# set -e # echo_header "Creating 2nd stage filesystem:" mkdir -p $disksdir/2nd_stage cd $disksdir/2nd_stage mkdir -p mnt/source mnt/target ramdisk # echo_status "Extracting the packages archives." for x in $( ls ../../pkgs/*.tar.bz2 | \ grep -v ':doc.tar.bz2' ) do echo_status "\`- Extracting ${x##*/} ..." tar --use-compress-program=bzip2 --force-local -xpf $x done # echo_status "Saving boot/* - we do not need this on the 2nd stage ..." rm -rf ../boot ; mkdir ../boot mv boot/* ../boot/ # echo_status "Remove the stuff we do not need ..." rm -rf usr/src # # TODO finish-package!! echo_status "Running ldconfig to create links ..." ldconfig -r . echo_status "Running depmod for target system ..." depmod -b $PWD -F ../boot/System.map `ls ../boot/vmlinuz_* | sed -e 's,\.\./boot/vmlinuz_,,'` echo_status "Running mkfontscale/mkfontdir and fc-cache ..." for dir in usr/X11R7/lib/X11/fonts/* ; do [ -d $dir ] || continue mkfontscale $dir mkfontdir $dir fc-cache -v $dir done # echo_status "replacing some vital files for live useage ..." cp -f $base/target/$target/fixedfiles/inittab etc/inittab cp -f $base/target/$target/fixedfiles/login-shell sbin/login-shell # this got drop once, so we ensure it's +xed. chmod 0755 sbin/login-shell cp -f $base/target/$target/fixedfiles/system etc/rc.d/init.d/system cp -f $base/target/$target/fixedfiles/xorg.conf etc/X11/xorg.conf # echo_status "Creating home directories and users..." mkdir home/{rocker,root} chown 1000:100 home/rocker sed -i -e 's,root:.*,root:x:0:0:root:/home/root:/bin/bash,' etc/passwd sed -i -e 's,root:.*,root:$1$9KtEb9vt$IDoD/c7IG5EpCwxvBudgA:13300::::::,' etc/shadow echo 'rocker:x:1000:100:ROCK Live CD User:/home/rocker:/bin/bash' >> etc/passwd echo 'rocker:$1$b3mL1k/q$zneIjKcHqok1T80fp1cPI1:13300:0:99999:7:::' >> etc/shadow sed -i -e 's,wheel:x:10:,wheel:x:10:rocker,' etc/group sed -i -e 's,video:x:16:,video:x:16:rocker,' etc/group sed -i -e 's,sound:x:17:,sound:x:17:rocker,' etc/group sed -i -e 's,cdrom:x:29:,cdrom:x:29:rocker,' etc/group # echo_status "activating shadowfs through /etc/ld.so.preload" echo "/usr/lib/libcowfs.so" > etc/ld.so.preload # echo_status "Creating 2nd_stage.img.z image... (this takes some time)... " cd .. ; mksquashfs 2nd_stage 2nd_stage.img.z -noappend > /dev/null 2>&1