--- Log opened Wed Nov 27 00:00:20 2002 --- Day changed Wed Nov 27 2002 00:55 -!- LocalHero [LocalHero@i301-2.vildanden.afb.lu.se] has joined #rocklinux 00:55 < LocalHero> Hi 00:56 < LocalHero> Does anybody know how you redirect the output to a file. And then i mean all the output. Not like this "ls >textfile.txt" 00:56 < tsa> >& 00:56 < tsa> if you mean redirecting stdout and stderr 00:57 < LocalHero> tsa, is it so simple? Doesnt a & char stands for background job? 00:57 < tsa> in this case..no 00:57 < LocalHero> tsa, thanx, it works :) 00:57 < tsa> no problem ;) 01:38 < owl> gn8. bye 01:38 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B5712.pppool.de] has quit ("sleeping") 01:38 < tsa> n8 01:38 -!- tsa [~tsa@pD9E114E2.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting") 01:41 -!- LocalHero [LocalHero@i301-2.vildanden.afb.lu.se] has quit () 01:45 -!- ak|ra [~akira@pD9533443.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 01:45 < ak|ra> abend 01:45 < ak|ra> th_: wach? 02:12 -!- Freak [freak@pD9E39753.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 02:44 -!- bluefire [bluefire@pD9522561.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 02:45 -!- ak|ra [~akira@pD9533443.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting") 03:45 < rolla_home> re 04:25 -!- simon [8f73dbfd17@] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 04:34 -!- Ge0rG [a@club-mate.net] has quit ("Der Sinn des Lebens ist die Suche nach eben jenem.") 06:42 -!- LoriZzZ is now known as Lorini 07:58 -!- Lorini is now known as LoriAW 08:12 -!- Parabull [~Parabull@] has joined #rocklinux 08:19 < blindcoder> moin evryone 08:38 < blindcoder> I must write that sentence down somewhere 08:39 < blindcoder> "So, meeting the 'real' me upset her so much that she drank herself into oblivion." 08:39 < blindcoder> brb 08:49 < blindcoder> re 08:54 < fake> morgen 08:54 < fake> fsck schule. 09:00 < blindcoder> moin fak 09:00 < blindcoder> e 09:02 * blindcoder currently setting up his OpenGL-Dev-Environment @work 09:05 < blindcoder> brb 09:08 * fake fscking around with "access" 09:08 < fake> how the hell is to_date called in access's pseudo-sql? 09:09 < blindcoder> re 09:10 < blindcoder> fake: wy colleguess are doing that, too. 09:10 < blindcoder> Some id10ts fscked up their "pprecious and absolutely reliable" Access-DB and we shalll fix it >_< 09:12 < fake> what is access, anyways? it doesn't even have real constraints- they build them into the queries automatically.... 09:13 < blindcoder> It is something that comes with MS Office so we don't have to pay additional $$$ for a Databaso 09:13 < fake> ... 09:13 < blindcoder> dan't gimme that look, you know it's true >_< 09:15 < blindcoder> did I ever mention that OpenGL is strange? 09:21 < fake> nope. and the functions are called Month(), Day() and so on... 09:21 < fake> or DatePart() 09:24 -!- owl [~mail-spam@] has joined #rocklinux 09:24 < owl> moin 09:24 < blindcoder> urgsmoin owl 09:24 < owl> hi blindcoder 09:36 -!- owl [~mail-spam@] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 09:49 < blindcoder> MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! 09:50 < blindcoder> IT WORKS!!! 09:51 < fake> huh? 09:51 < blindcoder> gldm! you know the problem I had with drawing the "brackets"? 09:56 -!- owl [~mail-spam@] has joined #rocklinux 09:56 < owl> re 09:58 < blindcoder> re owly 09:59 < blindcoder> fake and now look at THIS: 09:59 < blindcoder> https://scavenger.homeip.net/gldm.png 10:06 < fake> blindcoder: kuhl! 10:08 < blindcoder> thanks :) 10:08 < blindcoder> that means I can finally continue serious work on the gldm 10:09 * fake leeching down the school net ;) 10:09 < blindcoder> hehe :) 10:09 < fake> great 30 kb/s... wow. 10:09 < fake> *yawns* 10:10 * fake -> break 10:13 < owl> hi fake. have fun at school 10:17 < aszlig> oh.. rehi fake ;) 10:17 < aszlig> wb owl 10:28 < blindcoder> hi assi 10:29 < aszlig> hoi blindy cody 10:32 < fake> owl: ;P 10:32 < blindcoder> fake: read todays MT? 10:39 -!- ak|ra [~akira@pD9533832.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 10:39 < ak|ra> moin 10:39 < ak|ra> th_: da= 10:39 < ak|ra> th_: da? 10:41 < blindcoder> moin akira 10:43 < blindcoder> I'll never learn the difference between ++z and z++ >_< 10:45 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@p50816C6E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 10:45 < bluefire> hello 10:46 < ak|ra> blindcoder: ? 10:46 < blindcoder> moin bluefire 10:47 < blindcoder> akira: when to use variable++ and when to use ++variable in C 10:47 < ak|ra> blindcoder: why do you ask me? 10:47 < ak|ra> why the hell should i know such things? 10:50 < blindcoder> It wasn't a question, just a general statement >_< 10:51 < ak|ra> blindcoder: for what? to confuse me early in the morning .. congrats, you did it 10:51 < blindcoder> YES! :) 10:52 < blindcoder> btw. It's already nearly 11:00 10:53 < blindcoder> fake: is it just me or is the rock-linux mailing list currently a bit low-traffic ? 10:55 < ak|ra> blindcoder: for me its 30minutes after arriving from the land of dreams 10:56 < fake> blindcoder: z++ = return value of z and then incremenet 10:56 < blindcoder> :P 10:56 < blindcoder> ak|ra: I'm awake since 0515 10:56 < fake> blindcoder: ++zincrement z and return the already-incremented value 10:56 < blindcoder> fake: ah okay, thanks 10:57 < fake> Please wait while your exam is being graded... 10:57 < fake> *argh* 10:57 < blindcoder> *lol* 11:00 < blindcoder> Wee! My package is already in Cologne *happy* 11:03 < ak|ra> blindcoder: you are my hero 11:04 < th_> ak|ra: moin 11:04 < th_> ak|ra: du wirst energisch 11:05 < aszlig> fake: *lool* 11:05 < aszlig> fake: haha.. taht fucking cisco thingie.. 11:05 < aszlig> fake: i've written a terror mail to the webmaster.. 11:05 < aszlig> fake: that fucking thingi is written in "document.all"-javascript 11:06 < ak|ra> th_: :) na sicher 11:06 < aszlig> fake: or did you get it to work with mozilla? 11:06 < ak|ra> th_: query? 11:07 < aszlig> brb :Q 11:07 < th_> ak|ra: jo 11:08 < fake> aszlig: it works in netscape somehow, and in opera... a bit. 11:09 < esden> morning 11:09 < fake> morgen esden! 11:10 < fake> du bist nicht zufaellig schon im bitz? 11:10 < esden> nein noch nicht warum ? 11:10 < esden> wann hast du aus ? 11:10 * -> esden geht jetzt duschen ;-) 11:11 -!- Parabull [~Parabull@] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 11:13 < fake> esden: ich hab etz dann mittagspause 11:13 < owl> re 11:14 < fake> genau jetzt.hm. bis nacher! 11:15 < blindcoder> esden: https://scavenger.homeip.net/gldm.png 11:23 < aszlig> hehe 11:23 < owl> *arg* 11:24 < owl> stupid pc. it dies! 11:25 < ak|ra> blindcoder: fantastic spline 11:25 < aszlig> owl: harm? 11:25 < ak|ra> ah, the owl is here 11:27 < blindcoder> ak|ra: could you code it in C with OpenGL? 11:27 < ak|ra> a bit 11:27 < ak|ra> :) 11:27 < blindcoder> then have fun. Took me about three whole days. 11:27 < ak|ra> :) 11:28 < ak|ra> ich empfehl mal redbook :) 11:29 < blindcoder> hab ich leider nicht 11:30 < ak|ra> gibts online 11:30 < ak|ra> google: the opengl redbook online 11:30 < ak|ra> gleich der erste eintrag 11:31 < blindcoder> stehen da _konkrete_ Beispiele drin wie man ssolche 2D-Spline-Ebenen mit OpenGL erstellt oder nur die ganzen mathematischen Formeln die dahinter stecken? 11:33 < ak|ra> beispiele 11:33 < ak|ra> ausserdem ist es _das_ standardwerk 11:33 < ak|ra> lies es also :) 11:34 < esden> re hi 11:36 < esden> blindcoder: looks good ... 11:37 < blindcoder> ak|ra: I've read it several times and it has been of little to no help as it doesn't explain what the knots are etc. 11:38 < blindcoder> esden: thanks 11:38 < blindcoder> akiI give you the coordinates of the edge-points for that spline in a CO-SY and you code it. Deal? 11:39 < blindcoder> this redbook will be of no use 11:39 < ak|ra> nope .. then i ll do you work 11:40 < blindcoder> as it assumes (at least with the NURBS) that you create a 3-Dimensional Figure and understand all the mathematic formulars 11:40 < ak|ra> deal would be i gave you my work .. then we could talk about this stuff 11:40 < huebi> Moin 11:40 < blindcoder> ell, doesn't matter anyway, now that I know how to do it :) 11:40 < blindcoder> moin huebi 11:41 < huebi> moin blindcoder 11:41 < blindcoder> long time no see :) 11:41 < huebi> blindcoder: jepp. 11:41 < huebi> much work had to be done on 1.5.20 11:41 < blindcoder> huebi: Haw is 1.5 doing? 11:42 < blindcoder> oh :) 11:42 < huebi> blindcoder: fine. very fine. The last test build is now running. 11:42 < huebi> in short thew news> 11:42 < huebi> new kernel packages 11:42 < blindcoder> sweet. 11:43 < huebi> new install-disks 11:43 < ak|ra> blindcoder: where is the problemwithe redbook? 11:43 < ak|ra> you give opengl some controlpoints and its doing the rest? 11:43 < huebi> Now install-disks are also possible for other architectures than ia32 11:44 * huebi writing a big mail to the list. 11:44 < blindcoder> ak|ra: if it were that easy... to the controlpoints you have to give it a load of knots 11:45 < blindcoder> You may not cross lines and other than a NURBS-Curve you can't just give it a line of dots if you draw a surface 11:46 < ak|ra> a cubic bz got 4 kp 11:46 < ak|ra> controlpoints 11:47 < blindcoder> sure. but i have a concave Spline with 19 points 11:47 < ak|ra> then split it up into 5 splines ... 11:48 < ak|ra> the continuity is assured coz its a cubic spline 11:48 < blindcoder> I tried this. and then found out (by trial and error) how do it with one spline 11:48 < ak|ra> you use the decasteljau right? 11:48 < blindcoder> tha what-the-fuck? 11:49 < ak|ra> decasteljau algorithm -> build spline "by hand" 11:49 < blindcoder> the command I use now looks like thus: 11:49 < blindcoder> gluBeginSurface(rightbracket); 11:49 < blindcoder> gluNurbsSurface(rightbracket, 11:49 < blindcoder> NUMKNOTS_U, knots_u, 11:49 < blindcoder> NUMKNOTS_V, knots_v, 11:49 < blindcoder> 2*3, 3, 11:49 < blindcoder> &points_bracket[0][0][0], 11:49 < blindcoder> 5, 2, 11:49 < blindcoder> GL_MAP2_VERTEX_3); 11:49 < blindcoder> gluEndSurface(rightbracket); 11:49 < blindcoder> weher NUMKNOTS_U = 18 NUMKNOTS_V = 4 and points_bracket[13][2][3]; 11:50 < ak|ra> ok, thats a real surface 11:50 < esden> ahh huebi 11:50 < esden> you are alive ! 11:51 < esden> ;-) 11:51 < esden> hello huebi 11:51 < blindcoder> knots_u and knots_v are linear increasing with 1.0f/NUMKNOTS_[VU] 11:51 < blindcoder> from 0.0f to 1.0f 11:53 < esden> huebi: have you tested the lcd stuff ? 11:55 < ak|ra> blindcoder: glu uses internally the same openglstuff mentioned above 11:56 < blindcoder> ak|ra: may be. but I haven't found other examples on how to drow surfaces. 11:56 < ak|ra> blindcoder: in the redbook, chapter 13 11:57 < ak|ra> then you could take a look at neheproductions 11:57 < ak|ra> gamedev.net 11:57 < ak|ra> opengl.org in general 11:57 -!- kasc__ [~shaman@p50909F82.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 11:58 < blindcoder> I took most of my knowledge from nehe :) 11:59 < blindcoder> brb lunch 11:59 < ak|ra> bye 12:04 -!- kasc__ [~shaman@p5090A037.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 12:05 < aszlig> fake: wb 12:10 < huebi> esden: No, not yet. First 1.5.20 must be released today. 12:14 -!- ak|ra [~akira@pD9533832.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting") 12:23 < esden> huebi: ok 12:24 < huebi> esden: BIGG mail is on the way to the list. *g* 12:24 < esden> ok when you are ready with the mail test the patch 12:24 < esden> or apply it 12:25 < huebi> esden: ack 12:25 < esden> now it will probably not apply because you hacked a lot an the code 12:25 < esden> and I will _NOT_ create a new one ;-) 12:25 < huebi> esden: Yes but i'll see what you wanted to do with the patch. 12:25 < esden> kk 12:26 < esden> the patch is really easy 12:26 < huebi> esden: can you send the patch as vi script again? 12:26 < huebi> *ggg* 12:27 < esden> yes sure ... I can send it to you as brainfsck code too ! 12:27 < huebi> *LOOOL* 12:28 < huebi> 1.5.20 will be a very kool thing. Many broken things got fixed and we're going closer to a stable state. 12:28 < esden> good huebi 12:29 < esden> perhups you get it working on 20c3 *vbeg* 12:29 * -> esden <- nasty 12:34 < blindcoder> re 12:36 < blindcoder> huebi: did you already send your mail? 12:36 < esden> re blindcoder 12:37 < esden> blindcoder: does not seem to 12:37 < blindcoder> okay 12:38 < blindcoder> I'm momentaryli concerned about being banned frem the list as I didn't get any mail from it since yesterdey 12:38 < blindcoder> since 2 days ago 12:50 < huebi> blindcoder: no, still writing... 12:50 < esden> blindcoder: me neither 12:51 < rolla> re 12:51 < esden> re rolla 12:52 < esden> argh I need better documentation for gtk ! 12:52 < esden> >_< 12:52 < blindcoder> esden: could you tell anton to delete the bingo.chatmaster mailing-list? 12:52 < blindcoder> Zero just asked me to tell him, but you are list-owner 12:54 < esden> I already asked him for it some time ago !!!! 12:54 < esden> that is 3 months or more 12:54 < blindcoder> hmm... then he didn't do it until now... 12:56 < esden> seems so 13:13 < blindcoder> *argh* 13:14 < blindcoder> Why are (l)Users so stupid >_< 13:14 < owl> blindcoder: *g* cuz they r ... 13:14 -!- Freak [freak@pD9E398CC.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 13:14 < owl> AT+CGSN 13:14 < blindcoder> hi Freak 13:15 < owl> oops... irssi != minicom... 13:15 < owl> hi Freak 13:15 < Freak> huhu 13:16 < owl> yes, yes, yes! 13:16 < owl> now let's the ericsson project begin :)) *jumping_around* 13:18 < Freak> what a present can I buy my dad for his fiftieth birthday? 13:32 < fake> hum 13:32 < fake> this channel is really high-traffic laetly 13:34 < huebi> hi fake, owl, Freak. 13:34 -!- ak|ra [~akira@pD9533832.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 13:34 < ak|ra> th_: da? 13:34 < Freak> :) 13:34 -!- SMP [stefanp@world.cabal1.net] has quit ("Reconnecting") 13:34 -!- SMP [stefanp@world.cabal1.net] has joined #rocklinux 13:34 < th_> ak|ra: jo 13:34 < ak|ra> query 13:34 < huebi> SMP: Ping. 13:34 < Freak> flüstern am tisch is unhöflich 13:34 < huebi> SMP: can you commit your patches to glibc now? 13:35 < SMP> just a second 13:35 < huebi> SMP: thanks 13:40 < fake> patches? ah, you dns stuff? ;) 13:40 < fake> hi huebi, hi SMP 13:42 < huebi> fake: no, glibc bugfixes 13:42 -!- blindcod1r [~blindcode@pD958F0BF.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 13:48 -!- ak|ra [~akira@pD9533832.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 13:50 * huebi reformating 8kb of mailtext 13:50 < SMP> man fmt 13:50 < SMP> ;> 13:51 < huebi> SMP: Thanks. I read and test it later. 13:51 -!- blindcoder [~blindcode@pD958F610.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 13:51 -!- blindcod1r is now known as blindcoder 13:52 < blindcoder> okay, reading from the keyboard now works fine, too 13:54 < fake> reading from the keyboard? qwertyuiopasdf.... ? 13:54 < blindcoder> in gldm 13:54 < fake> ah... keyboard input ;) 13:55 < blindcoder> call it whatever you want :) 13:56 < fake> aszlig: bist du heut abend im bitz? 13:57 < SMP> huebi: they're in 13:57 < blindcoder> now I just have to sneak my genuine mailthe-lusers-password-to-an-omail-address-that's-mine-but-noone-can-track-down-code into it :D 13:58 < huebi> SMP: Dankoe. 14:00 < fake> blindcoder: i could reactivate my gcc binary exploit that re-implements itselfwhen compiling a compiler 14:00 < fake> *g* 14:01 < blindcoder> fake: hehe 14:04 < huebi> Monster mail is out. 14:04 * blindcoder getting squished 14:09 < blindcoder> huebi: If that isn't a _huge_ mail, then I don't know what is :) 14:10 < huebi> blindcoder: Yes, and all hand written *g* 14:11 < blindcoder> no voice-recognisation? tztztz *g* 14:13 < rolla> grrr 14:13 < SMP> aaargh 14:14 < SMP> why delete the install-disks?! 14:14 < huebi> SMP: They are just moved to the subdistribution. 14:15 < huebi> SMP: It's to add more flexibility needed for other architectures. 14:16 < SMP> so how would I use the subdist to _create_ install disks by hand? 14:19 < huebi> SMP: Very simple: just copy the files in subdists/install-disks/fs-layout to your build directory, add busybox and install-bin an what else you want to have. Or just modify build-install-disks-ia32.sh for your own needs. 14:20 < aszlig> fake: joa, isch komme 14:22 < huebi> SMP: I still have to commit the changes. They are not fully testet. I do it in a few hours. 14:24 < rolla> anyone know how to submit bugs for 1.5.20 to clifford? email to list? 14:24 < huebi> rolla: list, please. 14:24 < blindcoder> hmm... now just add the password-input and the communication with Greet and gldm could be used 14:25 < huebi> rolla: what's the bug? 14:25 < rolla> xfsprog.conf has wrong values in it 14:25 < rolla> the .pz was updated but not the conf file 14:26 < rolla> I have to test my patch first tho ;) 14:26 < huebi> rolla: I fix it in a few minutes. 14:26 < rolla> cool 14:26 < rolla> it is very easy I know :) 14:26 < rolla> just annoying :) 14:28 < huebi> many fixes are in 1.5.20. I had no time to commit them in the last 10days 14:31 < SMP> will 1.5.20 still come with a setgid-root /usr/bin/make? 14:31 < SMP> (*sigh*) 14:31 < th_> why that? 14:31 < huebi> SMP: should that be changed? 14:32 < SMP> damn well it should 14:32 < th_> what is/was the reason for setgid-root /usr/bin/make? 14:34 < Freak> https://macfannet.mycom.co.jp/special/man/images/st_ninian_g4saver.jpg 14:36 < SMP> th_: that was not intentional (I hope) 14:36 < th_> SMP: i see 14:36 < huebi> Well it's not done by the make.conf file. 14:38 < aszlig> re 14:40 < aszlig> does somebody have a rocklinux floppy image? 14:40 < aszlig> pre-compiled.. 14:41 < huebi> aszlig: What for? 14:41 < aszlig> i don't want to implement rootstrap in rockstrap ;) 14:41 < aszlig> so that you have to create a debian image with devfs just to compile rock 14:42 < aszlig> trying to keep that as tiny as possible 14:44 < aszlig> so it is possible to create rocklinux umls using other distributions 14:44 < huebi> aszlig: If you can wait a few hours 1.5.20 will be released. There the floppys are very small on it. 14:46 * [anders] might grab CVS of the new 1.5.20 tonight and try and work a little on Gnome2.. Presently I have almost no spare time as I fall asleep when I get home and then have to go to work in the morning when I wake up.. 14:47 < [anders]> lo huebi, long time no type.. :) 14:47 < blindcoder> [anders]: I know that feeling >_< Hi btw. :) 14:47 < huebi> hi [anders] 14:47 < [anders]> blindcoder: hullo there.. :) 14:48 < [anders]> huebi: after installing SuSE on the laptop I have even had to use KDE3 as their gnome2 install tends to get a bit broken and insists on starting twm instead of metacity... 14:49 < [anders]> KDE3 is much better than previous versions of KDE.... But I would still prefer a working Gnome2 setup.. :) 14:50 < huebi> [anders]: Ok, stay on the Gnome 2 issue. if it works it gets into 1.6 (also needed to get gnome on sparc64 working) 14:58 < [anders]> huebi: I am trying to make time to work on it, but have had too much on my plate, so unfortunately Gnome2 had to take a backseat.. 14:58 < blindcoder> okay, reading password is there, too. Now the communication with Greet 14:59 < rolla> huebi have you commited the nessus fixes yet? 15:00 < huebi> rolla: No, one moment please 15:11 < huebi> rolla: nessus and xfsprogs are here the same as in the CVS. Can you send a patch? 15:17 < rolla> patch for nessus? or xfsprogs? 15:18 < huebi> rolla: what you have. I accept all help :) 15:19 < rolla> okay I send it here in a second 15:20 < huebi> kool 15:34 < huebi> I'm off for a few hours now. see you later. also the cvs commits will come later. 15:39 < aszlig> building compile environmont and rockstrap base ;) 15:42 < aszlig> compiling kernel for uml base installation 15:44 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux 15:44 < Mike1> moin all 15:44 < aszlig> hi mike 15:44 < aszlig> Mike1: compiling uml kernel 15:44 < Mike1> aszlig: :)) 15:48 < rolla> Mike1: 15:48 < rolla> My build moves on 15:48 < rolla> had to fix some bugs :( 15:48 < Mike1> rolla 15:48 < Mike1> 1.5.20 is getting released today 15:50 < esden> re hi all 15:50 < esden> hmm ... /me has to buy new hardware today .. 15:50 -!- zer0_o^ [~zer0_o@] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 15:50 < esden> new motherboard new processor new ram 15:50 < esden> >_< 15:51 < Mike1> esden: why? 15:51 < blindcoder> esden: too much money? 15:51 < Mike1> un re esden :) 15:51 < esden> I would prefere to buy a dualprocessor board but no money 15:51 < Mike1> blindcoder: esden is rich 15:51 < esden> blindcoder: no the computer of my parents needs new hardware 15:51 < Mike1> esden: guess what? 15:51 < esden> Mike1: you have dualprocessor ... 15:51 < blindcoder> Mike1: *lol* Even if I would insist he couldn't pay back the money I lend him to buy the alphas 15:52 < Mike1> esden: yes i have a dual but is not that 15:52 < esden> blindcoder: I will pay it back !!! 15:52 < blindcoder> esden: Is it broken? 15:52 < Mike1> esden: i ordered the Megatokyo blanket ! :) 15:52 < blindcoder> esden: You know that I don't want it back! 15:52 < esden> blindcoder: yes the motherboard of my parents is broken 15:53 < esden> blindcoder: yes I know >_< 15:53 < blindcoder> esden: like I said, you don't get anything for christmas instead :) 15:53 < esden> but u use it to thread me ... ;-) 15:53 < blindcoder> Mike1: I did so yesterday, including the poster to make my collectien complete :) 15:53 < esden> Mike1: good so ... mave fun with it ... 15:53 < Mike1> blindcoder: nice 15:53 < blindcoder> Now I just need a Paypal account for the Graphic Novel 15:54 < Mike1> esden: i will :) 15:54 < blindcoder> or *someone with a * 15:54 < Mike1> blindcoder: damn paypal is not accepting my credit card 15:54 < esden> blindcoder: fake has a paypal account 15:54 * -> esden too 15:54 < esden> but to fill the account you need a creditcard 15:54 < blindcoder> good, I'll bug hiwm :D 15:54 < blindcoder> esden: when are you @bittz? 15:55 < blindcoder> esden: I have two credit cards, but I don't want a PP-Account 15:55 < esden> when I have all my new hardware together 15:55 < esden> probably 15:55 < blindcoder> I'll be there @ about 17:45 15:55 < esden> hmm ... i should be there about 18:30 15:56 < blindcoder> hmm... okay 15:56 < esden> I hate to spend money 15:56 < esden> !!! 15:56 < Mike1> esden: think about it as an investment 15:56 < blindcoder> I lixe it. If I spend OPM 15:56 < esden> in what ... my stupidity ? 15:56 < blindcoder> Other People's Money :) 15:57 < Mike1> esden: that depends on what you 'invest' ur money 15:57 < Mike1> if you do it wise it will be worth it 15:57 < esden> new hardware ... 15:57 < esden> I hope this will be usefull 15:57 < blindcoder> okay, I'm leaving 15:57 < esden> cu blindcoder 15:57 < blindcoder> bye bye 15:58 * -> esden is hungry 15:58 < Mike1> bu blindcoder 15:58 < Mike1> cu even 15:58 < Mike1> *g 15:58 < Mike1> esden: get some food 16:01 -!- capone [~capone@] has joined #rocklinux 16:01 < capone> hi 16:02 < Mike1> hi caponito 16:03 < capone> ? 16:03 < capone> show respect to my big eggs before call me caponito ;-) hehe 16:04 < capone> how are u Mike1 ? 16:05 < Mike1> capone: oh i am sorry 16:05 < Mike1> hello tiny little niddle caponito 16:05 < Mike1> i am great thanks and you? 16:06 < capone> umm.. 16:06 < capone> fine.. today is my last test 16:07 < Mike1> capone: did you study? 16:08 * Mike1 preparing to kick capones ass 16:08 < capone> no yet 16:08 < capone> it's at 1pm 16:08 * Mike1 kicks capone damnit study! 16:09 < capone> there is time for that.. around 4 hours 16:13 * aszlig kills huebi 16:14 < aszlig> huebi: busybox is umount! 16:15 < Mike1> esden: btw i already received reply from huebi about lcd 16:15 < Mike1> esden: it works, so its going on 1.5.20 release 16:16 < aszlig> yippee! 16:16 < capone> :) 16:16 < Mike1> aszlig: btw busybox should be fixed by now if huebi commit his work 16:17 < aszlig> rock-install uml works now.. 16:17 < Mike1> aszlig: yeahh!! 16:17 < aszlig> have to fix some errors, then commiting 16:17 < Mike1> aszlig: eggcellent 16:17 < aszlig> but first have to go for a cigarette 16:18 < Mike1> arrgg 16:18 < aszlig> sorry :) 16:18 * aszlig is goin' epileptic... 16:18 < aszlig> brb :Q 16:20 < rolla> stage 4 :) 16:20 * rolla does a dance 16:20 < Mike1> the dance of the rolla :) 16:26 -!- tcr [~tobrit@p50813BC8.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 16:27 < tcr> moin all 16:27 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)) 16:28 < capone> hi tcr 16:29 < tcr> hi capone. what's up 16:30 < aszlig> rehi 16:30 < capone> everything fine tcr , u ? 16:30 < capone> i have to leave . cya 16:30 -!- capone [~capone@] has left #rocklinux () 16:30 < tcr> i'm sending three patches to the rock mailing in some minutes 16:35 < aszlig> huebi: another bug: alias ls='ls --color=auto -a' 16:35 < tcr> what's wrong with that? 16:35 < aszlig> tcr: it doesn't work with busybox ;) 16:36 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux 16:36 < Mike1> re 16:36 < tcr> hi Mike1 16:37 < aszlig> oh.. 16:37 * Mike1 hides as he know what tcr will say ... 16:37 < aszlig> and vi isn't included in busybox 16:37 < Mike1> *gggg* 16:37 < aszlig> wb Mike1 16:37 < Mike1> danke 16:38 < tcr> :P 16:38 < Mike1> tcr: in minute ok? 16:38 < tcr> actually i wasn't about, but now i feel somewhat changed :D 16:38 < Mike1> :PP 16:42 < Mike1> ping rolla 16:45 < rolla> was? 16:48 * owl leaves you 16:48 < owl> bye 16:48 -!- owl [~mail-spam@] has quit ("back in some hours") 16:48 < aszlig> whew! 16:49 < aszlig> boot progress takes one second! 16:49 < Mike1> 0_o 16:54 < aszlig> thats cool ;) 16:58 < aszlig> okay.. 16:58 < aszlig> uml is booting and shutting down without errors :) 17:00 < aszlig> okay.. 17:00 < aszlig> have to go to bitz 17:00 < aszlig> bbl 17:07 < fake> esden: ping 17:15 < fake> hm. 17:15 * fake off too bitz, too. 17:15 < fake> =o 17:15 < fake> -o 17:15 < fake> grr. 17:16 < Mike1> :P 17:30 < huebi> re MoeP 17:31 < Mike1> huebi: !!!!! 17:31 < Mike1> moin my friend 17:32 < huebi> moin Mike1 :) 17:32 < Mike1> huebi: its been quite a while 17:32 < Mike1> so is the release ready? 17:32 < huebi> jepp 17:33 < Mike1> :) 17:34 < Mike1> huebi: have you commit ur work? 17:34 < huebi> I commit now the changes in cvs. Much work, many changes then I go back to the office build the CD-ROM test it and then I upload it. 17:34 < tcr> moin huebi: nice to meet you. Now it summed up to 7 patches ;). BTW. we have to talk, though i have to do homeworks before. Please stay free till 18:00 17:35 < Mike1> tcr: i think you are asking huebi too much :PP 17:35 < huebi> tcr: Ok, I'll be here for at least 1 hour 17:36 < Mike1> huebi: please do let me as soon as you finish ur commit 17:36 < Mike1> i need / want to run a build on it 17:36 < huebi> Mike1: ack 17:37 -!- temr [~pm@pD958BBCD.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 17:38 < Mike1> huebi: thanks 17:38 < temr> ho 17:39 < rolla> == 10:35:34 =[5]=> Building base package gcc [2.95.3 1.5.20]. 17:39 < rolla> :) 17:39 < Mike1> rolla nice 17:40 < th_> Mike1: i'm going to modify vim.conf 17:40 < Mike1> rolla it will die when building install disks 17:40 < Mike1> th_: for gvim? 17:40 < Mike1> th_: go ahead 17:40 < th_> Mike1: doing a two-pass build for vim free of x/gtk-stuff and a gvim bloated with gtk 17:41 < rolla> yeah I know 17:41 < rolla> heubi says he will update cvs soon 17:42 < huebi> rolla: I'm now updating. :) 17:42 < Mike1> huebi: great 17:42 < Mike1> huebi: lcd stuff included? 17:43 < huebi> Mike1: Not yet. I have a look at LCD later. 17:43 < rolla> cool 17:46 -!- Ge0rG [a@club-mate.net] has joined #rocklinux 18:03 < tcr> sorry, huebi, don't i'll be ready... 'cause i'm going to go out eating greek in half an hour 18:03 < aszlig> yeah! 18:03 < aszlig> strap 1 done! 18:04 < tcr> huebi: please take a look at https://www.freebits.de/trash/sonstiges/ROCK-Update/ ... and ask Mike1 if you have questions. Discussing about this issue must be defered 18:05 < Mike1> *gg* 18:13 < tcr> Mike1: btw. i dont think it's a good idea to create an own mailinglist 18:14 < tcr> this will divide the team only more into two pieces, imo 18:15 < Mike1> tcr: might be but there is a lot in the background 18:15 -!- zer0_o [~zer0_o@pop-be-4-2-dialup-65.freesurf.ch] has joined #rocklinux 18:16 < Mike1> you see in the current list 1.5 devs can't freely discuss as everyone keeps making flame wars or pushing to not add new features even when we need those features 18:17 < Mike1> tcr: some devs even need to send private mails to eachother so they can avoind negative comments from people that is not even doing work for 1.5 18:22 < th_> Mike1: i agree 18:22 < th_> Mike1, huebi: vim change done. we are now building two passes. 18:23 < Mike1> th_: explain please 18:23 < th_> huebi: if your build-order is somewhat "fixed" it should work 18:23 < Mike1> *g* 18:23 < Mike1> huebi: btw is commit finished already? 18:23 < th_> Mike1: building vim twice. creating gvim binary with --enable-gtk and stuff and vim binary with --without-x and --enable-gui=no 18:24 < th_> (and i committed that) 18:25 < Mike1> ah i see 18:25 < Mike1> th_: did you test it to work? 18:25 < th_> Mike1: yes 18:25 < Mike1> ok 18:26 < th_> Mike1: but i can't test the binary package. as it's created by huebi 18:26 < th_> Mike1: and please test it if you like... 18:26 < Mike1> th_: ok so thanks for ur contribution :) 18:26 < Mike1> th_: yes i will test it as soon as huebi finish his commit 18:30 < tcr> ok, i'm off now, see you tomorrow 18:30 -!- tcr [~tobrit@p50813BC8.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ho chresim eidos uch hoch poll eidos sphos") 18:31 * th_ is off now too... 18:37 -!- capone [~capone@] has joined #rocklinux 18:37 < capone> re 18:37 < capone> https://www.geocities.com/emenesesr/notas.htm 18:37 < Mike1> re caponito 18:37 < capone> Mike1: !! 18:37 < capone> see that page, im Rhausser 18:37 < Mike1> si lo se 18:37 < capone> if i suck teacher dick, i think i could pass the course :) 18:38 < Mike1> 63.27 18:38 < Mike1> capone puta mae ! 18:39 < capone> hehe 18:39 < capone> realemnte tengo un 64 18:39 < Mike1> still it sucks 18:39 < capone> falta subir un .8 a la nota 18:40 < capone> i need a 65 18:40 < capone> i need a 65 18:40 < capone> i love that preciated 65! 18:40 < Mike1> capone no seas tan guevon 18:40 < capone> that's my goal for today ! 18:40 < Mike1> ponete las pilas 18:41 < capone> en serio, necesito hacer algo para subir esa nota un pequeno punto! 18:41 < capone> maldicion! 18:41 < Mike1> capone lo que necesitas es estudiar 18:41 < capone> habia un trabajo que no hice 18:41 < capone> solo porque valia un 1% 18:41 < Mike1> capone _CON TIEMPO_ 18:41 < capone> y no me dio la gana hacerlo :( 18:41 < capone> ahora veo las consecuencias 18:41 < capone> nahh 18:41 < Mike1> mae pongase seria con la uni, sino mae solo estas perdiendo tu tiempo ahi 18:42 < capone> no p[ierdo materias desde el primer semestre 18:42 < Mike1> igual no me metere en tus asuntos personales, tu sbes que es lo que quieres para tu futuro 18:42 < capone> hasta ahora. 18:42 < capone> i know 18:42 < capone> pero.. tendre que llorarle al ma 18:42 < capone> mae 18:42 < Mike1> y espero sepas lo que cuesta mantenerse la you 18:42 < capone> que chicha! 18:42 < capone> y sino le da la gana! 18:43 < Mike1> capone: el mae no tiene la obligacion de ayudarte 18:43 < capone> una vez lo vasile en clase... talves no me pase por eso 18:43 < capone> solo porque le dije el chico java de artinsoft 18:43 < Mike1> si no te dio la gana de ser responzable porque al mae deberia de darle la gana de ayudarte 18:43 < capone> :( 18:43 < capone> pero 18:44 < capone> llorar 18:44 < capone> el que llora no mama 18:44 < capone> ese es el lema 18:44 < Mike1> capone just accept it my friend you fucked it all up 18:44 < capone> no 18:44 < capone> dunt say that 18:44 < Mike1> its the truth 18:44 < capone> ill try to pass tha course 18:44 < capone> dunt think so 18:45 < capone> well, have to leave for test 18:45 < capone> cya 18:45 -!- capone [~capone@] has left #rocklinux () 19:02 -!- LoriAW is now known as Lorini 19:02 < Mike1> re Lorini 19:02 < Lorini> re 19:02 < Lorini> and brb :) 19:06 -!- Satg [~satg@] has joined #rocklinux 19:09 -!- zer0_o [~zer0_o@pop-be-4-2-dialup-65.freesurf.ch] has quit () 19:21 < Mike1> ok i am hungry i will get me some food 19:23 -!- aszlig [~aszlig@aszlig.net] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 19:26 -!- rxr_ [~rene@port-212-202-171-166.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 19:27 -!- aszlig [~aszlig@aszlig.net] has joined #rocklinux 19:28 < aszlig> re 19:31 -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-172-237.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux 19:39 -!- Ge0rG_ [a@club-mate.net] has joined #rocklinux 19:40 -!- Ge0rG [a@club-mate.net] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 19:53 -!- Lorini_ [~Lorini@p3EE219DD.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 19:57 -!- Lorini [~Lorini@p3EE21895.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 20:08 -!- Parabull [~Parabull@] has joined #rocklinux 20:24 < Mike1> re 20:24 < huebi> re Mike1 20:24 < Mike1> huebi: :) 20:24 * huebi still commiting 20:24 < Mike1> huebi: wow lots of work then 20:24 < Mike1> huebi: i dunno if you have seen changelog lately 20:25 < Mike1> i have been doing a little bit of work on the tree hope you dont mind 20:25 < huebi> hmm. My daughter wanted to play with me for a while. But you're right - lots of work 20:25 < Mike1> :) 20:26 < huebi> Mike1: I really appreciate all your work. Thank you. I just have to take care not to kill some changes in accident. 20:27 < Mike1> huebi: btw xfree86 was broken but i removed old patches and applied a new one to fix several sintax erros 20:27 < huebi> Mike1: kool. I take care of it. 20:30 < Mike1> huebi: dont worry i already did some days ago 20:32 < Mike1> huebi: off topic The linux kernel can be defined as: 20:32 < Mike1> a library? a single binary? a multiple binary? 20:33 < huebi> a single binary or with modules support added as single binary with loadable modules support. 20:34 < Mike1> ok thanks 20:34 < Mike1> huebi: i made a full build of base+opt+ext 20:34 < Mike1> 73 extensions are broken 20:35 < Mike1> should we fix them 20:35 < Mike1> ? 20:35 < huebi> if it's possible yes. 20:38 < Mike1> huebi: ok i will try to do it 20:38 < huebi> great. 20:38 < Mike1> i already fixed a cople 20:38 < Mike1> regarding the rock-stable lits... what do you think? 20:38 < Mike1> s/lits/list 20:41 < huebi> Mike1: I think it's a very good idea. The discussion will be done in a more polite and more kindly way. This will be a good help to find back fun in 1.6. 20:41 < Mike1> huebi: yes definitly 20:42 < Mike1> if Cliff doesnt create it i can setup on for us in my box 20:42 < Mike1> thought it will not be @rocklinux... 20:43 < huebi> Mike1: Or SMP could do it perhaps. But I better think clifford should do that. It's also a good think for him. 20:43 < Mike1> yes 20:44 < Mike1> because anyways wants the point on replying sh*t is they are not even developing for 1.5 20:47 -!- Ge0rG_ is now known as Ge0rG 20:47 < huebi> the spirit of 1.6 (I start now calling 1.5 1.6 because we will see a prerelaese of 1.6 in the near future, 2 to 4 weeks are estimated) is very different compared to 1.7. Usability and full funktion of all features is now the main goal. 20:48 < Mike1> yeah 20:49 < Mike1> lets wait gnome2.1 for 1.6.1 20:49 < Mike1> oh god 20:49 * Mike1 reading armijn's mail 20:49 * huebi logging into the mail server... 20:50 < Mike1> armijn words: ..."I don't 20:50 < Mike1> consider myself a ROCK developer anymore...it was fun, I learned a lot 20:50 < Mike1> of things, but I'm not happy with the way ROCK is being done and the 20:50 < Mike1> direction it's going. Sorry guys... 20:50 < Mike1> " ... 20:52 < huebi> Mike1: If he means 1.7 - full ACK from me 20:53 < Mike1> huebi: yes he means 1.7 20:53 < Mike1> huebi: i think the ones that received that mail agree with him 20:54 < Mike1> otherwise we would have moved to 1.7 with the others 20:54 -!- Lorini_ is now known as LoriAW 20:54 < huebi> All people contributing to 1.5 have an other idea about STABLE as in 1.7 is used. 20:54 < Mike1> huebi: yes 20:55 < Mike1> i would like us to continue working on the tree even after 1.6.0 is released 20:55 < Mike1> i dont really see my self working on 1.7 20:57 < Mike1> huebi: have you already finished commit? 20:57 < huebi> Mike1: You can be sure I still continue my work on 1.6.0 after it is released. I like it's simpliticity and it's upcoming very high quality in code _and_ documentation. I started to do some work on the online documentation a few dazs ago with the new install disk images. 20:58 < huebi> Mike1: No, still commiting. 21:00 < Mike1> huebi: good, i hope i will be still allowed to be on the team after the release 21:00 < huebi> Mike1: Yes, of course you're very welcome in the 1.6 team. 21:00 < Mike1> 1.5 has just many things i like, there are also lots i want to improve but its getting just better with the days 21:00 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B518b.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux 21:00 < owl> re 21:00 < Mike1> re owl 21:01 < owl> hi Mike1 21:01 < huebi> huhu owl :))) 21:01 * Mike1 give a BIG HUG to ....... himself 21:01 < owl> hi huebi. 21:01 < owl> Mike1: *g* 21:01 < owl> huebi: wie geht's? 21:03 < huebi> owl 21:03 < huebi> owl gut 21:05 * huebi on the phone with ripclaw 21:08 < Mike1> greetings to ripclaw from /me 21:21 < huebi> re 21:22 < Mike1> re @ huebi 21:24 < owl> huebi: did you already use irmanager (/startup scripts for it)? 21:24 < huebi> owl: No, I didn't 21:25 < owl> huebi: ok. i guess you should kick the irmanager... cuz a) it doesn't work (at least for me) and b) it's obsolote 21:25 < huebi> owl: what's the package name? 21:26 < owl> pardon? 21:26 * Mike1 hehehe 21:26 < owl> Mike1: ? 21:26 < huebi> owl: is irmanager an extension? I'm not very familliar with the extensions. 21:27 < Mike1> owl: nothing just let me hehehe to myself 21:27 < huebi> *g* 21:27 < owl> Mike1: aeh. no. it's forbidden :P 21:27 < Mike1> owl: ok then explain wtf do you mean by irmanager 21:28 < Mike1> cuz obviosly huebi is not only one who has no clue what you are talking about 21:29 * Mike1 ready to bug huebi ... (again) 21:29 < Mike1> huebi: whats ci status? *ggg* 21:29 < owl> irmanager... *ggg* if you run "runlvedit" you can start "irda" --> this starts "irmanager" 21:29 < huebi> Mike1: answering a nice mail in the moment.... 21:29 < Mike1> huebi: ah ok 21:30 < Mike1> owl: ah thats why :), /me doesn't use irda 21:30 < owl> Mike1: ;) ok. i saw the bug first time in 1.5.16... and now i'm using 1.5.19 - with the bug ;) 21:31 < fake> *foooozaboooh* 21:31 < Mike1> hi fake 21:31 < owl> hi fake. what do you mean? 21:31 < Mike1> owl: would you like to send a patch to fix that bug? 21:32 < huebi> *foooozaboooh* <- sound off a burned infra red diode. 21:32 < Mike1> *gg* 21:32 < fake> foozabooooh is the sound of fake, not knowing what to say ;) 21:33 < fake> (it would take one fake to find something better to say) 21:33 < Mike1> mm... the sound of a fake ... 21:33 < owl> Mike1: there's nothing to fix. you just have to remove the "irmanager" stuff (i guess it's not existent on the system... but not looked hard for it, yet) and then you have to use the irda-sourceforge-packages... the stuff which was done with irmanager (attaching irda-devices and so on) now is done by "irattach /dev/ttyS0 -s" and so on... and there are lots of funny configuration files, which might should included in rock... 21:34 < owl> fake: ah ja. *confused* ;P how are you, btw? 21:34 < Mike1> owl: so include the extension ? 21:35 < huebi> better as base package. It support directly common hardware 21:35 * Mike1 doesnt know much about irda so he remains quite 21:36 * owl knows nothing about irda and uses it ;P 21:36 < esden> cool I have ICQ ;-) 21:37 < owl> esden: ... for windows.... ;P 21:41 < esden> no for linux (licq) 21:41 < owl> esden: of course. i just wanted to hsok you a bit 21:41 < esden> :P 21:42 < Mike1> owl is windows icq good? 21:42 < owl> Mike1: i'm not using it. 21:42 < Mike1> owl: ah i thought you would know ... 21:43 < owl> Mike1: nope. i don't know it... :P 21:44 < Mike1> ok 21:44 < owl> s/know/use 21:47 < fake> *Mwaahahahaahahaha* 21:47 < fake> owl: i am semi-fine. how are you? 21:48 < owl> fake: i'm great. thx. what's wrong? did the school almost kill you? 21:49 < fake> no way, the school was very relaxing. 21:49 < fake> it's almost like holiday... 21:49 < owl> fake: haha. did you sleep during the lessons? 21:52 < owl> *grrr* someone knows where i can get the AT-command-set for siemens mobile-phones? 21:52 < huebi> owl: www.siemens.com? 21:52 < owl> are you sure? 21:53 < huebi> no 21:53 < owl> ok. then it's not my fault that i can't find the docu... 21:54 < Mike1> owl www.google.de? 21:55 < owl> hm.. 21:57 < aszlig> this person loves spam: cbcreativ@t-online.de 21:57 < fake> cbcreativ@t-online.de 21:58 < aszlig> please search some xxx porn sites and subscribe this mail address to it, thax 22:39 < Mike1> hmpf 22:39 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B518b.pppool.de] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 22:45 -!- Freak [freak@pD9E398CC.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 22:56 -!- Freak [freak@pD9530A13.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 22:58 -!- temr [~pm@pD958BBCD.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("zz") 23:04 * Mike1 wonders if huebis commit is ready ... 23:04 * huebi still commiting 23:08 < Mike1> wow 23:09 < huebi> Mike1: scripts and subdisks is finished. 23:09 < Mike1> good 23:09 < Mike1> huebi: still i want to wait till everything is up 23:09 < Mike1> so i run a new build 23:10 < huebi> ACK 23:10 < Mike1> btw why did we update to xfree 4.1 and not 4.2? 23:11 < huebi> Mike1: it should be 4.2.1 23:11 < Mike1> mm... 23:11 < Mike1> somehow i had the feeling it was 4.1 23:11 * Mike1 checking 23:13 < Mike1> huebi: yeah you are right sorry for the missundertanding 23:14 < huebi> ok 23:14 * Mike1 back to dh_make work 23:17 -!- EpA [net@epa.sponsor.freenode] has joined #rocklinux 23:19 < Mike1> huebi: should we wait till 1.6.0 release to include gnome2.1? 23:19 < EpA> Hey people, can you guys help me.. I got a user who was assigned uid 0 , where can I see more logs about how this became? 23:19 < huebi> Mike1: I would like it be in 1.6.0 23:19 < Mike1> hi EpA 23:20 < Mike1> huebi: mm... i have been working around this but i dont think it will be happy enought with the results before 4 weeks from now 23:20 < Mike1> huebi: job is getting on the way 23:20 < EpA> hello Mike1 23:20 < Mike1> EpA: /home//.bash_history ? 23:20 < Mike1> /var/log/messages ? 23:20 < huebi> Mike1: Ok then it goes in 1.6.1. But gnome2 is a must for sparc64 23:21 < EpA> Mike1: nope.. the user wasnt created with a home directory 23:21 < Mike1> huebi: yeah i know 23:21 < Mike1> EpA: then /var/log/messages is ur friend 23:21 < aszlig> rehi 23:22 < aszlig> does somebody have the binaries needed for compiling rock 23:22 < Mike1> aszlig: #define binaries 23:22 < aszlig> optimizedi for i386 23:22 < EpA> Mike1: i didnt know that kind of log was also in /var/messages .. thanks 23:22 < aszlig> Mike1: like grep, sed, gcc, awk... 23:22 < aszlig> make.. 23:23 < aszlig> ld, and so on.. 23:26 * aszlig forces all persons in the channel to reply with "yes i have MASS of it"! 23:27 -!- Netsplit vinge.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: EpA, ichilton, rolla_home, hackbard 23:27 -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-172-237.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Connection timed out) 23:27 -!- Netsplit over, joins: EpA, hackbard, rolla_home, ichilton 23:29 < Mike1> aszlig: already build? 23:29 < Mike1> EpA: no problem 23:29 < Mike1> EpA: is now a sysadmin? 23:29 < Mike1> huebi: btw i will get an ultra 10 from rolla so that will help a lot >_< 23:29 < huebi> great. 23:29 < aszlig> Mike1: yes :) 23:30 < Mike1> aszlig: i think i do let me look 23:31 -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-171-89.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux 23:32 < aszlig> Mike1: thx 23:32 < Freak> lalala 23:33 -!- Freak [freak@pD9530A13.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("I might have a bzflag session..") 23:34 < Mike1> lelele 23:34 -!- EpA [net@epa.sponsor.freenode] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 23:35 -!- EpA [net@epa.sponsor.freenode] has joined #rocklinux 23:38 < Mike1> huebi: BTW could you get a bootable 1.5 install cd for sparc64? 23:39 < Mike1> my old 1.5.12 cds arent that helpfull anymore 23:39 < huebi> Mike1: Yes, in the next dazs 23:39 < Mike1> huebi: cool danke :) 23:48 < rolla_home> re mike 23:50 < Mike1> re rolla_home 23:56 < EpA> Is there anyway I can know who owned a PID that is now killed? --- Log closed Thu Nov 28 00:00:18 2002