--- Log opened Tue Dec 03 00:00:15 2002 --- Day changed Tue Dec 03 2002 00:03 < aszlig> aah, that wee tasted good :D 00:06 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting") 00:12 < esden> n8 00:15 < aszlig> gnu8 00:37 < rolla_home> re 00:38 < rolla_home> is huebi around? 00:46 < aszlig> dunno 00:46 < tsa> nope. 00:51 -!- demian [~hdw_user@] has joined #rocklinux 00:51 -!- demian [~hdw_user@] has left #rocklinux () 00:54 -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-201-192.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 00:54 -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-170-0.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux 00:58 -!- bluefire [~bluefire@p5081770E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving") 01:46 -!- rxr_ [~rene@port-212-202-169-255.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux 01:55 -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-170-0.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 02:03 < tsa> n8 02:03 < rolla_home> nacht 02:03 -!- tsa [~tsa@pD9E112C4.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting") 04:47 -!- blindcod1r [~blindcode@pD9E4F830.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 05:05 -!- Ge0rG_ [georg@club-mate.net] has quit ("Der Sinn des Lebens ist die Suche nach eben jenem.") 05:06 -!- blindcoder [~blindcode@p50800C5E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 06:53 -!- capone [~voran@] has quit ("leaving") 07:01 -!- voran [~voran@] has joined #rocklinux 07:27 -!- LoriZzZ is now known as Lorini 07:28 < Lorini> moin 07:30 < voran> hi Lorini 07:30 < Lorini> hi voran 08:07 < blindcod1r> moin 08:07 -!- blindcod1r is now known as blindcoder 08:11 < Lorini> hi blindy 08:13 < blindcoder> moin Lori 08:13 < blindcoder> wie gehts so? 08:14 < Lorini> müde :) 08:14 < Lorini> der hamster hat mal wieder sein nest hinterm bett gebaut 08:15 < blindcoder> hehe 08:16 < blindcoder> und da kanst du net schlafen, oder wie? 08:16 < Lorini> dochdoch :) 08:17 < Lorini> ich musste ihn nur heute um halb 6 einfangen 08:18 < blindcoder> hehe 08:18 < blindcoder> da bin ich grade ausm Haus gegangen 08:19 < Lorini> uh 08:19 < Lorini> ziemlich früh 08:19 < blindcoder> jeden Tag 09:00 < Lorini> ich bin wieder weg 09:00 < Lorini> byebye 09:00 -!- Lorini is now known as LoriAW 09:00 < blindcoder> *winke* 09:44 < blindcoder> cool 10:16 < blindcoder> okay, Makefile rewritten to output a .so instead of linking them into the executables >_< 10:33 < fake> morgen 10:33 * fake running LTP 10:33 < esden> morning 10:34 < fake> and i should leave for sun now 10:34 < esden> fake: "should" 10:34 < fake> narf. 10:35 < blindcoder> moin fake 10:35 < blindcoder> moin esden 10:35 * fake off to sun 10:36 < fake> wish me luck 10:36 < fake> ;) 10:36 < blindcoder> I do :) 10:36 < blindcoder> esden: make all install now builds libgli-0.2.so and installs it :) 10:37 < blindcoder> bash-2.05b# make -f Makefile.Unix all install 10:37 < blindcoder> g++ -pedantic -ansi -Wall -I. -c gli_button.cpp 10:37 < blindcoder> g++ -pedantic -ansi -Wall -I. -c gli_frame.cpp 10:37 < blindcoder> g++ -pedantic -ansi -Wall -I. -c gli_glf.cpp 10:37 < blindcoder> g++ -pedantic -ansi -Wall -I. -c gli_interface.cpp 10:37 < blindcoder> gli_interface.cpp: In member function `void 10:37 < blindcoder> CGLI_Interface::SendMouseParameters(unsigned int, int, int, int, int)': 10:37 < blindcoder> gli_interface.cpp:161: warning: passing negative value `-1' for argument 2 of ` 10:37 < blindcoder> GLuint CGLI_Object::SetMouseState(unsigned int, unsigned int, int, int)' 10:37 < blindcoder> g++ -pedantic -ansi -Wall -I. -c gli_object.cpp 10:38 < blindcoder> g++ -pedantic -ansi -Wall -I. -c gli_text.cpp 10:38 < blindcoder> g++ -pedantic -ansi -Wall -I. -c gli_texture.cpp 10:38 < blindcoder> g++ -pedantic -ansi -Wall -I. -c gli_window.cpp 10:38 < blindcoder> g++ -pedantic -ansi -Wall -I. -c gli_texture_rgb.cpp 10:38 < blindcoder> g++ -pedantic -ansi -Wall -I. -c gli_texture_tga.cpp 10:38 < blindcoder> g++ -pedantic -ansi -Wall -I. gli_button.o gli_frame.o gli_glf.o gli_interface.o \ 10:38 < blindcoder> gli_object.o gli_text.o gli_texture.o gli_window.o gli_texture_rgb.o \ 10:38 < blindcoder> gli_texture_tga.o -o libgli.so -ldl -shared 10:38 < blindcoder> cp libgli.so /usr/lib/libgli-0.2.so 10:38 < blindcoder> ln -sf /usr/lib/libgli-0.2.so /usr/lib/libgli.so 10:38 < blindcoder> bash-2.05b# 10:38 < blindcoder> *happy* 10:38 < blindcoder> I'm currently starting to write man pages for the GLi-Classes and functions 10:39 < SMP> don't flood, damnit 10:40 < blindcoder> sorry... didn't think anyone beside esden and me were here... 10:41 < blindcoder> though it doesn't look as if he is 10:49 < esden> blindcoder: good ... 10:50 < blindcoder> thanks :) 12:28 -!- zer0_o^ [~zer0_o@] has joined #rocklinux 12:28 -!- zer0_o^ [~zer0_o@] has quit (Client Quit) 13:01 -!- Ge0rG [georg@club-mate.net] has joined #rocklinux 13:56 -!- rxr_ [~rene@port-212-202-169-255.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 14:00 < th_> benutzt irgendjemand aspell? 14:00 < th_> mit deutschem dict? 14:03 -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-201-105.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux 14:04 < snyke> nep 14:04 < snyke> hi rxr 14:04 < blindcoder> hi th_ 14:04 < blindcoder> hi snyke 14:05 < blindcoder> nein, hab noch nie nen spellchecker benutzt 14:06 < blindcoder> snyke: WIESO WEISS ICH NICHTS AVON DASS IHR BEI HAPPYPENGUIN NEN BZFLAG-SERVER HABT??? 14:06 < snyke> hehe 14:06 < snyke> so alt is der doch noch nicht *g* 14:06 < blindcoder> eben! *grr* *grmpf* *hmpf* 14:06 < snyke> is ja noch "Test" 14:06 * blindcoder will testen! 14:07 < snyke> aber es sind ziemlich viele shots erlaubt 14:07 < snyke> das muss ich so machen. nilfilter will das. 14:07 < blindcoder> *bumm* *bumm* *bumm* *bumm* *bumm* *bumm* *bumm* 14:07 < snyke> noch einer mehr 14:07 < blindcoder> viele shots saugen zwar... (max 3 is gut) aber naja 14:08 < snyke> ich kann nix dagegn machn 14:08 < snyke> vielleicht lässt er sich mal überzeugen 14:08 < snyke> der nilfilter :) 14:09 < blindcoder> schon klar :) 14:09 < blindcoder> C++ is strange... 14:10 < blindcoder> at least... function pointers are... 14:13 < snyke> hmm 14:13 < snyke> blindcoder: es kommen noch viel mehr gameserver demnächst 14:14 < blindcoder> NETHACK!!! 14:14 < blindcoder> NETHACK!!! 14:14 < blindcoder> NETHACK!!! 14:14 < blindcoder> Nethack Tournament Server!! 14:15 < snyke> hmm 14:15 < snyke> nethack war eigentlich nicht vorgesehen 14:15 < snyke> bzflag auf petersdtp full time 14:15 < snyke> und ut, ut2k3, cs time-tabled auf acamar.org 14:16 < snyke> also acamar.org schätzungsweise nur an wochenenden public 14:17 < blindcoder> *snif* kein nethack 14:18 < snyke> vielleicht 14:18 < snyke> aber das spielt niemand von uns 14:18 < snyke> hmmm... happypenguin.org is ganzschön verbugt zur zeit... 14:19 < snyke> wenn man da weiss was intern alles abgeht ;) 14:19 < blindcoder> lieber net :) 14:19 < blindcoder> mir langt scavenger.homeip.net 14:19 < snyke> *gg* 14:20 < snyke> aber am geilsten find ich ja das ich die mails alle über meinen dsl server da routen muss, weil ich sonst kein @happypenguin.org beim mails senden hab... 14:21 < blindcoder> MASQUERADE_AS(`happypenguin.org') 14:21 < blindcoder> ? 14:21 < snyke> ich hab squirrel 14:22 < snyke> und 14:22 < snyke> wenn er die mails mit dem lokalen mailer verschickt ersetzt der alle happypenguin.org durch ns.linuxfund.org 14:23 < snyke> und das is dann halt nich so toll :) 14:23 < blindcoder> hmm... bei mir mit sendmail saeuft es jetzt... ich kann von jeder maschine mit @scavenger.homeip.net verschirken 14:24 < snyke> hmm 14:25 < blindcoder> allerdings musste ich dafuer die sendmail.cf per hand aendern 14:26 < snyke> ich hab abba kein root 14:27 < snyke> ich mein das routen über meinen mailserver is kein problem für mich nur eben das einige mailserver keine mails von meinem mailserver annehmen, wie z.B. T-Online und Sourceforge 14:28 < blindcoder> hmm... okay, das problem hatte ich nicht... 14:28 < blindcoder> wahrscheinlich weil domain != server 14:28 < snyke> nein 14:28 < snyke> weil ich in der dialin-hosts deny liste drinsteh 14:29 < snyke> solltest du btw. auch 14:29 < snyke> das schlimme ist das mit den t-online hosts nicht mal eine verbindung zustande kommt 14:29 < snyke> sprich der mailserver versucht und versucht... 14:30 < snyke> während sf meines wissens wenigstens bouncer 14:30 < snyke> bounced 14:31 -!- Freak [freak@pD9E390EA.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 14:34 < blindcoder> dialin hosts_deny? warum? 14:34 < blindcoder> hi Freak 14:36 -!- temr [~pm@pD958B7A3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 14:39 < temr> Hallo 14:39 < blindcoder> hi temr 15:03 -!- litost [~user@phynp6.phy-astr.gsu.edu] has joined #rocklinux 15:06 < esden> re hi all 15:10 < blindcoder> re esden 15:10 < rolla> re 15:10 < blindcoder> hi rolla 15:10 < blindcoder> ah, one hour until I go home 15:12 < blindcoder> esden: I think I'll fork libgli 15:16 < blindcoder> sometimes I think talking to him is kind of futile :) 15:37 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux 15:37 < Mike1> hi all 15:38 < blindcoder> hi Mike1 15:40 < rolla> re mike1 15:50 * blindcoder leaving for home 15:50 < blindcoder> bye 16:00 < Mike1> oyasumi nasai blindcoder 16:54 < snyke> FAKE? 16:54 < snyke> ah ok. 16:56 < Mike1> hallo snyke 16:57 < snyke> hi Mike1 16:57 < fake> here 16:58 < fake> snyke: whazzuuuup? 16:58 < fake> hurry 16:59 < snyke> fake: esden wollt was 16:59 < snyke> fake: wann kommst bitz 16:59 < snyke> er will ne "spritztour" machen 17:02 < fake> snyke: weiss ich noch nicht 17:03 < fake> wird wohl bissl spaeter 17:03 < fake> kann sein dass ich um 8 im bity bin... 17:03 < fake> s, bity,bitz, 17:04 < esden> kk 17:04 * -> esden waiting for fake 17:25 -!- Parabull [~Parabull@] has joined #rocklinux 17:27 -!- codeq [~dennis@pD9EB78CA.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 17:27 < codeq> hi 17:27 < codeq> where can i buy a tshirt with a rock logo? 17:36 -!- Parabull [~Parabull@] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 17:40 < esden> hmm ... nowhere ... till now 17:41 < codeq> esden: i asked cause i see a shirt on your body ;) 17:42 < esden> hehe .. 17:42 < esden> that is one of 5 or 6 that exist 17:42 < codeq> lol 17:42 < codeq> than its better the real rock-fans wear it... 17:42 < codeq> :) 17:43 * Mike1 has rock linux tshirts 17:43 < esden> ? 17:43 < Mike1> and a rock hat :) 17:43 < codeq> ? 17:43 < esden> hae ???? 17:43 < codeq> where can i get one? 17:43 < esden> Mike1: what !!!??? 17:43 < Mike1> hehe 17:43 < esden> Mike1: wanna see !!! 17:43 < codeq> just kidding? 17:44 < Mike1> ah and my rock dev coffee cup made for my bday 17:44 < Mike1> codeq: no no kidding 17:44 < codeq> Mike1: do you sell this shirts? 17:44 < Mike1> esden: i dont have my web cam in the office but i can get some pics later today i think 17:44 < blindcoder> rehi 17:44 < codeq> or can i buy one from you? 17:44 -!- kasc [~shaman@p50909F8B.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 17:44 < esden> Mike1: DO IT! that is an order ! ;-) 17:45 < Mike1> codeq: i made them for my self, never really thought of saling them 17:45 < esden> re blindcoder 17:45 < esden> hmm ... 17:45 < codeq> Mike1: ahh, ok 17:45 < Mike1> Master esden is giving me orders mm... 17:45 < esden> ok ... so I will have to create an order page 17:45 < Mike1> codeq: i was going to take some with me to 19c3 17:45 < codeq> minimum 200 pieces 17:45 < codeq> ;) 17:45 < Mike1> BUT 17:45 < codeq> Mike1: i will be there 17:46 < codeq> just for showing... 17:46 < esden> if there are enough orders then I will make some 17:46 < Mike1> my damn boss will not let me take my vacations for that date :(( and thats official now 17:46 < esden> the design will be very easy though 17:46 < blindcoder> my vacation was granted today :) 17:46 < codeq> esden: could you inform me if you do that? 17:46 < blindcoder> from 23.12.02 til 05.01.03 17:46 < esden> codeq: sure 17:46 < codeq> esden: thx 17:46 < esden> blindcoder: woot !! 17:46 -!- paperclip_ [~joe@ip68-11-78-14.no.no.cox.net] has joined #rocklinux 17:46 < esden> blindcoder: cool stuff 17:46 < Mike1> esden: if the bussiness works, you will have to ship me the alpha, thats an order! :P 17:47 < esden> Mike1: hehe 17:47 < esden> I am not allowed to make a buisness of this kind ... :-/ 17:47 < Mike1> codeq: i think i will work around the tshirts, rock hat, and coffee cups with esden 17:47 < esden> but I will see what I can do 17:47 < Mike1> even some posters 17:48 < esden> yes we will manage it somehow 17:48 < Mike1> esden: why aren't you allowed 17:48 < esden> Mike1: my visa is not allowing that 17:48 < esden> and the costs for a firm in poland are unpayable 17:48 < esden> and I need a firm to do such stuff 17:49 < Mike1> esden well since it is over the net i think i can deal with it 17:49 < esden> otherwise it is illegal 17:49 < esden> I have to talk with fake he has got a firm 17:49 < Mike1> codeq: will you be our #1 costummer? 17:50 < codeq> Mike1: i will be 17:51 -!- kasc [~shaman@p5090B493.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 17:51 < esden> hi kasc 18:03 -!- LoriAW [~Lorini@p3EE219E0.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 18:11 < blindcoder> hmm... looxs like there is no xeyboard handling function in libgli yet... 18:11 -!- LoriAW [~Lorini@p3EE219EE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 18:12 < blindcoder> esden: I have the intro-song to GITS - Stand Alone Complex on Ogg :) 18:19 -!- simon-- is now known as simon 18:28 -!- root [~root@] has joined #rocklinux 18:29 < rolla> root 18:29 < root> upps 18:29 -!- root [~root@] has quit (Client Quit) 18:29 -!- paperclip_ is now known as paperclip 18:30 < Mike1> ... ... 18:30 < Mike1> that is from CR 18:30 -!- d3mian [~hdw_user@] has joined #rocklinux 18:30 < d3mian> re 18:31 < Mike1> d3mian: 18:31 < d3mian> Mike1! 18:31 < Mike1> nice to see you login as root 18:31 < d3mian> what da u have to do today ? 18:31 < d3mian> hehe, testing a new DNS 18:31 < d3mian> but i still have probs with sendmail :( 18:31 < Mike1> d3mian: work, then i will play some billar and video games with some friends 18:31 < d3mian> !! 18:32 < Mike1> yes i read ur query yesterday 18:32 < d3mian> damn, today i was gonna go san jose 18:32 < Mike1> how may i help you ? 18:32 < Mike1> d3mian: come with us if you want 18:32 < d3mian> what time ? 18:32 < d3mian> hehe 18:32 < Mike1> 17>00 18:32 < d3mian> Dec 3 02:14:27 scar sendmail[6665]: gB38EQQb006665: SYSERR(root): collect: Cannot write ./dfgB38EQQb006665 (bfcommit, uid=0, gid=201): Permission denied 18:33 < Mike1> (bfcommit, uid=0, gid=201 18:33 < d3mian> ive changed directories permissions wherever.. 18:33 < d3mian> and still dunt get nothing 18:33 < Mike1> reconfigure sendmail with the proper permissions 18:33 < d3mian> sendmail binary is root.smmsp, suid 18:34 < d3mian> and there is a user smmsp who belong to smmsp group. and all the stuff 18:34 * Mike1 uses smmsp.smmsp 18:34 < d3mian> all that works ok. 18:34 < Mike1> d3mian: is smmsp use uid 25? 18:34 < d3mian> my directories are with root.smmsp permissions 18:34 < d3mian> should it ? 18:34 < Mike1> have you read the docs? 18:34 < d3mian> umm 18:35 < Mike1> Please read sendmail/SECURITY 18:35 < d3mian> so so 18:35 < d3mian> why uid 25 and not other ? 18:35 < Mike1> Please read sendmail/SECURITY 18:35 < d3mian> well, i could solve that later.. 18:35 < blindcoder> hmm... 18:35 * d3mian listens static x - i hate this 18:35 < Mike1> d3mian: (bfcommit, uid=0, gid=201): Permission denied 18:35 < d3mian> hi blindcoder 18:35 < d3mian> aha 18:35 < Mike1> you obviously have a permissions problem 18:36 < blindcoder> can anyone save me some searching and tell we how to canvert a keycode to a character? (ie. 100 to 'd')? 18:36 < blindcoder> hi d3mian 18:36 < d3mian> p[ scar ] ~ > cat /etc/group | grep smms 18:36 < d3mian> smmsp:x:201:smmsp 18:36 < d3mian> [ scar ] ~ > 18:36 < d3mian> [ scar ] ~ > cat /etc/passwd | grep smmsp 18:36 < d3mian> smmsp:x:2012:201:Mail Server:/var/mail:/bin/false 18:36 < d3mian> [ scar ] ~ > 18:36 < blindcoder> hmm... I needed to make `chmod 777 /var/spool/cliantmqueue` to be able to send any mail >_< 18:36 < d3mian> but.. could we meet us today ? 18:37 < Mike1> blindcoder: you should not 18:37 < d3mian> hehe, i think my problem is a level directories permissions problems somewhere 18:37 < Mike1> d3mian: yes i think its quoite a dummy thing that is missing 18:37 < Mike1> so easy that is hard to find 18:37 < d3mian> cause my mua says i can sed, but sendmail complains writing to the spool 18:38 < blindcoder> Mike1: I know. But I can't send mail otherwise 18:38 < Mike1> d3mian: if you come here _BEFORE_ 16:30 yes we can hang out and meet 18:38 < blindcoder> d3mian: exactly. that's the prob I had, too 18:38 < d3mian> :p 18:38 < d3mian> well 18:38 < d3mian> so 18:38 < Mike1> blindcoder: strange i dont have such problem on none of my rock boxes 18:38 < d3mian> i should leave right now 18:38 < d3mian> cause i must go cartago 18:39 < Mike1> d3mian: _BEFORE_ 16:30 18:39 < blindcoder> Mike1: you run 1.5, right? 18:39 < d3mian> in rock i didnt had that prob!, since the directories already had permissions set! 18:39 < d3mian> but in a clean root, i had to conflict with this! 18:39 < Mike1> blindcoder: yes of course, well some have 1.4 and 1.2, but the real production enviroments have 1.5 18:39 < Mike1> d3mian: clean root? 18:40 < Mike1> d3mian: blindcoder /me never uses default build/configuration of packages like sendmail 18:40 < blindcoder> Mike1: okay, I'm talking 1.7 here >_< 18:40 < d3mian> hey 18:41 < blindcoder> well, it doesn't really matter, cause I'm the only one on this machine 18:41 < d3mian> anyone know how to solve the problem caused when installing sendmail (for example) .. that it replaces ur passwd file 18:41 < Mike1> blindcoder: still you should not have too much trouble 18:41 < esden> re hi all 18:41 < d3mian> when unistalling, this file is logged in the sendmail flist, and so, passwd file is deleted too 18:41 < esden> ahh ... food is always good ;-) 18:41 < d3mian> how to solve it ? 18:41 * -> esden feels much better now 18:42 < blindcoder> esden: read above. GITS SAC Intro.ogg :) 18:43 < blindcoder> d3mian: I think huebi already fixed it... I told him about that a few weeks ago 18:43 < blindcoder> d3mian: same problem with mysql 18:43 < d3mian> umm 18:43 < d3mian> would be nice to know how ! 18:46 < blindcoder> esden: do you know how to secify ranges in C++ with switch(){ case } ?? 18:47 < d3mian> [] ? 18:47 < d3mian> like shell ? 18:47 < esden> blindcoder: kk 18:47 < esden> hmm ... ranges ? 18:47 < blindcoder> 'a'..'z' for example 18:47 < d3mian> [1-4] 18:48 < d3mian> cya all! 18:49 < blindcoder> bye d3mian 18:49 < blindcoder> I have something here: 18:49 < blindcoder> https://www.ictp.trieste.it/texi/gpp/gpp_36.html 18:49 < blindcoder> but I get the error buttons_texture.cpp:99: parse error before `.' token 18:49 < blindcoder> buttons_texture.cpp:97: warning: unreachable code at beginning of switch 18:50 -!- d3mian [~hdw_user@] has quit ("leaving") 18:52 < blindcoder> aah.... nevermind... 18:52 < blindcoder> I'// just use if's 18:52 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B5216.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux 18:52 < owl> hi 18:54 < blindcoder> hi owl 18:55 < owl> hi blindcoder 18:55 -!- LoriAW is now known as Lorini 18:55 < owl> hi Lorini. 18:56 < Lorini> hi owl :) 18:56 < owl> Lorini: wie geht's? 18:56 < esden> hi Lorini ! 18:56 < Lorini> hi esden! 18:57 < Lorini> owl: jetzt spitze 18:57 < esden> Lorini: wie geht es deinen studien ? 18:57 < Lorini> esden: info geht so, mathe kriegen wir grad nicht wirklich viele aufgaben gelöst 18:57 < owl> Lorini: wie kommt's` 18:57 < esden> Lorini: urgh ... nicht gut ... 18:57 < Lorini> owl: bin zu hause ;) 18:57 < Lorini> und mein auto is wieder ganz 18:57 < Lorini> esden: na es geht.. wir haben noch zeit bis freitag 18:57 < esden> Lorini: was war mit deinem auto ? 18:57 < owl> hehe ;) 18:57 < Lorini> brb 18:58 < blindcoder> hi Lorini 19:02 < esden> elwood rulez 19:02 * -> esden wants to dance 19:03 < owl> oh god. fear the dancing esden... 19:04 < Lorini> hi blindcoder 19:04 < Mike1> re all 19:04 < owl> hi Mike1 19:04 < Lorini> esden: nix, nur dass die reifen schon seit 10 jahren nimmer gewechselt wurden.. der werkstatt war völlig entsetzt 19:04 < Lorini> hi Mike1 19:04 < Mike1> hi owl Lorini 19:05 < esden> Lorini: lool 19:05 < esden> Lorini: fast so gut wie der blindcoder der irgendwie verpennt hat seine reifen aufzupumpen ;-) 19:08 < blindcoder> :P 19:08 < blindcoder> Kundendienst hat mich erst 235 EUR gekostet >_< 19:08 < Lorini> aber nur fast :) 19:08 < blindcoder> Reifen, Oel, Scheibenwischer etc. pp. 19:09 < Lorini> der kel meinte irgendwie, wenn mich die poplizei erwischt hätte, hätts ne anzeige gegeben und drei punkte ... pro reifen 19:10 < blindcoder> WEE! 19:10 < blindcoder> Tekteingabe funzt! 19:14 < esden> Lorini: ja ... meinst du nicht das er uebertrieben hat ? 19:14 < esden> blindcoder: tja .. autos sind halt teuer >_< 19:15 < Lorini> esden: das waren mehr slicks (schreibt man die so?) als sonstwas 19:15 < blindcoder> hmm... seems like I have to create a global function for capturing keboard-events first... 19:16 < esden> Lorini: rofl 19:17 < fake> ping 19:17 < Mike1> pong 19:17 < Lorini> der fährt sich jetzt auch voll anders. ich dachte erst ich hätte das falsche auto mitgenommen 19:17 < blindcoder> png (DUP!) 19:17 < blindcoder> pong (DUP!) 19:19 < esden> pong (DUP!) 19:20 < blindcoder> hmm... I think I'll obsolete SendMouseParameters... 19:20 < blindcoder> Or else I'll have to copy'n'paste 70% of it... 19:21 < esden> Lorini: tja ... ich habe mich auch gewundert als ich winterreifen in "mein" auto bekommen habe ... 19:21 < esden> ich weiss nicht warum ... aber irgendwie war das laenkrad um einieges leichter geworden ... 19:23 < Lorini> esden: genau! 19:23 < Lorini> naja.. allwetterreifen.. 19:23 < Lorini> reicht auch, der machts nimmer lang 19:23 < blindcoder> "Stop The ROCK. Can't stop the ROCK!" 19:30 -!- Lorini_ [~Lorini@p3EE219EE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 19:30 < Lorini_> *seufz* re 19:30 < Mike1> re Lorini_ 19:31 < Lorini_> :) 19:31 -!- Lorini [~Lorini@p3EE219EE.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Killed (NickServ (Ghost: Lorini_!~Lorini@p3EE219EE.dip.t-dialin.net))) 19:32 -!- Lorini_ is now known as Lorini 19:40 < fake> esden: i'll now drive to nos, i have to let him check out the santa costume 19:40 < fake> esden: not sure which train i'll take, but i will 'drive' directly to bitz. 19:40 < fake> (if not state elsewise between now and then ;) 19:40 < fake> esden: oh, and the installation was very succesfull. 19:41 < fake> well, i'm off now. cu! 19:41 < owl> bye fake 19:41 < fake> ... later. 19:47 < esden> re 20:12 -!- demian [~hdw_user@] has joined #rocklinux 20:13 < demian> Mike1: can i arrive at 3pm there ? 20:13 < owl> hi demian 20:14 < demian> owl! 20:14 < Lorini> hi demian 20:14 < owl> demian! ;P 20:14 < demian> Lorini! 20:15 < Lorini> :) 20:15 < demian> i fixed my sendmail prob 20:15 < demian> bu now i have other :( 20:15 < owl> demian: congrats. the power of sendmail owns you right now... :P 20:16 < demian> :s 20:16 < demian> owl: are u a sendmail guru ? 20:17 < owl> demian: oh god. no. i know how the word "sendmail" is written... but nothing else (ok, /me also knows what sendmail is for... ;P) 20:17 < demian> :D 20:17 < Mike1> re 20:17 < owl> i'm too stupid for world, sendmail, whatever. ;P 20:17 < Mike1> d3min is better at 4pm 20:17 < Lorini> hm. to send mail? 20:17 < owl> wb Mike1 20:18 < Mike1> danke 20:18 < demian> but i think i wont be able at 4pm, cause i have to do a lot of things in san jose and cartago, and i need to approach time 20:18 < demian> can i ? 20:19 < demian> o 20:19 < demian> k 20:19 < Mike1> d3mian ... arent we going to play billar todya? 20:19 < Mike1> today even 20:19 < demian> owl: too stupid for world? 20:19 < owl> demian: yep. 20:19 < Mike1> or is there anything special you need me for? 20:19 < demian> i think world too stupid for one! 20:19 < owl> demian: no. why? 20:19 < demian> Mike1: i cant play with u, ill be busy with other things 20:20 * owl plays now: sarah mclachlan - gloomy sunday 20:20 < demian> cause one dpmain the world 20:20 < demian> domain 20:20 < Lorini> sarah mclachlan is _hammergeil_ 20:21 -!- Satg [~Satg98@] has joined #rocklinux 20:21 < Mike1> demian: what do you need me for then 20:21 < Mike1> hi Satg 20:21 < owl> Mike1: here! i can't play billiard (ok, i can do nothing. i'm stupid) but i wanna play billiard with you... ! send me a ticket to CR, please 20:21 < owl> hi Satg 20:21 < owl> Lorini: full ack. 20:22 < owl> Lorini: for allem gloomy sunday is sehr cool. 20:22 < owl> (oh god. denglish) 20:22 < demian> Mike1: to talk about what is available to do in hack-sol, im on vacation now, and u told me we will talk after classes 20:22 < demian> Satg: hey love! 20:22 < Lorini> owl: ice cream is auch wunderschön 20:22 < Mike1> owl: ok gimme ur phone number for confirmation and i will send the tickets, so we can "play" as much as you want 20:22 < Mike1> demian ok 20:22 < owl> Lorini: ice cream? a song? ;) 20:22 < owl> Mike1: hehe ;) no. ;P 20:23 < demian> Mike1: and to help me with sendmail btw :p 20:23 < Lorini> owl: jepp 20:23 * demian leaving 20:23 < Lorini> owl: und was für einer 20:23 < owl> Lorini: um was geht's in dem song? 20:23 < Mike1> demian: ok 20:24 < demian> cya ll 20:24 < Lorini> owl: liebe 20:24 < Mike1> demian: 20:24 < Mike1> demian: 20:24 < owl> bye demian 20:24 < Mike1> demian: 20:24 < demian> Mike1? 20:24 < Mike1> kiss Satg before you leave 20:24 < owl> Lorini: oh god. liebe. liebe. liebe. was ist des? 20:24 < owl> *gruebel* 20:24 < demian> Satg: :* 20:24 < Lorini> owl: was schönes 20:24 -!- demian [~hdw_user@] has quit ("leaving") 20:25 < Mike1> sed are you singing a liebe song? 20:25 < owl> Lorini: ach so. des ist des, wo man am ende immer auf der schnauze landet... habe ich schon wieder vergessen. na ja. muesste ich vielleicht mal die erinnerung auffrischen... 20:25 < owl> Mike1: _singing_??? _me? r u crazy? ;P 20:25 < Lorini> owl: hm. nicht immer.. 20:25 < Mike1> :) 20:25 < owl> Lorini: hm. 99.999999 % der faeller imho 20:25 < Mike1> sed of course i am crzy 20:25 < owl> Mike1: ok.;P 20:26 < Lorini> owl: hmmmm. hab net _so_ viel erfahrung, aber es kann auch wunderschön sein 20:26 < Satg> demian, where are you 20:26 < owl> Lorini: hm. kann... wenn eine beziehung denn klappt oder so... na ja. 20:27 * owl isst mal ein paar saure apfel-bonbons ("sauer macht lustig") *zynismusON* 20:29 < Mike1> Satg: demian left already, but he will meet us in San Jose this afternoon 20:31 < Lorini> owl: ja.. kann wirklich klappen 20:31 < owl> Lorini: uff... frustrierend. kennste 'nen hacker zum abgeben? ;P 20:32 < Lorini> owl: nein, meinen geb ich nicht her, alle anderen hab ich geschafft zu verscheuchen 20:32 < owl> Lorini: *g* 20:33 * blindcoder is kein hacker 20:33 * Mike1 stares at owl's eyes 20:33 < owl> Mike1: ??? 20:46 -!- tcr [~tobrit@p50812FCB.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 20:47 < owl> hi tcr 20:49 < esden> wrrr 20:51 * tcr hails all 20:57 < blindcoder> urks... 20:58 < owl> blindcoder: hm? 20:59 < blindcoder> I have a bug that changes its behaviour when observed... 21:00 < owl> oops. 21:01 < owl> sounds a little bit strange. so - what exactly is it doing? or what behaviors did it already have? 21:03 < blindcoder> it segfaults if not compiled with -ggdb3 21:04 < owl> hm. k. 21:04 < blindcoder> HA! GOT THAT SUCKER! *SQUISH* 21:05 < esden> blindcoder: that had to do something with quant theory ... for sure 21:06 < esden> as an observer you are also an influential factor .. 21:06 < blindcoder> esden: It's not called a Schroedinbug for nothing :) 21:07 < esden> yes ... right 21:07 < blindcoder> WEEEEEEEE!!! 21:07 < esden> o_O 21:07 < blindcoder> Inputbox works!!! 21:07 < blindcoder> (well, sort of) 21:07 < esden> cool .. respect 21:07 -!- Satg [~Satg98@] has left #rocklinux () 21:07 < esden> blindcoder: coredump ? 21:07 < blindcoder> you can input text and it is being displayed on the screen 21:07 < blindcoder> the backspace-button works 21:07 < esden> uhh ... cool 21:08 < blindcoder> now I have to add functions for getting/setting the text, color and font 21:09 < blindcoder> but it works, and that's why I go watching 2 or 3 Episodes of Nadesico as a... as a... what does 'Belohnung' mean in english? 21:10 < owl> *ARGH* 21:10 < blindcoder> owl: ? 21:11 < owl> this fscking licq - option "--enable-socks5" causes "Error 2" *grml* 21:11 < blindcoder> 2? wasn't that flie not found?? 21:11 < owl> socks.h -- not found *ARGH* 21:11 < blindcoder> hehe :) 21:11 < blindcoder> okay, I'm @Nadesico ND-001 now :) 21:11 < owl> don't laugh. that's not funndy 21:12 < owl> blindcoder: wtf r u? 21:12 < owl> s/funndy/funny 21:13 < blindcoder> I'm @the Nadesico 21:13 < blindcoder> Nadesico Class Destroyer Zero Zero One 21:14 < blindcoder> Nadesico ND-001 21:14 < owl> aeh. ah. ja. *gruebel* 21:16 < owl> oh mann! haben nur russen einen socks-5-proxy? oder warum liefert mir google fast nur russische seiten? *ARGH* 21:21 < esden> grr ... what is the operator in c that is shifting bits in a variable ? 21:21 < blindcoder> uff... no idea 21:21 < esden> owl: es waren anscheinend die russen die diesen klump geknackt haben ;-) 21:22 < blindcoder> |= or & and ... no idea 21:22 < esden> blindcoder: grr ... wozu habe ich dich gezuechtet ... bestimmt nicht dafuer das du es nicht weisst >_< 21:22 < blindcoder> hey, ich bin nur dummer skripter :) 21:23 < esden> argh ... 21:23 < blindcoder> da gibts und brauchts sowas ned :) 21:23 * -> esden holt einen elektro schocker raus und geht auf blindcoder zu 21:23 * blindcoder holt seine 9mm raus und erschiesst esden 21:23 < blindcoder> *eg* 21:24 < owl> esden: war des ned "<<" ?? moment, ich guck' mal nach... 21:24 < blindcoder> << ist read from stream 21:24 < esden> noe .. diese scheisse hier sagt statement with no effect >_< 21:25 < tcr> esden: << and >> 21:25 < blindcoder> uh-oh... woman driving... take extreme care 21:25 < Lorini> ÄHEM 21:25 -!- litost [~user@phynp6.phy-astr.gsu.edu] has quit ("ERC v2.91 $Revision: 1.239 $ (IRC client for Emacs)") 21:25 < owl> BLINDCODER! 21:26 < owl> esden: hm. tcr hat schon recht. 21:26 < blindcoder> Lorini: was? Da fliegen sie ganz ruhig und unbemerkt durch feindliches Gebiet und dann loest diese dumme Nudel saemtliche Geschuetztuerme aus 21:26 < rolla> jjr 21:26 < owl> blindcoder: du guckst schon wieder anime, nehme ich an...? 21:26 < owl> hi rolla 21:26 < Lorini> blindcoder: dumme nudel.. soso 21:26 < blindcoder> owl: Nadesico :) 21:27 < rolla> Nadesico 21:27 < rolla> ah 21:27 < esden> hmm .. strange ! 21:27 < owl> blindcoder: ah ja. uff... 21:27 < blindcoder> is doch wahr. Frau am Steuer :) 21:27 < blindcoder> rolla: you know it? 21:27 < owl> blindcoder: no further comments. (und ausgerechnet _DU_ sagst was... ) 21:27 < Lorini> blindcoder: also.. mit den neuen reifen fahr ich echt richtig gut 21:28 < blindcoder> owl: who else? I haven't had a major incident while driving :) 21:28 < rolla> ja 21:28 < owl> Lorini: klar. bist ja auch 'ne frau. die koennen noch auto fahren 21:28 < blindcoder> owl: Ich kann auch Auto fahren. Du lebst immerhin noch :)\ 21:28 < rolla> blindcoder you a anime person? 21:28 < Lorini> owl: genau.. männer und auto, oje 21:28 < owl> blindcoder: not yet. 21:28 < owl> Lorini: genau. fahren wie die gesenkten saeue 21:29 < blindcoder> rolla: sure :) Have been with Anime-PiXel until it ended. Now I just have a public FTP 21:29 < Lorini> owl: mein vater fährt aber echt so. dass der noch lebt wundert mich 21:29 < owl> Lorini: hm. k. diverse andere personen auch... :) 21:29 < rolla> :) 21:29 < Lorini> owl: spielst du auf blindy an? *pfeif* 21:29 < rolla> you ever hear of Kenshin ? 21:30 * blindcoder faehrt mie der henker 21:30 < owl> Lorini: yep ;) 21:30 < blindcoder> rolla: yes, Rouroni Kenshin (Swordfighter Rouroni). Haven't watched it, thoough 21:30 < Lorini> *gg* gut.. dann weiß ich schonmal, bei wem ich _nie_ mitfahren werde 21:30 < rolla> it is great 21:30 < owl> Lorini: ;) ist gesuender ;P (na ja. _noch_ lebe ich ;P) 21:31 < esden> Lorini: mit blindcoder mitfahren muss erlernt werden 21:31 < rolla> I have seen all the shows and read the original manga 21:31 < esden> es ist echt nicht einfach 21:31 < blindcoder> rolla: I've seen one or two AMVs. much violence IIRC 21:31 < owl> esden: *g* full ack 21:31 < rolla> but not very much blood 21:31 < blindcoder> Lorini: Martina hats mal gut ausgedrueckt: "Wenn man bei dir aussteigt, weiss man erst wie schoen es ist, am Leben zu sein" 21:32 < Lorini> esden: sprich: mit augenbinde? 21:32 * -> esden can sleep now when blindcoder is driving ... that is really good ;-) 21:32 < Lorini> lol 21:32 < blindcoder> rolla: Hmm... I'll look through my archive, i think I have a few of the first eps lying around 21:32 * Lorini laughing 21:32 * -> esden had enough training 21:32 < owl> esden: haha. how many pills for sleeping did you take then? ;) 21:32 < esden> owl: none 21:33 < blindcoder> rolla: If you need something, have a look at https://scavenger.homeip.net and tell me :) 21:33 < owl> esden: strange. really strange :) 21:33 < Lorini> wers glaubt.. @esden 21:35 < rolla> cool 21:35 < blindcoder> rolla: hehe :) just a little collection of 2 years ;) 21:36 < rolla> wow 21:36 < rolla> trigun? 21:36 < esden> hehe ... blindcoder our megasucker ;-) 21:37 < esden> very usfull to have someone like this in your reach 21:37 < blindcoder> rolla: 1 through 5, then some here and there 21:37 < esden> apropos ... blindcoder I have photo's for you 21:37 < blindcoder> esden: Yes, animus told me 21:37 < esden> and I get 26 eur from you 21:38 < blindcoder> yupp 21:38 -!- chrisime [~chrisime@mnch-d9ba4236.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #rocklinux 21:38 < blindcoder> rolla: will you be at 19c3? 21:38 < rolla> what is 19c3? 21:39 < blindcoder> guess that's a "no" :) 21:39 < Mike1> blindcoder: ack 21:39 < Ge0rG> 19c3 is cool... https://www.ccc.de/congress/2002/ 21:39 < blindcoder> Ge0rG: thanks :) 21:39 < Ge0rG> oh... still nothing new on the webserver 21:40 < blindcoder> Ge0rG: I don't expect news before 12/20/02 :) 21:40 < rolla> I would have to be in germany for that to work ;;) 21:40 < Ge0rG> blindcoder: hehe 21:42 < blindcoder> okay, I'm off to bed now 21:42 < blindcoder> good night everyone 21:42 < owl> gn8 blindcoder 21:43 < esden> n8 blindcoder 21:49 < tcr> gn8 all 21:50 -!- tcr [~tobrit@p50812FCB.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ho chresim eidos uch hoch poll eidos sophos") 22:07 < chrisime> hi esden 22:10 < esden> hi chrisime 22:21 < esden> weee 22:21 < esden> ok custom chars are working !!! 22:24 < owl> esden: congratulations :) 22:32 < codeq> esden: BTW, what about to open a rock-shop for t-shirt, etc.? ;) 22:38 * rolla is tired 22:56 -!- Satg [~Satg98@] has joined #rocklinux 22:59 < esden> n8 22:59 < Mike1> nacht esdy 22:59 < esden> nacht Mike1 23:00 < owl> gn8 esden 23:06 -!- tsa [~tsa@pD95257A9.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 23:06 < tsa> jute tach ;) 23:07 < owl> hi tsa 23:07 * owl needs sleep NOW 23:07 < owl> gn8. cu 23:07 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B5216.pppool.de] has quit ("sleeping.") 23:21 < Mike1> cu all 23:21 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting") 23:21 -!- Satg [~Satg98@] has quit () 23:34 < temr> Eine gute Nacht wuenscht man allerseits 23:34 -!- temr [~pm@pD958B7A3.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("zz") 23:43 -!- codeq [~dennis@pD9EB78CA.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("gn8") 23:52 -!- Lorini_ [~Lorini@p3EE219EE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 23:52 -!- ichilton [~ian@pc3-stoc3-4-cust114.midd.cable.ntl.com] has quit (Success) 23:53 -!- Lorini [~Lorini@p3EE219EE.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 23:55 < Lorini_> gn8 23:56 -!- Lorini_ is now known as LoriZzZ --- Log closed Wed Dec 04 00:00:19 2002