--- Log opened Wed Dec 18 00:00:51 2002 --- Day changed Wed Dec 18 2002 00:15 < owl> gn8 00:48 -!- tsa [~tsa@p5082BD55.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 00:48 < tsa> moin 01:48 -!- Netsplit anthony.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: Ge0rG, owl, [anders], praenti, huebi, hannes, tsa, fake, mayan, qubit_, (+8 more, use /NETSPLIT to show all of them) 01:49 -!- Netsplit over, joins: hannes, aszlig, praenti, tsa, sjefen, Ge0rG, kasc_, owl, snyke, qubit_ (+8 more) 02:00 < tsa> n8 02:01 -!- tsa [~tsa@p5082BD55.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Client Exiting") 02:10 -!- owl_ [~mail-spam@B5b24.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux 02:10 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B5b24.pppool.de] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 03:06 -!- [anders]_ [anders@] has joined #rocklinux 03:13 -!- Netsplit anthony.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: Ge0rG, [anders], praenti, huebi, hannes, fake, mayan, rolla_, qubit_, sjefen, (+7 more, use /NETSPLIT to show all of them) 03:15 -!- Netsplit over, joins: hannes, aszlig, praenti, [anders]_, sjefen, Ge0rG, kasc_, snyke, qubit_, huebi (+7 more) 03:23 -!- [anders] [anders@] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 04:18 < rolla_> re 04:28 -!- Ge0rG [georg@club-mate.net] has quit ("Der Sinn des Lebens ist die Suche nach eben jenem.") 05:15 -!- Lorini_ [~Lorini@pD9506DAA.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 05:26 -!- LoriZzZ [~Lorini@pD9506D83.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 05:26 -!- kasc_ [~shaman@p5090BA3A.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 05:26 -!- kasc_ [~shaman@p5090BC64.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 06:53 < blindcoder> moin 07:03 -!- Lorini_ is now known as Lorini 07:03 < Lorini> moin 07:03 < blindcoder> moin Lori *winke* 07:08 < blindcoder> wie gehts? 07:09 < Lorini> och.. es is früh :/ 07:09 < blindcoder> stimmt ._< 07:10 < Lorini> es viel zu früh, wenn man mich fragt 07:10 < Lorini> und heute is auch noch ein ganz langer tag 07:11 < blindcoder> stimmt... 07:11 < blindcoder> heute bis 18.30 Arbeit und dann Firmentreffen 07:18 < Lorini> mhm.. wir haben bis 1600 uni, dann mathe rechnen bis mindestens 18 oder 1900 und dann weihnachtsmarkt.. dann irgendwann mal nach hause 07:22 < blindcoder> hmm... die Firmentreffen dauren normalerweise bis ~ 23 Uhr... 07:22 < Lorini> autsch 07:23 < Lorini> machts denn weniggstens spaß? 07:23 < blindcoder> meistens :) 07:27 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@port-212-202-177-236.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux 07:27 < Lorini> na dann :) 07:27 < holyolli> moin 07:27 < Lorini> moin 07:27 < holyolli> huhu Lorini 07:27 < blindcoder> hi holyolli 07:27 < Lorini> huhu ;) 07:28 < Lorini> na alles klar? 07:29 < holyolli> och...eigentlich schon...nen bisschen muede bin ich... ;) 07:29 < holyolli> und selber? 07:29 < Lorini> dito 07:29 < Lorini> muss gleich in die uni 07:29 < Lorini> :( 07:29 < holyolli> weia...so frueh? 07:29 < holyolli> .oO(uni vor 12 lohnt nicht! :-) 07:29 < Lorini> ja.. ich bni erstsemester, mit denen kann mans ja machen :) 07:29 < holyolli> hehe 07:30 < holyolli> nein...im 1. semester ist man noch motiviert... ;) 07:30 < Lorini> lol.. sollte man zumindest sein :) 07:36 -!- [anders]_ is now known as [anders] 07:36 < blindcoder> moin [anders] 07:37 < blindcoder> ah, coffee is ready... blb 07:37 < [anders]> lo blindcoder 07:37 < holyolli> hi anders, blindcoder 07:37 < [anders]> lo holyolli 07:38 * [anders] is building kernel rpm for SuSE 8.1.... Interesting options available in 2.4.20-ac2 07:39 < blindcoder> for example? 07:42 < [anders]> device mapper is now available.. 07:42 < [anders]> for LVM2 for example.. but LVM2 isn't there yet.. 07:43 < [anders]> You can have your kernel send you morse codes when something goes wrong... 07:43 < blindcoder> hmm... I could have needed that... when my kernel panic'ed when I was using X ... 07:43 < [anders]> (root filesystem not found, so the kbd led's flashes S-O-S... :) 07:44 < holyolli> ups..already late...have to go to school...cu later 07:44 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@port-212-202-177-236.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit ("X-Chat: Have YOU raped a lawn gnome today?") 07:48 * blindcoder hates writing man-pages 08:00 < [anders]> blindcoder: you just don't like the nroff format or? 08:03 < Lorini> bye ich bin weg 08:03 -!- Lorini is now known as LoriAW 08:04 < blindcoder> [anders]: never used nroff... writing the pages with vim. But I don't really know WHAT to write... I mean... _I_ know haw to use my libs... 08:04 < blindcoder> but I don't know how to tell ethers how to do it... 08:04 < blindcoder> others 08:05 < [anders]> blindcoder: aahh.. Well, grab another existing man-page from the man3 section and have a look in there how they have done it.. Failing that, look at the info pages some packages come with. You should be able to write for either one.. 08:06 * [anders] has to go to work now.. cya laters dudes.. 08:06 < blindcoder> see you 08:31 < fake> morgen 08:32 < fake> esden: ping 08:35 < blindcoder> moin fake 08:39 < blindcoder> okay, 3 pages done, 30 to go :( 08:39 < blindcoder> brb 08:44 < blindcoder> re 08:45 < fake> blindcoder: wo bekomm ich noch eine zusaetzliche karte fuer heute abend her? 08:48 < blindcoder> ruf Zero an 08:48 < blindcoder> der Mike wollte keine Karte und vielleicht ist die noch nicht weg 08:48 < blindcoder> warte ich klingel Zero mal eben an 08:49 < fake> oh cool 08:50 < blindcoder> gestern sind die Karten bestellt worden (182 wie besstellungen) 08:50 < blindcoder> aber du kannst an Commi mal anrufen 08:50 < blindcoder> vielleicht kriegt der noch welche 08:56 < blindcoder> fake: other question: In OOP a class can inherit from another class. How is the class called from which is being inherited? 08:56 < blindcoder> Ex: 08:56 < blindcoder> class NEW : public OLD { } 08:56 < fake> super() 08:56 < blindcoder> is there any special name for closs OLD? 08:56 < fake> super().method(); 08:57 < fake> at least in java ;) 08:57 < blindcoder> hmm... I don't mean how to invoke inherited methods, but how the 'mother'class is called in documentation... 08:57 < blindcoder> I'm currently writing the man-pages for libgli 08:59 < fake> parent 08:59 < blindcoder> hmm... sounds reasonable... thanks :) 09:00 < blindcoder> btw. if you want to see some screenshots: 09:00 < blindcoder> https://www.crash-override.net/libgli/main.php 09:08 < fake> sw33t 09:09 < blindcoder> thanks :) 09:58 < fake> der commi meldet sich nicht -_- 10:00 < blindcoder> das ist... schlecht... 10:09 < esden> morning 10:10 * -> esden lacht ganz gehaessig 10:26 < esden> blindcoder: ping ? 10:29 -!- owl_ is now known as owl 10:29 < fake> esden: ping 10:29 < fake> esden: wieviele karten hast du fuer heute abend? auch nur eine, oder? 10:29 < owl> *grrrrrrr* 10:29 < owl> morgen 10:29 < fake> morgen owlita 10:30 < esden> ich habe gar keine fake 10:30 < fake> blindcoder: could you do me a favor and call commi? i will not be able to do so until 1700 (have to fetch tires after school -_-) 10:31 < fake> esden: oh. 10:31 * fake muss unterricht folgen ;) 10:31 < owl> hi fake 10:32 < esden> hi owl 10:32 < owl> moin esden 10:34 -!- rxr_ [~rene@port-212-202-200-97.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux 10:34 < blindcoder> esden: pong 10:34 < blindcoder> hi owl 10:34 < blindcoder> fake: I'll give it a try 10:35 < fake> blindcoder: thanks! 10:36 < blindcoder> fake: He'll try to do it. 10:36 < fake> blindcoder: cool 10:36 < blindcoder> But the remaining tickets went to the regular selling office, so not much a chance. 10:42 < owl> hi blindcoder 10:42 < blindcoder> owl: already watched X? 10:43 < owl> blindcoder: episode 0, yes. 10:43 < blindcoder> and? 10:43 < owl> looks quite cool. 10:43 < owl> and the rammstein-avm is great! i'm loving it :) 10:44 < blindcoder> hehe :) 10:44 < owl> s/avm/amv 10:44 < blindcoder> the scenes to this AMV are from the Movie, which I haven't got until now >_< 10:44 < owl> i c. 10:45 -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-175-129.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 11:02 < fake> blindcoder begging for cake *lol* 11:02 < blindcoder> hehe 11:03 < blindcoder> hey, I've lost about 8 kilos of weight in the past 9-10 months 11:06 < fake> wo.. 11:06 < fake> i am loosing wieght again, too 11:06 < blindcoder> you should eat more then :) 11:06 < fake> that's the problem - no time ;) 11:06 < blindcoder> YOU don't need to lose weight... contrary to me 11:07 -!- rxr_ [~rene@port-212-202-200-97.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 11:07 < fake> we could file a memorandum of understanding and share best of both 11:07 * fake could use some muscles 11:07 < blindcoder> erm... in understandable words? 11:08 < fake> blindcoder: wir koennten teilen ;) 11:08 < fake> man... scheiss verbdingun hier... mitmeisselgeschwindigkeit... zum KOTZEN 11:08 < blindcoder> achso :) 11:08 < blindcoder> fake: wo bist du denn grade? 11:08 < fake> BFS1 11:09 -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-201-191.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux 11:09 < fake> Berfuufsschule IN 11:09 < blindcoder> oh... Ingolstadt Netz... I-Team Leitung... 11:10 < fake> na, irgendwas anderes is da kaputtkonfiguriert 11:10 < blindcoder> hmm 11:11 < blindcoder> also ich hab eine (fast) fluessige Verbindung zzu mir nach hause 11:11 < owl> fake: immer noch der alte router? oder ist der linux-r.schon aktiv? 11:11 < blindcoder> hmm... 11:11 < blindcoder> mldonke ist strange... 11:11 < blindcoder> Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 11:11 < blindcoder> 0x08142fc8 in strcpy () 11:12 < fake> owl: nicht das ich wuesste 11:13 < owl> fake: hast du die sms am - mo. oder so - wg. dem router bekommen? 11:15 < fake> owl: kann sein... 11:15 < fake> mittagspauseeeee 11:15 < blindcoder> baba 11:17 < aszlig> rehi 11:17 < aszlig> fake: wie bitte!? 11:17 < aszlig> fake: jetzt schon!? 11:17 < aszlig> fake: ihr schweine! 11:18 < blindcoder> aszlig: *auslach* 11:18 < aszlig> blindcoder: hoeh? 11:18 < blindcoder> hehe 11:18 < aszlig> blindcoder: gehst du noch zur schule? 11:19 < blindcoder> noe :P 11:19 < aszlig> blindcoder: des mein ich ja, warum gibts da dann was zu lachen!? 11:19 < esden> hi aszlig ! 11:19 < aszlig> 'lo esden 11:20 < blindcoder> aszlig: lass mich doch lachen 11:20 < esden> *lach* 11:20 < aszlig> *rotflol* 11:20 < aszlig> *lmao* 11:21 < aszlig> *rotflmaoalutbdatcs* 11:22 < blindcoder> jetzt dreht er endgueltig durch 11:22 < aszlig> *rootffl* 11:22 < aszlig> *lollol* 11:22 < blindcoder> *kaffeeschluerf* 11:22 < esden> *kaffeeschluerf_und_gelangweilt_aszlig_zuschau* 11:22 < aszlig> blindcoder: ey sid! weg mit dem kaffee *lol* 11:23 * aszlig dreht durch *lol* 11:23 * aszlig braucht ne kippe *lmao* 11:23 < aszlig> brb :Q *rotfl* 11:24 * blindcoder stellt sich grade vor wie aszlig schreiend wie ein Affe ducrhs Zimmer rennt 11:24 < owl> blindcoder: *lol* 11:26 < esden> blindcoder: ich muss es mir nicht vorstellen ... ich habe es schon oft genug gesehen ;-) 11:28 < aszlig> re *lol* 11:28 < blindcoder> esden: ja, stimmt :) 11:28 < aszlig> esden: hehe *rotfl* 11:28 < esden> argh ... wie heisst das lied !!! 11:28 < esden> ich will es haben !!! 11:28 < aszlig> esden: which one? *lmao* 11:30 < esden> mono surround - I want you around 11:30 < esden> now I know the name ;-) 11:30 < aszlig> esden: is that song a *boom_boom*-song? *lol* 11:31 < esden> aszlig: it is a good song 11:31 < aszlig> esden: then it is a boom-boom song *rotfl* 11:31 < esden> it is bringing one i a good mood ... 11:31 < esden> that is most importaint 11:32 < owl> blindcoder: could it be, that the 2nd .avi isn't complete? 11:32 < blindcoder> owl: shouldn't be, why? 11:32 < aszlig> esden: yeah, if you want to be in a good mood, try death metal *rotflol* 11:32 < blindcoder> you mean the first Episoe? 11:32 < owl> blindcoder: about 5 mb... 11:33 < owl> blindcoder: nope. X-Tv 02.avi 11:33 < blindcoder> mom.... which File are we talking about? 11:33 < blindcoder> 02 is incomplete, that's correct 11:33 < aszlig> esden: even better: melodic death metal *lol* 11:33 < owl> k. thx. 11:33 < blindcoder> I was low on Hard disk space, so I put only the 00 and 01 on the FTP 11:33 < owl> ok :) 11:33 * aszlig is in a good mood :) *lmao* 11:34 < blindcoder> I'll do it tonight or tomorrow afternonn 11:34 < owl> aszlig: there are people with other "meinungen" - accept it! 11:34 < blindcoder> owl: opinions 11:34 < owl> blindcoder: thx. 11:35 < blindcoder> hmm... I could also just mount the cdrom into the FTP-Directory... 11:35 < owl> hm. 11:35 < blindcoder> no I can't. The CD-Rom isn't attached on the router and I don't want to reboot it 11:35 < aszlig> blindcoder: erm... 11:35 < aszlig> blindcoder: nfs? 11:35 < owl> k. then i will get hacksig first 11:36 < owl> +n 11:36 < blindcoder> owl: HS is still on the Server o_0 11:36 < owl> blindcoder: pardon? 11:36 < blindcoder> aszlig: sure. I'll install nfsd on my workstation which gets booted three times a day and mount it onte my Server 11:37 < blindcoder> owl: Hack Sign has only the Liminality Wovie on, hasn't it? 11:37 < aszlig> uh... 11:37 < owl> yep 11:37 < fake> aaaah... endlich normal arbeiten 11:37 < aszlig> then just copy the files... 11:37 < aszlig> fake: hrm? 11:37 < aszlig> fake: where are you? 11:38 < blindcoder> owl: hmm... the Movie plays after the Series... 11:38 -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-201-191.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 11:38 < blindcoder> and will be rather boring for you... 11:38 < owl> blindcoder: hm. why? 11:38 < aszlig> blindcoder: hrm? 4 /me? 11:38 < blindcoder> owl: https://www.animenfo.com/anime.php?id=862 11:38 < blindcoder> owl: https://www.animenfo.com/anime.php?id=954 11:39 < blindcoder> Hack Sign and Hack Sign Liminality 11:39 < owl> k. thx 11:39 < fake> aszlig: bitz 11:39 < aszlig> fake: ey! 11:40 < aszlig> *grml* 11:40 < fake> aszlig: but only for 5 more minutes 11:40 < fake> then i'll have to go back -_- 11:40 < aszlig> fake: hoeh? 11:40 * fake listenst to Artwork - Liebling der Goetter once more 11:40 < aszlig> fake: you have to go back to school at 12:00 am? 11:41 < aszlig> fake: are you wrung to schredl-bwp? 11:43 < fake> no 11:43 < fake> german 11:43 < aszlig> something told me to tell you - don't give into me *sing* 11:43 < fake> schmidtner -_- 11:43 < aszlig> fake: oh... 11:43 -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-220-79.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux 11:43 < fake> ack. 11:44 < fake> but it's the last time this year ;) 11:44 < aszlig> fake: y? 11:44 < aszlig> fake: oh! 11:44 < aszlig> understood ;) 11:45 < fake> esden: Pain is uh? 11:45 < fake> like tears in the rain... 11:46 < blindcoder> owl as you are going to 19C3 for sure now, I could just bring my Anime Collection with me to copy 11:46 < fake> esden: that clarifies a very unclear situation 11:46 < esden> fake: ? 11:46 < fake> esden: remember Alex Ploner aka Black Pain? you met him on nos' 19th birthday 11:46 < owl> blindcoder: that would be great... :) 11:46 < esden> fake: yes 11:46 < fake> esden: we (nos and me) thought he'd particiapte and flamed him like hell ;) 11:47 < esden> fake: uh is having this nick since many years 11:47 < fake> (he is a windows-user...) 11:47 < esden> lool 11:47 < blindcoder> owl: I may even have other interesting things for you like Neon Genesis Evangelion :) 11:47 < fake> aiie! let's watch Lain on 19c3! 11:47 < owl> blindcoder: what is it about? 11:47 < fake> DEATH! DESTRUCTION! PAIN! 11:47 < esden> yes on the big screen ... in the aula! 11:47 < owl> *g* 11:47 < aszlig> hehe 11:48 * fake wants the "NINJ4"-sweater 11:48 < esden> ich weiss warum ich verrueckt bin ... ich weiss warum ... es ist mir egal 11:48 < esden> *sing* 11:48 < blindcoder> owl: https://www.animenfo.com/anime.php?id=284 11:48 < aszlig> esden: /me ist auch verrueckt! 11:48 * fake muss wieder 11:48 < fake> bis nacher! 11:48 < aszlig> fake: cu later 11:48 < blindcoder> fake: I'll bring theAnime, you talk the Arch Angels into playing it :) 11:48 < esden> ich weiss warum ...ich denk nicht mehr weiter 11:48 < owl> cu later,fake 11:49 < esden> *sing* 11:49 < esden> cu fake 11:49 < blindcoder> argh, AnimeNFO has no picture of Pen² 11:50 < esden> o_O 11:51 < blindcoder> there is one! 11:51 < blindcoder> https://mitglied.lycos.de/ngeanime/content/images/personen/pen_pen_202.jpg 11:51 < blindcoder> owl: that's one of the most important characters in Evangelion :) 11:52 < owl> evil tux? ;) 11:52 < blindcoder> "Manchmal hat man durchaus den Eindruck, Pen Pen sei der mit Abstand intelligenteste Bewohner von Misatos Haushalt..." 11:52 < blindcoder> owl: something like that. Hot-Water-Penguin 11:53 < owl> k. 11:59 < esden> blindcoder: wee ... cool 12:00 < blindcoder> hm? 12:01 < esden> blindcoder: nothing ... :D 12:01 < blindcoder> okay... *shakes head* 12:02 < esden> blindcoder: be carefull that your brain does not flow out your skull ... when you shake it 12:02 < fake> back 12:03 < blindcoder> esden: my ears are stuffed, so don't worry :) 12:03 < blindcoder> re fake-on-the-slow-school-line 12:03 < fake> i'd like to see a cap of that by kleemann's braincam(tm) *g* 12:04 < esden> we need to ask him that he tells us where we can get the stream ;-) 12:04 < blindcoder> you mean the webcam in the I-Team Serverroom showing Neelix? 12:04 < esden> noo 12:05 < esden> that is a cam used by the neurosurgers ... and kleeman digitalized the camera output 12:05 < blindcoder> oh 12:05 < esden> and now it is a video streem avalable in whole klinikum 12:05 < fake> streaming mpeg2 ;) 12:05 < fake> <0 off 12:05 < fake> lesson 12:05 < esden> fake: have fun 12:06 < blindcoder> that's something only kleemann can come up with 12:07 < esden> yes 12:38 < owl> brb (installing & testing a bit) 12:38 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B5b24.pppool.de] has quit ("leaving") 12:39 * blindcoder off to lunch 12:48 -!- zer0_o [~zer0_o@pop-mu-5-1-dialup-120.freesurf.ch] has joined #rocklinux 12:53 -!- Ge0rG [georg@club-mate.net] has joined #rocklinux 12:55 < fake> re 12:55 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B5b24.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux 12:55 < owl> re 13:01 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B5b24.pppool.de] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 13:17 < fake> hm... 13:18 < fake> schreiben grade sozi-ex ;) 13:18 < aszlig> *lol* 13:18 < aszlig> fake: habich gestern auch geschrieben *gg* 13:18 < fake> aszlig: oh gut, dann sag mir mal... *ggg* 13:21 < fake> zu spaet. 13:25 < fake> raucherpause 13:31 < blindcoder> re 13:32 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B5b24.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux 13:39 < blindcoder> re owl 13:45 -!- temr [~pm@p5081941B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 13:47 < fake> hm... 13:47 < fake> 2.5.52 uml doesn't mount my root_fs :( 13:49 < fake> schmidtmeyer: "das internet hab ich wieder gesperrt" 13:49 < fake> o_O ? 13:49 < esden> fake: du meinst deinen lehrer ? 13:49 < fake> <- did nothing special 13:50 < fake> esden: ack 13:50 < esden> fake: but you are still online o_O 13:50 < fake> it seems so 13:50 < esden> have you made the internet off button foo ? 13:52 < fake> nope, i'm not gonna touch it - it doesn't seem to work, anyways 13:52 < aszlig> fake: hehe... 13:52 < aszlig> fake: he only denied access to winroute ;P 13:52 < fake> *lol* 13:53 < aszlig> fake: yesterday, /me routed the whole class *gg* ;) 13:53 < fake> <- is prepared for that, to 13:53 < aszlig> hehe 13:53 < fake> but they can't change their default route, can they? 13:53 < aszlig> aiieh! 13:54 < aszlig> fake: if you set up a proxy ;) 13:54 * aszlig has to rewrite the whole php-file! 13:54 < aszlig> argh! 13:55 < aszlig> it used form-interlace! 13:55 < aszlig> hate that! 13:55 < aszlig> grr! 13:55 < owl> aszlig: bad luck for you 13:55 < fake> ha-ha 13:56 < aszlig> *rewriting* 13:56 < aszlig> all that fscking crap! 13:56 < aszlig> maybe should use pframe for that... 13:57 < blindcoder> form-interlace? 13:57 < aszlig> yeah! 13:57 < aszlig> 13:58 < aszlig> 13:58 < aszlig> 14:00 < blindcoder> esden: good, keep i up :) 14:00 < aszlig> 14:00 < esden> yo yo 14:00 * blindcoder getting coffee 14:00 < esden> blindcoder: but I still have time till 01.01.2003 ;-) 14:00 < aszlig> esden: you'll get some from /me today! 14:00 < fake> Writing a wtmp record. 14:00 < fake> Saving kernel random seed. 14:00 < fake> Sending all processes a SIGTERM (15). 14:00 < fake> INIT: no more processes left in this runlevel 14:01 < aszlig> hah? 14:01 < aszlig> *lol* 14:01 < fake> that's rock 1.7 in a 2.5 uml ;) 14:01 < esden> aszlig: no I will not ... because I am not leaving my home today ... 14:01 < aszlig> esden: you don't go to cinema today? 14:02 < esden> Error logs from default-1.7-snapshot-ia32-athlon-tbird-generic-expert: 14:02 < esden> 1132 builds total, 541 completed fine, 54 with errors. 14:02 < esden> aszlig: no I do not 14:02 < aszlig> fake: and u? 14:03 < blindcoder> esden: hows the alpha build? 14:03 < esden> blindcoder: es zickt 14:04 < esden> ich muss ein t-shirt fuer natalie kaufen ... wo drauf steht "ZICKE" 14:04 < aszlig> esden: kauf eins mit fuer owl 14:04 < zer0_o> lol 14:04 < esden> aszlig: lol 14:06 < owl> aszlig: ruhe! 14:06 < zer0_o> OWL !!!!! =DDDD *KUTSCH* 14:06 < zer0_o> OWL !!!!! =DDDD *KUTSCH* 14:06 < zer0_o> *DRÜCK* *UMARM* 14:06 < esden> owl: hast angst das ich es vielleicht noch mache ? 14:06 < esden> zer0_o: weiter so ;-) 14:07 < owl> *wegrenn* 14:07 < zer0_o> hehe 14:07 < zer0_o> esden willste auch ? =) 14:07 < owl> esden: wehe dir! 14:08 < esden> owl: keine angst ich muss dir kein t-shirt kaufen ... dir steht doch auf der stirn drauf das du ne zicke bist ;-) 14:08 < zer0_o> owl is doch zum knuddln ^^ 14:08 * aszlig slaps owl with a big large bill gates doll! 14:08 < owl> esden: willste schlaeg?! komm nur her... dann haue ich dir win-cds um die ohren! 14:08 < esden> ich will nicht ... danke zer0_o 14:08 < aszlig> hehe 14:08 < esden> owl: ohh cool ... das ist ne geile folter ... 14:09 < owl> esden: spinner :) 14:09 < esden> owl: ich habe nie was anderes behauptet ;-) 14:09 < owl> esden: dann ist's ja gut 14:10 < esden> scheiss autoconf !!!!!!!! 14:10 < aszlig> hrm? 14:10 < owl> *gr* brb 14:10 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B5b24.pppool.de] has quit ("reboot") 14:11 < blindcoder> esden: ACK 14:11 < esden> aber eigentlich ist es nicht das autoconf das scheisse ist sondern die die es einsetzen ! 14:12 < blindcoder> esden: that's why libgli isn't atoconf'd :) 14:12 * fake hat sein UML ext2 image in ext3 konvertiert *lol* 14:12 < fake> tune2fs -j ./rott_fs 14:12 < fake> s,rott,root 14:12 < fake> , 14:12 < blindcoder> your root-fs is rotten :) 14:12 < fake> *lol* 14:13 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B5b24.pppool.de] has joined #rocklinux 14:13 < owl> re 14:13 < blindcoder> does anyone know if there is a SerfCity clone for Linux? 14:13 < blindcoder> re owlita 14:18 < blindcoder> hmm... I take this for a 'no' 14:19 < fake> aszlig: hast du den rechner bis morgen fertig? wie gedenkst du die IP-Addressen die per DHCP kommen den Klassenzimmern zuzuordnen? wie willst du die remote-sperrung machen? 14:25 < aszlig> fake -> query 14:29 -!- tcr [~tobrit@pD958DA3B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 14:29 * tcr hails all 14:29 < blindcoder> hi tcr 14:29 < owl> hi tcr 14:31 < rolla> re 14:32 < owl> hi rolla 14:32 < rolla> :) 14:32 < rolla> == 07:29:15 =[3]=> Building base package kdeedu [3.0.4 1.6.0pre1]. 14:34 -!- zer0_o [~zer0_o@pop-mu-5-1-dialup-120.freesurf.ch] has quit (".") 15:04 < esden> == 14:27:29 =[9]=> Building base/glibc [2.3.1 1.7-snapshot]. 15:04 < esden> muahaha ;-) 15:05 < blindcoder> sweet 15:05 < blindcoder> aah... I'm so demotivated 15:07 < rolla> yeah 15:07 < blindcoder> I don't want to write documentation 15:08 < blindcoder> I can't even decide on a god-damn license 15:09 < rolla> :) 15:10 < rolla> I have to clean up someones else stupied cgi code :( 15:12 < blindcoder> clean up as in rewrite from scratch? 15:12 < rolla> ah kind of 15:12 < rolla> alot of cleaning :( 15:13 < blindcoder> urks 15:13 < blindcoder> hmm... I could also go to Munich East and buy some manga 15:14 < esden> blindcoder: why not ? 15:14 < blindcoder> esden: because my bank-account is 280 EUR in the minus 15:15 < esden> not good ... 15:15 < blindcoder> mhm 15:15 < blindcoder> mhm 15:15 < blindcoder> esden: and I don't know what to do with libgli 15:17 < blindcoder> GPL? LGPL? Free for non commercial use? I really don't know. 15:32 * blindcoder going to Munich East, buying some mangas, ja ne! 15:35 < huebi> moin 15:35 < fake> hi uebi! 15:35 < fake> +h 15:36 < huebi> hi fake 15:36 < huebi> :-) 15:36 < fake> huebi: erinnerst du dich noch an einen stefan ebbinghaus? 15:36 < owl> tach huebi 15:36 < huebi> fake: Jo, sehr guter Bekannter 15:36 < fake> huebi: mit dem hab ich gestern telefoniert ;) 15:36 < owl> huebi: krups bitte, bitte, bitte ned vergessen :) 15:36 < fake> huebi: er spendiert mir n' Cobalt RaQ2 (MIPS) *freu* 15:37 < huebi> fake: kooooool!! 15:37 < fake> hat mich gleich gefragt was du so machst ;) 15:37 < huebi> owl: geht klar. 15:37 < owl> huebi: cool. thx. :) 15:37 < fake> der hat eh die coolste 5digit-nummer von sun 15:37 < fake> x65536 15:38 < huebi> [Folder "INBOX" opened with 5,032 messages] - au scheisse.... 15:38 < fake> *lol* 15:39 < fake> ich hoffe ich hab das raq2 zum 19c3 ... 15:39 < fake> urgh 15:39 < fake> jetzt schaltet er das internet ein (tm) 15:39 < owl> haha. 15:40 < fake> ich find das so witzig 15:40 < huebi> fake: Ich koennte es mitbringen, wenn du das organisierst. 15:40 < fake> huebi: er meinte es is ok, wenn er es mir schickt 15:40 < fake> er kriegt morgen nen brief, w ich schriftlich erklaere, dass ich es nicht weitervehoekere 15:40 < fake> wenn er es nicht schicken muss, hab ich natuerlich sicher zum 19c3... 15:40 < fake> hm... 15:41 < fake> mift. 15:41 < fake> haette mitdenken sollen 15:41 < fake> ruf einfach ma an und frag ob des geht 15:42 -!- tcr [~tobrit@pD958DA3B.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ho chresim eidos uch hoch poll eidos sophos") 15:42 < huebi> fake: 0178-2020253 - sag dann einfach bescheid. 15:43 < fake> danke! *knutsch* 15:43 < rolla> I ma losing my mind 15:43 < rolla> s/ma/am/ 15:43 < fake> rolla: why? 15:43 -!- [anders] [anders@] has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out)) 15:44 < rolla> weird actions from a webserver 15:44 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux 15:44 < rolla> if I go to a .shtml file I am fine 15:44 < Mike1> moin all 15:44 < rolla> if I go to a .html it redirects me to another site!!! 15:44 < fake> urgh 15:45 < huebi> Moin Mike1 , Moin rolla 15:45 < owl> hi Mike1 15:45 < rolla> yeah tell me about it 15:45 < rolla> it is my server but someones elses docs 15:45 < rolla> I am losing my mind 15:46 < Mike1> master huebi 15:46 < fake> rolla: sleep a night over it. the solution will occur to you when you look at it tomoroow. 15:46 < rolla> I alrady have :( 15:47 < rolla> I started this yesterday 15:49 < rolla> grrrrrrr 15:49 -!- blindcoder [blindcoder@p50800D77.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Remote closed the connection) 15:50 -!- blindcoder [blindcoder@p50800D77.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 15:50 < fake> rolla: then get some coffee ;) 15:51 < rolla> I don't drink coffee but I am thinking of a drink ;) 15:52 < fake> rolla: something with lots of caffeine. 15:53 < huebi> caffeine. <- argh I missed the order.... 15:54 -!- [anders] [anders@] has joined #rocklinux 15:54 < Mike1> hi [anders] 15:54 < owl> moin [anders] 15:55 < huebi> mopin [anders] 15:55 < huebi> moin [anders] 15:56 < fake> <- hat aus 15:56 < fake> cya later 15:56 < huebi> cu fake 15:59 < rolla> damn .htaccess file 16:00 < rolla> it is fixed 16:03 * huebi fixing the CVS 16:03 < huebi> somebody did tag it wrong. 16:07 < Mike1> huebi: i asume it was PJ 16:09 < huebi> I delete the CVS and restore my backup! 16:09 < huebi> Nobody was allowed to fuck it up. 16:10 < huebi> arghh. .cvsignore files. Nobody needs them. 16:10 < Mike1> huebi: could please send an email to hackers list regarding this isssue 16:10 < rolla> == 09:06:09 =[3]=> Building base package kdepim [3.0.4 1.6.0pre1]. 16:11 < huebi> Mike1: NO! 16:11 < Mike1> huebi: are you yelling at me my friend? 16:11 < huebi> rockcvs-2001-11-03.tar.bz2 <- This is the state I restore NOW. 16:12 < huebi> I'm angry! deletet packages all around. 16:12 < huebi> all fucked up. 16:13 < Mike1> :( 16:14 < Mike1> huebi: why 2001-11-03? 16:14 < huebi> last backup. 16:14 < Mike1> also you didnt answer my previous question 16:14 < huebi> I do not write a mail because of this. 16:14 < Mike1> no that one 16:14 < Mike1> huebi: are you yelling at me my friend? 16:15 < huebi> no, I'm only _very_ angry 16:15 < huebi> l 16:16 < Mike1> if you restore to 2001 11 03 a whole year of work will be gone! 16:16 < huebi> I mean 2002 16:16 < huebi> -rw-r--r-- 1 huebi users 0 Dec 18 16:13 rockcvs-2001-11-03.tar.bz2 16:16 < huebi> -rw-r--r-- 1 huebi users 2637715 Aug 27 18:29 rockcvs-2001-08-27.tar.bz2 16:16 < huebi> better back to august 16:16 < huebi> more contnent 16:17 < Mike1> huebi: ok well you are the maintainer, so there is nothing i can / will say 16:18 < Mike1> this is just too fucked up already 16:18 < huebi> And it is the CVS tree I use. I only made it avaliable to the public because I was sure there are no such problems. 16:18 < huebi> Only I release or branch tag sth 16:19 < Mike1> yes you are right 16:19 < Mike1> i am sorry for fucking it up as well 16:19 < huebi> And packages never have to be deleted without my YES! 16:21 < huebi> OK, I try to fix it now. 16:21 < Mike1> huebi: you will not have to worry about at least me fucking anything up 16:22 < Mike1> not anymore 16:22 < huebi> Mike1: I'm very sure about what you did. That is fine. 16:22 < Mike1> SMP: feel free to remove my cvs account anytime 16:23 < huebi> Mike1: What's up? 16:26 < huebi> Mike1: huhu? 16:50 < Mike1> huhu 16:51 < huebi> *g* 16:51 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@port-212-202-183-222.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux 16:51 < Mike1> :) 16:51 < holyolli> moin 16:51 < Mike1> hi holyolli 16:51 < huebi> holyolli: Muuuuh 16:51 < holyolli> hi Mike1 16:51 < owl> hi holyolli 16:51 < holyolli> huhu owl *hug* ;) 16:51 < holyolli> huebi: *froi* *eeeeellllch* 16:51 < holyolli> huebi: ;) 16:51 < Mike1> BTW there is nothing wrong between me and huebi don't miss understand our last discussion 16:53 < huebi> ACK 17:01 < fake> ls 17:01 < fake> >_< 17:03 < Mike1> ls: Permission denied 17:03 < huebi> *g* 17:05 < fake> :P 17:05 < fake> Operation not permitted 17:09 < huebi> Hi all, 17:09 < huebi> The cvs of 1.5 is fucked up! 17:09 < huebi> Packages are removed and the tree has been tagged. I made my cvs tree only 17:09 < huebi> avaliable to the public to get patches faster in ther. The tree will be 17:09 < huebi> restored now by me first. Then I merge all changes into the tree. After 17:09 < huebi> that I tag it again with 1.5.20 and 1.5.21. As I saw many unwanted changes 17:09 < huebi> are done and I have to review about 5200 files. Later I release 17:09 < huebi> I though I just could commit my changes to the tree today but 17:09 < huebi> now I need at least a few days for that. In the moment I have a very 17:09 < Mike1> holly SHIT 17:09 < huebi> limited internet connection so I need a long long time for it. 17:09 < huebi> As I had to mention the tags are not removable so many things have to be 17:09 < huebi> done by hand. 17:10 < huebi> sorry, Ella got the mouse and pasted half the mail. 17:10 < fake> *hehe* 17:10 < fake> greetz to ella! 17:10 < Mike1> huebi: yeah i realized that 17:10 < Mike1> bash: *hehe*: command not found 17:10 < fake> huebi's 3l1t3 daughter ;) 17:13 < rolla> :) 17:14 < owl> x 17:14 < owl> sorry 17:16 < fake> huebi: it talked stefan eb. onto his mailbox 17:16 < fake> y 17:27 < rolla> == 10:26:11 =[3]=> Building base package tetex [1.0.7 1.6.0pre1]. 17:27 < huebi> rolla: nice 17:28 < rolla> yup still no problems :) 17:29 < huebi> I know, compiling is not the problem - The documentation, boot system and online documentation are the main points to be fixed. 17:29 < rolla> yeah 17:29 < aszlig> rehi 18:15 -!- blindcod1r [blindcoder@pD9E4F013.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 18:18 -!- bishophome [~bishop@h062040148066.kob.cm.kabsi.at] has joined #rocklinux 18:34 -!- zer0_o [~zer0_o@pop-ls-6-2-dialup-161.freesurf.ch] has joined #rocklinux 18:34 -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-220-79.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 18:36 -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-172-158.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux 18:37 -!- bishophome [~bishop@h062040148066.kob.cm.kabsi.at] has quit ("Client Exiting") 18:39 -!- blindcoder [blindcoder@p50800D77.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)) 18:48 -!- zer0_o [~zer0_o@pop-ls-6-2-dialup-161.freesurf.ch] has quit () 18:49 -!- tcr [~tobrit@p50812E5D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 18:50 * tcr hails all 18:50 < huebi> tach tcr 18:50 < Mike1> hi tcr 18:51 < tcr> huebi: ??? 18:51 < rolla> == 11:47:58 =[3]=> Building base package net-snmp [5.0.3 1.6.0pre1]. 18:52 < tcr> huebi: mhm.. if it helps, I have got probably the most recent version of the old cvs tree. 18:52 < Mike1> tcr: you usre? 18:52 < Mike1> sure* 18:52 -!- capchaos [~capchaos@pD9048F08.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #RockLinux 18:52 < Mike1> capy :) 18:53 < capchaos> Mikey :) 18:53 < capchaos> How's it going? 18:53 < tcr> Mike1: yes, I'm really sure. Have the tree of yesterday + sed upgrade that i made today (but didnt fuck up the tree, after committing everything was normal) 18:54 < huebi> tcr: Perhaps I need it, but I don't think so. 18:55 -!- satg [~satg@] has joined #rocklinux 18:57 < tcr> huebi: OK. taking a shower right now, will be back for discussing and such stuff 18:59 < huebi> I'm off for now. I come back later. I need to go now. I come back in about two to three hours. 18:59 -!- capchaos [~capchaos@pD9048F08.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("There is no spoon.") 19:13 -!- rxr_ [~rene@port-212-202-201-233.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux 19:20 -!- rxr [~rene@port-212-202-172-158.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 19:24 -!- bishophome [~bishop@h062040148066.kob.cm.kabsi.at] has joined #rocklinux 19:45 -!- KeM [~Altec@7.80-202-115.nextgentel.com] has joined #rocklinux 19:45 < KeM> Hello 19:45 < holyolli> hi KeM 19:46 < KeM> Anyone know what's up with the 1.5.20 iso.. 19:46 < KeM> Buggy.. 19:46 < holyolli> in what way? 19:46 < owl> KeM: huh? what's wrong with it? 19:47 < KeM> Missing essential binaries as "swapon","cat" etc.. 19:47 < KeM> Scripts failing because of it.. 19:47 < owl> KeM: built it from sources or got the iso from server? 19:47 < holyolli> KeM: which platform are you using? 19:47 < KeM> Iso from server.. running athlon-xp here 19:48 < KeM> Downloaded the 586 iso 19:48 * KeM ponders if has has gotten a bad iso.. 19:49 < holyolli> KeM: is it after booting the cd? 19:50 < KeM> heh, i'm running a new motherboard, so i compiled a custom kernel, booting it with grub, and using the cd as root fs.. 19:50 < KeM> But As far as i can see, there isn't utils like "cat" even.. 19:55 < KeM> Could the fact that i'm using a custom kernel, break the inst. ? 19:56 < holyolli> hm. normally not 19:56 < holyolli> i've also downloaded the iso, but didn't try it yet 19:56 < KeM> Noticed that I have to root fs mounted.. the cd and perhaps the cd again, one "ro" and one "rw" ... 19:57 < SMP> KeM: /bin/cat is in the textutils package. do "ls -l /var/adm/packages/textutils" to see if you have it installed 19:57 < holyolli> hi smp, btw 19:57 < KeM> SMP: I've not installed it yet.. Trying to. I was referring to the filesystem on the 1.5.20 iso.. 19:58 < SMP> ahh 20:04 < KeM> when running chrtrg it nags about not having "chroot" present 20:04 < th> KeM: is your / fs -exec mounted? 20:05 < KeM> Has to be since i'm able to run, install_bin manually.. 20:05 < th> hmm ok 20:05 < th> and the binaries aren't there? 20:05 < th> or "just" corrupted? 20:06 < KeM> Not there, I've looked through the cd 20:10 < th> sounds quite broken 20:25 -!- holyolli_ [~holyolli@port-212-202-176-176.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has joined #rocklinux 20:31 -!- Netsplit anthony.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: satg 20:31 < rolla> == 12:43:00 =[5]=> Building base package linux [2.4.19 1.6.0pre1]. 20:31 < rolla> stage 5 :) 20:33 -!- Netsplit over, joins: satg 20:33 -!- Netsplit anthony.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: satg 20:36 -!- Netsplit over, joins: satg 20:36 < Mike1> satg: having connection problems ? 20:37 < rolla> :) 20:40 -!- Netsplit anthony.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: satg 20:40 -!- LoriAW is now known as Lorini 20:41 -!- Netsplit over, joins: satg 20:41 -!- Netsplit anthony.freenode.net <-> irc.freenode.net quits: satg 20:41 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@port-212-202-183-222.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host)) 20:43 < Mike1> hi Lorini 20:43 < Lorini> huhu mike 20:43 < holyolli_> hi Lorini 20:43 -!- Netsplit over, joins: satg 20:43 -!- holyolli_ is now known as holyolli 20:43 < Lorini> hi holyolli 20:43 < Lorini> _ 20:43 < Lorini> :) 20:44 < holyolli> *g* 20:49 -!- ichilton [~ian@pc1-stoc3-4-cust247.midd.cable.ntl.com] has quit ("leaving") 20:55 -!- koen [~none@d51524AF4.kabel.telenet.be] has joined #rocklinux 21:06 < esden> abend 21:06 < holyolli> hi esden 21:07 < owl> hi esden 21:09 -!- KeM [~Altec@7.80-202-115.nextgentel.com] has quit () 21:09 < Lorini> huhu esden 21:10 < esden> hi Lorini 21:21 < esden> hi owl 21:21 < esden> hi holyolli 21:23 -!- bishophome [~bishop@h062040148066.kob.cm.kabsi.at] has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)) 21:29 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting") 21:31 -!- koen [~none@d51524AF4.kabel.telenet.be] has left #rocklinux () 21:39 -!- tsa [~tsa@pD9E11AF7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #rocklinux 21:39 < tsa> moin 21:40 < holyolli> moin tsa 21:40 < tsa> anyone using daemontools? 21:42 < esden> hi tsa 21:42 < esden> tsa: /me not ... thank god ;-) 21:43 < SMP> tsa: sure 21:43 < tsa> SMP: fine, perhaps you can explain me something 21:44 < tsa> i'm supervising apache, and from what i currently understand, the apache/run script _must not_ detach from the terminal 21:45 < tsa> i'm using "httpd -F" for this 21:45 < tsa> when i run "httpd -F" on the command line, it detaches 21:45 < SMP> what apache version? 21:45 < tsa> starting my "run" script on the command line, it detaches, too. 21:45 < tsa> 1.3.26 21:46 < SMP> hold on 21:46 -!- ichilton [~ian@pc1-stoc3-4-cust247.midd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #rocklinux 21:46 < tsa> but: actually using the "run" script for supervise, it works flawless.. 21:47 < SMP> tsa: apply this: https://public.wronline.de/people/stefanp/sw/apache/apache_1.3.26-daemontools.diff 21:48 < tsa> i'm just trying to figure out why it works with supervise, but doesn't work when run on the command line 21:48 < tsa> ah.. 21:48 < tsa> thanks, i'll try it out 21:50 -!- ichilton [~ian@pc1-stoc3-4-cust247.midd.cable.ntl.com] has quit (Client Quit) 21:50 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has joined #rocklinux 21:50 < Mike1> re all 21:50 < esden> hi Mike1 21:50 < tsa> SMP: what other services do you use with daemontools? 21:50 < rolla> re Mike 21:51 < tsa> hi Mike1 21:53 < tsa> hm...i'm deeply impressed - i don't really like djb software, but this thingie just works.. 21:55 < SMP> tsa: qmail and djbdns of course and then squid, postgres, mysql, tac_plus, radiator, thttpd, openldap slapd and some local thingies 21:55 < SMP> oh, and sshd 21:55 < tsa> nice.. 21:55 < SMP> and inn and vsftpd 21:56 < SMP> no patches needed other than for apache 1.3 21:56 < tsa> ahh..good 21:56 < tsa> wil spervise give up when a service keeps crashing? 21:57 < SMP> no 21:57 < tsa> i see...so i'll get thousands of mails in case a service is really broken.. 21:58 < tsa> guess i'l write a small counter for that.. 21:58 < SMP> it will wait one second before starting it, to prevend serious thrashing 22:00 < tsa> looks like i can remove lots of stuff from /etc/init.d/* soon.. 22:09 -!- temr [~pm@p5081941B.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("zz") 22:09 -!- Lorini is now known as LoriZzZ 22:15 -!- ichilton [~ian@pc1-stoc3-4-cust247.midd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #rocklinux 22:23 < tsa> SMP: btw...any experience with daemontools and apache2 ? 22:28 < SMP> you only have to start the apache2 httpd with -DNO_DETACH 22:29 < esden> good night every one 22:30 < SMP> and if you really want to be notified when a service restarts, use a little script that does svstat on each of them and tests if the reported uptime has decreased 22:30 < tsa> a, ok...thanks 22:31 < SMP> er, and I forgot proftpd in the listing above ;) 22:31 < tsa> hehe ;-) 22:32 < tsa> ..moveed inetd, httpd, sshd to /service so far.. 22:32 < tsa> ntpd always detaches, it seems. 22:46 < th> Makefile experience in here? 22:46 < th> want a makefile for code-snippets 22:47 < th> so i'd like to have a snippet.c >> snippet.o >> snippet rule 22:47 < th> .c.o should be clear 22:48 < fake> snippet: snippet.o 22:48 < fake> should do the trick 22:48 < th> yeah but i want SNIPPETS=snippet1 snippet2 snippet3 22:48 < fake> you don't need a makefile for taht, btw 22:48 < fake> just 'make snippet' should suffice 22:49 < fake> th: pinfo make - i have no clue 22:49 < fake> autoconfiscate it ;) 22:50 < th> hmmm there is a default rule to make binaries from objects 22:50 < fake> maybe... 22:50 < th> that's cool. thanks fake 22:51 < th> .c: is cooler... 22:52 < th> $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $@.c $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ 22:53 < th> a way to set LDFLAGS per target would be cool 22:53 < th> $(LDFLAGS_$@) deserves a try 22:54 < th> yeah that's it 22:56 < fake> when do you know you're too much into compiling? when you can iterate the Makefile syntax without reading documentation... by good guesses... 22:56 < th> yea ;-/ 22:56 < tsa> hehehe 22:57 -!- holyolli [~holyolli@port-212-202-176-176.reverse.qdsl-home.de] has quit ("Read error: 3.1415926535 (Excessive pi)") 23:05 -!- tcr [~tobrit@p50812E5D.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit ("Ho chresim eidos uch hoch poll eidos sophos") 23:13 < owl> *grrr* 23:27 < owl> gn8 23:27 -!- owl [~mail-spam@B5b24.pppool.de] has quit ("bye") 23:49 -!- Mike1 [~mike@odin.informatica.co.cr] has left #rocklinux ("Client Exiting") 23:49 -!- satg [~satg@] has quit ("Client Exiting") 23:55 -!- LocalHero [LocalHero@i301-1.vildanden.afb.lu.se] has joined #rocklinux 23:55 < LocalHero> hi all :) --- Log closed Thu Dec 19 00:00:09 2002
13:58 < aszlig> blah... 13:58 < aszlig> 13:58 < aszlig> blah 13:58 < aszlig> 13:58 < aszlig>
13:58 < esden> hmm ... /me had no cigarette since yesterday at 12 .. and still feels good ... ;-) 13:58 < aszlig> 13:58 < aszlig> and so on... 13:58 < blindcoder> so... several forms intermixed? is that correct? 13:59 < aszlig> blindcoder: yeah :( 13:59 < blindcoder> or forms within a table? 13:59 < aszlig> blindcoder: erm, no.. 13:59 < blindcoder> okay :) 13:59 < aszlig> forms within a table are allowed... 13:59 < aszlig> if they are within td or th 14:00 < blindcoder> yes, okay. 14:00 < aszlig> but you couldn't use: 14:00 < aszlig>
14:00 < aszlig> 14:00 < aszlig>