-!- Irrsi  Log opened Fri Dec 06 00:00:12 2002
[00:07] < aszlig> rehi
[00:12] < aszlig> brb
[00:17] -!- chrisime_ is now known as chriZzzz
[00:25] < aszlig> re :)
[00:33] -!- temr [~pm@p50819CE1.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("zz")
[01:27] -!- Freak [freak@p50838F9A.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client excited")
[02:31] -!- Sch0rSch [georg@club-mate.net] has joined #rocklinux
[03:22] -!- Ge0rG [georg@club-mate.net] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[03:24] -!- blindcod1r [~blindcode@pD9E4F3A7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[03:28] -!- chriZzzz [~chrisime@mnch-d9ba4c2a.pool.mediaWays.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[03:31] -!- blindcoder [~blindcode@pD958FBE6.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[03:45] -!- kasc_ [~shaman@p5090BD2E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[03:48] -!- kasc_ [~shaman@p5090BEB9.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[03:50] -!- rawl [~jui@] has joined #rocklinux
[03:50] -!- rawl [~jui@] has left #rocklinux ()
[04:40] -!- Sch0rSch [georg@club-mate.net] has quit ("Der Sinn des Lebens ist die Suche nach eben jenem.")
[05:40] -!- SeRS [~buh@HSE-Toronto-ppp3476721.sympatico.ca] has joined #rocklinux
[05:41] -!- Parabull [~Parabull@] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[05:47] -!- SeRS [~buh@HSE-Toronto-ppp3476721.sympatico.ca] has left #rocklinux ()
[06:49] -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-169-78.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (No route to host)
[06:53] -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-168-229.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux
[07:17] -!- blindcoder [~blindcode@p508019EB.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[07:35] -!- blindcod1r [~blindcode@pD9E4F3A7.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[07:54] < blindcoder> moin
[08:03] < LoriAW> good morning! *frisch und ausgeschlafen ist*
[08:03] < LoriAW> und brb - duschen
[08:19] < LoriAW> und re
[08:19] < LoriAW> *haareföhn*
[08:20] -!- LoriAW is now known as Lorini
[08:28] < blindcoder> hi Lori!
[08:29] < Lorini> :))
[08:30] < blindcoder> TGI FRIDAY!!
[08:32] < blindcoder> endlich Wochenende :)
[08:34] -!- temr [~pm@p50819CE1.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[08:35] < blindcoder> moin temr
[08:35] < Lorini> jajaja :) freitag freitag freitag
[08:36] < Lorini> *froi*
[08:36] < blindcoder> nur noch 8,5 Stunden Telefonseelsorge und dann heimgehen :)
[08:37]   blindcoder now having a deeper look at stone and writing a OpenGL-Frontend for it :)
[08:41] < temr> moin
[08:43] < blindcoder> OTOH... I should do this at home
[08:44]   Lorini having breakfast
[08:44] < Lorini> *mampf*
[08:45] < temr> do your crisis line at home? :)
[08:46] < blindcoder> temr: ??
[08:46] < blindcoder> Lorini: lasses dir schmecken :)
[08:48] < temr> blindcoder: hmm i thought youd'd like to telefonseelsorg from home...
[08:49] < blindcoder> temr: hmm... that' indeed worth a second thought...
[08:50] < blindcoder> have to talk to my boss when (if?) he comes here today
[08:55] < blindcoder> urks
[08:55] < blindcoder> It's not even 09:00 and the first fax came in already
[09:01] < Lorini> oups.. 9 o'clock...
[09:06] < blindcoder> Lorini: what's wrong?
[09:08] -!- voran_ is now known as voran
[09:08] < Lorini> nothing.. i just thought it was 8 (or even earlier)
[09:09] < voran> hi
[09:10] < blindcoder> hi voran
[09:10] < blindcoder> Lorini: I sure hope not :)
[09:10] < Lorini> hi voran
[09:10] < Lorini> blindcoder: *g*
[09:11] < blindcoder> oh boy...
[09:12] < blindcoder> the passwords some people chooose *shakes head*
[09:12] < voran> arce@www.ic-itcr.ac.cr , pass=password
[09:12] < voran> hehe
[09:13] < Lorini> blindcoder: for example?
[09:17] < voran> cya
[09:22] < blindcoder> Lorini: database_01
[09:22] < blindcoder> Lorini: to be used with (drumroll) a MySQL-Database
[09:22] < Lorini> lol
[09:23] < blindcoder> I do NOT want to know how often I entered that one already
[09:23] < Lorini> naja mein passwort is auch net das originellste.. zumindest für meinen benutzer :)
[09:24] < blindcoder> es gibt so viele schoene passwoerter :(
[09:24] < blindcoder> #ua(6*ut
[09:24] < blindcoder> 0owZen#r
[09:24] < blindcoder> on_2!tol
[09:24] < blindcoder> aber nein >_<
[09:25] < Lorini> und wie soll man sich sowas merken?
[09:25] < blindcoder> wovu merken? die Passwoerter werden nur in Skripten verwendet
[09:25] < blindcoder> die gibt man einmal ein und Ende
[09:25] < Lorini> hm
[09:25] < Lorini> na dann
[09:25] < Lorini> dämlich
[09:25] -!- hackbard [~hackbard@faic.Physik.Uni-Augsburg.DE] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[09:26] < blindcoder> jepp :)
[09:47] < blindcoder> oh I _HATE_ it
[09:47] < blindcoder> "WHY HAVEN'T YOU DONE THIS YET?"
[09:47] < blindcoder> "Cause you haven't sent me the forms yet."
[09:47] < blindcoder> "WHAT DO YOU NEED THE FSCKING FORMS FOR?"
[09:48] < blindcoder> "I'm not allowed to change omners of webaddresses without them."
[09:48] < blindcoder> "#$%^$%#^%$#^&#$%&"
[09:48] < blindcoder> "Yes, I fully agree with you. Now please send in those forms and I'll see to it, thanks have a nice day." --<click>--
[09:49] < blindcoder> and that about once every 20 minutes
[09:50] -!- hackbard [~hackbard@faic.Physik.Uni-Augsburg.DE] has joined #rocklinux
[10:04] < blindcoder> WEE!
[10:04]   blindcoder just got a sweet 9GB SCA-Harddisk :)
[10:04] < Lorini> :)
[10:04] < Lorini> ich bin dann inner uni.. bis nachher
[10:04] -!- Lorini is now known as LoriAW
[10:04] < blindcoder> viel spass!
[10:13] < fake> moin
[10:16] < esden> moin
[10:21] < blindcoder> moun esden
[10:22] < blindcoder> *argh*
[10:22] < esden> o_O
[10:22] < blindcoder> just good that there are absolutely no stupid calls today >_<
[10:22] < esden> yes ... I read the scrollback ;-)
[10:22] < blindcoder> hehe
[10:23] < blindcoder> the SCA-Disk is only temporarily, that's kind of sad :(
[10:24] < blindcoder> damn... I'm here for three hours now... and the coffee is already half empty
[10:27] < blindcoder> esden: there's a mail for you on rock-linux :)
[10:29] < esden> blindcoder: no ... the coffe is half full
[10:29] < esden> blindcoder: have you got the mail from hermy too ?
[10:29] < blindcoder> not yet...
[10:29] < blindcoder> which one?
[10:29] < blindcoder> bingo? or homeip?
[10:29] < blindcoder> esden: right it's (still) half full :)
[10:30] < blindcoder> But I think I'll have to brew another can full
[10:30] < blindcoder> esden: no, no hermy-mail
[10:31] < blindcoder> If it's about tonight then I already know. Matthias told me
[10:34] < fake> esden: the intel guy already fixed my problem in the 20021205 ACPI CA
[10:34] < fake> *wee*
[10:37]   esden braucht immer noch die email addresse von owl
[10:37] < esden> fake: respekt !
[10:37] < esden> fake: hast du schon ausprobiert ?
[10:37] < fake> but it's not been release yet.
[10:37] < fake> gonna try CVS
[10:38] < blindcoder> esden: shit... ich hab gestern vergessen sie zu fragen
[10:38] < esden> fake: ok ... ;-)
[10:39] < esden> blindcoder: grummel
[10:39] < esden> blindcoder: aber ich habe es auch vergessen
[10:39] < esden> ich haette sie im chat auch fragen koennen
[10:40] < fake> esden: hast du nos's
[10:40] < blindcoder> esden: ich schreib ihr schnell ne SMS
[10:41] < blindcoder> hmm hat ihr handy aus... wird wohl etwas dauern
[10:42] < blindcoder> hmm... I think I'll have to rework libgli's TODO file...
[10:45] < esden> wooot !!! mp3 streaming over proxy ! cool
[10:45] < blindcoder> *lol*
[10:46] < blindcoder> xmms started with transconnect? :)
[10:46] < esden> no ... xmms is supporting it directly
[10:46] < fake> esden: hast du nos seine addresse?
[10:46] < esden> you only have to set up the mpeg 123 plugin correctly ... there is a tab for streaming
[10:47] < esden> fake: nope ... auch noch nicht
[10:47] < blindcoder> esden: hmm... never had to do streaming through a proxy
[10:50] < blindcoder> esden: borborad666@gmx.de
[10:50] < blindcoder> ^ Nos
[10:52] < fake> hehe. bc ignored mich doch nicht :P
[10:52] < fake> ... und ich hab sie extra nicht public gepostet, damit er nicht noch mehr spam bekommt.
[10:53] < esden> seufz
[10:53] < esden> ok ... nos ist jetzt in der cccml
[10:54] < blindcoder> esden: gut, wer fehlt noch, ausser owl?
[10:54] < fake> aszlig?
[10:55] < esden> fake: faehrt er auch mit uns ?
[10:55] < fake> er meinte gestern er faehrt. meinst es fahren noch andere aus IN, die wir nicht kennen? ;)
[10:55] < esden> erm ... jaein ... die lugin leute ...
[10:56] < esden> ich habe gedacht das er mit denen mitfaehrt ...
[10:56] < esden> sonnst trage ich ihn ein
[10:57] < fake> ne
[10:57] < fake> dann lass
[10:57] < fake> hast recht
[10:57] < fake> wobei man sich auch da zusammentun koennte
[10:57] < fake> . o O ( Interessenkonflikt )
[11:00] < blindcoder> lugin faehrt 19C3? Ich glaub ich nehm Matthias' Angebot fuer Weihnachtsferien an :)
[11:00] < esden> o_O
[11:00] < esden> blindcoder: >_<
[11:01] < esden> blindcoder: im schlimmsten fall nehmen wir die und schliessen irgendwo ein ;-)
[11:01] < blindcoder> esden: TAHT's one good idea :)
[11:01] < fake> bei den lockpickern... ha ha!
[11:01] < blindcoder> give em  beer each and they're happy
[11:02] < fake> whats so bad about liking beer?
[11:02] < esden> fake: yo gute idee ;-)
[11:02] < esden> blindcoder: ... yes ...
[11:04] < esden> cccongress is getting worse and worse ... when more such people come there ...
[11:04] < fake> esden: no, they are not gonna like it, and are not gonna go there again.
[11:04] < esden> we can rename ccc to ccc bierfest
[11:04] < fake> ARGH
[11:04] < esden> fake: yes you are right ...
[11:05] < esden> fake: why argh ?
[11:05] < fake> what is so fscking bad about simply drinking oneself into oblivion on ONE occasion? i think that's all pretty childish
[11:05] < blindcoder> esden: esden the one reason why I don't like lugin is this site: https://www.lug-in.de/ziele.php?link=lugin
[11:05] < fake> they not addicted or some such
[11:05] < esden> fake: it is ok ... I drink also much from time to time ...
[11:05] < blindcoder> or, to be more specific: the first point there
[11:06] < fake> Regelmäßige Treffen zum Gedankenaustausch und Biertrinken
[11:06] < esden> but ... dunno ... it was somehow strange on the first lugin grillparty ... you have not been there
[11:06] < fake> they attraction to alcohol has _absolutely_ _nothing_ to do with their work in the 'verein'.
[11:07] < fake> s,they,their,
[11:07] < fake> just because some overdid that does not mean they are stupid
[11:07] < esden> have I said that they are stupid ?
[11:08] < blindcoder> I mean, there's nothing wrong with drinking a few beers too much sometimes, but there's _definately_ something screwed if you make it the first purpose of your "Verein" and shout it out into the world
[11:08] < fake> btw, biertrinken is a synonym for 'gemuetliches beisammensein' in bavaria, in case you didn't know.
[11:08] < fake> esden: it sounded pretty offensive when you talked about it
[11:08] < fake> but i especially mean hannes
[11:08] -!- hackbard [~hackbard@faic.Physik.Uni-Augsburg.DE] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[11:09] < esden> fake: you know how hannes is looking at drinking alcohol ?
[11:09] < fake> really?
[11:10] < fake> well, it doesn't matter if he does, he just shouldn't abandon those who do things he doesn't like.
[11:10] < fake> (in areas where it doesn't matter)
[11:10] < fake> nah, whatever.
[11:10] < fake> <- bad mood
[11:11] < esden> fake: but I must say that there are "trittbrettfahrer" between them ... and I do not like it ...
[11:11] < esden> fake: yes I see it ;-)
[11:11] < fake> esden: how would you define a trittbrettfahrer in a LUG? someone who doesn't use linux?
[11:11] < esden> forget the discussion
[11:12] < esden> hmm ... me thinking ... and realizing that he has pretty many "vorunteile" against lugin ... /me has to work on it ...
[11:13] < fake> it's not you in general
[11:13] < fake> i don't know why, but lately i begin realizing how stubborn most people are
[11:13] < fake> and how they think people should think about things the same way they do...
[11:14] < esden> fake: sorry but I do not get your poin
[11:14] < esden> t
[11:26] < fake> esden: it's not important, anyways.
[11:27] < fake> esden: just a feeling, like one of the jobs that you '^Z'-ed to bg
[11:27] < fake> it's not really important, but it's still there.
[11:28]   fake shutting up
[11:28] < esden> hmm ...
[11:28]   esden does not really know what to say ... so says "nothing"
[11:35] < blindcoder> *yawning* I want to go to bed ... >_<
[11:36] -!- hackbard [~hackbard@faic.Physik.Uni-Augsburg.DE] has joined #rocklinux
[11:41]   esden food
[11:41] < esden> cu l8er
[12:21] -!- LoriAW is now known as Lorini
[12:21] -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-168-229.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[12:22] < esden> re
[12:22] < esden> hi Lorini
[12:22] < Lorini> WEEKEND
[12:22] < Lorini> hi esden :)
[12:23] < esden> ich sitze noch in ds uebung im momment ... :-/
[12:23]   esden schreibt pruefung am 14 >_<
[12:23] < Lorini> was und du chattest?
[12:23] < esden> so ein scheiss
[12:23] < Lorini> tststs :)
[12:23] < Lorini> 14. dezember?
[12:23] < esden> ja
[12:24] < esden> ich habe gerade rausgefunden das hier wlan geht .. und nutze ich es aus
[12:24] < Lorini> *g*
[12:25] < Lorini> ich hab noch nichtmal rausgefunden wie ich von der uni aus chatte
[12:25] < esden> heh .. solltes rauskriegen ... aber mathematiker ... die brauchen nur ihren kopf ... und nicht solche hillfsmittel wie computer und internet ... ;-)
[12:26] < Lorini> nein, ich hab doch info als nebenfach
[12:26] < Lorini> und _die_ brauchen computer :)
[12:26] < Lorini> (gott sei dank)
[12:26] < Lorini> aber hm ich glaub fast die haben die ports gesperrt, zumindest wollte er net connecten
[12:26] -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-201-13.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux
[12:35] < blindcoder> langsam krieg ich hunger...
[12:35] < Lorini> lalelu
[12:35] < Lorini> iss was :)
[12:35] < blindcoder> ja, in 10 mins is mittagspasue :)
[12:36] < Lorini> :))
[12:36] < blindcoder> brb
[12:39] < esden> Lorini: dass ist fuer mich neu das ihr computer braucht ;-)
[12:39] -!- rxr_ [~rene@port-212-202-171-184.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux
[12:40] < Lorini> esden: wieso das denn?
[12:41] < blindcoder> re
[12:46] < esden> Lorini: weil es theoretisch ist ... und nicht praktisch ... das ganze mathe zeugs ? ;-)
[12:47] -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-201-13.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[12:49] < Lorini> esden: aber info doch net
[13:05] < esden> ja ... das ist richtig info nicht
[13:08] -!- owl [~mail-spam@B5214.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux
[13:08] < owl> moin
[13:08] < owl> *yawn*
[13:11] < esden> hi owl
[13:11] < owl> hi esden
[13:11] < esden> owl: give me your e-mail address please
[13:11] < owl> esden: why to you, too? i already gave it to blindcoder
[13:11] < esden> ok ... so he should give it to me ...
[13:12] < owl> but - why do you need it?
[13:12] < Lorini> hi owl!
[13:12] < owl> hi Lorini
[13:12] < Lorini> esden: eben. und da ich info als nebenfach hab...*g*
[13:15] < aszlig> rehi all
[13:15] < esden> hmm ... ok ...
[13:15] < esden> hi aszlig
[13:15] < aszlig> oi esdi
[13:15] < esden> aszlig: ich bin fuer dich bestimmt nicht esdi ...
[13:16] < esden> aszlig: seid wann bist du weiblich ... oder aehnlich ?
[13:16] < esden> ;-)
[13:16] < aszlig> *lol*
[13:16] < Lorini> ach.. bist du für weibliche personen esdi?
[13:16]   aszlig is weiblich *gg*
[13:16] < aszlig> hrm..
[13:17] < aszlig> snyke is ja dann auch weiblich :P
[13:17] < esden> aha ... ok
[13:17] < esden> scheint so ;-)
[13:20] < snyke> WAS ?
[13:20] < snyke> ASZLIG?
[13:20] < snyke> WAS BIN ICH?
[13:20] < owl> snyke: hi. haha :PPP
[13:21] < snyke> hi.
[13:22] < esden> hi snyke
[13:23] < esden> snyke: die leute von denen ich esdi genannt werde sind zu 90% maedels ... nur so zu info ;-)
[13:24]   Lorini findet esden aber schöner
[13:25] < esden> Lorini: anscheinend bist du kein qietschestyle maedel ;-)
[13:25] < Lorini> lol
[13:25] -!- rxr_ [~rene@port-212-202-171-184.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[13:25] < Lorini> naja.. da könntest du recht haben.. aber ist ds ein kompliment oder eher das gegenteil?
[13:26] < owl> esden: welche weiblichen bekanntschaften hast du denn? BBB???
[13:27] -!- DarkSpy [~Darkness@] has joined #rocklinux
[13:28] -!- DarkSpy [~Darkness@] has left #rocklinux ()
[13:29] < snyke> esden: 90%
[13:29] < snyke> also.
[13:31] -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-220-199.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux
[13:32] < blindcoder> reeeeeehi
[13:32] -!- Ge0rG [georg@club-mate.net] has joined #rocklinux
[13:35] < owl> hi blindcoder
[13:35] < blindcoder> hi owli!
[13:46] < esden> re blindcoder
[13:46] < blindcoder> re esdi :)
[13:46] < Lorini> hi blindy
[13:46] < blindcoder> re Lori!
[13:48] < blindcoder> tele
[13:48] < blindcoder> re
[13:49] < esden> cu all
[13:50] < blindcoder> baba
[13:50] < owl> bye esden
[13:50]   owl tries to catch something to eat now (breakfast) brb
[13:52] < blindcoder> Ganbatte!
[13:53] < owl> succeeded.
[14:27] -!- Lorini_ [~Lorini@p3EE218ED.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[14:27] < blindcoder> Lorini_: du weisst auch nie wie du heissen willst, oder? :)
[14:28] -!- Lorini [~Lorini@p3EE218ED.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Killed (NickServ (Ghost: Lorini_!~Lorini@p3EE218ED.dip.t-dialin.net)))
[14:28] -!- Lorini [~Lorini@p3EE218ED.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[14:28] -!- Lorini [~Lorini@p3EE218ED.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[14:28] < owl> *gg*
[14:28] < Lorini_> ohmann
[14:28] -!- Lorini_ is now known as Lorini
[14:28] < owl> hi Lorini_ Lorini - wie auch immer ;P
[14:28] < Lorini> .. :)
[14:29] < Lorini> ich bin nicht grade entscheidungsfreudig... *g*
[14:29] < blindcoder> hehe
[14:29] < owl> *g* dein dsl auch ned. :P
[14:29] < Lorini> ja.. scheiß telekom
[14:30] < Lorini> so, und jetzt.. brb (mathenachhilfe am tele)
[14:30] < owl> sicher. aber besser dsl als isdn ;P
[14:30] < owl> have fun.
[14:31] -!- tcr [~tobrit@pD958DC66.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[14:33]   tcr hails all
[14:33] < blindcoder> hi tcr
[14:33] < owl> hi tcr
[14:35] < blindcoder> *LOOOL*
[14:35] < blindcoder> > What is the meaning of life?
[14:35] < blindcoder> } Life is just a fatal, sexually transmitted disease.
[14:37] < owl> hm. there's a much simple answer
[14:37] < owl> life = shit.
[14:38] < blindcoder> I don1t think so... well at least not right now
[14:38] < owl> huh. what happend???
[14:39] < blindcoder> nothing special
[14:39] < owl> hmm...
[14:48] -!- owl [~mail-spam@B5214.pppool.de] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[14:49] < Lorini> blindy: das hat cap mir auch immer um die ohren geworfen
[14:50] < blindcoder> hm?
[14:50] < blindcoder> was?
[14:50] < Lorini> Life is just a fatal, sexually transmitted disease.
[14:50] < blindcoder> stimmt doch aber :)
[14:50] < Lorini> ja :)
[14:50] < blindcoder> ich habs grade im Usenet Oracle Archiv gefunden
[14:51] -!- owl [~mail-spam@B5306.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux
[14:51] < Lorini> hehe
[14:51] < Lorini> ich wette da hat ers auch her
[14:51] < blindcoder> Archiv #65
[14:51] < owl> re
[14:52] < fake> aw. *boerp*
[14:52] < owl> hi fake
[14:52] < Lorini> re paperclip
[14:52] < Lorini> lol
[14:52] < Lorini> owl meinte ich
[14:53]   fake war grade cool italienisch essen... vom chef zu nikolaus ;)
[14:53] < owl> fake: du schwein! wir tauschen firmen :)
[14:53] < Lorini> hmpf!!!!!!!!!
[14:54] < fake> das willst du nicht wirklich, owl
[14:54]   Lorini will aber
[14:54] < fake> Lorini: musst deinen herrn gemahl ueberzeugen, dass das zu nikolaus pflicht ist
[14:54] < owl> fake: warum ned?
[14:54] < Lorini> lol
[14:54] < Lorini> gute idee
[14:55] < fake> owl: das erfaehrt man immer erst, wenn es zu spaet ist.
[14:55] < fake> das is ja das bloede daran.
[14:55] < Lorini> fake: ist das nicht bei allen dingen im leben der fall?
[14:56] < fake> Lorini: man kauft sozusagen immer die katze im sack
[14:56] < fake> das beil im buendel
[14:56] < Lorini> fake: manchmal stellt sichs auch als glücksfall raus.. aber ein restrisiko leibt immer
[14:56] < fake> "Total Cost of Life" ;)
[14:57] < owl> immer diese zyniker
[14:57] < fake> wieso zynik?
[14:58] < owl> hm. weil's so ist.
[14:59] < owl> stereoanlage an laptop angeschlossen... im wohnzimmer... das hat was. :)))
[14:59] < blindcoder> hehe
[14:59] < blindcoder> nur wenns gut laut dann auch ist :)
[15:00] < owl> aber sicher doch. und genial ist die anlage eh (genialer sound, laut... )
[15:01] < Lorini> Am Grab der meisten Menschen trauert, tief verschleiert, ihr ungelebtes Leben.
[15:01] < blindcoder> Lorini: hae?
[15:01] < Lorini> ich find das ziemlich treffend
[15:02]   blindcoder kapierts nur net
[15:02] < fake> *seufz*
[15:02] < fake> wie wahr.
[15:02] < Lorini> blindcoder: ich finds eigentlich recht eindeutig
[15:02] < fake> wir beschaeftigen uns unser ganzes leben mit absolut unwichtigem scheiss wie steuerbescheiden, oder welcher supermarkt billiger ist...
[15:02] < Lorini> fake: genau so ist es
[15:02] < fake> und das eigentliche 'leben' geht unter
[15:03] < fake> Lorini: was kann man tun?
[15:03] < fake> (ausser student sein :P)
[15:03] < Lorini> ich verstehs aber mehr so: wir gehen nur auf parties.. sehen zu dass wir gut aussehen, versuchen vor aller welt den schein eines glücklichen, erfüllt4en lebens zu wahren und sind innerlich absolut leer
[15:03] < blindcoder> tele
[15:04] < Lorini> fake: ich weiß es nicht
[15:04]   fake ist es egal wie er aussieht
[15:04] < fake> naja, fast.
[15:04] < Lorini> ich weiß nur dass sich mein leben auch zu 90% um absolut sinnlosen quatsch dreht
[15:04] < fake> nichts buntes an meinem koerper;)
[15:04] < Lorini> *g*
[15:05] < fake> ich biete 99%.
[15:05] < fake> und das 1% sind solche gespraeche wie dies jetzt
[15:05] < Lorini> ich möchte echt mal wissen, warum alle menschen so versessen drauf sind, ein "glückliches" leben zu führen. familie, haus, arbeit, geld.. was solls? am ende sind wir tot und dann ist alles umsonst gewesen
[15:06] < Lorini> warum sieht niemand wie absolut sinlos das ist?
[15:06] < fake> *blinzel*
[15:06] < fake> anscheinend sehen es doch ein paar wenige ;)
[15:06]   fake fragt sich das auch seit langem
[15:06] < Lorini> fake: ja.. aber was bringts? ich lebe trotzdem genauso weiter. versuche mein studium zu schaffen, versuche geld zu verdienen..
[15:06] < fake> man wird geboren, man stirbt. was dazwischen ist, ist irrelevant.
[15:07] < Lorini> der einsicht müsste die konsequenz folgen, sonst isses keine einsicht
[15:07] < fake> stimmt... aber was kann man tun?
[15:07] < Lorini> fake: wenn man konsequent ist.. das alles verkürzen
[15:07] < fake> Lorini: das waere keine loesung fuer das eigentlich problem
[15:07] < fake> (aber ein ausweg...)
[15:07] < owl> aber was nuetzt einem die erkenntnis, das alles sinnlos ist? man lebt ein leben, und versucht es soweit zu "patchen" dass es einem einigermassen ertraeglich erscheint. nur ziehen die wenigsten leute die konsequenzen und bringen sich selbst um imho.
[15:08] < blindcoder> Lorini: die Konsequenz waere sich vor den naechsten Zug zu schmeissen
[15:08] < Lorini> fake: das stimmt.. das eigentliche "problem" ist demnach die menschheit
[15:08] < blindcoder> wozu das Unvermeidiche hinaszoegern?
[15:08] < Lorini> blindcoder: ich bewundere konsequente menschen
[15:08] < Lorini> ich bin zu inkonsequent, ich kanns nicht
[15:08] < fake> Lorini: die gesellschaft, wuerde ich sagen.
[15:09] < Lorini> fake: die gesellschaft _ist_ die menschheit
[15:09] < owl> blindcoder: vielleicht weil einem der mut dazu fehlt sich vor den zug zu schmeissen oder sonstwas...?
[15:09] < Lorini> jeder einzelene von uns
[15:09] < Lorini> die außenseiter sind genauso teil der gesellschaft wie die masse
[15:09]   fake ist einsichtig
[15:09] < fake> nur ne loesung hab ich noch nicht
[15:09] < fake> drogen sind eine
[15:09] < Lorini> fake: die gibts auch nicht
[15:09] < blindcoder> owl: nein, bei denen die es nicht tun ist es die unbegruendete hoffnung, dass alles besser werden kann
[15:09] < Lorini> drogen sind genauso ein ausweg
[15:09] < Lorini> genau wie suizid
[15:10] < fake> naja, man beendet das leben nicht, man macht es ertraeglicher ;)
[15:10] < owl> blindcoder: ned unbedingt.
[15:10] < blindcoder> owl: sicher
[15:10] < Lorini> eine "lösung" wäre ein roter knopf, der die menschheit binnen sekunden völlständig auslöscht
[15:10] < Lorini> aber wer würde ihn drücken?
[15:10] < blindcoder> wenn du meinst, es kann nicht mehr schlimmer kommen
[15:10]   blindcoder !!
[15:10] < blindcoder> Ich mag rote Knoepfe
[15:11] < tcr> ich mag rote koepfe die rollen *bg*
[15:11] < fake> der plan zur optimierung der menschheit
[15:11] < Lorini> blindcoder: würdest du wirklich?
[15:11] < owl> blindcoder: nein. z.b. meine wenigkeit haette angst, dass - wenn ich mich mit tabletten umbringen wuerde - das schiefgeht und ich dann "nur" in eine psychatrie (wg. suizid-versuch) kommen wuerde und wohl dauerhafte schaeden davontragen wuerde... etc. pp.
[15:11] < blindcoder> Lorini: da es eine hypothetische Situation ist, bringt es wenig darueber zu reden, nicht wahr?
[15:11] < Lorini> die menschheit ist das krebsgeschwür der elt
[15:11] < Lorini> +w
[15:11] < tcr> et cetera pergit pergit
[15:12] < owl> Lorini: ich haette keine probleme damit den roten knopf zu druecken.
[15:12] < Lorini> blindcoder: hm. so gesehen sollten wir aufhören zu denken und uns fügen
[15:12] < Lorini> owl: ich schon
[15:12] < blindcoder> owl: es gibt immer noch den guten alten Koptschuss
[15:12] < fake> Lorini: wenn ich wuesste, dass niemand etwas spueren wuerde, wuerde ich es tun, glaube ich
[15:12] < owl> blindcoder: haste 'nen waffenschein fuer mich?
[15:12] < blindcoder> oder 30-stoeckige hochhaeuser
[15:12] < Lorini> tcr: was heißt pergit nochmal?
[15:12] < owl> blindcoder: wo?
[15:13] < Lorini> fake: und damit allen anderen deinen willen aufzwingen?
[15:13] < fake> nein
[15:13] < fake> es waere egal
[15:13] < Lorini> doch
[15:13] < fake> jemand anderes hat uns schon laengst seinen willen aufgezwungen
[15:13] < Lorini> damit erhebst du dich zu gott
[15:13] < fake> ich wuerde das nur rueckgaengig machen
[15:13] < fake> niemand hat mich gefragt ob ich leben will
[15:13] < owl> Lorini: es wird eh jedem der wille aufgezwungen von der gesellschaft, system etc. - mehr oder weniger zumindest.
[15:13] < tcr> pergere, pergo, perrexi, perrectum - fortfahren (etwas zu tun
[15:13] < tcr> +)
[15:13] < Lorini> fake: mich auch nicht
[15:14] < owl> und die, die ned mitmachen, die fallen frueher oder spaeter auf die schnauze, sind die aussenseiter, oder sonstwas
[15:14] < Lorini> fake: aber das rechtfertigt nur, mein eigenes leben zu nehmen
[15:14] < fake> Lorini: folglich hat man uns ungefragt gezwungen. uns alle.
[15:14] < Lorini> owl: jeder zwingt jedem seinen willen auf... wenn wir mal davon ausgehen dass sowas wie ein freier wille überhaupt existiert
[15:14] < fake> ausserdem - wenn der uebergang zur nichtexistenz ploetzlich passiert, wuerde es eh niemand merken. es waere einfach vorbei - und die welt koennte sich erholen
[15:14] < Lorini> fake: ja
[15:15] < Lorini> aber nicht alle sind unglücklich damit
[15:15] < owl> Lorini: was spricht dann dagegen, wenn man ein letztes mal jemandem den willen aufzwingt?
[15:15] < Lorini> owl: weil du _allen_ deinen willen aufzwingst
[15:15] < fake> Lorini: sie konnen nicht ungluecklicher werden, wenn sie nicht mehr sein
[15:15] < fake> sind
[15:15] < owl> Lorini: na und? btw, du wiedersprichst dir gerade imho
[15:15] < Lorini> nein..
[15:15] < fake> vielleicht wuerde die evolution mit einer anderen, besser geeigneten spezies weitergehen ...
[15:16] < fake> es ist wie ein traumloser schlaf
[15:16] -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux
[15:16] < fake> man ist einfach nicht
[15:16] < fake> hi Mike!
[15:16] < blindcoder> hi Mike1
[15:16] < fake> export LANG=en_CR
[15:16] < Mike1> moin all
[15:16] < owl> hi Mike1
[15:16] < blindcoder> Mike1: how's the download going?
[15:16] < Mike1> en_CR .... never learned that one :)
[15:16] < Lorini> fake: ja, natürlich. so seh ich das ja auch, trotzdem würd ich den knopf nicht drücken
[15:16] < Mike1> blindy just downlaod 50mb yesterday then i had to go
[15:16] < tcr> Mike1: !!! hi
[15:17] < blindcoder> Lorini: wenn dus nicht macht, machts wer anders
[15:17] < Lorini> ich schätze da spielt zu viel erziehung mit.. ich könnts nicht
[15:17] < fake> Lorini: wenn du dir denkst, dass alle einfach einschlafen?
[15:17] < Mike1> blindy i will go on now if you agree
[15:17] < blindcoder> Mike1: I see.
[15:17] < Lorini> fake: trotzdem
[15:17] < Mike1> ping rolla
[15:18] < owl> fake: einschlafen? wohl eher "boom" aus. tot. ?
[15:18] < blindcoder> Mike1: sure
[15:18] < Mike1> blindcoder: great thank you
[15:20] < Mike1> == 06:56:49 =[5]=> Building base package qt [3.0.6 1.5.20].
[15:20] < Mike1> sweet !, nothing broken so far
[15:21] < blindcoder> Mike1: nice
[15:23] < blindcoder> WEEE
[15:24] < blindcoder> I just talked my co-worker to do the hotline starting at 16:00
[15:24] < blindcoder> So I can go home sooner and finally buy that harddisk :)
[15:24] < owl> *grml* blindcoder, you have to much money
[15:24] < blindcoder> owl: not too much. But I have :)
[15:24] < Mike1> owly of course he's rich
[15:24] < blindcoder> Mike1: mhat are you brabbling about?
[15:25] < blindcoder> I'm as poor as a programmer can be
[15:26] < Mike1> blindcoder: you got a Megatokyo blanket, nothing else matters
[15:26] < blindcoder> Mike1: you have one, too...
[15:26] < Mike1> esden: *blanket* *blanket* *blanket*
[15:26] < Mike1> blindcoder: ah well :)
[15:26] < blindcoder> Mike1: sorry, but he's not here :)
[15:27] < blindcoder> Mike1: have you seen that they're sold out?
[15:27] < Mike1> blindcoder: don't worry he will read it :)
[15:27] < blindcoder> Mike1: I damn hope te will :D
[15:27] < Mike1> blindcoder: yeah a friend was gonna buy one just the day mine arrived and they were all gone
[15:28] < owl> real world problems... :P
[15:28] < blindcoder> Mike1: MUAHAHAHA!
[15:28] < blindcoder> owl: sure are
[15:28] < Mike1> blindcoder: he was really pissed off
[15:28] < Mike1> :)
[15:28] < blindcoder> Mike1: If he's patient then I think TG wight have 'em back in stock in a month or two
[15:29] < Mike1> blindcoder: damn gimme more bandwidth!! ---> 2.56 kB/s
[15:29] < blindcoder> I don't _have_ more bw... or... hmm... gimme a moment
[15:29]   fake thrilled
[15:30] < blindcoder> Mike1: Okay, I shot the donkey :)
[15:31] < Mike1> blindcoder:  --> 2.66 kB/s
[15:31] < blindcoder> you using ncftp now?
[15:32] < Mike1> blindcoder: ack
[15:32] < Mike1> its increasing mom
[15:32] < blindcoder> ncftp calculates the kB/s over the total transfer
[15:32] < blindcoder> so if the DL went really slow at first and the boosts, tho kB/s shown won't increase immediately
[15:33] < blindcoder> the actual line is something like this:
[15:33] < blindcoder> kb_per_sec = kB_transferred / time_elapsed;
[15:33] < tcr> i need a regexp to escape all space in a phrase that's enclosed in ""s
[15:33] < Mike1> 2.84 kB/s
[15:33] < tcr> via sed
[15:34] < owl> urgs. 4.60 kb/s - /me hates isdn
[15:34] < blindcoder> tcr: s, ,\\ ,g
[15:34] < blindcoder> tcr: or s, ,\ ,g
[15:34]   Mike1 loves his connection :)
[15:34]   blindcoder envies Mike1 his connection
[15:35]   blindcoder has a crappy 95kB down / 16 kB up async line
[15:35] < tcr> blindcoder: nah, not the whole line, just the pats that's enclosed in "
[15:35]   Mike1 has 2Mb fiber
[15:36] < owl> Mike1: *grml* ;P
[15:36] < tcr> test1 test2 "test3_a test3_b" should bekame test1 test2 "test3_a\ test3_b"
[15:36] < tcr> become
[15:36] < Mike1> ok i need to check mail and get me some juice brb
[15:36] < blindcoder> tcr: uff... sorry, can't help you there
[15:36] < blindcoder> Mike1: need to pay for traffic?
[15:39] < blindcoder> s/need/have/
[15:41] < Mike1> blindcoder: nope i pay nothing
[15:41] < blindcoder> *GRRRRRR*
[15:41] < Mike1> blindcoder: actually i get payed :)
[15:42] < blindcoder> "You must not drain the pipe of your employee"
[15:43] < Mike1> ?
[15:44]   fake hoert Goethes Erben - Ich moechte nicht laenger
[15:44] < blindcoder> OTOH: I think about taking some of my Anime CDs with me to work and upping them to same other FTP :D
[15:44]   tcr is listening to Hammerfall - Templars of Steel
[15:45]   blindcoder is listening to The Clock - 15 Minutes till going home
[15:45]   owl is listening to the cooler of a pentium 4 powered notebook
[15:46]   Mike1 could borrow some space and bandwidth to blindcoder
[15:46] < Mike1> owl: the hell with Pentium get an UltraSparc :)
[15:46] < blindcoder> Mike1: thanks for the offer, but could you handle 7 people downloading from an anonymous FTP?
[15:47] < owl> Mike1: give me the money for it ;P
[15:47] < Mike1> blindcoder: never said it would be on my 2mb net :P
[15:47] < [anders]> *grumble*
[15:47] < blindcoder> Mike1: :P
[15:47] < blindcoder> hi [anders]
[15:47] < owl> moin [anders]
[15:47] < [anders]> lo blindcoder, Mike1 et al
[15:47] < [anders]> yo owl..
[15:48] < blindcoder> "And the [anders] grumbled up from beyond the surface"
[15:48] < [anders]> heh
[15:48]   [anders] is pretty fscking pissed off.. the agency is accusing me of tax evasion and doing illegal things..
[15:49] < [anders]> they are just pissed off because I am actually right..
[15:49] < tcr> come to germany XD
[15:49] < blindcoder> tcr: and you think that would change anything to the better?
[15:49] < [anders]> tcr: tempting.. would love to move back to sweden, but pay is better here.
[15:49] < tcr> yeah blindcoder, sure
[15:50]   blindcoder looking forward to his next "Einkommensteuererklaerung"
[15:50] < [anders]> Mike1: how's life old chap? :)
[15:51] < [anders]> blindcoder: Self Assessment..
[15:51] < tcr> income tax...
[15:51] < tcr> declaration or something
[15:52] < [anders]> yup..
[15:52] < Mike1> [anders]: everything great and you my friend?
[15:52] < blindcoder> tcr: I can get list each and every piece of hardware I bought this year to them :D
[15:52] < [anders]> Mike1: apart from the agent trying to make me look like a criminal to the client and being totally inflexible, well, things are alright..
[15:53] < tcr> UK is ZOG occupied, that's all about
[15:55] -!- zer0_o^ [~zer0_o@] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[15:55] < Mike1> [anders]: damn it sux
[15:55] < Mike1> [anders]: long time not seen you
[15:57]   blindcoder going home
[15:57] < blindcoder> bye
[15:58] -!- tcr [~tobrit@pD958DC66.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ho chresim eidos uch hoch poll eidos sophos")
[15:59] < owl> *grml* stupid children... all this idiots r killing the inet :-(((
[16:00] -!- tcr [~tobrit@pD9E49E0D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[16:01] < Lorini> bye blindcoder
[16:02] < Mike1> hi Lorini
[16:02] < Lorini> hi mike :)
[16:23] -!- Netsplit saberhagen.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: tcr, Mike1
[16:23] -!- Netsplit over, joins: tcr, Mike1
[16:26]   fake -> off to train
[16:27] < fake> l8ers
[16:27] < Lorini> byebye
[16:29] < owl> bye fake
[16:35] -!- tcr [~tobrit@pD9E49E0D.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ho chresim eidos uch hoch poll eidos sophos")
[16:36]   [anders] just has not got enough hours in the day to also spend time on IRC.. :(
[16:36] < Mike1> [anders]: reduce sleep time :P
[16:36] < [anders]> Mike1: not an options.. /me does not function w/o good amount of sleep...
[16:37] -!- tcr [~tobrit@p50812EF0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[16:39] < Mike1> [anders]: mmm we will need to add that feature to you then :)
[16:42] < esden> re
[16:42] < owl> re esden
[16:42] < Lorini> re esden
[16:43] < esden> ahh ... nectarine rulez
[16:43] < tcr> no it doesnt, in fact it sucks
[16:43] < tcr> techno suckzS
[16:44] < esden> tcr: you have not heard enough of it ...
[16:44] < tcr> techno sucks.
[16:45] < esden> tcr: nectarine != techno
[16:45] < tcr> what else then
[16:45] < esden> demoscene music ... and that is only partly techno stuff ...
[16:46] < esden> the track that I hear at the moment is rock ... not techno
[16:47] < tcr> url (that could be put in xmms)
[16:47] < esden> ok ... the track changed ... and now it is techno
[16:47] < tcr> muhahaha
[16:47] < Lorini> *g*
[16:47] < esden> but I can give you the url of the track that i mean
[16:48] < tcr> no, im not interested anymore
[16:48] < tcr> :P
[16:49] < esden> *schulterzuck*
[16:49]   tcr is listening to Children of Bodom - Hate me!
[16:50] < Lorini> esden: ich wär interessiert
[16:50] < tcr> verrat
[16:51] < owl> tcr: na du hast probleme. tssss.
[16:51] < Lorini> ups.. esden: ich bin im query interessiert
[16:51] < Lorini> :)
[16:51] < tcr> lol
[16:53] < esden> tcr: stirb
[16:54] < owl> *grml* does someone know the option for using http-proxy and tunneling non-http-ports?
[16:54] < tcr> esden: muhaha, leb weiter :P
[16:54] < owl> (-x and -p seems not to work...)
[16:55] < owl> (in the 1.7 download-script i mean)
[17:06] -!- rolla_home [~Der@adsl-65-69-57-36.dsl.stlsmo.swbell.net] has quit ("leaving")
[17:13]   esden brb
[17:19] < Mike1> owl try -hug
[17:19] < Mike1> does it work?
[17:20] < Mike1> ping rolla
[17:21] < owl> Mike1: :PPPPPP
[17:21] < owl> no
[17:26] -!- Parabull [~Parabull@] has joined #rocklinux
[17:33] < owl> *ARGH*
[17:33] < owl> can someone please give me a gun?
[17:33]   Mike1 gives a gun to owl
[17:33] < owl> thx.
[17:33] < Mike1> do it
[17:33] < Mike1> do it
[17:33] < Mike1> :P
[17:35] < owl> hm. doing what?
[17:42] < Mike1> owl: that pink color on ur laptop looks very .... mm... "nice"
[17:42] < owl> Mike1: pink? it's black or darkblue-black.. ;P
[17:43] < Mike1> yeah that was the original color
[17:43] < Mike1> but i guess ur modifications mad eit look "nice"
[17:43] < owl> Mike1: *g* nope. ;P
[17:43] < Mike1> *g
[17:44] < owl> the only modification i did to the original asus-NB: offering it without Winsuckz XP ;P
[17:51] < Lorini> im gonna go now
[17:51] < Lorini> have a wonderful eekend everybody
[17:52] < owl> Lorini: bye. have fun. nice weekend to you, too.
[17:54] -!- Lorini_ [~Lorini@p3EE219F6.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[17:55] -!- Lorini_ [~Lorini@p3EE219F6.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #rocklinux ("Angels are bright still, though the brightest fell.")
[18:00] -!- snyke is now known as snyke_
[18:01] -!- snyke [~snyke@eros.bingo-ev.de] has joined #rocklinux
[18:01] -!- snyke_ [~eros@eros.bingo-ev.de] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting")
[18:02] < blindcoder> rooohi
[18:02] < blindcoder> s/o/e/g
[18:02] < snyke> :)
[18:03]   blindcoder finally has got his new 80GB drive WEEE
[18:03] < snyke> me not :)
[18:03] < blindcoder> poor sod :P
[18:03] < blindcoder> okay I'm off to install it
[18:03] < blindcoder> baba
[18:03] -!- blindcoder [~blindcode@p508019EB.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving")
[18:10] -!- Lorini [~Lorini@p3EE218ED.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[18:10] -!- Freak [freak@pD9530A33.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[18:31] -!- blindcoder [~blindcode@p508019EB.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[18:32] < blindcoder> WEE!
[18:32] < blindcoder> Finally I can store my data on a encrypted hard-disk :D
[18:35] < owl> *grml*
[18:35] < blindcoder> owl: ?
[18:35] < owl> blindcoder: you have too much money...
[18:35] < blindcoder> why?
[18:35] < blindcoder> encrypting the disc is free :D
[18:35] < owl> and i have no money. that's not fair
[18:35] < owl> but buying the disc isn't free
[18:35] < blindcoder> it's  not fair, is it?
[18:36] < blindcoder> then go out to the Universe and complain about that it's not fair!
[18:36] < owl> i will do.
[18:36] < blindcoder> The whole fsckin' life isn't fair, is it?
[18:36] < owl> *g* full ack. life = shit
[18:36] < blindcoder> not shit
[18:36] < blindcoder> it just isn't fair, cos it's never been
[18:36] < blindcoder> what are you gonna do about it?
[18:37] < owl> hm. where's the gun Mike1 gave me? ;P
[18:38] < owl> hm. i really need a wlan-pcmcia-card... hmm... *thinking*
[18:40] < Mike1> owl mom
[18:40]   Mike1 charging water on the gun again ...
[18:40] < blindcoder> hehe
[18:40]   Mike1 gives the gun back to owl
[18:40] < blindcoder> root@crazyhorse:~# dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/discs/disc1/part1
[18:40] < Mike1> owl: use it wisely
[18:40] < blindcoder> that's going to take some time
[18:40] < owl> Mike1: no water please
[18:41] < Mike1> owl: what kind of a gun were you specting me to give you ?
[18:41] < Mike1> water guns is al i will borrow you :P
[18:41] < owl> Mike1: hm. automatic (or at least half-automatic) gun
[18:41] < owl> Mike1: why?
[18:43] < blindcoder> owl: If you ever touch one of them, I'll kill you
[18:43] < owl> blindcoder: touched what? ;)
[18:43] < owl> -ed
[18:43] < blindcoder> you know already
[18:44] < owl> ;P *touch* *touch* now kill me, please
[18:44] < blindcoder> no, cause you didn't
[18:44] < Mike1> owl: you have been warned by blindy.. if you _touch_ one of "then" he will kill you
[18:44] < Mike1> s/then/them
[18:44] < owl> that's great. then i would not have to do it by myselfe.
[18:45] < owl> *cyn*
[18:45] < Mike1> owl: are you going to touch one of ""them""
[18:45]   blindcoder listening to the Opening Theme of Ghost in the Shell - Stand Alone Complex
[18:45] < owl> *grml*
[18:45]   Mike1 is downling anime
[18:46] < blindcoder> Mike1: I don't even notice :)
[18:46] < owl> uff... the mystic word again...
[18:46] < Mike1> blindy 8.76 kB/s <--- i feel better
[18:46] < blindcoder> But the FTP will go down today instead of tomorrow :)
[18:46] < blindcoder> Mike1: hehe
[18:46] < Mike1> blindcoder: why ? =(
[18:46] < blindcoder> well, there's one other downloading
[18:46] < blindcoder> new harddisk :P
[18:46] < Mike1> blindcoder: ok
[18:46] < blindcoder> it is currently bein prepared
[18:47] < Mike1> but tell me the time you will bring it down
[18:47] < blindcoder> root@crazyhorse:~# losetup -e <omitted for security> /dev/loop/0 /dev/discs/disc1/part1
[18:47] < blindcoder> hehe
[18:48] < blindcoder> Mike1: sure. I'll kill the other lad then and wait for your current DL to finish (if it's not too big)
[18:48] < Mike1> ETA:  23:00
[18:48] < blindcoder> It takes at least that long for `dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/discs/disc1/part1` to finish
[18:48] < Mike1> good
[18:49] < Mike1> finger
[18:49] < Mike1> *g
[18:49] < blindcoder> I think it'll be done for one hour. +/- 15 minutes
[18:49]   blindcoder doesn't have a .plan
[18:50] < Mike1> touch $HOME/.plan
[18:50] < blindcoder> maybe I should install finger here
[18:50] < blindcoder> as soon as my $HOME is on the fileserver and not the client anymore
[18:51]   blindcoder @ Slayers Next - Give a Reason (Techno Remix)
[18:52] < tcr> bye bye to all being on the us server
[18:52] < blindcoder> tcr: ?
[18:52] < tcr> -lilo/Wallops- US server restarting in a moment....impact, 128 users
[18:52] < blindcoder> whoops
[18:53]   blindcoder on another :)
[18:55]   owl now listens to: paradise lost - so much is lost
[18:55] < blindcoder> Ah! I love this song!
[18:56] < owl> blindcoder: ?
[18:56] < blindcoder> "Give a reason for life       todoketai--------!
[18:56] < blindcoder> https://www.animelyrics.com/anime/slayers/slreason.txt
[18:57]   owl loves hermann hesse - der steppenwolf.pdf
[18:58]   Mike1 suddenly hears Aqua and remembers of owl
[18:58] < blindcoder> sweet
[18:58]   blindcoder just found out that his "new" stereo has a Karaoke-Button
[18:58] < Mike1> blindcoder: yeah when i hear barbie girl somehow owls come to my mind
[18:58] < Mike1> push it push it
[18:58] < blindcoder> https://www.animelyrics.com/anime/slayers/slreason.jis
[18:58] < Mike1> owl sing
[18:58] < blindcoder> hehe
[18:58] < owl> Mike1: eh!!!!
[18:59] < blindcoder> Mike1: *lol*
[18:59]   owl headbangs to megaherz - wer bist du
[18:59] < blindcoder> Well I only checked if it works, and it does *hehe*
[18:59] < owl> Mike1: _that_ s music!
[18:59] < Mike1> owl: sure i know you like Aqua
[18:59] < blindcoder> Mike1: that's a good thing to know for the next party. After a few beers it _will_ get interesting :D
[19:00] < owl> Mike1: i even don't know aqua. but /me points to megaherzt << that music ;)
[19:00] < blindcoder> this NickServ here just sucks balls
[19:00] < owl> -t
[19:00] < Mike1> blindcoder: sure but remeber to tell owl she can't _touch_ "them"
[19:00] < blindcoder> owl: It's _definately_ nothing you would want to hear
[19:01] < blindcoder> Mike1: o'course *hehe*
[19:01] < owl> blindcoder: why? what kind of music?
[19:01] < blindcoder> owl: It's something that can be heard in such things as a radio
[19:01] < blindcoder> at decent volume
[19:02] < blindcoder> and of course, in the so-called 'Top-100'
[19:02]   Mike1 getting lunch with his girl
[19:02] < owl> blindcoder: pop r stuff like that?
[19:02]   blindcoder want a girl, too >_<
[19:03] < owl> Mike1: have fun.
[19:03] < blindcoder> owl: Pop at it's worst
[19:03] < owl> blindcoder: you have problems
[19:03] < blindcoder> owl: sure do.
[19:03] < blindcoder> s/'//g
[19:03]   owl doesn't want a boy right now. just a faster inet-connection and a wlan-card ;)))
[19:03] < blindcoder> owl: you have problems
[19:03] < owl> blindcoder: pop? - oh god. no thx.
[19:03] < owl> blindcoder: yeah. to less money
[19:04] < blindcoder> tz
[19:04] < tcr> /ctcp tcr h4x0red
[19:04] < tcr> plz
[19:05] < owl> blindcoder: heh, i'm a poor "azubi"
[19:05] < blindcoder> tcr: what happens if I do this?
[19:05] < owl> blindcoder: then you will enter the way to disaster
[19:05] < tcr> you should get a mesg with my root passwd
[19:05] < blindcoder> owl: hehe, I was, too, you know
[19:05] < blindcoder> owl: yeah, that's what crossed my mind, too
[19:05] < owl> blindcoder: you _was_ but now you get much more money.
[19:06] < owl> blindcoder: ;) k.
[19:06] < blindcoder> tcr: sure...
[19:06] < tcr> plz try
[19:07] < blindcoder> *seufz* I don't really know why I'm doing this...
[19:07] < tcr> ha works
[19:07] < tcr> thx
[19:07] < owl> tcr: yeah... tried it
[19:07] < owl> u r welcome
[19:08] < blindcoder> Mike1: you'd better not disconnect the FTP now :)
[19:10] -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-220-199.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[19:14] -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-170-255.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux
[19:15] < blindcoder> oh well, I told him...
[19:18] < blindcoder> ah well, some decent stuff now
[19:18] < blindcoder> Apollo Four Forty - Stop The Rock
[19:20]   owl wonders, that blindcoder listens to such "hard" music ;PPP
[19:22] < blindcoder> I love wget's ability for mirroring
[19:22] < blindcoder> mget -r -l 5 https://www.animelyrics.com/anime/
[19:22] < blindcoder> wget -r -l 5 https://www.animelyrics.com/anime/
[19:22] < blindcoder> hehe
[19:23] < owl> httrack is also great for it ;P
[19:23] < blindcoder> httrack ??
[19:24] < owl> yep
[19:24] < blindcoder> what are its advantages over wget?
[19:25] < owl> hm. dunno. not much i guess
[19:26] < blindcoder> then I'll stick with what I know right now :)
[19:27] < owl> hm. do what you want ;)
[19:31] < owl> brb (trying to sleep a bit) cu later
[19:42] < blindcoder> back
[19:54] < blindcoder> okay, now both machines ale going down >_<
[19:54] < blindcoder> baba
[19:54] -!- blindcoder [~blindcode@p508019EB.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving")
[20:03] -!- chrisime [~chrisime@mnch-d9ba4e40.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #rocklinux
[20:03] -!- tcr [~tobrit@p50812EF0.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ho chresim eidos uch hoch poll eidos sophos")
[20:12] -!- blindcoder [~blindcode@pD9E4F924.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[20:12] < blindcoder> re
[20:13] < blindcoder> okay, compiling fileutils with my special patch :)
[20:20] < blindcoder> there she geos...
[20:23] -!- ichilton [~ian@pc1-stoc3-4-cust247.midd.cable.ntl.com] has quit (Connection timed out)
[20:28] < Mike1> AAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGG blindcoder!!
[20:28] < Mike1> re all
[20:28] < blindcoder> Mike1: gomen
[20:28] < blindcoder> Mike1: your last DL finished
[20:28] < blindcoder> then the connection timed out
[20:29] < Mike1> ok
[20:29] < Mike1> :P
[20:29] < blindcoder> but just a moment, I'll restart the FTP-Server, just for you alone :)
[20:29] < Mike1> not if you need to change hd
[20:29] < Mike1> dont worry
[20:30] < blindcoder> It' currently copying
[20:30] < blindcoder> and 70 GB take a lot of time
[20:30] < blindcoder> okay, please connect
[20:30] < Mike1> ok
[20:31] < Mike1> hope you dont regret it :P
[20:31] < blindcoder> then I will comment it back out of inetd.conf
[20:31] < blindcoder> Mike1: surely not :)
[20:31] < blindcoder> just promise to not upload :)
[20:31] < Mike1> why not? *ggggggggg*
[20:31] < blindcoder> remember: oftar 5 Minutes IDLE, it will get closed
[20:32] < blindcoder> cause there are only 700 MB free
[20:32]   Mike1 uploading ...
[20:32] < Mike1> *g jk
[20:32] < blindcoder> sure :)
[20:32] < blindcoder> you knom that I can watch what you're doing *MWAHAHA*
[20:32] < blindcoder> 15121 -      (4%) proftpd: ftp - odin.informatica.co.cr: anonymous/mike@linuxlabs.com: RETR FruitBasket-Grand_Finale.avi
[20:33] < blindcoder> how's the speed?
[20:33] < Mike1> *g
[20:33] < Mike1> 11.61 kB/s
[20:33] < Mike1> could you double that for me?
[20:33] < blindcoder> hmm... still 5 kB missing...
[20:33] < Mike1> *bveg*
[20:33] < blindcoder> sa, I wonder mhere the remaining 5 kB are
[20:33] < Mike1> blindcoder: dunno
[20:34] < blindcoder> my max upstream is @ 16 kB and I know I'm not using the line for anything else right now...
[20:35] < Mike1> 12.15 kB/s
[20:35] < Mike1> you still owe me bandwidth!!
[20:35] < Mike1> :)
[20:37] < blindcoder> *g*
[20:38]   blindcoder searching for ROCK-Textures
[20:46] < Mike1> 13.68 kB/s
[20:46] < Mike1> looking better
[20:53] < SMP> some people on rock-stable just can't read :}
[20:53] < Mike1> SMP: ?
[20:54] < SMP> ohh, nothing =)
[20:54] < Mike1> SMP: cool thing for the list btw
[20:55] < SMP> well let's see what Pjotr and Clifford say
[20:55] < Mike1> SMP: i am sure Pj will agree and Cliff i dunno i have the feeling that will care less
[20:55] < Mike1> not wishing to offend anyone but that what i think
[20:58] < SMP> I agree in principle
[20:58] -!- ichilton [~ian@pc1-stoc3-4-cust247.midd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #rocklinux
[21:02] < esden> re
[21:03] < Mike1> re esden
[21:05] < blindcoder> re esden
[21:05] < blindcoder> esden: You just GOT to watch Nadesico!
[21:06] < esden> blindcoder: ok
[21:06] < blindcoder> <Quote> "What's that abouta paring man? I'm a cute and adorable little girl!!!" </Quote>
[21:06] < blindcoder> <Quote> "What's that about a daring man? I'm a cute and adorable little girl!!!" </Quote>
[21:07] < blindcoder> Quote from the captain :)
[21:08]   blindcoder watching on :)
[21:10]   Mike1 listens Korn - Blind
[21:25]   Mike1 falling asleep ... damn it 2 more hours left to work
[21:27] < owl> rre
[21:27] < owl> aeh. re
[21:27] < blindcoder> owl: oh, I thought there was an 'i' missing :)
[21:28] < owl> haeh? missing? i? haeh? where?
[21:28]   blindcoder thinks it will take a loooong time to copy all those anime...
[21:28] < blindcoder> 5 GB so far... 65 to go...
[21:29] < owl> hmmm..
[21:30] < blindcoder> oh well, I go hoving a showel and shave
[21:30] < blindcoder> l8er
[21:30] < blindcoder> a/away goner
[21:30] < owl> bye blindcoder
[21:30] < owl> *g* that is what i call timing. i'm waking up, and see: 5 seconds left to download. fininished ;)
[21:31] -!- tcr [~tobrit@p50813B5E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[21:31] < tcr> re all
[21:32] < owl> re tcr
[21:42] -!- ichilton [~ian@pc1-stoc3-4-cust247.midd.cable.ntl.com] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[21:42] -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-170-255.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[21:42] -!- ichilton [~ian@pc1-stoc3-4-cust247.midd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #rocklinux
[21:45] -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-201-33.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux
[21:59] < blindcoder> re
[21:59] < blindcoder> Mike1: !!!
[21:59] < blindcoder> ah well...
[22:00] < blindcoder> I'm watching more Nadesico
[22:01] -!- bluefire [bluefire@pD9E1CB25.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[22:28] < Mike1> blindcoder: !
[22:32] -!- houjini [~chatzilla@dial-62-64-211-106.access.uk.tiscali.com] has joined #rocklinux
[22:33] -!- houjini [~chatzilla@dial-62-64-211-106.access.uk.tiscali.com] has left #rocklinux ()
[23:18] -!- bluefire [bluefire@pD9E1CB25.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving")
[23:29] < Mike1> bye all
[23:29] -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting")
[23:33] < esden> hehe ... cool ... wlan rulez ... I am currently sitting in the toilet of bingo ... still having net ;-)
[23:34] < owl> esden: du bist echt krank
[23:34] < owl> aber trotzdem: *g*
[23:35] < esden> owl: I am ill ... yes ... and happy about it ;-)
[23:36] < owl> esden: spinner ;P
[23:36] < owl> esden: btw, you have "definitiv to ertragen" me on 19C3 (booked the hotel today)... and will travel by bus (normally)
[23:37] < owl> *will have to
[23:38] < esden> aha ... ok ...
[23:38] < esden> why have to ?
[23:38] < owl> esden: haeh? what else?
[23:39] -!- temr [~pm@p50819CE1.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[23:41] < snyke> moo.
[23:41] < owl> hi snyke
[23:41] < snyke> hm
[23:41]   snyke was in for about 4 hours now.. anway.. hi
[23:41] < snyke> +y
[23:41] < esden> hi snyke
[23:42] < snyke> hi esdEN
[23:42] < owl> snyke: aha. you learnt :P
[23:44] < snyke> :P
[23:48] -!- temr [~pm@p5081941A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[23:57] < snyke> plopp
[23:58] < owl> hm?
-!- Irrsi  Log closed Sat Dec 07 00:00:30 2002