ROCK Sonar

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Sometimes you might find you're missing a certain file or program, but don't know in which package it is contained; ROCK Sonar lets you search package databases of several ROCK Linux based distributions for packages and files. It also allows to browse package descriptions and file lists online, see

File and package search with Sonar allows for wildcards: a . (single dot) matches an arbitrary, single character, .* (single dot followed by an asterisk) denotes zero or more arbitrary characters. + (plus sign) matches one or more occurrences of the previous character. Prefix those wildcards with a \ (backslash) to search for them as normal characters. For more advanced search functionality, read up on regular expressions (for example in the Perl documentation).

For uploading package databases to Sonar, you can either use the shell script misc/archive/ included in the ROCK sources, or upload a special package database file at the Sonar web page. To create it use e.g.

 cd build/<build ID>/var/
 tar --use-compress-program=bzip2 -cf varadm.tar.bz2 adm/{dependencies,descs,flists}

and upload the resulting file varadm.tar.bz2 using

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