Installation from the Internet

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  1. Download the latest Net Install / Rescue CD, at the time of this writing it's ROCK3-bootdisk-r7770.iso, burn it, boot it
  2. at the syslinux screen (the very first with the ASCII ROCK Linux headline) enter ROCK and press <Enter>
  3. the kernel boots up
  4. in the first stage loader now, choose option #3 "Configure network interfaces (IPv4 only)"
  5. if your network card does not show up (no ethX device), please continue to step 7
  6. enter your ip address, mind the required mask: it's not, but (for example, of course)
  7. back in the 'main' menu, select option #0 "Load 2nd stage system from cdrom or floppy drive"
  8. in the most cases, just press enter for the following 2 questions. on systems with <64MB RAM you may want to use the 2nd_stage_small.tar.gz at the latter question.
  9. the 2nd stage gets loaded
  10. press enter if asked for terminal devices (the default should be fine)
  11. if your network device didn't show up at step 5, see if it's there now: enter ip a. if the device still doesn't show up, try loading the correct modules using modprobe yourdriver, in my case this is modprobe skge. if the device is finally listed by ip a set it up with something along the lines ip a add dev eth0 ; ip link set eth0 up ; ip r add default via Your network is now equally set up as with the above method.
  12. make sure your network setup is correct by i.e. pinging your router: ping -c 5 if it does not work, please re-check your configuration. if you need help with the iproute2 syntax, try this guide.
  13. run the following two commands: unset ROCK_INSTALL_SOURCE_DEV ; export ROCK_INSTALL_SOURCE_URL="". is the IP of - we didn't set up DNS just yet.
  14. fire up ROCK's setup tool by starting stone
  15. partition / format your hard drive(s) as described here. When done, choose "Install the system..."
  16. you should see "NETWORK INSTALL" as Source Device, and the URL exported above as Mountpoint. The ROCK Config ID is chosen automatically. Leave it as it is for now, and choose "Start gasgui Package Manager (recommended)".
  17. from here on, the installation behaves just like a local one.