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   The ROCK Linux project has been discontinued in 2010. Here are the old data for the historical record!

The ROCK Linux i18n Project

Project Description

This project is intended to be the first step to port ROCK Linux to other languages than English, as the user comunity has been growing and the distribution itself is been very nicely improved, we find the necesity to make the documentation, webpages, Instalation and all the different things that are around ROCK Linux, to be available for anyone around the world.

Main Targets

Here is a list on the main Targets that we are working on:

+ The ROCK Linux Install shell: As great step on this project we decided to create a multi-language Install shell, which is currently our main priority.

+ The ROCK Linux Website: The ROCK webpages will be available in several languages too, so it can be very easy for other users to browse information around the website.

+ The Rolling ROCK Magazine: As a parallel work of that project we will work make it available on all the languages that we will support.

+ The ROCK Linux Guide: Originally created by Pjotr Prins, is very helpfull to work around the 1.4 and 1.5 trees, in a near future we are willing to write this guide to be as helpfull as it is now, to work on the 1.7 tree.

+ The Documentation dir on the sources: In the 1.7 tree we decided to take over the Documentation dir, and work around mostly over the following files: BUILD, BUILD-CLUSTER, BUILD-CROSS, FAQ and README.

+ Public Relations Materials: As there are plenty of Events around the world, we will be contributing with the PR people to create multi-language materials as well.


The project its on its very early stages but we already have The ROCK Linux Guide Spanish almost finished, there are just some gramar fixes missing. So far we are working on supporting Spanish, Portugues, German, Italian and Polish, but other are welcome :) We are looking for people interested in volunteer on this project, if you wish to contribute sent an email to with the subject "Volunteer ROCK i18n"


- Project Leader, Spanish and Portugues Language Maintainer.
- Polish Language Maintainer.
- German Language Maintainer.
- Spanish translations team