentally so I have to reextract them from Lain Episode three again beforehand 12:10 < blindcoder> wait... argh... it _is_ the login screen after all 12:11 < blindcoder> see that "lain" at the bottom line? that's the username 12:12 < blindcoder> I'll put together an animation of the login-procedure how I want it to look like when I'm at home 12:24 < Freak> oh sorry was afk 12:24 < Freak> *loading* 12:27 < blindcoder> np 12:27 < blindcoder> it'll take only about 7 minutes anyway 12:27 < Freak> heh 12:28 < blindcoder> *sleepy* 12:32 -!- zer0_o^ [~zer0_o@] has joined #rocklinux 12:33 < blindcoder> *lol* 12:34 < blindcoder> (From The Internet Oracle) 12:34 < blindcoder> Just because I'm omniscient, doesn't mean I understand women. 12:57 < th_> hmmm. i want to mangle source and destination address of a packet... 12:57 < th_> (iptables) 12:57 < th_> -j SNAT stops rules being examined 12:57 < th_> as -j DNAT does 12:57 < SMP> ugh 12:58 < SMP> SNAT on input, DNAT on output? ;> 12:58 < th_> ouhm 12:58 < th_> ;-) 12:58 < th_> *slap* 12:58 < th_> thanks 12:59 < SMP> well I don't know. might just work ;) 12:59 < th_> hmmm well 12:59 < th_> DNAT is in my -t nat -A PREROUTING for now 13:00 < th_> and SNAT is for the POSTROUTING 13:00 < th_> so it was just a brainlag 13:00 < SMP> that's a sick thing to do anyway =] 13:03 < SMP> hrhr 13:03 < SMP> "You XML evangalists will be called apologists rather soon." 13:19 < fake> hi 13:20 < fake> th is building a prism ;) 13:24 < th_> SMP: it's just to bypass these stupid security-guys here ;) 13:24 < th_> fake: hmmm? 13:27 < fake> the only lightbeam that is parallell to the base is inside the glass ... 13:29 -!- Parabull [~Parabull@] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 13:42 -!- blindcod1r [~blindcode@pD958F610.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 13:42 -!- blindcoder [~blindcode@p5080157D.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Killed (NickServ (Ghost: blindcod1r!~blindcode@pD958F610.dip.t-dialin.net))) 13:42 -!- blindcod1r is now known as blindcoder 13:43 < blindcoder> re 13:45 < blindcoder> fake: I won't be on the train today, I'll leave at 16:00 13:48 < SMP> https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10421#c1 13:48 * SMP smiles 13:54 -!- Netsplit vinge.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: [anders], huebi, th_, fake 13:55 -!- Netsplit over, joins: huebi, [anders], th_, fake 13:57 < blindcoder> SMP: hows your replacement going? 13:58 < SMP> my what? 13:59 < blindcoder> weren't you replacing some dns-code? 13:59 < blindcoder> (shit, half of what I typd got lost during the transmission from brain to fingers) 13:59 < SMP> er, yes 14:00 < SMP> I did about 1/4. had no time to continue yet 14:00 < blindcoder> ah... nevermind... 14:00 < blindcoder> oh, I see... 14:01 < SMP> I need to find out how important h_aliases is in practice 14:02 < SMP> (the field in the struct hostent) 14:04 < blindcoder> hmm... I don't really know that much about it... 14:36 -!- temr [~pm@pD9E33EEF.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 14:37 < temr> moin 14:39 < blindcoder> moin temr 14:40 < blindcoder> bwah, I need to go to bed... >_< 14:40 < blindcoder> bwah, I need to go to bed... >_< 14:40 < blindcoder> damn screen *punches monitor* 14:41 -!- litost [~user@phynp6.phy-astr.gsu.edu] has joined #rocklinux 14:44 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux 14:44 < Mike1> moin all 14:44 < blindcoder> moin litost 14:44 < blindcoder> moin Mike1 14:44 < litost> marn Mike1, blindcoder 14:45 < Mike1> :) 14:51 < blindcoder> Why, oh why does coffee make me so sleppy... 14:52 < Mike1> blindcoder: because you are too lazy? 14:53 < blindcoder> hmm... I have to sleep over that :) 14:56 < Mike1> lol 14:57 < Mike1> mm... 69 broken extension on 1.5 ... 14:57 < Mike1> still building 14:58 < blindcoder> urks... is it the packages themselves or some dependency that fries them? 15:00 < Mike1> depends on the package ... anyways i think it will be a LONG day 15:02 < esden> re hi all 15:02 < Mike1> hi esdy 15:02 < blindcoder> re esden 15:03 < blindcoder> esden: that was a long lungh break :) 15:03 < blindcoder> s/lungh/lunch/ 15:03 < esden> hehe ;-) 15:03 < esden> I had to go to a lecture and proseminar ... 15:04 < blindcoder> I see 15:04 < esden> proseminar was about make ... >_< 15:04 < esden> terribly boring 15:04 < esden> nothing new 15:04 < blindcoder> *lol* 15:04 * blindcoder will go home around 16:00 today 15:04 < blindcoder> so I con do work on gldm today 15:04 < esden> I am always hoping to learn something about the stuff the people are describing there ... 15:04 < esden> but no ... 15:05 < esden> blindcoder: cool !! 15:05 < esden> blindcoder: will you come with it to bitz ? 15:05 < esden> ahh ... aporpos gldm ... DHR wanst to make graphics for the lain target ... ;-) 15:05 * -> esden is writing too many dots 15:06 < blindcoder> no I wo't go to bitz 15:06 < rolla> re 15:07 < blindcoder> re rolla 15:07 < Mike1> hi rolla 15:07 < blindcoder> I have neither my musig there 15:07 < blindcoder> nor have I silence there 15:07 < blindcoder> I ust can't concontrate without music and getting disturbed every five minutes 15:08 < esden> hmm .. ok 15:08 < blindcoder> well, that's partly because I _let_ others disturb me... 15:08 < esden> yes, that is right for sure 15:08 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@] has joined #rocklinux 15:08 < blindcoder> so let's just hope that no bozo will jump in front of the train again today 15:08 < blindcoder> moin bluefire 15:09 < esden> do it like me ... ignore everyone when you are coding something 15:09 < bluefire> hiho all 15:09 < esden> hi blindcoder 15:09 < blindcoder> esden: that's why I stay at home in the first place 15:09 < esden> erm bluefire 15:09 < blindcoder> hi esden :) 15:09 < esden> ;-) 15:10 < blindcoder> damn users wha can't use tab-completion :) 15:10 < blindcoder> not that I can... 15:10 < rolla> does anyone know where to get rpm-4.1 from ? ftp.rpm.org refuses connection :( 15:12 < blindcoder> aren't there any mirrors? 15:12 < esden> blindcoder: die 15:12 < blindcoder> *dies* 15:12 < esden> blindcoder: nice blindcoder good blindcoder 15:12 < rolla> not listed on the website :( 15:13 < blindcoder> esden: did you just read what my ThinkGeek-Order was? 15:13 < esden> o_O ? 15:13 < zer0_o^> ? 15:13 < esden> where can I read it ? 15:13 < blindcoder> or why should I die? 15:13 < blindcoder> scrollbback 15:13 < esden> blindcoder: that was a prevention die order 15:14 < blindcoder> 11:44 < blindcoder> esden: I ordered a MegaTokyo Blanket, astormproof 15:14 < blindcoder> glow-in-the-dark-lighter for my dad (christmas) and two 15:14 < blindcoder> gadgets as christmas presents for friends 15:14 < blindcoder> 11:44 < Freak> whee :) 15:14 < blindcoder> 11:44 < blindcoder> alltogether 210 USD + "Zoll" 15:14 < blindcoder> esden: I see :) 15:16 < blindcoder> It should be here by the end of the week 15:17 < blindcoder> urks... load average: 2.24, 2.33, 2.21 15:17 < blindcoder> I think I should kill the OpenGL-screensaver while compiling 15:19 < Mike1> load average: 6.74, 5.12, 5.91 15:20 < Mike1> blindcoder: thats on my worstation 15:21 < esden> blindcoder: you may die ... ;-) 15:21 < blindcoder> Mike1: hmm... okaay... 15:22 * -> esden is wondering who the friends are :D 15:22 < blindcoder> esden: If I only may *as in "am allowed to") then I kindly refuse 15:22 < esden> and what you have bought for them ;-) 15:22 < blindcoder> esdasa... 15:22 < blindcoder> esden: sa... 15:22 < esden> o_O 15:22 < esden> same ... ? 15:23 < blindcoder> sa (jap.): I don't know. "Beats me" 15:23 < blindcoder> I wonder. 15:23 < blindcoder> etc. 15:23 < esden> ok 15:24 * -> esden is also wondering how far the gldm is ... 15:24 < blindcoder> mey be used if you don't know something or just want to pick on someone 15:25 < blindcoder> esden: couldn't do anything yesterday due to this id10t who jumped in front of the train ani thus killed all train traffic until 20:30 15:25 < esden> urgh 15:26 < blindcoder> Then I brought owl home cause she missed her last bus and have been at home myself at 21:30 15:26 -!- Lorini [~Lorini@p3EE219E5.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 15:26 < blindcoder> re Lori! 15:26 < Lorini> hey blindy :) 15:27 < Lorini> have i told you that i hate haskell? 15:27 < blindcoder> about half a dozen times :) 15:27 < blindcoder> what's with it this time *g* ? 15:27 < Mike1> hi Lorini 15:27 < Lorini> not often enough.. 15:28 < Lorini> it is a very very stupid "language".. nothing else 15:28 < Lorini> hi mike 15:28 -!- Ge0rG [a@club-mate.net] has joined #rocklinux 15:29 -!- capchaos [~capchaos@pD904842C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 15:30 < capchaos> hin 15:30 < Lorini> hi :)) 15:30 < capchaos> hi 15:30 < Lorini> thats timing 15:30 < capchaos> :) 15:30 < capchaos> hum? 15:30 < blindcoder> Language-to-be :) 15:30 < Lorini> i joined.. 4 minutes ago 15:30 < capchaos> hello blindy 15:30 < blindcoder> hi capchaos 15:31 < Mike1> hi capy 15:31 < Lorini> blindcoder: yes... ... ... ... I HATE HASKELL 15:31 < blindcoder> aaah 30 minutes to go 15:31 < capchaos> hi miguel 15:31 * blindcoder "macht nen Strich auf seiner Liste" 15:32 < Lorini> schon fertig für heute? 15:32 < blindcoder> Lorini: in jeder hinsicht :) 15:33 < Lorini> blindcoder: haha.. ich muss in ner stunde nochmal los 15:33 < blindcoder> *auslach* 15:34 < Lorini> pff 15:36 < Lorini> have to go sooner... byebye :) 15:36 -!- Lorini is now known as LoriAW 15:40 * blindcoder should stop reading Usenet Oracle Oracularities 15:46 < blindcoder> okay I'm going home 15:46 < blindcoder> bye 15:47 < capchaos> c ya blindcoder 15:52 < esden> hmm ... puhh ... there is still no lcd emulator for matrix orb ;-) 15:53 < esden> and for cfontz is not avalable ... ;-) 15:53 < esden> cool thing 15:55 * Mike1 just send a mail to huebi bugging for esden's LCD patch inclussion 16:08 < esden> good god 16:08 < esden> ;-) 16:09 < esden> s,god,good, 16:13 < Mike1> :) 16:44 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@] has quit ("leaving") 16:48 -!- owl [~mail-spam@p50802EA7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 16:48 < owl> hi 16:51 * Mike1 hugs ..... himself 16:51 < Mike1> hi owl 16:52 < owl> hi Mike1 16:52 < owl> oh, you learn! 16:57 * -> esden hugs Mike1 ;-) 16:57 < esden> hi owl 16:57 * -> esden does not hug owl ;-) 16:57 < owl> esden: *lol* noe, komme besser ins bitz ;P 16:57 < Mike1> yeah who needs to hug owl ... 16:57 < owl> hi btw. 16:58 < esden> but instead I hug Mike1 ;-) 16:58 < esden> owl: on my way ;-) 16:58 < owl> esden: brav so. (gute erziehung. *sichselbstlob*) ;PPP 16:59 < esden> ok ... enough work on lcdemu for today 16:59 < esden> cu l8er 16:59 < owl> bye esden. when will you be here? 16:59 < Mike1> lol 16:59 < esden> owl: one hour or so 16:59 * -> esden off 17:00 < owl> k 17:00 < owl> Mike1: how r u? 17:00 < Mike1> owl: i am great thabks and you ? 17:01 < owl> Mike1: great. super. whatever. one of my friends didn't suecide yesterday --> i called him some minutes ago. i'm _SOOOOOO_ glad about it. *jumping_around* 17:01 < capchaos> huch? 17:02 < owl> capchaos: hm? 17:03 < Mike1> owl: great to hear that 17:03 < Mike1> suicide is the most stupid and pathetic thing that someone could do 17:03 < owl> Mike1: hm. yes. no. dependend on why someone is doing it 17:04 < Mike1> owl: there is _not_ an acceptable reason for it 17:05 < owl> Mike1: of course there is. if you have cancer or something like that. 17:06 < capchaos> Mike1: why stupid? 17:07 < capchaos> Mike1: i'd rather suicide, because i want to than live a life i do not want to. 17:27 < rolla> w/in4 17:33 -!- c4y0 [c4y0@cable200-75-73-72.epm.net.co] has joined #rocklinux 17:33 < c4y0> hello!!!!!!!!! 17:33 < owl> hi c4y0 17:34 < capchaos> hello c4y0 17:34 < Mike1> hola c4y0 17:35 * Mike1 converting SRPM's into .deb's shit i can't belive i am doing this ... 17:36 < owl> Mike1: *g* why? who wants debian-packages? 17:37 < Mike1> owl: i am getting paid for convertion some apps for supercomputing 17:38 < owl> Mike1: ah. i c. so why do you complain? ;) 17:39 < Mike1> owl: alien -d foo-1.0.rpm ; mv foo_1.0.deb foo-1.0.deb 17:39 < Mike1> so fucking boring *gg* 17:39 < Mike1> well at least the part i am doing now 17:40 < Mike1> but it willbe fun i suppose 17:40 < Mike1> it would be cool if i could alien -gem foo.rpm 17:41 < owl> *lol 17:41 < Mike1> :) 17:41 < owl> getting (much) money for less work --> great deal imho :)) 17:41 < Mike1> anyways i go back to work 17:42 < Mike1> owl: well yes :P 17:42 < owl> ok. have fun. bye Miguel 17:42 < Mike1> thanks i will sed 17:43 < blindcoder> rehi 17:46 < owl> hi blindcoder 17:46 < owl> blindcoder: how's work? do you have much fun there? ;P 17:47 < blindcoder> owl: I'm @home 17:47 < owl> blindcoder: wuah?!!! why so? r u ill? 17:48 < blindcoder> No, I left work @16:00 17:48 < owl> blindcoder: ah so. 17:56 -!- zer0_o [~zer0_o@pop-zh-12-2-dialup-124.freesurf.ch] has joined #rocklinux 17:57 < Mike1> 0_o 17:59 -!- c4y0 [c4y0@cable200-75-73-72.epm.net.co] has quit ("BitchX: the new hardcore, psycho, nitro client -- in a can") 18:05 -!- hackbard_ [~hackbard@pD9523187.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("later") 18:06 < esden> re hi all 18:06 < Mike1> re esdy 18:06 -!- hackbard [~hackbard@faic.Physik.Uni-Augsburg.DE] has joined #rocklinux 18:10 < owl> wb esden 18:36 -!- capchaos [~capchaos@pD904842C.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("There is no spoon.") 18:37 -!- capchaos [~capchaos@pD904858B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 18:45 -!- owl [~mail-spam@p50802EA7.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 18:57 -!- bluefire [bluefire@pD9522561.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 19:06 -!- Satg [~satg@] has joined #rocklinux 19:10 < esden> boop 19:12 < Freak> boop? 19:12 < Freak> blip. 19:22 < esden> biplip. 19:23 -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has joined #rocklinux 19:23 < armijn> re 19:24 < esden> re armijn 19:25 < armijn> hi esden 19:31 < blindcoder> anyone know how to do OpenGL in BrainF*ck? 19:32 < blindcoder> I think it's easier than in this f*cking C-API 19:33 < armijn> dunno 19:34 < esden> blindcoder: humm ... you probably only have to add one command to brainfsck to make it possible 19:35 < aszlig> esden: :Q? 19:35 < aszlig> re 19:37 < Mike1> re 19:37 * Mike1 is back from lunch 19:38 -!- zer0_o [~zer0_o@pop-zh-12-2-dialup-124.freesurf.ch] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 19:40 < armijn> oh boy 19:40 < armijn> all decks: brace for impact! 19:40 * armijn ducks for mike1 19:42 < Mike1> armijn: ? 19:44 -!- LoriAW [~Lorini@p3EE219E5.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 19:45 < armijn> :) 19:45 < armijn> just kidding : 19:45 < armijn> ) 19:46 < armijn> :) that us 19:46 < armijn> ehr, is 19:46 < Mike1> armijn: :P 19:46 * armijn can't type today 19:46 < Mike1> type? 19:46 < armijn> yeah, you know... 19:46 < Mike1> asasdf 19:46 < Mike1> how are things? 19:48 < rolla> hey Mike1 19:48 < Mike1> hi rolla 19:49 < armijn> I discovered a dual CPU machine here today 19:49 < armijn> never knew it was dual 19:49 < armijn> it was running Windows.NET server beta build something 19:49 < armijn> and the license for the terminal service had expired 19:49 -!- tcr [~tobrit@p50813A99.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 19:49 < armijn> but we wanted to phase out all those remote desktop logins anyway 19:49 < tcr> moin all 19:50 < armijn> so it will be running Linux or FreeBSD next week :) 19:50 < armijn> and it will be used as a compute server / SubVersion server 19:50 < armijn> as in, good stuff 19:54 -!- thalerim [~tobrit@p50813A99.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 19:54 -!- tcr [~tobrit@p50813A99.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 19:54 -!- thalerim is now known as tcr 19:55 -!- LoriAW [~Lorini@p3EE21895.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 19:58 < Mike1> rpm2cpio kernel-2.4.19-nimbus4.src.rpm | cpio -i -d 19:58 < Mike1> oh 19:58 < Mike1> sorry guys wrong window :) 19:58 < tcr> hi Mike1 19:58 < Mike1> hi tcr 20:05 < tcr> Mike1: ;) you said yesterday that you would forward a report today 20:05 < tcr> could you please be so kind? :) 20:06 < Mike1> tcr: gimme a bit please i am doing some work atm :(( 20:06 < tcr> ok, i just wanted to remind you.. actually 20:08 < Mike1> tcr: yes i keep it in mind dont worry my friend :) 20:09 < tcr> don't worry, be happy 20:11 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@port-212-202-178-150.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux 20:11 < holyolli> moin 20:14 -!- tcr [~tobrit@p50813A99.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 20:15 -!- armijn [~armijn@losser.st-lab.cs.uu.nl] has left #rocklinux () 20:17 -!- tcr [~tobrit@p50813A99.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 20:45 < blindcoder> I think gluNurbsSurface isn't really meant for being used... 20:49 -!- bluefire_ [bluefire@pD9522561.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 20:53 -!- bluefire_ [bluefire@pD9522561.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #rocklinux () 20:59 < blindcoder> hmm... 20:59 < blindcoder> I start finding out how it works... although I don't understand it... 21:04 < esden> n8 21:04 < Mike1> nacht 21:08 -!- LocalHero [LocalHero@i301-2.vildanden.afb.lu.se] has joined #rocklinux 21:08 < Mike1> hi LocalHero 21:08 < LocalHero> hi 21:08 < LocalHero> whats up 21:08 < Mike1> nothing much, there? 21:08 < blindcoder> hmm... If I undelstand this correctly... gluNurbsSurface can not draw convex figures... 21:08 < LocalHero> well im trying to fix sendmail 21:12 -!- blindcoder [~blindcode@pD958F610.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Killed (NickServ (Ghost: blindcod1r!~blindcode@pD958F610.dip.t-dialin.net))) 21:13 -!- blindcoder [~blindcode@pD958F610.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 21:13 < blindcoder> and nom it fried my X-Server >_< 21:15 < blindcoder> ah screw it... I'm going to bed... 21:15 < blindcoder> good nicht everyone! 21:15 < LocalHero> night 21:16 < Mike1> cu blindcoder 21:17 < LocalHero> Whats this 21:18 < Mike1> what? 21:18 < LocalHero> I have added a cronscript that have some output 21:18 < LocalHero> So it should send a mail to the user but i get this 21:18 < rolla> grrr 21:19 < LocalHero> sendmail[15629]: gAP401DA015629: from=root, size=2041, class=0, nrcpts=1, msgid=<200211250400.gAP401DA015629@backup.englund.lu.se>, relay=root@localhost 21:19 < LocalHero> sendmail[15629]: gAP401DA015629: to=root, ctladdr=root (0/0), delay=00:05:46, xdelay=00:00:00, mailer=relay, pri=30038, relay=localhost.englund.lu.se. [], dsn=4.0.0, stat=Deferred: Connection refused by localhost.englund.lu.se. 21:20 < LocalHero> I havent done anything with sendmail. It works on rock 1.4 but at blindcoders 1.5.19 it gets like this 21:20 < LocalHero> By the way, that is log output 21:20 < Mike1> localhost.englund.lu.se. exists? 21:21 < LocalHero> no the computer should be backup.englund.lu.se but it hasent got a dns entry yet. But why has this changed, it worked when i had rock 1.4 21:21 < LocalHero> shouldnt the relay be localhost only? 21:23 < LocalHero> if i ping localhost.englund.lu.se i get 21:24 < LocalHero> Do i need to do anything to get sendmail to accept mail? 21:24 < LocalHero> Uhh, im stupid, maybe i need to start sendmail :) 21:25 < Mike1> LocalHero: here did you setup the user domain? 21:25 < Mike1> else it would be using localhost 21:25 < Mike1> if you want it to use localhost yes you need to open relay 21:27 -!- Satg [~satg@] has quit () 21:28 -!- capchaos [~capchaos@pD904858B.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("brb") 21:28 < LocalHero> Hehe :).. Well, i think it works now :) 21:28 < LocalHero> Thanx anyway 21:28 < Mike1> LocalHero: ok 21:29 < LocalHero> Mike1, do you know if anybody has any powerpc cdäs 21:29 < LocalHero> cd's 21:29 < Mike1> LocalHero: i _really_ doub so 21:30 < Mike1> you may ask clifford though 21:30 < Mike1> if someone has that will be him 21:30 < Mike1> but dont spect anything from 1.5 or 1.7 21:30 < Mike1> i think there isnt even one for 1.4 21:30 -!- capchaos [~capchaos@pD904858B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 21:34 < LocalHero> Mike1 :( 21:34 < LocalHero> It would be realy nice to recycle those macs so that they dont need to run that stupid macos 8.x 9.x 21:35 < Mike1> LocalHero: are you volunteering to maintain the ppc port? 21:35 < Mike1> :) 21:35 < Mike1> LocalHero: we have a few problems ro get rock images for ppc: 21:36 < Mike1> 1. Clifford is the ppc port maintainer, but he doesnt care about 1.5 and it will still take a lot of time for him to start working on it for 1.7 21:36 < Mike1> 2. The port has been unmaintained for quite a while so it will be a pain. 21:37 < Mike1> 3. The ones of us whom might could work it, including huebi don't have a ppc, so we are stuck 21:37 < Mike1> do you have a ppc? 21:39 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B5662.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux 21:39 < owl> re 21:39 < capchaos> re owl 21:41 < Mike1> owl! 21:41 < Mike1> :( 21:41 < owl> hi Mike1. what's wrong? 21:41 * Mike1 goes to work again 21:41 < owl> bye Mike1 ;P 21:41 < owl> have fun working... 21:42 < Mike1> i will not 21:42 < Mike1> :(( 21:42 < esden> re 21:42 < owl> Mike1: *g* i believe you. and now i'm enjoying my free-time... :PPPP 21:42 < owl> wb esden 21:42 < esden> Mike1: has huebi answered ? 21:42 < LocalHero> Mike1, well we have some at work 21:42 < rolla> damn qt 21:42 < LocalHero> Mike1, and i think i could get some old 21:43 -!- capchaos [~capchaos@pD904858B.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("There is no spoon.") 21:43 < Mike1> LocalHero: how about you help us with ppc port 21:43 < Mike1> ? 21:43 < Mike1> esden: no i have not received reply yet, very weird i usually get instant replys from huebi 21:43 < esden> humm ... 21:44 < Freak> anyone around with an apple pro keyboard? 21:46 < esden> lol illiad is saving money on ink ;-) 21:46 < owl> esden: huh? 21:47 < esden> owl: read userfriendly then you will understand ;-) 21:48 < rolla> :) 21:49 < rolla> what beside KDE uses qt ? 21:49 < esden> yess ... largo is teaching in a gamecenter ! megatokyo rulez too ;-) 21:49 < Mike1> rolla stil building qt ??? 0_o 21:49 -!- LoriAW is now known as Lorini 21:50 < rolla> yes 21:50 < rolla> esden you are right :) 21:50 < owl> aeh. k. 21:50 < Mike1> re Lorini 21:50 * owl dies. 21:51 < Lorini> hi mike.. 21:51 < owl> hi Lorini. how are you ? and how's math? ;P 21:51 < Lorini> math is not the problem this week.. :) 21:51 < Lorini> +s 21:51 < Lorini> hi owl 21:51 < Lorini> this week haskell is the problem 21:51 < owl> Lorini: *lol* 21:52 < holyolli> haskell... 21:52 < holyolli> nive 21:52 < holyolli> nice even 21:52 < esden> rolla: sure I am right ;) 21:52 < esden> hi Lorini 21:52 < Lorini> hi esden 21:52 < esden> hi holyolli 21:52 < owl> hi holyolli 21:52 < Lorini> holyolli: nice? 21:52 < Lorini> well.. nice is not the word i would have used to describe haskell 21:52 < holyolli> Lorini: i had to write some programs with haskell during my studying time 21:53 < esden> is someone hearing radio sunshine here ? 21:53 < esden> haskell ... YUK , but there are gtk bindings for it ;-) 21:54 < Lorini> holyolli: yes... 21:54 < rolla> userfiendly rulez 21:54 < holyolli> Lorini: where are you learning haskell...? 21:54 < Lorini> university (uni bielefeld) 21:54 < esden> and for ocaml there are bindings too ... even if ocaml is the programable brainfsck of our times 21:55 < holyolli> .oO(dachte ich es mir doch... ;-) 21:55 < Lorini> lol 21:55 < esden> I have never seen a more dirty designed language then ocaml 21:55 < Lorini> du auch? 21:55 < holyolli> klar - aber nicht mehr 21:55 < Lorini> hast dus gut 21:55 < esden> rolla: sure it "herscht" 21:56 < esden> Lorini: er darf auch noch flugzeuge fliegen 21:57 < holyolli> esden: naaa.bisher nur segelflugzeuge.. ;) 21:57 < Lorini> hui :) 21:57 < holyolli> naja...und ultraleicht...aber das zaehlt ja nicht.. 21:58 < esden> holyolli: es ist unverschaemt genug ;-) 21:58 < esden> die geschichte von holyolli oder vom geek zum ueberflieger ;-) 21:58 < holyolli> esden: *g* 21:59 < holyolli> esden: naa..das mit dem flieger dauert noch...aber dann koennen wir ja mal flying rock machen.. ;) 22:01 < esden> ja ... irgendwann fliegen wir zum ccc ;-) 22:01 < Lorini> hehe 22:01 < holyolli> .oO('hackplane' haette schon was... ;) 22:01 < holyolli> lufthansa hat nun ja das skynet im test...internet in ner 747 mit wavelan 22:03 < esden> holyolli: ja auf jeden fall 22:03 < esden> geil wavelan in ner 747 *rumspring* 22:03 < esden> endlich kapieren die es 22:03 < esden> weil normallerweise darfst ja solche sachen im flugzeug nicht machen weil es die geraete stoert 22:04 < owl> esden: wahrscheinlich kann sich des nur leisten, wer in der ersten klasse fliegt... 22:05 < esden> ja wahrscheinlich ... 22:05 < esden> mensch ich bin informatiker ... ich will KOHLE 22:05 < holyolli> das nicht.. 22:05 < holyolli> aber es ist wirklich schwer mit den stoerfeldern.. 22:05 < esden> wenigstens das haben die in der wirtschaft vor paar jahren versprochen ;-) 22:06 < owl> esden: ja. vor ein paar jahren... jetzt kannste froh sein, ned auf der strasse zu landen... n aj.a 22:06 -!- LocalHero [LocalHero@i301-2.vildanden.afb.lu.se] has quit () 22:06 < esden> ja 22:07 < esden> ich glaube ich bewerbe mich auch bei lufthansa 22:07 < owl> esden: als was? "cleaning-manager"? ;P 22:07 < holyolli> als 'netzwerktester in den fluegen'..? ;)) 22:08 < esden> ja ich stecke meine finder in die netzwerkdosen und sage ob strom fliesst 22:08 < esden> ich meine finger ... aber finder klingt auch nicht schlecht 22:08 < owl> *g* jep. frueher schickte man irgendwelche tiere zum mond und so ... jetzt esden ins flugzeug... armer esden. 22:08 < esden> tja irgendwer muss ja die arbeit machen oder ? 22:09 < owl> esden: ja, aber da nehmen wir doch lieber leute her, die sich auf der strecke muenchen <-> ingolstadt umbringen... 22:11 < owl> boah, irda ist ein k(r)ampf... unglaublich. das funktioniert wohl nach zufallsprinzip oder wie...? 22:12 < holyolli> ok bis die tage 22:12 < holyolli> cya 22:12 < owl> bye holyolli 22:12 < owl> have fun 22:13 < Lorini> bye 22:13 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@port-212-202-178-150.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit ("X-Chat: has bite! (Just ask Mike Tyson!)") 22:13 < esden> cool !! https://www.thinkgeek.com/cubegoodies/toys/5b4a/ 22:14 < rolla> hurray 22:14 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B5662.pppool.de] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 22:14 < rolla> == 11:19:47 =[3]=> Building base package qt [3.0.6 1.5.20]. 22:14 < rolla> Pkg-Config: qt.desc qt.conf done. 22:14 < rolla> Building. Writing output to /var/adm/logs/3-qt.out 22:14 < rolla> /var/adm/logs/3-qt.out -> 3-qt.log 22:14 < rolla> == 14:51:49 11/26/02 =[3]=> Finished building package qt. 22:15 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B579c.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux 22:15 < owl> *grr* 22:16 < rolla> grr was ? 22:16 < owl> stupid connection... 22:17 < esden> argh clifford answer me ! 22:17 < Mike1> rolla HOLY SHIT 22:17 < esden> o_O 22:17 < owl> Mike1: ??? 22:17 < esden> Mike1: ? 22:18 < Mike1> it took him almost 4 hours to get qt build !! 22:18 < Mike1> rolla are you using -j 1 ?????? 22:18 < esden> Mike1: he is compiling on 486 22:18 < esden> ;-) 22:18 < Mike1> esden: thats the point he isnt 22:19 < rolla> -j 5 22:19 < rolla> PIII 550 xenon 22:19 < esden> o_O 22:19 < rolla> no idea why it is so slow :( 22:19 < esden> 4 hours ? that is way to long 22:19 < rolla> yes I know but it allways takes that long it is the C++ crap 22:20 < rolla> everything else seems to build fine 22:20 < owl> brb. 22:21 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B579c.pppool.de] has quit ("killing proxy again") 22:22 < Mike1> rolla it took me 1 hour on a p3 900mhz 22:22 < Mike1> with -j 5 22:22 < esden> wahhh I will kill blindcoder !! 22:22 < esden> *jumparound* 22:22 < esden> give my blindcoder I want to kill him ! 22:22 < Mike1> esden: cool down whatsup? 22:22 < esden> he ordered the megatokyo blanket! I want it too ! 22:22 < Mike1> bwahahaha :)) 22:23 < esden> https://www.thinkgeek.com/cubegoodies/blankets/5b59/ 22:23 < esden> here see for yourself 22:23 < rolla> well Mike help me figure out why it is so slow :( 22:23 < esden> that is too cute to be real ! I WANT IT! 22:23 < Mike1> rolla /me thinking 22:23 < esden> Mike1: you think ? o_O 22:23 < esden> *vbeg* 22:24 < Mike1> arrggg 22:25 < esden> ? 22:25 * Mike1 bites esden 22:25 < Mike1> *gg* 22:26 < esden> autch 22:26 < Mike1> esden: thanks for showing me the blanked i am sure my gf will be pleased to give it to me for xmast 22:26 < esden> bad Mike1 ... not nicke Mike1 ... sit ... sit 22:26 < Mike1> esden: :P 22:26 < esden> Mike1: noooo ! *cry* 22:27 < Mike1> esden: yeeess ! *simles* 22:27 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B5712.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux 22:27 < owl> re 22:27 < esden> re mail-spam 22:27 < owl> esden: :P 22:27 * Mike1 drops owl to esden 22:27 < owl> Mike1: ??? 22:27 < esden> thanks Mike1 22:27 < owl> esden: ??? 22:27 * -> esden kuddling owl 22:27 < owl> what 's wrong with you both today? 22:27 < Mike1> esden: that will help while you get the blanket 22:28 < Mike1> esden: make a choice CR coffee or the blanket? 22:28 < esden> yes Mike1 ;-) 22:28 < owl> aehm! 22:28 < esden> owl: you have nothing to say ;-) 22:29 < Mike1> lol 22:29 < owl> esden: nope. wrong. YOU are the man. so YOU have no rights ;P 22:29 < esden> Mike1: coffee ! 22:29 < esden> owl: you missunderstood something ... 22:29 < Mike1> esden: incredible! i never spected you would choose the coffee 22:29 < owl> esden: *lol* 22:30 < esden> hmm ... but I still fight with myself Mike1 22:30 < esden> but it is much more difficult to get the coffee 22:31 < Mike1> hehe not if you got a cr friend 22:31 < esden> yes but you are so seldom it europe ... :-( 22:32 < esden> and I have not the money to travel to america 22:32 < Mike1> esden: you can move here if you want :) 22:32 < owl> poor esden. but mcdondls has a quite welll cappuccino ;P 22:32 < esden> that is an idea ... 22:32 < esden> after my studys 22:32 < esden> when you get a good job for me ? ;-) 22:32 < esden> owl: YUK 22:33 < owl> hm... 22:33 < Mike1> hehe 22:33 * owl wonders about nothing anymore 22:34 < owl> irda is really... aehm... cool.. :-/ it works just sometimes... strnage 22:35 < Mike1> brb 22:36 < Mike1> sed didnt know you were playing with irda 22:37 < owl> Mike1: i am. today i got it working fine - for the first time... but hm. now... not. and then it works again .. hm. 22:37 < owl> but "ericsson project" will be a lot of fun... 22:38 < Mike1> :) 22:39 < esden> owl: I belive you 22:39 < owl> esden: huh? 22:39 < esden> that it will be fun 22:40 < owl> esden: yeah, but aehm. - don't mind 22:44 < esden> woot loading the lcdemu background works ! 22:54 -!- Lorini is now known as LoriZzZ 22:55 < LoriZzZ> good night everybody! 22:55 < Mike1> nacht litost 22:55 < owl> gn8 LoriZzZ 22:55 < Mike1> opps 22:55 < Mike1> LoriZzZ: 22:55 < Mike1> :) 22:55 < LoriZzZ> :) 22:55 < esden> woot now drawing works too! 22:55 < esden> hehe 23:03 -!- tcr [~tobrit@p50813A99.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("gn8 all") 23:03 < Mike1> i go to uni now 23:03 < Mike1> see you tomorrow all 23:04 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting") 23:07 -!- tsa [~tsa@pD9E114E2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 23:07 < tsa> tag 23:07 < owl> hi tsa 23:07 < tsa> hi owlita 23:08 < tsa> (*hug*) 23:09 < esden> hi tsa 23:09 < esden> *tsahug* ;-) 23:09 < tsa> esden-schatzi *durchknuddel* 23:10 < esden> *urghs* *fast_den_geist_aufgeb* 23:10 < owl> *lol* muss liebe schoen sein ;P 23:11 -!- tsa [~tsa@pD9E114E2.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 23:17 -!- tsa [~tsa@pD9E114E2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 23:17 < tsa> re. 23:17 < esden> re 23:17 < aszlig> wb tsa 23:17 < esden> schnuckiputzi ;-) 23:17 < aszlig> re 23:17 < tsa> *allewilddurchknuddel* 23:17 < tsa> wer hat meinen irc-client segfaulten lassen? *boeseguck* 23:17 < Freak> hehe 23:17 < esden> urgh ich brauche ne bessere batterie fuer meinen lappy >_< 23:17 < aszlig> oh.. xchat.. 23:17 < aszlig> hmm.. 23:17 < Freak> urgh ich brauche nen sechser im lotto.. 23:18 < Freak> (| 23:18 < owl> Freak: hm.? 23:18 < aszlig> bitchx habich schon mal zum segfaulten gebracht ;) 23:18 < tsa> danke aszlig...das musste ich ja auch noch ausstellen.. ;) 23:18 < owl> tsa: des war ich. 23:18 < Freak> owl: just a bad mood. 23:18 < owl> Freak: huh? why? 23:19 < tsa> owl: du??? hahahaha! 23:19 < Freak> because I'm not rich enuff to afford a mac 23:19 < owl> tsa: sicher. /me 's fuer alle abstuerze verantwortklich 23:19 < Freak> and that's definitely getting me down and it gets me even more down that I know how insane this is, getting down because of not-being-able- to afford a mac. 23:20 < owl> Freak: oh god. you have problems 23:20 < Freak> ok I'm not exactly sure if that's the actual problem but I definitely wanna have a mac 23:21 < Freak> but I must be depressive, I listen to my mother's the cure-cd.. and I only feel like doing so when I'm definitely depressed. 23:21 < esden> Freak: you are not the only one that would like to have a mac 23:21 < esden> a pretty G4 or so 23:22 < Freak> it's not that a mac would be enough.. 23:22 < Freak> I also want to have a nice home 23:22 < owl> Freak: *lol* 23:22 < Freak> like.. a house 23:22 < Freak> and I want a faster car 23:22 < Freak> and I want the cops not to be able to find out it was _me_ speeding two weeks ago.. 23:22 * owl want's: some new computers, a driver's license, a car, a new home,some sweet monitors... (tft or so...) aehm. and lots more. 23:23 < Freak> and besides I want sex 23:23 < tsa> ..and blindcoder 23:23 < owl> tsa: no. 23:23 < tsa> Freak: with owl? 23:24 < owl> tsa: nee... mit dir... 23:24 < Freak> just generally 23:24 < tsa> owl: scheisse. 23:24 < Freak> I don't care.. 23:24 < Freak> okay and I want a relationship. 23:24 < Freak> I even dreamt of having a partner these days 23:25 < esden> hehe ... partner ? femail or mail ? 23:25 < Freak> and that was no sex-dream it was a relationship-dream. 23:25 < Freak> I'm definitely depressed. 23:25 < owl> Freak: uff... 23:25 < esden> i mean male or female 23:25 < Freak> I don't care 23:25 -!- litost [~user@phynp6.phy-astr.gsu.edu] has quit ("home") 23:25 < esden> hmm ... then you have the whole world to choose 23:26 < Freak> and I must be insane talking to the whole chan 23:26 < Freak> it's not that it was me.. 23:26 < Freak> I'd take 40% of the world's population 23:26 < esden> hmm ... that is pretty much 23:26 < Freak> like.. they just wouldn't take _me_ 23:27 < esden> how do you want to manage all these people ? 23:27 < Freak> gimme a stick 23:27 < Freak> ;) 23:27 < esden> urgh 23:28 * Freak plays boys don't cry 23:29 < Freak> I tried to laugh about it, hiding the tears in my eyes cause boys dont cry. 23:31 * aszlig plays daily dimmu borgir ;) 23:44 < tsa> Sonar - Shotgun radio.. 23:45 < owl> AH!!! 23:46 < owl> now i get slower! 23:46 < aszlig> huh? 23:46 < owl> become 23:46 < tsa> ? 23:46 < owl> because irda... 23:46 < aszlig> oh.. 23:46 * tsa imagines owl sitting on blindcoder 23:46 < owl> strace modprobe ircomm-tty 23:46 < owl> and so on 23:47 < owl> a missing file /var/log/ksymoops might is the reason for the "randomization of irda-work" 23:48 < owl> but wtf ... *grml* 23:51 -!- temr [~pm@pD9E33EEF.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("zz") 23:57 < esden> ok gn8 --- Log closed Wed Nov 27 00:00:20 2002