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Re: [rock-linux] iso-distributions

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Subject: Re: [rock-linux] iso-distributions
On Sun, Aug 24, 2003 at 11:26:27AM +0000, Christian wrote:
> I'm no expert and so i couldn't help him. I asked him "are you disappeared
> now?"
> He said "no this is a beta version and its okay."

It is a beta-version, but the release was expected for last December....
and now, almost 9 month later it's already not released (and it seems to
me, that there will be no RC1, soon, too - and this was expected
before some weeks, too!). So I guess, that there will be never a real
stable rock-2.0.0-STABLE. But just my opinion.

> And you cannot expect a disribution like mandrake from the "god" Rock
> developers. This would be the end of ROCK. :)

Sure you can't expect a fully-colored "klicki-bunti" distro like
Mandrake, but you can expect a _stable_, really stable "distro" from
rock-developers. imho.

Greets, owl

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