Configuration System

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Configuration System


The configuration script ./scripts/Config generates the files in the config/${config}/ directory:

config the configuration options

packages the packages which are build in this configuration

./scripts/Config defines some special shell functions and contains the main-loop of the configuration program. The structure of the config menus is stored in scripts/ (and other files included by it). Have a look at scripts/ for more information on which file is including which other files.

Special Commands

Whenever the menu is displayed (i.e. after starting ./scripts/Config and whenever a change has been made), scripts/ is executed and is using the following special commands to write the 'config' file and add items to the menu.

comment 'Description' ["Help"]

Add a comment to the config menu (an item without any function). E.g.:

comment '- Architecture, CPU and Optimisation' "
Select which CPU optimalization is right for your machine."

<Description> Title of the item in the config menu (comment text)

<Help> This is an optional field where you can add a longer comment that will be displayed when you highlight this comment line and hit the Help button

comment_id 'Description' 'ID' ["Help"]

Add a comment to the config menu (an item without any function). E.g.:

comment '- Architecture, CPU and Optimisation' COMMENT_ARCH_CPU_OPT "
Select which CPU optimalization is right for your machine."

<Description> Title of the item in the config menu (comment text)

<ID> ID which will be used to identify a comment. It is useful when you use config.hlp files to store help

<Help> This is an optional field where you can add a longer comment that will be displayed when you highlight this comment line and hit the Help button

bool 'Description' Variable Default ["Help"]

Add a bool (on/off) menu item. E.g.:

bool 'Abort when a package-build fails' ROCKCFG_ABORT_ON_ERROR 1 "
When you select this option Build-Target will abort when a packet 
fails to compile"

<Description> Title of the item in the config menu

<Variable> Name of the config variable triggered by this menu item

<Default> '1' = On, '0' = Off

<Help> This is an optional field where you can add a longer comment that will be displayed when you highlight this item line and hit the Help button

The variable will be set to '1' or '0'.

text 'Description' Variable Default ["Help"]

Add a text menu item. If the text must fit a special pattern, modify the config variable __before__ calling the text function. E.g.:

ROCKCFG_MAKE_JOBS="`echo $ROCKCFG_MAKE_JOBS | sed 's,[^0-9],,g'`"
text 'Number of parallel make jobs (make -j)' ROCKCFG_MAKE_JOBS 1

<Description> Title of the item in the config menu

<Variable> Name of the config variable triggered by this menu item

<Default> Default value

<Help> This is an optional field where you can add a longer comment that will be displayed when you highlight this item line and hit the Help button

choice Variable Default Value1 'Description1' [ ... ]

Add a multiple-choice menu item. E.g.:

choice ROCKCFG_INTEL_OPT generic   \
        generic "No special optimisation"          \
        i386    "Optimised for Intel 386"          \
        i486    "Optimised for Intel 486"          \
        i586    "Optimised for Intel Pentium"      \
        i686    "Optimised for Intel Pentium-Pro"  \
        k6      "Optimised for AMD K-6"            \
        k7      "Optimised for AMD Athlon"

<Variable> Name of the config variable triggered by this menu item

<Default> Default value

<ValueN> Value for option N

<DescriptionN> Title of the item in the config menu if option N is active

const Variable Default

Sets the given variable to the given default value without displaying any menu item.

block_begin And block_end

A set of menu items which belongs together should be surrounded with block_begin and block_end. block_begin expects a numeric parameter which specifies the number of characters the menu item titles should be shifted to the right. E.g.:

comment '---   Default compiler for building (almost) everything'
block_begin 5
        choice ROCKCFG_PKG_GCC_DEFAULT_CC gcc2 $list

        if [ $ROCKCFG_PKG_GCC_DEFAULT_CC = 'gcc2' ] ; then
                bool 'Use GCC Stack-Smashing Protector' ROCKCFG_PKG_GCC_STACKPRO 0
                [ $ROCKCFG_PKG_GCC_STACKPRO = 1 ] &&

expert_begin And expert_end

Options which should only be displayed if the 'expert mode' is active should be surrounded with expert_begin and expert_end.

Special Variables


All Configuration variables should start with "ROCKCFG_". Non-core variables have extended prefixes:

Arches: ROCKCFG_ARCH_<Arch-Name>_*

Targets: ROCKCFG_TRG_<Target-Name>_*

Packages: ROCKCFG_PKG_<Pkg-Name>_*

Some variables are handled by ./scripts/Config in a special way:

ROCKCFG_ID Is the short-description of the configuration. Important config options should append something to this variable.

ROCKCFG_EXPERT If set to '0', config items between expert_begin and expert_end will not be displayed and the default values for those options will be used.


The ROCKCFGSET_* variables can be used to preset an option (e.g. in a target). If e.g. ROCKCFGSET_STRIP is set to 1, ROCKCFG_STRIP will have the value 1 when you start configuring this target. Note that these options can still be overwritten in scripts/Config, they are merely different default values.


This variables can be used for data-exchange between the various files. Non-core variables have extended prefixes:

Arches: CFGTEMP_ARCH_<Arch-Name>_*

Targets: CFGTEMP_TRG_<Target-Name>_*

Packages: CFGTEMP_PKG_<Pkg-Name>_*

E.g. dynamic creation of a multiple-choice option:

        CFGTEMP_ARCHLIST="$CFGTEMP_ARCHLIST intel IBM_PCs_and_compatible"
        CFGTEMP_ARCHLIST="$CFGTEMP_ARCHLIST powerpc PowerPC_Workstations"

All files are executed from scripts/ in the following order:

- architecture/*/

* Selecting Architecture
* architecture/$ROCKCFG_ARCH/
- target/*/
- package/*/*/
* Selecting Target
* package/*/*/
* Various common build options
- package/*/*/
- architecture/$ROCKCFG_ARCH/

Only scripts marked with '{*}' may interact with the user (create menu items). The others may only set and modify various variables.

Creation Of The packages File

The ./scripts/Config script creates a 'packages' file with all packages available for the selected architecture before calling scripts/ Every file might now modify this packages file by creating a file and renaming it to packages. E.g.:

        awk '$4 != "sourceforge" { print }' \
                < config/$config.$swpid/packages \
                > config/$config.$swpid/
        mv config/$config.$swpid/ config/$config.$swpid/packages

The packages file is blank-separated and easy to parse with grep, sed and awk. The fields are:

X/O 'X' = packages is active, 'O' = package is not active If you don't want another to re-activate a package you might also simply remove the line from the file.

Stages Stage levels as specified in the packages [P] tag (see next chapter)

Pri. Priority as specified in the packages [P] tag (sort-key for the file)

Rep. Repository name where the package is found

Name Package Name

Ver. Package Version

Prefix Package prefix (with leading '/')

Cat. Package categories (always lower case, contain at least one /)

Flags Package flags (always upper case)

Counter Simply ignore that field

Because of the 'counter' field, categories and flags are always pre- and postfixed with a ' '. So you can e.g. easy remove all not dietlibc-ready packages with a command like:

grep ' DIETLIBC ' < config/$config.$swpid/packages \
                        > config/$config.$swpid/

Read the existing files for details.