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   The ROCK Linux project has been discontinued in 2010. Here are the old data for the historical record!

Package description for 'lzo'

A fast compression library

 LZO is a portable lossless data compression library written in ANSI C.
 It offers pretty fast compression and *extremly* fast decompression.
 Decompression requires no memory.

 In addition there are slower compression levels achieving a quite 
 competitive compression ratio while still decompressing at this very high

Various other information for package 'lzo'   (Repository 'base')

URL: https://www.oberhumer.com/opensource/lzo/

Author: Markus F.X.J. Oberhumer <markus@oberhumer.com>
Maintainer: Alejandro Mery <amery@geeks.cl>

License: GPL
Status: Stable
Version: 2.02

Download: https://www.oberhumer.com/opensource/lzo/download/ lzo-2.02.tar.gz

Buildtime: 8311 (5) seconds (on reference hardware)
Buildtime: 9086 (9) seconds (on reference hardware)

ROCK Sources:  lzo.cachelzo.desc