Adding Third Party Software to the ROCK Linux Package Management

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Most, if not all, distributions have a nice way of keeping track of packages ("programs") that are installed on a system. They also offer an easy way to remove those packages again cleanly. But sometimes a piece of software you want to install isn't available in your distributions package management. In that case you can offer to maintain a package of that software, but it will take at least a few days until it will be available to the general public, or maybe you just don't bother. ROCK Linux offers a (to my knowledge) unique way of adding third party software to the package management pool: mkpkg

The command is as simple as it is useful. First, you compile your software like you usually would:

$ ./configure --prefix=/usr --with-databases --with-games --with-niftiness
$ make

After that step, you simply prefix the last command with mkpkg:

$ su
# mkpkg mycoolpackage make install
[ output from make install ]
[ Created package mycoolpackage with 5432 files. ]

Now you can use the ROCK Linux package management tool mine to remove the package again cleanly:

# mine -r -v mycoolpackage
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