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   The ROCK Linux project has been discontinued in 2010. Here are the old data for the historical record!

Open Patch: 2006092714293926490 (by stf)
+ stf
Votecheck 'core-strong': Missing 1 qualified vote(s) (clifford, fake, teha)
Stefan Fiedler:
        wireless-tools: install ifrename and shared library in /sbin
                preparation for the etcnet package

Stefan Fiedler:
        wireless-tools: install ifrename and shared library in /sbin
                preparation for the etcnet package

--- package/base/wireless-tools/wireless-tools.conf     (Revision 23)
+++ package/base/wireless-tools/wireless-tools.conf     (Revision 24)
@@ -23,6 +23,12 @@
 var_append makeopt " " "PREFIX=$root/$prefix"
 var_append makeinstopt " " "PREFIX=$root/$prefix"
-hook_add postmake 5 "cp -v $confdir/rocknet_wireless.sh \
-                     $root/etc/network/modules/wireless.sh"
+var_append INSTALL_WRAPPER_FILTER "|" \
+       'sed -e "s,usr/\(sbin/ifrename\),\1," -e "s,usr/lib/,lib/,"'
+       cp -v $confdir/rocknet_wireless.sh \
+               $root/etc/network/modules/wireless.sh
+hook_add postmake 5 wireless_tools_postmake

[Download this patch]