-!- Irrsi  Log opened Mon Dec 09 00:00:06 2002
-!- Irrsi  Day changed Mon Dec 09 2002
[00:00] < tsa> jo
[00:00] < esden> naja ... wenn er ne freundin hat .. dann ist alles klar oder ?
[00:00] < esden> sonnst wuerde er was tun ...
[00:00] < esden> freundinen sind nur dazu da zeit zu rauben ;-)
[00:01] < esden> und fuer ein paar andere dinge ... aber dass vernachlaessigen wir hier mal
[00:01] < tsa> hehe
[00:02] < owl> MAENNER!
[00:02] < esden> Lorini: ist wieder mit ihrem hamster beschaeftigt ... *G*
[00:03] < Lorini> nene, das hab ich mitbekommen
[00:03] < tsa> weibchen!
[00:03] < Lorini> nur keine falschen hoffnungen
[00:03] < esden> hoffnungen ? ... ich habe keine hoffnungen ... ich habe mir abgewoehnt hoffnungen zu haben ....
[00:04] < Lorini> esden: is gesünder glaub ich
[00:04] < Lorini> boah.. in 8 stunden muss ich schon wieder in die uni.. *seufz*
[00:04] < owl> Lorini: hahaha!
[00:04] < Lorini> pff
[00:04] < esden> Lorini: ich muss um 12 in der uni sein
[00:04]   owl darf ausschlafen. *freu*
[00:04] < Lorini> ich glaub ich geh langsam pennen
[00:04] < Lorini> AH
[00:04] < esden> also ich muss in 12 stunden in die uni ;-)
[00:04] < Lorini> *knurr*
[00:04] < Lorini> frechheit
[00:05] < owl> Lorini: ;PPPP
[00:05] < Lorini> so spät muss ich _nie_ in die uni
[00:05] < Lorini> frech_heit
[00:05] < esden> das sind nur 4 stunden unterschied
[00:05] < Lorini> 4 stunden is meine gesamte schlafzeit manchmal
[00:05] < esden> Lorini: tut mir leid ... *in_die_ecke_stell*
[00:06] < Lorini> wenn ich das mal glauben kann
[00:06] < esden> Lorini: kannst es glauben ...
[00:06] < Lorini> jaja. ich seh doch wie du insgeheim am grinsen bist
[00:06] < esden> nicht wirklich ..
[00:06] < esden> ich muss wieder ne webcam einrichten ...
[00:07] < esden> damit ich es beweisen kann
[00:07] < Lorini> esden: hey, spitzenidee :)
[00:07] < esden> jaja Lorini du willst nur sehen wie ich im bett liege ...
[00:07] < Lorini> bett? *aufhorch*
[00:08] < esden> ja .. ich liege im bett ;-)
[00:08] < esden> naja ... bzw sitze
[00:08] < Lorini> wie gemein
[00:08] < esden> im seidenen schlafanzug
[00:08]   Lorini geht da jetzt auch hin
[00:08] < Lorini> mit dem hamster *bäh*
[00:08] < esden> Lorini: darfst bei mir rein ;-)
[00:09] < esden> ich erlaube es dir ;-)
[00:09] < esden> ausnahmsweise
[00:09] < Lorini> ich glaube ich ziehe mein eignes bett vor :)
[00:09] < esden> wenn du meinst
[00:09] < esden> du weisst aber nicht was du verpasst ;-)
[00:10] < esden> denn ich habe das bett schon vorgewaermt
[00:10] < esden> und deins ist bestimmt noch kalt
[00:10] < Lorini> *seufz* enn dieses scheiß tutorium montags um 8 uhr net wäre, könnt ich noch ne nacht länger bei johnny pennen
[00:10] < Lorini> aber nein..
[00:10] < Lorini> meins is auch warm
[00:10] < Lorini> der hamster war doch die ganze zeit drin
[00:11] < esden> lol ... habe es mir schon fast gedacht
[00:11] < Lorini> allerdings kommt der vielleicht doch besser raus
[00:11] < Lorini> sonst wende ich mich mal nachts und schon isser platt
[00:11] < Lorini> so ein tier übersieht man so leicht
[00:11] < esden> ja ... stimmt
[00:12] < esden> das arme tier ...
[00:12] < Lorini> hey das "arme tier" hats echt gut bei mir
[00:12] < owl> vor allem mit geschlossenen augen
[00:12] < Lorini> owl: *g* eben
[00:12] < esden> owl: vielleicht schlaeft Lorini mit offenen augen wer weiss ;-)
[00:13] < Lorini> seltener eigentlich
[00:13] < Lorini> aber jetzt bin ich auch weg
[00:13] < Lorini> *gähn*
[00:13] < Lorini> wunderhübsche nacht allen
[00:13] < esden> schlafe gut Lorini
[00:13] < Lorini> und bis morgen oder so
[00:13] < owl> sicher. sie ist studentin. studenten sind daran gewoehnt, mit offenen augen zu schlafen
[00:13] < esden> ja bis morgen
[00:13] -!- Lorini is now known as LoriZzZ
[00:13] < owl> bye Lorini
[00:13] -!- Freak [freak@p50839AB7.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("bbl")
[00:49] -!- chrisLer1t is now known as chrisime
[00:52] -!- ichilton [~ian@pc1-stoc3-4-cust247.midd.cable.ntl.com] has quit ("leaving")
[00:54] < owl> chrisime: bitte, bitte, bitte change nicht so oft deine nicknames!
[00:54] < chrisime> oft?
[00:55] < chrisime> das letzte mal is so 5 std her
[01:15] -!- bluefire [bluefire@p50817D87.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[01:52] -!- KeM [~kem@c81-0-132-69.catch.sdsl.no] has joined #rocklinux
[01:52] < KeM> hello
[01:53] < owl> hi KeM
[01:56] < owl> norway?
[01:57] < KeM> jepp
[01:57] < owl> cool.
[01:57] < temr> good night
[01:57] < owl> do you know tristania? ;)
[01:57] -!- temr [~pm@pD9E33F3B.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("zz")
[01:57] < KeM> trist who ??
[01:57] < KeM> heh..
[01:57] < owl> tristania...
[01:57] < owl> a band...
[01:58] < KeM> Don't think so.. Which kind of music
[01:58] < owl> hm. metal. gothic metal... something like that
[01:59] < owl> (uff... now he's shocked about me... ;)
[02:00] < KeM> Don't listen much to that kind of music.. I do listen to "Theatre of Tragedy" which is also from norway, perhaps fits into that category... But mostly something with a nice beat to it, diff forms of techno etc.. But I'm quite general when it comes to music
[02:01] < owl> i c. "ToT" is in some way like tristania, btw ;)
[02:01] < KeM> ahh ok
[02:02] < KeM> Then perhaps it would be cool.. Never heard of them though..
[02:02] < owl> hehe ;) change it ;P
[02:02]   owl EXPLODES!!!!
[02:03] < owl> (not caused by you, KeM )
[02:03] < KeM> heh..
[02:04] < KeM> *yawn*
[02:04] < KeM> I'm bored
[02:05] < KeM> Currently serving in the norwegian navy..
[02:05] < owl> oh god.
[02:06] < owl> serving as what?
[02:07] < KeM> Hmm.. Slave
[02:07] < KeM> heh..
[02:07] < owl> *gg*
[02:07] < KeM> Where are you located ?
[02:08] < KeM> countrywise..
[02:08] < owl> germany
[02:09] < KeM> ahh.. Are you obligated to serve a year as well ?
[02:09] < owl> nope. i'm female ;)
[02:10] < KeM> heh.. cool, but i didn't mean you as in "you" but as the germans
[02:10] < owl> (and believe me, i'm glad that i will not have to serve in army)
[02:10] < owl> ah so. yes. we are
[02:10] < KeM> heh.. You better be, it stinks
[02:11] < owl> hm. what stinks?
[02:11] < KeM> Serving.. I'm just watching telly all day..
[02:11] < owl> hm. we could change the jobs... ;PPP
[02:12] < KeM> hehe, well perhaps that could be arranged.. You do what ?
[02:13] < owl> if you want to be a programmer, who does things a programmer should not do (doing setups, doing nothing and all - but not coding) then you could be happy with my job
[02:13] < owl> officially i'm a programmer
[02:14] < owl> btw, is it possible to sleep the whole day, in your "job"? ;)
[02:15] < KeM> Well, you're not allowed to sleep, but who can help it.. No way of defeating the sneaking tiredness..
[02:15] < KeM> heh.. But you will get into alot of trouble if they see you..
[02:15] < owl> hmmm... not allowed to sleep. bad. then i won't change the job ;P
[02:15] < owl> *lol*
[02:17]   owl should apply somewhere as "tester for mattresses"
[02:17] < KeM> But as you might se, i'm able to access the internet when i'm on watch, so it's not all that bad really.. It's just the principle of not being able to go anywhere that bugs  the hell out of you..
[02:17] < KeM> heh.. I think i would have passed that exam also..
[02:17] < KeM> with perfect score..
[02:17] < KeM> heh..
[02:19] -!- owl [~mail-spam@dialin-212-144-151-237.arcor-ip.net] has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
[02:20] < KeM> *ponders if he has a bad breath or something*
[02:34] < tsa> n8
[02:34] -!- tsa [~tsa@pD9525881.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting")
[02:45] -!- ichilton [~ian@pc1-stoc3-4-cust247.midd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #rocklinux
[03:01] -!- KeM [~kem@c81-0-132-69.catch.sdsl.no] has quit ()
[03:22] -!- rxr_ [~rene@port-212-202-168-92.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux
[03:36] -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-169-67.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
[03:50] -!- kasc_ [~shaman@p5090BE38.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[03:53] -!- kasc__ [~shaman@p50909EE2.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[06:36] -!- capone [~hdw_user@] has joined #rocklinux
[06:36] < capone> hi
[06:55] -!- capone [~hdw_user@] has quit ("leaving")
[07:18] -!- LoriZzZ is now known as Lorini
[08:03] -!- zer0_o^ [~zer0_o@] has joined #rocklinux
[08:03] -!- zer0_o^ [~zer0_o@] has quit (Read error: 32 (Broken pipe))
[08:03] -!- Lorini is now known as LoriAW
[08:15] -!- zer0_o^ [~zer0_o@] has joined #rocklinux
[08:15] -!- zer0_o^ [~zer0_o@] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[09:14] -!- Parabull [~Parabull@] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[09:16] < blindcoder> moin
[09:36] < [anders]> lo blindcoder
[09:36] < [anders]> lo huebi
[10:33] -!- LoriAW is now known as Lorini
[10:40] < Lorini> huhu
[10:54] < fake> hi!
[10:56] < Lorini> hi du
[11:19] < blindcoder> rehi
[11:28] < esden> morning
[11:28] < Lorini> hi blindcoder, esden
[11:34] < esden> die drehen gerade nen film hier ;-)
[11:34] < esden> und ich sitze volle kanne vor der kamera ...
[11:34] < blindcoder> hi Lori *winke*
[11:34] < blindcoder> *inkamerawink*
[11:34] < blindcoder> hi esden :)
[11:35] < esden> hehe ... ich mache mal gleich werbung fuer rock ;-)
[11:35] < blindcoder> jo, tu das
[11:35] < esden> kennt jemand die serie der alte ?
[11:36] < blindcoder> ich aerger mich derweil mit PHP und Apache 1.3 rum *grrr*
[11:36] < blindcoder> nein
[11:36] < esden> ja ... ich nemlich auch nicht ...
[11:36]   esden schaut anscheinend kein fernsehen ...
[11:37]   blindcoder neither
[11:38] -!- zer0_o^ [~zer0_o@] has joined #rocklinux
[11:38] < blindcoder> hi zer0_o^
[11:40] -!- chrisime is now known as chrisUNI
[11:59] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pD952210E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[12:19] -!- zer0_o^ [~zer0_o@] has quit ()
[12:44] -!- bluefire [~bluefire@pD952210E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("leaving")
[12:48] -!- Ge0rG [georg@club-mate.net] has joined #rocklinux
[13:14]   blindcoder thinking about taking his MT-Blanket to work
[13:14] < blindcoder> is fscking cold in here
[13:49] -!- temr [~pm@p50819C2F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[13:50] < temr> moin
[14:11] -!- owl [~mail-spam@B5226.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux
[14:11] < owl> hi
[14:11] < blindcoder> moin temr
[14:12] < blindcoder> hi owly *winke*
[14:12] < owl> hi blindy
[14:12] -!- Lorini [~Lorini@p3EE218DC.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Angels are bright still, though the brightest fell.")
[14:24] -!- Lorini [~Lorini@p3EE2188A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[14:25] < owl> hi Lorini
[14:25] < Lorini> hi und re :)
[14:26] < owl> Lorini: wie geht's? alles klar bei dir?
[14:26] < Lorini> owl: joa
[14:26] < Lorini> naja
[14:26] < Lorini> ja
[14:34] < blindcoder> hi Lori *winke*
[14:48] < blindcoder> hehe, I just love this one: https://slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=02/12/06/1554227&mode=thread&tid=133
[14:54] < owl> haha. someone has his adress? ;P
[15:04] < rolla> re
[15:05] < owl> hi rolla
[15:06] < blindcoder> owl: it got posted on /. comments :D
[15:06] < blindcoder> hi rolla
[15:06] < owl> hehe ;) cool ;P
[15:07] < blindcoder> that's why he got subscribed for 'a few' snail-mail thingies
[15:08] < blindcoder> honestly, I don't think that was the ight thing to do
[15:08] < blindcoder> although I'd probably done the same :D
[15:08] < owl> hm.
[15:13] < esden> ahhh cry ... megatokyo ... is so good ... I love the last strip !
[15:14] < owl> hi esden
[15:15] < blindcoder> esden: It's a DPD
[15:15] < blindcoder> hi, btw :)
[15:19] < blindcoder> one of these days, esden will surely stay longer than just a one-line-posting *still belives*
[15:24] < esden> yo ... I found a very old email obout lcdemu ... cool
[15:24] < esden> https://lists.omnipotent.net/pipermail/lcdproc/1999-May/000671.html
[15:28] < blindcoder> esden: nice
[15:30] < blindcoder> esden: have you done anything about scripts/Config?
[15:44] < esden> blindcoder: no not yet
[15:44] < esden> but soon
[15:55] < blindcoder> esden: *PING* *PING* *PING*
[15:55] < blindcoder> esden: I need some help convincing drachi to come to 19C3
[15:56] < blindcoder> esden: Could you explain to her CQ) the Art & Beauty and why we need her for promoting ROCK, making coffee and continuing her work on the Linux Comic??
[15:59] < owl> blindcoder: women are not existent that you have someone who makes coffee, promotes ROCK, and working in general...
[15:59] < blindcoder> owl: she makes good coffee...
[15:59] < esden> blindcoder: drachi ... on 19C3 ?
[15:59] < blindcoder> esden: sure :)
[16:00] < esden> it would be cool ... but ... I rather think that it will be pretty boring for her ...
[16:00] < blindcoder> she can work on Linux Comic without getting disturbed (as long as there is coffee, that is....)
[16:00] < esden> yes ... that is right
[16:00] < esden> I love her coffe ;-)
[16:00] < esden> +e
[16:00] < owl> oh god. poor drachi. (but well for me, then it's not my job ;PPP)
[16:00] < esden> hmm ... but for now I have to go to a lecture
[16:01] < esden> owl: shut up ;-)
[16:01] < owl> esden: why? ;P
[16:01] < esden> it is your and her job ... so
[16:01] < esden> you can share it with her
[16:01] < esden> ;-)
[16:01] < owl> esden: nope.
[16:01] < esden> that is named clustering ;-)
[16:01] < esden> ok ... /me off
[16:01] < owl> and it's named "killed esden" in 5 seconds...
[16:01] < owl> bye esden
[16:03] < blindcoder> esden: no. Load Balancing.
[16:04] < owl> *grml*
[16:04] < blindcoder> owl: ???
[16:04] < owl> men. i should shot them...
[16:04] < blindcoder> what are you grml'ing about, eh?
[16:04] < owl> esden and your comments
[16:05] < blindcoder> there's an 'o' missing, you know
[16:05] < blindcoder> owl: well... it's a basic fact...
[16:05] < owl> ... that men are better people, if they're dead. you're completly right
[16:06] < blindcoder> but I think you couldn't make good coffee even if you tried
[16:06] < blindcoder> owl: so you say, I should jump in front of the next train
[16:06] < owl> full ack. i'm not drinking coffee, --> not trained in making coffee ;P
[16:07] < owl> blindcoder: nope. that would be a reason for delayed trains... "denke an die pendler"...
[16:08] < blindcoder> well, I don't care about them. I'm dead by then, remember?
[16:09] < owl> yes, but until now you're a "pendler". do you remember the last time, when the person jumped onto "schienen" ...?!
[16:10] < blindcoder> Yes. I cauld make fun of you a few hours more than usual :P
[16:11] < owl> *grml*
[16:11] < blindcoder> hehe
[16:12] < fake> schienen = tracks
[16:13] < blindcoder> hehe
[16:14] < blindcoder> making fun of drachi is almost as easy as owl :)
[16:14] < owl> hi fake.
[16:14] < owl> blindcoder: *argh*
[16:15] < blindcoder> owl: what?
[16:16] < owl> blindcoder: i will serve you _one_ coffee. with poison inside.
[16:16] < fake> oh, me too, me too
[16:16] < blindcoder> owl: I'm really looking forward to that cup.
[16:17] < owl> fake: nope.
[16:17] < fake> Pentobarbital sodium    9g
[16:17] < fake> Alcohol                 20ml
[16:17] < fake> Purified Water          15ml
[16:17] < fake> Propylene glycol        10ml
[16:17] < fake> Orange Syrup            50ml
[16:18]   owl doesn't really wanna know where fake all this stuff knows from...
[16:18]   Lorini does
[16:18] < blindcoder> but something _strong_ that can even kill a grown-up elephant
[16:19] < owl> blindcoder: mix of all?
[16:19] < blindcoder> owl: whatever.
[16:21] < blindcoder> OTOH... what height should a buillding at least have?
[16:21] < blindcoder> do you think the 7th is sufficient?
[16:21] < Lorini> blindcoder: nein
[16:21] < Lorini> bzw no :)
[16:22] < blindcoder> hmm... there are 3 floors above me.... that ould be thhe highest buildng that I can get into ATM
[16:23] < blindcoder> tele
[16:24] < blindcoder> back
[16:25] < blindcoder> I want 'E' like "E'lectrocute Luser on my phone *breaks out into tears*
[16:27]   blindcoder is thinking about flipping a coin
[16:28] -!- Satg [~Satg98@] has joined #rocklinux
[16:28] < blindcoder> hi Satg
[16:28] < Satg> Hi blindcoder :)
[16:29] < Satg> Hello People !!!
[16:29] < blindcoder> Satg: I'm afraid that won't help much right now...
[16:29] < owl> hi Satg
[16:30] < Satg> Hi owl :)
[16:30] < owl> uff. /me = away. sleeping again. gn8. cu later
[16:31] < blindcoder> 8 owl
[16:31] < blindcoder> s/^/n/
[16:32] -!- bishophome [bishop@h062040148066.kob.cm.kabsi.at] has joined #rocklinux
[16:33]   bishophome is away: I'm busy
[16:38] < th_> please gimme some rock 19c3 url
[16:38] < blindcoder> th_: has ripclaw upped it yet?
[16:38] < th_> i don't know
[16:39] < blindcoder> https://www.rocklinux.org/projects/de-rock-ccc/de-rock-ccc.html
[16:39] < blindcoder> hmm it's not there yet...
[16:40] < blindcoder> unfortunatel, all but the 18C3 paces are dead
[16:43] -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux
[16:43] < Mike1> moin all
[16:43] < blindcoder> moin Mike1 !
[16:44] < Mike1> sup blindy
[16:44] < blindcoder> WEE! Drachi finished the new Linux Knights Cover!!
[16:44] < Mike1> blindy scaring Satg?
[16:44] < blindcoder> always :)
[16:44] < blindcoder> https://www.deviantart.com/view/1001810
[16:44] < blindcoder> isn't it sweet :)
[16:46] < blindcoder> I'll have the first few episodes of it (including english translations) up if I get her permission
[16:59]   blindcoder going home now
[16:59] < blindcoder> see you all later on
[17:01] < Mike1> cu blindcoder
[17:39] < esden> re hi all
[17:39] < Mike1> hi esden
[17:41] < esden> hi Mike1
[17:41] < esden> Mike1: got my email ?
[17:41] < Mike1> esden ack
[17:41] < Mike1> :)
[17:41] < esden> Mike1: and ?
[17:41] < esden> tested ?
[17:42] < Mike1> will test in 1/2 a bit
[17:42] < esden> I have now also announced it on freshmeat
[17:42] < Mike1> COOL
[17:42]   Mike1 is preparing stuff as he will move to US
[17:42] < esden> o_O
[17:44] < Mike1> mom i tell you in a bit
[17:44] < rolla> Mike1
[17:44] < rolla> hallo
[17:46] < esden> hi rolla
[17:48] -!- chrisUNI_ [~chrisime@mnch-d9ba4ea2.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #rocklinux
[17:48] -!- ichilton [~ian@pc1-stoc3-4-cust247.midd.cable.ntl.com] has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
[17:48] < Mike1> hi rolla
[17:50] -!- tcr [~tobrit@p50812A04.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[17:51] < owl> *yawn*
[17:51] < owl> re
[17:52] < owl> someone knows a wlan-pcmcia-card which works for linux, is good and is relatively cheap also...?
[17:53] < rolla> yeah I would like to know that aswell
[17:54] < owl> (cheap means 150 euro max, btw)...
[17:56] < owl> and: does inside computer wlan-cards have "abholbereit" or do you have to order them?
[17:56] -!- thalerim [~tobrit@p50812A54.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[17:56] -!- chrisUNI [~chrisime@mnch-d9ba4cbe.pool.mediaWays.net] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
[17:58] < esden> woot 26 people at 19c3 ... 5w337
[18:00] -!- chrisUNI_ is now known as chrisime
[18:12] -!- ichilton [~ian@pc1-stoc3-4-cust247.midd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #rocklinux
[18:14] < chrisime> esden, howdy
[18:17] < esden> hi chrisime
[18:17] -!- tcr [~tobrit@p50812A04.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[18:19] -!- thalerim is now known as tcr
[18:25] -!- Sch0rSch [~georg@pD9014403.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[18:27] < Satg> Bye, Bye, People
[18:28] -!- Satg [~Satg98@] has quit ()
[18:32] -!- Ge0rG [georg@club-mate.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[18:32] -!- Sch0rSch is now known as Ge0rG
[18:49] < blindcoder> rehi
[18:50] < tcr> SMP: ping
[18:54] < esden> re blindcoder
[18:54] < esden> hi tcr
[18:55] < tcr> hi esden
[18:56] -!- blindcod1r [blindcoder@pD9E4FB66.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[18:57] -!- blindcoder [blindcoder@p50801A46.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Killed (NickServ (Ghost: blindcod1r!blindcoder@pD9E4FB66.dip.t-dialin.net)))
[18:57] -!- blindcod1r is now known as blindcoder
[18:57] < blindcoder> re
[18:57] < owl> re blindcoder
[18:59] -!- Lorini is now known as LoriWECH
[19:00] -!- Ge0rG_ [georg@club-mate.net] has joined #rocklinux
[19:03] -!- [1927]Flash [uninvited@p5080310D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[19:03] < [1927]Flash> Hello
[19:03] -!- [1927]Flash is now known as uninvited
[19:04] < blindcoder> hi uninvited
[19:04] < owl> hi uninvited
[19:06] < uninvited> blindcoder> was macht ccc ?
[19:07] < blindcoder> uninvited: ich weiss noch net
[19:10] < blindcoder> uninvited: momentan schauts eher so aus als ob ich mitfahr, aber klar denken kann ich momentan auch net
[19:11] < uninvited> why ?
[19:12] < owl> blindcoder: ich hau' dich, wenn du ned mitfaehrst!
[19:13] < esden> hi uni
[19:13] < uninvited> Hi esden...
[19:14] < uninvited> ...wie siehts mit Mitfahrgelegenheit aus ???
[19:14] < esden> uninvited: wenn ich es richtig mitbekommen habe faehrst du doch mit netti zusammen ... oder ?
[19:14] < uninvited> Ich hab einen PC, und evtl. krieg ich ne HP Visualize ODER ne SGI Octane2.
[19:15] < uninvited> Also im "schlimmsten" Fall 2 Kisten + 2 Monitore ;-)
[19:15] < esden> cool .. mit der octane bitte an fake wenden ;-)
[19:15] < uninvited> Aeh. Die ist nur leihweise. Wenn ich sie bekomme. ;-)))
[19:16] < esden> ja ... ist doch besser als garnichts ... oder ?
[19:16] < uninvited> Garnicht besser als oder ?
[19:17]   uninvited verpeilt
[19:18] < blindcoder> uninvited: I've been invited by a few people to come with them to a city called Klamm for two days (28. and 29.)
[19:18] < blindcoder> uninvited: and I still don't know what I'll do
[19:20] < uninvited> Klamm sounds like a small village abandonned by its inhibitors for years now - and you say you ll even think about a trip to there ?
[19:20] -!- Ge0rG [~georg@pD9014403.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
[19:20] < blindcoder> uninvited: yes, indeed I do. There will be a 20C3, but I don't think I will be able to do something with these friends of  mine any time soon
[19:21] < uninvited> So why ? They re gonna be the mankinds first on Mars ? (Rather a good point i would accept)
[19:21] < blindcoder> ...again
[19:22]   uninvited thinks blindcoder is a chicken *boooack*
[19:22] < blindcoder> who knows :)
[19:22] < uninvited> heheh
[19:22] < blindcoder> I'd rather be a turkey
[19:22] < esden> blindcoder: is a picatshu ;-)
[19:22] < esden> or how it is spelled ;-)
[19:22] < blindcoder> *lol*
[19:22] < uninvited> Aye,
[19:22] < blindcoder> Oiishi! Pikachu ni origite ajigarasu!
[19:22] < uninvited> Dorondella simplis ?
[19:23] < blindcoder> Mmm! ikachu tastes like chicken!)
[19:25] < blindcoder> IDENTIFY 16854632
[19:25] < blindcoder> *ARGH*
[19:25] < blindcoder> not AGAIN...
[19:25]   blindcoder looking over to half a tray of Jolt Cola
[19:26] < blindcoder> that's what I wanted to paste :)
[19:27] < owl> blindcoder: you should use a secure password... at least 100 alphanumeric "whatever" (damn, what's the word??)... :PPP
[19:27] < th_> "characters"?
[19:27] < blindcoder> characters, maybe?
[19:28] < blindcoder> owl: and: Is my name aszlig ??
[19:28] < owl> th_: thx.
[19:29] < owl> blindcoder: dunno.
[19:29] < blindcoder> owl: *grrrr*
[19:29] -!- KeM [~kem@c81-0-132-69.catch.sdsl.no] has joined #rocklinux
[19:29] < blindcoder> owl: When will you do to munich again?
[19:29] < blindcoder> s/do/go/
[19:30] < KeM> wozzzaaa!!
[19:30] < owl> blindcoder: maybe on thursday, friday...
[19:30] < owl> still dunno. right now i'm still not able to concentrate or whatever...
[19:30]   snyke is happy now.
[19:30] -!- Ge0rG_ is now known as Ge0rG
[19:30] < owl> hi KeM, snyke
[19:30] < blindcoder> awlgood. I'll throw myself in front of your train, so that you will have several hours delay, just to harass you :P
[19:30] < snyke> hi
[19:30] < owl> blindcoder: *kill*
[19:31] < blindcoder> owl: too late :P
[19:31] < owl> *grrrrr*
[19:31] < blindcoder> *MWAHAHA*
[19:36] < owl> *ARGH* stupid irda!
[19:46] -!- uninvited [uninvited@p5080310D.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ()
[19:56] < blindcoder> wall, I'm off to bed now
[19:56] < blindcoder> bye
[19:57] < owl> bye blindcoder
[19:57] -!- owl [~mail-spam@B5226.pppool.de] has quit ("reboot. brb")
[20:03] -!- owl [~mail-spam@B5226.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux
[20:03] < owl> re
[20:28] < Mike1> re all
[20:32] < th_> wb Mike1
[20:33] -!- blindcoder [blindcoder@pD9E4FB66.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Remote closed the connection)
[20:33] -!- blindcoder [blindcoder@pD9E4FB66.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[20:36] < SMP> tcr?
[20:37] -!- Freak [freak@pD9530602.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[20:38] -!- capchaos [~capchaos@pD90485CE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #RockLinux
[20:38] < tcr> SMP: pjotr wants me to obtain a cvs account
[20:38] < Mike1> 0_o
[20:39] < tcr> SMP: well, please don't ask me why
[20:39] < SMP> yeah, he let know
[20:39] < tcr> SMP: imho there are enough users who could apply patches
[20:39] < SMP> well do you want or not?
[20:40] < tcr> yap
[20:42] < SMP> send your name, the login you want and an ssh2 public key to stefanp-dated-1039894900.a510cf@cabal1.com
[20:44] < SMP> you haven't subscribed to hackers@ yet, have you?
[20:45] < tcr> i have, two or three days ago
[20:48] < SMP> holy shit, people coming to 19C3 from Singapore
[20:54] < tcr> SMP: a dsa key is ok?
[20:54] < SMP> sure
[20:54] < tcr> ok. will send a mail later this evening
[20:55] < SMP> in case you prefer password or have problems with pubkey auth, you can also send a password hash I can put into /etc/shadow instead
[21:01] -!- rxr_ [~rene@port-212-202-168-92.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[21:05] -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-171-204.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux
[21:08] -!- LoriWECH is now known as Lorini
[21:09]   SMP wonders if it's himself or the eventreg.cgi that is broken
[21:31] -!- KeM [~kem@c81-0-132-69.catch.sdsl.no] has quit ()
[21:40] -!- capchaos [~capchaos@pD90485CE.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #RockLinux ()
[21:52] -!- bishophome [bishop@h062040148066.kob.cm.kabsi.at] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))
[22:22] < qubit_> Mike1: little spy %)
[22:22] < esden> Mike1: ping
[22:22] < Mike1> qubit_: ?
[22:23] < Mike1> pong esden
[22:23] < Mike1> ?
[22:23] < esden> Mike1: and ... have you tested ?
[22:23] < esden> ;-)
[22:23]   esden going on Mike1's nevres
[22:23] -!- tsa [~tsa@p5082BC2F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux
[22:23] < tsa> jute tach
[22:23] < esden> hi tsa
[22:23] < Mike1> esden lol i was going to
[22:23] < tsa> tag esden
[22:23] < esden> Mike1: but ?
[22:24] < Mike1> i am lookig at the freshmeat.net announce
[22:24] < Mike1> esden: someone got on my nerves and stopped me :P
[22:24] < esden> aha ?
[22:24] < qubit_> Mike1: just forget it .. :p
[22:24] < esden> ohh ... poor Mike1  ;-)
[22:24] < Mike1> esden: i will in a moment
[22:24] < Mike1> who is qubit_?
[22:24] < owl> hi tsa
[22:25] < Mike1> Hola Tsa
[22:25] < Mike1> oopps hehe nevermind qubit_
[22:25] < esden> Mike1: go go go !
[22:25] < qubit_> Mike1: ;)
[22:26]   Mike1 feels a presence getting on his nerves (again)
[22:31] < esden> Mike1: pray ...
[22:32] < Mike1> esden ok i _must_ have gtk+-2.0
[22:33]   Mike1 installing ... gtk+ and hopes no dependencies will be needed
[22:33] < esden> hmm ... seems so ...
[22:38] < tcr> is it possible to create alias names that should ssh use when logging in a certain host in?
[22:39] < tcr> always using the -l option is ... somewhat nasty
[22:41] < esden> oh ... you remind me of something ... I should include this dependancy in the README ... and on freshmeat ...
[22:42] < tsa> tcr: sure
[22:42] < tsa> tcr: you want ~/.ssh/config
[22:42] < tsa> sample entry
[22:43] < tsa> Host home
[22:43] < tsa>   Hostname home.somewhere.world.org
[22:43] < tsa>   User me
[22:43] < tcr> ok, then ssh_config is my friend, thnx
[22:43] < tsa> ack
[22:44] < esden> cu all
[22:44] < owl> bye esden
[22:44] < temr> good night
[22:45] -!- temr [~pm@p50819C2F.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("zz")
[22:45] -!- clifford [~clifford@M093P025.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has joined #rocklinux
[22:45] < owl> hi clifford
[22:45] < tsa> moin clifford
[22:45] < clifford> hi
[22:45] < Mike1> Good evening clifford
[22:46] < clifford> moin? n8!  ;-)
[22:46] < tsa> ich glaub, ich hab dein eventreg.cgi nicht verstanden.. ;-)
[22:47] < tsa> ich hab ne gruppe angelegt, aber danach kann ich die nicht mehr aendern, angeblich falsches pass..
[22:47] < clifford> Die oeffentliche Praesentation der Levitationskuenste wurde wegen unvorhersehbahrer Ereignisse abgesagt.
[22:48] < clifford> welche gruppe denn? die gruppe '1' ?
[22:49] < clifford> hi Mike.
[22:49] < tsa> nee..."Bielefeld"
[22:49] < Mike1> how are you cliff?
[22:50] < clifford> tsa: ah ja. Und das passwort, dass du per mail bekommen hast geht nicht?
[22:50] < tsa> clifford: ich habe kein passwort per mail bekommen..
[22:50] < clifford> mike1: I'm fine. thanks. how are you?
[22:50] < clifford> tsa: dann kannst du natuerlich auch nichts aendern.
[22:51]   clifford dursucht mal die mail logs.
[22:51] < Mike1> clifford: good too, but a bit sad, my @#%^$% boss cancelled my vacations for "an important project" so i will not be present at 19c3
[22:51] < clifford> mike: ouch!
[22:51] < Mike1> clifford: damn 2 years in a row
[22:57] < tsa> clifford: irgendwas im maillog gefunden?
[22:57] < clifford> ja. problem behoben. wart mal kurz...
[22:57] < tsa> ok
[22:59] < tsa> angekommen
[22:59] < clifford> man sollte in perl regex einen \ for ein @ setzen, damit er nicht glaubt man will irgendwelche whanwitzigen dinge mit einem array anstellen...
[23:01] < tsa> hehehe ;-)
[23:02] < th_> perl ;) ohne worte
[23:02] < clifford> tsa: arbeitest du aktiv mit alpha?
[23:03] < tsa> clifford: nein - ist nicht meine, aber mein freund wuerde die wohl fue die dauer des 19c3 zur verfuegung stellen..
[23:04]   clifford hat root-zugang zu einer ES40 um ca. 250.000,- EUR die den ganzen lieben tag lang nichts tut ausser seti@home auf 2 cpus zu rechnen ...
[23:04] < tsa> *G*
[23:06] < esden> re hi all
[23:06] < esden> hi clifford
[23:06] < tsa> moin esden
[23:06] < esden> moin tsa
[23:06] < owl> re esden
[23:07] < esden> Mike1: you will be missing on 19c3 ? *shock*
[23:07] < esden> hi owl
[23:07] < Mike1> esden: yes :(
[23:07] < esden> ohh man ... :-/
[23:08] < clifford> esden: do I get a dietlibc article for rolling rock?
[23:08] < esden> yes you get one ... but not before the next weekend ... because I have an exam on satturday
[23:09] < owl> uff... good luck in the exam, esden
[23:09] < esden> after that I have time to do some work during the week ... and till the end you will get the article
[23:09] < clifford> Good luck! Do I get it before 20th Dec. ?
[23:09] < esden> clifford: yes
[23:09] < esden> you will
[23:09] < clifford> great.
[23:10] < tcr> gn8 all
[23:10] < esden> thank you @ owl & clifford
[23:10] < clifford> (doesn't look good if all articles are written by me..  ;-)
[23:10] < esden> n8 tcr
[23:10] -!- tcr [~tobrit@p50812A54.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ho chresim eidos uch hoch poll eidos sophos")
[23:10] < esden> clifford: yes ;-)
[23:10] < esden> clifford: it will be probably three articles ... dietlibc, uClibc, and lcd display support
[23:11]   clifford *huepft-vor-freude*
[23:11] < esden> I have now rewritten lcdemu ... and can do some work on the display stuff
[23:11] < esden> carying the mardware part all around me ... is not really what I like to do ;-)
[23:11]   clifford *doing* *doing* *doing* ...
[23:12] < esden> s,mardware,hardware,
[23:12] < esden> lool ... you are in good mood as I see ;-)
[23:12] < clifford> I'm relaxing from a hard weekend..  ;-)
[23:13] < esden> clifford: good so .. does this mean that you have more time now ?
[23:13] < Mike1> clifford: never thought i would the word relaxing from you, good good
[23:13] < esden> i mean time for yourself and rock ;-)
[23:14] < esden> ahh ... and apropos ... I still wait for an email about the leo.org mirror stuff .. from you ;-)
[23:14] < esden> *nerv* *nerv* *nerv*
[23:14] < chrisime> *nerv*
[23:14] < clifford> well - in fact I'm having many many project deadlines coming closer and closer. But it looks like I can make them without that much troubles.
[23:14] < esden> typisch chrisime ;-)
[23:15] < clifford> https://ftp.leo.org/pub/comp/os/unix/linux/ROCKlinux/
[23:15] < esden> urghs ???
[23:15] < clifford> sorry - I forgott to keep you informed.
[23:16] < esden> yes ... :-/
[23:16] < chrisime> esden, nerv
[23:16] < esden> odes not matter since this topic is solved ;-)
[23:16] < esden> yes chrisime ?
[23:16] < chrisime> nix
[23:16] < esden> chrisime: gut !
[23:16] < chrisime> ich frag michgrad ob das DS1 buch total falsch ist
[23:16] < clifford> das is' ja schlimmer als am CB-Funk!!!
[23:17] < chrisime> def von ggT und kgV
[23:17] < chrisime> scheiss aufgabe, die loesung sagt genau das gegenteil zur def
[23:17] < chrisime> clifford, weiss net
[23:19] < clifford> ggT und kgV? - So wie produkt der ueberschneidungsmenge der primvaktoren bzw. produkt der fusionsmenge der primfaktoren?
[23:19] < clifford> esden: wem?
[23:20] < chrisime> clifford, a*b = ggt(a,b) * kgv(a,b)
[23:20] < chrisime> das beweisen
[23:20] < clifford> s,primvaktoren,prinfaktoren, ....
[23:20] < chrisime> prim
[23:20] < chrisime> net prin
[23:21] < clifford> genau! ;-)
[23:21] < th_> lieber primvaktoren als prinfaktopren *find*
[23:21] < chrisime> das buch labert scheiss da
[23:21] < th_> oh da hab ich ja noch einen ganz individuellen typo reingebaut
[23:22] < chrisime> ja, das machen die auch so in buechern ;)
[23:22]   Mike1 leaving to Uni
[23:23] < Mike1> see you all tomorrow
[23:23] < Mike1> esden i needed to install _more_ oackages i will continue later
[23:23] -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting")
[23:24]   clifford rechnet mal was nach ...
[23:25] < esden> clifford: unser genie ;-)
[23:25]   esden kann nicht rechnen ;-)
[23:25]   esden holt auch das DS buch raus
[23:25] -!- Lorini is now known as LoriZzZ
[23:25] < esden> n8 LoriZzZ
[23:26] < LoriZzZ> n8
[23:26] < esden> ;-)
[23:26] < owl> gn8, bye LoriZzZ.
[23:27] < esden> owl: gehst auch pennen ?
[23:27] < esden> schlaffst du ab ?
[23:28]   clifford glaubt, dass a*b = ggt(a,b) * kgv(a,b) stimmt.
[23:29] < clifford> wenn ich zu a und b jeweils primfaktoren bilde, dann gehoert jedes element dieser beiden mengen entweder der liste der faktoren fuer den ggT oder fuer den kgV an - nie aber beidem oder keinem.
[23:29] < clifford> folglich ist das produkt von ggT und kgV das produkt der beiden variablen.
[23:29] < owl> esden: noch nicht. eh, was denkst du von mir? ;P
[23:30] < chrisime> bah, ich hasse mathe
[23:30] < chrisime> clifford, klar
[23:30] < esden> chrisime: erzaehl kein schmarrn .. es macht spass
[23:30] < chrisime> ggT(a,b) = min ...
[23:30] < chrisime> esden, leck mich ;)
[23:30] < esden> chrisime: du mich auch ;-)
[23:31]   clifford empfeht "concrete mathematics" von Knuth. Ziemlich lustiges Buch.
[23:31] < owl> muss liebe schoen sein...
[23:31] < owl> (esden und chrisime)
[23:31] < clifford> gelle?
[23:31] < esden> clifford: ja ... das wurde uns auch von nem prof empfohlen ... wie hiss er nochmal ?
[23:32] < chrisime> clifford, sag mal, was rauchst du? mathe wegzuhaben ist das schoenste gefuehl auf erden
[23:32]   chrisime is froh hm1 und hm2 weg zu ham
[23:32] < esden> ja ... Dr. Dr. Richter Gebert
[23:32] < clifford> also: "<chrisime> das buch labert scheiss da" .. warum?
[23:32] < chrisime> clifford, fehler oder so drin
[23:32] < chrisime> esden, ich kam mit vachenauer besser zu recht
[23:32] < chrisime> da hatte ich ne 3.3
[23:32] < chrisime> beim gebert ne 4.0!!
[23:33] < esden> chrisime: igitt ... ich habe bei dem kein wort verstanden
[23:33]   esden mag vachenauer nicht
[23:33] < chrisime> ich schon
[23:33] < chrisime> der war genial
[23:33] < esden> und ich sehe den jedes mal wenn ich mich in der magistrale befinde
[23:33] < chrisime> da hab ich noch gelernt
[23:33] < clifford> chrisime: liegt moeglicherweise daran, dass ich weder in die schule gehe, noch studiere. Da macht das dann wieder spass.. ;-)
[23:34] < chrisime> clifford, kann sein
[23:34] < chrisime> es ist mir ja vollkommen klar, aber wenn buecher so schmarrn schreibn
[23:34] < esden> clifford: du zaehlst eh nicht zum durchschnitt ...
[23:34] < LoriZzZ> btw wenn mike nochmal kommt sagt ihm nen lieben gruß und gute nacht bzw was auch immer zu deren tageszeit passt
[23:34] < LoriZzZ> bitte :)
[23:35] < LoriZzZ> danke und gute nacht alle
[23:35] < esden> LoriZzZ: ja machen wir ... aber ich gehe jetzt leider in paar minuten schlafen
[23:35] < LoriZzZ> achja.. bei euch isses ja auch spät
[23:35] < LoriZzZ> *g*
[23:35] < chrisime> naja
[23:35] < chrisime> halb 12
[23:35] < esden> ja ist es ... und ich muss morgen sehr frueh in die uni
[23:35] < chrisime> ich muss noch paar andere aufgaben machn
[23:36] < esden> mir DS und Info 3 reinziehen
[23:36] < chrisime> esden, 7 aufstehn
[23:36] < chrisime> lol
[23:36] < chrisime> info hab ich wech
[23:36] < LoriZzZ> ich muss morgen erst um 10 inner uni sein, aber.. ich brauch meinen schönheitsschlaf
[23:36] < esden> ahh ... info 3 ist geil ... es macht echt spass
[23:36]   LoriZzZ wünschte sie hätte info auch schon weg
[23:36] < LoriZzZ> lustiges haskell lernen
[23:36] < esden> ok .. gute nacht
[23:36] < chrisime> lorizzz, das hilft no was?
[23:36] < chrisime> das mit der schoenheit..
[23:36] < chrisime> *renn*
[23:37] < chrisime> haskell
[23:37] < LoriZzZ> pff
[23:37] < chrisime> *suckish*
[23:37] < owl> chrisime: bei manchen leuten hilft auch nichts mehr. bevorzugt bei den leuten, die meinen maennlich zu sein...
[23:37] < chrisime> auch ne sache, wo ich sag, puuuh, weg mitm dreck
[23:37] < LoriZzZ> naja.. nacht (die fünfte)
[23:37] < LoriZzZ> byebye
[23:37] < clifford> bye.
[23:37] < chrisime> owl, bevor ich mich jetzt wieder ueber dich nen ast ablach, mach ich ds weiter
[23:37] < chrisime> lorizzz, n8
[23:37] < owl> nacht LoriZzZ
[23:38] < owl> chrisime: gut so. dann tust selbst _du_ mal vernuenftiges
[23:38] < clifford> ich geh' jetzt auch mal wieder. moecht' noch ein paar hunder seiten von Robert Rankin bis ende der woche lesen.
[23:38] < chrisime> na denn
[23:38] < owl> clifford: na dann viel spass. bye. gn8
[23:38] < clifford> naechste woche hab' ich naemlich keine zeit - da muss ich tamagotchis programmieren...
[23:39] < chrisime> ...wenn ich mal wiede rso viel zeit haette
[23:39] < chrisime> tamajoschis ;)
[23:39]   owl verkneift sich weitere bissige kommentare
[23:39] < clifford> (C++ auf Nokia handies...  *g*)
[23:40] < clifford> leider laeuft das IDE nur untern Win32 ...
[23:41] < clifford> frage: wie viele leute sind den normalerweise beim CCC im Hackcenter?
[23:42] < chrisime> nokia
[23:42] < chrisime> C++, hmm, nett
[23:42] < tsa> clifford: spontane schaetzung: 300+
[23:43] < clifford> dann kratzen wir bereits an der 10% huerde ROCK Linux beteiligung... ;-)
[23:43] < tsa> ..um so besser.
[23:44] < clifford> also dann. cu!
[23:44] -!- clifford [~clifford@M093P025.dipool.highway.telekom.at] has quit ("Leaving")
[23:44] < owl> bye clifford
-!- Irrsi  Log closed Tue Dec 10 00:00:28 2002